The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 30, 1869, Image 1

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ref Offin
I)4tte of Genoa to be King of Spain—No
Hope of a Compromise Between Spain
and-Cuba—The Sickles' Note Said to
be. Wittidrawn—Paraguayans Defeated
in Two Engagements—President Lopez
a Fugitive and Declared an Outlaw—
Matters_ Between Turkey and Egypt
SeiXied—A Royal Visit.
rsy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
MADRID, September 29.—At the Coun
cil of Ministers held here to-day, Mar
shal Serrano presiding, it was agreed to
propose to the Cortes the election of the
Duke of Genoa as King of Spain.
The press,
without exception, have re
ceived with great enthusiasm, the letter
of the Kink of Portugal, declining to be
• a - candidate for the Spanish throne.
It is reported that formidable bands
of Republicans are concentrated in Cata
lonia, and the Government =has:
patched troops there.
Lorinox, September .29.—The Times'
Paris correspondent asserts that'there is
but little hope of a compromise between
Spain and the Cubans. The sentiments
of - both parties are heard here. The
Spanish government says in so many
words: Lay down your arms and send
deputies to the Cortes. If you will be as
Canada, we are willing. If yeti, desire
independence, we don't say no—the mat
ter .may be arranged—but disarm._
Spins' i:notto is nothing but compulsion.
. MADRID, September 29.—1 t is reported
in official circles that the recent note of
Minister Sickles has been withdrawn.
Lisson . , Sept. 29.—The mail steamship
from Rio•Janeito - has 'arrived with ad
vices from Paraguay to the 22d of August.
On the 18th the allied army attacked the
forces of President Lopez, which were
entrenched at Curuquatty.
The Paraguayans were entirely defeat
ed, losing one thousand killed and three
hundred prisoners. Twelve cannon were
also captured. Lopez, with the remain
der of his army f fled to Ignackm, a ilhort
distance away. On the 21st he was again
attacked by the' allies, and again de
feated, losing in the engagement twenty
five cannon. •
Count Deu, the General commanding
the allies, at last advims was closely pur
suing the fugitives. Owing to these vic
tories the Paraguayans were compelled
to *abandon all theirsteamers, these sub-
Beg neatly fell into the hands of the allies.
Forty-four of the British subjects who
had lately been held in confinement by
Lopez, were promptly liberated: - The
Provisional Government at Asuncion
had declared Lopez an outlaw.
The news from Rio Janeiro is to the
7th inst., and frilly confirms the flight of
BORDEAUX, September 29.—A fire
broke oat here last evening among the
shipping, and hefore, it was _ subdued
thirty vessels, laden] with petroleum,
were consumed. Loss heavy.
PArus, September 29. —The Prince and
Princess of Wales arrived here- ; to-day
and were received by the Emperor,
Two\accomplices in the recent murder
of the Trappluann family have bees ar
CONSTANTINOPLE, September 28—The
meditation of the great Powers of Europe
in matters at issue between Turkey and
Egypt have been satisfactorily settled.
None of the points presented save one
offered any difficulty.
Sotrrnatt.erox, September 29.—The
steamship Dutchess, for• New York, took
24,000 pounds of specie on American ac-
LoNno3r, September 29 —The steamers
-SL-Laurent and City of Antwerpt, from
New York, and krussian, from Quebec,
have arrived out. ,
LONDON, Sept. 29—Evening.--Consols,
93. American securities quiet. Five-
Twenty Bonds: '628, 84; do. i 678, 8'2%;
do. 7 655, 83%; 10-40 s, 75%. Brim, 23; Il
linois, 93%; Atlantic £ Great Western,
LIVERPOOL. Sept. 29.—Cotton market
easier; middling uplands 12V,s and Or
, leans 12%5; sales 8,060 bales. Cali
fornia white wheat 10s 7d; red western
9s 4d®9B sd. Western flour 21s. Corn;
No. 2 mixed 29s 6d. Oats 3s 6d. Peas 448
Bd. Pork -110 s. Beef 89s. Lard 745.
Cheese 635. Bacon 65s 6d. Produce un
LONDON, Sept. 29.—Tallow 478 ®47s 3d.
S111;ar 393 6d@39s 9d on spot; easier afloat
at 283 6d(g28.8 9d. Linseed Oil £3l suer-
th WARVE„ Septeinber
ten quiet.
ANTWERP, September 29—Evening.—
Petroleum firm at Mg frames.
Panes, September 29 Evening.
Bourse dell. Rentes7ll. 7c.
iricee—Two Churches Damaged—Meet
. ing of the lrish National Republican
ag Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
• PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 29.—The New
Jerusalem church, on Cherry' street, be.
low Twenty-thlrd, was damaged by Are
this morning.
, The church of the United Brethren,
In the Twentieth ward, was also dam
aged by_ another Are , which burned a
cabinet slop and damaged two dwellings.
A quorum of the Executive Committee
of - the Irish National Republican Ass°.
elation, in consequence of the defection
of their Chairman,have issued a call for
a meeting of that ody in New York, on
the 20th of October. Members from all
the States and Territories are expected
to attend.
(By Telegraph to the Fitteburgh Gatette.]
HALIFAX, September 29.—The British
war steamer Albatross has arrived here,
having yellow fever on board. She re
ports two deaths at Bermuda.
—The estimated wheat crop of Montana
is 55,000 bushels.
—George Peabody sailed in the steamer
Scotia yesterday for Europe. '
—The Philadelphia City Council, now
at Columbus, will arrive in Cincinnati
—Herzog, the celebrated race horse,
was buried on Buckeye race course yes
—The women pantaloon makers of
Boston are organizing to strike for
higher wages.
—Col. Eldridge has received a charter
for the Memphis, Springfield Jr, Kansas
City Railroad through•Arkansu.
—The weather in Cincinnati yesterday
was clear—thermometer 51 in the morn
ing, 63 at noon, and 56 in the evening.
—The IndianJlepredations continue in
Montana. Nearly every herd of stock
has been runoff in the vicinity of Silver
City, and some murders committed.
—The Wade House and Elevator of
George W. Schenebly, at Masaville, near
Peoria Illinois, was burned yesterday.
Loss fifteen to twenty thousand dollars.
Insured for $9,000 in Easteruoffices.
—A man named John Wheeler. while
engaged in cleaning out, a well near Al
ton, Illinois, . Monday afternoon, was
smothered to death by foul air. He lived
in Upper Alton, was an Englishman and
thirty years old.
—Senator Wilson contemplates intro
ducing a bill at the next session of Con
cress to stop the operations of gold gam
blers in Wall street. He designs to make
it a penalty to sell or purchase gold un
less the full amount of coin sold is ac
tually delivered.
—Gov. Campbell, Gov. Bross, Lord
Paget, and a number of army officers,
made an excursion from Cheyenne over
the completed portion of the Denver-Pa
cific Railroad. The work was consider
ed satiafactory, and is progressing at the
rate of one mile daily.
—lt is stated that Attorney General
Hoar has given the opinion that the Pro
visional Legislature of Virginia, after or
ganization, will have authority to elect
United States Senators. Such action is
not regarded as legislative business, and
will, therefore, be lawful.
—The steamship Clinton, from Galves
ton, picked up,- Tuesday evening, near
Ship Shoals, two boats containing Capt.
Morrel, the first mate, and thirteen
others, from the - steamer Trade Wind,
which sunk on the 24th. The second
mate's boat is still missing.
—Charles W. Polk, a salesman in the
store of Hovey & Co., Boston, and Wal
ter Allison, who are said to be fast men
without visible means of support, are
under arrest, the former charged' with
stealing goods from his employers. and
the latter for receiving and:selling them.
—The ninth . Annual Fair of the St.
Louis Agricultural and Mechanical As
sociation, which will comwence next
Monday and continue throughout the
week, promises to far exceed any previ
ous exhibition. The entries up to last
night were equal to the total number. Jest
year, and they are being made at the
rate of about five hundred per day.
—lt is stated that one hundred and
fifty-three men, mostly Cubans, left
New York Saturday night last for a des
tination unrevealed. They got safely
aboard the'Hornet, and it appears cer
tain that the steamer put out to sea
yesterday morning, carrying one hun
dred and fifty-three men, besides a good
stock of ammunition and guns, viz:
Three sixty-eight-pounder Parrott, two
Napoleon, and two thirty-two pounders.•
—A Carbondale dispatch says, A Mr.
H. A. Organ, who shot Mrs. Medley in
that city,on Friday last, after wlong and
thorough investigation of the case, was
on Tuesday :evening committed to the
Murphyeboro jail on a charge of mur
der in the first degree. Yesterday fore
noon on being taken out to swear a
petition for a writ of habeas corpus, he
escaped from the guard, and is now at
large. No particulars of the escape are
—John Hoag. a German, of Kansas
City, who a few days ago allowed his
wife and four children to leave with a
man named Chas. Munith, subsequent
ly, it seems, lost his coolness and fol
lowed them to Jacksonville, 111., where
they had gone. Finding them -et the
house of his wife's sister Tuesday even
ing, he shot his wife in the arm, his
youngest child in the aide, and Niunith,
the paramour, in the shonider, and 4 then
—John Hough, a German, of Kansas
•Olty, who a few days ago very philosoph
ically allowed his wife and four children
to leave him, with a man named Charles
Munith, subsequently, it seems,
lost his
coolness and followed them to Jackson
ville, lliinois, whither they had gone.
Finding them at the house of his wife's
sister, he shot his wife twice in the arm,
his youngest child in the side, and Mu
, nab, the paramour, in the shoulder, and
then escaped.
—The excitement in New York in
financial circles exceeds any day yet.
At the opening of the Gold Board, the
Committee reported that all but about
forty statements had been received, and
they hoped to see their way out of the
difficulties today. 'The Board adjourned
till the afternoon, the statements to be
received until twelve o'clock. The Gold
Exchange Bank has been placed in the
hands of a receiver. The United States
Treasurer has accepted - a old for three
millions of bonds instead of two.
—The ,seventeenth. exhibition of, the
Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society
opened to the public on Tuesday. i The
number of entries Is treble that of last
year end double any ever held in the
State. The display of cattle is immense,
and the horse department is well rOpre
sented. Mechanical, agricultural. ft )ral
and fruit farm products, tine arta, etc.,
have never presented such attiactions.
Pittsburgh, is represented in the glass
and ateeldepartments. The weather is
.142 e. - the genet/ 4 / 4 %1.a
—Governor Pile, of New lidexico, is on
his way to Washington, with badness •
connected with the general interests of
the territory. He will appoint delegates
to the National Capital Convention, and
will probably attend it himself.- He re
ports the ' condition of New Mexico as
generally ,prosperous, and has taken
measures-to suppress
.Indian depreda
tions in the localities iu which they exist
by orgauizing companies of mounted
citizens. The Governor thinks. he will
have the territory in a thorough state of
defense in few days if the Quaker sys.
tem does nit Interfere with his plans.
FOUR O'CLOCK, a. al.
[By Telegrath to the Yl:teburgh (gazette.]
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 29, 1.£9
The Comptroller of the Currency has
issued a circular to National Banks, ask
ing for a statement showing their num
ber and amount of loans and discounts,
and the average time for which the loans
were granted, average rate. of discount,
rate of interest charged for the year
commencing, 1868, including
the Ist. Also the expenses, amount and
date of taxation, United States and State,
and amount of profit for said period.
The information Is intended to be used
by the Comptroller in his annual report
to Congress.
The following appointments were made
to-day: Postmasters—W. H. Muer.tens,
St: Charles, Mo.; Jay J.- Drake, St.
Joseph, Mich.; Edward S. Jewett, Miles,
Mich. Jos. M. Orr was appointed U. S.
Marshal for Utah.
New York Republican State Convention
—Resolutions Passed and Ticket Nom-
(By Telegraph to the PlUeburxhiLette.l
SYRACUSE, September 29.—At the fore
noon session Hon. John A. Griswold was
made permanent President.
Judge Pierrepont., from the Committee
on Resolutions, presented the platform
of the Convention, as follciws:
That the public debt, both principal
and interest, shall be paid in coin; that
taxation ought to he equal and simple.
and as little burdensome to citizens as
possible; that the Government is bound
by the most sacred obligations to pro
tect its citizens,
whether native or
foreign born, wherever they may go;
that every American citizen, whether
naturalized or native, shall have an
equal right to suffrage, without regard to
nation, race or religion; that the Fif
teenth Amendment to the Constitution
of the United States ought to be adopt
ed; that we deeply sympathize with all
down-trodden, oppressed people every
where; that whenever the facts in pos
session of our Government will justify
recognition of Cuban bellgereucy, we
shall heartily approve such recognition,
and pledge our cordial support to any
action on the part of the Government
leading to the final annexation of Cuba,
whenevor she shall have achieved her
independence and her people desire such
Other resolutions endorse the adhainis
tration of President Grant, oppose the
diversion of any of the State school funds
to sectarian institutions; favor the en
largement of the canals, and consequent
reduction in toile thereon; and urge the
passage of laws to prevent illegal voting,
The platform was adopted.
Resolutions touching the license ques
tion having been in the meantime intro
duced by ,Mr. O'Donnell, were tabled.
The State ticket was then nominated
as follow&
Secretary of State, George Curtis,
Comptroller. Thos. Hillhouse; State En
gineer, General John C. Robinson; Treas
urer, Thos. Chatfield; Attorney General,
Martin J. Townsend; State Prison In
spector, Daniel D. Conover; Judges
Court of Appeal, the present incum
bents, Woodruff and - Mason.
It appears General Sigel declined to
accept any nomination on the ground of
ill health.
The State Central Committee was then
selected, and the Convention ajourped.
Mieeatslppi Republican State Convention.
rBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
JAncnsow, September 29.—The Repub
lican State Convention met to-day with a
large attendance, all but two counties
being represented. J. L. Morris, of War
ren, • was 'made permanent President.
Gen. Alcorn was nominated for Gover
nor by acclamation; R. C. Powers for
Lieut. Governor; James Lynch, colored,
for Secretary of State. Further nomina
tions will be made tomorrow.
A grand barbecue comes off to-morrow
at which preparations for several thou
sand persona are being made.
Vice President Colfax—Minister Low—
• Presents to .Mr. Seward-4,,binamen
11Triveu off the Railroad.
fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
SAN FRANCISCO. September 29,;.—Col
fax and party left for the east to-day.
They will remain at Salt Lake City a few
The appointment of Governor Low to
the China Mission is received with
great favor. He did not seek
the—position,- bat -haw.. - concluded
to accept. Ho entertains liberal
opinions on the subject of our relations
with China, and strong faith that the
Chinese Government, under the influ
ence of, just treatment, combined with
steady moral pressure, could be induced
to open China to American enterprise.
Mr. Seward to-day received several
valuable presents from the citizens of
San Francisco, among them a gold cigar
case, gold snuff box, and gold' headed
cane, all specimens of California mann
feeling: The cane was presentedpy the
California Pioneens, lb their hail; accom
panied by a certificate of honorary Medi
bership. The cigar case, exqftisitely
ws ought, coat fifteen lundred dollars.
The Chinamen working on the Virginia
and Truckee Railroad Anlrestrivennif by
whitnmen. The Sheriff read them the
riot act,, and measures were taken for
their protection.
Tbe banquet to the Directors of the
Central Pacific Railroad by the Oltizsps
of Sacramento, last night, was a success.
A Step to the kflittt
tBY Telegraph to the Pittaburgheuette.)
BOSTON, September. 29.—Senator WI!.
son, It Is said, proposes, at the next ses
sion of Congress, to Introduce a bill pro
vidlug that any person who shall engage
In baying or selling gold, and shall fail
to deliver the actual coin, shall be 'pun
ished with a heavy tine and" imprirou
The Insurretion In the Eastern Depart
ment being Suppressed—Gen. Sichies
not in the Right Place—Revolt in the
Vueita Abojo Region a Failure—Cubans
Suing for Pardon.
:By Telegraph to the Fitlaborer! 6azette.l
HAVANA, Sept. 29.—General De La
Torre arrived to-night. He gives a flat
tering account of the progress of the
Spaniards in suppressing the insurrection
In the Eastern Department.
The Havana journals, in discuss•lng
the recent note of General Sickle; United
States Minister to Spain, express the wish
that he might occupy some post better
adapted to his abilities.
An attempt was lately made to raise
the insurgent standard in the' Vuelta
Abojo region, but it proved a failure.
Several Cubans in that section are pre
senting themselves to the Spanish au
thorities for pardon.
From Another Nottrce—The Patriots In
Good Spirits—lmportant Dispatches for
the Cuban Juuta
KEY WEST, September 29.—Advices
from Nansan N. P. have been received.
Five Cubans arrived there on the 22nd
from Quesda's camp. Gem Quesda sent
by them 20,000 dollars to be expentied
for arms for the Cuban army.
The attack on Los Tunas was a victory
for tho Cubans. All the Spaniards who
could not get into the stronghold were
taken prisoners and killed. Fifteen
Spanish officers were taken pr:soners
and immediately shot.
Thousands of Comoguavans were
around Puerto Principe without arms.
The patriots were in eood spirits.
Important dispatches have been re•
ceived here for the Cuban Junta in New
Destructive Fire—Galesbare Eire—State
LBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Os.zette.l
Cmceoo, September 29.—Four alarms
of fire were sounded today between the
hours of noon and four o'clock.
The first Bre resulted in the burning of
nineteen frame buildings situated in the
block bounded by Archer avenue, Stuart
avenue and Twenty-third street. All the
houses on Archer avenue from No. 170
to 182, five on Stuart avenue and five on
,Twenty-third street, were burned, in
,cluding a planing mill and vinegar fac
tory. On the opposite side of Archer
avenue the buildings from No. 173 to 181
were all more or less damaged. The loss
'is estimated at $30,000, with little in
The Galesburg fire, reported yesterday,
was More serious than at tirst supposed.
The loss will reach over 5100,000, with a:
full insurance mostly in Eastern com
The third day of the Ilfinola State Fair
is a continuance of the beautiful weather
which characterized the week thus far.
Theentries are much larger than at any
previous fair, and articles from a dia.
Moe are still arriving, while at the
depots there are a score of cars loaded
with machinery and implements that are
awaiting conveyance to the grounds, and
the busy preparations of the preceding
days have culminated in% magnificent
exhibition. The people are coming by
hundreds from every direction, and reg
ular and special trains are crowded to
their utmost.
A large meeting Was held at Farwell
Hall to-night; the object of the gathering
being to have a free discussion as to the
relative merits of protection and free
trade. Messrs. Giles B. Stebbens and H.
Y. Blanchard were the. principal speak
ere, each giving their VieWA at length
on the advantages and disadvantages of
the opposing theories. The debate was
listened to intently, and will be resumed
tomorrow evening.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette
NEW YORK, Sept. 29.—An injunction
has been issued by Judge Clark in the
case or the Erie Railway company, vs.
The Union Bank and others, restraining
the defendant@ from selling or disposing
of certain stock of the Cleveland & Pitts
burgh, or Toledo, Wabash & Western
fhe Commercial says the steamship
Alabama went to sea on Sunday with two
hundred volunteers for. Cuba.
Dr. Simmons waited on Secretary Fish,
to day. n nd was assured that every facil
ity it the power of the Government
would be promptly granted to gain
tall and male redress for the damages
he sustained in Cuba.
- Thesteamer Nebraska, from Liverpool,
arrived to-day.
At the auction sale of coal to-day prices
were materially lower.
- Is the base ball game to-day the Hay
makers beat the A.tlantics by a score of
16 to IS.
The steamar Cuba, from Liverpool an
the 18th, arrived to-night.
Opinion of Attorney General Hoar on
the Virginia Senatorial
Mantis the Military commander Should
Not Interfere.
Illy Tel , grape to the Pttt Anton' Gazette
11.101th1OND, Sept. 29,—The opinion of
Attorney General Boar on the Senatorial
question is published. It bean date
Sept. 25th, and nave: Upon a careful con
sideration, I am of the opinion that the
election of Senators. like the voting up.
on the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amend
ments to the Constitution of the United
States, Is a part of.the action contem
plated by Congress as preliminary to a
restoration - of ' - th.' State to its full
relation to the' Government 'of the
United States as -one of the - -States
of the - The -- Senators thus
elected would have **.. power or authori
ty until•the Senate of the United. . : States
should have passed upon, the- validity of
their widen, and admitted them as mem
bers: The election of Senators does pot
iiebet to me to transcend the action which
comes within the' limited and "qualified
purposes requisite to reconstruction, but
rather to be essential to the completeness
of that action. and I Mink the military
commander should not interfere with or
prevent it.
— , rhe Springfield Republican says W.
A. Richardson, having made a fair trial
of both his offices, has concluded that on
the whole, he prefers to be a Probate
Judge in Maim husette, and has resign-
ed the position of Assistant Secretary of
the Treasury.
TEIE State tax for each inhabitant of
New York city is $6,37.
PRINCE AnTuun visited Buffalo and
lunched in company with ex President
LOOROIIT MOUNTAIN, in Georgia, is to
be thoroughly surveyed in search of coal,
iron and petroleum.
TEM cultivation of flax in Minnesota
has brought the ola-fashioned spinning
wheel into renewed use. .
BROOKLYN pays $430,000 for lighting,
and $115,000 for repairing streets, next
year. Police expenses $609,220.
IT Is reported that a lioness was seen in
Benton township, Ottawa county, Ohio,
a few days ago. She is supposed to have
escaped from a menagerie.
A BOY eleven years old, son of Jacob
Buck, of Canal Dover, Ohio, was scalded
to death by falling into a caldron of boil
ing salt water, on Thursday of last week.
3IILWAIIKEE has adopted an original
method of getting rid of street loafers.
They are photographed by an artist, and
hung up in store windows, labeled "street
THE sorghum crop is a fine one up the
Sandy 1 7 , 611ey, Ky., and dealers in mills,
&c., are finding a ready, sale for their
wares. • A large quantity of molasses will
be made.
"How did you manage to get- along in
Paris without knowing the French lan
guage?" inquired a gentleman of Mrs.
Shoddy. "Oh, we had an interrupter
with us," complacently replied the old
CONTRACTS for the erection of a Sol
diers' Orphans' Home, at Xenia, ,Ohio,
have been awarded. The building is to
be located near the centre of one hun
dred acres donated by citizens' for the
TIIE Female Medical College in Lon
don has existed for six years. About
eighty ladies have now entered as stu
dents, and of these many are settled in
practice as midwives, and are succeeding
A STATE Convention of "Heavy Men"
met at Newark, N. J., on Wednesday,
the call for which was signed by H. D.
Burch, 420 pounds, Noah D. Taylor, 240
pounds, and others of somewhat less
ponderosity. •
JAMES ARMSTRONG ? in North Bridge
water, Mass., lately shot at his father
with a revolver, and then killed his wife
and fled. The Springfield Bepub!ican
says it is rumored there was bad feeling
between the parties.
Tas obstinately contested case of Ad
miral Stewart against the Camden and
Amboy Railroad has just been decided in
favor of the company. The Admiral
sued the company for $50,000 for tres
pass on his lands below Bordertown,
N. J.
IN SeNnusay, Ohio, a party of young
men recently sought admission, in the
night time, to the house of a disreputable
woman, and being refused attempted to
force an entrance, when one of the num
ber was shot and killed by a son of the
A HORSE THIEF named A. W. Russell,
eseaped frOm the jail at New Lisbon,
Ohio, last week. While the Sheriff was
in the act of placing on the hobbles, pre
paratory to retiring for the night, the
prisoner knocked him down, and while
parsing through the hall of the prison,
also knocked down the Sheriff's wife.
lit NEW Yons Crrv, Tuesday, a party
of hopeful youths quarreled over s game
of circle, and the proprietor of the tavern,
for interfering to preserve order, narrow
ly escaped being slain. One of the party
drew a Derringer and fired two shots at
him, the bullets fortunately encountering
a thick pocket book which deflected them
in their course and prevented a murder.
Tan Grand Jury of the Circuit Court
of Dallis county, Ala., have presented
Judge Jack Corbin and his City Court of
Selma as a nuisance. They say its busi
ness is conducted in such a manner as to
make its proceedings almost a' nullity.
The bills of indictment on its record are
"quashed" or "Twits prosa'd" in cases of
the gravest character, by neglect of ob
.servance of the simplest rules of law by
its officers.
HERE is an example of the treatment
hydraulic milkmen receive in Boston; it
is an advertisement, efficially signed by
"Henry Faxon, Inspector," and dated
September 21: "Edward Farrell, of
North Quincy, having his place of busi
ness in Boston, dealer in milk, has been
convicted in the Superior Court of the
county of Suffolk of selling milk in said
city of Boston, the same being adulter
ated by the admixture of water therewith."
LOCKPORT, N. Y. has 'a novel system
of water works, especially as to the ex
tinction of fire. They comprise a series
of pipes of large diameter laid through
all the principal streets and avenues with
various outlets at convenient points. A
constant pressure is kept. on by means of
a force pump, and as 'many as thirteen
different streams have been thrown at the
same time, all averaging a bight of one
hundred and thirty feet, rendering en
gines Practically useless.
IT Ts a curious fact that men who have
been prodigal of their lives in battle, and
have passed through - many "hair-breath
escapes th' imminent 'deadly breach,"
should have so great a dread of death
when it comes from the hand of an as
sassin: -It is said that Cromwell was
never seen to smile after he had read
"Killing no Murder," in which was ad
vocated his assassination. Sir Neil
Campbell, in his journal lately pub
lished, gives us a graphic account of the
fear which Napoleon felt for his life dur
ing the journey from Fontainebleau to
Elba. On leaving Orange, where heffiad
been received with derision and abuse,
he left his carriage, , and, enveloping him ;
self in a Russian cloak, and wearing the
white cockade in a common round hat,
he rode on in advance of his escort, ac
companied by only a single courier, and
during the rest of_ the journey repeatedly
changed names and clothes with the corn.
missioners who accompepied • him. So,
chary, then, of life was the hero of Lodi.
A Remarkable .School Mistress
Dr. N. T. True, School Superintendent
of Okford county, Maine, has made a
special report concerning a schocil mis
tress in that State and her work. Her
name is Vesta Howard, and she teaches _
in the town of Bethel. She is fiftyfive -
years old, and has taught -seventy terms
of private and public school. Yet, says.
Dr. True, she is far in advance of most
young teachers, instead of being anti
quated. The following are extracts from
the account of her school:
"She commenced her afternoon session
by saying that she did not think it best
to set the children immediately to work
upon their studies, because they had been
at their play, and were not in the best
condition for close application. She there
fore took a second Progressive Reader
and read a story as badly as she could,
and let them correct her faults. She then
read it corrctly and as one would talk,
and all eyes were fixed on her. She then
called a register of scholars by
nutabers, who answered by their'
names and ages. Among them was
a Winfield Scott, General Fremont
and other prominent names; and ,as they
were announced she had a word to say
about their history, without scarcely
stopping her register. She then made
them all take their books out of their seats
together, without noise. No slates were
to hit the desk, or books to be shuffled.
She selects a Captain for each of the
smaller classes, who steps out and calls
the class out by numbers. Books are all
held alike. This makes them executive.
"In reading, small children repeat the
same word till they can command it in
the sentence, and then they read it in
concert. In spelling they fold their arms
with the book under the left arm. acme
times she spells the words and they pro
nounce them. This was a fine exercise.
She made them pronounce correctly, cow,
bow, now, bow, row. They made a
graceful bow in leaving for their seats-
Each class has a definite time for studying
a lesson, and the teacher calls their atten
tion to it at the moment.
"They came out to read with folded
arms,•read with strong emphasis, and nat
urally. Sne makes them look at her lips,
and she pronounces words round and full
and makes them do the same alter her.
While hearing a class reading, if a class,
is studying geography, she will suddenly
call their attention to some point -in the
lesson, and then go right on with the.
reading. She will call upon u. scholar by
surprise to rise and tell something about_
the lesson she is studying.. This was
done with great promptness. This kept
them on the alert.
"She has bouquets all around the ronni,,
and maps and pictures on the walls, to
make the room look pleasant. Not a
book or pencil is heard prominently.
"She questions them in what they have
read. In spelling, they give familiar
definitions in their own language, and
are required to pronounce each letter fully
and forcibly."
English Legal Rulings
In the case of a carman having orders
to deliver goods to a certain person, but
who delivered them in mistake to another
person, who appropriated them to his own
use, it has been held that the carman did
not part with the property in delivering
- them to a wrong party, and that the lat
ter, in appropriating them to his own use,
' was guilty of iarceny.
The prisoner obtained a sum of money
from the prosecutor by pretending that he
carried on and extensive business as an
auctioneer an house-agent, and that he
wanted a clerk, and that the money was
`to be deposited as security for the prose
cutor's honesty as such clerk. The jury
found that the prisoner was not carrying
on any such business at all. Held, that
this was an indictable false pretence.
After a receipt was signed by the per-,
son giving it, the person to whom it was t
given added words above the signature.
Held, that it was for the jury to say
whether the addition of those words al
tered the effect of the receipt. Held, also,.
that it was doubtful whether such addi
tion amounted to a forgery.
Prisoner was found with dead fowls in
his posession of will& he could give no
account, and was tracked to a fowl house
where a number of fowl were kept, and
on the floor of which some feathers cor
responding with the feathers of one found
on the prisoner from the neck of which
feathers had been removed. The fowl
house, which was closed over night, was
found open In the morning. The spot
where the prisoner was found was 1,200
from the fowl-house, and the prosecutor,
not knowing the number of folWs kept,.
could not swear that he had lost any.
Held, that there was evidence to sup
port a conviction for larceny:
AFTER the jury in the case of Griffin,
the engineer whose negligence caused the
railroad disaster at Mast Hope, had ren
dered their verdict, "not guilty," Judge
Barrett told them it was "against law,
against justice, and an outrage against
humanity," and added: "You violated
the obligations of your oath, a plain,
simple obligation to render &verdict ac
cording to the evidence. Instead of that,
you rendered a-verdict against every par
ticle of evidence. lam astonished that
you should in this way set aside the law
and violate your oaths; and I trait that
the spirits of the dead, dying, bleeding,
and burnt victims of 'Mast Hopi will
rebuke you as long as you live." He
finally bade them leave- the courtroom,
as they were "not fit to act as jurymen,"
and he "would not try cases before such
a jury."
—lt is expected that at thetoming
meeting of the directors of the Lo isville
and Nashville Railroad Company, as the
trade of the road Is rapidly growing be
yond its present capacity, an order will
be tuned to lay and additional track.
The Baltirnore and Ohio Railroad has
agreed to peas back free all members of
the Commercial Convention having the
President's certificate of having come
over that road. The Cleveland and Co
lumbue Road has taken the same action.
RECENT rains in the east ark said to
have been "perfect God-sends."