121 aa*tt. E2iERA.I , INTELLIGENCE. . . . A aroyiu in Denven' City-baa a sign as follows: FyNe RUT 2. bak O. I WILLIAM PENN'S carriage is in the possession of the Michigan Central rail road. _ So= shipwrights at Millwall, England, —live society, and have formed a Co-operative 5,,,._ are building a shipMf I',ooo tons im the co-operative principle. - i A STEAM shovel capable of doing the work — ot 100 men has just been put in use on One of the Illinois railroads, for the purpose of loading cars with gravel. TEE Juniors of Dartmouth College f/WO awarded - the class jackknife to Charles S. Canon, of Cincinnati, he being the ugliest looking man of the class. Tun Pall Mall' Gazette infers,!from the length of the patent lists in Paris' for , the last quarter "that the French iie becora ing scarcely less inventive than t'je Anieri cans." i, , . A.YTEn A. T. Steivart had canceled ---- V4140 -- vir - Orth pr — atarnpa - on litirefeeds of the Hempstead Plains nrciperty, he dis: covered that he was required to use only $39:1 in stamps. ROBERT PRESTON of 'Randolph county, Illinbis, exhibits as the - product. - of his farm during the present - year a hundred stacks of wheat, oats and 'bay; , covering an area of eight acres. Ti 'typographical Union of Wash ington has not thus far taken any action on - the question . of—the admission of Douglas, the colbred printer the whole ' subject having been postponed until next January. • A Lizrr x. girl in LaportS,lnd., recent ly purchased a copy of Webster's una bridged dictionary, coating twelve dol lars, with two hundred and forty s.cent nickles which she had hoarded up for the purpose. 130IITHERN womniv are about to petition George Peabody to have arrangements made whereby a part of the fund for the • education of the Southern people can be devoted to the industrial instruction of young women and girls. -. • TREE Atlanta (4:10 Intelligences com plains that $5OO and 0.,000 bills arebeing sent there for the purchase of cotton, and it fears it is a Northern trick, resorted to for the purpose of endeavoring to break down the cotton market. Dn. Suaxivon, a resident of Pennsyl vania, who had been stopping in Peoria, Ills., for a short time, for the benefit of his health, died suddenly on Saturday of last week. His disease was typhoid fever with scrofulous symptoms. • TILE coffin of a young lady at St. Cloud, Minn., who had been'buried eight years, was opened '-a few days since. While there was notung left of the body but the bones, a wreath.ofi ti Owels was as perfect and fresh as on th e e day it was A Fullmer( -cheithlt.asserts that he can so cleanse printed paper as to make it suitable for reeeiving,a fresh impression. He states that by immersing the printed sheet in a alight alkaline aoiution the ink - disappears, and leaves the sheet of a pure, , spotless white. Tam Coroner's jury in the case of the three children burned to death in a recent • fire in Cincinnati, returned a verdict "in accordance with the facts," and charged the parents with Culpable negligence in leaving them to their fate without an ef-' • fort to save them.. . 1 - AN "old mi t er" at 'Avondale proposes that hereafter allthe miners give one day's pay toward the • fund for the benefit of the widows axid - ibrplians. Ily this means, he says, they can raise $lO,OOO. He has given his first day's Wages, since the disaster, to the cause. WM. N. KENNET was tried for murder at Newport., N. H., On the 16th inst., and . found not guilty by, reason "of insanity. He was thereupon sentenced to "confine - ment in the State prison until liberated by due course of law." " How can a man 'found not guilty be sentenced at all? Timis. is a couple- living in Lynn, Mass, who, in sixteen years of married life, have resided in no less than sixteen different towns and cities, and taken up their.` quarters in twenty-eight different houses. Daring this "moving" period "th 6 lady has become the mother of eleven children. • • • TEE Peoria (Illinois) Trawmptrelates the story of a death bed penitent, a wo man, confessing to having secured the 'Conviction of a man for robbery by testi ', lying falsely, and "says it is but another commentary on circumstantial evidence." It is am argument in favor of such kind of testimony. THEY recently„ had a baby party in .---" :Fredonia, Chautauqua , county, N. Y., . which was attended by thirty-five young . gentlemen and ladies; between the age of six weeks and two years. They were all with their "mamma's." The Adieriiier and Union says everything waslovely, . and every baby handsome. • ' Tun record or the Sir John Franklin expedition was found on the California • coast by M.r. James Daly,,of the firm of . _ Daly end Rodgers; lumber merehants .in Ban Enenaventure. fMr. .Daly 4. walking on the beach, accidentally stumbled upon a battered leather bag, made of sealskin sealskin And closely:i fastened, Ad in tha thepaper f ' "was found: ~, • ' :'' . - , - Cumum RBBNNEM " AN,, a farmer living ..., ,ten miles south of Morris, in 'Grundy - county, Illinois, ,was,.murdered. by his son John and one Charles MOrganfiash, , about-five weeks I dna: i 'The body was 7 ' foimd buried: under s manure h ap, on the : faru3,lhe head broken and the !name pro , linding. ` The accused aro in j ail. Their object was robbery - I ' . ':Tan Madison s(dnd.). Courier is lii-, • formed of alroungilnan .in that vicinity who Weis tiken sick'two years-age, and fell into a deep sleep, from which be - .siioketwO weeks since, when I.he asked, c tors breakfast ready ?" as though he had 1, just aWakeined from al regular might's , :zest, . He bait in the meantime received • : sn;atetruince and.piedical attention. . - ,; ;TIM Gennans.annourice. bethrothals in . ' the papers as regularly: : as , we do mar ,.,. tinges and:-deaths. : They herald births : with . mach , flourish,- . For ;in Lance: "I i. , . have ; the , honor ' politely to announce to -:- my, relationsand 'friends- , the I happy de ' i .Aivevy• of ,my /ear , wife, .Jttlia, =idea Vitae Sittnarni ',Vhealthy,'etrong boy. Cologne, August . 17, • 1869J' Eduard - Fiantn." ‘. - ~, .' , 1.. . • ` `''• • • sl.9BlP.lo4sslittas- ' • the Roehester SN• ;;. y4, s ofe murderer, received infortaktion - .from his counsel of , the adverse decision , of the Supreme; CoUrt lin • his caw *Ali tsiderable emotion, but before the in new terminated said'"he did not care mut! the matter, although life.was sweet )bins; that the man who bet his money on hie being a fool would lose it; he was ready to die," &c. AsMits. P. IL - TAYLOR, of-Rochester, was engaged is fruit preserves, she ; . as'driven !Torn the kitchen by the entr nce o! a swarm of bees. She there upon procured some tobacdo, and, with her(bead wrapped in a cloth, returned to the kitchen and placed the weed on the stove. She did not get out, however, without one severe sting. The fumes of 'the tobacco killed the bees. Jilt extraordinary circumstance occur red at Carleton Place, Canada, a few nights ago. A shoal of eels came down frcim the lake in such numbers as to stop the water-wheel of a sawmill from turn ing. They were jammed in and around the wheel so closely that it could not move until the men went down and cut them out with a chisel and mallet. This occurred twice during the night. A. BENGAL TIGRE, belonging to a circa; and menagerie, escaped from his cage in the village of French Mountatn - nesti Lake George, N. Y., at a late hour one night last week,: and was, the cause of very decided sensation. The tiger was not long in making known his wherea bouts, for the bleating of a calf in pain and terror indicated that his royal high ness was satiating his gluttonous appetite on live veal. The. leaders the hunt discovered him crouched over a yearling heifer greedily lapping the blood which spurted from a wound in its necks and at once put in execution a plan devised for his capture. The keeper, Mr. Clem King, procured a rope, and making a noose in the form of a ariat, he ascended by a ladder from the outside of a shed to a window, from whence he passed to the rafters immediately, over the tigtr. He then gave a loud shout, which caused the tiger to look—upward, giving Mr. King ' an opportunity to throw the lariat over the animal's head, which feat he dexterously accomplished. Drawing his rope taut, he made it fast to a beam, and another rope was passed to him, with which he succeeded in lassooing the tiger in the same manner as before. Mr. King then threw the end of one rope to a party of men near the entrance to the shed, and when they had secured it,- hetlftew the end of the other rope to another party, and the two lines were at once stretched, each party walking in an opposite direc tiOn. When the tiger would make a rush at one group of his captors, the others would.haul taut on their line, and thus prevent him from doing any mischief. Alter much exertion, arid several ludicrous stampedes from the bystanders, he was dragged back to his cage, which had in the meantime been repaired. When he came in view of his den he bounded in of his own accord; but the attendants, in their haste to secure him, closed the iron door too suddenly, and severed about a foot of his Majesty's tail. ECM 833 STATE ITEMS. Nirow steel worke, at the Henry Clay furnaces, Berks county, are about going into operation: Is Philadelphia, recently, a man over one hundred years old was married to a woman aged sixty-eight. THE largest tannery in the world is at Kane, McKean county. It is not yet finished, but has six hundred vats in ope ration, and consumes fifteen thousand tons of hemlock bark per year. PROMINENT members of the Philadel phia bar are taking measures to secure a fund for the purchase of an oil portrait of Hon. Joseph Allison, President Judge of the Court of Common. Pleas: Pittstown Ledger says the iron works at that place are now running on full time, and that the nail business, which had been depressed,. has revived under an advance of fifty cents per keg. TS THE Brooks shooting case in Phila. ' delphta Tuesday, Keenan was discharg ed, and Hamilton and Atwell were re manded to jail. All of the others impli cated were released on bail. Brooks failed to recognize any of the prisoners trader arrest. A - Tna Allegheny Synod of the Evan. gelicat Lutheran Church, embracing Bed. ford, Somerset, Blair, Cambria, Indiana, Clearfield and Huntingdon counties. met at Bedford on the 15th, and remained in session until the 20th. • Tun city Erie has just issued $50,000 of water works bonds, and the Councils have resolved to issue 00,000 more int, provement bonds, to meet present in debtedness, this latter issue to run Situ years at seven per cent. A kerma of the Bedford county vo ters, without distiction of party, "oppos ed to the erection of an expensive Poor House," is called for the evening of the 29th, at Bedford, to consider what steps shall be taken in the premises.. Mixs anxiety is felt for Jos. Grimes, a colored man, who left his ' ' home in Mead ville on Tuesday, the 14th, and has not been seen since by his family, although heard of at Franklin. He showed sym toms of derangement of mind. Dustivo a thunder storm Tuesday af ternoon, the 21st, the large barn of Henry Cumru township. Berks coun ty, was 'struck by lightning and de stroyed, with all its contents, consisting of this year's crops. Six horses were res cued. CoL. Man WounArz, railroad en. gineer, Is to address a citizens' meeting in Bedford on the 29th. at which subscribers to the stock of the Bridgeport and Bed ford Railroaders requested to attend, as "a very important change of programme is contemplated." • Tim last of a consignthent of Califor nia "fireflies" from a Cntian, in the pos- Session of William Long, of Philadelphia, is dead. The insects are beetles, fully an, inch In length. Thirty of them Were im ported, and in a delicate splint cage they emitted sufficient light to render visible every object in a small room. ' ArimoNfPrimens, while deepening a well In Ringgold township, Jefferson county, on the 15th inst., felt the gases to be affecting him, and signalled to the man above to raise him up, but when hoisted twenty-five feet he 'fell backward •to the bottom, receiving injuries of such a character as to cause Ms death, Os Wednesday the fifteenth inst., Mr. Wm. Marshall, of South Shenango tov,n ship, Crawford county, lost hie life by being thrown from a buggy. He was riding with Mr. Peterson, near McLean's Corners. ' Peterson' let the horse go at it reckless rate otapeed, it is, alleged, when, approaching the Shenango , creek bridge, and. Mr.,Mvshall:was thrown out and so badly; stunned that belfell Into the water PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1869, and was suffocated before relief could be afforded. THE Reading Gazette complains of the management of the public schools of that place, more particularly of the shameful overcrowding of the primary depart ments, "three children being pazkedon seat intended for two." It -says "these poor little things are kept some five or ikia hours a day, in many cases in . badly ventilated roodis, without even :a five minutes recess being allowed them, as was formerly the case." It seems that the Board of Controllers have dispensed with their City Superintendent, and the result is that the schools are-going back ward veyr fast. t ti • A A HORRIBLE CASE OP HYDROPHOBIA 18 reported in Philadelphia. In July last , Georgians McCre y, aged twelve years, , was bitten by ado afflicted with rabies, and a few days sine symptoms of hydro phobia appeared inl appalling forms, im mediately followed by terrible convul sions, each succeeding one more shocking than its predecessor, until the agonies of the child were the Most awful of which the mind can conceive. The parents were well nigh distracted at the horrible. sufferings of their daughter, and on Wed -, nesday night, acting, it is said, upon the advice of others, dministered quick poi son,litha thus putting n end to her tortures. fore a magistrate nd deposed to the fact Previously the m ther had appeared be of her daughter ha ing been bitten by the dog; also, that t e. owner, one John Helmuth, knew t the canine was af flicted with hyd i ophobia, yet took no means to kill it. Before the ease was dis posed of the magistrate was advised of the death of the li tie girl, whereupon he refused to take 81 ail, and committed the prisoner. Coun for the defendant held that the magistra had no right to refuse bail; that Helmu had not bitten the child, and was, th refore, not responsible. The Alderman th ught his action justi lied by the alle anon that the prisoner knew the canine as mad, and had made no efforts to secu e it. FOREIGiN • Sir Roderick a letter to the I the arguments opinion as to Livingtone. Po have suggested ably a captive It king of Cazeml that the missir westward from the watershed ern regions of Atlantic. NI o such implicit of purpose, u cutean frame stoutly to the, ed, the gnat' obstacle, and Africa on, th which he ap march across life had been lIBROP OF .A.RMAOH , diehment of the InshChnrch :ently enacted by the Eng. at, has very strangely been Idiately followed by the tember 16, of the Archbish h, the primate of Ireland. f this prelate, who was not arkable ability, exhibits the urch preferment in Ireland, rious effects upon active re- Family influence- alone a secured the successive pro- Marcus Gervais Gervais ne hundred and seventh f Armagh. He was born in as the son of Dr. George shop of Kilmoreoand a near Marquis of Waterford. In appointed Archdeacon ; in secreted Bishop of Edmore, or of his father, and in 1862 d to the Archblehoprick of ceedi . ng another relative, Beresford, who had been land for forty years. 11 , ROP OF EXETER. THE Bisho of Exeter, Rt. Rev. Henry Phillpots, whose death has been mention ed, was a person of no little consequence in England. As a controversialist he upset Dr. Lingard and Lords Grey and Durham. He was made Prebendary in 1809, and. soon after had the rich liv ing of Stanhope. He fought for the 'I Church in pamphlet after pamphlet, and gained such triumphs that he was both ferred and honored. His pen was in constant action, but his greatest renown was his letter t o Lord Canning, Which took the highest tory ground on-the Cath. olio Emancipation question. He was made Dean of Chester, and was made Bishop of Exeter by the Duke of Wel lineton. As a member of the Rouse of Lords, he was prominent in all the polit ical agitations, his position being among the bitterest tories. ' He had one trouble in the ecclesiastical courts from rejecting one Mr. Gorman for alleged blasphemy. Involved in a dispute with the Archbishop of Canterbury, he formally excommuni cated him.. Since 1860 he has not ap peared in public life. The disestal by the bill rel lish Parltame , almost imm4 death, on Be op of Arma: The history I a man of re system of c. l and its injui ligions lite, seems to ha' motions or Beresford, Archbishop 1801, and Beresford, B,' relative of th , 1889 he was 1854 was co . being - anima was transia Armagh, s Lord John Primate of The Atlantic cable announces that this celebrated preacher has renounced his al legiance to the Church of Rome, and a short account of him may not be uninter esting. Charles Loyson, known as Father Hyacinth, was born at Orleans, in 1827, and finished his studies at the Aca demy of Pan, of which be father was rec• tor, and at early age" became famous for his remarkable politidal writings. In 1845 he entered the . theological seminary of Saint Sulpice, at Paris, and, alter four years' study, was ordained priest. He was next appointed professor. of philo sophy at . the great seminary of Avignon, and subsequently professor of theology at the great seminary at Nantes: He next performed the duties of priest , in die par ish of the Church of Saint Solpice,„ and , after ten years' trisl„beceran,cenvinced that his true vocation was preaching. He then spent two years in the Convent of the Carmelites at Lyons, and subeequent ly was admitted to that Order and made his first appearance as a public orator by preaching with great' success' diariair a spiritual retreat held ;at the . Lyceum of Lyoni. He next preached , the Advent ' course,of - sermons at Boideanx in ,1866, and the Lent sermons at Perigneux in 1864, and in the summer of that year, pro ceeded to Paris and preached first at the Church of the Madeleine and next the Ad vent course of sermons at the Church of Notre Dame. 'Daring the last five years the sermons. of Father' Hyacinth have , been,ono of the areat'attractions of Parls,, and hip PraaabiaB has,a4gaatfid larP and:, intelligent audiences: ; /INTELLIGENCE. TN OSTONE. _. Murchison has written ondon Scotsman, giving on which he bases his the movements of Dr. rsons familiar with . Africa hat Livingtone is prob• the hands of the powerful • , but Murchison argues .g traveler is proceeding site Tanganyika, to trace nd drainage of the south the continent towards the rchison, asserts that he , has oaf:Wangs in the tenacity dying resolution and her f Livingtone, that he holds pinion that, however delay pl orer will overcome every will emerge from Smith same western shore .on • ared atter his first great hat region, long after his espaired of. MEE FERE HYACINTH. DP LABELING'• . r . : • • 111117 CAIST iTOP i.,..--..'eefir3NF4.k. W • O.:3; r 2.11„r"581T,R9;7..P.Ey.ti. , . • , ;- . We are now prepared to supply 'Pinner, and Potters. - It-is perfeet,-simple, and as cheap as the plain top, hiring - the 'names of the TI•nellil Fruits stamped upon the corer: radiating from the center. and an Index or pointer starnp, upon the top_of,,the can. • It is Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently LABELED; by merely Vadat the name at the fruit t n he can contains opposite the pointer and sealing I the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper will non any other after once seeing t. mh.ls IPEST-CHIMNEY TOPS. &c. TA T TER PIPES, GUIPINET TOPS ♦ large wort/war, Eig,ligy B. COLLDII3, aplChlA ,Ad Avenne,near An:Maeld Et DRY GOODS. of f e i ciD Rpol tio 03 I S 14) 11 rai c=o El P V i pi valo, gi ir•si 03 t . 41 , 4 ^ 1 .4 CA '44 01 r A 'IV ri 12 8 Z 11 0 0 0 12 W. 0 ka 5f2 te4 ra 0 1•0 1.4 E-1 w I=) %.• g we r ci pei p ot 14 0 mai A Pla 011 HICB9 McCANDLEBB & CO" mate Wilson. cars .£ C 0..) WHOLESALE DNALZBiI IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD BIBXST. Third door shove Dismonds r As H. l'As MERCHANT TAILORS. FALL STOCK OF MEN . & BOYS' CLOTHING, Now Recetylug by GRAY & LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET, LATE ST. CIL AM. . seri - • 311.9...AX1T01.a0, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR Keeps constantly on hand Cloths, Cassimeres and Vesttrigs .AIso,OZNTLEIREN,S PURNISHINO GOE)DSJ, No. 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. arGent's Clothing made to order in the latest styles. set;nB3 NEW FALL GOODS. • A splendid new stook of 1 CLOTHS, GASSIMERES, te6.l Just received by lIENILY set: Merchant Tailor. T3I Bmltheeld street:- BTIEGEL, ° (Lute Cutter with W. Heepenheide.) nroucuAlvr nr..4.11.4011. No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh 5e23:921 FLOUR. - - - Nancy To FLOUR DEALERS AND CONSUMERo.—We are now reedy- Inv slot of 40,000 bushels canton) , selected WRITE AND AMBER AND TENNESSEE WHEAT, purchased Gibson. Parße, Green and Morgan counties, Indiana. This lot of Wheat is the very best be found and cannot be surpassed by Any. in the United tittles. we have albo dabbed our improvements In Machinery. Bolting Cloths and Cooling Rooms, and are now prepared to tarnish the best Flour we have made for ten years at prices that defy competition on the same grades ot flour. R. T. KENNEDY & DRO Pearl Steam Mlll. Allegheny September 13, 1869. • • FLOURI, FLOUR! ".` MINNESOTA BAKERS FLOURS: • 480 Mud. Legal Tender, 307 beta Ha 111,367 Wit Ermine. 170 tdds Summit Milli 070 Ws ffitnona,Coi, stlo bbla End River. 133 bills May CHOICE W330 11 11131N FLOURS. 500 Wl' Riverside. 1105 Ws White Star, 600 Tarlone brands Spring Wheat Flour. WINTER WHEAT FAMILY *PLUM. Oity 11111 otspringdeld. Oblo Pride of the V_ est, Depot hiaastion A:Paragon Iltnglsader and tnt ' wn, eboleent. Louis. roe sale /Cower/Mtn can be brought from llle the West. ~! • WAFT. LANU & 00.. 021 1711 and 174 Wood Street. COAL AND COKE. coAL!' "Comm coALtu DICLSON STEWART & CO., lave:timed their Mee to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET tLeteli Ofty Maur 1M1101140151D ZLOOS. r fi n i rr y E u rezrei r t i o r Mhoill 118141111 3 ; te rVII I Trot at 'their olio% or addressed to them Unruh the wM tN attended to orametnr. AROELTECTS. BABE & MOSER, .&.ucirrrztars, Faun WV= ABSOOIATION BUILDING% lion. a and dna alit: incest, Plttsbardlt. Po. IDEdid atiostdon (Pm to no designing Lad 11d:1MR of 001Mf Boum and rIIBLI 0 SUILDINGO. .A.ir JOSEPH HUM t NEW FALL GOODS tielt Gol3e3rae LINEN 'RUFFLED COLLARS AND CUFFS, LACE etD.LARS. , HANDKERCHIEFS. nolaroid , d, Hemstitched, SHEER LAWN AN.' LACE, HAMBURG EMBROIoEttIN.4. REAL .t IMITATION t.ACE3 St 'EDGINGS, BOIThsATABDIT. sKTRTS. ARAB SHAWLS. IN WANTS , HAND KNIT .0' IDS k SACQ !ES KNITTING AND ZePHYR YARN, BERGMAN'S ZEFEn JAVA CAN VA-S. KNIT' . tf,VO.4 MATERIAL'. lIAND.OmE BoW AND SASH RIBBONS, TRIMMING SATINS, BONNE ,. VELVNTS, HAT AND BONNET PLUMES, FINE ?BENCH FLOWERS, Latest stcl. HA!f) BONNETS B. ONNET AND AT FRAMES, anti MILLINERY GOODS EVERY DESCRIPTION, 77 and 79 RARRET STREET 21 FALL OPENING. 0 FINE ASSORTMENT OF ARAB SHAWLS, In /laid and Boman Striped Baffled Collars and Cuffs, The New Sailor Collar, Silk Fringes, Satin Trimmings, Silk Glass Buttons. In all the Newest Patterns. MISSES FINE IYOOL OPE AND SAME An elegant assortment just reeelytd. Bair and Jute Stitches, Balmoral and Plaid llosiery, IYool Half Hose, Shirts and Drawers, FOB FALL AND WINTER WEAR YARN, A rtai Supply of All Kinds HEAVY PLAID FLANNELS, \MACRE% (CLYDE & CO., 78 & 80 Market Street, ef•18 SIIIIIIED GOODS ItA.CRITI do CARLISIES No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Dress Trimmings and Buttons. lembroldenee and Laces. , Itibboull and Flowers. Hats and Bonnets. • Blove fitting and French Corsets. New Styles tine s Skirts. Parasols—all the new styles. Sun and Bain Umbrellas. Hosiery—the best English makes. Agents for 'Hurts' Seamless Kids." Spring and Summer underwear , Sole Agents tor the Bemis Patent Shape Col lars. "Lockwood"s "Irv , iiim," "West End," "Elite," dc; "Dickens,' 'Derby," and other styles. Dealer supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES MAORI:M. & CARLISLE, NCO.' 27 FIFTH AVENUE my 4 WINES, LIQUORS, Btc. SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C„ WHOLESALE DRIVERS IE PURE RYE MIIISKIES, 409 PENN STREET. 11,ye Bemoved to NO& 884 AND 8881 PENN, Car. IMaventh St., (formerly Carte.) JIISIMPH S. FINCH & CQy * 0 ..185,187,11;9.191.193 • IXBBT MUIR% PITTSBURGH auirmucTinkins 91 Copper Distilled Pure Rye .IVidslule Also, desuri in 1,01131i12t WINES and LI.. QUORS. ROPE na. • • . amp WALL PAPERS. E LEGANT PAPER HA.NGDIOS• . . Enameled Wail Papers la lain tints Wirer rlons to soot and smoke.. Vermillionis wends with_ gold and Inlaid. ip area. E se KOSIED V Is, VETS INDIA. TAPESTRY. IiEXES PANELS stamped and tented gold. Newly Imported and not to be found elsewhere In the country. For sale at W. P. NIULREUIALL'S NEW • WALL PAPER STORE, 1 191 Liberty Street. , sell • DECORATIONS—In Wood, Marble and 'Moo imitations fee Wadi Ana Ceilings of Dining Booms, Hats. &0.. at No. 107 Mattel laws. • 1712 40SEPII 1113a11103 & §TAIIPEO GOLD PAPERS for aszigrs. st, so . 10 7 Market street. 737 40138111 Hues& aim. CARPE NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades, DRUGGETS. DRUG-OET SQUARES, Ingrain CFpets s At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOVARD, ROSE t CO., t 1 Vivi% AVENUE. seIS:MIT NEW FALL STOCK. CARPETS, The First in the Market AND THE CHEAP E ST. CHOICE PATTERNS Two-ply and Three-ply CIIRkP TN - GRAIN CARPETS. THE FINEST TINE OF BODY BRUSSELS Elver Offered in Pittsburgh. Base time and money by buying from 3IcFMOUIND & COLLINS. No. 71 and 73 FIFTH AVENUE, an.Z:d &T NEW. CARPETS! EILESH IMPORTATION Pureb used by our Mr. H. Ms Callum from mania facturer s in Europe. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, Tapestry Brussels, &c., THE FINEST , Assortment ever offered in Pittsburgh. A 1.90, FINE? STOCK CF THREE-PLISi. INGRAINS, AND COMMON CARPETS A pThrz ASSORTMENT OF Well Seasoned Oil Cloths. MULLIN BROS., .ro •1 51 FIFTH OLIVER MVANTOCK & CO. HATE JUST RECEIVED A FINE SELECTION OF BRUSSFALS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LAMEST ASSORTMEiT OF WHITE,MCK & FANCY BULTTIIIMS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN TEM CITY.. STOCK FULL IN ALL AT MCCLIIN-rock A 3 FIFTH AVENUE. ' LITHOGRAPHERS. - - szmnicias 50nar3ux..4...--...r attar mans. OINGERLYCLEIS,Sueceason Up to Ozo. 7. am:ram:sat a PRACTICAL mrsositirinam. The only Steam Lithographic ZlStatilialunent West of tte Mountains. Hnslness Cards, Letter Reads. Bona, Label!, Oiroglare, Bhow Carle, Diplomas. Portraits, Views. Cerbinontee of De posits, Invitation se3t, ae„, Woe, TO and 74 C *92lrd evoett_ Pittibrretari.- HAM AND PEMFIIMErRY. 1110Kfir PECK ORNAMENTAL HASS WORE :AND PE.l.Vtarlat,' No. Tnird street, nearlamithdeld,' Pittsburgh. 1 ..Alwaye on hand a general .aaaortaleat or TAP i dies. wittS, BiliPiS, 01:1 - 11LS: I finntlenierOs WIGS. TEP E ES,_ SCMP% eraltD'OnaHM , BRAZZLIATL% he. l Alig—l i ma • • in gun ~ will be given for Paw Ladies , and Gentlersen s s Hair . ting.n* d o la thp npatpit tnannpr. 1 ailla n 9 -,, DR. WS • >1: 1 ,1 ``CONTINUE TOT T ALL taiurate &Wearies. Syphilis all its Lonna. all diseases, and tne effects of mercury are eompieteiy eradicated; Spermatorrhea or Baal. nal Wealrtiess and Impotency, resulting front self-atmse or other causes, and which Produce' some of the following effects. as bletenea, bodily , weakness. indigestion, consumption. aversion to ; society, unmanliness, dread of future events , loss of memory. Indolence,. nocturnal emisaione s and finally so prostrating the sexual !astern as to 5 render marriage unsatisfactory, and therefore imprudent, are. permanently cured. Persons af., Meted with these or any other delicate, intricate or long standing constitutional complaint should give the Doctor a trial; he never fails. _ • A. particular attention given to all 'Female Wm.: Valuta, Leneorrhes or Whites, Palling. Initial. h nation or Ulcerattbn of the Womb, trvaritis, pruritia, Amenorrhoea. Menorrhagia, Diramen* norrhoea, and bterility or Barrenness, are treat. ed with the greatest *Access. It is self-evident that a phrsifdaa who conflate ' _ himself exclusively td the study of a certain close of diseases and treats:thousands of caws evert year must acquire greater skill in that apeCialtl!, than one in general practice. — The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of fifty pages that gives a Lull exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free atoffica or bY mall for two stamps, in sealed envelopes,' Bracy sentence contains litstruction to Pie af. Meted, and enabling them to determine the pre. else nature of-the ir complaints. . The establishmen coMprislig., ten ample en al. W h en en its ant convenient to visit c entr al . the Doctor's opinion can be ob. Sallie I by giving a written statement of the cue. and medicines can be forwarded by mail oe ex. press. In 'unit:. instance, however. a - persons.. examination is absolutely nteiveary, while Ur' others daily personal attention is reqt Wed. and for the accommodation • isuch uattenta there are: spar=ents connected with the office that ant pro. aided with every , r eq uisite that is ealculat promote recovery, including medicated vapor, baths. All prescription' are prepared In the Doctor's own laboratory. under !hie personal so. grirtop. Medical pamphlets at °Moelire*, 0r... , il t a toll for two stamps. No matter who have failed, read - Witt he says. Hours V A.M. U. M.T.M. Bundlyil_•Wl M. to Sr. —•Mc*. No. 9.Wyplly Wil A W' ( n e t r -O CRIAI k/Ounesil Ptstabluin Pa (Sceond