PIITIIIBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PuTSBUBGE Gezzrins, MONDAY, Sept. 27. 1869. 'S There is nothing new or important in the general markets worthy of special notice; we can report a steady local de• mud for most of the leading articles, and a fair business in the aggregate, and farther, as navigation has again been re, slimed, it is probable that an improve ment in trade generally is near at hand. There is nothing in the way of a gOod fall and winter business, unless it is • .financial difficulties. APPLES—Unchanged—very! dull, as the market is completely glutted. Sales in store at *l@2 per bbl. as to quality. " BUTTER—Is in good supply and dull but unchanged; sales of prime to choice, at 28@30.. . CRANBERRIES—SaIes of prime east ern cultivated may be quoted at 1.12,00 per bbl. CHEESE-Is quiet and unchanged, ,ranging from 14 to 16 cents, as to 'quality. CARBON OlL—Quiet and unchanged; may be quoted at 29 for mound lots, and 30@31 in a retail way. EGGS—DuII at 22%21 FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at 80@85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Notwithstanding the arrivals are light, the supply Is fully up to the demand, and the market is dull with a drooping tendency. Prime winter wheat flours are being sold at $6,75©7 per bbl. There seems to be little or no in quiry for springs, and there is little or none In this market. PRAlN—Wheat is qniet and unchang ed—sl,3o for Red and $1,35 for white. Oats less active but unchanged; 53 on track and wharf, and 55@56 in store. Sale 4 cars prime yellow corn at $l. Rye is in fair demand and limited supply, but as yet, cannot be sold above $4,10(4) 1,12, the outside fture for prime Penn sylvania. Sales of good to prime barley at $1,25©1.,30. HAY-Sales troin country wagons at .$15@)22, as to quality. HEMP—Very dull, $205 per ton. • HUSKS—SaIes at 2X@3 eta per pound. LARD 01L—F. Sellers Co. quote Extra No. 1, at $1,43©1,45, and No. 2, at f1.05© 1, OS 'PROVISIONS—Firmer and higher Shoulders. 16X@16%; Ribbed Sides, 19; Short Ribbed, 1934; Clear do, 20; plain Sugar Cured Hams, 22%; Cavassed do, 233 .- Mesa Pork, s33 l „t©33X. Lard, 20% in times, 20X in bbls, and 21X, in kegs. PEANUTS—None in hands of com mission men. PEACHES—Continue dull though the receipts from abioad have fallen off ma terially—there seems to be enough corn ing in from country adjacent to supply the demand; we continue to quote at 51 +52 per bushel, as to quality. POTATOES—Sweets remain unchang ed, ranging from 54 to 65 per barrel, the latter figure for prime Jerseys. PLUMS—None in market, season about over. SEED—Flaxseed Is in demand, and the mills are paying 12,20©2,25. Smqll sales of timothy seed at #4,25@4,50. No demand for clover seed. SALT—Is flrriter, with sales of car load lots at $1,85 per bbl. • STRAW—SoId in Allegheny market at $l2 per ton. PETROI.EUM•MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, / MONDAY, Sept.' 27, 1869. The most noticeable feature in the oil market to-day is a slight improvement atAntwerp, which is quoted'up to 57 1 „x. As yet, however; the markets on this side of the water have made no response further than that the feeling is a little stronger, the demand a little more ur=" gent and loss disposition to sell; prices are about the same as on Saturday, though, as already intimated, there were but few Boilers at Saturday's quotations, and more buyers. Financial matters, it would appear, continue in a rather precarious condition in New York, and this, as might be expected, has a de pressing influence on oil as well as everything else, sympathizing witn gold and exchange, A private telegram from the east, says: "No drafat on exporters deposited on Saturday, will , be paid to day. Gold board adjourned indell nitely, probably until Wednesday or Thursday. Gold and exchange un saleable." CRUDE. Market quiet although, apparently a 4ittiade stronger, with but little offering. Sale 1,000 bbls seller September at 1434; .800 do at same figure ' against- a sale for same delivery on Saturday at 1434. Buyer all 1869, nominal at 14%@15; sel ler same delivery and option, 14@)14y,. REFINED. Sale of a line, 600 October at 82%, and .500 each November and December at September quoted at 31 7 4, with that figure bid for 4,000 bbls; October, ..12%@)32%; and last three months, 823%. LUBRIOLTINO OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating 01l 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle 85c Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Etoindle 80c. BECZIPTS Or CRUDE OIL. BY A. V. B. R. Lyons & Co. 160 bbls. Byers &Co 240 ~ H. McEelvy ' 240 41 D. Bly & Co 49 ~ Vandegriff 800 " Fisher Bro • 640 " T. Chess 160 " Total ' • 2,289 bbls. OIL SBIPPBD EIST DT A. V. B. B. Livingston & Bro., 300 cases refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. P. Weisenberger 350 bbla refined to Warden, Frew t Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth & Bro., 207 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lockhart, Frow & Co. 589 bbls refined to Warden, Frew &.Co., Phila. B.' W. Morgan & C o. 211 bblii ref. oil to - Warden, Frew dcCo., Philadelphia. W. McKeown, 50 bbla• refined to H Blair Hoziitz, Philadelphia.• • .1. 0. Kirkpatfick & Co., 106 bbls to Waring, King& Co., Philadelphia. • Braun At Wagner' 642 bbls refined to 'Waring. Xing &Co.; Philadelphia. Montzhelmer. Koehler & Co. 604 bbls yet. to Waring, King dr Co., Philadelphia. Fulton. M. & Co., 251: bbls relined to W. Logan dr Bro.; Philadelphia.' ' MoKelvy &, Bro. i 512 bbls ref. oil to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Citizens Oil Co.: 469 bbla refined to Tack Bros., Philadelphia. Total 3,811 bbla; 800 cases. OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. Brooks, Ballentine & Co. 96 bbls ref. to Warden. Frew ;& Co.. Philadelphia. D. Bly, 50 bbls lubricating to B. B. Subley, Phllanelphia. Dry Goods. NEW Yourc, - Sept. 23.—Owing to the disturbed condition of gold and money market, and the downward tendency of ocittott; the market for textile fabrics is marked by less animation, and certain -styles of, cotton goods are a little easier. Bad Cross VirP!ul i are ilortl,ft*ta. Mite 13)0 Green' Star do. ' from ' 14 . lftielilg; Convent do. frtim 12% to": 12; Weft river from 18 , sad . do. from 17) to • 170. . • '' ALLEGHENY CATTLE 1114.MKET. - OPPICE OP Prrrsatuunt dAmerril, t MONDAY, Sept. 27, 1869. 5 'CATTLE. There was again a very full supply of cattle on sale today, nearly eleven hundred, though the market does not differ much from that of last weak. Per haps, taking the number into considers- Wm, the quality was not quite as good,and .now, as then, while prime fat cattle sold, readily, and that, too, at full prices, the lower grades were very abundant, and could only be sold at very tow figures. We do not gay that good butcher's stock sold for any more than last week, bat we feel satisfied that they brought fully as much, and a larger number , of this particular kind could have been sold. As will be seen by reference to the re pert of sales, prime to extra fat steers sold at from 734 to 73&@8; good to medi um at 6©7, anu stockers at 4053 i, ac cording to quality and condition. Fresh cows sold at from 1450Q)75. There was again a very fair number of Penna. cattle on sale today, though Ohio,lndiana and Illinois, were also pretty well represented, and it looked, at 11 o'clock, A. M., as if there would be a good many left over unsold, though sometimes a large number of cattle are sold during the last' hour or two of the market—some • buyers bold off until near noon, hoping thereby to be. ena bled to buy cheaper. James Shaw sold 5 head Mercer county stock, et 4,371g4,75. Wilson & Hart 24 head Washington county heifers and steers, at 314@5%. Garwin & Co. 34 head Butler , county stock, at 3@5. Jonathan Davis sold 15 head mixed stock, from Summit; county, Ohio, at 3@5. Smith Sr Blue 62 head Ohio and In diana stock, at 4;‘@6X. N, Carr sold 62 head stock steers at 4@5 cents. Marks Bro. sold 91 bead from Ohio and Chicago, at 5%®73.1. M. Verner sold 27 head Washington county stock, at 6@7y,.; 17 from Chicago at 6@)7X. John Collin 19 head Indiana steers, at 7 3•4@ 7 %. Traurman & Lobman &5 mixed sack, at s!st,:@)7X. Hedges & Taylor sold 70 head from Indiana and Illinois, at 6@7. Homes Lafferty (S: Co. 60 head of mix ed stock, at 514,@7. Hazlewood & Blackstock 75 head from Ohio and Illinois, at .5@7 cts. Greenwald & Kahn 60 head from Ohio; Sold 6 extra to F. Betistein at 8; balance at 6(4)7X. Keefer & Katz 69 head from Chicago, at 6@t3lA. Jacob Needy 35 head fair to good Ohio steers, at 63407y 2 . Rothchilds Zelgler . s7 had Chicago steers, at :5%©7V,: 12 head Butler county stock, for Fllnner, at 5@.5%. Haas it Kraus sold 52 head Ohio steers and heifers, at 6@6!,:t. S Lowenstine 24 head Washington county steers and heifers, at 4@)6q. Peter Hartman 30 head Green county stock. at 4%@7 cents; sold on commis- Sinn. L& J Shamberg sold 90 head mixed stock, at 4,2 ig7.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS. There was also a very full supply on sale to-day, larger than during any preced ing week for months, 3,400, and, as might be expected, the market was rather slow, particularly for the lower grades, of which the offerings today mainly con sisted. Prime fat sheep, however, were scarce and brought full prices, say 444 g) 5 eta per pound. For • further particu lars the reader is directed to the follow in detailed report of sales: John Kennedy sold 93 lambs, at $1,45; 50 sheep held at $2,25. Stakely 6c Bro. 275 head of sheep and lambs. P. Bannon sold for Blake 44 sheep, at 12,y, per head. It. Stouffer 200 sheep land lambs, sold at 51,75@2,25. Adam Eckert sold 120 sheep at 1,50@ 4,00, and 30 lambs at $1,50@3,00. P. Sheltemautlo had 185. Jacob Emmell 130 sheep, at $1,25@ 3,50-11 head extra averaging 115 lbs, at Seta John Walters sold 200 sheep and lambs, at 51,0{J@3,50. Garwlik & Beeler 250; sheep at 51,50@ 3,00; lambs about the same. J. C. McNeese sold 200 sheep and lambe at f1,00@2,50 per head. M. Flintier sold 125 head sheep and lambs, at $1,50@2,75. F. Kraus 128 sheep and lambs, at $1,25 @1,50 for for Mer, and $1,50©2,50 for lat ter-50 unsold. C. H. Moulton 105; sheep at $2,00@4,25; lambs at $1,25@3,00. John F., Neely 300 sheep and lambs at $1,00®4,00 per head. John Gallagher sold 90 sheep at an average of $2,75; lambs at $2,25. J. McMurtry 89 sheep at $1,5002,50. J. C. Frazee Hold 100 sheep and lambs at $2,50 for latter; and 113,00 for former; 100' left over. David Jones 57 sheep and lambs, at $2,00@3,50 for latter. Job Mason 148 sheep from West Vir ginia—unsold. F. Alborne 175 from Beaver Co; at $1,25 for lambs and sheep, at $1,75. W.H. Alexander 80 sheep at 62,00® 8,50; 60 lambs at $1,00©2,50. Johnathan Davis sold 144 sheep and lambs, at $2%@4%. zoos. . The change in the weather has pro. duced an Improved retail demand, though: sts , yet It is by no means active, and . prices remain unchanged. Stock Bogs may be quoted at 13V510, 1 4, and fat Hogs at 10N@IIVe MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, ,September 27.—Cotton without decided change, with sales 1,600 bales at 290 for middling uplands. Flour; receipts 17,824 bbls; heavy and in buyers' favor, with sales 840 bbls at 15,80®8,10 for superfine State and western, 86,20® 6,70 for extra: State, $0,1E46,75 for extra western, 88,75®6,90 fOr , white • wheat extra, 86,21:06.76'.f0r round .hoop Ohio ' , 16,50®/,00 for extra St. Louis, and 17®9 for good to choice 'deb Rye Flour in moderate request, with sales 250 bbls at 84,7E46,25. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky " lower, with sales 150 bblei western at 11.18 free. Wheat; receipts 213,383 bush; I®2c lower with a fair export and Mod erate milling inquiry, with sales 131,000 bush at 81,80 vNo. 8 spring old and new to arrive. and on spot, $1,40 fort common No. 2 'do., 81,4141,49 for winter red and amber western, $1,49%0 1,50 for choice do, $1,4141,45 'for winter red Illinois, 81,49 for amber . State; $1,56 01,58 for white western, and $1,70 for white Kentucky. Rye quiet. Barley quiet, with sales 3,000 bush Canada West at 11,50. Corn: receipts 90,572 bush; market I®2o lower, with moderate in quiry; sales 49,000 bush at 97e®51,04 for unsound new mixed western, $1,05®1,08 for sound do., $1,14 for white western. and $l,lO for western yellow. Oats: re celpte 61,710 - NOM lower, irregular and unsettled, with aisles 46,000 bash at 61®' 64ics for new:soutMirn and western, 63® 64 Air State. Stink grain in WirehOudo— Stluide 815,871 'bush,, corn 479X2 oats 94,783 builh, e ‘3/;988 b#slj,"biirloy 45 948 bust'''. Wile - 91;937 bush" peas` PIIT B BURGR 7 OAZETTE: TUESDAY 'SEPTE 6,td. umtheis, lee vias steady, WWI sales of 50 tierces; Carolina at 6€:490- tof fee steady; sales of 6,000 sacks Rio on private terms, 500 mate Java at 230 gold. Sugar quiet; sales of 320 hhds at 12Ko for, Cuba, 13%c for Porto 4ico. ,161010Ses nominally unchanged, Hope quiet 10® 200. Petroleum nominal. Linseed oil dull, 51®1,01 in casks. Spirits turpen tine dull, 430. Pork dull and heavy; sales of 400 bbls at $31,25@31,37 for mesa Closing at $31.37 cash; $27©27,50 for prime and .V.9,50®30 for prime mess. ' Beef steady: sales of 110 bbls at 58,50@13,50 for new plain mesa, $12®17 for new extra mess. Beef hams quiet, sales of 80 bbls at $18®26. Cut meats quiet; sales of 100 pkgs at 143;@15c , for shoulders. 17®19a for hams; middies quiet and steady, sales of 20• boxes ice cured at 17c. Lard quiet and steady; sales of 320 tierces at 17@ 18%0, chiefly 18Xc, for 'steam, 18N ®I9X for kettle rendered; also 250 tierces steam • seller September at •isy,o. Butter dull, 15©280 for Ohio. Cheese quiet, 13®16X. freights to Liverpool lower; shipments of 30,000 bush wheat at B%d per sail and ®9Nd per steam. • Latatt—Flour closed dull and slightly in buyers favor. Wheat quiet . and with otit decided change. Rye nominally un changed. Oats steady at 62®63%0 for western. Corn dull and heavy at 51® 1,05 for common to prime mixed western. Pork nominally unchanged. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats nominal. Bacon firm with fair demand. Lard quiet at 191,‘®19,0 for good to prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged. - ST. LOUIS, Sept. 27.—Tobacco stiff and active at B®93c for planters' lugs, oy,@ lie for common to medium dark leaf, 15 ®4O for medium bright leaf. Cotton nominal at 20g®27c. Hemp firm, with small sales undressed at 51,30; dressed at $2,30. Flour qulet, with good order demand for medium brands; fall super sold at ss®l2, extra at $5®5,30, double extra at $5,95®6, treble extra at $6,25® 6,50, and choice to fancy faintly at $6,75 ®s. Wheat firm but slow, with sales No. 2 red fall $1,07(4)1,10, No.l do.at $1,15 ®l,lB. choice at 51.20®1,22 1 4, No. .2 white $1,124144,18, choice $ 1,25. Corn firm, 95a for yelfow, 61®1,05 for prime to fancy white. Oats firm 94415 c in bulk, 48© 52c in sacks. Barley dull, $1,05®1,10 for good to prime lowa, $1,23 for strictly prime Minn's, $1,90 for choice Minne sota, 61,95 Tor Michigan, $1,70@1,E5 for Ohio. Rye heavy, 80®87%a. Whisky quiet and steady, 51,15. Groceries quiet and 'unchanged. Pork dull and but little doing, $32,50®33. Dry salt meat very firm. Clear rib sides sold at 17,Nc. Bacon was held higher, and holders indifferent about selling; shoulders 16 1 4 c, held at isy,o, clear rib sides ou orders 19%c, loose clear sides One, and packed do. 19N®20c. Lard dull and but little selling; choice quotes 18y, ®IBNo for tierce and 20c for keg. Receipts-500 bbls flour, 1,800 bus wheat, 5,500 bus corn, 21,800 bus oats, 3,310 bus barley, 400 bus rye, 600 hogs. CuicAcio„ September 27.—Eastern F.x. change 1.10 off buying, and par Belling. Flour dull; eales of spring extras at 54,623466,5 e. Wheat dull and heavy. 1 61340 lower; sales of No. 1 at 51,16; No. 2 opened at 51,12, declined to 51,10, clos- Mal 51,11;5. 1 his afternoon No. 2 sold at 51,12 seller September. Corn dull, % 61c lower; sales of No. '2 at 75@,176%c doting at 75!..c; rejected at 73;;675c; no grade 71673;ic. This afternoon the market was active . at 75%(9)76 seller Sep towbar. 76c buyer September; 7834 c buy er Octoner for No. 2. Oats active and ;.; 6.7..fc lower, with sales of No. 2 at 42346 423;c, and rejected, at 41.61134 c; closing weak at 4234 c for No. 'C. Rye steady, with sales of No, rat Si,3ejc, No. 2 at 826 83;0. Barley quiet and No. 2 steady at 51,25 cash and seller the month, and 51,20 61,22 seller October. liighwines inactive and nominal at 51,10. Sugars active and firm at 13 , 461543 for common to prime Cuba. Provisions nominal at 533,756 34 for mess pork, 18618;0 for lard, 141; 61434 c for dry salted shoulders, 17( 11W,o for rough sides, and 18618;0 for short ribs. Freights quiet and firmer at 634 c for wheat and b3466c for corn to Buffalo. Receipts for the past 48 hours: 7,600 bbls flour, 122,740 bush wheat, 263.- 376 bush corn, 103,098 bush oats, 6,708 hush rye, 9,150 bush barley. 1,501 hogs. Shipments: 6,962 bbls flour, 20,453 bush wheat, 88,128 bush corn, 48,624 bush oats, 1,60 bush rye, 4,231 . hogs. • CINCINNATI, September 27.—Flour un changed; family $5,7566,10. Wheat quiet at $1,1561,20. Corn dull at 956960. Oats at 56656 c. Rye 111. Tobacco firm and unchanged. Whisky 51,15; sales of 690 bbls. Mess Pork quiet bat firm, at 532. Lard is held at 18c. Bulk shoul ders are in demand at 1434 c, but held at 14%c. Clear bulk aides 18c; no clear rib in the market. Bacon firmer, and prices advancing; shoulders 163(161635c, sides, 200 for clear rib and clear sides. Butter firm at 35c. Eggs 200. Linseed Oil $l6 1,02. Petroleum 326:110. Grocerlea un changed and firm. Hogs firmer at 59 to 810 per gross. In gold there is no quo tations. Exchange firm at par buying. CUEVELAND, 'Sept. 27.—Flour market dull and unchanged. Wheat dull and 1 62c lower, with sales of Nd. 1 red winter at $1,2561,26, and No. 2 held at 51,23® 1,24, but no sales reported. Corn dull and nominally unchanged, and', held at 970 for No. 1 mixed and 95e for No. 2 do. Oats dull but firm at 500 fi - ir No. 1 I State. Rye market quiet and nominal at 51 for No. 1 and 90695 c for No: 2. Bar ley market dull and nominal. Pork: de mand active and market firm. Petro- Mum quiet and unchanged, and hold at 28c for prime light straw to white,. and 213;4629c for standard white in large lots "and for jobbing trade at 30632 c; crude dull at 56,50. Loutsvmps, September 27.—Flour is active super at $5,00©5,50. Wheat, red at $l,lO, white at $1,20. Corn In bulk at 95c@$100. Oats at '50@)5541. Rye at 911© 95c. Groceries; prime N. 0.. sugar at 14;;c,-primp N. 0. molas-es'at 750. prime rio coffee at 24Mc. Leaf to6acco quiet st 132,50@32,33, sales of 50 bhds at $7,55@ 12,25. Mess pork quiet at *Aso. Boon firmer. Shoulders; clear skies at 2030. Hams; 240 for sugar cured; 250 for extra do. Lard at 19%0, Whisky, raw at $1,15 '•' 31ThviAtrium. September ' 27.—Flour dull and:ungbahged. Wheat. steady at $1,16% for No. 1, and, $1,13 ,' for No: 2. Oats in Rood demand'at 4334 e for No. 2.• .Corn Active and, lower . ~770., for No. 2. Rye steady ,arid unchanged. Gran Freighis 'firmer at (134'©130 to Butlido and Oswego, Reoelpts—,2,ooo bbls flour, 113,000 Utah wheat, 6,000 bush oats, 4,000 , bush corn : Shipmenta-8,000 bbls flour, 1 203,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush oats. • To,Lsoo, September 27.—Flour. dull. Wheat dull; No. A. Michigan 11,38, Am ber 51,21, No. 1 red 41,26, No. 2 do. 51,2234, No. a do. 81,16. Corn is a shade better; No. 1.90 c, No. 2. 86a. Oats Is 30- better; No: 1 676. Receipts-6,900 bbls flour, 129,000 bush wheat,: 29,000 bush corn, 40,000 bush oats, 700 bush rye. Shipments-4,000 bbls flour, 61,000 bush wheati 9,000 bush corn, 2,100 bush oats. Thaw konii, September 27.—Flour dull and high grades lower; western family sells at ;7 ®7,76. 'Wheat dull; prime to choice. red . brought > 51050gi,65. Corn firmer; white 51,23©1.30.• Oats firm at 60(3161c. Rye $1,10@1,20. Mess_ pork firm at 1331333,50: - 'l3scon active and wincing: rib' sides' 20a, clear rib 26W1 abouldera . l7e.. Lard quiet at 19)8 )200. Whisky dull at /1,19("1,2d: Portaxammtpki are moderately, Mime.' opriess-are rather !Wee ailei°9,Boo head' itt Bvpsyb for extra webtern steerF; 7@ good, and 6064 c pep lb g mon. Sheep higher; salts 4. 1 ,4@6 1 ,0 per lb gross. round at an advance; salo.l 013,50 for slopped, and cwt net for corn fed. PHILADELPHIA, SOptOM is greatly depressed bu Wheat 'field firm with a red 11,45®1,60. Rye $1,1! and lower; mixed $l,O. steady and in request; wi Petroleum very quiet; ci refined 8131g11,(03. Mesa MAO. Lard 18%c. Whist $1,20. DETROIT, September 21 and unchanged. Wheat; bush; the market is a shad? white §1.45. No. 1 do. $1,24, amber $1;20. Corn dull steady at 500. Barley lowe; 100 pounds.. Lake freigh 93.0 for wheat to Oswego. MEMPHIS, September 27. ket steady with a good inq for middling; receipts 942 941 bales.' Wheat $1.25©1,3t and scarce. Oats 60c and 11 @2O. Bran 22M@2.30. Lard 2030)210. Bacon fir 17c; sides 21c. Live Stock !nark -NEW Youn, September .—The 4,100 fresh and 400 State on sale o-day, mak ing 8,176 for the week, save broken down the market; sales ale • and prices iglti lower on different grades, and snout five hundred reins ti unsold to night; weather cool and fi.e, but there are too many cattle; butche i remember the losses of last week. w. en they sold Texan quarters at $3 etich, ao they hang back' now; of the total 4,000 were Illinois, - 1,150 Texans, 990 Ken. tucky, 850 Ohio, 675 Missonri and 300 New York; there were 800 Texans on sale to day, some of theni very poor 5 owt., and sold at 8N there was also some very fine Kentucky eattle,-but scarcely tr%, anything) brought more than 16c; some owners refused to sel at the price, and so hold their droves; he offerings to day were about equally divided be-' tween Communipaw and - eeliawken. Bulk sales were from 13 to 150 and averaging 14e, most drovers are losing money., sheep are very plenty: fat. lambs are scarce. Receipts for the week, 44,800 head, with 11,500 head to day. .Sheep are nearly unchanged. A car load of i 0 pound Ohios, selling at 49e a car of 80 pound State 51.fe, with 300 ex -03 Kentucky 100 pound peddled out at 7c. Lambs vary from 6c to 9c, with 50 Mambo 70 pound at 9!0: a ear 64 pound at 83,c. Hogs: arrivals. 16,770 for the week, 62 cars to-day; live are worth 9t4 Cslolii. dressed Byte; sales of alive: '2 cars Ohio 216 pound at ItUe, 1 car '2OO pound,at 10%e. CHICAGO, Sept. 27.—Cattle active and 10@15c lower at 83,121463,75 fur Chero kee and common cows, $4,45g4,50 for fair to good cows, and 85.50®7,12M for fair to good - smooth shipping steers. Hogs firm at- $8.75@9,25 for fair to ale• dium, and 89,40@10 for good to choice. ST. Louis, September 27.—Cattle; the supply is large and deniand active at 21.4@634c for inferior to choice. Hogs scarce and wanted and prices stiff at 8;.; ©10;0 for light to heavy. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD cr.m7rmatrz, AND PI.I rsßUir* - ROAD September 27.-2 cars iron ore, Bradys Bend Iron Co: Edo limestone ore, McKnight, Porter & Co; 2do do, Zug & Co: 2 do do, Coleman, R & Co: 3 do do, Bryan It Caughey; Ido do, Union Iron Mill; 1 do shingles, B Schmidt & Co; 1 do do, Cromlow & Coon; 1 do do, lumbar, 9 A Nlundorf; 724 cakes copper, C G Hus sey & Co; 1 car billets,& Co; 1 do do, John Moorhea; 500 bxs. 10 crates starch, Rinehart & S; 30 do, 20 do do, J Porterfield & Co; 20 bxs do, Shepard & D; 250 bxs starch, Arbuckles Se Co; 88 bbls apples, 3.3 bxs grapes, Voigt, Ma hood & Cu; 25 bxs hard ware, Secomb. V. & Co; 1 car stone, P Wolf; 1 do do, J L L Knox; 62 bbls apples, W H Graff & Co; 20 oases hdls..l Woodwell &. Cm 5 bbls cul lett, Wm McCully: 285 sks rye, Jo& W Fairley; 10 bbls whisky, R Woods Jr. Co; 5 bbls oil, Lippincott & S; 42 sks oats, Graham St M; 47 bbls rosin, G Hasley; 32 sirs wheat, McHenry .sr. H; 50 oil bbla, C A Wormcastle; 10 bob apples, J S Trim ble; 52 do do, L D Kraft; 10 do do, Van gorder & El; 10 do do, JJ Pettit; 10 Mrs cheese, J A Graff; 69 bbls apples, 3 do quinces, 2 do eggs, Head & M; 6 kgs but ter, H Riddle; 18 bbls apple, 5 do cider, C Odmoaider; 95 pcs pipe, Addy & Wil liams; 1 car wheat, Culp dr. Shepard; 170 sks oats, Scott &Gm'. PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE & GEl oeoo RAILROAD. September 27.-2 cars 'metal,.Bryan & Co; 3 do do, Superior Iron Co; 4do do, - I Wood & Co; Ido do, Moorhead & co; 1 do do, Lommis & Co; 2do do, Nimick & Co; sdo Zug de Co; 1 do stone, K Bracken; 1 do do, C Millar; 22 bbls apples, ,Jos White; 50 bXs cheese, T C Jenkins; 20 do do, F Sellers; 20 do do, S B Robinson; 20 dodo, Canfield it K: 147 bgs oats, Bricker & Co; 20 bbls flour, Haworth dr.! D; 10 do do, S Robin son it Co: 1 car flit) brick, W C]ard; 263 eke oats, Scott de pistil; 36 bdls handles, W Mardrof; 46 do do,McElroy & Co; 8 bales cotton, A H ilds; 56 tea hams, E 1-1 Myers & Co; 5U lags feed, -W •II Knox; 50 do do, Jos Craig; 80 bdis hides, G N Hotletott; HO do do, J Hammett it Son; 190 do do, J(YSticLaughlin. ALLEGARNY VALLS, BAILSGAD. Sep- tember 2&-1 car metal, H Woodsides -Ido do, Brown & Co; 1 do do, Rees, Graff & Lull: Ido do, J Moorhead; 2 do; do, McKnight & ,Co; 1 do grain, S B Floyd & Co; 1 box mdse,C Stewart; 9 tike oats, Keil & Ritchart 11 pkgs eggs, various owners; 1 car lime, D L Reyni olds;.1 car grain, ir Stewart; 4 bbls eggs, J Daub; 118 eke oats, 14 do rye, Scott & Gisal; 50 cars coal, Keir, Foster & Co; 41 do do, Armstrong Dickson & Co; 9 do do, Coleman, Rehm & Co. PITTRBUIIOI4, CINCINNATI. AND ST. LORDS RAILROAD, September 27.-10 tos lard, J H Parker; 10 do do, F Sellers; 10 tcs, 26 kgs lard, Evans, D it Co; 47 pkgs tobacco, Wi L Jonee; 5 bxs bacon, Dalzell & 4 T;25 bbls whisky, R Woods; 24 do'apples, W H Graff; 60 lags oats, Meanor D; 28 bgs rags, B Christy; 25 bga oats. F Schielde; 1 oar Wheat, J L Liggett; 100 bbis floor, J Connor; 1 car fire brick,.Anderson'& Woods; I "do do, Park Bro. • . PITTSBURGH. dc„..CONNELLSVILLE RAlL ioiD,,Beptember 27,28 eke Wheat, 25 do oats, A T McGrew; 75 bbls cement, Geo Albree; 3 bbls eggs. Bruggerman & O'Brien;•2s bgs wheat, Scott & Glut; 76 sks oats, 25 do wheat, Dan Wallace; 04 ski oats, J it A Dietz; 51 do do, W Bing ham. STEAMSHIPS• TO LIVERIF'OOL ANDAM QUEENSTOWN. ! TUB INMAN SLAI STBABIBUIPS. miinberoor sizloon arst.-olus Vessels, mon/ Phmatefig 4l P l M 4 • CITY Or PAttit. OY .012 . 1 C SuFAW, IaTT OF BALTLFLOBs.' on't , OF 05PON, mar BATIVEIDAY. 'from ear ti a ggi n trasZorr! r For 4;l•er , rit WILL 1.4111 TIMM MN , , .I.lll4,BllMpraWATartZT.,"toplatith• 1889. , Eiti ;28 Sclfor fair to OEls for com• 11,000 bead at oga in fair de -25,000 at 513 514@14,50 per The river was still rising steady at this tort last evening, with 6% feet in the channel. Weather clear and cool—mer cury down to 60, and the indications are that the rain is over for the present. The 'New State arrived and depart ed for Wheeling, The Oil Valley left for 011 City on Sunday evening; and the Brilliant and Jonn Hanna departed yesterday. The Belle •ia the regular packet for Parkersburg to-day, leaving at noon. The Mollie Ebert, after an absence of several months, during which time she was up to the headwrters of the Mis souri, arrived yesterday forenoon. Sae was fortunate in meeting the rise, as it let her np with but little difficulty. As will be Been by card, the Mollie, with Capt. U. W. Ebert in command, and the veteran Standish Peppard in the office, is announced for Cincinnati and Louis ville forthwith, and psissengersand ship pers should bear this in mind.. The Maggie Hays, Capt. C. B. Martin, with Mr. J. F. Dravo in the office, is an. nounced to leave for St. Louis to-day, without fail. 'er 27.—Flour unchanged. fight demand; 2. Corn dull •©4ll. Oats tern 63@65c. ude" 22c, and 1: Pork i53 3 ® • y declined to —Flour dull - eel pla, 31,000 lower; extra regular §1,20, .t 800. Oats at 52,35 per a, steady a$ Cotton mar try at 1/.6340 •ales: export . Corn 51,10 m. Hay $25 • ork $31.50. shoulders The Bellevernon, Capt. J. T. Darragh, Jr., is tilling up .rapidly tor New Or leans, and wilt be ready to take her de parture to-morrow or next day. The Messenger will probably follow the Bellevernon to New Orleans. The Allegheny was reported falling at Oil City yesterday .afternoon.! with 5 feet 8 inches in the channel at that point. —The Wild Duck. Pittsburgh to St. Louis, was at Cairo on Saturday. —The Glendale left St. Louis for Pitts burgh on Saturday, and the Mary Day age left Cincinnati the same day for New Orleans. —The Tom Reese, with five barges of iron ore, was lying just above Hawsville ou Friday with ono of her barges on the rocks apparently in E. sinking condition. —Win. H. Hendricks died on the 13th in Plymouth, ft., aged 42. He was an engineer, a very talented machinist, and very quiet and unassuming in his man ners. He was an engineer on Illinois River boats for about 20 years. The steamers Illinois, Beardstown and Peoria _City wore constructed under his super vision. - - - —We clirr the following from the Louisville Courier of Saturday: A police officer from New Albany, assisted by officer D. T. Bligh, of this city, yes terday arrested Capt. Joseph Murray, formerly of the Cumberland river trade. upon a charge of burglary preferred by a lady of New Albany. It is said that the lady, whose husband is absent, was awakened the other night by the pres sure of a baud upon her foot, and, lying perfebtly still, the hand started upon 'a tour of discovery..when she sprang from her bed and struck a light which re vealedthe aforesaid gentleman in her room. The Captain promptly gave bail, and the truth or falsity of the accusa tion will be established in the courts. RIVER PACKETS. VILEKABURG. NEW ORLEANS. 10 R M EM PHIS, NEW oft LEANS AND VICK'S- I:WM.—lite tine Das:euirtr stesmer 13E1,1. V e-tiNoN...J. J. DeltnAGll, Master. W lit 'esve I,r the above and Intermediate ports on WEDNKESDAY, 29th Inst. For trehtlit o• paaaage apply ort board or to r, SWAN ..t Co., or FLA. , K & CULLING% OW). Atr.nts. B.—Uhrlf st, Swaney & Co., Ore through bllls lading to Alabama dyer and Texas ports. sett OR MEMPHIS ANDA gO i tt .•. , .. - EIVtiIiLEANS,-Thestratne .11EnaE1G... tt Capt. JESSE DEAN, Wilt leave for the at auu Intermediate ports on SION OA Y. October 41h. at 4r. at. ST Sc bll , a WI Y. re2B FLACK & COL LING WOOD, Agents, EVANSVIVILLE, CAIRO dc ST. LOUIS VOR EVANSVILLF,s es tr o t L. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.— The line eass , t•ger steame_t 31AGOIE Was, It. C. MARTIN, Commander, Will leave for the above and intermediate ports THIS DAY, at 4 P. x. For tre.ght or passage apply on board, or to FLACK & Cut......NOWt.rOD, or sell WIRIEST a SWANEY, Agents. IINCINNALTI AND LOUISVILLE. FOIL CINCINNATI and =Mt LOUISVILLE.—Tie tine pas se ngr r steamer MOLLIE EBERT.......Cant. G. W. 'BEFIT, Clerk o. Peppard. will leave fur the above and intermediate ports on TrilS DAY, 9Sth Inst., at 4 P. W. Fur freight nr passage apply on board or to 5e2.3 FLACK, a cULLIN W COD, Agents. WffEBLIND AND CINCINNATI. VOR WITEIBLING. zia ggr o g .1 •MARIET CA.;PARKEnSBUBO AND CINCINNATI. Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY . SATURDAY- 11.51 H. The swift and snperb Sidewheel Steamer ST. MARYS, T. C. SWEENEY, Commander, will leave as announced above. • For Freight or • Passage apply on board, or to FLACK & COL NINGWOOD, or COLLIES & BARNES, Agents. N. B.—No Freight received after ALA.st, sell Resto:es gray and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff, CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hail grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. tl.OO and $1,50 per Bottle. Farb Bottle is a Nest Piper Bete Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY itCHENEY Druggists, Buffalo. N.Y. Sold. by ali Druggists. W uolesalo A Reats -BQHWAUTZ a HAZLETT 10:e2t MARSHALL'S ELIIIIL , 4 1M8IIALL'8 ELLXIII WILL CURS VIELUACIUL, MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CURE DYSPEPSIA. IttAntitt.tun's Era= WILL Conn Cosmrs• price of Marshall's Elixir, 11.00 per bottle. Depot, 1301 tHarket street. H. Ma "MALL & Co., Unaggltte, Proprietors. For sale, wnolesale and retail, by GEO. A. KELLY. Pltuburgh. Ce4:dee-7:ra a BELTING. MATELEA AND GUM BELTING Also. Gum Packing, Hose. Gaskets. do., at. ways on band and for iale..Wtolausle or ?MU. by J. a H. PHILLIVD. se! 116)and 1181312 - th tlitraat. WHITE . . .barreis Olevelsaa Wlatte Lima SOO USD Zasiern dO.l tOr gib • a 3.I)INITZLD. BlViat NEWS. RADE MARK. 111111BIDGE'S VIR ~PfOO ' ]L£U/111 CffiBEYS. RAILROADS ORANGE OF I NINENI TIME, ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS Wallop? CHANGE. OF cA.N.R. °nand after MONDAY, Sept. 20, 1869. • I'li(17 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunda) will leave Pittaburgt Depot, corner of lElev- enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011 Clty,Br (Co, and all points to t e 011 Regions. LZAVZ PITTARUROB. &Bxl V INNSTSBI7II6IX Day Ex 7:00 a m Day Ex 5:15p11 Night Ex.... 7:35 pm, Night Ex 6:55 a m 1* Halton... 6:40 a m ;Ist Hutton,. 6:45 p m Ad Hulton...lt:so au::2.l Hutton— 8:50a m 3d Halton... 5:00 pm 3d Halton— NI:10 p M 4th kfultott..ll:oo p m 4th Huitrm. 7:3opm Preeport Ac. 8:15 a nipodaWorks.. 7:30 a m Soda Works., 6:30 p m pFreeport Ac 6:15 p Brady's BAo 3:05 p m Brady' B Ac 10:05 a la ; Church 1:00 p m.Chorth 10:10 a i Erpresa trains stop only at:print:4mi poops, Accommodation: rains stop at all nazi ,ns J. J. LAAVILENCx, . THOMAS M. KINE4,Aset. -IL 1 P.m.. dunday A1:101:113? 111 arrive at and depart corner of Wastilngtes follows: - Depart. •Day Express 191:30 ain, *Paddle - Ex. 1:41 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 am all Train glO am rENNSYLV NIA CENTRAL it . AD. On and after 1 29th. 11369, Tral• e w from the Union Lk po and Liberty streets, as Arrive. - _ MallTrain....ll:%o am Feet Line 1.46 sm Wall'e No. 1.. 6 20 am BrintonAcc'n. 7:30 am .. .. .. . .. ... Bra`ksAs No 1.5 10 pm Clncln'tt Ex. DI:30 pm Wall's No: 2.. 11:35 ant Johnstowx Ac.4:05 pm Itralks Ac No 2 8:20 pm :Phila. Express 3:sopm Wall's No. 8_ 3:05 pal Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 DM *Fast Line.....7:30 pm Wall'a N 0.5.. 1:00 DER se connection at Harris. Wall's No. 2.. 9:05 am I Cincinnati E:.9:95 am Johnitown Ao MO am Bra'ks Ac Nol 7:o9pm Plttsb'li Ex.14:40 pm Phila. Expressl:oo.pnl Wail , ' No. 3'...1:50 pm Braqcs AcN029:55 pm Wall's — No. 1. 5:50 pm Wrff Passn'r 10:20 pm •These trains make cl burgr for Baltimore. The Church Train -leavesWalla Station every Ibunday at 4:05 reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. in. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station at 2:10 p. m. .Cincinnati Express snd Pacific Express leaves daily. they trans daily except Sunday. For farther intbrmation apply to W. H. BEC,KWITII, Agent. The Pennsylvaniaßallroad Company will no: as- Game any risk forßaggage, except for 'rearing ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Rut - di ed Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding It at amount in value will be at the risk of the owner. unless taken by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS, an3o general Superintendent, Altoona, Pa. W ESTER N . RAILROAD.--On and after August 29,11169,0 e Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Ras, road will arrive at and depart from the Federi I Street Depot, Allegheny City.as follows: Arrive. Depart. Sprlngd'e No16:40 a mr........ .. 8:20 a m Freeport No . 18::30 m Freepo rt . No.l9:2oa ns Express 10:40 m Sharpleg Not 11:90 ant Sharpb'g No.11:20 rim ! Express 2:20 p m Freeport No . 2405 p m Spring:Pe No13:10 pm Mall 5:50 p n 3, Freelx,rt N0.25:30 p m Springd'e N026:30 p m ISpringd'e N026:30 p m Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junetlon ever" dunday at 1:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny CHI si 9:so`a. m: - . Returning, leaves Allegheny' City at 1:30 p. to. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion at3:4o p. m.• •_ • • COMMUTATION TICKETS—HOT sale In packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr ' e, Bennett, - Pine Creek. Etna and Bharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping at Stations specified on tickets. The trains leaving Allegneny. City at 7:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freepost with Wa lker's line of Stages for Butler and Han nabs town. Through tickets may be purchased at tie Once, No. ISt Clair street, near the Suspension ttridge. Plztsbur.h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For Rather Information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent • Federal Street De t. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will tot assume any risk for Baggage, except .for wearlng apparel, and. limit their nssponslbllitt-to Cne Hundred Dollars in value. All • baggage , ex ceeding this amount in value wfllbe at the rift of the owner, unless taken by special contract. EDWARD 13. :WILLIAM% ac3o General Sunerbrtendent, Altoona, Pa. ITTSB GIL PORT WAYNE & CHICAGO P. W. and CL,EV ELAND &PITTSBURGH B, R. From August 30th, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitts burgh city time. as follow!: Leave. Chlexo Ex....2:08 a m!Chica . go 4 E.7 1 .1.1 . :13 - a in Erie Yita Ex.7:28 m !Pe chic Ex.— 7:X3 am Cl. 1:0g .11'16:28 ain Wheeling Ex 10:48s at chicaeo Ma1t..6:58 a xn IC. a St. L. Ex 7:08 p m Fast Line . a m ,Clu'goEx&Ml3:2B I in Ct. Wleg hlx 1:X 3 ymlClevelaud Ex 3:r3Br) m Chicago Ex.. 1:38 pzn Erie & Yg'n 5:1118p W'e &. Erie Exa:3ll prr..lol. t NVlt'le Ex6:3Bp m Depart from Allegheny. I Arrive (n Altegh, y. Bea'r Palls Ac•0:08 a m; Leetsdale Ac..8:53 am Leetsdale •• 10:03 ain ritea'r Falls ~ 8 :28 am . .. ... . . -•-• - " •'11:58 amt 'New Castle "10:23'am Rochester •• :a :23 p m lEnon. " 9:13 arri Enon " .3:58 p tr, Leetsdale "12:4Sp m Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 p m; Bea'r Falls " 6:43 pm Bea' rFalLs •• .6:13 pro!Leetale •• 4:33 pm Leetsdale " 10:43p in 1 ' •• 7:13 pm Fair Oaks Sun- Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13 p m day t.hurch. 9:58 am sar 1:38 p. m. Chicago Express leaves da y. sat- 7:23 p. m. Chicrieso Express arrives daily. F. R. MYERS, • J. N. McCULLoljeill. Gent. Pas. & Ticket Agent. (lent. Manager. au3o ITTSBURGli s t p aligMlik CLNCTNNATI LOUIS RAILWAY. . . . PAN HANDLE BOUTS CHANGE UV TDDL—On and after SUNDAY. 'August RP. 11869. trains will Leave and arrive at the Erni= Depot, at Mows: Depart. Arrtee. :t2IFI a. m. p m. Fut Line IM!Ill ra. 7:38 Steubenville Accommod. 3:53 p.m. SIAS a.m. 11cDonald , s Aec`n. No. 25.53 ea. Z:18 p, m. nundatilbeirch Train.. p. m. 9:38 a. m. 1:4-3 r. 11. tren wilt !ears dig). 18.03 P. at. tread wlll,arrive day Al! other trains will ran daily. Bunasys except. ed. The 8:33 a. xi. Train makes close CDR flections at Newark Ar Zanesville. General Ticket Aizert. Columbus,. Q . W. W. CARD. Hun.. Dennison. two. Sun• ECTTSBURGH &. ONNELLS V 1 L L 1104Lp.. • - On said after TUESDAY. Royember, 1861, trains will arrive at and depart from the Depot corner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: • _ Arrives. Mail to and trout Union- 7:00 4.. m. 8:02 P. M. EriZl keliiisport Accomdt , a ;i:ra Ex. to and from Unt , n. 3:00 P. t. 10:10 West Newton Accom , d. 4:30 P. as. 8:35 A.. sr Braddock's Aecomdt'n. 6:15 P. M. 7:50 F. X s Night Ac. toNcK , sport.lo:3o.. X. 6:451:1[I Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. 1t.10:00 L • ?or tickets apply to 8. M. RAYMOND, Agent W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. - • S HILL MMIM UNION PACIFIC RAILWAr Eastern Division. The 51101311113 T AND MOST BIRLIABII ELIU .CE mom the Sas tto al points a, Colorado. Nevada, California Utah, Arizona New Idezico, Idaho, Oregon. Two Trains leave State Laze and Leavresereith daily, clundays excepted, )on the arrival of train* :" Paona Baliroad from ft. Louie, and Rain& bat and St. Joe Railroad from gigue/. coaneltio Inr , at Lairrenee, Tolpeka and %Imago Vila ataa,,a for ail _points irt Bazsaa. At end 01 track wait or Rilavrbrth with the tr 2 C/TXD STATES EXPRESS - COM PA.N 1.4.13/E' WIZ OF OVIUM/1T:1 MAW AND =PAT= WAOSES YOB II I ) 3 i V, :)/ ;Jr==r%s LALTESAI An Points in the Territories, and with sANDERSONT TBI-WEEKLY I INS qg COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Fort, Page, Albtiqumne, Santa le, and all points in Art. zone and New ldezloo. With the recen additions of roiling meek and e qu ipment, and the arrangements made with responsible Overland Transportation Lines from its western terminus, this road now otters unecin ailed facilities -for the transmbudon OS freight to the Or W r est. Tickets for t om es at all the principa: ofibtel ha the United States and Canad a / 1 Be snre and ask tor..NIOIF Octet. viz THE 61f0 • RILL and PAC/PlO ItAILWAYa SIOEBN DIW ntUS. ANDESIWN, tiv.eral Eapautteadet a. gip l aa . a. INOlikiliaMAt,44t2 3: 83 a. m. ii: m. tS3 a. m. Depart. Washington,