prrisstyteGm STEEL WOUKS. • BTAIII,IBIIIiD IN 1815. • • ANDERSON & WOODS, isAntriPAC:rannas OP NEST REFUSED OAST STEEL Of every description. Al6O. beet Refined Gem Bow and Spring Steel, CORNER AND MST AVENIIS,Pitts• - eh: Pa. ItOS smienvit BARR & MWIA~U GEIZZIULL ?A711218118 EISTCA.Vir.REHBEN MLLE% C. W. SAHA 1 CHAS. FASHIN. BPSCIAL PARTNIR-S. M. Ti , CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, INILLER, BABB , & PABICEN, OFFICE, 50. :19 Liberty street, PITTSBIIIIGH. PA tell:d4B DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, R9HM & CO., Dionnfocturoro of IRON, NAILS, SrrEUL , AXLES AND SPRINCS, , DINVITEBNE, L X AND JUNIATA, 'FLAT BAB. BOUND AND QU TANS 11101 27. IRON. BAND, 1100PSLIEET Tram. utos. IBOILFR IRO N.r.S AND lIF ADS, OVARD DRAG and DROPPER B YLANCinv: ()UTTER DABS, OTLINIAD. IRON,_ it Ant, FLAT BAIL, for Coal 'Roads. , ONY Bs RS,VirItDGES & HARP.oW TRIM% ~.'7BING,PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEF.L, STAEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TInES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. T'V.I.. 00ACR. -BUGGY and Vi ARON SPRINGS and xLErs, CUT NAILS AND SPIRES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICESAND WORKS. iliteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 47 Water Street. Pittsburgh. sad ---------- S HEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NICK & CO., PITTSBIIRGIEL Pa.. -; lisnufseturers of every de:serilitiou of CAST AND GERUAN STEEL, NATION -SPAIN9II, ELLL,..CA.II,4;isIyirFRTEI SPErcira.4 . Warehouse, S 5 Water andloo First Rs. BLACK DUJiOND STEEL- WORKS. wax, wtorrant & CO., lasninfseturers of all descriptions of , • . eiril'3o3oar-s. Oita and Wareboaee,THIRTIKTFI, WITLILTY, YLEtt3T and ildifAito.6-0 IiTSISETd, BRASS FOUND, ERB. Ell . BIER, ....... . .. sz.Nror ........ G Ur. TAV C S_ B LE Cli. & CO., RENRY BIER 301 IN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Briss Founders. ' IMAM C.4I4TENGS MADE raoarris TO Quoits. Maleable and Grey Inn Fittinp, GAS PIPE! ; AND TUBING, THROTTLE,BORTY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE PATTERN. XII ON COODIKS, Brass Work of everydescription for Steam, Water and OU. XA-NUFA.CTUREBB OF J. It. CtX)PZI I W'S Imprave4 Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for preens' Patent Ott ers. the best in the Market. Owe and Worts, corner Thirteenth and Pike treete. ATR OOD & Mee AIFfREY, Corner Liberty,street and Third Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., BRASS FOUNDERS AND IRONPIPE FITTFRS, And Atilf.llTB' far. A. El. CAMERON & CO'S BTEAM ruurs Ali]) SLO WS BIALERSIMSENPROtBSS. The Trustees are now prepare!! to grant licen ies Mr the use Of the ELLEABILLUCEN PRO- The superier quality irapartedfgo good iron, the great improvement in inferior iron, and the reduced cost, commend it to all manufacturers of iron. Parties wishing to use It can obtain licenses by APPLYI-14 to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for the Trustees. ROOMS 1 and A, English's Building, 913 lonith ji avenue. Par ties interested are invited to Visit ts th is e IMO& NBERGER woasis. where the roee ieß:dl7 EVEILSON, PIIVITON & PennriviVania Iron Works. Warehouse. Nos. 165 and 161 If I3BT IffaltEt, 000 s Ite DlonimiLiels House, FITT6I3I I / 1 . 13111 1344:03 , FITTABI3RGII NOVELTY WORKS. niunded A. 1). 1118 S. .iticiAnrs. *rims & co. 7sT. • xalthracron.sii.s 07 truONE STANDARDJVAISBANKAOS, '"---X7M-MdTPOltit .A.ND COMITIA SCALES. Motu Paced Patent Door 'Locks and lantana. Paint and Coffee Mint, 40. •9110111.0W1T ARUM fea POD • L J - I OLg BuU c CO., Con. Point Alley and Duquesne °mat um roma Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. bilaralliallre STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of ail aim Special attention invited to our ne l, A... OIL WELL ENOLNE ANDPOR T ABLE SOLLER,of IS-horeemower. , CASTlriet_of every kind, made to order stow lOiludry, on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for 4)11 Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HAN GEPS,ROUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS SIM IRON TOBACCO PREEM• on hand and made to ordey, at the i INDUSTRIAL WORKS,- F ronting on the Allegheny Payer, near the Point. • fm•MINNEMMEM FORT PITT BOILER, STILL 011 ?OK TTIBAB , DOUBLD-FLIIRD TUBULAR. UL FIBS-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL- E BS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, OBLKNEYS, BBEECIUND AND ASR SETTLING PANS. dALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: STEAM PIPE% OASONBTBBB AND IRO N BBIDGES , __ • PRISON DOOB.B AND coat. inutsis Offtee and Warehouse. corner Second , Third. Short and Liberty Streets. UT f. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND-SIIERT IRON VIORHRRB, PIITNSIISQ S • SUCCTBBOILB TO ON WORKS. NOS WORKS. PITTSBURG*. barrTE:Y bNEsr AY, . STiTEISIBER 29, 1869. PITTSBURGH.. PL. WO KS. CARROLL & SNYDER, ICL.'tI7TAMn O " OP PLTTSBIIRGR• Pa. • air Orders sent to the above addres wetly attended to- T ute e ._ rms. no, 80,14 LAD 16 PEIcN sr. Saving secured ato rwe at and Banished re, it with the meat approved machinery are p mired to manufacture every description of BOIL- P..:n in the belt manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breechisig, lire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condenses, Be t Pans. Tants. Oil Stills, ag tors, Battling Pans, Boller Iron, Edifice*, Ungar Pans, and sole manufacturers of BarnEWs eat Boilers. Her r= o n a, JADXD D. suuss....-.•.....—..spiniND D. . nausst JARED 111. BRUSH & SON tuxtrrAcrunses 07 Steam Boilers. 011 Stills, Tanks. suMET IRON %WEIL Cko. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVE'S, CASTINGS, Sto. A..BIZAJIMEY t CO.; NO.BO WOOD STREET, • Idanafeeturen of_ the greatest 'misty of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stares, TO BE YQDND. • In our assortment will be found all the LA.'neST • PA.TT WRNS AND I'MPROVniIIEN Ts, and the reputation of oar Stoves Is such that none e In Want of. a good article should purchas but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call Particular attention to our new VOLCANd STOVE. fr chareer• halls ad stores. Over 800 sold in t h r ee menthhe.lntend e d for with or with out casing. sll who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Bend for Catalogue and Price Gist. BAIT, INIGUS 86 CO, amtrurAcTratsus 07 7.vzscr vABIZTC 07 SEIP I X I C IMIMEL BOSTON COOKING BANGE, ,"TITE FIERY FURNACE," YOB WLEXi2t9 strnaltrfas. THE NE ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, "REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOS STOVE, VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) • PORTABLE B.A.NGE CAST IRON IdANTLES; IVELLILAN B.E7LECTOR, GRAITAIree from dirt and dust; °awn MET& EBS, SO6 and 20S Liberty Street,. serayl7 -/TT131 . 1 12" PADS° COOK STOVES. 'CET THE BEST iiiSSFAIAL Co:, TRIUMPH. FOB BITUMINOUS GOAL. as Warranted to Cooly Bake or Boast all as any other 'Store In the Union. EMIL di 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. arga za lt eg o ult&r HEATicanoasivrommws , • CfMllOl.Ol MM. M. LUMBER. TO OtILLDEIIS t 500.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150,00 0 feet 13i inch Clear Plank: A 5,000 feet 1A Inca Common Plank; $15,000 feet Dry 1 and A laeh Oak: 65,000 ft.K L I, ljt, mid 3 inch POllliart 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 fee le t No. 1 18 inch tiagins4 Shin -100.000 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed; 50,000 No. 1 16-inch Militates, shaved; • 50,800 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire 'Tile. 100 Tone Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posta, and all articles in Hie line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and r oughta streets, Sixth ward,Alleghear. latnholP - of %LABEL CHINA. STREEV. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOULIDLLiN AND CIIINA. NEW STYL ES, DNER SETE ! - TEA NEM OIFT CUPS AbION.E.q O, 5 A. large stock' of SILTED r'MED GOODS Cali and examine our aopdh and, we eel satisfied no On 'need rau to be waited. R. E.& CO. BEIZED 1092W001, : , 'Mr. J ANDERSON 1110MMIlfil W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Manor/et:men of IRON HOUSE FRONTS. WINDOW LINTELS ind ULM. and • Castings of all Descriptions. Ifir Special attention paid to A RCRITIMT I3- RAL CABTII r G 3 and to Castings for Window Gies+ Roust B. OFFICE vn OtFIDRY—No. 150 WAXER BTRENGT, Pittsburgh Pa. OLP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, I'ITSBIIRGEI, PA.. PEr Engines, Bolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be. torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRIt AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and emausaan Streets, .pri-renurnau, P. 8.• WILLIAM SMITH, OAST IRON BOWL PIPE 109 OAS AND VirATES WORE& MI Plea are all east laearlablylu Plus le and IS re 13110141116. /AWN Of general Castings for 64as and Water Works. tas:cri woul also call the •,,,eatlis. of Superintend ants of Oar, Worts to 1-11t1Ic IIarrOILTO. DUQUESNE FORGE. _ WILLIAM lEalaß, ( Successor to JOS. P. HAIM" It. C 0.,) Hu facilities eo.extensive with the leading 'Forges in the East, and Is prepared to PrrituPtli and ssttsfactortig all all orders for STEAMBOAT 1311AFTS. CRANKS. PISTON ROD, Le.VERS, PITMAN .1 ANIS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LoCoaIOTD, a FRMES. together with eror9 description of SEMI'S, WORK. (mce and Forge. Corner of Duquesne `Way and First Street. apl4:h4o ROBINSON, REA & CO" Successors to Bosurfirow, *Ms & )I orris. VT ASEEINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND ISACHINISTS,PITTSBUReaI, litannfactnrera of Boat and ILltatSentry Btu= En- Ca n.l l l ,l l B.Tni i ig i pitl n i.. l 'f_p t AL 7l : l, .' &lrfa and ~tui.,_Boller and bheet Iroo•WorK. Su °ince. N0.e,1.5, corner Ylcit and thnithfleld Bt i. T" geta for al . ' -FARM!. iwrsarr waitcroa for reeding Boilers. Pill:rliS THOMAS CAVALIN & CO., frildlufacttMera Of Stationary and Portable Steam littertucet, OM Proem..., Yellers, Shafting,. Grist and Saw MIII Work, Rolling fdill and Machine Cestinge, Grater Bars, Weights, Wagon Bozes, fte, Build to order and have on hand =mines of all sizes. MitelOm6 of ill deccriptlons 01. A. vorxvoot.y: =NINTH 'W'MU),) DianufaoturOr of tooth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, 2414D17815Y BT.. ALLEGEENY CITY, OILS. DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONC & CO., Oface, D&LZZLL BIIII.DELqO Duquesne Way. Pittsburgb. Pa. WADING AND KIND, Commission Merchants =I Broken pi Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILADBLPEUA ADDRESS, Room 17, Ghent/wt IS3 BOOTH SECOND STREET pia& BROTHERS, COMMISSION 'MERCHANTS, AND DZALM 3 Petroietni and its Products, rittauurgls Offlen—DAlXagiVß EDWIN°. eorner at Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Phliadelpnls Onless-1111 WALNUT 13Ts, aploarse ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY.I HEZHERT R. TWEDDIA IidISII3IMCTI:TBZIL OW • LubTleating & High Test Btaning4ils. I - Eclipse Railroad Axle Oil, Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at, lowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine, Elaehisse Shop, Wei cut Screws. Sale Mill and Planing Rill Otis, Adapted for high 'weed Spindle Old, Week . HeadaiShe OA Ott, Tanners' Stuff. 'llense_le, it tug Finish Leg 011, Ranoline , Harness Oil. , Parra ,Ris right Iron. ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve i B Work and Machinery from Rust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle , s patent by Superheated Steam 1n Vac cwt. Ihe Lubricating OM are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform,. and meetly nett col - Grad, stand a high temperature unchanged, and remain limpid during extreme cold. Theßsiirosi Olts ere unequalled, and are in constant use on many ofjtrie principal Railroads Samples can be exaMined and orders left a t 11. WOOD LITRE' T. Works at swarpstrurg Bridge. STONE. WEST COMMON • 7 Machine Stone Works, Siosthweit corms_ of yiest.Cpagoolk ~OM Ban 011 hand or yeillalbgrra‘ Oa Vilefie• itetalribtal SWUM. erdal3 Icc4lol szecated. Pr losil tOilligataS FINANCIAL BOR. NO. 80. FOURTH. AVENUE, PITTSBORGU. CASH CAPITAL ..... 5200.,000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANS Or DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN YLOYD Wil. VLOYD. President. Cashier. DIAUCTOBS. Thos. M. Marshall,l John M. Murtland, Wm. T. Shannon, 1 Archibald WmlaCe, James W • Arrott. Jae. D. Kelly, Chas. U. Leech, , Win. Floyd. John Floyd, 1 Thle Bank le now hilly orged and prepared ter do a general Dant big buelneseaniz. jelOk43_ cunt 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL, 3100,000. --- ETOCKBOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. MEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE • Europe. d sold. and when deaired remitted to Ee. Collections made on alt the prinaipal points o D he t i U oc ed l F‘ a a EN . an P d r e C s aus nt l . '. JA AS MCCAW:.Vice President. . W. N. I,Lostolar. Cashier. DiltiTOng. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating . J. Dunievy, Jr., . Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Pbelau, iOhms. B. Barr, • H. A.. Frey yogic, Jno.Jos.HerMann. Thome. Barnes, Patrick 5 --- JCIS ' AZZ". "licluw. THE SAYE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, January 24, 1807. For the safe•keeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gold and Silver, Silver Plate, Books, Records, Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes In its burglar - Proof . vaults. Building.and Offic,e• S 3 FOURTH APEXCE, PrITSBBBOII. PA. PRESIDINT—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Vic: Puxtupr.NT—HENILY LLOYD. Dauscrits: W3l. PHILLIPS, T.IAMES I. BENNETT HP NRNWIN H. PAINTER WILLIAM. REA. _ JOS. tl. 31()Ittt WILLIAM LYI.I4,ItILUKCCE CURTIS U. USSEY. SEe.U Y SS Vu AN 3uDTMIuRVIIIM au23:tlC 7 N. 1101011. ES & SONS, , 57 Market. Street. P'13"1"•113111:7I1Giri • 1.11.• Co s mad end Canadt.s . r ne on all the plnelpsl points al e U !States Stocks,Bouds and other Securities BOUGHT &ND BOLD ON COMMD33I.O I ;. Particular attention paid to the purciliata and isle of United States Securities Amimi HART, CAUGHEY & ~ CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, ()Imw" Third and Wood BtroeGh PI1'T6B1U11•GIL• PA.s StICCIEESOBIS TO HANNA, FILET & CO.. DIALERS Tit Exchanke, Coin, Coupons, ~IId particular attention paid t to th e partnere and sale o COVERNNIENT• BONDS. 181Eitit, Drafts on London. arnaktr. PACIFIC WRAY GOLD LOA leuri. DABNEY, DORGAN & CI Exchange Place, and E. E. lESEP k CO., 12 Pine ?Arta, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific hallway. Thin Bonds pay seven per cent; in Gold; have thirty years to rna; are Free from Government Taxation ; are second by a Land Grant of -Three Ilillion fares of the Finest lands in lianas and Colorado Ia addition to this special grant the Com pany. also owns Thres Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the roa They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the mid from Medan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado, The road in operation 17 miles long, upon which it is also a mor age, NOW EMINS ERE TIIAN .N.NOIIIIII NiT'INCVER TO PIT TEE INTEREST OK TUE NEW LOIN. There is no better amity is the market—ibis being in some respects better than Government turilles. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE iN COLD. Price 96, and accru ed Intettet, Curenty, - Pamphlets, left and Ciieulara tarnished on application. ' • L 1 FINANCIAL. ~, ~, SILVER, AND COUPONS sought at Highest Prices. R. MERTZ, Banker Con Wood and Fifth Streets. =DS TAMES T 1 BRADY 86 CO., (Successors OS. JtY3ll3 &bp—) Cornet Fourth and Wood Sts., INT 19, BU AND BELL ALL N.INDB 07 GOTERNIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST YAVOBABLE TICBMB or Interest Allowed on Deposits. ia•• Money loaned on eovernment Bond.' at • est market rates. Orders mteented for the rareheme end Sole of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD, lAMBS T. BRADT & CO. tip Llittsturgij &qtt-tt. FINANCE AND TRADE. [Br Telegrams to the etustreirch °alarm. 28. New YOBS, September, The excitement in Wall street was evensreat throughout the day, and the evet scarcely less important than for many days past. The Committee of the Gold Room, appointed in the morning, soon reverted that the Bank of New York would undertake the clearances of lit Friday's busine t Z r in the Gold Room, s abject to the following restrictions: That, every statement _must be correct; that'if there is a gold balance, it must be paid in gold, and if a currency balance, it must be paid on certified checks. The Committee and Bank of New York fur ther agreed that all clearances at the Bank should be made on a basis of 135 for gold, and that all differences be set tled between respective dealers outside of the Bank. The room then voted to remain open only for transaction% gold. The loan market -was all agreed ee that all loans to -day be made fr of Interest. The Gold Exchange as sembled et three o'clock r. M., when the committee reported that the Bank of New York found their clerical force insuffi cient to clear Friday's contracts in the gold room without embarrassing-regular operations. In this emergency, a reso lution that committee of twen ty member as of this Exchange be, appointed to receive all the Clearing Rouse sheets and examine them care fully, without receiving any money or balance sheet, and finding all correct, strike a b.tlance sheet of the whole and present that to the bank of New Yorkk, was adopted after strong debate b committee appointed. This committee, it is stated, will work all night, if necessary, to straighten out Fri day's business. The announcement that the Bank of New York was unable to go on with the clearings occasioned a gen eral rush for the Lang Room to sell stooks, and another storm burst in the. Stock Exchange, with a decline in prices from 3to 15 per cent. The greatest de pression was in Vanderbilt stocks, and New York Central sold down to 162. The street was filled with rumors of failures on the Stock Exchange, but none as yet are officially announced. Secretary Boutwell, to-day, accepted only $97,000 of the bids for gold, throw ing out all proposals below 180, Those accepted were at 130©13235. The affairs of the Gold Exchange Bank were before a-Committee of the Clearing house to-day, and the Bank stands debtor to 82,400,000 , and paid in $1,000.090 i gold, equal to about 51,300,000 in curren cy, and $1,000,000 in the shape col of loans, which are in process of lection. The creditors' bonds have been assessed for their portion of the c 1,000,0 00 i n n loas until the same can be ollected. This la the &street explana ' tion the public have had of the cause of the delay in making settlements with the brekers. Rio reported from. this state inea that the currency of the-bank has been loaned to parties, and the whole Street This is brought to a dead lock there rm by. afternoon the Committee Sus-. pension of the Clearing Rouse. regarded the securities handed over to the Clear ing House,on account of the debt, or the balance of Gold Exchinge, us ade quate to cover the liabilities, and have ascertained that to-morrow the bank will stand creditor at the Clearing ktouse. The Stock Exchange presented a gloomy aspect towards the close of the e day, and the panicky feeling was r newed. The havoc made in values to day has wiped from existence a large number of small operators and weak ened many larger ti.rins. There were many rumors of failures, but none are yetofficially announced. The National Stock Exchange com mences dealing in gold to-morrovr. Money was very stringent at noon, and loans were made at IA per cent. on Gov ernments and gold, and % to 2 per cent. on stock. A great Many brokers had difficul in making their bank accounts. There lea dead lock in discounts. The Commercett understancts that ap plication has been made tot tbe Secretary of the reasury, requesing that -he would make a provision for supplying the market with currency In the event of affairs assuming a more threatening aspect of a panic. Gold nominally at 131 to 132. Sterling nominally at B®B./. Governments lower and dull, closing steady. Coupons' of 1881. 18elt119 do. '62, 120©120%; do N. 11935; do. 65, 119% ®119%; do new 119©119;,/t do. 67, 117% ®11780: do. '6S, 116%@11N. 10-40 a, 10835ey108%; Pacifica 6W. State bonds lower n ; Bilmouris, old 84; old Tens, 60; ew do. Virginias, 53%; new do. 53; old North Carolinas, 4535; new do. 44. Stereo de. cidedly lower and panicky; Vauderbilt'a shares showing greatest fall. Six O'clock Prices: -Canton; 53; Cain.' herland, 29; Westeentinion, 35%; quick 12.1,141Meripofti". 7; do. preferred, 15%; Pacific Mal. 4 61 1 ,i; Adams Express, 49%; Wells. 17;'AMeriettn 313 1 4; United Statee; 50f- New 'York.' Central, '150%f Meow; 120 1: tlindson. 1315; - f_Read- Ing, 89.41453 ti; Erie, 26%; do, R m. Mich felted, 61; lidlobligan Central, 118; Won- ;....------------- igan Southern, 761/; Illinois Central, 131%; Pittsburgh, 87;414rorthwestern, 62%; do. preferred, 76%; Rock Island, 100%t St. Paul, 02; do. preferred. 74%; Wa- • bash, z,5; Fort Wayne 81; Terre Haute, 30; do. preferred, 56; Chicago and Al ton, 140; do. preferred. 141; Ohio and Mississippi, 24%; St. Joseph. 104; do. preferred, 103; Columbus, Cincinnati awl Indiana Central, 26%, Dubuque, 106. Botiton prices : Copper Falls 8; Frank lin, 11: Recta, 70; Quincy 25. The Sub -Treasury balance has not, yet been announced. . Gimes or PITTSBURGH OLBETTIet t TUESDAY. Sept. 28, 1869. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady dr. Co. Gold: --; 'United States Sixes, 1881, 118%; Five-Twenties; 1862, 120; do. 1864, 11934; do. 1865, 119%; Ten-Forties, 108%; t ies, Five-Twens Janu ary and July, 1865. 117%; o. 1867, 11.7%; do. do. 1868. 117%; Due Com pounds, —; Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central ' do, do, 9; cy. ?acme,. 107%; Lake Superiors, 96. PIT-CM:MGR MARKET• Orricg of Prrrsgunon. GAzirrrn, Tt7sEDAX, Sept. 28, 1869. Those operators in Chicago who are carrying large stocks of Grain, are ex periencing a pretty bitter tune of it, and many , of these are doubtless the same who, thirty days ago, made such vigorous . bull movements, resorting to all kinds. of strategy to keep up prices. They en deavored, and, for a time, were partially successful, in creating the impression„ that the crops both in this country and Europe had been ruined by excessive • rains, and that the yield would be a light one, below the average. The events of the past month, however, have changed the situation pretty effectually, and the cry of short crop, to use a com mon phrase, is about pfayed out. The . crop this year is doubtless the largest in in the history of this country and re cent adTicers from Europe, are much more encouraging than they were a month ago. The result of all this is that , Wheat has declined 20®25 .cts. per bushel in Chicago, with indications of a still further decline, and flour is down fully a dollar per bbl, and those who have, in the face of what has been trans fering, persistently advocated the full theory, are not entitled to and much batli creditt for shrewdness or sagacity, tle sympathy will be felt for those of them who are forced to the wall. APPLES-Continue dull with a sup ply largely in excess of the demand; bbl. we continue to quote at $1,00®2,00 per BUTTER -1s dull with a largestock and light demand; sales at 25(D for good to strictly prime. CHEESE -1s steady with a steady de mand but unchanged, ranging from I.l®. 17, the outside figure for Goshen. CARBON OIL-the demand is im proving steadily, and the market is tirm but unchanged; 29 for round lots and 30®31 in ajobbing way. CRANBERRIES -Sales of prime east ern cultivated at $12,00 per bbl. EGGS-Sales fresh packed reported at 21®22. FEATHERS - Dull; quoted at 50@.85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR -Is quiet and dull, brit un changed. Winter wheat brands are ing sold to the trade at $6,75®7. flours, or no inquiry for Srping wheat and the stock in this market is very much reduced. GRAIN-Wheat is quiet and un changed; $1,30 for prime red, and $1,35- • for prime white. Oats easier under in foience of increased arrivals,and last week's prices cannot be reaized. We now quote at 50 In first hands, and 54®55. in store. Sale 4 cars prime yellow corn pearl. Rye is dull, and it would ap- • that there are no buyers above $l,lO. Barley is coming in very spar ingly, and the market is firm but un changed-sales at $1,25®1,39 for prime spring and fall. HAY-Sales from country wagons at $15®22, as to quality. RENIP-Very dull, $2435 per ton. HUSKS-Sales at 2%®3 cts per pound. LARD OIL-F. Sellers it co. quote Extra No. 1, at $1,43151,45, and No. 2, at $1.05®1.08 - PROVISIONS -Firmer and higher. Shoulders, 1614®1014; Ribbed Sides, Short Ribbed, 19%; _Clear do, 20; plain Sugar Cured Rams, 2c34; CavassedLa do, rd, 22%. Mess Pork, $38%®3 3 %. 2034 in tines, 20% In bbla, and 21%, in .kegs. PEANUTS - None in hands of com mission men. PEA.CHES-Sales at sl®2 per bushel, as to quality. POTATOES -Sweets remain unchang ed, ranging from $4 to $5 per barrel, the latter figure for prime Jerseys. PLUMS in market, season about over. . SEED-Flaxseeddemand, the mills are paying $2,20®2,28. Small sales of timothy seed at 11,25@4, 50 . Atr demand for clover seed. - SALT-Is firmer, wit sales - of car load lots at $1,85 per bbl. h STRAW-Sold in Allegheny market. at $l2 per ton.", Live stock narket. CAMBILIDGjh September 28.--Beef Cat tle recielpta7B9; prices improved )ic, sales of extra at $12,75@13,25, first quality 511,506.12,50, second quality slo@ll, third quality 58@9,50. Sheep and lambs receipts 9.730, market unchanged, sales of extra at $3,75®4.2 5 . Culosec, Sept. 28.--Cattle dull and weaker at53,75®5,80 for cows and light steers:- Hogs steady andfirm at $ 8,50(§) '9,10 for common; $ 9,25@9,45 for fair to medium; $9,60®10,00 for good to choice. and $10,1234@15,00 for extra choice as sorted. CisciNNATi, September 28.—Beef cat tle are dull, and ;he prices are lower; common to extra 53 to $5,50 per gross. Sheep are dull at $2,50 to $4,60 per gross. 'Hogs are in good demand at 59@10 per coital gross.. ST. Louis, September 28.--Cattle in good supply and active at 2, l i@ENc. Hogs steady anfortive at 7®Bo for stock and 814@103.10 -fat. Receipts hogs 750 head. Dry Goods, NEW Youth, September 28.—A little more animation is perceivable, but the market is far from being, active er buoy ant. price Sprague ba p nd stries are reduced in from 14 to 13Se, 4.4 Laval bleached muslin from 21 to 200, and 4.4 do Green from 1234 e to 12c. Andros aorg g th n somomand, s el3d . at l 6% c , and the Rose Bud at the same price. In other classes of goods there is no important change to observe. . Lobramr,s, September 28.—Flour is quiet; superfine 55,045,25. Grain quiet. Wheat; red $1,05@1,10, and white 51,15@ 1,20. Corn. in bulk 90@95c. Oats in bulk 50®55e. Rye 90®95c. Grocerlee in lair demand and firm. Leaf Tobacdo activa, with_ sale* .to-day Pt /55; With at $7,50016,25.' Mesa Perk 'quiet at 532,50 (g 633,00„ Badonr.shonlfiera 17e, clear rib uoga, -deal—sides VW. Hams; sugar - ettfed 240, awl halm 250. Laid quiet. .snd weak atl9q(i)l9xio in tiereei; Whisky; raw 51,16.