6. STEEL WORKS .'431T7 SWURGII STEEL WORKS. STA.BLL9IIED IN 1845 ANDERSON & WOOD, MANUFACTURERS OF REFINED CAST s 7 EEL Of every description. Also, best' Relined German Plow and spring' Steel. OORNEII. 110 - 188 AND FIRST AVENUE,Pitts bdrs h. Ps. anlenAL 111 R, 1191111 & PEKIN. GENERAL. PARTNERS WM: METCALF. EMMEN MILLE% eV). W. BARE, . CHAS. PARKIN. SPECIAL rARTN. firt-S. M. KIER, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BARB & PARKIN, 0/FICE, No. :39 Liberty 3trett, rrrTsßuses, PA MEM DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAMA & CO. Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DUQUESNE, L X AND JUNIATA, .FLAT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. HAND, HOOP SHEET AND T ANIS IRON, BOILR PLA TES AND HEADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG and DROPPER BARS, 'FLANGE'S sJUTTER BARS , CYLINDER Amp FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. Q&OWBARS,WEDGES & HARROW TEETH, :TILING, PLOW 2,ND CULTIVATOR STEEL. ..yi,LEEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. TZEL . _ COACH, BUGGY and Pi AGON SPRINGS and OUT NAILS AND SPIKES. ill Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. ilateenth S and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. -sl9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, PECK & PITTSBURGH. PA. If annLacturera of every description of TAST AND GERMAN . STEEL, SPAINOB, iND PLA E SPRINGS, LTlat lisrehtluse, 83 Water and 100 First fits. E,LACH DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. ?LRK, BROTHER & CO., liEsnufaeturers of 1,11 descriptions 01 goffrilmwair rad Wsrehouse, THDITIIiTH, THIRTY s,ad IidtLIWILD STREET% BRASS FO I NDERS. •g 2413. T BIER, HENRY BIER• & CO., succissoas TO SOUR IR. COOPER & CO., Bell and Arass Founders. 'MASS CASTINGS MADE PEOMPTLY TO ORDER. Makable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, E j &TETT A.ND CHECK VALUE, eu.,GL9szi pArrnarir/ 3:1-10N LUCKS, Brass Work of every desenaption for Steam, Water and OIL MANUFACTURERS OP J. M. COOPER & C 0 ,13 Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Oil- era, the beet in- the Market. Mee and Works, corner Thirteenth ands treets. .LT'fool) & fficCANFREY, Corner,linfrty, street_ and Thirid..!..vanne. ' BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE FITTFRS, And AGENTS fer A. S. OAMEEON CO'S STEAM 'PUMPS AND BLOWERS. /RON SiTORILS;,, BLIABSBIISEN PROCESS'. The Tra tees are now prepared to grant licen ses for th use of the L'LLEJtB4/11176EN P*o7, The superior' qualitii linparteeto ' iron,- the great Improvement in inferior iron, and the reduced cost, commend It to ali manufacturers of iron. ' \ Parties wishing to use it cWobtain. Menges by sT)Pliblit to • JAMES P....,.5.PF0ER:-. IL Attorney for the Trustees, ROOM 1 and A, Ang1.144 1 03114414111,9 6,4 Fonith avenue. Par ties interested are invited to visit the { SHOE.NBEPAIEIt WORKS. 'herr! pc:rneess now in successful. onetattote. ' d 67 EvEßioNoesurrosa Femiolvam'airon Morks. . Warehouse. CActs ion on - c. A001..444 11.81 r 3111fiT ,:.BEET: opposite bgaseas Souse, ,PpIpTSBUB.OII NGVELTY:WORKS. pivostrwmi ..210VEMY WORKS. rounded A. D. 1833. ADAms , nlra&lPo. itaxOsurrlyazns, 07 (;1113TONS STANDARD )PAIRSANS 13 PAT. ANT(4),LAXORN V I OLIN Pga. ~..L - -,: Jamul Faced Patent Door Locke and Lstches. Paint and Coffee kWh _Ac. 00Pinli .0/_ .PIRST AVENUE 4111,GBANT BT9 xittilbarillo r fr . t/T6 ri EgGINB3, BOILERS, &o. HUGH 141 BOLE & CO„ Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., Engine. Builders, Founders and Machinists. ManufactiMe STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all sizes. Speelal *Mention invited to our new STATION ART OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsespower. - CASTINGS, of every kind, made toorder atom . Foundry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for 011 We ll s, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, ROUSE and ToBAc e o sozsaws and IRON Tosacco rzzasze, an wad and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting:On the Allegheny Myer, near the Point. /RP All orders prompUy Ailed. TBY U. F owl , pun BOILER STILL AND Ifni WO RIES. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLITED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS - AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PA-NS. SETTLING PASS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; .PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUTES Office and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets; -. Alffr tly Ord attended . ralk7:lß9 WH. BARNHILL & CO., • BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET' IRON 'WORKERS. Nos. so, so, 114 AND AS PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it with the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of WIL MS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire , Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tants, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill 's Pat ent Boilers. - - Repairing done on snartest notice. - Wield MOD Y........DD1MND D. RIMS JARED M. BHS SH - & SON, Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. A..BBADILEY dig CO., NO. 80 WOOD STREET Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE POUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTIIIINS AND ISIPROVAMENTa. and the reputation of our Stoves la such .that anv one in Want of a good article shouldpurchase none but those manufactured by ns, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VoLCANO STOVE. for churches, halls and stores. Over 500 sold in three montas. Intended for with or with out casing. e ll who have uteri them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. e3O ORO, INDUS & CO., mAinnrAcTuisms or suss vlantrr or SEffe r l i CONTMlSir BOSTON COOKING RANGE, ."THE FIERY FURNACE" 9 , IlOn WASJUSG THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, .•SEOULATOR. ,I COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. LtriE CTOre'll LAM, PORTABLE F LECTOR,. ORATES ,_free from dirt and and d QRATE 711014T0. NEUID.ILBS, Ae. 206 and 205 Liberty Street,' 5e25:717 PITTSBURGH, PA. 1 PITISBEIBOH. OIJzTA.VCSBASCH (Willi. TE3 Pont?,) PITTSBURGH, PA. MANITZACTIVELERB 07 PITTSBURGH, Pa. .ILLNITFACTOILIBB 0? SHEET IRON WORK, &O. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. 111.18SEL.I. * CO !11 TRIUMPH, • BIT DMIIVO VS 004 L. Minuted to Cook, Bake or. Boast is cell in any other . Store in the Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. anatr i tyipuol, 0 o e . fr o ra i 'm cans, LUMBER. - rito BEILDEIIB -"" 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 160,000 feet 15f inch Clear Plank; 915,000 feet 10i*Inch Common Plank; 515,000 feet Dry 1 and S inch Oak: 515,000 ft. ,V 3, 14,S andS inch Poplar: - 10,000 feet plat Scantlings ellownwe Boards; '"-- 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 103.000 feet No. 1 18 inch begins* Shin -100,000 No. 115-inch Shingles, sawed; 50,000 No. 116-114,1116.ttalei ? .kbaveB; 60,000 Fire firkin . • 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 TnsFire • Also, Saw M i ll Lumber, - Meuse , and` Cledar Posts, and all articles in tke line on hand and for r o e by ALRIANDIat. PSTTRRISON, Yards— . 151 Rebecca streetista earner or Yreble and re streets, Sixth ward; Allegheay, late bor ough of Manchester, „„ , 1 • ap:l3 IILASS. CIUNA„OVLEIRY. 100 WOOD STREET. *kw GOODS. ••••-r. • FINE VASES,,'N , soszaiis ' AND •0111 INA. NR.W 13 DINAR BESS . , • M TEA ISETB, GMT CUPS, 0 ISIOXIIIES ITEM A large stock of SILITA rLITED UOODS oo t2l it an desCriptious. la* W P~ W. 4 , Ind. Alumina. ow gooes...ead:, we ~4 . k1 1. 9 1 11414 1 e Want % 11 4 1 4 1•1 01 ted. R,. E. BREED & 00.0 A von STBEIN. Prrrsitu - RGH- GAZETTE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1869. FOIMINEU3, MACHINISTS. W. J ANDERSON, ..... . FREYVOGLE. lIIONONGIRELI FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Idannftcturers of IRON HOUSE FRONTS, WINDOW .LINTELS and SILLS, and Cistings of all Descriptions. Sr' Special attention - pitd to AR.CHITECTU RAL CAbTINGS -and to Castings for Window Glass Rousts. OFFICE A ND FOUNDRY—No. 150 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. KNAP FORT. PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. rarEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Varner-Carroll and Smallmau Streets, WARD,) PITTSI3I7II.OI - 1, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of • OAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOB NM AND WATER WORSZ. My Flues are all cast invariablyin Pits. in dry sand. and 110 feet lengths. Also, full asaartanent Of general Castings i'or Bas and Water Works. :? lsoc t lt. iiien of guDsrintead• eats o e o f BSTOBTJ. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, (Sncoessor to JOS. P. it&mig & c 0.,) Has facilities co-exiensive with the leading Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily till all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD-‘, LAVERS, PITMAN .lAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street, apl4:h4o R08Di903.11, SEA. be CO., . Buccessors to BOildseort, KIM • MILLEBB. WASHINGTON WOR/IS, FOUNDERS AND NACNINISTS,PITTSBURSH, Mannfactnrers of Boat and litationar7 Steam En gin:ll4l2BlT fingl" ngs oe., Fair d i e PPM e r eT t li e l T r = and Stills , littler and sheet Rork. (Mice, a llo. la, corner lint and dmithfield Streets. - Agents for G1F1A3.1315 PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. jall:rs2 THOMAS CA RLIN & co., Fourth Ward Foundry and Radio Works, BLI4DUBICY BT., ALLIMHENY CITY, TA., 'Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam ;Engines, Vll Yresses, etiaeys, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work, Rolling Mill and 31 achine Castings, Orate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, ac. Build to order and have on liszteßrurlnes of all sizes. invl4:qs DIAMOND OIL WORKS, M. LONG & CO., Once, DLLZELL BUILDING, feD Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. ARD%) AND KING, Commission Merchants and Brokers 11 Petrolona and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PIETLAIALISIA. ADDSZSB, Ream 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 SOUTH 13ECOND BTREZT. spla trick suormati, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products, Pittsburgh Oillee—bALZELL,l3 BUILDING. corner of Duquesne Way and Irwin street.. Philadelpida 02lice- 11 IT WALNUT BT. Sp1:100 ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. 'MEDDLE. 's MANUFACTURER OF Labridating & High Test Burning Oils: • *ellipse Mae 9114 • Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lewest temperatures. Special Oil far tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotives, Engine, Machine Shop, , Wheat Screws. Saw Mill and Planing MU Oils, Adapted for high speed. s lodge : Oil, Wank lileadslAglii 011• Oil, Tanners , Eitnir-EBensitle, big* Finishing Oil,l easel Ines ,IPSirealities• Linton vißarrim to• preserve' Drlatit Iron Work and Machinery from isust. ,These products are manuActured under Dr. Tweddle'satent brfluperheated•Stesia in Vac Cuo. 3. he Lubricating Oil are almost odorless, perfectly p ore. uniform, and mostly light col ored, stand a high to unchanged, and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Bauroad Oils are, unequalled, and are in COAStant 1 1. 6 oa Many or the principal Railroads. Marie' can be examined and orders left at 11'4. WOOD STREET, Works at sharpsenrs Bridge. WEST COMMON -; - . _ A 1.1140010;1104Vorikii ) Northwest corner of West Ocrmmon, Amami. , -11,11,111WKATVATEM1 1 -: CO..' . gave on hand or p_repare on a bort notice Hearth u.d Stop litoneo,lrliapp gorndostakiiii, arrow Vizats, sc. Head aid - Taub dt nal, as. (4115gErrKif•2444.4r 114,3*1.4 _ OILS. STON/L FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK. NO: 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL 3200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. DIRECTORS. Thos. M. Marshall, John M. MI Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald 'V James W. Arrott, Jas. Floyd Chas. B. Leech, Wm. John Floyd, This Bank is now hilly organized an to do a general Banking business. jelok43 CITY BAN 1 . 112 Fifth street, Pfttsbn CAPITAL, 9100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY INTFREST PAID ON DEP FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired t Europe. Collections made on all 11 points of the United Btates and Canal DOMINICK lIIMSEN, PreWet JAMES MCCABE, Vice Presid , W. .N. MORGAN'. Cashier. DIBICTOBS. D. Ihmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Bourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunlery. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, . James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, fl.A.Frevvogle, ano.Joa.Hermann, Thomas. 'Barnes, 'jei:li 5 JOS. M. GA ZZAM, Solicitor. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, January S4l, 1567. For the safekeeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gold and Silver. Silver Plate, Books. Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for tnc renting of Safes in Its burglar-proof vaults. Building and whet: ..4"o. S 3 FOURTH .11PE.VUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. PRESIDENT—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. VICE PRESIDENT—HENRY LLOYD. DIRECTORS: WM. PHILLIPS. ;JAMES I. BENNETT, Hi. NRY LLOYD, BYRON H. PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, JO5. S. .MOIthISON. WILLIAM M. LYON. GEORGE BLACK,- BLACK, .14TIS O. SECRETARY AND TREASURr: s. F. VON BONNHORS auZ:n67 N. HOLIES & SONS, 33.861V117.3MEL5E1, 57 Market Street, rrr -rS BUI GIL Qs. Collections sonde on all the principal points of Ms United States and Canada*. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMD3BIO?.i. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of United States Securities. HART, CAUGREW A, co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, corner Third and Wood Mires, Pr1T5.1131713,(11. tIIOCCE33OII3 TO HA.NNA., HST • CO") Dzazius 111 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And parUeniu . attention paid to the Puntsle and ale ots GOVERNMENT BONDS.' Bight Drafts on London. Myl:setA PACIFIC ItAILWAY GOLD LOA Messrs, DABNEY, MORGAN. & CO., 5 Eichange Place, and M L JESEP & CO., 2 Pine Street, N. Y., offer fo Bonds of the Kansas Pacific These Bonds pay seven per cent have thirty years to run; are Government Taxation; are seen Land Grant of Thne Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado, In addition to this special grant the Com- pany also owns Three Millions of Acres in fianstis, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. They area first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Katmai,: to Denver, Colorado, The road in operation, 417 miles long, upon which it is also a wort- gftge, NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCUR TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN, There is.no better security in ,tits ,market-7tbis being in. some respects better than Government Se arnica. PRINCIPAL . AND INTEREST PLIABLE IN Golll.lrt 96, and acorn ed_lnteitallio Ca,rtengy. amphlets, laps, and Clrtalnra iamlrhed on applicatioL Livuoi , t . • e' '• • .1 - . FINANCIAL. GrC3,l-,71=1, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Priccs. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Street& my 6 JAMES, T BRADI & SO.„ (summon 08. JONES r C 0..) • Coiner Fourth and Wood Sta.,. 3E31 ..421t. MC 30 3R. IS 9 BUY AND BELL ALL EINDB OF I GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, SOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. lir Interest Allowed on Deposits. W Money loaned on Government Bonds at loweat market rate,. Orders exeepted for the Parehase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and I GOLD, TAMES T. BRADT de CO. rtland, adace, 1. prepared _h, Pa. LIABLE, rTII I emitted to e principal (It Ilitt,slutrAVeta.,i.fttt4 FINANCE AND TRADE, Orvion or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 29, 1869. 4 The enormous business done in gold last Friday is still unsettled, and it may take another day before a complete set tlement can be had, meanwhile matters became more complicated by the heavy decline in stocks and bonds, deliveriesi can not be promptly effected on account of the large balances locked up in the gold clearings. To-morrow it is ex pected regular calls will be made at the different boards, and business will take its usual course. For gold, it is almost certain that lower quotations will ensue from the inability of the bull clique to raise margins enough to carry gold up. Just as soon as the timid bears, who escaped the last panic in gold, have covered their contracts, and the pressing remittances have been made, the de tnand for gold in a legitimate way will cease, and the course of speculation will naturally tend towards lower quota tions, assisted by the arrival of gold frotu Europe, the Government sales and the anticipation of the- Noveinber interest. By glancing over the stock list it is selfevldent that the same clique who carried gold up, (or rather carried their oponents,) were also the principal supporters of the stock market, for cer tain special stocks. The same old clique that managed Erie, North West, Ohio and Mississippi, Reading and Michigan Southern, were the movers in' gold, and although successful in the latter their profits were lost again, and more in addition on their favorite stocks, in which they were unable to carry any longer when the banks asked for more , margins. Government bonds have maintained a fair price yet, but do not seem to have reached the lowest point. Investors are holding off, and from the Interior, few orders to sell could be effected. Any further weakening of the price must de press their value in large proportions, as they will soon be manipulated by large dealers in order to get stocks at as low figures as possible; it should also not be overlooked that the panic so far has not affected the money market the interior, except in Chicago, where grain speculation has undergone a similar course as gold and stocks in New York. A lower standard of all values is likely to follow this great decline in stocks, and the trade of the Country will then be in a healthier condition. Money comparatively easy in our local inarketa,'-...buts banks do not • dis count except for their customers. • Quotations as teemed by Pb.- Mertz: Gold, 131%; Silver, 126; Eighty- One's, 118; Five Twenties, 1862, 119; do 1884, 118%; do '1865, 118; do 1865, Consols, 116%; do .1867, 110%; do 1868, 116%; Ten Forties, 107%; New York Central, 147; Erie, 12935; Reading, 91%; Pittsburgh. Fort , Wayne . Chicago Railroad, 79%; Ohio & Misissippl, 126%; Michigan Southern, 79; °low land & Pittsburgh, 85; Chicago & Rock Island, 104; Chicago &. North Western, 65; Chicago & Noith Western Preferred, 79%; Adams Express Com pany, 47; Merchants Union Express, —; Pacific Mail, —; Western Union Telegraph Company, 11431,; American Ex press Company 29%. EXCHANGE, \ Large. Small. London, per £ $6,50 $6,70 Paris. per franc 26% 28 Berlin, thaier 98% 98 Frankfort, florins 5635 58% —Closing qUotatinne"received by James T. Brady & . Co. Gold: 131; Ignited States Sixes,' 1881, .118%; FiveThenties; 1862, 119%;:d0.1864. 11 8 M 40. - .1865 '11.8%; Ten-Forties, 107%; Five-Twenties,\Janu ary and July, 1865, 116%: do. do. 1867, 116%; do. do. 1868. /16%; Due Com pounds, --; Union Pacific Railroad, 88; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 106%; ;;take Superiors, -9E). [By Tetegrapti to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW Yong, September, 29, 1869. Stormy debates,in the Gold. Room al, ternate' with a' remarkable liepression ' and buoyancy.- In the Stock Examine, 'stock failures,' recelVerships and injunc tions forma group of exents which make the day withoutan equal in the annals. of Wall street:: . At the early session of the Gold Board, the following was .pre- • seated as a statement of the New York Gold Exchange Rank: - of ilte Gobi Board- Aia Official of the Bank went: into the ,Gord . Robin on the niOrningolFridaY, the 24th instant, Md . titithielted'4o * 's let" that It.rould be ixopoisalble•Wolearthe trays., actions of that day on account of,an temkted,ownF,.. but •on consultatiottit sale the Railway. in G9ld ; fee from ed by a was decided that it was the duty of the bank to make the attempt, even at some sacrifice. The bank assumed tha clear ing movement in the usual manner and received in payment of balance a very large amount of gold and currency. It .• was necessary to restore a large portion of those amounts to the dealers ' or wide spread disaster would have followed. To do this tne bank was forced to depart from the rule of receiving all balances before paying any', and went on paying dealers a portion of the bal ance on their statements and reserving a safe margin, where practicable, and trusting to the dealers to make good any over payment on their final settle ments. This was the course plersued on Friday and Satuiday. On Saturday - a Committee was appointed at an infor mal meeting of the dealers to conferwith the directors, who went into an investiga tion extending through Saturday and Sunday, on the plan to declare nine deal. era rejected from the clearing, and as sume the rest as good, the only basis of settlement they deemed practicable. The bank acted on this in paying dealers on Monaay. The emergency of the set tlement with the Clearing House of the banks on Monday and Tuesday, was pass ed by transferring to the Committee of the. Clearing House a sufficient amount to I I secure the balance due the bank. The ! I bank has now in its control, !after settle ment with the Clearing House Bank, not far from the amout of its capital and surplus with which to liquidate the deal er's statements, as soon as can be ascer tained what is due from the bank to the dealers and from the dealers to the bank. It is the expectation that these results can be approximated to , clay,and from all the evidence now accessible we believe the bank to be solvent and able to pay all its debts. No complications exist at present, except in our dealers' state ments. The Bank has not tailed or sus pended; it has paid all its obligations as stated. It paid 'Mondays obligations at the Clearing House in gold at par, and on Tuesday in one million in gold and say $1,300,000 in securities. [Signed] .H.'H. BENEDICT, September 28, 1869. President. The Committee of twenty appointed by the Gold Exchange worked steadily on the statements of dealers since 4P. M. yesterday, and at 1 P. al. only two state- , meats remained to be received, those of i . Smith, Gould & Martin . and Ktiicker- ' backer & Co. The net result so far \ as2,„=, certained is that the dealers' are sli with gold, but the Exchange Clearing House have $10,000,060 of gold which Smith, Gould & Martin are . offering to sell them at 135. There appears no doubt but that the Committee will succeed in effecting the clearing on Friday's busi ness, the settlement being made on a basis determined upon yesterday. The difference between 135 and the actual price will remain to be adjusted between the dealers themselves. At 3:45 the Committee of twenty reported to tae' Gold Room,in executive session,that they had referied the making up of a state ment from the tickets of Smith, Gould & Martin to prominent accountants, and requested to be relieved from further duty. The report was• accepted and it was agreed that the transactions of Fri day be settled. The Ex-Clearing House and Board then adjourned till to-morrow. The President of the Gold Room has been served with an injunction, granted on the application of Smith Gould, Mar tin ..ii'Co., restraining him from selling gold on their account. According to rule, the following results ion was passed by the New York Exchange: Resolved, That the members of the N. Y. Stock • Exchange. deal in gold in long room a Ile' such a time as the Governing Com mittee can effect a plan for establishing a Gold Room under the direction of this ' Association. The Stock Exchange. later in the day, passed a resolution to deal in gold is the Hall as of old, at open board of stock brokers; dealings to: begin to morrow at 10 o'clock. • . A meeting of a joint committee repre senting the New York City Bank, Clear- _ nag House and Now York Gold Exchange Bank, was held in the parlor of the Clear- . ing House. At this meeting the Gold Exchange Bank, which made no clear ings to.. •_ , proposed to the Clearing House c.. mittee that the other batiks should '. dvance 20 per cent. on the $2,500, ii ) gold paid by the pold Ex change Bank yesterday• and the day before in the settlement of their indebtedness at the Clearing House which would enable them and the Gold Exchange Bank to pay their entire in debtedness. The effect of this would be to release the other securities held by the Committee and give the. Gold Ex change Bank about $300,000 in currency. Several banks had agreed to furnish the means to carry out this proposition, when it was learned that the bank had been put into the hands of a receiver, conse quently the negotiations were stopped. The injunction was granted by Judge Car doso. on the application of a person claiming to be a creditor of the bank. The application for a permanent Re ceiver is returnable next Monday. Meantime Augustus 'Brown, of the law firm of Brown,Hall & Vanderpool, has been appointd temporary Receiver. The associated banks agreed, in response to the application of the Committee of twenty, to keep opeh to certify checks, • &c., until four o'clock this afternoon, and, if necessary, until sixo'clock at the Stock Exchange. The failures of Charles A. Meigs & Co., Julian & Co. and of Fulton,`Treat * Cox were reported; stocks wore sold Out for them under the rules. - The latter firms are paying differences, but were unable to take the stocks they purehased yes terday. It is believed that both susnen alone will prove but temporary. The , name of Lockwood & Co. was used free- • ly on the street in the afternoon as hav ing failed, and it was finally stated - that they made an assignment of their affairs to Capt. John R; Acker. This house has for years been one of the wealthiest in the street and one of the most influential. Their exact position on the market is not known, although they were credited with holding large athounts of Pacific Mail, Michigan Southern, North Western and St. Paul. Oit the other hand it is, said they have:, been short of New York Central for the past. twelve twelve monthe. \ . , Money market very unseed and ir regular most of the day, h transao- . tions at 7 per cent. gold, with 3 to 1 per cent. per day' for turning low priced stocks. and 130g4 per, cent; for carrying New York Central until to-morrow. In. the afternoOnlhere was a decided let up in money, and the rate 17 call loans finally fell to' 7 per ce , Discount operations were out of the question en- . tirely. Sterling nominal at 8@834. The . street price for Gold eves 130@132. The , range at the National Exchange was 130t.‹. up to 133, and down to 131, cicreing at 131%,, r_ .. `Mvertialiiiiinieiii - iiiict lOwir. The Assistant Treasurer accepted bids of 0,- 000,000 at 115@l161.4: total, offers were $8,664,050. The closing' rates Were as follows: Coupons' of 1881. 118@l18IA do." - '62. - 119(119%; do 64; 118®118t‘; do. 65; 118@l18 1 4: dot. new 116,0)116X; do. i 37, '. 11634 116%; do: SIS.,. 116%@,116%. 10-40 a, 107% ®108; Pacifies 6y1(030:- - _ State bends lower and_negleetaci;_las,—. got* 4 .;,V 910 TeWlessecir 574 'new4:lo:i -60%; ofd irglntas, .43; , negv d 4 •50; OIL North Carolinas, 46;4new dit 'l3Ol - - ' t 7be4ealinstsg*** 4l oo l o* ) *lt im."; menu; to-day- triarketever7yregitlar and.". Voittizated . aiiiidlit tige.l,, , . I' '