The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 27, 1869, Image 1

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, 1869. . .
. • • NIThIBER 223. _
amportint from @pain-Bishops must take
an oath 'plata support the neyy_Comalututlon
~ .'...-BepublilCtins , active -": Death before
acceptance of ,Monarchy" — London It
Times e the Cuban questlen—Ereuch
*n ,Easpreat attend the
j ltrices , ..- billenge, , for. ati Ocean Race,
Large hlplments of Specie for the
~ . ,
trlllted. Statesg—Beyolt . In - Barcelona
uPPrere d • I .
EST Telegratih to tt e'rittatatrgtt Gazette 3
c . SPAIN. 1 ' '
Menutn, September 25.—The govern
meat intends to Compel ,
the Bishops to
take'the oath of adhereisoe to the new
constitution. It is officially announced
• that a reduction et 5 per Cent. • is' to be
made in the salaries of all I the colonial
‹..fficere. • • - - „
Minister SiCkles b a d a long interview
, . ..,
'with the Spanish Minister l of State, Sil
To-day, intelligence was received of the
assassinatiOn of the Pr.iiiident of the Re
', publican Club of Taragona. ) ,
A Republican club in the city has been
closed by the government en account of
:resolutions adopted declaring the mem
: AXwts would make armed 'resistance .to
. monarchy.' ,
. Reptibilian ineetP . ags pries.,hap:ming
_ the principal ciAt Sam
gosia•Serier Cartelar addressed an . au.:
...iclerics of_2o,oQo_ perseiku : Urging death
• before accerktalacCof a•mdiarelly.
T"T•:1 At Barcelona an attempt was made
•\ t - ,tosarm• : some -of the 1 volunteilas
'who protested against the arrest of Gm..
'. 1
• Ferried. This exasperated the volun•:.
-i . tears and caused a -slight impirrecth.n.
•,:. 'Barricades Were thrhWn ' hp, and - a• Oen
,: fuot took placein tha streets between the
•,.' 4, Governnu3nt • troops- and,, ;volunteers.
. 'The tight was• a >- short ;bele.: The vol
., j nnteers were beaten, and seventy were
taken prisoners. Among, the latter are
two deputies tothe Cortes.-• The-trorips
•.' i now holdail' parts of the city. and it is
. .
reported that, the revolt km ; been com
. •••'• Jplstelyunppressed:..__ ..' a
Gen. Pierrad was arrested on Friday
• and taken to Tarrattons! --
Lreirlow, September )25 The Timeg
Able mon:dog in a leader on the Cuban
• questlera, says: Ffetatudbe a 7cleveruhut
who .can determine the/intentions of the
; crated States with respect . to.
~ Cuba.
There two parties in the States; 'Jane
1 4-favors:, ntal•intettentiOn- and . the 'other
• approves Minister Sickles' , course, and.
. ''... •ftnally, there is President Grant, who vi
,, „,bra.tett . hetween the. two, But _ there
•- ' cannot be two opinionstreregardlo the,
- 1 blunder whiGen. Sic Mt lop of kles has made a
Vie prospect of the sate Cub
• ': has caused a general and violent coov
Soil inn Madrid: . The Spanish -Gern
.! ment ii-botind-;tO be , extremely Carefni
not to wound the national susceptibilities.
• •Thisiuts no Judie:alien as-to the readiness
! 'of the Spanish - to tight, against any odds
- when-honor brat stake. The only ques
, tion is whether -they are
ein a condltiort
to tight'Bll. if the ;p05801,31 3 1 0 *. of Cuba
is made a point of honor. Justice * will
. ; belpSpalp better thin force. Spain must
_,consider whether she has a valid cause
in the 'Antilles": However Snxioris Eu
rope m a y to recognize the validity of
Spanish rights, she
enill to inquire
, what" use has -be . wade of / them.
' 'EuMph, not ' 'wig ago, shrunk 'in
' ! America from what she deemed
l a just and generous cause. Alas.
-Aria and .France may feel- a desire
, •to regain the prestige they lost in Mex.-
leo; but they must refute the assertions
'from America that the war in Cuba is
i carried on• in a manlier contrary to the
pliriciptes•of humanity;' They must in.'
\ cur no risks of complicity,- in deeds of
..bloodshed. -Nor must. they , bear
out the
pretensions of Spain in refusing
\ • .
nigh a and reasonable demands of her;
,-; colonies. Principles of righteousness;
'.'.:must prevail.over political interests and
. •
• .expedieney. The sympathy of the world
• . will be with Spain id proportion as her
• treatment of her; colonies is just.
Lormort, September 25.—A new line of
—telegraph cable, to be laid between- Ire,-
. littld and Noint Stotia,is projected.
Jkesnotr, Sept: . 26.-11 r. Lonllard,
"•the yacht Metoor, hasissued a challenge
Sox an ocean' - race, to take place this
-autumn or next sprlng, the stakes to be
BOecie to the amount , of £39,000 has
been withdraWn from the Bank of Bng.
'land for New York. Large amounts
-:have also been drawn from the Bank of
France for- the same destination. The
,steamei-Ohina, which sailed yesterday,
,„.'„ took £164,000_1n specie. One m
here .has out
sent a quarter of a mil lion
pordidsspecleAo New, York during
the past week. '
PAWS. Sept: 25.—Prince Napoleon haft
returned to Paris, and was to day re•
.ceived by the Emperor.
,PA.IIII. September 25.,_The Emperor
presided at the Council of Ministers to-
The mpercr and Empress to-day a •
• • tended the races at - Bois de Boloirlie.
The departure of the Empress, for the
East, ia fixed-for the 80th inst.
An official denial is gi9fM to the report
in circulation that • Marshal Canrobart is
shoat to leave the command of the First
Army ..Corps, "which is stationed in and
Thantatr, September ` 25. Th e. question
retied in yegardto the Catholic Univer-
Fulda le probably to be eettled by
a .nevr educational bill to be auhadtted to
the Diet ' a
D vosimuctlx.
t 25 —Dia.-LConaela, for
lanmort, SeP • • lei
02 • on nwoant.923iev 2T . v
money, 0 2 3; . hi g e i ear ',Vs, 81g;
twenty •' ads: .
Ten-113'11es; 76 4 4:
cr ;',2t.thintiCet, Areat".ViretierAt 2 , 7 ,4! . , •: l ? tA) T 6
4nietsis ..., •
<4.filltittincir.,,—SePti.•l2s.-='Cotton f_da ,
middling nplanda at 12y,@)1 2 N1
.oeletuis at 323 @12%: gates /V s " wA
California white wheat 10s 8d; red, west
ern 9s 4d@93 sd. Western Flour 245.
Corn, mixed, 295 9d. Oats 3s 6d. Peas
455. Pork 112 s. Beef 895. Lard 759.
Cheese 628. Bacon 65s 6d. Produce un
LONDON. September 25. Tallow ps 3d
®47s 6d. Sugar 395 6d@398 9d. Calcut
ta Linseed, 62s 6d®62s —P 93.
ANTWERP, Sept: 21roleum firm
at 45f.
Hems, Sept. 25.—Cotton 145 g.
PAlus;f3ept. 2'o:--13oarie dull. Rentes
70f 55c. -
FRANKFORT, Sept. 25.—U..8. Bonds
closed active and firth at 87®87.
He nu, Sept. 25.—Cott an closed quiet
and unchanged..ueictcroltT, Sept. D. 'Bonds
fiat. Five-Twenties, 86%.
DiDi'9U 4/447 , 1 '
Monument to General McPherson—Ram.
NToth{ T Aceldent-/Aenator Slier Man on
. ‘thaStunip-t-Exhiliitions.' ,
Of Telegraph to the Pittsburgh ceezett..3
CINCINNATI Septernit)er 25.—Generals
• Sheridan, Hazem-Bricklandi Leggett and
.Iliekenlooper, in enntiectkm with Gen.
McPherson's brother, spent yesterday
and to day examining plans for the Mc-
Pherson Monument: Sixty-two models
and drawings were presented. Two pre*
miums had been offered for the best and
second best plans. The second premium
was awarded to Lewis Valk, of Chi
cago, and the first to T. D. Jones, of Cin
oinnati. The
. plan of 1 the latter
was adopted . It 11, a, bronze equestrian
statue- in pedestal, Quincy; and Scotch
granite. The total height from the base
• of the pedestal to the top of the hat is
twenty feet six inches, of which the
pedestal is nine feet. .The cost will be
*20,000, of which $15,000 is now in the
TrefollrY. The cashing will be done in
the United States. • „ • i .
The express train from Baltimore due
here at four o'clock • this morning was
delayed five hours at Chillicothe, on the;-by:the .locomotiv e ottlie
freight running into the rear of another
freight at that place, and obstructing the.
track. The enginaer, Mr. West, on the
inoomotivik was -dangerously- injured.
1 3
The lcicomotive- d freight oars were
considerably - 3a ged. • -
Bolin - edinmenc at eight o'clock this
morning and is a 11 failing. Thermom-'
titer- 74 noon. ,a - faces today :were
consequently pos ned till Monday.
Gen. h3berm an s ke at Marietta to d ay.
A successful I iistrial Fair closed at
The Clicinna '
ciadee Uzi fair to
successful. The
and the exhibltio4
it gives a grand
About five hum
to the call for a ra
, the expuleinn at
schools. • The 133
resolutions favor)
Bible were prese
so near a tie that
decide. A (Hoist
chairman could
olutions went b
that the Board
night, will proh
Bible in the sch
The Union Cr
dianapolis to-ni,
Postal Tele/_
Halle Ball-1
tily Toil amps t% be Pittsburgh Qa.zette.i
Sairrimeic co, SepteMber.2o.—At a
special meets gof the Chamber of Com
merce last : 'n gbt, is resolution ftivoring
the postal tel graph and requesting our
Certgreesiona delegation to advocate the
same, was ad pied. , .
%.• The Oinc sit Commercial pariy were
lesentwer wri welcomed.Y
Messrs. an
aarg BuhN addressed
the meetln . The former presented a
. reselcitlan om the Cincinnati Chamber,
congratula the people of California
on the completion of the Pacific railroad,
Leading citizens are endeavoring to
effect the organization of an T...llit'rliatltui
al Immigration Union..
The . banks still refuse tosell gold. Tel
egraphio _transfers and express emtpa•
ales charge five per cent. transport: &old
legal tenders are selling at 75.
The Grand Lodge of Odd FelloW post
ported the consideration of the amend-,
went to the constitution, changing the .
-tilid of the Grand Ledge to tiapreme
Grand Lodge, until the nett derision.
Considerable excitement prevails
among base ball players
A sin bout es
t herrival
of the Redl3tockings.thous
and spectators visited the .grounds to
day to witness the match with the San
innings— ancisco
Bed Eagl Stockinga3s; Eagles 4 and '
es. There were
Stockings four home runs. ,
T. K. Porter, epmmander of the
steamship _Continental, hones from a
Mexican port, died at sea September
15th. Porter was first officer of the rebel
steamer Shenandoah at the -
time of her
destruction. • ,
The United States Court to•day granted
an injunction against several dentists in
the. Goodyear rubber patent snits.
Election In Nashville.
elterelegranb to itte Plastrunch Gazette.l
Nastmtwai; Septembei 26 The mu
nicipal election today passed ofrquletly.
The returns are incomplete. thelna
jority for Morris, Conservative candidate
for *Yek; wltl I**bl:tilt 2,5010:1The Con
servatPre ticket for aldermen and mull alSoplected by dealde4Ms-,
at Philadelphia.
•,• • • •
By Telegripb to the rllliiturea jiasetted. r,
Piiii4DELPELIA., September 26—Heavy
rain storms bar) Prevailed , here since
last night. This is the firat rain of any
duration Since June. ..The wind is strong
from the south-east.
—The_ motion-_for a rehearing . In the
case: o f vir m. Kriel; , who murdered his
'Wife in Minh, 1868. in Louisville,. bas
been overruled by the'uourt`'of. Apppai
and the mandate quashed. 'Kriel will be
hung on the Tor °comber, unless the
:Governor respites .. yL . ' 4-3
„.34.3 Th I -
—e 'Blister Tailors or Beaton acceded
to the demands of the journeymen for
an increase of wages. •
Bii Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
WASHINGTON, September 25, 1889.
„B;e9r -4.4 11111 14- rPLur2, K. Hoff 'Qr .
dered to duty as a member of the Board
of Examiners ` at- ' Washington, Commo
dore John L. Inorden to be Superintend
ent of the Naval Acadern3r. Nathan
Patten was appointed Collator of Cos
toms for the District of Texas.
. ..
The Secretary of the. 'Treasury has au.
thorized the &issistant"l'reaiurer at New
York to sell one midon of - gold - each
Tuesday and Friday till November Ist,
commencing Tnesday next; also to pm
.chase two millions of bonds each Wed
nesday till November Ist. These sales
and purchases are in addition to sales
and purcnoz....,o onraccount of the sinking
fund, which will be continued, and with
' mit change of the existing mode.
RiTt3ipig fractional currency for did
-week, 3,024,600 i shipments, 3937,447; mu•
Illated bank notes burned, 5187,300; bank
.currency issued, 5241,1330; actual (Annie
rlon, 51,299,708,410; fractional currency
reduced, 5284,700; intern al fervenue re.
ceipte, today #408,287; total for the
month, 510,8i8,326.
-- PRESENTED HIS onunglivista.
\ Mr. F; E. --Debille, accompanied by
Secretary Fish'. repaired to the Bum.
tive Mansion and presented his credal-
Willi as Minister from Denmark. Se had
for some time previous been Charge
1 d'Affalrs of that Kingdom.
The time for, the election in Mississippi
has been extended one day, and will
commence on iTednesday. - December Ist.
go t. It bas, beenrtieoltural Society
:lets have been large
fine. Monday night
111 at Pike's Hall.
'• red people responded
leting of those favoring
litble from common
tug -was disorderly,
1. g the expuislon of the
!nted, and the vote was
he chairman could not
was called for ' still the
of decide, and the res.+
default. The proapeot
f 'Education, to.imlrroW
r i bit the reading of the
els, amounts to alniost a
oket Cub started to In
ht to play to-morrow.
ph—Conimerelal Exeurm
y diatters—lnternatlonal
uion Postponement. --
eattt of commander T. K.
H. 11.. ,Y A(1 !F
Return of Dr. Ball--Interesting Relies
Supposed to Have Belonged to 'air
Jonn - Franklin's Erpedltlon. , '
(By Telegrsph to the Plttabargtl Gazette.]
ISOELWICIts CONN., September 26.—The
whaling sehoonm' Cornells,"Oapt. Baker,
has arrived at New London irom Cum
berland Inlet: She bring!! asnaasengers
three Men 'belonging to •Dr. D. F. Hell's
expedition in seep* of Sir John Frank-
Dr. Hall is a passenger .on board the
snip An/181 Gibbs, for New Bedford. He
has a number of articles belonging to Sir
John Franklin, including some spoons
and -tichronometer box. • • •
He waists* successful in finding skel
etons of many of his men and the re
mains of several ~o f their boat*. The
sireletools and other reliciWore-fotimd at
King William's Land.
The Cornelia bronghtan•anchor fgund
at the extreme North, marked E. 8.,1776.
which is supposed 14 kaye`beloAnieti
the first explorers.
Dr. Hall found
h a native whO c l
aimsa to
know all about, the party. ete
b ag -stove, and - ttie 'crew took to
their oats awl went ashore, where their
provisions were exhausted and they died
from starvation. .
Ice and snow prevented Dr. Hall from
making full explorations. He will re
turn next summer and still further pros
ecute the search.
Ansel Globs will arrive-at New Bed
ford in a day or two.
Arrival of Ur. Malt after an Absence of
Five Years—Me Brings with Him-Five
Foquitaaux and Mauy Interesting Me
mentos of the Ili-fated Kra main
wilt soon Publish the
ttestat of t his EzPloratious and Re.
turn iu the spring to Pusn tin
Journeyinga to the North Pole:
BeDFORD, BURS., SepteMber 26.
—Dr. C. F. Hall, the distinguished Arctic
explorer, with Rbierburg and Tookoo
llta, two EiqUiretteX, and threedaugh
tars, arrived at this port-to•day in th
ship Ansel Gibbs, from Repulse Bay,
August:3e.. '
Dr. Hall brings as among the restilt4
of Ida five years' insidence in the Arctic
regions, most interesting Intelligence in
regard to the death of Sir `John ; Frank
lin, and his companions, and conclusive
proof that none 'of them ever . Year had
Montreal Island. He saw ntitfiret .44h0
were the last to logki upon- Crozier and
his party..: • '
The• Doctor also bringi. With him the •
remains of a young non - who belonged
to that ill-fated band or explorers, and:
also various relics of the explorations. ,
He has prepared a report, addrestted
to his friend , Henry ,Grinnell, pf -Ni
York. which' will soon be given to the
public, through the press. •
Dr. Hands:y no insane tired of ex plo.,
ration, purposes next spring to start
anew, arid push his journeying to the
North pole. I'e regards` hie . etperience
of the last ten years as Invaluable to hint
as:preparation, and aid loth° future.
In 'the , report ; . alluded to, he says:-
' , Wherever I found that 'Sir John Frank
lin's companions 'had died' I• erected a
motirtment,lired saitites and waved the:,
star spangled banner over them, intnem-
ory of the,discoverersof the North-Weall
Connterfeltera Arrested and Committed.
EBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh essette.J
BlNGElAMl"roi 4 ,Septen iber
ter atlas Oscar A. Bush, arrested In this
city for aldidg and assisting' to Hell court
teifeit rtioney, was yesterday hmuight be
'fors'United States Commisiloner
The evidence and.admissiou of t h e pile- ;
oner showed his connection with ap eX:
tat:nava gang of Counterfeiters operating,
Meng the line of the Erie Railway. He
was held to bail in 15,90 to apPear for:
trial at the October term of the :Unitas ,
-States Circult•Court-st-Albany; and-*
default was committed. 1. "
Still Anotber Bank Defaulter.
EBY Telegraph to the rittalourgh Gazette.
PROVIDENCE, R. L, Sept. 28.—& de,
faleaticm has been discovered in the 'Na
tional Biel:lenge Bank, of this city, and,
the cashier has been arrested and held to
bail.: The artiotiot so:'far discovered ill
about 1125,000. The surplus . of'the bank
will cover all probable deficiency. Bank
Examiner Iligott was instrumental in
ferreting out this delinquency.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette*.l
NEW Yowl., September 25, 1869.
•T' The Episcopal Convention of New
York - meets next Wednesday. when it
is understood the subject of the recent
introductions of several • rttualastio fea
tures s, St. Allies, will be brought
before the convention. The complaint
comes froui.t;be nigh church men them
Bonner denies - that Dexter is to trot
for the benefit of the 'Avondale suffer-
era. •
Solomon Mah'Oro), gold broker, coin
canted suicide this morning.
• Of the four or five men. who attempted
to ravish a woman at Green Point this
morning, two named Quinn and Roe
were shot, wounded•and captured by the
The jury in thecae° of McDonald. in
dicted for the murder of Thomas E.
Corwin, at thelßesendale IT.Otel, brought
in a verdict of Manslaughter. McDon- I
ald was sentenced' to three yearn in
prison. Mrs. Andrews, indicted as an
accessory, was discharged.
The steamer Union, from Brenton, ar
rived to-night.
Carlotta Patti gave the operilhg concert
to-night of , a series to be extended
through the country, at Steinway . Hall.
A special cable dispatch dated London,
otember 26th ,states that the advices
frOm Spain are interesting. Information
eming from moot reliable sources in
Madrid has been received in refutation
of the rumors which have been 'l:Amnia.
tedto the effect that the United States
Government has communicated with
Minister Sickles, directing him to with
draW Ms note nn the subject of a Cuban,
ale or transfer, if, the terms of the
missive 'were net acceptable I to
the Spaniards: What Mr. Slckles did
• convey to Serrano and to the other
lidera of Spain. really amounted to this,
that the .Government of the United States
may withdraw the offer of a friendly me!
diction on the part of the American pea
ple between Spain and the Cuban revo
lutionists leaving the responsiblitt of
the ccmsequences, as • well as theeonso
cinemas Which.may, ensue, on Spain her-
Nsw Yonx. September 26. 1869.
The steamships City of New York and
City of Paris, from Liverpool, have ar
• The First National Bank of Washes,
N. .1 ~ was entered by burglars on Friday
night. and yesterday the bank officers
could not get into their vault, and were
not able to aszertain the amount of the
funds on hand d was small, that the stand
ing of the bank will not be seriously efi
facie& 1 -
..-. Gunboat No. 1 of the Spanish littits
quite fleet,,of thirtysmall. mats, had a
trial trip up North River yesterday after.
noon. She .ascended the river to West
Point, her engines 'working well,. and
her success for war purposes being com
A south-east rain storm. accompanied
by high winds, commenced here about 4
o'clock this morning and has - continued
all day. The rain this evening has •been
quite heavy and there is no-prospect of
Us clearing off.
Judge Perris, of New York, lion. Geo.
A. Haley,; of New Jersey, Bon. A. F.
Stevens arid Dr. Ayer, of New fiamp
shire, Hon. Solve F. Asper, of Missottri,
and Judge Itokighudge, of Iowa; will
leave Qtiicago Wednesday the '22th inst.,
accompanied by their ladles for"Califor
fornia. Colonel N. (1. Ordway,. :Ser
genit at - Arms o f d f the a mily, Hossse
will of
Itepresentatives, \` a
leave Washington , on. Monday - to loin
the party at Chicago. This is entirely
a pleasure trip taken by the parties for
the purpo se of visiting-ths-Paciffe coast,
and not a Committee of Congress, - al
t though several of the excursionists are
members of that body.
In pursuance of the policy of the Ad
ministration in regard to Texas politics,
W. B. Moore bas been appointed:•Asaes
er, and. Philip Branbacti Collector of the
Third District, Texas, vice OW and
Lane, suspended. .
Secretary Fish left Washington last
td for New York and will return
there wards the Close of the week.
The Gold Exchange; Bank has declared
its intention of settling all claims on last .
Friday's transactions at- ten o'clock, to
morrow. In making up
_lie steteatente,
the bank t, , q-Uay ttirew out of , considers- '
doe the partied who had failed to effact
their clearances, - and those who fail to
do so by half-past ten tomorrow morn
ing-will not in future be allowed to have
any transactions with the - bank. It is
'believed that one well-known house has
failed by the operations of last Friday.
Ateiong the, passengers by the steam
ship lel Paris, from Liverpool, were
F. 0 man, A. Burnham, Cl. Bass, S.
W. ' RI ' and. G. Fish, of the EfarVard
crew. ' - -
:Br,Telegraph to tee Pe:Wargo oasette.i
ErAVANA,Setit. 24 The his:Vane pfeaff,
reviewing the sibistl , libi,ceneitidee that d
majority of the Cubareare loyal. They
cite in proof the solleitvde Of the. Cuban
Junta in New York to
_eas American fallensters to fight the batterto of the re:
hellion. .The :rebel °Meru* here being
unable to obtain recruits erne/fig the ma-,
tivea, the Spanish element in the Island
is unanimously of the, opinion that the
liVastabgtcrnlloverninent be* no ielghf to'
'interfere in their affairs.
' •The-'ofliceril of the - Volunteer thtotay
bed an interview with Captaire.
'era and stated.that • they; and the •Intni'
Anger-thew; ;insisted cni: taking flit
field for active servim - f. The Captain
.§reneral replied that he did not need their
r. 'it is cepo,rted:that" genera) Jordan has
written sletter„ to tbe
C aptain ..senerat
0.468114 to' suriiinder . ith his whole'
comula ncupon Petri g VatiVa certain seta.
Of inoney4o4 tbiltp?Waliterrnied,the
Attennit to Threwa Trabiolf RIO Trick.
t Sy Tdiegravu to the Pit.bunth 'thizette.)
RadEfitint; SePteinber a—An at
tempt was' made 'this evening , to throw
the westward bound Albany and Roches
ter a f eematodation•train from the track,
between Newark . and PalmyrS. ;Iby
moans of Pti tip. thrust down between the
timbers of,tho bridge,. and others across
the track, the kat ; wis • broken lu two,
and the traltitirbe-eed'idOWly. The other
ties were removed without accident.
No trace of the miscreants was dis
Wavy Bain storms—Vast Amount of
Grain and Hay uestroyect—Democralie
Nominations—Fight with luatanr--N'
Wonian Attempts to shoot her Brother
[By Telegraph to the Plttrburgh Gazette.)
cruo,too,-September 26.—A despitch
from t3t. Paul says a deluge of water fall
on Thursday and Friday nights, and the
"Mississippi river Is' again on the rise.
All the bottom , landi of the Minessota
river • are • ov , erflown, and the bay
crop In that region, ,as well as
on the large prairies, .18. ruined.
.Farmers 'rem different sections claim
that tally one-half ..• of • this grain
crop, not threshed and harvested- at the
tithe of the previous istormOs ruined.
Oliver Dalrymple ,- this largest wheat
grower in the State, estimates the-e= on
his crop at 20,000 bushels. Good judges
say the damage to the. wheat. alone
by the late great storms throughoukthe
State cannot be , less , than five million
bushels, while two-thirds of the hay
crop is worthless. The Anokah river
has risen rapidly, carrying away the re
maining logs belonging to Dean do Co.,
of Minneapolis. - •
The following are. the .nominations
comnlete,-made by the illumosota Dam
oaratic state Convention Govenor,
George L. Otes, of Ramsey ,county; -
Lieutenant Governor, J. A. Wisewell, of
Blue Ea st county; Secretary of State:T.
G. Plideland, of Fillmore county, Aud
itor General, Louie A. Evans, of Stearns
county; Attorney General, Seagrove
Smith, Dakotah county;' State Treasurer,
Casper Babrieh, of Brown county; Chief
Justice, Chas. E Hrndran. of Hennepin
county; Clerk of the Supreme Court, W.
T. Branewell, of McLeod county-. .
A. special frem Onsahasays that reports
received at headquarters from the. Paw
nee Beeervation. -represent that quiet is
restored. The Sioux, after a lively skir
trileh with the Pawnees, fled before the
arrival of the cavalry, :who ourstied
them nearly thirty miles. OnePtiwnee
was Itllled"and several wounded. The
Pawnees claim 'lto have killed and
wounded have a dozen Sioux.
hirs! Mary :C. . -Smith,;in connection
with her husband, keeping a second hand
store at 213 biadlison street, yesterday
morning went to the apartments of bee
brother-irf-law, Wm. G. Casper, in Mor
rison Block, South Clark street, a dealer
In pianos, - and dolberately- discharged
three barrels of a seven shooter at bias;
and would have. continued the same
amusenientuntil the Whole' seven shots
had been expended • had d ol
e' been for
cibl3r prevented by the inmates of the
building. One ball only took effect' In-
Meting a serious , but it is , believed; not
a. dangeione raiully..ttbubles
'arestthe batoiliof theitraseay:
tniTele.osrli to the rittatarsa uszetto.i
- Mistake • Corrected—blew Telegriph
" Itates-Arisitort vie Fair--Overcoats
in nemantl—MeavxMam a g es .
ST. Louts.. September 25.—The para.
graph telegraphed .4i-'day Or two ago, re
garding the sale of the Mississippi Valley
Telegraph lines, contained one'
errors. The amount of paper protested
was only thirt' thotniand dollars instead
of one hundred and fifty thortsarid,..and
the sale was made to -the Pacific and
Atlantic, instead of Atiantio and Pacific
Company. The western:Union Telegraph
Company will put a new tariff system
into effect on October first, based on air
lines distances, which' equMize and
Igreately reduce rates between all pointS,
especially in WI) South and Southwest;
and do away with any apparent - disc e t
against email plaoes. . •
A.large party of ladies and gentlemen
of BateBVitte, Arkansas, have chartered
a steamboat for the purpose of visiting
the great' fairlO b 6 held here during the
first week of October.
The weather changed suddenifelast.
week, and today light oyercoats have
•been required for comfort.
Mrs. Elvina Huffman obtained
twelve lb-Dusan(' dollars. damages - Rom
the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad
Compsny at Macon, - Missouri, on Thurs..
dajclar injuries riceliod about' three
years ago.
Sr.. Lout!, September 26. 7 -John T.
Sayers was brought. hero Friday from
Wellsville, Missouri, by the Marshall of
this city, charged -with being in cow
plicitr with two confederates in passing
a large amount of counterfeit greenbaeks,
and _drawing - money on raised checks
upon banks in _Austin,_ Texas. Fl a
_teen thousand dollars • was... rl ized in this -vO. • Sayers and his
confederMei, One of 'whom, PePper by
natue,was arrested and turned State's evi
dence. About thirty thonsand dollars in
counterfeit notes and a large quantity of,
'raised drafts were found 'on the men.
Sayers was taken to Texas yesterday in
charge of B. M. Orden, who' coma here
with„ts requisition from the Governor of
Texas for chef prisoner..
ST; LOTTni/.
-=-There . were' thirty-three di.
Nietnphis dining he 1 3 0 t week* '
Theta', were 'thirty-nine deaths in
Louisville during the past week. "
appointedien delegates
to the National • lintnigration Con
vention to be held in that city on• the Bth
—Mears.' 'Witt &. le.lfOid's planing
mill at North. Adams,' Maim, was de
tatzoyed bg re SaturdaY• • Lo se
flustiranoe . • .1
- dwellthg of Aidrs. Black, of Low-
Was slightly.darnaged by fire
s un di t y - morning, and her ion, aged
three years, .waa smothered to death.
dispatch roPi,9 4 / }o 4ft flays, G-• W.
purchislitg, agent, autgl.,,the
'CrniOn Baelflo 'Railway .gentnlctors for
serviceednring the past three years: •
4. Oalloway Gates; ,the absconding
beck-lieeper of the- Bank of Montreal,
was arrested - in BeffaloStinday morning
and held for •eititiltiation.` I The money
was rebovered. • .
-Lfleitry C. Noise. Engineer and Gen.
Sept. •of the , Missouri `and Pacific
'Railroad, has resigned, and Robert Hall,
formerly of the Chicagc.and Alton Rail
road appointed his soccesear.
D4viaiSicKnlght, dames Mtdlhall,
mister Clymer and T. E. Ancona have
been chosen by City Council to rep
resent the city of Reading in the Lotus
villa Commercial Convention.
Decision in the Uutted States Circuit
Court by Judge Grier.
The case of E. A. L. Roberts vs. the
Reed Torpedo Company et al., in
volving the right , to use torpedoes, in
oil wells, was decided in the U.S.
cult Court, at Philadelphia, on Wednes-' I
day of list week. The cue first came
up in the Western District, and a
preliminary injunction was grant
ed by Judge McCaw/lase, but counsel
agreed to argue It in the Eastern District,
for the accommodation of Judge Grier.
The Philadelphia-la:at; in a statement
of the case, says: •
Within the last few years the produe
tion fn oil wells has been greatly increas
ed by lowering down into Went large
iron flasks containing six -tote& ixitinds
of gun powder or --nitro-glycerine, and
then exploding the mass by means of a
percussion cap on the top of, the flask,
on to which cap a weight :mils dropped
from the top of the well. ' It was estate -
fished by proofa in the case that moat
remarkable results had • been 'produced
te oil region bv the introduction of
the torpedo by Air. B. L Roberts, the
plaintiff. Thus in the Eureka well,
whibli'was produdng only three barrels
a day, a Roberts' torpedo was exploded;
and its production i
to 180
barrels a day; Hyner was incr
from SW 30 barrels. per day; Key
well from 5 to 175 barrels per day; Neill
well from 3 to 80 barrels per day; Tarr
Homestead well was increased 65 barrels
per day; Keystone well from 15' to 200
barrels per day.
These were , only a few out of rismteruile
eases. where Roberts had succeeded.
The animal production of oil due to'the
use of the torpedo Was adMitted by de
fendants in their,,argumeet alefedy
have reached several millions of dollars.
After Roberts had suepeediel in 'intro
alucing his invention, Mr:Reed; of Titus
ville, united . with' a: former!.agent of
Roberts, Mr. eitaratOn,. and set -u p clairn
as a rival Inventor to Roberts. They or
ganized the "Reed .Torpedo compeny;"
the object of which *as to nialteruad sell
to oil men torpedoes at a ; ow rate, and to
defeat Roberts's patent: The defendants
based their claim' 'upon certain trials
made by. Reed of torpedoes in 1863. The
defendants did not deny, that they were
infringing the Robertspatimt, but insisted
that it was void by, reason of what Reed
had dohe. The Plaintiff contended that
Reed was merely en unsuccessful eX.-
-Peaimanier •whe bad abandoned his tor
pedo as worthless before Roberts's patent.
was issued.
The oil men united with. defendants to
defeat the patent, and raised a large
fund. They were repreaented at the ar
gueient by Charles M. Keller, of New.
York, Hou. 8. A. !nit - critic& and B. F.
Lubas, o f.pittalmrghf -Rtiberts:the pat
entee, wastelirtilliritsfrter-Italr.awell-stal .
Cbrisfy, :ciV-Trutittitirj;h,• and, George
Harding, or.
Jedge.Griet ore Wednesday delivered
the frit-lowing Opinion; deciding In favor
of-the validity of plaintiff's• patent and
granting a perpetual injunction: -
• -As I write with - difficulty I:can only
stirethe conclusiqiia le which my. mind
has come aftercareful examination of
thiseakse. : '
The complainant has exhibited a pateut
-tqated•-2.6th'April,"lB6s; This , is prima
facie evidence of a good title, - 'Ana puts
on the reepondentathe burthen .of proof
that the patent is void or worthless.,
.1 need not repeat my remarks , in the
case of.Geodyear va. Day (2 Wall, C. C.
V 9); but pow adopt them as afford
ing' a rule of decision which appli - e.s_
clearly to the present case. - '
"As the inflame-meat:of the patent is
admitted, the only question will be as to
the validity of complainant's patent of
April :15, 188a,T
"It was after is-Peculation -had
di c ed to to practice' " and idler
experiments, that the complainant sus
in overcoming the prejudice and
ignorance , of :the people on the subject,
and persuading the public- that his in
vention was useful; after he;
had estab
lished its great utility , and value, and
"when his genius and 'patient persever
ance, iu spite of sneers
• and scoffs," were
,successfht, that ee Rd, who
had before made experiments on the
same subject, and was whotly unsuceeas
ful, imagined that he /lad the best riefat - '
to the invention, and:: after pur
chasing one or t more •of . com
plainant's •torPedoee, be applied, en
the Ist of NQ
/367, for a paten ,
for substantially' t he_ setae Otebinatien
of devices or machines contained in
complainant's patent. Oa the 15:11 of the
same month the respoedents formed
themselves Into a company or corpora
tlun called --" The Reed Torpedo Com
pany," Dv the purpose - oft. pirating the
complainant's invention and'aupporting
the expense of litigation,and thus de
trend him of, its fruits. They have per
severed' even after the prellushisory
junction very properly granted b 7 the
Et ' Wit - fief Judge. •—• • ,
in Let a decree be enteraifor complain
,ere ant for a perpetual lnjtuictioir, arid a
aof Master appointed Xi take awaccount ac
cording to :Le prayer of the bill., 'z
' C..fanaga,-Olreult Judge.
Professor. XL V—Eaton.
We had the pleasure of a - call from
this veteran educator, so long and sttc
cessfully engaged as a teacher in this
city, and so well known, especlally as
Professor of Elocution in thetniveralty.
Prof. Eaton has resided for some time in
Philadelphia, where he has devoted him
self to the conducting . ef an instltution.
for the treatmentstammering and
other vocal iropedinterttm: His marked
success in this., most laudable enterprise
is attested by eminent professional_gen
tlemen bgth of Philadelphia and Pitts
burgh. We wotdd suggest to stanuiterers
hereabouts that:some. effort should be
made to:induce Prof. , Eaton to spend a
season at Pittsburgnfortbeir. benefit. No
oue.thvis *UMW but,would moat gladly
: be relieve% air Joy proper' training they
can`certainlYbe relieved of a most pain
ful and unpleseant IriflrinitY. We com
mend the sttlijeWte serious con
sideration."' '
14a , 'w °swami. September 21—Cotton
firmer: sale of 2,300 bales taddlinge at
2.43X0: melpte2,32B bales; exports coast
wise 1,976 bales: Flour 55,85@6,12. Corn
$1,07340 for white. '° Oats 60c. Bran 11,20.
Porlifdt. 'Whisky $1,30. Otheturticlea
unchanged: - 'Gold 4 34%. "Sterling 44%.
,New YOrk sight par., , • ,e
lissavrl.l44, Septetaber 25.—Wheat.
arm; red ;1,20, amber ;L,25, white 11,80.
Corn 11. Oats 700. Rye IL Barley
-11,50. Flour 18. Bacon: sides
hams Ma