The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 02, 1869, Image 5
NEW ADVERTISLISIENTEL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. (Railroad street. near Depot,) NEW BRIGHTON. Pa. F. CROWTHER,Pastor. Preaching EVERY SABBATH. at 1113 i A. M. RIM 7". P. 31. Public cordiall.V invited. Bgr GRACE REFO1 MED CHURCH corner Grant set and Webster avenue. There will ho divine service In this church TO-MORRJW isundsy). 3d Inst., at 1034 o'clock A. at. The publ!c are Invited to at tend. • W'REV. GEO., P. BAYS WILL pre , ci 1. MORRO TV (Sunday MORN ING and EVENING in Central Presbyterian Marc. A 1l• gbeny, corner Lacs ck and Anderson streets—service commencing at 10% A . m . and 7% P. M. The public are cordially invited. C.IIRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ALLEti RENY.— The Rev. lIENJ. F. BROOKE. It ctor, will ()Mame at di vine service In this Church on TOMORROW at half-past ten o'clock A. and half-oast seven o'clock P. B. FIRST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, Seventh Ave nue, above Smithfield street. Rev. e. LAIRD, Pastor. Services TO-MORROW MORNING, at 10,%', o'clock. Sunday School at 9 o'clock. IgrUNIVERSALIST CHURCH, dormer Grakt street and Third Avenue. Rev. W. N. VAN 1)E11.4.1tE Pastor. Services EVERY eUNDAY at 195 j A. 31 and 7 P. x: Seats tree and a welcome to all. Sunday School at 9 A. Id. fgr'FI=RST CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF PITTSBURGH, W. S. Gray, Pastor, meets statedly in NEVILLE HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets. Services every Lord's Day at ILO,ti at. and 734 P. M. The public are cordially Invited. EFIIIST CHRISTIAN CHURCH, corner Beaver street W and Montgomery avenue, Allegheny City JoSEPH KING, Past Or. Preaching To•MORROW,(Lord'a Day.) at 10 , 4 A. It. and 7 P. M . )eats entirely nee and a cordial Invitation to all. • ifO r ''MESSIAH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN crtußcH, (Geosral 6yn• od Nit th street, It, V. .1. P. VI% STIICK.F...N • BERG, rastor. Freachiag TU-MORROW, at 103 A. it. and 7% P. 31. Sunday School at 9 A. Lecture and Prayer Meeting Wu. I)NESDA.Y EVENINGS. Friends Of the congregation end pubalz cordially incited. Beats free. W'FAREWELL SERVICE.- The last service in Trinity Church, Sixth avenue . previous to the removal cf the o d but.ding, will be held on SUNDAY MORNING next at I.toi o'cl Thr, Holy communion will be sdminixtered. and a historic ti sermon prjenched. The (Id members and former wor silipoera at Trinity Church are sptclaily invited to be present. tar - REOPENING SERVICES The reopeninzser7lces of Penns loarda Avenue M. E. Cuurcn alit take place TO-MOR ROW' *Sunday; MORNING. at Itl3i o'clock. The exercises to be conducted by the Rey. J. McKendree Retley, of Co vitiator, Ky. Special Sunday School exercises ut e. x. S ,ltvices at Tht, o'clock P at. by the pastor. Itett..l. J. Jones. The public are cordially invited to attend. IgrMASS _ MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF TEMPERANCE AND REFORM and the Independent Voters Ff A!le gheny, county, at CITY HALL. on. TUESDAY, October 6th; at 73i o'clock r. at. The .Commis• sioners of Allegheny county, the lawyers and leaders . of the Republican and Democratic par ties, the rank and file of all parties, and every citizen who wishes to understand the questions invo.ved in the election of County Commissioner are invited present. The meeting will be addressed by Col. J. B. Clark, David Ktrk. Esq., and S. Y. Kennedy. 5e.30:p13 QCARLE I T LAMBS WOOL L. 7 SHIRTS AND DRAWERS At Phelan's Old Etand working Store, No. 24 Fifth Avenue. WHITE T.AMiTtS WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS AL (Ad Stand stueatug Store, No. 24 F.'' AY Ana.- BLUE MIXED LAMBS WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS At Plielsn's tild Stand stocking Store. lo. 2 Fifth Avenue. INFANTE - FANCY WOOLEN CLOAKS ANT) SACQUES AL the Old Stand Stocking Store. 24 Fit.h Ave nue, - PHELAN. ADlFfir AND MISSES' SKIL L CLOTH AND BERLIN GLOVES At Phelan's Old Stand Stocking Store, No. 21 Fifth Avenue. GRAND CONVOCATION OF PRESBYTERIANS OPFNING OW THE OfaTER -FASO'.—JACOB B. HU oLEY, Nos. 27 and 20 Fourth Avenue, begs to inform his numerous .patrons and alends.- and visitors to the ci 7. in consequence of toe I trg ly increased demand for comfortable dining fac , ltties, be ras just added two additional rooms for their accom modation. Pinner and other me , Is will be famished to order, in first das•e yle, with all the delicacies of the season, served by atten.ive wafters. Pure ice creams, fruits. choice confectionary and fancy cakes runpiled to order. Parties, Weddings, Festivals, and Meals for special Le e:Mom furnished as nsual shot notice, to every r cce- Obi , t point. equal to the most approv ed Eastern style, Monday. October 4 h. Oysters In every style de sired. le I,h other s - asonable relishes, prepared to salt the most fastidious epicures. @T he attention of visitors to the mee+ing of the Am-rican board of Commissioners of foreign Missions, Monday next. ang the pablic generally, Is respectrally called to the foregoing arrangements for their c mfort. 0e.2 plib JP E 10 R GOLD PENS. rI 6OLD MOUNTED RUBBER PENCILS, FINE PO'..)RET BOOKS, COLLECTION BOOM, BANKER'S CASES, JACOB'S PATENT BINDERS, ATWATER'd NEWS FILES, POSTOFFICES BALANCES, COUNTING HOUSE INKSTANDS, GROOM'S EXCHEQUER INK, • ANTOINE'S COPYING INH, BEADY REFERENCE FILES. RUBBER COPPYINGS SHEEES, COUNTING HOUSE STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS• . . . FOB SAL E BY KAY & COMPANY, No, 65 WOOD STREET, No. 65 Wood Street, (LAFAYETTE BIIELDING.) TEE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. A MONTHLY of Reoreation and Instruction. Profusely Illustrated. Edited by Rey. TrtOMAB GUTHRIE. D. Just issued. THE OCTOBER NUMBER, com mencing a New Volume. CONTEXTS. •- I. EPISODES OF AN OIP.CUBE LIFE. Being Experiences in the Tower]lam eta. Part I. By CUILATE. 11. isinde HARVEST THOIIErEITS. By Rev. J. O. DYKES. 111. MY BOTHER'S KNEE. A Poem. By Bev. JOHN MONSELL. LL.D. Illustrated. IV. THE RAINBOW. A Poem. By Rev. JOHN MoNsELL, LL.D. Illustrated. V. SUNDATB ON THE CONTINENT. By the EDITOR. • VI. BIRD OF JOY. it Poem. By Rev. HENRY DOUNION. Illustrated. VII. ON THE MIRACLES OF OUR LORD. Introduction. 1. Turning the Water Into Wine. ily_fiDORGE MACDONALI. LL D. Illustrated Inn. THE COMPANIONS OF ST. PAUL. 1.. BARNABAS• By JOHN IL 110*602r, D. D. Illustrated. • IX. UP WARD GLANCES. Recent Revela tions In Astronomy. No. I. By Be,. C. PRITCII • ARD. X IMMORTALITY BROUGHT TO LIGHT. A poem. By A. L. WARING. illustrated. XI. THB STRUGGLE In FICKRARA.. Chap ters 1.-and 11. By WILLIAM GILDLar. 'With Four Illustrations. • XII. HOW TO STUDY THE OLD TESTA MENT. Ti e Departure from Egypt. By W. LINDSAY ALEXANDER. D.D. XII. THE ponTBAIT Ow CHARITY. AS . PRESENTED BY ST. PAUL. By WILLIAM HANNA. D.D. Illustrated. AI V. QUESTIONS WHICH . ARE ALWAYS TURNING UP. he Bpi rtt of ell glens Fac tion. Br Rev. Prof. WILLIAM MILLIGAN. - For sale by all Periodical Dealers. .TERMS OF THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Yearly Subscription, $3.50. Single liurnimr, 30 cents. CLTB BATES, per av num—Two Coulee for 66.95; Three Copies for 69; rive Copies for 3111. Ten Copies for $25. THE PLINDAY MAGAZINE and lairpmcOrv'e MAGAZINE, 10,AII8 audreas 60.50 per annum. Srsoutzif Ntatertitil mailed to !Spy address on receipt of 25 cents. Subscribers will p 1 "ase be careful to give their Postothee address in an'i. A FULL PeOSPICOTUS. with Premium List, will be mailed on application. Address J. 1. 'LIPPINCOTT &10., Publishers, 718 AND 717 MARKET ST., ETILL.A. 0c2:8.1r OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER d: SURVEYOR. PITTSBURGH, Oct. 2, 1669. • XTOTIOE.—The assessment for doGrading. Paving and Curbing of FORBES ItRET. from Chestnut to Magec street, is'now ready for examinati m, and can be ie.n at this office until WEDNESbAY, Octooer 13th, when It will be returnea to the City Treasurer's Oalce for codection. oci:p2.s H. J. MOORE. City lznirineer. OFFICt CITY FnfilNEY.ll AND DURVEYOR, t Pittsburgh, Oct. 2, 1869. ( NOTICE.—The Assessment for grading and paving Lteust alley (row For tieth to Fortv-Hrsc street Is now ready for ex am.natton. and cats be seen at this office until WEDNESDAY, Octoner 13th. 1869, whea It will be suit to the City Treasurer's office f,,r col. lectlon oc2:VM H. J. 310011 E. City Engineer EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Whereas letters testamentary on the es tate of It. ROBIcON, deceased, having been granted to the underslaned by the Register of Altegbenv county, all nersons ludetted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate payment. and those having claims against said estate will present tLem, duly anther t'cated. for s.ttlement. 8. R. ROtSISON. R. A. IV IEINON. fir• s. RONISON. re2:r-C-S FOR - WEDDING PRESENTS GO TO WATTLES & SHEAFER'S Th. y are receiving a very tine assortment of Solid . Silver and Plated Ware SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS, Wh!cb wbll be sold low 101 FIFTH AVENUE, Above Smithfield Street THE NEW BOORS. I.—Thl Cilia and Cake. By Edward ear refl. author of 'Oe.upations of Retired Life" $l. TL—The Seven (Junes of London 150 111 — Robertson's ;Sermens. complete. ' . vols. (Reduced ftom 50 300 IV.—Lanse on Roman. 5 00 V.—F. %%Robertson's Life .1 vol., u uttorm Sermons 1 50 Vl.—Henry Crabb RJbloson's Dlary.llyols 400 Vll.—Ourselves. A series of essays on Women 1 75 1 71.11.—Tral.s and Stories of the Irish ?emi r:cm:7 v Carleton,GO — Countess in Glst-la. By 1 1. 4 ' t e h w or r' o dI f tl ai 6 Mamseiles Secret 1 75 X.—The a.nserican Women's Howe. By Mrs. Stowe R 50 XL—Plain Educational Talks. By A.•N Raub - YOB SALE BY R. S. DAVIS & CO., 192 LIBERTY STREET oc2:rmw APPLETONS' JOURNAL. "IS EXCEEDINOLY ATTRACTIVE."— Philadelphia North American. "11 AN ASiURED SUCCESS."—New York Evening Post. "SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER. "-New York Herald. "IT IS A SUPERB JOURNAL."—Detroit Tribune. "IT HAS SPRUNG SUDDENLY INTO AN ENORMOUS CIRCULATION." Cleveland Leader. "IS & SPLENDID SUCCESS.'•—AIbany News. " WILL BE A SUCCESS OF A NEW AND HIGH ORDER.+•—New York World. ••THE CHEAPEST PUBLICATION WE EVER SAW."—Commerelal Bulletin. ' "A READABLE AND INSTRUCTIVE WEEKLY."—Boston Traveller. APPLETONS' JOURNAL Literature, Science and Art, PUBLISHED WEEKLY Price 10 Cents. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS, Subscription price, $l.OO per annum in ad- Vance. .$2.00 for six months. Publication of the Journal commenced April 3. Back Numbers supplied from the commencement. Subscriptions may be made with Booksellers or News Agents, or by sending a order .to the Publishers. Appletons' Journal, Monthly.- Parts, 50 CENTS. EitiBECREPTION, $4.50 PER AMIN. Vol. I, bound in Moron Cloth, PRICE P.M D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 90. 92 and 94 Grand Street, o . I:p28 0 i THE SELECT AND ..kO3l- MONILPA CO UNCILS OP THE CIT YAW PIT IS. /M. Your notched Committee appointed by Joint resolution of June Zi. ISM. In conjunction with the City Solicitor and City Engineer, “to enquire into and ascertain the right of the city to the piece of ground at the Junction of the rivers Allegheny and Monongahela, and the extent of the same. and whether It would be gettable far a eltY peek. &c., and with power to confer with the All. , glieny County Monumental Association as to the practicability of adopting the same as a site for the location of said monument, &c,, ,, respectfully submit for your coo sideratlon the following renort: We And that the city is the owner of a piece of ground at the place indicated containing about seven acres. The City Engineer has prepared a draft of the same, which is herewith submitted. thatn examination of the same It will be seen by protecting the banks by a wall built of stone, and including a small riece of _ground at at the. Junction of Water street and Duquesne Way, belonging to private individuals and con taining about two acres, the same ms y be made into a public park which will contain over nine acres. The cost of the entire improvements cannot ex ceed twenty-Ave thousand dollars. It will have a water front of three -fifths of the whole, and will be easily accessible to all the thickly settled and crowded portions of the city.. Lilt's as it doss at the extreme west end of the city, and separated by the three rivers from the manufectuting• por. ions of the neighboring city and boroughs, it is the cleanest part of the city of Pittsburgh. It is in rull view of all approachlog the city from tae West, by rail or river, and the most suitable place for a public park in the city. We have conferred with the managers of the Alleghenyl Chanute Monumeeetal Association, but as we could not officially offer them this site (or their monument and they could not therefore adopt the same, yet we feisi assured • that If the same were offered. it wontat once he adopted by their board as the Slonum nt. place bove all others suita bleic* for the Soldiers , We fled. however. It will' necessary before Councils can establish said park, to procure ad- Vowel State legislation. We therefore recommend that Councils take the necessary st. - ps to lay out and improve a pub lic park at the place designated, and wcordingly herewith submit the draft of an act of As sembly for the purpose, with the accompanying resointion. - JIM. BARTOW. Chairman. 062 W.H. H. BERGER. RED AND FIRE BUICK PRESSES. CLAY Torpranitt MA , CRINES and BRICK MAKER'S' TOOLS mann /Wand at No. 309 8012th Fifth street, delPhis, Pa. ; seznpa PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1869. NEW AD • a 1• IZ ailJ 3 WILLIAM FEDERAL STREET, WATERPROOF CLOTH WATERPROOF CLOTH 'WHITE BLANKETS, FULL SIZE At $3,50 a Pair, At 6 1-4 Cents, FAIR LINEN TOWELING. At 12 1-2 Cent s, EXTRA WIDE TOWELING. At 12 1-2 Cents, Good Canton Flannel. 150 ALL THE POPIJ WHOLESALE RAMJILEY'S RAT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue. A FULL STOCK Of All the New Styles OF HATS AND CAPS OF THE SEASON. 1e18:1)45-rrns 1/ Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets. EVENING SESSIONS Commence , Monday, October 4th UNEQUALED ADVANTAGES afforded to Clerks and Young Men engaged daring the day for acquiring a thorough tweetteal business edu tion;by attending evenings only. Insieti of a single teacher employed to give In structton to all branches promiscuously, separ ate Professors are provided for each department of study, thui securing efficiency and rapid pro• gress at the same time. NEW YO. • K. EMMID NEW VOLUME OF LANGE'S COMMENTARY Epistle. to the Romans, BY J. P. Lange, D. D., & Bev. F. B. Fay, Translated.. viihaes 7)e z rillaWilAt' r 7, b l3 .li ß ga Rev. B. RIDDLE. VOL Svo. Cloth. D.D., For Sale by JOSEPH HORNER, 129 Smithfield Street. seD•a-rus 0 PECS ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORKER S AND PERFIIIIKN, , No. Market street, Plttaburgb„ Alwatzn nand, au,enerar assortment of La dies, GS, BANDS, CURLS: eantlemenis WIGEJ,_ DEES, 130 ALPS, tiISARD 011A1103, BRACELETS, IC. airA. gOO4 Price in cub will be given for RAW HAIR. Ladies , and Gentlemen's Hair Cutting don , in the neatest manner. ocl N OTICE.—We have admitted J. W. COOK as a member of our arm, to date from August Ist, 1869, MEir STRAY MllLE.— Carne to the residence of the undersigned. on Wednee. day. September *9th, a LARGE DARK BROWN MIMI, MARK. The owner Is requested te come after her. pal charges and take bar away. B. AUTB. 3 151 Sntlatillald idlest K. P. NILLE.B. OFFERED Nos. 180 At Si 1-2 Cents. AT $l.OO. ALL WOOL Off' . TH SMITH do COWLEY, YRINCIPALE. CHESS. SmyTH & Co NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THIS DAY SEMPLE'S and 182 ALLEGHENY CITY EXTRA BARGAINS IN New Dress Goods, New Shawls and Skirts, New Cassimeres, Housekeeping Dry Goods OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. Ladies', Gents and Children's LNDERWEAR AXD HOSIERY. Special Attention Directed to BLANKETS, FLANNELS. LAB BARGAINS E 1) -EL -Sr Al ID ruErrALIT_.. ELEGANT CARPETS. The latest and most besutLful designs ever shown In TAPESTRY OR BODY .1311.11.7SS_IELS. Just reeelved by direct Importation frcm Eng land. 30 1 .1RALT GMT SEES Of the latest sty lealn large quantities. OLIVER McCLINTOCK & CO. 23 Fifth Avenue. .. oc2 GRIFFIN & 110FEIIAN, AUTHORIZED A.DYERTISING AGES - TS FOB Newspapers, Magazines and Periodicals of United States and Canada, No. 1 St. Paul Street, (Bank of Baltimore Building,) BALTIMORE, MD. We insert Advertisements at Publishers' Low est Rates, having no advance charges thereon; but guarantee, on the contrary, round biscounts when a number of Newspapers are contracted for. REFER, BY PERMISSION, TO J. D. Featly, Cuhler l int National 'Bank, Pittsburgh, T, B. Young, Pittsburgh. Carter, McGrew & Co.. Pittsburgh. Drexel & Co.. Philadephia. Larned & Starr. Philvelphia, R. Patterson & Co., Philadelphia, Johnston Brothers & Co., Baltimore, Thomson & Bloch, Baltimore, W. T. Walters & Co., Baltimore. Sep p 5 TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK, Wood St., corner Second Avenue. A. BRLDLEY, President, CYRUS CLARKE, Jr., Cashier. Interest paid on Deposits. Oold, Coupons, Bonds and Stocks bought and sold. d&F RARE AND • i FASHIONABLE CONFECTIONS FOR PRESENTS. GEO. BEATEN, 114 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny se7:101-rm FOR SALE. ear the Borough of Freedom, Beaver county, and 3 minutes walk from station on Ft. Wayne arid Chicago Railroad, a small FARM of Se acres, with 100 fruit trees and more than 100 grape vines, ad bearing and of choicest varie• ties; a three story Frame house with 10 rooms, large Barn, *c. This property Is offered at a bargain. Parties who want to secure a handy garden farm, accessible to the city. will do well to examine this property, as a chance like tam to set a cheap and comtbrtable home, Is seldom offered to a man with limited means. For particulars inquire at 87 Grant Street, first floor, TUSTIN & KLEE. 017IC/I 01' TUlPtrrastrnon GAS COMPANY. PITTSBURG% October 1, 111(19. frellir—On and after this date and until farther notice, the price of Coal Tar will be TWO DOLL/Lftd Plfit BARREL. • By order of the Board of Trustees. cl;Ple W N. M;CLILLAND, Tressurer. POLITICAL. E: 1- TWELFTH WARD MEET ING.—The Repu +Hearts of the Twelfth ward will hold primary meeting , tt the School House between thu hours of 3 and 7 P. M. this day for tee purpose of nominating candi dates for watd offices. By ordtr COMMITTEE. rrgrTWENTY-FIRST WARD.- The Republicans of the TWENTY FIRST WARD will meet at their WIG WA3f. next TUESDAY. OCTOBER sth, at T o'clock P. x., for tin nomination of ward officers. Every one is requested to attend. 0c2:143. PRYER SE,ESfAIi. Chin'n, - PRIMARY ELECTION FOURTH WARD —At a meeting of the Republican citlzzris of the Fourth ward, Pitts burgh. held at th. school house on Tuesday even. Ing, Sent. ESth, it was Resolved, Tbst the Pd. msry Election for ward be held at the SCHOOL HOUSE. on MONDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 4th, between the bcurs of 4 and o'clock. J. D. OWENS, oc2:pllS C't airman. Ilar REPUBLICANS OF THE FOURTH WARD, PITTSBTRGH.— There will be a meeting of the Republ:can you rs of the' Fourth Ward. Pittsburgh, on SATUR DAY EVENING, October tad, at the PUBIC SCHOOL HOUSE, at o'clock. to euggest Lames for the primary election to be hetd on MONDAY AFTARN.AtN, between four and seven o'clock. A full attendance Is requesteite 0c2:p27 ATTENTION, Executive Committee and Vigilance Committees. The Itiem*.ers of the. Republican Executive Committee fo• Allegheny County. are requested to meet at 11 Wawa A ii., on TUESDAY,O c toter sth, at CITY HALL. . A full meeting is desired. At Cie Fame time and place, the Chairmen of the Republican Vigll.nce Committees of the dif ferent districts throughout the county, and as many members of each of said Vigilance Com mittees as can attend, are earnestly requested and expected to be present. Business of great importance will be before the meeting. and It is hoped that every Committee man, and every Chairman of Vigilance Commit tees, together with as many members of Vigi lal.ce Consuittees 53 ran attend will be on hand. By order of the Committee. ' W.S.TURVIANCE Chairman. ICALT ER S. McCIIN Col. OW() r. MORGAN. f` — '"'"'"• ae:lo:n7 10 — GRAND REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING AT CITY On . Monday, October 4th, At 7,ka o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. JOILN SCOTT, U. E. SENATOR PROM PENNSYLVANIA Hon. H. BUCHER SWOPE, Hon. G. A. GROW. Campaign. Geary and Glee Ciubs are earnestly Invltea to attend. Tarn out rn ma,se to welcome these able and eloquent sp,akeds. JOHN S LAMBIE, Chairman. J. S. PEEGUSON. Secretary. ae3o:pB igirREPUBLICAN MEETING On: Saturday, October 2d, at 4 P. M., • AT • LIBRARY, In Snowden Township, will be addressed I y Hon. THOMAS HOWARD, JOHN H. KERR; Esq., JOSIAH C011E14.7, Efq. By order of Committee on Speakers and• Mee t • r. arREPUBLICAN MEETING On Saturday, October 2d, at .3 P.M., AT WARREN'S HOTEL ) In Marshall Township, will be addressed by A. M. BROWN. Esq., Col. T. M. RAY.Nk., H. C. MACKRELL. Esq., s, PURI/lA-NCB, Asti. By cyder of Committee on Meetings and Speak ers. ass pgrREPUBLICAN MEETING AT TEE HOUSE OF J. M. SCHLESSMAN / On the Washington Pike, in Union Ty.. On Monday Evening, October 4th, At 7,ki o'clock. The mretingwill be addressed by W. C. MORELANU. Esq., MILES r. Hu MYHREYS, W S. McCUNE, Esq. A Glee Club from Temperanceville will be in attendance. By order of Committee on Speakers and Meet ings. se3o:p9 fg"FOR MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ALLEGHENY: SIMON DRUM, Sulject to the decleitua of the Ittpubllcau pri mary el•ctlon, to be held Saturday, October ltd. ik27:4,85 Igr'FOß MAYOR, A. P. CALLOW. Subject to the declstoU of the Primary ElEctlone, on Saturday. October 2d INDEPENDENT TEMPEU• ANON CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ISAIAH DICKEY. an 50212 BARK La -AL R. ar..10 IS Cheap Merlacqh 1 Cheap Silks, Cheap Poplins, Cheap Alpacas, Cheap Linens, Cheap Crashes, Cheap Flannels, Cheap Muslim, Cheap Delaines, Cheap Calicos, iimurranr a . ; NV. 3ELALIFILMIL 59 MARKE Mr - NOTICM--"To-Let," "For Sale," "Losf,""Wants,""Found,"".Thctrding," &c., not exceeding FOUR be inserted in these coluwns cen(, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each G4:44- tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED---HELP WANTED. -AL GOOD .PHOTO GRAPHER, to rent anew suite of ro .ms built expressly for a first class Pho•ograoh Gal lery. Por further Information appry at No 175 Wood street. Pittsburgh, Ya. WANTED,—! BOY 12 to 115 years of age to assist In a Grocery moire In Allegheny. Adaress C. A.. Allegheny. WANTED—.4ILELP.---AT Elln. PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Clair Street, BOYS GIRLS and HEN, for dinerent kinds of employment. Persons wanting Self, of all kinds can be sup p lied on abort notice. WANTED —A good SINGER SEWING MACHINE to exchange for Dressing Bureaus. or Bureau and W , shstaad. knquire at 1 0 41 North Avenue, Allegheny. LOST.—On the St. Clair Street 11_4 Susponalon Bridge, or Federal Street, a GuLD PEN AND PENCIL. A liberal reward wlll be clv.n If returned to No. 12 Stockton Avenue, AllEtrbeny City. F OUND—On Wednesday moan . ING,oppos'te Ileazleton , s store, In the Dl amono, a ruCSET BOOK, containing a sum of mulles-, which the o wner can have by calling at this Mike and dt.seribing the money and pocket bock, TO LET. mo-LET--ROO3l-.4. furnished Room.sulteb`e for one or two alnin.. gentle men. Tel ms reasonable Inquire at 173 Second /01,1111 e. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—One-half of a valuable PATENT for Penosvlvants. A small article used in all houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars Address PATENT. Postonlee Box 690. von. ahLE.—SOUTH AVENUE 12 RESIDE:NCR. Alteghiny City. Lot is 28 feet by 150 to a 20 feet alley; house contains 11 rooms, good cellars, gas toronwhout and finithPd In good orcer. Apply to CROFT Zs PHILLIPS, Real iStIltA perms. No 739 vourth Acen.e. - pun SALE.—Business Stand on Chestnut street, Allegheny City, has bets' used as a bakery and confectionary fora number of years, and is now occupied as such with a good custom. This Is an opening seldom offered, and a practical man can do a number one business. Terms easy and satisfactory seasons for selling' Apply to eIhOFT t PHILLIt'S,No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE .- LOON HERE :- CHEAP FARM one mile from a S'atlon on the C, & P. R. H.. in Jefferson eonntv. Ohio, c..ritaftdug 1 , 10 acres AT ONLY *35 Der acre: good lint rovements. good water, underlaid with coal, and Ina good nelkhborbto 1. MUST BE SoLD. Terms easy. If you wan: a cheau f.rm home don't tail to call tool at th , Rey' Estate office of Ct OFT & PHILLIPti, No. I:i9 Fourth avenue, I OR MALL—FRUIT FA ICI and HOME. containing 13 acres, 10 miles t. orn Hie city limits and 4 miles trot, a Station on the A. V. R. IL; good house. stable. Sc ; an acre In era pelt. All kinds or fruits. from a currant to an apple. The Improvements and fruits are worth all that Is asked for the property; it acres underlaid with c , al; even , acre; soil equal to any In the UNITED:TATES. Apply to CRoFT PHILLIP:, Real Estate Agents, No. 1:19 unurth Avenue. Qi-t7. AN ACKE WILL PLR, tokfity cIIASE a , b.slrahle Farm of 103 acres lir Columbiana county,. Ohio 4 mil-s f,om Enon Station. V.. N. W. &C. R. R. Can work Ivory foot of the land t y machinery; all secord t•ettoni land; comfortable Improv.m..nt,„:good water, &c. This property Is ',rated in what might he called the Garden of Eastern Ohio. Land around this sell a for 0100 per acre. Cannot fail to please a good farmer. Terms easy. Aprlv to CRuPT & PRILLiVS, ocl 'No. 139 F , urth avenue. VOR !SALE.-81110P ON AORTIC ANEN UP. ALLEGE': NV CITY, PA.— Toe building. 38:10 feet Is being used by .fas. Godfrey & (A. As a manfacturlng . stab ishinent. One of the members of the Arm wisning to retire from business on account of poor heal. h, we have decided to close out this part of the busi ness t a bargain. Also good wit of steam Pow , (5 to 10 hors.. power ) tonis and machine thlnery ; would make a good wagon maker shop; ,ot 60x100 feet, on 5 year• For further particulars luqvire at No. 44 Ohio street, gbeny, Pa. F 1 OR SALE-10 AeRES, LESS or more,! In Plum township, Allegheny contr. Allegheny Valle iR. It. rugs through it. Two hundred yards from station. Frame hone of six rooms, and good stable. and all other ne cessary out-buildings: orchard of 100 bearing fruit tn es, of all kinds; good garden, grape ar bor. and geoseberries and curra. ts; $25.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will suit for resi dences or manufacturing establtshments: coal under entire place: good indications of oil; deepest water and best landing on the river; all well fenced, Inquire of A. B. KERR, on the premises. FOR SALE. • OUSE AND LOT, No. 54 James street; House, new Crime. contains 7 rooms and store roo; uso Frame Shop on rear of lot: shop 17z 28 fe e t ; the la SO by 100 feet; is a splendid place for &grocer,' baker or butcher; will be sold cheap. SOUBES AND L 0713 fronting on Pleasant Valley P. R. R.: houses each contain 5 rooms; lots are 17 by 200 feet 2 Houses and Lots on Fleming street; 4 lots on Robinson Road. t•eventh Ward. HOMO?. AND LOT In Salem, Ohio: 8 acres of ground in Reserve township; 2 lots on Freemont street. Other Houses and Lots In good localities. le gain of I!. WHITMORE, Real Estate agent, corner Ohio anU Bandtuskg street, Allegheny. DEE SONAI.—AII persons seek-. j. IVO 11031F.5, or investments In Real Es tate, will save titre, trouble and money by_pro. curling a copy of the "PPPTSBUItUIi REAL ESTATE BEGIEITER." It le given away GRATIS or will be sent by mall Fuzz to any requesting It. Persons cannot tail to get suited out of the large list it contains. CROFT & PHILLIPe, Pao fishers and Real Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. se27:ofS MONEY TJ LOAN.-$2O 000 to loan on Bond and Mortgage In large or mall amount a, THOMAS K. PETTY. BM, Bond and Real Estate 'Broker. E R raw . ® c liE. ®_F Cheap Shawls. Cheap Cloaks, Cheap Suit% Cheap Arabs, Cheap Blankets, Cheap Quilts, Cheap Towels, Cheap Shirt Fronts, Cheap HandkUS, Cheip Hosiery, Cheap Gloves, G CHEAP AT 3EI3R. db CXWES. T STREET. Egi WANTS. LOST. FOUND LOAN. No. 219 Smithfield street