The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 04, 1869, Image 1

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The . tast P ublic Sekvices
in the Pr6eift Edifice.
4;, Interesting •Historical
Fhe ,services 'of yesterday 'morning a*
'Trinity Epihcopal dhUrch were of a
deeply interesting -character.— It was
( upon the octisfenr ottitelast pubic minis
trations of the °Malt in the edifice which
haii been .00pepied or -forty-four years,
mid which is bow to give place to
• the larger: structure demanded by an
increasing parish. The building
is familiarly , known as one of the most
- prominent landmarks of the city. As
such it has been regarded, and hereafter
will be re membered, with (sincere regard
by every-citizen who takes pride in the
material history of Pittsburgh. The
new Church edifice Will have a type of
architecture, and a completeness of
structure, quite - in keeping with
the- esthetic tastes of the present day and
w,ith - ,the)resources
.o f a wealthy and
prosperous parish. So, in its day also,
the building which is now to be demol
ished, and , which bears but a modest
04 1 nPrziscul with tho more imposing
Church-architecture of later years, was
considstlitl_a splendid proof of the liner
silty of the parish and of the cultivated
taste of its architects.
The !Fen' eat yesterday's services—the
firekrell Of the parish to the sacred edi
floe which, , for forty-four years, had
given ; saactuary, to two • generations of
worstripixtrs---was peculiarly a solemn
aim affecting - map • The crowded Con
4regatitin • numbeirsd scores, indeed
hundreds,'': , of • hearers who once
were 2 alar attendants _there, at
_pellixls since:- that -• day
when.Trieity. was the only Church of the
EphicopardenobAnationiii" this 'city:4
The thirteen ,existing•parishes of to-day
Seel a just filial regard for their ecclesi
astiml-mother,'and many. hi-yesterday's
audience came back from their present
connections elsewhere in this city and its
suburbs, to attest their affectionate con
cern in her Writual and material welfare.
Rester, Bay.ilix. L.
*wears , enabled 40
*lilt tide ineirerng, - presents a graphic
and highly -interesting narrative of the
ItistorY, both of the -parish,- and of the
ittlifice to which many eyes yesterday
bade a tearful farewell. It is eighty-two'
years since tbenift of the:Penns endowed
• the Trinity congregation with the ground
site which has since. become so valuable.
paring this -period, the history of the
parish, both ecclesiastical and temporal,
Is most suggestively, sketched by the
.„.11ector. 'allusion to the fact that
three of the Bishops of the Church have
been his predecessors in .that spiritual
charge will strike the :geheral attention.
His distiorirse abounds with matter
which will interest not only his parish
loners 'but the• large.
Whole lea among you that saw this
103tusefin herilret gativr Haggai I chap..
It was .a glorious and- a joyous day
when thefirst*imple was formally dedi
cated and Set - apart for the worship of
God. thrill of „infinite satisfaction
Stilifed eVery'deyotit heart; that at lait a
reating4t/SCO was ,_provided. tor. tbs./Irk
—a spot , where God Himself would
youchsafe to dwell by His more imme
diate and special, presence between the
outstretched wings of the Cherubina.
" It was a great .event in history when
King . Solomon - offered up hut princely
sacrifice tvithinfts walls and for.the first
time invoked the divine blessing on the
finished -work." ;But magnifioent and
costly' as was this • hoese of God—sacred
and solemn as its use—it was finally to
pass away. Its emposing ritual was to
Deese. The hand of the destroyer was
to be laid upou it, and its carved work to
be broken down with axes and hammers.
Ili their captivity Israel 'remembered its
glories,-and adesecration „tilled them
with sadness. .a'he : har refused to
_ sweetest notes - i n'response to
the skillful touch of the player. The
voice, (halted ,vdth , clieap emotion la at
tempting to sing thesengs of Zion. But
a brighter day, work dawned., The ruins
were ,to he repaired. The housa of the
Load was be rebuilt, and the reproach
taken aWIIZ. Iu goodlaroumber the peo-
Pleifiattleredfrein ()new quarter, and ,of
every age and condition - in life, to see the
seeavvs . tax straixtudan'only for
the wt • y.„ Ifot.tixad werePresetd
e w o
tom.zeiderntiered the first house in
'far he-eery- In early life they. had I
stood dnderits brilliant 4lotne, and wor-
Shipped wittdaltsjeweled walls. Its rare
beauty add .epkaidors were deeply and
indellibly Implanted- on their memory.
MO the joy of the present was clouded
and swallowed 'up in the thoughts
Of the past; ,so that while others
iliontedfor joy, decease the foundation
of a" new Temple Was -to be laid, those
we_ pt sorrowfully aikpleMpries of depart;
ed glory' came erowding thick upon
them., •;There is deep, touching pathos in
the'graphlct• words of the prophet which
describes the Beene: "Bfanyrof the
Prieats and Invitee, and Oleo( the
fathers who were ancient men. disc had
keen the first house, when the
foundation of this house was` lard
before their oyes, wept with • a
load voice, and many shouted for Joy, so
that.: the people could not discern the
noise of the shout of joy from the noise
Of the weeping of the people." Could
soy other words so tenderly and truth
fatly describe that strange scene? rize
greater part of the people were overjoyed
and expressed their feelings in shouts
that rent the air. The chief of the fa
thers who were ancient men; living in
the past—more than in the present, wept
for the house of their first love, where
they had been wont to pay their vows
unto the Most High.'
dad this was most natural. Ido not t
blame, but rather praise them Tor this I
display of the gentler emotions of the i
human heart. Their' affections could
never again entwine themselves abont
another holy spot as they had round . '
that which was associated with,their ten
der years, and thus while the. shout of '
joy was going up from the multitude'
the mighty flow of recollection overcam e.
them and their eyes were dim with
Now, my brethern, is it not passing,.
strange how wonderfully history repeats*
•itself and how we live over again the
lives of thole who were' thousands of
years before us. I must not take time
herb to draw out aniosgies, nor to show
wherein our circumstances to-day in
many points correspond exactly with
the experience just recounted in yourl
hearing. All may very readily do this'
for -themselves. The truth of the -an- .
alogy is self-evident. This intermingling_
of sorrow and . joy, too. is a touch of
human nature that I am sure "all must
have sometime or Other experienced for
themselves. There, are' events and
periods in life when one hardly knows
beforehand whether sorrow or joy will
gain the day. I have seen the bride
standing at the altar, about - to • give her
hand, as she bad already given her heart,
to the man who loved her, weep most
bitterly, when to others it seemed as If
the occasion much more befitted anima
tion and joyfulness. There are depths in
the human heart that we never know
till an occasion sounds them, and tender
chords that never vibrate till the hand of
experience touches them.
I am quite sure that some of my
hearerst, day can appreciate the strange
discords that marked the beginning of
' the second Temple. I will not presume
to define their thoughts, nor bring to the
light the secret emotions on, their souls.
There is joy doubtless that a new house
is to he built here for the honor of Ga.:—
joy that the Church, the Bride of Christ,
is about to deck herself in beautiful gar
ments. But there is mingled with such
joy a strange sense of sadness and be
reavement. The affections are shocked
with'the cot s dousness that these sacred
walls, with their priceless memories, are
to be forever swept away. We are ,
assembled together for the last
time to worship and praise. For
the last time we are to kneel together
here to receive the Body and Blood of
Christ, as the tokens of His dying love,
and as the bond that makes all one in
Him. The occasion has seemed to me a '
fitting one to recall is briefly as possible,
some of the leading events in the history
of a parish that has for nearly four score
years taken no'mean Fart in the planting
and extension of the Church in all this
region There are many yet living who
_saw this house in its first glory—when
,it was esteemed, and indeed was for its
days, a very triumph of genius. We
who are strangers, so to speak, know
little of the strong attachments
entertained by some even , for the
material walk. No other spot on
earth can throw the same spell around
us, as the home of early life—and this .
house of God has been the spiritual home
of-two generations. -It would be inn lige, -
indeed, if it had not in-thattimitt become
very dear to some, and it would be con
trary to nature if these did not feel a
pang at the thought of parting forever
with an object so long and so intimately
associated - with - the joys and sorrows of
their lives. Let us turn now to CI brief
_survey of its varied history.--
The first record of any sort that I find
existing in the history of Trinity Church
is the deed of gift of two and a half lots
of ground, that on which the present
Church stands and the adjacent burial
ground west and south of it. This deed
bears date the 24th day of September,
1787. executed by "John Penn, -Jr.. and
John Penn, of -the city of _ Phila
delphia, late proprietors of Penn
sylvan's, to the -.Honorable John
Gibson, John Ormsby, Devervx Smith
and Dr. Nathaniel Bedford, all of the
town of Pittsburgh, in the county of
Westmoreland, trustees of the congrega
tion•of Episcopalian Protestant Church,
commonly called the Church of Eng
land, in trust foreier, as a site for a
houseof religious worship and a burial
place for the use of said religions society
and their successors, and for no other
use, intent or purpose whatsoever."
Doubtless before this date the services of
our church ban been held here occasion
ally, though I have no data at hand to
confirm this opinion. The chaplains of
regiments quartered in the neighbor.
hood and clergymen transiently here
certainly officiated at times, though there
was no settled pastor for years after.
Pittsburgh was then a frontier' borough
of small proportions, — quite unconscious
of its future greatness as the Manufac
turing metropolis, the great workshop of
the whole West, which was then mostly
an Unexplored wildernesA. It was fully
twentyyeara subsequent lb this date that
Fulten%rst ascended the Hudson in a
steambent, and the railroad was then not
so much as_dreanaed of by the most vis
ionary. It was a day of Israeli things.
But oven then there was at least the germ
of a / congregation existing, 'here.
Members of the church, deprived
of all her- privileges save those
of• love and loyalty for their spirit
ual mother,,planted the early seeds and
continued faithful through long years of
waiting, and finally were ,privileged to
enjorthe. fruits of their natiendb? In
the year 1797, ten years subsequent to
the gift of land Ay the: Besnrs, the mere
handful of churchmen here invited the
(Itev, 4 John Taylor to officiate as their pair
ter. Mr. Taylor. famllia'rly and lovingly
named still as Father - Taylor; was not
originally either a member or a minister
of • &hie Church; but through the Itlfillaifee
ehlefly . of Win. Cecil, an influential lay
man and a devout member of the Church
Of England, be was induced to take orders
and begin his labors here. At first ser
vice* Were held in the Court House, and
in other rooms, both private and public,
as necessity or convenience required.
On the' third . day , of Benceniber tr lpka
charter was' `granted hy thd Supreme
Court, constituting the Bev. John Taylor;
then minister of the parish,
gevill and tgamnetßolierts, the Waidebtf,
and, , Nathaniel Irish, Joseph Barker,
Jeremiah' 'Balker; Nathaniel Rich
ardson, Nathaniel. Bedford, Oliver
oingagz: l36ol l lll ffitOttiftill - glerCligoikti ,
Belkiaditi - Botiert lfisiteti:Alexandes M 6.
Laughlin, William,Cengand Jopepla pa
vls, vestryriterieb oo poratlon and tsldi
politic by the name of the “Minister,
church Warddn Et, ~ancl„ Vestnttate_n , of
TrinitT - Olitireb; Pittaiirgh.'" . A.bottt
this time a triangular piece of land was
purchased, at the intersection of Sixth
street with Wood and Liberty, and a
brick building erected thereon, com
monly called the "Round Chtirch," *dm
the fact that it conformed in its shape to
the location of the ground. 'lt - contained
forty•two pews, beside a gallery. A list
of the original pew-holders is preserved;
which wuuid be fall of interest to the
present generation, lad I space and
time to name them. For twelve years
from this date Mr. Taylor continued in
office, often struggling with poverty and
eking out his meagre support by teach.
ing,school. La 1818 he resigned the par-,
lab, on account of advancing age and in-'
fatuity, having ministered in his.holyof
fice more than twenty years. He lived
till the year 1838, when; on the 10th elf
August, at the ripe age of eighty.
four, the wish he had often been beard
to express, that he might not die
a lingering death, was literally ful
filled. He was killed by lightning at
Chenango,Mercer county, and buried,
by the, Rev. Mr.,Crumptod, haa beauti
ful knoll which he had been wont to nay
"natureintended for a plate yet sepal
ture." There his mortal remains are
resting, now,, alone themtielves, In a .
field, Nith, no sacred 'ellielcslnre-itt preteet,
the spot, and no visible monument to
mark it. Would it not bin worthy deed
for the-present congregation either to
remove the seC.4red dust of their -first
Rector to their ,own burial ground, or
else erect' some token of love to
mark the lonely spot , where all that is
mortal of Father Taylor is resting in the
hope of a joyfultssurrection?
The first vestry meeting under the new
charter was held April, 9th, .1806. The
only business then transacted was the
adoption of a seal fOr the corporation and
the passage of a resolution fining each
member absent from a meeting without
due and sufficient cane and excuse in
the sum Of fifty cents ! Prom 1806
1819, that is fora period of thirteen years,
there is no record of anything save the
official acts of ministerial duty perform
ed by Mr. Taylor and others, and collected
with much pains and care by Dr. Upfold
at a later day. If the vestry kept any
minutes of their doings then, they are
now, I fear, hopelessly lost, and thus we
are deprived of much Information that
would be of the greatest interest to us,
as giving us an insight into the early
struggles of the parish.
At this period, 181.9, we find that death,
had removed a number of the-vestry ne
at first organized. Oliver Ormsby and_
Peter Mowry are the Wardens; Mor
gan Nevin, George Poe, Jr.. Abner
Barker, Abraham Long, Joseph Davis,
Peter Beard, Charles L. Volz, Walter
Forward, Nathaniel Richardson, Samuel
Roberts, Thomas Cromwell and John
Reno, Vestrymen. The Rev. Ablel Carter
became Rector of the parish in this year,
but only remained a short time. The
Rev- Win. Richmond, a missionary of
the Advancement Society of Pennsylva
nia, officiated for six, months. and the
Rev. George MaEllienney for six months
more. In the meantime the Ves
try were in correspondence with
various • clergymen, endeavoring to
find a settled pastor. The Rev.
Joseph Prentiss, of Athens, Nevr
York, was called at a salary of $1,200 per
annum, and a gratuity of $3OO to pay the
expense of removal hither, but alter a
long oorreepOndence be declined to
comet:' The' great - length and difficulty
of toe , journey, seems toluive been Mit
chief obstacle in the way! How strange
ly this record reads at our end of the half
The Rev. Intrepid Morse, of Stehben.
vine, Ohio. and the Rev. IL P. Powers, of
Fairfield, N.Y., were both called and both
declined. Finally, in 11:321, the Rev.
William Thompson was called' and en
tered on his duties, remaining, however,
less than two years.
During his ministry the project of
building a new church .on the present
site Was determined on, and application
made to the Legislature for leave to sell
the old Round Church. No beginning
was made; however, before the close of
his rectorship.
Again there was a brief period without
.pastoral, care. During this time
John Henry Hopkins, Esq., a young
lawyer—a communicant of the Church
and a member of the vestry—volunteered
to act as_lay-reader until a Rector should
be called, and obtained his license, from
the venerable Bishop White. nattily he
determined to quit a lucrative practice
at the bar,
and choose the min
istry for his life work. .He was
ordained deacon in 1624, and at
once assumed the duties -of ,Rector
From that time really dhtes ' the growth
and preaperity -41 U the pariah. -His vig.
orous mind infused new life into every
department of the work. He - :speedily
renewed the project of building a new
church, himself made the plans and the
marksof his wonderful genius eyere
able in every part of the' work. Thomas
Liggett was employed to superintend the
building, but Mr. Hopkins was the pow.
er behind the throne which controlled
and shaped everything by the force of
his indomitable energy and will.
The corner-stone was laid with the im
posing ritual of the order of Freemasons
and on the 12th day of Stine, 1828,
this Church was formally set apart and
consecrated to the worship of Almighty
God by Bishop White. The building
was then incomplete, fur I find the tower
was built a year or two later by funds
chiefly raised abroad by the personal so
lieitations of the Rector. In a
resolution, thanking
,Mr._ Her:flaps for
the successful manner in which
he had discharged the delicate duty as
signed him, the vestry also thanked the
Rev. David Cook Page, in most cordial
terms, for his acceptable services during
the abaenoe of the Rector. May I not
hate ask Any parishio nem to tame Cabe!,
when some needy missionary from le
frontier parish presents his claim and Is
either helped sparinglyor turned empty
away,that theirowußeetor- least han halt
a centuryav, was, by vote of the vestry
sent out as a begging parson to seek aid
fOrthirrmuldet o. 'irrlB27'tturinWee "WIN
completed andln the Ibilowlng year the
Rey- Mr. Hopithiti — was called_ to
Sto-st4bekAl %WAN PTe_W% Xortfi 4T III I
lead earnestly - entreating eaestlY- entreating aim to q•
cline the call, the vestry exprem the fear
thatthe congregation, built Up ulabalP
by his exertions, will be dlaaaYed• and
scattered, should be leave them then.
He yielded to their wishes.,
,But la 1880
he was called to be the assistant minister ,
of Trinity Church, Bilettib. Agajg the
vestry of .thia parish_ interposed, and
again. he dc.olicied a most tempting offer.
Bat BOstbn Wits determined 'not to yield
her Wilma- to a man of aci . much ability
in-the_present and so 'Mitch promise in
thp 44m:8,1c/thorn a lather etrorti•.,-: , „
He states that the only reascscof hts T
leaving here was the claim urged uptill
his services in the great cause of Ono.
ligical education. He had ' long desired
the founding of such a work nere,:kut
his efforts had fatted.' Neverthelese:m
the short space of ibui years four of: the,
young men belonging to this congrega
tion bad entered the ministry under his
care and training, aud threciothers were
candidates for holy 4 orders. Massacn.
chusetts offered the field of lab3r he de
simtd, and , hence his change. The
Vettry,in formally accepting his resigna
tion, have put on record a picture
of the times worth reproducing. They
say; "In recurring to the period when
younlabdrs commenced they well re
member the dark cloud which hung in
gloom 'over the prospects of our branch
of theiChurch of Corset. They remem
ber-that is all Western Pennsylvania
there*ere not more than two officiating
Episcopal clergymen, and that the mem
bera-of our Conimunion were scattered,
thatin our church there were less than
fifty communicants; that in many of our
largest' and most flourishing villages
the voice of an ; Episcopal clergyman bad
never-been beard. • But we turn with
. platen& to our present situation. In this
plat/ here has been erected" a splendid
church,.an ornament of the west, and the
number of worshippers and number of
comommicants have increased nearly ten
fold, $ -Butler, Mercer, Meadville, Erie,
Greensburg and Blairsville will all re.
member the spirit and zeal ,which were
infused by-your visits to those places."
Iniaecl not trace further the history or
work' of this great ' man of whole this
parish Is justly proud. His name and
fame'are now the heritage of the whole
Church. As a man of genius and cul
ture he was almost a prodigy, and bad
he been made the first Bishop of Pitts
burgh when be was chcsen to Vermont
I cannot but feel that our Church would
be vastly stronger to-day in all thisfilo-.
cese. As we are about to blot froin ex
istence this venerable building, the old
familiar land-mark of , his genius, surely
/some one will think it worth while to see
that there is some memorial of him in
I the.' new church. The following verses
wereivritten by Bishop Hopkins as his
farewell to Trinity Church:
Farewell ye pinnacled and buttressed towers!
Ye gothic Ily hie. and arch,rr owned pillar. high:
Frulta of a zealous heart, though humole powers,
•We cannot leave you now, 1.11.M.ut a sign.
• . ,
Frrewell, d ear . Church: No more thy Sabbath
bell •
Cale us to worshlyla thy igre of prayer;
Nomore we ar , IMurortran's solemn,weal
Nor mark the fall response that rises there.
• Farewell. thy grassy - mounds, where peaceful
elems• ••
In Its co'd bed, tor precious infant's clay: •
f •itb can triumph, ien while nature weePt—
The Lord has given—'twas ills to take away.
Farewell. our house, um bosomed deep in trees,
- And deeteti with alt the - garden s' c:oicest
ovde— -
No more we breathe thy woodbine. see Eta d breeze,.
Nur tread thy dowe. yadeys, aide by
But why art thou soliesoy, 0 n y soul!
•Why so cis - quieted. my m •urnie g bean!
Art tiiou not ted.or duty's high control?
• Hu not thy Master called thee t.,ideprt?
Farewell. the n."all. Though bomtleisnaw we go,
bettor,'anti/tar home to as to gicen:
ZtUr mey wr meats to leaven Church ne.ow.
• While Cbrist secures to us the Chitlett' In
Thera, In that Paradise of joy ab.ore,
tnetings, sod griefs, and pains *ball WI be o'tr,
There we shalt melt again lk ith all we lore.
And sista, Mill breathe, and tears shall fall no
The Rev. Mr. Kemper. now the ven
erable Bishop of " Whioonsin. who bad
officiated here for a time during the early
.mrssit„his miniatry, and had occasion :
wasnow invited to become its rector. but
did;not: The Rev. Mr. Brunet, a young
ministered promise. afterwards out down
by death in the very prime and vigor of
his youth, officiated until the Rev. Dr.
UPfold was called, July 27th. 1831, and
entered, on his dtities as rector in October
of the same year. This brings us down to
a comparatively modern date In the his.
tort' °title parish. For eighteen years Dr.
tpfold Ministered to this congregation
as a faithful pastor. It is a needless task
to speak words of praise Of One.'who - is
still remembered with'a strong affection
by many here present. His works praise
him, and many hearty prayers" are offer.
ed that . his declining ",yearn linty tie
blesetifirand that he may live to tee still
further fruits of his labor, as his once
frontier Diocese of Indiana, now in the
very - ,heart and centre of the nation,
gitsiwa and expands into
P leil l 3 l,k ruy brethreio other mep have la
bored -here and we have 'entered into
their labors. Others have laid the found
ation and we build thereon. I need
hardly trace the history of the parish
farther. In 1850 the Rev. Dr. Lyman
entered on his duties and going abroad
in 1806, the Rev. Mr. Swope was eleeted
Rector pro-tem:tore. In IB62—Dr. Ly
man having ,ocincluded not to return
again—Mr. Swope was made Rector and
in 1867 resigned to become an assistant
minister of Trinity Church, New York.
The present Rectorship began October
Ist. 1867. •
There are two or three conditions sug
gested by this hasty - and imperfect glance
at parish history to which I would for a
very brief specie longer invite your
thought and attention. One is the very
noticeable fact that no large a number of
distinguished laymen have, during the
past four-score years, managed the tem
poral affairs of Trinity .thiurch. Let me
read the names of some whom I find
among the vestrymen of that time. , Ne
vill,Robarts, Richardson, Bedford, Corms
hy, Barker,
,'lrish, McGunnigle, Robin
eon, Magee • Cecil, Mowry, Davis,
Porward,,Beard; Volt, Poe, L'3ng , R3uo,
Ennochs, A:rttitirs, Witty, Kerr, Holmes,
Baldwin, Johnston, Israeli;
den, Miltenberger, 'Quinan, Keller
Holdship, Moniden, Hogan, 1111.rhes,
Darlington, Schweppe, Metcalf, Wade.
Snowden, Anderson, Sheler. There are
others, equally deserving of .mention
among the worthies of the past; but my
fscts, are of necessity, gathered front the
vestry records. I find, for instance,
such names as'Cowan, ' Bariday, Std.
ras, Collins; Gregg, Butleall Brewer,
Ingram, .McChire ' and iAlny oth
ers, who :all —did • their' Share in
bearing- !the burden and_ heat of 'the
day. • klist°of names, my brethren. that
which any parish may well be proud of as
a rich heritage. Many of these were men
of great inffuence and strength of char
acter in their day—men of mark in near
ly every profestion and calling in life.:
Their „fumes, I.ani sure,will sound tem-
Mar as ,honsehold words to -the. ears, of
inept of .my hearerrie Thereare. two or
three in Wit list that 'Must mention ave.
dally without meaning at all' to diaper
age any'of,: the others. Per many
years' the name of'Ormsby appears
on-the .chiireh records: 'First John
Ormsby, and thenOliver. , = The name of
Davis appears :.among the , original list
alto, and for more than half a century
it was :continually .in the vestry, first
Joseph Davis and then John De Davie,
his son of the latter I need (not speak
words of hointnendation to those who
knew MM. • He gave much time and
toil freely to the Oh urcli.. whose Interests
were very:near his heart- This parish
owes his Memory a debt of gratitude for
his long 4 cOntinned and: nnwearyinit
1391T1C03. • '
Dr. Peter Mowry aflame to have been a .
strong pillar of the Church in the
of its weakness, when friends were few.
Long time the Senior Warder', his house
Was the constant place for the meeting
of the vestry and almost a second home
for the clergy. He died in 1833, and the
vestry, have put on record a sense of
their very great loss. lam glad to know
that a beautiful and costly window will
be erected in the new church to com
tnemoatre his long and faithful devotion.
Charles L. Volz served as Secretary of
the Vestry far nearly twenty years,
being all this time himself a member.
It is chiefly owing , - to his pains -taking
care that we have - any history of the
parish preserved. Did time permit,
there are others in, the list of worthies I
might mention - With approval, • but I
must hasten lest I weary you.
One other feature of this catalogue is
suggestive of the ravages of time, with
its changes and chances.
How few of these names appear on the
Church records of to-day ! Yoar fathers,
where are they? Some of their descend
ants have deserted the Church and the
faith for which their fathers agonized. In
other instances the old family names
seem almost to have perished and (Heap.
peared. Those familiar with the inter
marriages of the old families may fie able.
topoint to children and grand children
still among our most valuedmembers.and
worthy of their progenitors though they
may not now bear their names. I would
that all the early - friends of this • parish
who have gone to their reward, might
find among their deecendents—whether
bearing their names or not —loving hands
to set up some fitting memorial of them
here and thus make the history of the
parish continuos, joining together the
present with the past.- Or thoie who
have served as vestrymen in by gone
years, I find the name of Samuel Gorm-
ly, Esq. standing at the head of the list of
survivors—the oldest by right of his of
fice. He was chosen in 1834 and -
served many years.- I regard him, there
fore, as the connecting link between the
pant generation and the present; a plads- ,
othonor which I trust he will long be.
'Spared to fill. In 1837 Mr. J. EL Shoen--, ,
berger wile elected, and , in • 1840 lion.
W'ilson McCandless,4Hon. Thomas M.
Howe, and Josiah Bing 'were CnOSen, -
and are still menilXore:of.the. vestry..
- This brinto tut down- to a sufficiently
modern date. Most of. my hearers have
done their share in making up the his.
tory which extends from , then to the
present day, and I very properly leave it
ibr some other pen to write, when the
breath of ages perchance shall - have made
our names as strangers. • •
Turning now frcietiferlaltY to the cler
gy who have :serrdd tinslefish in the
past, one is no lessiktruck with the pre
ponderant* pf able names -that fill the
list. Mr. Taylor. the first Itectorovas a
man of strong mind, more fond.of Nat
ural Science, perhaps, than of Theology.
I am told •by one wholtneW him Well•
that so great was his love of Astronomy
that he sometimeS*Perit the en tire night
in the open air, watching the movements
tenr , bodiat,444lg),R9s*
Mr. Carter laid Ms. Thompson very little.
is known; their "combined Rectozships
oovered a period of less than three years..
The Rev. Mr. Rinhmondi. who officiated
here for a tine, was a man of brilliant,
parts and belonged to a family of -rare talent'. • • • "
Dr. - Kemper,' who - also. officiated here
temporarily whert Very young men ;
and was afterwards honored- with a call
to the rectorship, is one of the best lond
and moat apostolic men in the Hotise of
Bishops. and
are fax more to be'envied.thanbis great
ness. Bishop Hopkins; a name df tower=
ingitstrength; known the world over; poet,
painter, musician, architect, author, - the.
°logien. Time wouldfail me to recount
all of his -marvellous gilts. Bishop
Uptold, the tender, loving • pastor,
friend of the poor, a good man,
full of • the 'Efoly Ghost, and of faith.
Under his able atiminietratlonbf the par
nth It fairly overflowed, ' 'and a .second
parish was formed. Dr. Lyman g.enial,
warin-hearted end able. Durin¢,his
cads of years St.' Peters was built, as
another off-shoot from nilaity. He' is
known familiarly ,to the whole Church
as one whd has done so much to make
our American Services' known abroad;
For years he has maintained a missionin
the heart of. Papal Rome, proclaiming
the truth in the lace of, corruption ana
error and carrying the priticlPles of the
Anglican Reformation to the very_ doom
of the Vatican! Dr. Swope. younger; in.
deed, but hardly less known totbe Church j
for tae noble and successful stand he
took in the: founding of this - diocese.
Elected to a place among the clergy of
the oldest and wealthiest corporation in
the' whole Charch, he is not unworthy
to be named with those .who pre:
ceded him. It will surely be'
pardonable in Me if feel a
alight glow of pride,' that • my_ own I
name, however unworthy, la hencefonh
to be associated with such as these..: As
,I. have already said, the others who
served here have gone' to their 'rewatd..
and though in earthly record they be
little prized or spoken of, 'I would flan be.'
lieve that in the imperishable record , of
the sky, in the- Lamb's Book of Life
their , names • Stand , very ,high. -The
Rev. Alexander Varian, lately deceased,
was at, one time. an ,assistant minister
here. The Rey. Richard Smith, who stilt
survives; was fur along time engaged as
sn out-door tnissiona.ry to the poor. The :
Rev. Riehard S. Smith, :Rector or the
'church• tit Unitmtownrserved -aft an' es.
alatant,t first in • teaching _the=-parish
school, and afterwards, in- the chancel: -
He 18,.faltbfuliy labOring now at, one,of
the out poste of this diocese, still :remain
bared with affection here.
The Rev. 3V. Taylor; Well known to
the church as a:Successful educator ,of
youth, font:Mayor Ketterbod School . for
boys at' New Brighton, • serVed — here air
assistant 'minister - for some - time. so,'
also, did the-Rev.:Dr. Sebastian Hodges,
of grace Chu reh, Weivark, N. ‘.l'. AatTthe.
present 'faithful and aeceptable Assistant
wilL•I stn' confident; if God
,spanit'' him
in life and strength,' denim a 'record' of
good deeds behind bim -that . Shill not
fall below any of others. .• • • -••
. , .•,
The growth extension - of the church
here, as well as the growth, of the city,
may be seen, in the fact that 'it *as •not
until 1837 that a second' parish. St ! An;
dre*s, was orginized. Now there are
in the city proper nine , Parishhs, and in'
the - city and its immediate stir-.
ronndings there "are thirteen' par.
Ashes—each with its Settled pastor—
each a centre of Influence and pi:4er—
When we remember that an overwhelm
ing majority of the people•here were not,
favorably disposed to the_ ,iliO:Tat
Church, there is no need to lut ashamed
of such results; But if we are only faith:
fur and true the heat half - century will,'
NUMBE4 229
under the blessing of God, have far
greater results to show.
It is surely something—nay a great
deal—ih this age of changes, to have on
unbroken history of four score years!
Trinity is still fondly called the mother
parish—and a faithful .mother she has
been—taking always her part in every
good work, and permitting none of her
daughters to outstrip her. -May she long
continue to - hold a first place, not
merely in the- - affections of her
children; but in advancMig the. tit
terests of the Savior's ji.ingdom. She
shows no signs of decay, no Signs of de
crepitude or old age, but is now renew
ing her strength for undertaking a high
er, nobler work than ever. Tae church
building—Whose days are 'numbered—in
which .we are assembled for the last
time, has undergone various shanges.
In 1849, the tower was burnt and speedi
ly replaced by the present one. The roof
and chancel have been materially al
tered, but the main features of the buil&
ing remain the same. On the 261 h day
of January,-1863—the feast of the con
version of St. Paul—a new, peal of bells,
the gift.of one to whom this parish owes
much, was rung for the first time, on the
occasion of the consecrationof the first -
Bishop of Pittsburgh here.
Then for the last time the venerable -
Bishop Hopkins was seen within the
walls that were vocal with the praises of
God silent witnesses of his skill,wbo .
had planned and built them. Soon they
were 'draped in mourning for his death.
And now dear brethren, my task is '
done—a labori of love I should rather call
it—and it remains for me but .to
,speak the word that will bring pain
to some and joy to some. The num
ber of those who saw this house in her
first glory is growing small indeed—
theY will feel that in its removal' another
of the landmarks of their early years is
gone. I can almost divine the tender as
sociations that are at this moment, well
ing. up in such hearts—thotights, per -
chalice, of those who once sat by their,
side here, joining in the semi "prayers,
singing the same holy songs who ,are i
now translated and taught to sing n •
sweeter strains the itongnfidoses andthe
Lamb. Many, many. are the sacred as- -
sociations that gather around, the
Church ..of God—if our lives. have
been - tray saectified and , given
up to Plan. 'Can you not recall
some quiet'. hour when, weary With
life'astraggle, you have found rest here—
holy thoughts gained- possession of your
soul and you felt of a truth God was near? -
Such hears are the beginning of heaven
upon the earth—foretastes of the. future.,
How often have you knelt here broken
hearted, and the cry went up to the
throne of grace, beseeching God for
mercy! Here some of you (may I not
say many ;of you?) were born. anew
into the kingdom of God's dear Son.
Here your children were, sealed with_
the sign of Christ's_. redeeming love.
Here holy hands were laicrupon your
head in blessing, Here thetender icy
of your first communion clusters. Ht;re, .
perhaps, you recall this hour when two
ft tovingheartamere imtdeesee by-the an."
ethority-srlttel-mad Ne:ing: of. the.
I•Churcb. Here the last sea -oft:foes lir ar.
fection have been said oVer,some, yOu
loved Oflife. "Indeed your life has been
bound"up With the - "life of the• parish:
more Intimately far then you havia.yeur--
selfsitherknewor'suspected. Titeaug-hts:-
of separated families and .broillitt :.ties:
lam sure, be revived-by this, dayr's
services. Tlie old men wept when - the,
new temple . was began, because their,
I lives were, identified' With another - and
their affections could not take new root'
' nor throw, otit new - branches.
But, my -brethren, it is right said
Pruner . thatthese changes, Sad in them.'
solves as they are, anould come to us in
our pilgrimage here. They are intended
to remind us that nothing here is fixed
and 'permanent, that change and decay
are written by the 'finger of God on us
and-on. all about us. -We hafe here no
continuing city, but we seek one to come
whose builder. and - maker is God—not
these perishing earthly houses, but a
house not. made with hands, eternal in
the heavens.
A Is an unfailing law ofnatnie that that
which - waxes old 'must pass away. but
Christ has taught us by the side of the
open grave to look hp through - our tears
rejoimoglY, Millen= hope of a resurrec
tion: So. I Would point you to-day to'
look on and no talkie completion pf an
other house, rising on the ruins of the
old, that shall be a: spiritualhome We'
trust for" generations - yet - unborn; and
"The gloryof the letter house shall be
greater than the glory of the former." '
Farewellforever then to the dear_ Old
pile, rich,with the garnered memories of
more thin two score years. May we not
be unworthy inheritors of the blessing
handed down to us front our - fathers.
May' our zeal and our love abound. May
the solemn warnings here 'e ken not
have been in vain,' and - when the secrets
of all hearts shall be disclosed, may ft
appear that Many sofas were bern here
for Christ, that for many.this chinch was
indeed the very gate of_Efeaven. The
Lord our God be with nails He Was with.
oar oar Fathers. Let Hininot leavb us nor
forsake ns.
The'QeUtoUc JabUee,
Yesterday-morning in all the Catholic
chirches of the diocese the Aectuninl
ical Council Jubilee was commenced. In
the Cathedral the services* were •of a
highly interening chtfracter." Rt. Rey.-
Bishop .Donieneo ofliciatedid the altar,
offerinirsolemn Pontitidal High &lan g uid
Was assisted hYa large number of icier.
gymen. deacons -and clerks. The choir
was espielal4-, ,strengthened and never
sang to better , adrantage: Bt. Cecelia's
brass band - filled the gallery and dis
coursiett excellentrimal%addingmaterial
lyto the Interest the occasiou.Th_e_ pnlptt
was occupied by. Very Rev, J. Hicken•
who briefly referred to the ,Inbilee, 'ea
plaining its nature' and,imgructing the
thtnl on . he cooditioas . .peceseary for
the proctirenient of the plenary ludul
genes vottThe es ehsafed by •
sential r the equirements Head Of
three days of
rlgidiliating, alma giving;
the sacra v m ii eistdatai oon Pena nce ana adp-Hproc
h , e e
darist. egdelys,rard a . agreat event, in the Catholic
Church; and;
during its Iwo Weeltak continuance much
religious fervor , and, epthrishaam will be
manifested "fn all the'congregations of
persuasion in the diocese.
Rellgiotts.—Yeeterduy,• Rev. tleorge:
Hays, pastor plea of the Central ?reeky..
tertian Church, Allegheny, (formerly,
Rev. T. X. Orr's,). occupied, his pulpit :
for the brat time. The Reverend gentle.
man was formerly pastor of, the 'Second,
Presbyterian. Church, 'Rsltimere:
bears a high reputation as a mintryler.and•
the active Christian 'worker.