The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, October 02, 1869, Image 1

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(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
PARIS, October I.—Reports from Ma
drid represent that the Republican move
ment in Catalonia and Andalusia prom
ises to deceive the hopes ofita instigators.
MADRID, October Commission of
r , fifteen deputies to the Cortes has been
charged with the duty of reporting on
the various candidates for the throne of
PARTS, Oetober I.—A Council of Min
isters will be held•to-morrow, at which
it is expected a decision in regard to the
convocation of the Chamber will be ar
rived at.
LONDON, October I.—Consols: For
money, 93; account, 9314, 520 Bonds of
'62, 8436; '65, 83%; '67, 83; 10.40'5, 76;
1 62's at Frankfort; 87;04;88; Erie, 2414;
Illinois, 943: stocks firm.
OCt. I.—Bourse firm;. Rentes,
71f 41
Lli," *POOL, October I.—Cotton sales
for the, week, 6,300 bales; speculation
took 13,000 and exports 13,000; receipts
-54,000 hales, 35,000 of which were Ameri
can; stock, 442,000, including 160,000
American. Amount at sea, 392,000 bales,
including 80,000 American. The market declined 144 and closing fiat, with
sales of 6,000 bales of middling uplands
at 12y,d; Orleans 12, 3 0. Manchester
market heavy. Breadstuffs quiet. Re
-ceipts wheat far 3 days, 35,000 quarters,
Including 25,000 American; California
- white 10s.8d; red western 93 4d®9ii sd.
Flour 245. Corn 29.36 d. Oats 3s 6ii. Peas
44s 6d.Pork 110 s. Beef 89. Lard 74s.Cheese
63s 6d. Bacon 63s 6d. Spirits Petroleum,
refined, is 730. Tallow 475. Turpentine
26s 3d. Linseed oil 335.
LONDON, October I, Tallow 475.
.Sperm Oil 945. E3ifgar unchanged. Re
fined Petroleum Is 730. Spirits Tur
pentine 28s.
ANTWERP, October I.—Evening.—Pe•
treleum closed flat and unchanged.
- HAVRE, October I—Evening.—Cotton
dull and unchanged.
Less Conßacine on the Street—The New
York Press on the Situation—lniunc
tions and Counter Injunctions—De.
serted - Appearance of the Gold Room—
Smoke of the Battle Blowing Away,
By Telegraph to the Pltteborgh Gazette.]
NEW YeRE, October 1, 1869.
The prevailing -feeling on the street
this, afternoon iscri.3_of rather, Jess confi
dence than this morning. All kinds of
stocks have *been lower from a variety
• of camel% but prixtelpsdly because outside
parlles, who bought yesterday and this
morning of different stocks, made up
%their minds to sell and realize their
profits, returnable until Monday. The
affairs of Lockwood tic Co. are being gen
erally canvassed on the street. The ac.
tual condition of the firni cannot be
known for some time, but from the enor
mous magnitude of their tradsactions,
.and the fearful sacrifice they made in
their almost frantic endeavors to keep
themselves from failing, their con
dition, it is feared, .is really
worse than "'hill been " imagined.
- They are said to have paid one million
in gold difference alone,
and they were
bulls in Paci fi c' Mail Stock at from
120 down_ to - 60. The effect of these
transactions must have • been most dis
astrous. The street was filled with ru
- more this morning in regard to the
loss of the Lake Shore or Michi
.gan Southern Companies by the
late panic. It is also reported that the
Lake Shore Company, in order to stop
the building of the Akron branch road,
bought 16,000 shares of the Toledo and
Wabash -at 85, and paid for it, and they
further contracted to receive 15,000 shares
more on Octobor 18th, on which a deposit
of SO per cent. Avail put up.
The COmmercial says that the investi
--gations to-day makes it probable that the
amount owing by Lockwood a Co. to
the _Lake Shore Company, will be near
11,500,000. Nc formal meeting of the
Directors of the Lake Shore Company
has been held to-day. Some opposition
is offered to Mr. Banker being the snc
-cessor of Mr. Lockwood by the Directors
recently arrived in the city.
The Express has a report that Mr.
Banker has been tendered the Treasurer
ship, and declined, but it seems improb
able..An informal Conference was held
10-day, however, and four members were
delegated to wait on Mr. Lockworki and
ascertain whether what funds belonging '
to the company has been involved in his
The Post says: According to report
he, as Treasurer, held before the snapen
- slob of his house, 5620,000 in cash be. '
longing toihe Company, and the pro-
deeds of the sale 0f11,075,000 par value
of the stock of the Company, which,
cccording to rumor, he sold at 81.
It is reported that Commodore Van
derbilt has effected a loan of 510,000,000
with Barring Bros, giving Hudson stock
at par as collateral, and that one half of .
the sum will be used to purchase the
70,000 shares of Lake Shore.
The propriety of establishing a new
clearing house is being discussed in the
Gold Rooms The plan proposed Is to
-clear all the gold at a given price. No
action has yet been taken, but the propo.
salon is seriously talked of.
Many millions of , gold on Friday's
contracts were settled to-day, and this
.end of this complicated affair seems to
be drawing to a close. It may, however,
take some days to clear up the wreck.
There were some injunctions, and ,
counter-Injunctions, to-day.
The uold Room presented a deserted
appearance this afternoon, owing to the
brokers being busily engaged in their
offices, or making settlements around
the street.
The President of the Gold Room re
ceived the following notice from the Gold
Exchange Bank.
Hew York Gold Exchange Bank, Oct°.
.ber,l6l 1869:—T0 Townsend Cox, Rm,
Sir: I am directed to notify every
dealer with this Bank to send, into the
whatever nature against this Bank, with
Bank a full and complete account of
claims of every item specified to verify
those claims. • Rhis should be done at
once: Respectfully, H. N. BENEDICT,
Late in the day the following addi
tional notice was sent to dealers with the
• Gold Exchange Bank:
New York Gold .exchange Bank, Oct. 1,
1869.—Dealers with the Gold Exchange
Bank will please send in at once their
statements of Friday morning, amended
on the basis of striking out from their
statements the nine names advertised as
rejected on September 27. The names
are as follows: Albert Speyers, Dorwin
& Babcock, Galway, Hunter & Co., Wm.
Belden & Co:, Zerega & Graves: Chase,
McClure& Co., P. H Williams, Jr. & Co.,
Charles W. Keep it Co:, James Brown &
Vice President.
The State Superintendent of the Bank
ing Department is understood to express
his opinion that when the statements are
all in the Bank will be in such a con
dition as to be released from the receiver
ship, If this be true, then many brokers
will be able to meet their liabilities and
resume business. It is reported that
Smith, Gould and Martin will be forced
into bankruptcy by their creditors.
Gala Day Closed In Sorrow—Frightful
Accident—Amid Thousands at the In.
Mane state Fair a Steam Boller Ex
plodes—Twenty Persons Instantly
Killed and over One Hundred Seriously
Injured—List of Killed and Wounded
—Narrow Escape of Governor Baker—
An Infant Killed in its Father's Arms
—Harrowing Details—A City Shrouded
- in Gloom.
[By Telegraph to the Pittatorgh Gazette.)
INDIANAPOLIS, October I.—A terrible
accident occurred at the State Fair this
evening. The boiler , of Sinker & Co., of
this city, exploded a few minutes before
four o'clock. There was an immense
crowd on the ground at the time
-of - the accident, and it is difficult to
get the particulars. - It is known
hcwever, that twelve persons were in
stantly killed, and the number of wound
ed will probably reach one hundred.
• The accident at the Fair Ground this
afternoon is the most heartrending that
has ever occurr&t in this vicinity and
has cast a gloom over the entire city.
The explosion occurred a few minutes
before four o'clock, when the grounds
were crowded with visitors.
The boiler was attached to a saw mill
of Messrs. Sinker & Co., of this city, and
had just been fired up for a test of speed
with another sawing machine. Arrange
ments were made to take it up as soon
as the trial was over.
So far as can be ascertained to-night,
there were nineteen persons killed.;
The excitement and confusion is so
great tonight that it is difficult to ob
tain a correct list of the wounded, but it
Is thought the number will reach nearly
one hundred. The following are among
the killed.
P. L. Davis, of Indianapolis, A. M.
Bento, of FL Wayne, Ind; John Gould
ing, of Indianapolis; Daniat , Long, Fay
etteville, Ind.: Lewis Wilson, Indianap
olis; :Mr. Roaster, Indianapolis; Ruell
Beverley, Paragon, Indiana; L. B.; Mc-
Vey, student, of Ashboxy University,
Green Castle; John Wilson, Indianapolis;
Mr. Jackson, Memphis, Ind.; Peter
Kreitzer, Indianapolis; a lady, name un
known, and a little girl seven or eight
years old; and five men, names un
Most of the dead were removed to W.
W. Weaver's undertaker's office, where
an inquest will probably be held to-mor
row. Many of the bodies are horrioly
mutilated and burned, and in some cases,
so that it will be almost impossible for
their friends to recognize them.
Many of the most severely wounded
were conveyed to the Indiana Surgical
Institution, the proprietors of which, as
soon as they heard of the accident, ten
dered the use pf the Institute for the
use of the wounded, and have been un
tiring in their efforts to alleviate their
sufferings. The following is a partial
list of the wounded:
H. B. Cox, Randolph county, Indiana,
slightly injured;.-J. B. Legs, Wabash
county, Ind., slightly injured; Gideon
Marts, Cicero, Md., leg broken and in
jured in the head; Henry Coleman, bad
ly cut in the head; J. A. McVey,
dangerously wounded Internally;
John White, injured severely in
the head; William Pearson, Danville,
Indiana, very badly wounded; Nathan
Arbison, Plainfield, Ind., severely injur
ed; Gilman Sloan. Indianapolis, leg frac
tured and Beverly injured Internally;
Mrs. Caraline Weaver, Hamilton county,
Lid., arm fractured and otherwise
seriously injured; Mrs. Sarah Williams,
Johnson county, Injured in the back; N.
R. Evans, leg broken and injured in the
head; Isaac Long and sister, of Fayette
ville, Indiana,' both badly injur
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor and daugh
ter, of Indianapolis, all seriously
wounded; Mr. and MrBl E. T. Sinker, of
Indianapolis, both seriously, but not
dangerously wounded; Mrs. Staley and
daughter, of Indianapolis, seriously
wounded; Dr. Reightly, of Green Castle,
has since died. •
A little babe was killed in its father's
arms, the father escaping Without injttry.
Gov. Baker was on the, ground at the
time of the explosion. A portion of the
boiler passed over his head and strpek
his coachman a few feet in his rear. in
juring him severely.
The scene at the Fair ground after the
accident was most heart-rending. Many
of the killed were torn in fragment&
One family, a mother and 'three childten,
.the mother was killed and the two older
chidren badly scalded,--the youngest
_.lg. gentleman end lady were
walking" together gentientan was
killed, and the lady escaped unhurt.
Everything is being done to aleviate
the sufferings of the wounded that can be'
done. It is thougnt several more of the
injured will die. The receipts of the
Fair to-morrow will begiven for the be
nefit of thewounded, The following ad
ditional killed and wounded are re
Wm. Dunning . , Indianapolis, formerly
of Rochester, N. Y, killed; John Ken
nedy, Indianapolis, killed; Mrs. Bul
lock, Shelby county, Geo. Wright. St.
Paul, Ind., and Lucinna H. Smith, In
dianapolis. badly wounded; , l Mr. Loring,
Franklin, Ind.. Gadly scalded and arm
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, October 1, 1568
Debt bearing Interest) In coin and
bonds. at 0 eo per cent V.,215.893.300 00
Bonds at six per e:nt 1.586, WOOO CO
Debt beanne latereat 1 lawful
money — eertlticatea 3 per cent..
liayy pension fund, 3 percent....
Debt on winch IL Wrest bee ceased
Since maturity
Debt bearing noloterert—demand
and legal tender notes
Postal and factional ctirre. Tr—
Certificates of goad deposited....
Total amount outstanding
Total debt. princlUal and Inter
est to date, Including coupons
due and not presented for pay.
went ;^_.6.}4.600 8.56 09
Amount in Tremsury
Coln.. ..
''' *
.In U. &Coln, Interest on bonds
- and acc:ued Interest thereon.... 16,125,158
Other U. S. colu, U. 3...lnterest
bonds purchased and accrued
Interest thereon - 34,625 962 50
Total 1 1 06 ,114.783 OS
Debt. lees amount In Treasury.— 2,469,C/5,072 11
Debt, lees amount in theTrt saucy
on the first proximo .. . $ 2,475.952,501 50
Decreage DeDi.
Decrease of the public &M. dor-
Inc the past mouth - $ 7,467.4 Z 23
Decrease since March 4th. 1869—.1 56,561,167 00
The published report that the delega
tion of iron and stew manufacturers now
here, repmenting the iron men of Penn
sylvania,elNew York and New. Jersey,
came her for the purpose of obtaining
recommendations from the Secretary of
the Treasury for a revision of the tariff
on the manufacture of iron, is untrue.
These men do not desire an increase of
tariff, nor any evasion thereof. They
have been asking an increase for several
years, but they are now convinced
that if the present tariff is collected, it
will be quite sufficient for their protec
tion. They complain of the frauds
which have been practiced by importers
in the matters of undervaluation. This
is done by placing a less value on the ar
ticles imported than they were worth,
and thus defrauding the Customs, and
injuring the home producers. A delega
tion of importers will arrive here in a
day or two, in opposition to the interest
represented by the gentlemen already
here, They claim that it is a mere mat.
ter of . the interpretation of the law.
Private advices from Tennessee indi
cate that an.effort will be made to place
ex-Senator A. 0. P. Nicholson on the
track for senator, in opposition to John
son, with it view to carry off any Demo
cratic strength now used in favor of the
latter. It , is thought that this movement
is the moat damaging to Johnson's sue.
ems that can be made, as Mr. Nicholson's
popularity is said to be very great-40h"
the lncon:fing Assembly.
The Cobamittee of fifteen heretofore.
appointed, to prepare an outline of a plan
for the International Industrial Exposi
tion, held a meeting tonight. A resolu
tion was adopted declaring it practicable
to hold such exposition in 1871, and that
all proper measures should be taken to
make it successful.
There is \ i reasem to believe that our
Governmen has adopted all the Imes
sary measures for the purpose of cap
turing or obtaining possession of the
steamer Telegraph, now or recently en
gaged In committing depredations on
American commerce. •
Beverly B. Bates has been appointed
Collector of Internal Revenue for the
Sixth District, Virginia, vice Samuel
Rateling, )3 uspended.
Important Army Order!,
CB9 Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Eissette.3 •
Cmcacto, October I.—The following
edlnmuniCatlon was, received at General
Sheridan's headquarters, In this city, to
Headquarters Camp Supply, Sept. 11,
1869: To Brevet Col. W. 0. Mitchell,
Acting Adjutant General, Department
of the Missouri.—Sin: 1 have the honor
to report that the Indians who crossed the
railroad at Grennell's Station, on the
Kansas dc Pacific Railroad, on the 9th of
August. have arrived at this camp, and
asked for peace. They number about
one hundred and thirty souls. Thirty
two were Cheyennes and the balance
Sionz. White Horse, they- report, went
north. .They say they have enough
fighting. All of the stock captured was
Cheyennes, as the Sioux had all their
stock in camp.
The following order has been issued
by Gen. Sherman, from ttie War
Departmert at Washington.
The Superintendent general recruiting
service at St. Louis, Mo., will assign all
disposable colored recruits at Fort
Leavenworth, Kansas, to tirelOth'United
States Cavalry, subject to the orders of
the Department Commander relative to
their movement. The Quartermaster's
Department will furnish the necessary
Riot at a Political Meeting.
CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburth Gazette.]
publican meeting. proposed to be held
to-night, on the corner of Twentipth and
Market streets, was the scene of riot
from its commencement. An attack was
made upon the meeting. The stand was
broken up, and the speakers were beaten
with clubs. A message was pent to the
police station for proteetkin tti those
holding the meeting, which 'was flatly
Attackon the Keystone Club.
Cra Telekratm tolde Pittsburgh Gazette./
PHILADELPHIA., October I. 2 —From fif
teen to twenty persona were injured in
the attack on the Keystone Club, a
Democratic organization, including two
or three policemen, who were en
deavoring to quell the disturbance.
The attack occurred in front of the
Mayor's Office, and within five doors
of the Invinoiblea' headquarters.
AY, OCTOBER 2, 1869.
—The tobacco crop in 'Ohio and Ken
tucky has been injured by the early frost.
—The first cargo of new m-on tea from
China reached London, England, yester
—Geo. W. Curtiss declines the Repub
lican nomination for. Secretary of State
of New York.
—The Archbishop of Oregon is about
to depart for Rome, to attend 'the Ecn
—The Lake. Shore Railroad yesterday
paid the interest on the bonds of the
Buffalo and Erie branch.
—Rumor places the liabilities of Lock
wood, the New York gold broker, at
thirty to thirty-five
—There was a heavy shock of earth
quake at San Lorenzo, California, yester
day, accompanied by a loud noise.
The Altoona fair closed yesterday.
It bums in ever respect a grand success.
A fast horse faircomes off next month.
the me
—lnjmbe unctions have
New been
York Gold issued agai rs
rs of the Ea
change, prohibiting them from buying
or selling oat anybody, ,
—The Legislature of Washington Ter
ritory assembles at Olympia Oct. bar 4th,
when the, adoption of the new code of
laws for the Territory will be co “Idered.
—The National Bank of Norw lk,Con
necticut. was entered by burgle : Thurs
day night and 430,000 stolen. he loss
to private individuals is imm- , se, but
amount is not known.
•$101,936,800 00
42,123„660 83
50,545 000 00
14,000 000 00 ccr
1,2 E 202 50
1.5"' 4'i6 84
620,774 6
356,114,644 so
24 412,720 00
II 413.528.662 00
• 2.560,6=158 64
. 44.116 697 46
ICS SOI 658 '3l
• 6.557.004 11
—The Chairman of the Execut ye Com
mittee of the Irish Repuoilcan Associ
ation officially contradicts the reported
call of a meeting of the Committee In
New York, on the 30th of Octobtr.
—The Board of Police of Washington
City have dismissed a white private,
charged with insubordination. The of
fence consisted in his refusal to serve
with a colored collegue on the force.
—An explosion in the oil r ery of
Edward Downer, at Utica, N. Yi Thurs
day evening resulted in terriblyburning
Phillip Radick, and the destr atm of
the main refinery building: a $5O,-
000. Sawhy it. McClure's fours foundry was
partially burned. Loss 110,000.
- —The steamship Euterpe _wag seized
at New York on Thursday by the 'United
States Marshal, she having on board
thirty large Parrott gnus, three thousand -
solid shot, and several tons of shell
believed to be intended for the thirty
Spanish gunboats now being finished
here. The Enterpe was to sail yester
day morning and await at sea the sail
ing of the gunboats some night next
—The Common Council of Louisville
last night adopted an ordinance granting
the Louisville, Cincinnati & Lexington,
and the Louisville & Nashville Railroad
Companies the right of way through the
city to connect' their respective tracks
upon condition that the L. C. &L. Co., I
shall change its present gauge of five
feet, to four feet eight and a half nches.
within one year, the city to pa. three
fifths of the cost of said change.
—About one hundred feet of tit coffer
dam on the Upper Rapids on the *ssis
sippi river, at Moline, gave way on
Thursday, entailing a loss of about one '
hundred and fifty thousand dollars and
delaying the work one season. Work
on the Boelvlsland - Bapida has been sus
pended and' the coffer dams flooded.
Some eight hundred men have been
thrown out of employment.
—The centennial celebration iat Ban
gor, yesterday, comprised a large
procession, in which all the school chil
dren and trades participated. All the
houses and public buildings were dec
orated. Business was entirely sus
pended. The oration was delivered by
Judge Godfrey, and a poem written by
Mrs. Crosby was read. A canoe and bat
teaux regatta in the afternoon and a
banquet in the evening closed the fes
ExecuUve Committee Meeting.
A meeting of the County Republican
Executive Committee was held in the
District Court room, Friday, October Ist,
W. S. Purviance in the Chair.
The meeting was callod to order at 3
o'clock and the minutes of , the preced
ing meeting read and approved.
On motion the following gentlemen
were appointed a Committee to receive
Hon. John Scott, Hon. Galusha A. Grow
and Hon. Bucher Swope, whol, will ad
dress a meeting at City Hali, Monday
evening, the 4th tilt: John Peath, Esq.,"
Joseph A. Taylor, Esq., Col. T. M. Bare
and Col. George F. Morgan.,
On motion of S. W. Reynolds, Z. Wain
wright, from the Seventeenth ward, was
elected a member of the Executive Com
The usual amount of routine business
was transacted, after which the Commit
tee adjourned.
A Good Appointment
An official circular has been issued an
nouncing that under the provisions of
the fifth article -of agreement between
the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago
Railway Company and the Cleveland and
Pittsburgh Railway Company, Mr. John
C. Cok - has been appointed Secretary
pro tent. to the Ezebutive Committee of
these roads, to take effect from the first
instant. This is a good and well deserv
ed appointment. Mr. Conn has, for many
years, been Secretary to J. N. McCul
lough', tsq., President of the C.& P. R.R.,
and General Manager of the P. Ft. W. 4t
C. R. R., a position which be has filled
with ability. This additional appoint
ment shows, the Arm trust reposed in
him, and his intimate acquaintance with - -
the detallsof the business of the compa.;
vies eminently qualities him for the po
• Seriously Injured.
A serious accident occurred to Mr.
George Beltzboover, a resident of South
Pittsburgh, Thursday afternoon, at
Bailey's coal platform, on Carson street,
in that borough. He has several coat
teams,- and whLle standing under the
platform attending to one of the teams,
a large lump of coal, weighing about
fifty pounds, rolled over the edge of the
platform and struck him on the back of
the head. He sustained a very severe
wound, and when picked up was in an
Insensible condition. Medical aid was
promptly-summoned, and after some
time he was restored to consciousness.
Dr. liall's Narrative.
A DEEPLY interesting letter from Capt.
Hall, the Arctic explorer, who has just
returned from the Polar regions, announ
ces his success in 'solving the mystery
which has heretofore enshrouded the Date
of the Franklin expedition. He writes :
EitrovLsE.Ber, June 20, 1869.
Henry Grinnell: Dear Sir : —This day
I have returned from a single journey of
ninety days to and from King William's
Land, with the ardent hope and expecta
tion of reseneing alive some of Sir John
Franklin's last companions. The result
of this journey was the finding of a tent
ing place of a few white men and a stone
pillar they had erected close by It at the
bottom of Parry Bay, and the visiting of
several places where white men and their
traces had been seen by natives in or
about the years 1866-7. I also gained
much information from the natives that
confirmed the report I had heard in the
winter of 1867-8, which I have already
stated. And still further proofs of this
report have also been obtained on my late:
visit to King William's Land.
The result of my journey to King Wit.
Ham's Land may be summed up thus:
None of Sir John Franklin's companions
ever reached or died on Montreal Island.
It was late in July, 1848, that Crozier and
his party, of about forty or forty-five,
passed down the west coast of King Wil
liam's Land in the vicinity of Cape Her
schell. Tne party was dragging two
sledges on the sea-ice, which was nearly
in its last stage of dissolution—one, a
large sledge laden with an awning cov
ered boat, and the other, a small one,
laden with provisions and camp material.
Just before Crozier and party arrived at
Cape Herschell, they were met by four
families of natives, and both 'parties went
into camp near each other. Two Esqui
maux men, who were of the native party,
gave me much sad, but deeply
interesting information. Some of it stir
red my heart with sadness, interming
led with rage for it was a confession
that they, w ith their companions, did
secretly and hastily abandon Crozier
and his party to suffer and die for need
of fresh provisions, when, in truth. it
was in the power of the natives to save
every man alive. The next trace of
Crozier and his party is to be found in
the skeleton which McClintock discover.
ed a little below, to the southward and
eastward of Cape Herschellt this was
never found by the natives. The next
trace is a camping-place one the sea -
shore of King Willian's Land, about
three miles eastward of Pfeiffer's River,
where two men died and received Chris
tian burial. At this place fish bones
were found by the natives show
ed them that Crozier Mid his
party had caught while there
a species of fish excellent for food.
with which the sea there abounds. The
next trace of this party occurs some five
or Six miles eastward, on a long, low
point of King. William's Land, where
one man died and was buried. Then,
about S. S. E., two and a half miles
further, the next trace occurs on Todd's
Inlet, where the remains of five men lie.
The next certain trace of this party is on
the west side of the inlet west of Point
Richardson, on some low land that is an_
island, or a part of the main land, as the
tide may be. Hero the awning -covered
boat and the remains of about thirty or
thirty,-five of Crozier's party were found
by the native Poo-yet-ta, of whom Sir
John P.oss has given a description in the
account of his voyage in the Vutory,
In the Spring of 1849, a large tent was
found by some of the natives whom I
saw, the floor of which was completely
covered with the remains of white men.
Close by were two graves. This tent was
a little way inland from the head of Ter
ror Ely.
In the Spring of 1864 when the snow
was nearly all gone, an Esqnimaux
party, conducted by a native well known
throughout the Northern regions, found
two boats, with many skeletons in and
about them. One of these boatshad been
previously found by McClintock; the
other was found lying from one-quarter
to one-half mile distant, and must have
been completely entombed in snow at
the time McClintock's party were there,
or they most assuredly would have seen
it. In and about this boat, besides the
many skeletons alluded to, were found
many relics, many of them similar in
character to those McClintock has enu
merated as having been found in the
boat he discovered.
The same year that the Erebus and
Terror were abcoutoned one of them con.
summated the Great Northwest Passage,
having five men aboard. The evidence of
the exact number is circumstantial..
Everything about this Northwest Pas
sage ship of Sir John Franklin's expe
dition was in complete condition; four
boats were hanging high up at the ship's
sides, and one was on the quarter deck;
the vessel was in its Winter housing of
sail or tent cloth. This vessel was found
by the Oak-Jon-11k natives near O'Reilly
Island, lat. 68 deg. SO min. N. lon. 99
deg. W., early in the Spring 0e1849, it
being frozen m the midst of a smooth
and unbroken floe of ice of only One
Winter's formation.
-To complete the history of Sir John
Franklin's last expedition, one must
spend a Summer on King William's
Land• with a considerable party, whose
only business should be to make
searches for rewrds which beyond doubt
lie buried on that island. My company
from ' Repulse Bay to King William's
Land consisted of eleven souls, all Lsqui
maux. Although they were as untama
ble as eagles by nature, yet by their aid
alone I was enabled to reach points
otherwise Inaccessible, and when there
to - gain much important information rel
ative to the fate of Sir John Franklin's
expedition. I tried hard to accomplish
far more than I did, but not one of the
company would, on any account whatev
er, consent to remain with me in that
country and make a summer search over
that island, which, from information
I had gained of the natives. I had reason
to suppose would be rewarded by the dia.
covery of the whole of the manuscript
records that bad accumulated in that
great expedition. and been deposited in
a vault a little way inland or eastward of
Cape Victory. Knowing, as I now do,
the character of the Esquitnanx in that
part of the country in which King Wil
liam's Land is situated, I cannot wonder
at nor blame the Repulse Bay natives for
their refusal to remain there as I desired.
It . is quite probable that, had we re
mained as I wished, no one of us would
ever have got out of the country alive.
How could we expect s if we had got into
straitened circumstances that we
should receive better treatment from
the Esquimaux or that country
than the 105 souls who were under
the command of the heroic Crozier, some
time after landing on King William's.
Land? Could I and my party, with rea
sonable safety, have remained to make a
summer searebilon KingWllliara'sLand,
it is not only probable that we should
have recovered the legs and journals or
Sir John Franklin's expedition, but lava
gathered up and entombed the renasinsor
nearly 100 aids companions-, for they lay
about the places where the three ' boats
have been found, and at the•
large camping place at the head
places that
and the three..
other places that have already men
tioned. In the eove, west side of Point
Richardson, howeyer, nature herself has
opened her bosom and given sepulture
to the remains of the immortal heroes
who died there. Wherever the Esqui
maux have found the graves of Frank
lin's companions they have dug 'them
open and robbed the dead, leaving them
exposed to the ravages of wild beasts. On
Todd's Island the remains of five man
were not buried, but after,the savages
had robbed them of every article that.
could be turned to any account for their
use, their dogs were allowed to finish the.
disgusting work.
Wherever I found that Sir John Frank
lin's companions had died I erected"
mow:meats, then fired salutes and
waved the Star Spangled Banner over
them in memory and respect of the great
and true , discoverers of the Northwest.
Passage. • I could have gathered great
quantities—a very great variety—of re
lies of Sir John Franklin's expedition's!
for they are now possessed by natives all
over the Arctic regions , that I visited or
heard of—from Pond's Bay to Macken
zie River. As it was, I had to be satisfied
with taking upon our sledges about 125.
pounds total weight of relics from natives
of King William's Land. Some of those
I will enumerate: 1. A porlion of one
side (several planks and ribs fast to
gether) of a boat, clinker built and cop
per-fastened. This part of a .boat is of
the one found near the boat found by Mc-
Clintock's party. 2. A small oak sledge
runner reduced from the sledge on which
the boat rested. 3. A part, of the mast
of the Nortwest Passage Ship. 4. Chro
nometer box, with its number, name of
maker and the Queen's broad arrow en
graved upon it. 5. Two long heavy
sheets of copper, three and four inches
wide, with countersunk holes for
screw nails. On these sheets, as
well as on most everything else that
came from the Northwest Passage Ship,
are numerous `stamps of the Queen's
broad arrow. 5. Mahogany writing
desks, elaborately finished and bound
in brass. 6. Many pieces of silverplate
—forks and spoons—bearing crests and
initials of the owners. 7. Parts of
matches. 8. Knives, and very many
other things, all of which-you, Mr. Grin
nell, and others interested in the fate of
the Franklin expedition, will take a sad
interest in inspecting on their arrival in
the States-
I mast now tell you of the heartrend
ing, tragical part of my expedition before
I conclude this rapid, and I must add,
incomplete report, for after all it is but a •
drop in the bucket to giving you a full
idea of the vast amount of interesting and
important information I have gained of
the natives about Repulse Bay, Ig.loo-•
lik, Pelly Bay, Neitchille, Great Fish, or
Back River and Ring William's- Land
relative to the fate of Sir John Franklin's
expedition. In the Spring of 1863 I
started from Repulse Bay on a dog
sledge journey to King William's Land.
My company was entirely of natives, and
on our getting , about two hundred
miles on oar way we met a party of
'Pally Bay natives who were fleeing from
;their country on account of "war"
raging there. The effect on my company
was that on no consideration could they
be induced to proceed further, and there
fore terrible as was:the blow to my plans,
1 had to turn back, trusting that I could
succeed in getting a small band of faith
ful white men, out of some whale ships,
if they should happily make into Re
pulse Bay. Not until the fall of 1857
was I able to get the desired number of
white men to accompany me, besides my
Esqulmaux Interpreters—Joe and Han
nah—as an escort of defence, while
making the long delayed sledge
journey to King :William's Land,
and even then, it was only at the last
moment—that is, while the whaling ves
sels were weighing anchors and starting
for the States—that I was successful.
The result of my taking aeamen that
neither lor their Captains knew much
about, proved as many would expect.
One of the men, Frank. Laller, ever
proved during the year I employed the
party of five men, a most faithful,
hard-working and energetic man,
fulfilling every position in which
I placed him with ability . and
honor. Two 'men of the five would,
lam quite confident, have proved bet
ter men than they did, had they not
been ill-advised . None Of the men,
except noble Frank Leiter, ever accom
panied me on any of my great sledge
journeys. In the Fall of 1868, during a
mutinous attack upon me, when my
faithful man was absent about seven
-miles distant on business, I was com- •
palled, in self-defense, •to call in-
to requisition a revolver. Cole
man; the leader, fell, and died In fifteen
days. - . At once the reloedlion ended,
and one of the band came, and like a
man acknowledged freely and truly that
he and his - companions were altogether
the guilty ones, and hoped I would for
give him, which I did on the instant. I
feel that had I riot taken this last "dread
alternative," my fate would have been
quite as sorrowful as that of Henry Hod
-80121. . C. F. HALL.
—The races at Mystic Park, Boston,
yesterday, were attended by over four
thousand people to' witness the double
team race. ,The race for 2:3l l !torses, unfin
ished yesterday. was won y McClellan,
best time 2:29. The race for double teams
was well contested by Honest Allen and
Jessie Wales, Julia Rudbsiten and Lady
Walton; Black Harry and Belle Strick
land, and COmmodore Nutt and Sorrel
John. The purse was one thousand dol
lars. The race was won easily by Honest
Allen and mate hi 2431, 2:32: 2:29%. This
is the fastest time on record for a double,
team of trotters. ,