• , st( , z >.- -.*- H 45 0 IR OP" 1: )\ , 31„__) ,-- "*"....-.--`' • 14V., - I. * • \v \ it , rA4=1. 4 4% 'a • -=• 611 ,• pi ) I ----_ NUMBER 221. VOLUME LXXXIV. FIRST EDITION. JIIID.rwIIT. TILE CAPITAL. ;The English Press—The “Times" on the Hyacinth Letter—" Standard" on Cu ban Affairs—A Manuscript of Byron% to be Pubiistied—France Sends a Note of Warning to Prussia and Badeu— Embassador to St. Petersburg—Span ish Republican Club Meetings Sup.. piessed—Crovim Prince of Prussia to Visit Vienna. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh . thisette..l ' GREAT BTI T AIN. " LONDON, September 24.—The Guardian says: A manuscript in Lord Byron% own handwriting will soon be published, which will settle the question raised by Mrs. Stowe. The Times, today, in an article on the letter of Father Hyacinth says: "It is to the Pope and his Jesuit advisers that we are indebted for A. - 3. Hyacinth. With out the idea of a Council he might have continued in the discharge of hiii office, occasionally starting his hearers with sudden flashes of the truth—that is in thus bearing the accustomed yoke, and allowing himselft to be accounted the luminary of the Church of which he is now considered a fire brand, the Pope would scarcely dream of rebuking him in the same man. ner. He continued Father Passaglia, the noted Italian theologian and oppo nent of the temporal power. Father Hyacinth% letter is not the production of a worldly spirit. It is the effusion of . a soul in earnest, and is the first utter ., ance of a word which may take root and grow and fructify. The Standard to-day says: “Whatever •:;: her legitimate claims to Cuba may be, Spain labors under a disadvantage in having to prosecute them in the face of the susceptibilities of the American pee "- ple. while she is herself in a condition of revolution. The Americans cannot wish, for anything else than that Cuba shall be free , to choose whether she remain with Spain,' or become an independent . Republic. That material assistance is rendered to Cuba through the sympathy which the Americans feel for her, can , not be doubted:" but if those sympathies ;should demand war, it would be the most i'anconalous , and , extraordinary conflict. ever seen. Joseph _Whiteworth. Inventor of the Whiteworth gun, and Wm. Falrbank, tip celebrated engineer, have been me : ; ated-Baronets,--; _ Prof. Seely succeeds Rey. 'Mertes • Kingsley as Professor of Modern History in ~CambitiffgetValifilfsitY• • I FRANCE. PARIS, September 24.—The Gauiois asserts; that France has sent a note to Pruaia and Baden, declaring that she will regard the annexation of the Grand Duchy of Baden by Prussia as a cams The father and son supposed to have assassinated the woman and her live children, whose bodies were found this • week in a field near Paris, have been ar rested at Havre. Gen. F,eury has been appointed 'Ern , bassador to St. Petersburg. GERMANY. BADEN, September 24.—A session of the Diet of Baden was opened by the Grand Duke in person. In his speech the. Grand Duke said the relations of aßaden with the North German Confeder ation was of the mfriendly character. Re was happy also to announce that the national feeling was in process of devel opment among the people of Germany, and, that measures were about to be taken to make homogenous the defen 'sive system of the • Confederation of North and South Germany. I • AIN. MADRID, September 24.—The meetings of a pended b Republican Clu have been sue& y the authorities b because .a res : elution was adopted condemning mon arcby. -• Since the return of -General l Prim to Madrid, the, language of the American Minister has been more conciliatory. - paussut. • BERLIN, September 24.—The Ministe• rfa/ Tournat announced _that the Crown prince of Prussia is about to visit Vienna on an invitation from the Emperor. ' This fact shows tht the desire isener -- ally entertainedat a Vienna for the estab lishment of ithe most friendly relations with Prussia. • ICALY. VizierA, $ eptembe; 24.—1 t is stated on; authority of the United, States Lega tion here, that there is no oundation for the rumor that tho Austrian GOV 7 011111:100t hes proposed to join with France for, the purpose of • ediation between Spain and the United States on the Cuban question HUNGARY. • Pans. 'Sept. 24.—1 t proves that Right Hon. - George Patton, Lord Justice's clerk, of Scotland, was murdered,. as his body Was found in the river Lay to day, wits terrible out in his throat. . • .; • ARINE REINS. • _ GLABGO*, Sept. 2.4.—The steamer Co lumbia, from New York, has arrived. QII7I3ENSTOWI. Sept- 24.—The Russia arrived out. Sept.SorrrnAmPrort, 24.-The Hoisatia has arrived. . ,i ~. ~: , N - - FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON Sept.24.—Consols, 92%. Five- Twent3i Bonds: '62s, 82'; do: '45, 8214; 10.408, 744: '628 .at Frankfort; 86g. Ertel% 25 %; Illinois, 03; Atlantic & Great Western, 27. Stooks quiet. French ?antes, 70 8 5. _ •UVERPOOL. Sept. 24.—, Cotton market: sales,of the week 56,000 bales, including 17,000 for export and 11,000 to specula tor* stock:receipts 442,000 bales t Includ ing 69,000 bales American:Abe market to-day was quiet and steadyi middling uplands at 12y„ and Orleans" at 12K.• sales 8,000 bales. California white wheat 1O s; red western; No.'2,•9ir 4d(g1911 sd. Western flour 21e. Corn, mixed, 2011 - 60. Oats 3a 6d. Peas 455. Receipts wbeilt for 3 days 50,000 quarters,including 3,600 bush American. Pork 112 s. Beef 90s. Lard 755. Cheese 62s 6d. Bacon 65a 6d, Produce unchanged. LoNborr. Sept. 24.—Tallow 475. Sugar unchanged. ANTWERP, Sept. 24.—Petroleum 56X' f. HAVRE, Sept 24.—Ootton 147%; afloat 140. - • FRANKFORT'. Sept. 21.—Five-twenty. bonds opened firm at 86. LONDON. Sept. 24 —Tallow 475. 3d. HAVBE, Sept. 24.—Cotton closed active. NEW YORK CITY. [ By Tele graph to tt e Pittsburgh 0 ant t e.) NEW YORK, September 24, 1E69. It is stated that an expedition of three hundred men got off from Cedar Keye,'. Fla., on the 14th iristante for Cuba, per steamer Lillian. A wealthy man of this city, whose name is not announced, has contributed 58,000 to enlarge and improve the wo man's hospital. The association of California Pioneers arrived this morning, and are stopping at the Astor House. The annual Convention of the National Telegraph Union was held to-day at the Western Hotel. But few delegates were present and—little of interest was done. The' Treasurer's report showed a good financial condition of the Union. The future control of all the affairs of the Union was vested in the Executive Com mittee, which is composed of officers and publishers of the Telegrapher, the or gau or the Union. The following officers were elected: President, W. H. Young, of Washington, D.C; Vice President,W.O. Lewis, of New York; Recording Secreta ry, W. W. Burhan, of New York: Secre tary, F. L. Pope, of New York; Treasur er, A. L. Whipple, of Albany. ley, publisher and editor of the Tele grapher, w,s re-elected. Dr. Porter, junior partner of the old firm of Carßon & Porter, Methodist book agents, and immediate predecessor of the present firm of Carlton &. Lanahan, returned to town yesterday, having just heard_ of the rumored defalcation. He thinks it exceedingly questionable whether there has been any loss what- ever to the Book Concern by fraud in its management, or any other cause; that Dr. Lanahan, the new agent, has been led into mistakes in his investigations. .Tie Express says tbat,later information regarding the defalcation of Mr. Head ley, junior partner of Vandewater & make it appear that he has made away with about 520,000. The latest Tribune money article says iat fivei s o t elook this_ afternoon the Gold Exchange Bank was able to 'mike par ments, and from all appearances the houses which were unable to respond to their accounts to-day, from the lull in bueinese, ild.o be in funds to meet their. checks at the clearing honliti to morrow The article says that the culmination of the.exciteunns intim Gold Route caused considerable pnrchasei of stocks to be made for an advance, and at. the close of bneiness the marketivras strong and ex. cited, with an advance of I@b per cent. from . the lowest quotations.' The Bab. Treasury balance is $88,873,686. The steamer Pennsylvania, from Liver pool arrived tonight. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Prince Arthur arrived at ihe Clifton House, Niagara Falls, yesterday. —The Cincinnati Red Stockings bass ball club arrived at Santrancisoo day night. annual election. in Nashville, Tenn., takes place today. Tb 3 result is doubtful. —The Oddfellows in attendance at the Grand. Lodge session in, Saufrancisco, were out on an excursion yesterday. —A banquet has been tendered the officers of We Pacific Railroad, by citi zens of Sanfrancisco, to come off Septem ber 28th. —A man jumped from the suspension bridge, at Nashville, Tenn., Wednesday night and was drowned. He was Un known. and: - his body has not been re covered. —Tile committee representing the Citizen's party, of Chicago have placed in a nomination a ticket to he city and county officers. It is probably the only ticket that will be put in the field against the regular Republican nominees. —General Canby has printed• his cor respondence with prominent Virginians relative to the test oath. The letters show that as ealry as June 10th, a month before the election, he had- to reply to letters of enquiry, and announced his intention of requiring the test oath of members of the Legislature. --Judge Swayne; of the Supreme Court, in United States Circuit Court yesterday, granted an injunction prayed 'or by H. and G. L. Blandy against Thos. Griffith and Francis Wedge for infringe ment on a patented improvement in portable steam engines. Tills involves a large interest, probably to the amount of a quarter ota million. —A. man calling himself Colonel J. P. Nicholowski. who claims to have been soldier in a New York regiment, and also one of Colonel Ryan's Cuban-forob, was arrested at New Haven, -Connecticut, yesterday, on the charge of swindling, he having attempted several confidence operations; and imitie ease received one hundred and eizty dollars on bogust drafts on the Uitited States Treasurer. —The countryman named_ Byrd, who was robbed in a Memphis bagnioSunday night, and who had several of the in mates arrested, since Monday morning nothing has been seen or heard of him, despite the serch of detectives, and it is feared he has a been murdered. Madam E. Granger and nine women have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in his * taking off. —A Havana letter says: Under the news from Spain the people are discus sing ' a probable war with the United States. It is almost wo rth a life for an American 'to go streets alone. It is reported that Mr. Pumb in cones• querns of a long cipher dispatch received day before yesterday has directed the archjves of the Consul GeneralshlP to be compactly packed, and that he will call a meeting of all 'the subjects of the United States toanorrOw or runt day. American Houses not only refuse to take orders for goods, but= will not sell ex change as freely as usual. -On 'the con trary patty: Are purchasing exchange, and drawing all , ready-funds front the custody Of the banks hers. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1869. SECOXII FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. X. BUTLER. The Campaign at Butler. GOY. GEARY'S RECEPTION. BUTLER FAIR, &c. (Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) BUTLER, PA., Sept. 24, 1869. Governer Geary and suite left Apollo yesterday morning at eight o'clock en route for Butler, Pa. At Allegheny Junction they were met by a Committee of citizens from Freeport and escorted into town. A large company greeted the Governor's' arrival at the depot in Freeport, and much enthusiasm pre vailed. The party were immediately taken in charge by a Committee from Butler, who accompanied them to that place. All along the route they were greeted with evidences of the heartiest enthusiasm. Upon arriving at their destination, they were escorted through the principal streets, and finally brought up at the hotel where the formal recep:ion took place. The excitement was intense, and the people seemed to turn out en inane to welcome the distinguished visitors/. After taking some refreshments the party visited the County Fair which was in progress. The reception at this place. where - visitors from all parts of the county and surroundings had gathered, was equally flattering, and exhibited in a ;13 arked degree the feeling pf the people. At night a grand mass meeting was h ld at the Court Hottse which was lit erally packed with a jubilant audience of ladle's and gentlemen who had turned out to honor the Chief Executive. At seven' o'clock the meeting was called to order by Hugh Morrison, Esq p Ofiedrinazeof the County Republican Ex ecutive Committee, ands large liak . of Vice Presidents and Secretaries were chosen. A brass hand from Pittsburgh was in attendance and added to thespirit of the affair by interspersing the pro• ,ceediegs ‘ ystitt patriotic alidu v _- 4 'After an organization liii.theadformit; i ly effected. the chairman introduced the .Governor, who was loudly cheered. When the excitement had calmed down somewhat he commenced his address, and spoke for over an hour, during which his remarks called forth frequent bursts of applause. At :the conclusion of the Governor,s address, Hon. Mahlon Chance, of Ohio, entertained the audience for a short time with a telling speech. Other !speeches followed, and the meeting adjourned at a late', hour, with cheers for Geary and Williams. From the spirit manifested, it is evi• dent Butler is fully awake, and will give a good old fashioned Majority for the Republican ticket. .The Governor, on his return from But= ler, will atop at Freeport and speak at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after which he will go to Pittsburgh, arriving Saturday night.' This will interfere with the sr rangementls for the meeting at Tarentum, which will have to be postponed. A change in the programme was thought desirable. He is in excellent working trim and Is conducting his share in the cam paign with suing effect. H. NEW ORLEANS. Custom Rouse Matters—overhauling the Books—Frauds Discovered—Evading toe Law. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l Maw 'ORLEANis September 24,—The Picayunt says for some time past investl. gations have been going on in the Cm. tom 1101183 of the books as far back as Kellogg's regime. It has been dtscov ered that during the Kellogg's admints. tratton of customs, large frauds were perpetrated fa a manner sr; bold and flag rant that it would be an insult to intel ligent °Metals them in office to suppose they were not cognietnt , of the, facts. Vessels of comparatively small tonage have cleared from this port with cargoes apparently, of whisky, on their mani festo, that ships of three or four times their ca pacity could not have stowed away.lmaginary meiphants, of Sono lulu and Greenland- Mve received, on paper, many such consignments, Which in reality were seat Welit, or put in the market here. A Duel—Nobody Hart—Sulelde—Sale of a Telegraph Line. • " [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Shuns.] ST. LOUIS, Septern,ber 24.'-A duel was fought about six miles from this city a day or two ago, between Baron Von Ale fold, from Holstein, and Col. Stever, of the Neu Welt German neripaier. One shot was exchanged, which hur tnobody, after which the matter was amicably ar.. ranged. An unknown man Went • - usio 'a second hand store tatlay, bought on old , shot gun, bad it loadedi stepPed out on the side walk, placed the muzzle against his hide, pulled the trigger with his foot,. blew a big hole hails abdomen and died shortly after. - - e • The Mississippi Valley Telegraph Cora -piny have sold their lines ist :Abe , Aged. tie 'and • Pacific Conipany for wooxto id stock; ' • ' --- (By Telegrauhthe Pittsburgh Guette.] WASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 1869. . RUSSIAN MINISTER. The Russian Minister, accompanied by the Secretary of State, repaired to the Executive Mansion to-day and presented his credentials to the President, who re plied to the Minister's address, and re cißrocated the friendly feelings ex, prtassod. The Cabinet assembled at noon to-day, all the members being present. This a ll the first meeting with all the members in attendance that has been held for nearly three months. GOLD AND BONDS. . The Secretary of the Treasury has or. dared the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell four millions of gold to-mor. row, and purchase four millions in !mufti A game of base ball between the Ex celsiors, of Brooklyn. and the Olympics, of Washington, was played this' after noon, and won by the Olympics by a score of 88 to 13. Roopmanschoop, . the contractor to supply Chinese labor, had an interview with Secretary - Bautwell to-day, when the latter stated that the Department had no intention of interfering with the scheme of Chinese immigration, unless the laws were violated. He left this even ing for Memphis and New Orleans, and thence to attend the Louisville Commer cial Convention. ST. LOUIS. THE CAPITAL. CABINET SESSION. BABE BALL MATCH. CIIINESE LABORERS CUBAN. AFFAIRS There are no new developements to day on the Cuban question, beyond the report that it was spoken of in the Cabinet meeting; and a telegram read from Min ister Sickles in reference the to respect. ful declination, by the Spanish Govern. ment. of the proposed mediation by the the U. S., between Spain and Cuba. There ,is no question pending between the two countries directly concerning the war in that Island. MONTHLY AGRICULTURAL REPORT. The monthly report of the Department of Agriculture, for Attenst, says of corn: Unless the close of the season is very favorable, there - must be one hundred and. fifty million , bushels less than a full cr Th o: p ere will be a reduction in the yield of cotton from the Carolinas to Alabama. and a material increase from Mississippi to Texas. The probabilities at present favors a yield o( 2.750,000 bales. which crop as a whole, is larger : . The only States showing a decrease - -are - Illinois, Michigan. lowa and California. Fruits have yielded abundantly—ap ples in a less degree than other species. In stock hogs there -11,- , 1 1 / 4 reduction .m. the amber aA.cenditien. as ,coicabarea with, last year, of 5 to 10 pervent. . . A Panne Among the Stoet-Gamblers. A. New - York letter. of the 22d.says: Wall street was the scene of another in tense excitement this morning, in the shape Of a panic in the stock market, re sulting in so heavy and rapid a decline in the value of what, are known as the Vanderbilt (Central and Hudson River) shares, as to wipe ont scores of margins, and make bankrupts of many who counted themselves well 'off when° they came down town a few hours earlier in the morning. - It must not be supposed that a panic like this affects. the professional brokers only. There is a 'multitude of .men of email means, who have $1,00() or so in brokers' hands,.as margins to bny and sell on, and with all thebe the i wide iluctus tons of to-day, of course, made short work. Tae brokers themselves, as well as their customers, at onetime were panic stricken, and threw overboard their se curities (1) without mercy. —The Grand Lodge of Good Templar% In session at Rochester, N. Y., adopted a platform which says: The first solid and great principle of our Order is in the assertion that ever Good Templar should do all he can prebothcept and example to abolish the use of intoxi cating drinks. The doctrines of prohibi tion for each individual and for society stand first in the teachings of our order, and while we are not a political organiza tion, but rather an institution to educate the people of a political action, a Good Templar in the discharge of his duties as a citizen, should recognize the claims of his obligation and dq all In hie power to secure and force restrictive and prohibi tory legislation. The time has not come for the organization of a political party, but the time has come for every temper ance man to engage in temperance poli tica, keeping in mind that we can labor for the largest immediate results now practicable.. It is evident that prohibi tion is now presented us as the first avai able work' to be done. —At Ne l w York, yesterday. was nnex ampled ih the history. of Wall street for excitement. The prices of gold opened at 145, and was forced no to 155, at which figure. the "Bears" made, some settle ments. At this point a prominent "Ball" oared 160 for live millions and the price went up to 164. At this figure several foreign bankers threw heavy amounts on' the market, forcing the price town to 189 X. This, together with a report that the Secretary of the Treasury would sell, four 'millions to•da and our mo on Monday forced the y price t down to re 185. The "Bulls" made a rally, and again got the price up to. 160. This did not last a great while, as the "Bears" again rustled the price down to 184 amidst most tremendous excitement. The price at two o'iilOck was 185, with the excitement unabated: • ..4,41,de wheel steamer named , Helen Brooke, built of iron, and but sixty-Jive feet in length, • has arrived at Chicago from Baltimore. It came through the New York and Erie. Canal, to the lakes, and thence around to that city. It will leave Chicago for Bayou Teach, Louisi ana. via the Illinois and Michigan canal Willie Illinois river,lhence . to the Ms `ttlasipPi river audits place of destination. : - Hamtr.Tort, Canada,. September 23. oeuaidere,ble exsitemPt .WaS , Crested' this afternoos.ol banking circles caused by. the absenOralt of Mr. Gatea, Wader eeper of 'the:j3ank orMontreal, Be is reported`to'have tattoo 160,000 'Obtained •bY t certified checks, etc.j and gone t6,the States. • • • A Few YiOn Words to the Voters ut Allegheny County. EDITORS GazErrn: The undersigned claims Lobe as good a temperance man as the county holds. He also claims to be a good Republican—one who always supports the nominees of the party, unless good and sufficient reasons are given to him for voting against them. With these pi omises before him, the question occurred, "What is my duty this Fall in reference to the candidates for County Commissioner"" As a temperance man and a Repnbli. can, Who shall I support? .Boswifk. Dickey or McGee? Tula is a quettion which every voter should , carefully weigh for himself before casting his vote at the coming election—whether he be a temperance or an intemperance man, he should fully discuss in his own mind which of the three candidates to support with his vote and voice. Mr. Bostwick 'hold's the nomination from the Republican bel i ev e Mr. Dickey from - the Reform, (I that is fair, for they don't claim to be the temper ance party, at least their speakers don't) and Mr. McKee from the Democratic party. The undersigned is personally acquaint ed with all three of the candidates, and can cheerfully testify to the good char acter they all possess, and so far as an hcquaintance of sevezeiliyears with them goes to prove, be is folly persuaded that eitheif one of them is as trustworthy as the others. In the matter of business qualifications, they again are equally well fitted for the office; being all business men of good commercial standing. In the matter of this world's goods, 1 believe Mr. Dickey has the advantage over all, and Mr. McGee has it also over Mr. Bostwick—me latter being not only a poor man, but, unfortunately, the lobs of an arm has unfitted him for competing do fair grounds with his more fortunate Now, I propose to drop Mr. McGee, as he is a Democrat, and no better qualified, in my judgment, than his Republican opponents, and hereafter confine' my re. miirka to the other two candidates, being both Republicans. . In the first place, then, I distinctly state that Mr. Bostwick was nominated by his party in opposition to George Hamilton, the present Cpmmissioner, a member of the obnoxious ring, if any such thing exists outside of the heads of a few disappointed and chronic offt:e-seekers. He defeated, in convention, the candi date of the ring, for this nomination, on the distinct pledge made to his friends that he would honestly and faithfully ex ecute the law, and on this pledge being Made known, tie received the open and bitter opposition of every one supposed to be in the interest of Whisky. -- What more can Mr., Dickey do? What more does he propose to do? Nothing! Now, then,:.vidit be falfill his pledge to his friends•to•bonestly and faithfully ex.!, saute not onirtbewhiskyorlicenseigir , but all ,business , coming before him as County Commissloper? For,my part, Messrs. Editors, after an acqnsintanceof fifteen yeam, I am willing to trust hits, so far as honesty and in= tegrity are concerned. • . Yes, but the Dickey men say, has he the back bone necessary to oppose the re maining two Commissioners? Aye! he has that very qualification iman eminent degree, for proof of which I can point to his history as a police officer and to his conduct in times when it required back bone, ,or moral courage, to enforce the police laws, and a more determined man does not exist. than this same one armed candidate. Again, does he drink? Is he a drinking man? Yon Republicans who threw np your bats for General Grant, and have steadily and persistently voted for every county and city officer for these dozen years or more, need not be informed that there is a distinction to be made between a man who drinks and a drunkard. That Chauncey Bostwick does not belong to the latter class, need not be affirmed here;but if he or Mr. Dickey' want ed a glass of wine or beer, or maybe on a cod day something stronger the wri ter firmly believes that they w o nld take it, andjdo Mr. Dickey's friends attempt to find fault with it? No! On the con trary, their orators everywhere proclaim that they are not a temperance party of tee.to Utters, bat temperate men, after re form in the Commissioner's Office. So do we. Now, airs,• one word more: Who are Mr. Dickey's friends? • Who are they who hold up their hands in holy horror and cry out with aloud voice, this man, Bostwick, must not be elected. The orator who is stumping the county for him, is himself a disappointed and ohs grinedoffice seeker. He went into the County Convention and sought to be nominated by the Republican party for Assembly, and was defeated. Of course he cries out "mad dog" to turn the public gaze from himself. He was per fectly willing to accept a• nomination from any ring, or as the old maid said, "good Lord, anybody." But lo! when he faile d and was defeated, then he became loud and blatant against the corruptions of the party, and rung the changes that the ticket should be bolted. Poor fellow, 'I commend him to a faith ful husbandry of hirc• resources. Others of Mr. Dickey's. warm friends' we find among those who supported the claims of Jos. liMlwortia for this same of fice of County Commissioner. Of coarse, they don't like Mr. Bostwick, or any . body who bad the audacity to defeat, their candidate—par excecountllence—he who wanted to work for the y without pay or hcp of reward, but whom the convention preferred to set aside for the purpose of nominating a worthy' on e . armed poor man, who could not etfferd to work for nothing., • , Other supporters of . Mr: Dickey are made np i t s follows: • , First—Disappolnted and soured Re publicans. , Second—Democrats, who want McGee, their candidate, elected. ' • 04rd-4-Temperance men, opposed to all law for licenses and who are stupid enough to• believe the Commissioners have unlimited powers for granting or not granting all Licenses. Fourth—A. few respectable Repuipli. cans who, knowing Mr. Dickey and, hot knowing Mr. Bostwick. prefer the 'for' mer, accordingly regardleas of the fact that they might thereby elect McGee. Ft/eh—lsaiah Dickey, whom the writer lalti a few days ago that be would gladly support, when be became convinced, that he.was better fitted to light off the don " bin distilled whtitky heads, and therelott. enforee the license law Os it Stands, than Mr. BcistWick., SizlA-4:lhrmilegrowlerei those unfortn• nate exhibitors of hUniadity, who upon all occasions stand ready to pull down any fabric erected by other hands than their hands. Now, Messrs. Editors, I am done; these reflections have been hastily written, without the knowledge of any peison and just as they occurred to me, as I sal quietly in my office, calmly. -look ing over the whole matter. If you think that' they will cause any Republican to pause and think before casting his vote for a bolter, thereby as sisting not only the election of a Demo crat, but adding impetus to that propen sity so often , denounced by yourselves, viz : impeaching the officers or the nom inees of the Republican party, without giving reason therefor, -thou you eau print it; if you think otherwise, drop it quietly into your waste basket and no fault will be found with your-judgment by the undersigned. A BusitrEsS MAN. ALLEGHENY CITY, Sept. 21, 1869. PETROLEUM MEWS. The Titusville Hearld of yesterday says: Within the last thirty days prospect ing for new oilfields and for the contin nance of oil belts, has been unusually successful. About a month ago a ten barrel well was struck near Emlinto, in entirely new district. Then n the Church Run district was extended west ward by the striking of a new twenty.' five barrel well, FoitowingcloselynDOEl these a new sixty-five barrel well was struck on the Shaw farm, Rouseville, by which a large addition was made to the producing lands. More recently the Bean farm and Cherrytree ran districts havo been enlarged, the latter consider ably, and to-day we have to report that. the territory at Rowieville, on the west side of the creek, baa been extended three-fourths of a mile westward. This last hps been made tolerably certain by the striking of a new well at the distance named from the creek. The well is lo cated on the A. Buchanan farm, is known as the Mountain welt, and now produces 25 barrels daily.. -.lt. .was completed about three weeks since; .but, owing , to the tubing in it being defective, the pro duction did not exceed six barrels, until early this week, when the defective tub ing was removed anti the production has since -increased, and now is as stated. The well is owned the land inrest of the farm on which by it is situated .The discoveries of territory noted above are of .great importance, as they will add Much to the wealth of the region and al low development to be pursued_otot much more extended scale than iflire sent. On Jamison fists, at Tionesta, °poss tiona thus far, have not resulted-in any thing that can be conslderad satisfactory.,, The Knapp well, which was the struck in this distriet, and 'which pro duced from a sand rock, found at the depth of 212 feet, for about a month, is Atid qieta the de — pth o? bso"Teet witholit on -oir-Prb during rock being • found. Its owners will sink it to a depth of 620 , feet, at which.they expect to find a sand rock thick enough t.d,retairl 011: . • On Monday last 'Mr. F. W. Mitchell and Dr. Cooper purchased the Alcorn tract - near the Shaw farm, for' $19,0011. The purchase includes one hundred and tlairtyiseven - acree, and- Jewell located. A new five.barrel well was struck on the Allegheny river south of the . Ferran farm, a few days ago. A company hie 'been formed to test the territory on this Muskingum river, between Marietia and Lowell, Ohio. A. d good show was found a few ays ago in well about three miles south of Lowell. This well will bo tubed and pumped by he company. A ddltlonal Markets in Telegraph New Yorm, September 24.—The panic in the money market has not affected the dry goods trade as yet to any extent, al though it exerts an unfavorable influence . on business , generally. The dry goods jobbing houses are doing can xtensive business and prices were fairly sus 'tained throughout, notwithstanding the recent decline in cotton. Heavy Sheet- • ing steady at 1535®1.634c, as to brand, but fine goods are a little weak, and best makes can be bought , at 13%1014c,. On the whole the market is less active, but , the rapid advance in gold has contracted the influence on trade. CHICAGO, September 24.—This after noon the, board was active but prices were rather irregular. No. 2 wheat sold at 51,14, seller the month, , but declined to 51,13, cash, and $1,123.; seller October, closing at these figures. Corn unsettled but active, with frequent fluctuations; • early sales at 743ic and one sale reported of 50,000 bush at 7534 c, but the market soon fell back to 75c, closing at 75%©75e, buyer the month. , Oats quiet and. un changed at 43e, aeller the month; 41ibe tober. In the evening the grain markets were quiet. BUFFALO, September 25.—Plour dull, no western sold. Wheat quiet; sales of 7,500 bush Toledo at $1,36, 2,000 bush do 61,35, 7,500 bush do by sample/1,30, 6.600 bush No. ft Milwaukee club 51,20, 7;600 bush• No. Chicago $l,lO, Corn quiet; sales of 8 small boat loads and 1,600 Moab No. 2 western 880. 8.50 bush yellow 93a, and car. lots 87.0.1930 per sample. Oats dull, held at 53c, but no buyers. Rye nominal, 51. Seeds firm, 54 for timothy. Pork steady. /38@33,25.- Lsrd steady, 19419%c. Mghwlnes are held- firste.ttt at $1,12©1,15; the market is scantily sup plied. , , • . • New ORLEANS, September 24.—Cotton receipts 4,452 bales;- for the week 14,70 d bales: exporti to . Liverpool 637' bates; coastwise 2.259 balee; to-day to Liver pool 637 bales; stoCk'l9,7ll bates; sales to-day 3,000 bales; 'of the week 9,500. Market lowerk, middling -2634 e.. • COP firmer; white $l.. Oats Oats 56c. Bran 51.15 @1,20. Mega. Pork 11118;75®94. Other articles unchanged. . • , • _ BALTIMORE, September-Pt—Floor dull and weak; western superfine $6O 6.25. - Wheat unsettledf prime red $1.50 1211,55..C0rn firm; prime,w_hite $1,280 1,30. ' M esa pork quiet at $8 34 -Ba con firm; rib - sides 1933,,. blear rife2osi. Lard firm at 19%®20. Whisky; :supply light at 11,24@1.25. • - . , :•• • PHILADELPIIIL, September 24.—Plour unchanged. • Wheat' dedidedlV.SMimger, with western at $1,12. Corn quiet and steady, with mixed western at 51#111 for N0..1, and ; $l,ll-.Ar, No. 2., Oath held firmly but unchanged., Whisky higher; bolder, ask 41,27®1;39. osweeo, September it.-.-PloUtt,un changed; ,pales 0f1,400...bb15. Wheat 'quiet; sales of cai•lots Nei: 1 Milwau kee club at 11,42% eind No. 1 whttel Mich igan at $1,54. Yalta dull; sales of 2,700 'bush at 090(ge$1. - . Barley quiet. - I • • • 111