8. OITT SBURGLI STEEL WORKS. STABLISIIED IN 1845. ANDERSON & WOODS, DIA.NUFACTGICILTIS OF REST REFINED OAST STEEL Of 'wen , description. Also, best Refined German Plow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE,Pitts bnah. 1U160141 1 ILLER, BURR & GENERAL PART2:XIII3 CHAS. MILLER, CHAS. PAS KIN. WM. METCF. EIEO. W. BA-.IIALB, Briclea, PARTNES—S. bi• EIEE, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, ffiLLF. , R, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No, 119 Liberty street, PITTSBURGH, PA fel4:d43 DUQUESNE WORKS. . COLEMAN, RAIM. & CO Idanniacturers of LRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, DuQuzsikm, L X AND JIINL4.TX, FLAT BAR. ROUND AND EQU &RE IRON. BAND, HOOF SHEET AND TANS IRON, BOILER PLATER AND HEADS, GUARD IRON, _DRAG and DROPPER - BAR S, PLANGR T ; ouTTER Beats, CILINDER Q' N AND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. .QROWBARS,WEDGES & HARROW* TEETH, _PLOVir .e..ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, uxEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SIIA.FTVai, A. B. If.EEL • COACH, BUGGY and W AEON SFPXN 611 and CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. &11 floods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. linSeenth Street and 'Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street,Pittsburgh. :SIBEFFIELD STEEL WORKS• SINGER, MUCK & 00.1 PITTSBURGU. Ps.. _Manufacturers of every description of . LAST • ANT) GERMAN STEEL, .3ATLW SPAINGS, SLLL, 7C, ItSll PLATFORBER GINSa , • AYLEI3, STEEL —ac., & '4 7 1 arthOuSel 83 Water and 100 First fits. "'LACK DIAMOND STEEL W4?B,KS. .•',,' tFLK, • BROTILER & CO., 'Asnufaeturers of all description' p Lairlll3ol2nlLll. - _ ‹tica and Wsrehosse, THIETIV.7II, THIRTY% :°IE.dT sad RA1L11.09.11 BTBEETd, BRASS FOUNDERS. Hr.liltY BIfiII. ................... CLUzTATCSIBASCII. HENRY BIER & CO.: SUCCESSORS TO JOHN M. COOPER & 00., Bell and Brass Founders. BBAAS CAMTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. saleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, !BOTTLE, BITER LND CHECK TWO, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. E114..)1N1 COCIKS, Brass Work of siren description for Steam, Water and 011. kfIaiIJFACTUBJTBS Old. M. COOPER & CO'S Improved - Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil ere, the best in the Market. Mice and Works, corner Thirteenth end treetc sh26Pike A TIN OOD & McCA_FFREY, Corner Liberty street and Third Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.,, BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE FITTFRS, And AGENTS ro A. S. CAMERON & CO'S STEAM PUMPS AND BLOW ERS. IRON WORKS. PROM The Trustees are now prepared to igant Been- see for the use of the BLVERSHABbBN PRO altdS. The superior quality imparted to good Iron, t rt imrovement In inferior iron, and the reduced costp.commend it to manufacturers of AVM. Parties wishing to sae it can obtain licenses b 1 oPPlYing to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees, BOOMS 1 and 'A, English's Building, Wig gouith avenue. parties Interested are invited to visit the SEWS IiBILAGEF. WORKS, where the rocas' is cow RTERSON, PRESTON & A 4 Pennrilvatha - Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 166 and 16T FIRST 13rTREET, oihoslte gononsahela House ao2A:de PITTI101;11.011 NOVELTY WORKS. pITTSBVBIEM NOVELTY WORKS. Fonadbd A te. XL 113316 &DANS, MIME & CO. ILUSIITAGTWEJUIS 01 EiMPBTONE STANT/ARDILTAIBBANK TAT SCALES. , JINT) PLATpOND AND COMMIS Mos Paced Patent Door LaeJo awn Wetted, Paint and Ocdree ILUIs. do. 001111/01 .01.Mitipatieltirt81131 11. BOLE 86 CO., Cor. Point Alley and DIRITIeSIIe Sty Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all sizes. Special attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of 15-borsopower. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order atonr Foundry. on Ol a f Wel l er below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING,. PULLEYS, HANGERS, ROUSE and TOBACGO '6CREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Myer, nenz the Point, -. All orders pro=ptly Illled. VITUS FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK woRKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, 713BULAB. DOUBLE-FIXEDTUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AIS'D CYLLNDEF. IMAM 8014.,- IRS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BRE:ICH-IN& AND ASH PANS, SETTLING FANS, SALT PANE AND CON DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOILETERS , AND um!: BRIDGES.; PRISON DOORS AND COAL sitrze. Office and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, .993' Orders sent to the above address will bs .rorantl.7 attended to. m117:151 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHRRT IRON "SiVORKRRS; NOS. AO, %X, 46 PENN ST. Erving secnred a large yard wad furnished It witn the moat approved machinery', we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any 'made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Bollers, Condensers, Salt Pane, Tanta, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pane, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sager Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairin g done on snortest notice. 1s6:c11 ZALUID X .«.. j V =i D D. IDMEML JARED M. BRUSH & SON, u....Noraorouris or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SWUM IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, .Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. A..BBADLEY at CO., IW. 80 WOOD STREET , gannfacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating StaTes, TO BE Y 011 1 4. 4 -1). In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATT)IRNS 131 Pi:LOWS-51EN TS, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want of a good article should purchase none found but those manufactured by us, they be the most durable as well as economical. Would call narticutar attention to new YOU:AN' ) STOVE, for churches, balls our asts. Over 500 sold in three montne. intended for with or with out casing. All who hare used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Clitaloguea3o ORAFF, RUGUS & CO., StisirrAcTtritzus or EVRIIT VAILItIETTAO SearrCoN7IME 3, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, "TIE BY FURNACE," FOR Wwll2lo KUILDIROB. THZ NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. "ItEEtULATOIt.,, COLUMBIA COOK STOVE Wat s °TATO TAM winTIALS4S BEXACFT2tItAILIBbfree froitirtand dut; *O6 and 208 Liberty Street,' 5e215:71 3/3 PAVE . PITTSBURG'S. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL a CO.S TRIUMPH, FOR BITIIMIN OUS GOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as cell as any other Store In the Wane MULTI & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. alio on hand and for sale. PARLOR ESTOVESs IN& ~n , v . EA " irliTek Ts , 721c1DZEIS, COOKINO F.A.24EIEfI. to. THY POUTTI) PTITSBUROH, PA. ILA.IsitrrACIVSZES 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa TO _ _ BUILDERS! • 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150,000 feet inch Clear Plank; 55,000 feet 1); inch Common Plank; 95,000 feet Du 1 and A inch Oak: 9500 aft. )i, 1,„ IA, 'and 3 inch Poplar: 10.000 teat Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Sonntling. 503.000 feet gles No. 1 11 ISch Baena( Shin -500,000 No. 116-Inch Stanitill. sawed; *O,OOO No. 115-inch Shingles, shaved: 110,Q00 lire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons lire Clay;Locust and Cedar Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Posts, and all articles in the line ow hand andfor sale by ALEXANDER PA.TTERSON: A Tara No. 157 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward,Alleghekyt Lie bor ough of Manchester. 67:1f LASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET, NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOHNBILLN AND CHINA. NEW BTYLES,_ DINNER BETS TEA. SZT% OUT VIII% SMOKING SETS, A . ge alma of SILTED PLANED GOODS of all deicalptloos. f e nrsting i g need =be suited. EH & CO. R. E. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1869 W. J A:NDEJISON, MONONGIIIELI FURRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Mannfteturers of IRON HOUSE FRONTS, WINDOW LINTELS and SILLS, and Castings of all Descriptions. ifir Spectai sttr ntion paid to ARCHITECTU RA tila ss Roust s• CAtiTISGS and to Castings for Window OFFICE ND FOUNDRY—NO. 150 WATER STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. OAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CONANY• OFFICE AND WORKS, , , TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. tirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and limallraan =Heim IVITTBI3UIIGrF 3, WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR 66.5 A_ND WJLTILS WORMS. My noes are all cist lnvarlablyln PStI, In dry sand. and 111 feet lengths. Also, Mil aseorronent of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. eauo also call the -f:tentlon of ?Soperlntend. of Gas Works to k-fmate of itETOBTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. -A WILLIAM MILLER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAMM & C 0.,) $l.l facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily dii all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON RoD- , , LEVERS. PITMAN .1 AMS.WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCoMOTIVE FRAMES. together with every description of SLIAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Nay and First Street. e 14:h40 --------- ROBLNSON, SEA tic CO., Successors to HABINSOY, 2SINIB & MILLZIES, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS,PITTSBURGH , Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Rearing , Shafting, Castings of all descriptionsi Oil TanAs B an k Stills,Boiler and *Sheet Iron Work. °Mee, .No. iii, corner Pint and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. iall:r63 THOMAS CABLEIT & CO., Fourth ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, TA., Marinfacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam Enguies, Ull Presses, Puileys,B..ttafting, Grist Oust Ifter Mill Wort, Weights,Mu and machine ings, Grate Bars, Wagon Boxes, te. Build to order and have on hand ',urines of all sizes. znyli:cs DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Wilts, DALZELL BUILDING, WARING AND KING, Colornission Mereb.ants and Brokers Is Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADILLPELLA ADDB2BB, Itoom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 131 8017TH SECOND STREET.• aplo AMINMEI Tics marlines, COMMISSION MERCHANTS • ♦ND DIALERS IN . . Petroleum and . its Products, co ilVotirt h ugatl i tfEW.l= ls6. Philadelphia Ofilcer-1317 WALNUT BT. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. =BERT Ws Ca MEDDLE. MANIITACTIIHER OP Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Eclipse Railroad Aile Oil. Stands great heat without , change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, Will cut Screws. ssw 31111 ond Planing Zdlll Oils, , Adapted for highApeed. pindle Oil, Woolillead•Light ,oll, S 011, Tanners' MAIM! liensple, ing itFtsrlstelng 011,1 6asolige, Harness 011. IParraMe. ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bust. _ These products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle , s patent by Superheated Steam In Title Lubricating Oil's are almost odorless, Perfectly pare, uniform. and inestg u Agl:; orcd. star d shish temperature up ed. mid reutalrilimpidinrlngeztreme cold. The Olis are unequalled, and are In constant cm Many of the principal Builroads. Samples 0112 be examined and ordeM left at ilde WOOD STBRIPIT, Works at Bharpsbarg Bridge. vt - plalT COMMON , , . Machrtidi Stone Workt, NOrtawast Garner carWeas onendot, 11111/3 7 K ATVATIIIft *. GO. am on hand or %are on_inoranotAng ewer iesnk Ind step atones. • totisaderailub VanitaLia. Head an l'onauStonea. ninoirGY ir , "'"qad. taall Eli B. A. FREYVOGLE lhL' TS WARD) OILS. Duquesne W&1, Pittsburgh, Pa. STONE. FINANCIAL AMERICAN BANK, NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. • CASH CAPITAL 52p0.000 Stockholders IndividuallY Liable. DASH OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. ace* YLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. DIRICTOM. Thos. M. Marshall. I, John Si. 3Dirtland, Win. T. Shannon, I Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, Jas. D. Belly, Chas. B. Leech, Wrn. Floyd. John Floyd, Thiasank is now fully organized and prepared to do general Banking builneas. jelOk43 FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, Is now open for Discount, Deposit and General Banking Business. Any sum received from One Dollar upwards. Interest at the rate of six. per cent. pall on time deposlts. DIBACTOR . ED. Rl' MIDGE. W. P. WEN - MAN. W. H. SIRS. FRANK :HEBERT, DW. C. ROBERT:ION, HENRY MEYER, . KINZER. . M. ARMOR, EMIL POERSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGEI President. .F. F. SC'HEISTCII. Cashier. CITY BANK.. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. EiTIEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on ali the principal points of the United States and Canso*. DOMINICK lIIMSEN. President. JAMES MCCABE. Vice President. W. N. 31oRGAN. Cashier. DIRECTOBS. D. Ihmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunlery. Jr., Terence Campbel l, Patrick Kane, James Phelan' Chas. B. Barr, H.A.F reyvogle, Jno.Jos.lierms.nri, Thomas Barnes. Jel:ss M. GAZZA.II, dolicitor. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CONPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Lefrielatnre of Pennsylva nia, January 14, 1861. For the safe•keeptng of Bonds and other Securities, Gold and Silver, • • - - - Silver Plate. Books. Records, Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under e nd s and for the renting of Safes In its burglar-proof vaults. Building and Office: ..Vo. S 3 FO URTIff -11"E.rUE, PITTSBERGiI, PA PRE , I DENT-WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Vtt.E. PuE,iipx.NT-HENRY LLOYD DinzcTosts: WM. PHILLIPS. JAMES I. BENNETT Hi. IN HY 1.1.0 TD, BYRON I{. PAINTER WILLIAM REA. JOS. S. 5101tIl1sAN, WILLIAM M. LURTI S YON, GEORG E BLAuli, li. HUSSEY. SECRETARY AND Titwturat F. voN .13(P.O.:HuMT au :t6 HART, CAUGHEI A. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, P1TTE1331:111.43 1 U. 01IICOIT.88011 8 TO 1:1114NA, IILEtT • 00.,1 DLL Iss IX Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And partietdar attention paid to the pa :than and gale ol COVERNMENT BONDS. Slant Drafts on Landon. layi:add PACIFIC DAILVAY GOLD LOAN Messrs, DOME!, MORGAN do C Exchange Place, and M. K. JESUP & CO., Pine Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pas Elie Railway. fliese Bonds pay seven per cent. in Gold; have thirty years to run; are Free from overnment Taxation ; an secured by a and Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special grant the Com any also owns Three Millions of Acres a Luna, which are being rapidly told to evelop the country and Improve the toad They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado, The road in operation 417 miles long, upon which it is also a mor gage, NOW EARNS HOBE THAN ENOUGH NET INCUR TO PLY THE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. Then is no better security in the markbt—this being in some respite better than Government Se- conies. PERIPiIi MID INTNEST 'PILULE IN GOLD. Prim 96, and earn ed Interest, ii Currency. Pamphlets, ZIP and Cinikn fttribbed on applitation. FINANCIAL. G® Thy SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices• PII. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. NHOLIES& SONS, A.A. • "IBILIVIREMIELea 57 Market Street. rri-r-ressurtoka. PA. Collectlons made on all the principal Points of the United States end Cansdas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOCORT AND BOLD ON CONE2[D3SION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. wk:si lAmEs T. BEAM 8c CO (Btizcenors 08. JOJTEB & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 .a. DI ME. 3M -E:a.AO9 BUY AND WELL ALL KINDId 07 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, FOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST 7AVOBABLK TERMS, Interest Allowed on Deposits. Alir Money loaned on Government Bondi at oweat market rates. Orders executed for BONDShase and Sale of STOCKS, and GOLD. JADIRS T. BRADT & CO 117 E gittsturgij Gayttt. FINANCE AND TRADE OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, October 1, 1869. The financial question is nearly com ing to a settlement in Wall street, and matters took more like in ordinary times. Great diversity, hewever, ex ists In regard to the immediate price of gold, although it is generally conceded that that the tendency is towards a loser premium. The prico of gold, so far as it is a football of speculation, would not concern the mercantile community very much, but a lower premium for the next few days would affect all values, whilst a moderate rise would bring new life into business at once. Calmly viewed, and taking a survey of the course of gold since the war closed, and considering the position of the Gov ernment financially, it must be evident that under a rich cotton crop which leaves about two million bales to be ex ported, would realize 175 millions of dollars. The vast amount of grain and flour to be shipped, yield an immense amount of money that will go far to wards liquidating our imports. What ever may be said against the high prices of grain, which would prevent a fall ex portation, experience shows that any surplus of any product will seek a mar ket, and if not at a good profit, at a loss, and grain can not be kept forever. Judging from this no amount of reason ing can be brought to convince any clear headed individual that the price of grain, as well as cotton, has to . be low ered with the decline In gold in order to be exportable. What is true of grain and cotton, is equally appliable to other products, like petroleum, tobacco and manufactured goods in our home mar kets wilt also bear a considerable re duction with price of labor and rent re duced, which latter in a natural course will follow, since the power to purchase is reduced. The rich capaltist has per ceived this long ago, and was a seller while the poorer and middle classes were buyers at the advanced prices, but their means reduced, a point must soon be reached where the offers to sell are plenty and the buyers scarce. The course of GOFernmeit securities was rather a rising one during today, hut at the close the market weakened. Lower prices have to follow lower quo tations for gold, for want of an upward speculative movement and scarcity of money among the large dealers. Stocks although firm. did not main tain the outside quotations, and parties fearing to carry them over Sunday, per fer to sell at small profits. Money is easier but not plenty. Our local market is well supplied with funds, bid banks are pursuing a conservative course. Business dull, Quotationa as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 130%; Silver, 125; Eighty one's 118%; Five Twentfes, 1882, 119%; do 11 , 3451, 119%; do 1865, 119%; do 1285 Corusols, 117%; do 1887, 118; do 1888; 118; Ten Forties, 109; NSW York Central, 171 g; Erie, 133 g; Reading, 93; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 82M; Ohio & lidisisstppl, 127 g; Michigan f..louthern, Chicago C land & Pittsburgh, 911. & Rock Island, 107%; Chicsigo & North Western 69; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 83; A.dams_ Express Com pany, 5.; Merchants Union Exprese, --• Pacific Mail, ,—; Western Uston Telegraph Company, 86; American press Compqny Bog. ax, e, &neat. Londoe, per 18,40 18,50 Paris. ker franc 28% 27% Berlinithaler 95% 98% Frankfort; fibrins 56 . 57. —Closing quotations reoeived by James T. Brady Co. Gold: 180%; United States Sixes, 1881, - 119 y,; Five-Twenties; 1862,119;-9;do. 1864, 119,'; do. 1865, 11934; Ten-Forties, 109;6; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 117 y.: do. do. 1664 11738,; do. do. 16438. 117 - Due Com- Pounds, --: Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 107%; Lake Superiors, 96. (Ry Tel(graoh to the Pittsburgh Oszette.l Naw YORK, October 1, 1869. Money market easy during the mor ning, and before the close of the banks - money could be had quite freely at 7 per cent. on Governments and stock collat orals. Discounts nominal. Sterling dull and heavy at 734@7%. Gold opened at 130, touched 130% and closed at 130%, The Sub-Treasury sold a million at 129 55.100@130 17-100. Carrying rates 7 per cent., and 1.32 per cent. to fiat for borrowing. Governments active and higher, par ticularly on currency Sixes, closing strong. Coupons: 1881. 119 1 §@119%; '62, 12034@120%; '6l, 119346119%; '65, 119% @119%; new do., 118@l18 1 ,,; USN@ 1183;,; '6B, 118@)1183.; 10.40'5, 1091@ 109%; Currency Sixes, 109@1091- , State Bonds firmer. Missouris, 85%; old Tennesssees. 60%; new do.. 52. old Virginias, 50; LOW do., 51; old North Carolina; 49%; new do., 43. Stock market was unsettled towards the close of the day and lost its buoyant feeling of the morning. Rumors . as to the finances of-the Lake Shore Company were the cause of the change in feeling. There was a general and marked decline in prices, more especially in New York 'Central, Hudson River, Lake Shore and in the new stocks. The heavy advance in the morning enabled many parties to sell out securities held as collaterals for loans which could not be responded to for some days past. This threw an addi tional load of stocks on the street, and assisted materially in depressing the market. At the close the market was unsettled. Five.ncenty Prices.—Canton, 52; Cum berland. 25; Western 'Union Telegraph, 36; Quicksilver, 1234; Mariposa, 8%; do. preferred, 163'; Pacific Mail, 62; Adams Express, 5134; . Wells k Fargo, 16%; American Express, 3034; United States, 51%; New York Central, 172 % : Harlem, 130; Hudson, 160; Reading, 9334; Erie, 34; do. preferred, 55!,; Michigan Central. 120; Michigan Southern, 81 1 „x; Illinois Central, 131; Pitts burgh, 8934: Northwestern, 69%; do. preferred, 8334; Columbus, Cincinnati tt Cleveland, 74; Rock Island, 107%; St. Paul, 67 1 ,5; do. preferred, sog, Wabash, 55; do. preferred, 61%; Fort Wayne, 83; Terra Haute, 30; do. preferred, 56; Chi cago tt Alton, 145; do. preferred, 14334; Ohio & Mississippi, 27: Columbus, Cin cinnati &Indianapolis Central, 26; St. Joe, 110%. Mining shares dull. Coppers at Boston—Copps Falls, 7%; Franklin 11. 'SUb-Treasury receipts, V 2,459,669. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE. OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, October, 1, 1869. • The oil market was very quiet today, the busines in the aggragate being-com paratively light, though the feeling gen erally seemed to indicate firmness, and priCes for both crude and refined were fully sustained. The.finaucial troubles in "Sew York and the uncertainity, in regard to the future course of gold, has a tendency to retard business and re strict operations, and until these clogs to the trade have been removed, no material improvement is expected. There is still considerable refined oil being shipped south and west, both by river and rail, and the orders from these quarters are reported steadily increas ing. If tir. charges for transportation by rail, from here west, were not so stiff, the demand would be much better and the shipments much larger: the rates by river are very low, and as a consequence nearly every boat leaving has more or less oil CRUDE. But a single sale reported to-day 1,00 bbls, seller October (40@45 gravity) at o 14%. Spot quoted at 14 14% L @14%; and sel ler all 1569, at 14%®%. ast evening there was a sale of 1,000 bbls spot at 14%; land 5,000 seller all 1869 at 14 1 ,5. REFINED. Market firm but very quiet—some in quiry and but little offering. Spot quoted at 31%®32; first half October, 32%; last half 32%; and last three months,32l4. Sales of small lots on spot here at 27%@tii. Sale 500 last half Octo ber at 3235. LITI32IO.LTING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating 01l .. . ... 40e Eclipse Railroad Axle • - 350 Eclipse Machinery 75e Eclipse Snin"dle . . .... 800 RECEIPTS OF CRIME OIL BY A. V. R. B. Tarentum Oil Works 160, on account Lyon & Co; Standard Oil Works 560, on account J J Vandergrift; Cosmos Oil Works 160; Citizen 011 Works 480. on. accoudt Owston &Sowers; Waring King & Co. 480, on account Pool Bro; Taren turn Oil Works 800; Fairview Oil Works 400, on account Fisher Bro. 3,686 bbls. Total OIL an - trpsn Baer BT a.. V. B. R. Forsyth & Bro., 164 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. &. S. 200 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. _ Braun Lt Wagner 244 Wale refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 661 bbls refined to. Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Revatone Oil Works 150 bbls refined to Warden, Frew t Co., Philadelphia. Commercial Oil Bro., Ph bbls ref. to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. " A. W. Bell 49 bbls tar to Truax & Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined ......... . ........ . ..... 1,706 OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. Hutchison Oil Ot. Refining Co., 106 bbls to Warden, Frew dr, Co., Philadelphia. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORE, October L—Trade opened a little brighter and more active, but closed tamely. Prices, though less buoyant, in the main rule steady, how ever. Lacinia Brown Cotton Flannels more scarce, and prices have risen to 19c. Pacific Mills Prints are reduced to 181443. Fine plain Cottons about ,I6c per yard lower. Atlantic P Brown Sheetings re duced to 12%c. Boitts to 12c, Massachu setts B B to 12%c, do I to 12q,_New Mar ket A to 1234 c, and Bedford R to 123r0. Standard Sheetings steady at 16%c for good brands. Plaided dress goods are scarce and high. Plaided fancy and sash ribbons are'also scarce, and bringing aw fully 'high prices. Black silks are de pressed, Common balmorals are getting very scarce and looking up decidedly. Live Stock Markets. NEW YORK, October I.—Cattle season' and only 1,130 head &riving to -day and are mostly of oommon stock, trivial' were sold at unchanged rates, the quality ru ling of 10@160 per pound. A 'vent fine drove of 7 cwt Texans brought 12@160. Sheep; arrivals of 3,000 head, and not all sold; more than 6,090 came in yesterday _ and. some of them are still lefk trade slow at unchanged rates. Hole gone to 13}io dressed;, arrival. of live, 2,700 head. but no sales; they are quotable at 9340)103;c.-