The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 28, 1869, Image 1

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Disaffection and Disloyalty in Rpaln—
' Further from the Insurrection at Bar
celona—Froposed Radical Demonstra.•
Don in Madrid—Trouble. Anticipated—
Papanlsh Pridelf mast not be Wounded
—Mr. Gladstone and the Fenianr—
Jett Davis on his Way to , the . United
states—(Meet of Lord Clarendon's
Visit to Paris—Turkey and Egypt—
London "Times" on the Cotton Ques
tion—Pere Ilyicintlie to be Excom
municated—Eruption of Mount Alma.
(By Telegraph 53 the Pittsburgh 0 az Ette.
LONDON, September 26.—The reports
from Spain to-day are of an exciting, and
even an alarming character. Popular
disaffection and disloyalty in the existing
gove?oment prevail very genernlly
throughout the nation, and 'both have
again been expressed in the shape , of an
armed counter-revolution. There was
an insurrectionary demonstration made
by the volunteer troops in Barcelona last
night. It was occasioned by the receipt
of the Government order commanding
the volunteers to disarm, and an attempt
on the parkof the local authorities to en•
force it. The fact that the volunteers of
. Tarragona, which refused to disarm pro.
Iviously were suffering imprisonment for
the offence was made a cause for another
'excitement. In a short time five barn'.
'cedes - , one built by the public cartmen,
• *ere thrown up. The cartmen' burl
4icademas assaulted by the regular troops carried by a bayonet charge, after a
_.,very desperate resistance on the part of
. :its defenders and a heavy loss of life.
r iDuring the engagement the insurgents
.; ;had. twenty-four men killed, a large
;number wounded, and seventy of their
"dnost active members made prisoners.
The.troops lied two commissioned offt
', cers killed and several soldiers wound
';'ed. Order;vras subsequently restored.
.`" A Radieal Republican Democratic
•• demonstration is announced to be made
'in Madrid during Wednesday the 20th
inst. - . More trouble is anticipated on the
A Paris correspondent 'of the London
.Post,says: The interest in, the Cuban
• I matters is increasing at, Paris, but the
public must not expo% to learn precisely
;the intercourse, between Madrid!, and
, Washington. There is a difficult game
!to be played in order I to avoid wounding
Spanish pride.
Lottnon, September 27.—Mr. Glad!
- Nine, in reply to a petition for the Fe
promises to submit the petition to
° the Queen. Mit does not pledge the gov
ernment t.:Kriy Particular 'ste.tion on tbe
subject. He acknowledges the ;sound
ness of the judgment exhibited by. the
petitioners n attaching the true charac
ter to the offences committed.
Jefferson Davis sailed for America on
Saturday in the steamer Baltimpre.
The Daily News to-day reports that the
object of Lord Clarendon'a viait to Paris
was to announce to Napoleon an arrange
ment between Austria, Prussia, Russia
;, and England to preserve peace and check
i the contagion of revolution in France in
case of the Emperor's death, but not to
' thwart German unity. ,
LOIIDON, Sept. 27.—The Times of to
; day, iu an'article on the cotton question,
says: If cotton is dear with its increased
production, because of new -spinning
countries bidding against ns, then the
Liverpool quotations are unintelligible.
If spinners not only carry off the raw
material, but curtail the demands for
our manufactures, the state of trade is
unintelligible also. On these supposi
tions it is useless to cry for more and
cheaper cotton. The evil arising only
from the loss of the monopoly, theicotton
demand is limited, and competitors di
minish cur share of the manufac
tare. We cannot discern ' that cot
ton at six cents per pound, I would
bring trade back to 'England. We lost
it by the loss of the' - raw material. But
since then so many events have occurred
affecting the great industry that it is
necessary to distribute or apportion
° their several results in the state of things
before us. .
Brotherhood meetings have been held
; at Dublin. Roscommon and Cork, in
, favor of amnesty to the Fenian.
A meeting In support of tenant rights
bee been held at Mary boronsit.
The Times in an editorial on the
relations Of England and the United
States says: The progress and re
. ! suit of . the negotiations on . the .
Isigets Sound question show that
.Amerisans and Englishmen can keep
; ! sufficiently above the mists of national
i prejudices and apply the common prin.
oiptes of equity to the Isettle
went of -!_internatienal disputes. The
work arks - a trying one for the
. arbitrator& Any decision would have
been satisfactory. The ; aetnat one
is not unsatisfactory. The most agree
; able feature of this negotiation is the pi
dials.) temper - displayed by
; the, gentle
. enenjeondacting the inquiry.
.! The San Juan and the Alabama difll-
j oiWaili are the only questions now le ft
.anding. These, if ever brought to
1 arbitration at the same- hands,' could
scittcely resist the anxiety to observe
the terms of their commission by doing
justice and equity without fear, favor or
affeetion,•;for their own country which
basdiatingeished the arbitration ',of this
.French eabte.—The sembollielal journal,
Tuiquifs, of , this city, publishes in its
• Issue to day. a violent article against the
Vtomiy of Egypt for his action in .resist
ing the terms of arrangement with the
Sultan embraced in the second letter
transmitted to his highntlas by the
Turkish Government through the
Vizier; and also for his proposal
-to refer, the whole subject matter. In
dispute to the arbitrament of the great
Europead,powers. The Goma Vizier's
newspaper organ objects, in , the name of
the Sultan,' to the propositions of the
Viceroy. and insists on the complete ac
, eeptance of the second letter by the latter.
,-; The Tarquta concludes this editorial
' attack by recommending the Porte -to at
once dismiss Ismail Pasha and appoint
Mustapha Tazil Pasha as Viceroy of
PARIS, September 27.—Reports from
Rome Katt+ that the case of Pere Hya
cynthe will be submitted to a Canonical
investigation, which will probably result
labia excommunication.
FLORENCE. September 27.—Mount
Eatna is in a state of violent erruptlon.
Streams of lava ar6 pouring from the
crater in the Val Duoe.
LONDON', September 27.—The steamers
Liberia, Minnesota and Cella have ar
rived out.
LONDON, Sept. 28.—Consols, 92%; on
account, 92%@93. American securities
firmer. Five-Twenty Bonds: '62s '
do. '6ss, 83%; do. '67s, 82. 10-40 s, 75; '62s
at Frankfort, 87k: Eries, 2534;
9334; Atlantic 07. Great Western, 2734.
Rentes, 70f. 87c.
LIVERPOOL, Sept. 27.—Cotton market
firm; sales of Middling, uplands at 12%
@l2%s and Orleans at 1234@12%5; sales
12,000 bales. California white wheat 103
8d; red western, 9s 3d©4s 4d. Western
flour 21s. Corn 29s 6d. Oats 3s 6d. Peas
455. Pork 111 s. Beef 89s. Lard 755.
Cheese 635. Bacon 65s 6d, Spirits petro•
lenm 8d; refined Is 734 d,
LONDON, Sept. 27.—Tallow 475. 34., and
quiet aid unchanged. Calcutta linseed
-631. Petroleum at Antwerp 5734 f. Cot
ton at Havre 14%f. and firm.
—The break in the Erie Canal, a ,
Pool's Brook, has been repaired and,nav
igation is fully resumed.
—The new buildings of the National
Military Asylum at Milwaukee were
dedicated yesterday afternoon.
—The Hair House of Steinberg and
Mauer, of Cincinnati, was . robbed of
66,000 worth of stock Monday night. No
—Reports from the interior of this
State say a heavy storm his prevailed
since last night. The Schuylkill river,
at Reading, has risen four feet.
—The corner stone of a new Catholic
church was laid at Marvintown, a suburb
of Erie, Pa.,yesterday, by Bishop Mul
lin. The asholio societies, in regalia,
formed a procession half a mile in length.
—A. farmer named Samuel Barton. Br-
ing on Gunpowder river, near Baltimore ,
was murdered in his house on Sunday
night by a man named Wm. Brown, who
married Ws niece. He has not been ar
—An extensive gang of horse thieves,
embracing it is said, several well known
and hereto'ore.respectable citizens, has
been discovered in Chariton county, Mo.
Their operations extended to and acmes
thelowa linet- •
—Advices from St. Thomas to the 18th
suite that three shocks of earthquake oc
curred on the 17th. All the stores were
closed and business was suspended. No
lives were lost as 'far as known. Great
alarm prevailed.
—John D. Culver, a 'broker 'of St.
Cath slues, Canada,
absconded Saturday
night, taking with him $29,000 or 25,000.
Several banks are aufforers, as well as a
number of business men.
—Thomas S. iftearns, alias Thomas
Carter, charged with obtaining several
thousand dollars in Boston two years
ago, by selling counterfeit bonds, has
been arrested in New Hamp3hire anti
committed, to jail in default of $lO,OOO
—George Lightfoot, a negro. was
by J. D. Barber, on the latter's farm, on
the Boonesboro road, about nine miles
from Louisville, on Thursday last.
Lightfoot was stealing corn, when Bar
ber fired five shots, three of which took
—On the 22d of the present month,
seventy Tr asked men rode into Lancaster,
Garrard county, Kentucky, took a color
ed man from. jail and hung him. The
same Regulators, a few nights before,
cowhided Walter B. Sutton and Mr.
Hutchinson, and ordered them to leave
the country.' -
—A Richmond special to the New York
Herald says: The excitement over the
struggle for Senators from 'Virginia In
creases every day, and it is intimated
that possibly a Radical Republican may
be chosen to fill one of the places. Al
exander Sharp, late Postmaster at Rich
mond, and brother-in-law of the Presi
dent, has been brought prominently for
ward by the Conservatives. • Horace
Greeley is also spoken of to represent the
Old Dominion in the higher branch of
our National Legislature.
—At a mass Convention of colored citi
zens held in Chicago yesterday, the fol
lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved,
That we appoint two of our I ablest citi
zens, capable of creditably representing
our interests, to attend the coming State
Constitutional Convention, and there, as
opportunity may offer, by voice and pe
tition, beseech that honorable body to
favorably - consider our neceseities, - and
submit to the people of the State such
amendments to the State Constitution as
will remove the various disabilities un
der which we now labor.
Distribution of the Avondale Relief
Fund. •
[By Tele graph to the l'lttitiorxh 0 fate.]
Pturatourn, PA., Sept. 27. The Trus
tees of the Avondale Relief and to-day
adopted a plan for the distrlb 'lon of the
funds that have reached them. Theplaa
of distribution for the first year , is as fol
lows: Each widow will be paid the sum
of #2OO in equal monthly payments;
each male orphan child - , under
fourteen years, and each . female
orphan child utider sixteen years
shall be paid , for the sa e- period
i ii
/100 in the same manner. C ildreA Over
the ages the,
will be aid in fall a
sum not exceeding 1300. Five thou
sand dollars was voted to Inset skeial
oases not embraced in the foregoing.
These provisions are (made for
the aid and relief till the - first day
of October 1870, and will atraorb all but
'IPIO,BOO. - The remainder of the fund is to
be carefully invested In gcx,d. securities
that can be converted into cash when
required, and to constitute a fund divia:
able upon the folloiring basis. Onethird
to constitute a widosi l ,a fund, \and the re.
matning two-thirds - air orphan's fund.
From these funds widows and orphans
are to receive quarterly pay. eats until
'the whole is exhausted.
Address of the Republican
State Central Committee.
1105 Chestnut St., Phila.
To the People of Pennsylvania:
The approach of an election for ,Gov
ernor of the State and Judge of the Su
preme Court calls upon us to address
you. That election, although confined to
State officers, may have an effact beyond
State limits, and exercise an important
influence hereafter on the politics and
destiny, of the nation.
Arrayed against us, and endeavoring
to secure your votes for its candidates,
IS the same Democratic party which was
overwhelmingly repudiated by the peo
ple at the last Presidential election. It
has charmed none of its principles and
reformed none of its practices, but is as
odious to-day_ to all loyal -men as it
has been heretofore. Its southern
wing caused the rebellion and strove
by armed force to rend in twain
that glorious Union which was
cemented by the blood_ of our fathom.
Its Northern wing gave all the sympathy,
aid and comfort to the rebellion that it
dare, by resolutions in its State and Na
tional Conventions, and by the votes of
its members in our State and National
Legislatures against all propeitions and
bills offered by loyal men tending to
strengthen the arm of the National C4ov
ernment in its efforts to crush the re•
That party caused the expenditure o
four 'thousand millions of dollars of the
public, money, and is the guilty author
of the heavy debt that is now pressing
down the national industry. It is an
swerable for the blood of half a million
of los al men sacrificed in the effort to
crush out its wickedness, and for the
wounds and misery of hundreds of
thousands more.
Recognizing the duty of an enlight
ened government to provide for the en
couragement of the industry of the peo
ple, it has enacted tariffs to :prevent un
due coMpatition by the pauper laborer
of other. countries with the labor of
the American citizen. -. .
Regarding the plighted faith of the
Government as the moat sacred of obli
gations, it has determined that the debt
of the nation, except where otherwise
agreed upon f attallbe.paidlu Bold WSW)
last dollar. . ' '
It is responsible for the sufferings and
the poverty of the wives made widows
and the children made orphans at Demo
cratic hands.
In its national convention the northern
wing permitted the aouthern rebels to
dictate the National Daniocratio platform
and policy, and has again taken to its
arms the men whose hands are not, yet
cleansed of the blood of northern pa
That party is in favor of free tradein
commerce as fully now as when its Vice
President (Dallas) gave the casting vote
against American industry more than
twenty years ago.
It favors practical repudiation of the
national debt, by paying off interest
bearing bonds redeemable in gold with
irredeemable notes bearing no interest,
and which from their excess would be
come as worthless as Continental paper.
It presents as its candidate for Govern
or a man thoroughly impregnated with
all these abominable - heresies, who,
though rich beyond the necessities and
wants of any reasonable man, evades by
shifts and artifices the payment of his
taxes and throws upon the rest of the
people of the State that share of the bur
dens of the State which he is legally
bound to bear. If he should be unfortu.
nateiy elected, he will be as clay in the
hands of the potter.
In the hands of that unscrupulous set
of men, too well known to the State and
nation as "The Coffee pot Democracy"
who have so persisently•endeavored for
the last few years, by wholesale fraudu
lent naturalization papers, and fraudu
lent election returns to destroy the value
of the elective franchise.
It presents al its candidate for the
highest judicial office a geutleman un
known to his profession, and whose lira
itea experience renders him unable -to
grapple with the great questions that are
continually presented to our. Supreme
Such men surely are not entitled to the
support of loyal and Intelligent freemen.
On the other hand, we asserts that the
Republican party is the 'party of loyalty,
of devotion to the Union and to the rights
of all men. It stood by the Government
In the hour of its great extremity. Its
young men went to the battle field and
offered up their lives in defense of the
Integrity of the Union, while itsoppo-,
nents stayed at home and rendered aid
on rebel victories.
Its capitalists, when the, credit of the
Governmetit was lowest, offered up their
Wealth to support our armies in the field
and to provide hospitals for the sick and
wounded. •
It has voted bounties for the soldiers
and provided pensions for the disabled
and for the -widows and orphans of the
patriot dead, and Is now in the State of
Pennsylvania alone expending hair a
million of dollars yearly to educate the
orphans of deceased soldiers.
In the national. administration it has
redeemed its pledges to the people by
dismissing useless office holders, by re
ducing the number and expense of the
army. by pitying off in in the first six
mouths of its existence fifty minions of
dollars of the national debt, caused by
the Democracy, and with the prospect
of paving off five hundred millions there.
of during Grant's administration, whilst
in the State administration, under the
skillful management of Governor Geary,
- it has pald'of tivelnillions - ordolblis' or
our State indebtedness, arid had relieved
the people from all-taxation on real es•
sate for State purpose. .
Such are the principles and acts of the
Repubilemi_ Party.
A jl oittrep"mitative of-those_prlaci
plos s ^ - iie prima to the people as aoo42Gil•
date for GoTornor. the -,statesman and
patriot Jolla W. bleary. His history is
well known to you all. We need not re
peat it. Hi military
military exploits are writ
ten on the cks of Cerro Gordo and the
walls of Chopultepec. Tbey are inscribed
on the ridges of our Gettysburg, on the
passes of Wanhatchie, on the forests of
Ringgold and Missionary Ridge, and
above the clouds on the heights ol Look
out Mountain. He rendered service In
sixty battles, received four wounds, and
lost his eldest son in the service of his
co" -'
Anintry. He has betn scarcely less
distinguished as a statesman; and
to his intelligence and firmness
we are indebted for the prevention of
hasty and unwise and unconstitutional
legislation, and for the punishment of
murderers whom a less firm Executive
would have allowed to escape.,
In Judge Williams we present an able
and accomplished jurist, who has sat
long on the bench, and has a large and
varied experience, and whose nu
merous decisions, supported by the Su
preme Court, have been recognized by
that tribunal as being sound law, and ex
pressed in a manner worthy of its high
commendation. In his hands the rights
of the people will be secured,
The election of those two mon will be
of vital importance to the people. It
will destroy the sham pretensions and
professions of the Democratic party, al
ways arrogant and never fulfilled. It
will establish the prosperity of the people
on an enduring basis.
We expect every friend of genuine
Republicani,m to go to tho polls and
vote for Gesry and Williams. Di not
wait to tie solicited. Do not vial for
your neighbor. Da not let apathet o in. '
difference render you careless in tb ex
orcise of what is not a mere priv • ege,
but a duty.
Remember that the-, election of t eary
will give ns an honest Admintatrat in of
State affairs, whilst the election of : man
who evades the payment of his axes
to would be likely to be the a i vent
o power of dishonest men. Re
member, too, that the p -sent
election may have an im i irtant
bearing on the next presidential el .ction
and if Pennsylvania should no •• fall
into the hands of an effete and e rupt
Democracy, it may throw the next
national administration into the , ewer
of rebels, free trad rs and repudi• tors.
A lull Republic• n
vote is a fu L Re
publican victory. et every Repa , lican
do his duty and all will be well.
Chairman of Repub. State Central
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Dazette.)
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 27, 1869.
The efficial returns of pasdengers ar.
riving in the United States during the
quarter ending June, shows an extraor
dinary increase. The whole number is
177,682, of whom nearly 66,000 were CS.
In pursuance or act of. Congre , the
property of the United States, a Bar
per a Ferry and vicinity, is to be s id on
the 30th of November.
Major Haggerty had a long and sat
isfactory interview with the Presidhnt to
day on the subject of his rejection by the
British Government as Consul at Glas
B y Teegraph to toe Pittsburgh Gazette.]
NEW YORK, September 27, liG9
Dr. Albert L. Simmons, who it was es
alleged, was unjustly incarcerated In
Cuba, and whose estate and other prop
erty on that Island was confiscated, ap
plied to-lay Co United States Consul Os
borne for an attachment against the
Spanish gunboat, but • was directed to
apply to the State Department.
The United States steamer Powhattan,
flag-ship of Admiral Poor, sailed yester
day for Key West.
There is a rumorlin circulation that a
Cuban expedition, numbering 300 men,
lett this port last night, but it is not
traced to an authentic source.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
HAVANA, Sept. 27„ . —The telegram sent
from. Havana Saturday, relative to the
surrender of Gen. Jordan and his troops
upon payment by the Government of a
certain sum of. money, was based
upon an olUcial dispatch. It is re
ported that the insurgents in the
neighborhoods of Yaguaromas and
Parts, and, between Cienfuegos and
Colon, are treating with the Spanish au
thorities 'I. olative to surrender. Ttliti sur
render is important; if true, the rebel
bands in this quarter being nearest to the
sugar dristricta of Colon and Cardenas.
Advices from Porto Rico on the 9th
inst., say the new tarlif 9n merchandise
imported and exported will go into op
eration on the first of January. •
Additional Markets by Telegra •b.
Now Unix:aka, September 27.—Cotton:
demand .fair for middling at 26%e; sales
1,425 bales; receipts 5,298 bales. Flour
dull and lower; superfine 85,70, double
and treble extra 513. Corn firmer; whlte
11.07%©1,10, Oats 600. Bran 51,2% Hay
527. Pork 53375. Baton firmer at 1.734 ®
20%®210. Lard • 'l9%©2ll4c."Sugar
12%@14150. Molasses 60@)70o. Whisky
51,80. Coffee unchanged. Gold kW.
Sterling 44%. New York sight pariW
ALBANY, September 27.—The supply
of beeves to-day was, not aklarge as last
week, but the eastern market being com
pletely broken down,.the market is the
dullest for several months, the decline,
in all 'grades being frilly ;io,
_and the
sales were effected with diffidulty at
that reduction. The highest price paid
f or Kentucky steers WaslBX. • Last
week the same quality would haye
bripught. $93.
brAsaymt.E, Sept. 27.—There was a
heavy frost this morning, but, did no se
rious damage. Wheat: red st,2o: amber
$1,25; white 11,30. -Oorn 11.05.. Rye 95c.
'Omit' 70c. Barley $1.30. Flour $8
best brands.! Bacolt: sides •19340; hams
20c; shoulders 17c. Lard 22c.
Cmcbtoo. Sept. 27.-At afternoon
Board the attendance wisjighSand sales
limited. Wheat t .qpiet and weaker. Corn,
`seller the mootti; opened •at :709 knd,
closed at 75@)75g0. Oafs qrilett,nottli ,
sally .12mo; Barley quiet
,and Attn. The
market closed dull. - •
Regular Monthly meeting—Reports of
Committees—Tne Retrenchment and
Reform QuesUon—The New Market
House. •
A regular_ meeting of the Select and
Common Councils of this city was held
yesterday morning, September 27th, '69,
at 2 o!clock r. m.
Select Council,
Members present: Messrs. Armstrong,
Brown, Burgwin, Coffin, Craig, Dickson,
Edwards, Gallaher, Grose, Heilman;
Hartman, Herron, Jones, Kirk, Lauf.
man, Litton, Lloyd, Morrow, Murray,
McClelland, MoEwen, McMahon, Ogden;
Rafferty, Rees, Rush, Schmidt, Scully,
Shipton, Torrens, Wainwright, S. J.,
Wainwright, Z Watson, Wilson, Zara,
and Prestdent McAuley.
The minutes of the preceeding meet
ing were read and approved.
The PresiSent on taking ,the Chair
called the attention of the members to
the fact that cettain ordinances had been
presented at a former meeting and after
action sent into Common Council, which
had been returned by that body in con
sequence of informality, said ordinances
- having no title as required by the rules.
The following were the ordinances :
Fob paving Forty-third street; opening of
Crescent street; repealing an ordinance
for the opening of Hatfield street. The
papers were referred to the City Engi
neer for correction, who corrected them
and they were returned to Common
Before proceeding with the regular
order of business, it was on motion re
solved to take up business from Com
mon Council passed "at a former meet
ing and not previously reached in the
Select Council.
The following business was concured
in : A resolution in relation to payment
of the Commercial bill fur printing the
Resolution prohibiting oil refineries
on the Allegheny River from depositing
refuse in said stream.
A resolution appointing a committee to .
investigate the action of the Board of
Health was nonconcnrred in.
The report of the committee on Re
trenchment and Reform with accom
panying resolutions was then taken up.
Mr. Shipton opposed the, resolution
relative to taking up water pipes laid
last year. ' He said that it would be a
useless expenditure of money.
Mr. Morrow desired that the committee
might have an opportunity of complet
ing its work.
Mr. Edwards moved to concur.
Mr, Zeta amended by moving to refer=
to-the water 06140ttttOC -- - •
Mr. Brown, submitted the following
communication from Mr. William
Smith, the contraetor for furnishing.
water pipe to the city, as a reply to the
report of the committee on Retrench.
meat and Reforsh :
To he Select and Gammon Councils of the
City of Pittsburgh: •
GENTLEMEN : The undersigned begs
leave to submit the following statement,
and protest In reply to the paper submit
ted by Mr. B. W. Morgan to the - Coun
cils at their last regular meeting. From
a Careful investigation of the matter, I
am satistled that it is not, true that tn•
more reached the Chairman of the "Com
mittee on Retrenchment and Reform"
"that irregularities had beenicommitted
by the contractor to furnish the city with
vigor pipes and miscellaneous castings,"
but it is true that B. W. Morgan, Chair
of the Committee, pretended to
have received an anonymous let
ter charging such "irregularities,"
and it is believed to be equally
trim, that , the same anonymous
writer was none other than Mr. .B. W.
Morgan himself. That is to say; citizen
B. W. Morgan 'writes an anonymous
private letter to Councilman B. W. Mor
gan in his official character as Chairman
of the “Committee on Retrenchment
and Reform," for the very pnrpcse of
creating rumors injurious to the under
signed and furnishing an excuse for a
pretended examination into the transac
tions between the city and the subscriber.
Before any report was made on the sub
ject, I begged, the privilege of seeing and
reading the said pretended anonymous
communication, and having an oportn
nity of defending myself before the
Committee but • Mr. B.W. 'Morgan de
nied bath and proceeded, as informer,
witness an judge, to proseente E try and
decide the ase against me, without even
allowing; e theporiViteste of a hearing.
The flag nt injustice of defaming me
me whilst efusing me the privilege of
proving the integrity of my conduct and
the malice l and falsehood of may, anony
mous accuser, Illustrates the performance
of the "Chairman of the Committee on
Retrenchment and Reform."
In his report Mr. B. W. Morgan says
that fdur 20 Inch - pipes found on Butler
street were weighed and found to average
2,668 pounds.
the truth had been stated it would
have appeared , that 'those four pipes
weighed 2,629, 2,680, 2,776 and 2,815, res
pectively making a total of 10,880 pounds,
and an average weight of 2,720 pounds,
and not 2,668, as stated by Mr. B. W.
Morgan. -
It is also stated-that the , average weight
of eight inCh 'pipes as "charged by the
contractor to the city . averages 720
pounds," whilst in fact' the real aver
ageler Moroni': scales was but 684,
"ma lug a difference" against the city
of and in favor of the contractor of 66
pounds per pipe. lln.trash :and in- fact
the bills rendered .by me to the city ,
show that the average weight of such
pipes is 675 pounds. ,and Mr. B. W. Mor
gan eltber did knew or .should have
known that fact before he published lila
slanders.' He flarther stated that they
"weighed - throe eight 'inch pipes on my
ecales," and found - that they weighed
from four to six pounds more than they
were marked, and he grstuitonalv adds:
"These last pipes were not made or
marked for defivcry . to the city," yet be
well knew when he wrote that sentence
that the pipes were' made, for;
delivered to the olty,,and that the
weights charged were 'loss than the so
tug weight of the pip*. • "t'
~. In' regard to the twenty mob • pipes
.which weighed. 2.575ti0and4 Mr. ttOhatr
,inan Morgan" ogght,tolusie known, and
perhaps aid know, t4qt ! they wage ma
pip equal in quilitjr - With the , Imager,
• and therefore heavier pipes, yet he states
their weight as evidence of irregular
ities. .
The weight of twenty Inch pipes (ex
cepting the cut pipes) varies: from 2,664)
to 2,940 pounds, and that is a fair range
and within the letter and spirit of the
contract. -
The variance is not fhe fault of the
contractor, but the fair and natural re
sult of matters over which he has no
control. The city his net been charged
with a single pound of castings beyond
the honest weight of those actually de
livered. Any statement to the contrary
is untrue.
The undersigned neither desires con
cealment nor fears hones.; investigation,
but be' protests most earnestly that he
should not be condemned unheard.;
, Re has been maligned and slandered
whilst being denied the right and privi- ,
lege of meeting his accuser "face to face."
A cowardly and anonymous attack upon
his reputation has been made th6basis of
an official report to Councils, wh Ist the
facts have been carefully kept fr m pub
lic view. Whilst the undersigns would
be pleased taco-operate with a mmit
tee in any investigation the Coun
cils in their wisdom may be pleased
to order, •he emphatically protests
against the indecency, injustice and
malice, of Mr. "Chairman- Morgan,"
whose Billingsgate vituperation and
abuse of members of Councils generally
and city officials, was ventilated upon
the public street, many days before
his report was presented to the Councils,
thereby exhibiting his utter unfitness
and unworthiness to represent your.
orable bodies. i
With; assurances of my respect and es
teem. I am, gentlemen, very truly, your
obedient servant,
Perromßoa, Sept. 20, 1869.
The communication was! received 'and
Mr. Brown stated that he desired to
have an investigation of all the charges
made by Mr. Morgan, but was opposed
to the resolution authorizing the raising
of water pipe after it had been laid un
der the supervision of the Committee.
He was informed that Mr. Morgan had
said on the street that there were a num
ber of men in Councils who were filch
ing money out of the people's pockets,'
and that the city officials, from the May
of' down to the lowest officer, were ras
cals and cheats; and that 'he-(Mor
gan) was going to clear them all
out of office. He had been ap
proached by several _persons, who
were willing to testify that Morgan
had used much disrespectful langnage
and if he had done so he thought the re
port made by him as Chairman of the
Investigating Committee should not be
considered until his conduct was inves
tigal el, as it was unbecoming to say the
least of it, for a member of Council to
speak in such a disrespectful manner of
his colleagu is. If th 3 report mai adopt
ed, it would be ostensibly admitting Mr.
Morgan's charges 'against Cannella to be
true, which would be a gross injustice to
Mr. Smith, Contacts and the. City. "
iQ rnoved, tcfrion..cautaur witipCommon
Counbil in the adoptien of the resolhtion
andappoint .a committee to investigate
the charges made by Mr. Morgan, and
have a fair and impartial hearing of both
aides of the case, and not only one' Wale,
as had been Bono by-the chairman of the
Committee on Retrenchment and Re
form, then have its report of the com
mittee. not of the chairman, presented to
Councila for their consideration.
Mr. Morrow said the Committee had
made no charge against Mr. Smith. They
had taken pipes of various slam and
weighed them and diswpancies appear
ed, and they now asked for power to
continue the investigation.
Mr. Ogden desired to
_know chose
duty it-was to receive and inspect the
pipes when delivered. He thought the
Water Committee censurable for not .
weighing the pipes.
Mr.Shipton replied that Councils elect-
ed a el erieto the Water Committee whose .
duty it was to see the pipe weighed.
The President stated the question
would first be taken on Mr: Edward's
motion to concur with Common Council. ,
Mr. Brown moved as a substitute, to
strike out all after the word "resolve" in
the lint resolution and insert the follow
ing: "That a Special Committee of two
from . Select and three from Common
Council be appointed to investigate all
the charges set forth in the report; to
hear both sides of the case and report
the same to this Council."
Mr. Morrow hoped that such a Com
mittee would not be appointed. that it
was intended to smooth over the matter,
according to parliamentary usages the
gentleman offering the resolution would
be made chairman. •
Mr. Brown—l would state ere Mr.
President that I will , not serve on that
Committee, unless compelled to do so
by Connell. • . •
Mr. Kirk favored retrenchment and re
form, but he was of cipinion that injus
tice had been done Mr. Smith, in 'this
matter. He thought that the Chairman
of the Committee on Retrenchment and
Reform. was like a horse rushing
Into bathe, he went headlong; and was
not a proper person to sit as judge in the
investigation. He favored the motion of
Mr. Brown, and would- submit the fol
•lowing resolutions, which he thought
embodied it :
liesolved.- That a Special Committeepf
two ftom - the Select and three' from 'the
Common Council, be appointed to inves
tigate the charges against Mr. Smith,
and that they have power to raise any
pipes they may dente, for the purpose _ ,
of weighing, .and that they also hays
power to send for persons and papers
and that the Mayor be instructed to issue
such summonses as they may require.
Mr. Rafferty moved as an amendment,
that the COmmittee be instructed to act
in conjunction with the Retrenchment
'and Reform Committee.
Mr. Gallaher said that he bad not
signed the report "of the committee, al
thought lie Was a rdembilr bf the'commit
tee and had attended the meeting, and
he' desired' to state why he had not
signed it. The report, he said, was that
of the chalrroan t rand not of the commit
tee. The,committee had instructed Mr.
Morgan, as chairinan, to inquire and as
certain if there was any ground for the
charges against certain parties connected
With the city, in official capacity and
as contractors, and to - report , , 'the
facts 'to the Committee. -Mr. Mor
gan had, instead of • doing ea he
jwas instructed ,by the Onomitteei pro.,
ceeded,Withont the knowledge and con
'sent of the *other , iuembers of the Coat
tnittee to 'make ilivestigatione of certain
inatters,:of which' investigation be pre
pared& report and desired the Committee
to sign it, which hei as a member of the
Committee, declined to do. He hoped
(Continall on Mlgath Page) ,