EIII crsußusßAl BOY , M-ANTEID.--A Boy from 14 to 14 T.eariiF,Age. Meat be able to write and-count tsars*, .Apply &t GAZViTTE COUNTING SOON, tits morning. ANTED: FEED BOY. today at COUNTING BOOS, THIS OFFICE. Assault and Battery.--Carl Schneider made information before , Justice Am mon yesterday. charging John Link 'with assault and battery. A warrant was issued.: In .1 all.--Barah ditohell,. alias "Crape," was committed to jail yester day byJuatice Kelly, en a chame of lar ceny, preferred by Banjamin Whiting. a shoemaker, who alleges that "Crape" stole his "kit" of tools. Settled.—Andrevr Bender was arrested and brought before Justice A.mmon yes terday, at the instance of Henrietta Rall, who alleges that the accused threatened to. do her husband great bodily harm. The case was settled on the payment of costs by the accused. Committed.—Adam Highgate, a col ored fruit and peanut vender of our sla ter city,,was arrested ' a nd taken- before Alderman clitaxiters I - yesterday. at the Pli instance of J. F. Day, on a charge of ob taining.goods under false pretences. He was nomMitted for trial. A Meeting of the Republican citizens of the 18th Ward, rittaborgh, will be held at Mt. Albion school house Satur day evening, September 25, at 7% o'clock all the Republicans o the Ward are re. spectfully.requested t attend. By order of the 'VIGILANT Cox ITTEB. 2t Aggravated Assad* and Battery.—An information was made before Mayor Brush yesterday by JOhn Sexton,chagitig John Leonard with aggravated - assault and battery. Leonard is the boy who threw - the boulder a few evenings since which struck Sexton on the head and fractured his skull. 1 Be was arrested and held for a hearing. Going Over.--Sheriff John Walter, of Somerset county, arrived in the city last night _with three prisoners in his charge, George Hoover, Jamtis Johnson and Au gust Oberg, convicted: of horse stealing. Te two former wear sentenced to six y h ears and the latter to four years in the Western Penitentiary, and will be taken to that institution this morning. They were confined in the lockup last night. Temperance Reform Meeting. —The friends of temperance and reform held a meeting at Monroeville, Patton township, Wednesday evening, September VA. The meeting was organized by electing Rev. James Kelso, President, William Shaw, V i c Abner, J. A. Gi, Wm Beaty, Preaidents; Aaron ll Trehis, Secretary. David Kirk, Esq., of Pitts burgh. and Rev. P. Coombe, of Phila eelpbia, addressed the meeting. The Case of W. C. Wray,—Yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock his Honor Judge Williams, of the Supreme Court, grant ed a special allocatur in the case of W. C. -Wray et at, recently tried and convict ,ed at Uniontown of burglary. This re moves the 'case to the Supreme Court, which will meet in this city in the latter part of October. We are reliably inform ed that this will act as a supersedeas in the case. The writ was granted on ap plication of John Coyle and W. C. More land, counsel for defendant._ _ We desire, in a pleasant yet pointed mannner, to impress upon the minds of the ever faithful guardians of the night (and morning) that, in the course of time the days have become shorter and, as a consequence the tnights are lengthened in proportion. Hence it is not desirable that the luminaries which serve to guide early pedestrians along the sidewalks—at times unseemly rough --be extinguished at the same hour they were about the longest day of June. Not bef3re five in the morning. If you .lease. Death of an Esumable Lady.—Miss Matilda Markham, an estimble Christian lady well known in educational circles 111 this city, died at the residence of Mr. James Mobfasters, Penn street, yester day afternoon after a comparatively brief illness. She was for more than twenty five years a school teacher and governess and has been engaged in such capacities in this city for more than fifteen years. She was a native of New Lisbon, Ohio. possessing an education which made her conspicuous among the cultured and refined of the city, she was an ornament to society and was universally respected and admired. Her funeral will take pisoe this afternoon at three o'clock from Mr. Mcedasters' residence, No. 312 Penn street. Our Attention has been repeatedly called to the driving of cattle through the streets of our cities, a practice which has long since-become a crying nuisance. In conjunction with this Is the intol erable:. stench which prevades the out skirte of our cities in - various directions, destroying much of the value of proper ty alonpt what otherwise would be some of_our most charming and delightful dries. The cattle drivi erin v g questions are of no ng little Import ance \ and are, and have been for years, attracting the attention which they de eery l ; ' in the larger cities of the world, New York has taken hold of the Paris pia of public abbattors, or slaughter ho es in one portion of the suburbs, and has carried it out with. marked enc ase , and with a cleanliness, without wh eh the plan would be utterly disgust llows ing and impracticable, and which a bu little of the usual odor of the slaugh ter pens to become apparent. The plan on ht to,work , well ; here, and if not, some othr plan which would, should it hi obtained and acted upon. At present nearly if not quite one ballot' our subur b n roads can only, be reached through a foetid atmcaphere and nearly all of the m at used on the south side is driven ve from the north side of Allegheny th ugh our most crowded streets, and at thp.peril of our lives to the south side slaughtering places, instead of all being kiilltd iii one place and carted dead to the biltehers:: "We hope the authorities will hik to this but rear that our various untollgalitipe can hardly harmonize on t is any mora than they Canon any other eat question of public; importance. I -- Riot at McKeesport, jg difficulty occurred at the boom of CathaTtho Seidel, of Mases Port, Wed nesday., bf a riotous character, in conse quence of which that lady made infer ination'before the Mayor of char u rg, g James rind Thomas Purcell, 831 tab and rge, Hugh' and John Laughery, of ort Perry, with riot. A. warrant was flated, end ' Wednesday night a dime of the Maybes police went up medic* ten -O'clock = train on the Connellsvide road 'iti24l arrested ,three of the • • accused, who re now Lit the look up awaiting a hear • POLMAL. Another Bally at City Halir-Address by R. Sy:Klett 111latthawa, req. City Hail was filled Thursday evening "by) Republican citizens, called together for the purpose of hearing an address fiom R. Stookett Matthews, Esq., of altimore, who was announced to deliver address. I J. Scott Ferguson, Esq., called the ma i!, aemblage to order and announced F. B. Penniman, editor of the GAZETTE, as ;Chairman, with twenty-one Vice Presi dents and the usual number of Secreta ries. Returning thanks for the honor con ferred in calling • him to preside, Mr. Penniman said he would proceed at once to the discharge of the duty imposed of introducing the distinguished orator 'of the evening. - - ' - Mr,Mathews was received with en thusiastic cheers, givingunmistak able assurance that our people remembered his effective service in the Republican cause in this vicinity, as well as through out our State, in the past. We will not attempt - , even the merest outline of his speectr. ' It was thrillingly eloquent throughout, and drew forth at times the moat unbounded applause. He con fined- himself to a general review of the political parties, - and his excoriations of Democracy, as he traced its hiatory from the long past up to the I present, were severe in the extreme. 1 From a liartS . of progress, of universal liberty, t had degenerated most sadly. When it arrayed itself against the life of the nation, all the good men departed from it, never to return. With the sur render of Lee at Appomatox cams the most crashing blow to that party, from which, however, it partially recovered through the tre ach e ry of that worse than perjure trai• tor, Andrew Johnson, but only to be C agaigress,n thwarted whom th bye people a mine d most tr loyail on umphantly sustained in 1868. The speaker recounted the trials and recent triumph of the Republican party, whose mission was yet unfulfilled. -It remained for that party to demonstrate yet more strikingly to thre,ntire world that the Republic was the only safeguard for free dom In. 5....-, the coming contest he felt sure -Pennsylvania would prove herself true to the Republican cause, in repudiating the claim of Asa Packer th e te Gu n bera torial chair. ..Her people wuld never consent to he ruled by such a demagogue, a fit representatiie of the Democratic party of the day, but leave him to alter nate between Mauch Chunk and Phila delphia, dodging the revenue assessor and the county tax collector. In conclusion he gave a glowing pic- ture of the greatness of our country, of its present-prosperity, and of its destiny under Republican role. The speech had a marked effect upon the audience. Notwithstanding two hours at least were occupied in its de livery, the crowd evinced no sign of weariness, and would willingly have re mained longer, manifesting the same de gree of appreciation, had the speaker chosen to further tax his power of endu rance. His closing remarks could scarce ly be fully appreciated by the reader, if faithfully reported, for while the lan guage used was of the choicest, the ut terance and manner of the speaker in connection produced a thrill of patriotic enthusiasm in the assemblage, which found vent in deafening applause as he retired. Calla were made for Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Fayette county, who was no ticed on the stand, but the old gentleman declined speaking. The Chairman proposed three cheers for the Republican State ticket, Geary and Williams, which ,were given with heartiness. The meeting then adiourned. Mass Meeting at Etna. A very large and orderly Republican Mass Meeting was held In Etna borough on Wednesday evening. The meeting was called to order by Col. John A. Danks act ing as President, George Kell, Esq., Vice- President and J. L. Lloyd, Esq.„Secreta ry. Col. Danlra made a brief opening ad dress and then introduced John H. Kerr, Esq., candidate for_Asse mbly on the Re publican ticket:''Mr, Kerr held the vast audience almost spell-bound for over one so ur ansensibled delivered an extraordinarily lid, and truth-telling speech during and stile conclusion of which he wan enthuslastically_appland ed. W. D. Morelarid. Esq., was then called upon amidst a storm of welcome ap plause, and delivered one of the most candid, able and logical political es we have ever heard. Mr. Mo relsnd interspersed his speech or arguments . with a number of witty or applicable an ecdotes, as well as references to ancient and modern political history, which drew forth the heartiest plaudits of the assemblage, and concluded his address by a merited tribute to Governor Geary. Usury Butterfield, E 3q., then mounted the rostrum, and was very enthualiastio ally received, bat the;lateness of the hour prevented the gentleman from making any extended remarks. The meeting adjourned by Col. Danks singing the populer patriotic song "A Thousand Years," and three cheers for Governor Geary, Williams and the ticket. Fifth Ward,, Pittsburgbi Nominations. A meeting of the Republicans of the Fifth (old Third). ward • was 'held on Wednesday evening at W. J. White's, on Wylie street, and a full ticket nominated, as follows: Select Council—Dr. W. J. Gilmore. Common Councit—Robt. Gracey, T. M. Fees, Jas. 8. Fleming. Judge of .E'lections--Goo. 'Glass. Inspector--W. J. White. Return Inspector—A. Sims. School Directors U. S. Wilt, E. H. Meyers. Constable—Henry McCoy. The following "Vig.ilance Committee" was appointed: Geo. Glass, A. W. smith, W. J. Gilmore, P. H. Mertz, Chas. Wei. fel, E. D. Wilt. William Davis, Nicho las Schwartz, W. A. Scandrett, A. Slms, John McNulty. Jos, liesstings, John . Binton, Robert Makcey, T. H. hicClel land, John McDowell, S. W. Owens, Joa. Able, Jos. A. Robinson,enry Freese, A. Reisemeyer, John Mitchell, U. S. Wilt. A. J. Kemp, _M. O. Jones, J . VosKamp, Henry Holey, David Eckles, David Sloan. Geo. Rodgers. Jas. B. Flem ing, A. W. Neeper, Dr. W. A. Hullock, Capt. Elliott, Samuel Thomjcilon, James K. Case, Geo. Schoen, Wm. Reed. Jr., John Egan, Jacob llioClelland, Jas. Logan, Jr., Jas. On, Jas. Davis, John Urban, R.: D. Barker. • Meeting at Elizabeth. A large and interePting Republican meeting was held at the borough of. "Elizabeth Wednesday. The *fleeting was organized by the election of the following officers: President, Geo. Roberts. Secretary, J. N. Laughlin. Thos. Howard, Rsq. was then called upon and addressed the meeting at length, and was followed by T. M. Bayne 1 and W. S. biTilne, Eggs., both\ able speakers. • PrrThlglatagi-.;,.(W _MV..:.,p,.pi...pA.7;:654. Explosion _of darning Fluid—Two Houser Burned—One Dian Injured. A fire &cared on Beaver 'avenue in the Fifth Ward. Allegheny, about half fast blue o'clock Wednikolay algid, by , which two houses were'destroyed. The fire originated on the first floor of a two awry trams building owned by Mr. Christine Garber. The room was occu pied by Mr. Joseph Denich as a grocery atore. It appears that Mr. I) at the time the fire occured, was in the back part of the building drawing some burning fluid from a barrel, when from some unknowd cruse, the fluid ignited, Mr. D. -In the excitement droped the measure which was full of the fluid on the floor, and without turning the spigot to etop 'the flow out the arrel, ran to get a blanketfrom with b which to smother the flames. In a moment or two the whole inside of the room was in a flame. An alarm was sounded from box No. 3, and in a abort time the entire fire de partment of Allegheny were on, the grounds and in service, and in less than twenty minutes had the , flames in sub jection, tint this was not the end of the conflagration. It appears that the oil had run through the fleor to the cellar, which was fille with water to within a foot of the floor, d and while several firemen were in the sebond story of the building the pis arising from the heated oil or fluid in the cellar, ignited, and with a loud explosion tore tip the hearth and a portion of the first floor, enveloping the entire building in flames. In the second story of the building, where the explosion took place, were Chief Engineer James Crow and several other men at , work. They were instantly surrounded' by fire, apparently with all means of escape cut off. Mr. Crow ran to a window and called for a ladder, but the crowd frightened by the explosion, had ran from the front of the building. Mr. Crow leaped from the window - to the sidewalk, esdaping with only a general "shaking up" that brought no serious results. 'Mr... Henry Wag ner, a tavern keeper, leaped out of the window after Mr. Crow, but did not escape so fortunately, one of his legs being broken in two places. As quickly as possible Mr. Crow secured a ladder and placed it at the window, and the remaining men hastened down. Hutchinson, in getting down, fell and injured his arm and leg, but without breaking either. Peter Mohr jumped and injured his arm, but not seriously. Henry Garber, before he could effect his escape, was quite badly burned about the face and head. Andrew Warner was also severely burned about the face and hands, and Wm. J. Davis was burned quite severely, and also had his wrist sprained in reaching the groand. The firemen remained at - their posts and worked valliantly, but were unable to subdue the flames until the building and its contents and a one story frame building adjoining it, occupied by Mr. Jacob Seigel, were destroyed. Mr. Gar re loss on the building will approxi mate $2,000 , on which there is an in surance of $l,OOO. Mr. Denich's loss will be between 5100 and $ 5OO. He has no insurance. A part of his loss was twenty-five dollars in money. The Iron Nanufacturers=, Advance In Prices—Card Rates. A Convention of the Western Iron and Nail Manufacturers was I held in the rooms of the Iron Manufacturers' Asso ciation, Water street, this City, Wednes day afternoon. Representatives from all the milts in this vicinit, Wheeling, Cincinnati and Mahoning Valley were present. The unanimous sentiment of the As sOciation was that an advance in the price of iron and nails we t * necessary in order to cover the cost of manufacturing and business expenses. On motion, the- following card rates were adopted: • 1 l Iron 33; cents with concession of % cent profits on orders of 0 tons or over, and nails 14.50, less 12% nts, per keg, when ordered in 100 keg 1 gi or upwards. Terms: sixty days for approves paper, or 3 per cent. for cash, Tainted on re ceipt of invoice. From the general tone c 4 the_meeting, there can be but little doubt but that the above prices and terms will be strictly adhered to in every particular, as it ts claimed that the present rates give no margin to manufacturers whatever. A Case of Cholera. Mr. William Lynn an engineer rod& ing on Carson street in Buriningham was yesterday attacted by the real Asiatic Cholera from which . we learned last evening he bad died. He was attended by Dr. Duff of the South aide and yes terday afternoon a consultation in the case was held with Dr. George L. McCook. Both of the physicians concurred in set tling the case as one of genuine cholera. The diseased w a tnan excellent habits. This should be a warning to all readers to adopt such sanitary measures as may be deemed prudent for the pres ervation of tile general health. SOme parts of Birmingham are in a frightful condition, filthy beyond name, and we can hardly expect good health to reign to such localities. We heard it rumored oq Wednesday that there had been a death In the sane borough on that day but we could not ascertain such to be the fact. : iskiliftil Operation We have already noticed that about ten o'clock last Tuesday night two ±boys had a quarrel in Denny's alley, 7lfth , ward, when one threw at brick at the other, which. missing its aim, struck Cornelius Sexton, an unoffending boy, above the right temple, producing an extensive fracture. A deep depression in the kull was made ba of the brick. s The boy was tak en upcorner senseless and carried to his home near by, where Drs. itt'hleal and Brashear were -, sum moned. It was found necessary tto tre pan the bead in order to remove the depressed portions to their proper place. The boy remained. in a state of illSOUld• bility until seven o'clock yesterday morning, when he awoke to conscious ness and the use of his limbs. At Ibis time there is good hope of recovery. What Was Needed. That crime is increasing—almost ram- pant, in the city and neighborhood — the re la no denying. That it should be checked—villains arrested, and honest men made right, is equally certain. With 'these ends in view wo are in. formed, Alderman Butler;.assisted by such experienced and trust y officers as John Fox, Jobn Herron m. W J. Logan, H. B. McCurry and Otarles Havis, have established at the office of the Almderan, No. 116 Wylie street, an agency for the transaction of all business. In that line. These gentlemen require no endorse• went here. . • Black 6U , evening OM white"al. and evenlng__areinivo, 43" ,or, all kipds at-Bates &Beira. 2410', ';‘ • c9tatclat ng . o!' Allegheny Conn orday, Thursday, Sep- A reitqu' =Lee" ells was held yes tember 23,1869. T COUNCIL. rraa No quorum present. - common COUNCIL. Common Council convened by calling Mr.' Warner to the chair. Members piesent—Mesars. BlHasack, Fre zier,lollllland, Grenet, Hanna, tings, Krebs, Kopp, McNeil, Megraw, R6lllO - field le, Warner and Tate. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. Mr. Hanna .presented a petition for a lateral sewer onlCorry street. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewers. Mr. Tate, a communication from Mr. William McCreary, relative to the grading of-Sarah street, setting forth that the contractor had, in opposition to instructions of Council, refused to stop work on the street. Mr. McNeil moved that the Contractor be instructed to stop work immediately, until such time as the Committee exam ines the matter.' After some discussion the motion Was withdrawn, and on mo tion of Mr. Tate the oommunication was referred to the Committee on Streets. Mr. Gilleland'presented a petition for the grading and paving of an alley be tween Franklin and Juniata streets. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. McNeil -- presented a petition for water pipe on Goodrich street. Referred to the Water Commatee. Mr. Megraw, a petition asking that the work of grading East lane be discontin ued for the present season. Referred to Street Committee with power to act. Mr. Reineman, a petition for the grad ing of Willow street. Referred to the Street Committee. Mr. Hastings presented a resolution requesting the Gas Committee to have a gas main laid on Third street. Adopted. Mr. Hanna, a petition for a lateral Bawer on Rope alley. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Sewers. . Mr. Krebs, a resolution instructing the Committee on Gas to have a lamp erect ' ed on Pike street, between Chestnut and 1 Church alley. Referred to Gas Commit- tee. Mr. Hanna presented a communication from the City Solicitor relative to the snit of McClintock vs. The Councils of Allegheny City, which was a rule to show cause why Councils should not mate pro vision under the funding clause in the new Sewerage Act to refund the money paid on sewerala ax, setting forth that Councils could be required by manda mus to provide for the refunding of the money at present. That is, they could be compelled to pass an ordinance now, providing for the refunding of the money at any time within ten years The com munication was receivod and filed. Councils adjourned. THE COURTS. Quarter Sesalomi---Judge TnunsDAT Sept. 23.—1 n the case of the commonwealth vs Charles Gilkey in dicted for the larceny of a cow reported yesterday, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. The defendent was re manded to jail for trial on a charge of gorse stealing. The first case taken up was that of the Commonwealth vs. Conrad Schussler, indicted for felonious assault and bat tery, Robert Hague prosecutor. The defendant and a Mr. Knoeckle rented in ppaartnershlp the farm of James Irwin, in Reserve township, and occupied the farm in partnership. On or about the 15th of August a difficulty arose between the parties concerning the right to occupy the barn, when, it is alleged, the defend antinade an attack upon John Mardis, 11\ man in Knoekle's employ, with a knife, indicting a numbr of severe wounds upon different parts of his body. The parties and witnesses were all German, and unable to speak English, and the testimony had ail to be interpreted. Jury out. The following surety and abandon ment cases will be taken up on Saturday morning at ten o'clock. Parties interest ed must be in Court, otherwise the cases may be dismissed at the cost of the par ties not appearing: No. 2. Com. vs. Michael Conlon. 1, 3. 64 44 Michael Pendergrass. " 4. 44 Thomas Mcßride. 11 B.ta. 11 .Deitrich Formholse. 11 8. " ,1 James Donnelly. 41 9. 4' ,1 Hannah Donaldson. " 11. 1,4, Peter Leonard. " 12. 41 1, James Rsaton. " 13. ~ ~ Pik. and Jane Donnelly , " 25. " 1, James Quinton. 9L " David Brunson. Common Pleas—Judges Sterrett , and Stowe. THURSDAY, September 23.—The cases previously reported are still on trial. • Judge McCandless. We cup the following from the Wt. liamsport Gazette\ of the 21st inst. We give the Willianisport editor no credit for anything said in his notice of Judge McCandless—his judicial acumen, his accommodating disposition, his ever hap py manner of performing, even unpleas ant duties, his ready wit, his vein of humor, his cordial geniality, are to us in Pittsburgh, familiar traits of his Honor. We don't blame the Williamsporteris for their admiration of the Judge or of his wife, eon and daughters; knowing them as thare known here, could not but a d mire — they would bo boors if they did'utt A'The Sept. term of V. B. Court, presi ded over by JudgedcCandless. adjourn ed yesterday, the Judge and his wife, son and two daughters, who have been with him during his stay here, leave our city to-day. • Those who have - had the pleasure to mingle in their society during their abort stay will regret their departure. and we trust they are as well pleased with their visit as our people have been with their society. Usually there has been but one term of this Court held here in the year, and that in the month of June, but the. so. cumulated business has rendered It necessary that there should be two ses sions as is authorized by law, and Judge McCandless, who is obliging in his no ture,. has very -properly -accommodated the Bar, turd the suitors In this section of the country; net only in this ban he satis tied our people, but especially for the manlier in Which he dispatched the 'business.' . The Judge is a man of quick percep tive faculties, firm in his decision, while his sentences are tempered with mercy. Bois becoming more popular from time to time as he is holding his Courts here, both with the members of the Bar and the people, and we trust that he may long be permitted to enjoy ' life and health, and that we may have the pleasure of seeing him and his family withius at the next term of Court. Per fashionable hair -dressing, plain or by curling, and a frizzle, for a ltururious shave or bath, and for Wilful capping and leeching, call at Wiillarnabn'a ele gant' allOoli at No. 190 Feder a l Street, Allegheny: ".• '- • " . = PETEOLEU.M. Falling off In Franklin District—New VW ells Struck—The Blacg 011 Product. We glean the following from the Titusville Herald of the 22d: The production of Lubricating oil in the vicinity of Franklin has fallen off lately, and now does not exceed twelve barrels daily. A number of wells were sunk on this belt this year, but none of them have produced more than two bar rels daily for any considerable length of time. Only one well is now in process of drilling: The price, delivered on the cars at Franklin, is now pa per barrel of 43 gallons. A new ten barrel well was struck on 'West_Hickory creek last week. It is owned by Messrs. Roberts de. Canfield. Last week a new well was struck on the Tallman farm, Upper Cherry run, and yesterday the production was reliably reported at sixty barrels daily. The well is owned by Lan Stew art & F. W. Andrews. Messrs. Recen ym ytl, Mr. H. R. Davis struck a new eight barrel black oil well on the southern part of the Cald well farm, run. This well is located midwayßull between the producing wells on Bull run and those on the A. Boyd and Coxton farms, and its success is taken as indicating to a certainty that the territory interventing beween the farms named and Bull run which aggre gates. perhaps, fifty acres. is of the pro ducing order. Another new well has been commenced in the immediate vicinity of Mr. Davis', and several more will be started within a few weeks. Last week a new well was struck on the Salisbury farm, ;West Pithole creek. Shortly after pumping, was commenced it began to pixy:lune oil, and, for a time, the rate of-production was as high as seventy-five barrels. Subsequently the production fell off greatly on account of the seed bag having given way, or a water vein having been opened, and since Friday last the yield has not been over eight barrels daily. The well is owned by Mr. W. F, formerly of At kinson. Upper C m herr oe y run. It is ex pected that as soon as the water Is ex hausted the production will increase materially. ' - It may not be generally known that the quantity of black oil produced in Pennsylvania is equal to at least one fifth of the whole product, bat such is the fact. The great black oil yielding district, is that known as Pleasantville, which extends from the Independ ra ent farm on the south, to the Nettletan tract on the noth east, and yield about 1,000 barrels daily. Then there a e the black oil districts of upper Che y run and the district at Bean farm' d vicinity, which yield at least 1,000 barr els daily. 1 The yield of the districts n med above aggregates 1,100 barrels, to - hich must be added the yield of three four farms on West Plthole creek, and hat of the black oil districts of Bull nd Cherry tree runs, which will certainly amount to 400 barrels more, making, a total yield of 2,500 barrels daily. The importance of the fact that this quantity is being produced will be understood when it is known that black oil yields three per cent. less refined, and three per cent. more residum than green oil of the same gravity. When the enormous quantity that is produced annually is taken into consideration, it is a matter of no little 'consequence, that the proportionate yield of black oil has not been, and, :probably, will not be less this year, than one-fifth. With the decline in the pro duct of the Pleasantville district, and the abandoning of the black oil produc ing sand rock on Upper Cherry run for that which produces green oil, it was thought that the product, of black oil. would fall off materially, but, recently, the yield at Brian farm, in the vicinity of Bull run and on West Plthole creek, in creased, and appearance now indicate that the black oil territo7 on Cherry tree run will be extended Amuisement i ' .OPRRA HOUSIL—The o • tra House was tillen with a large and intelligent andi- anus last night to hear Mrs. Waller in "Griseida. To-night Mrs. Waller takes a e whichi occasion the ..Da b tchess of Malfi" will be presented. All lovers of the drama ahould see it. PITTSBURGH 1 THRATRE.—The "Old Drury" was foil as usual last night, and the bill was a very interesting one, both in point of excellence and variety. Mr. Taylor was called before the curtain sev eral times. To-night he takes a benefit, when an entertainment of unusual inter est will be given. THE GREGORIES.—T ei Academy of Music was the scene of an unusual amount of amusement last night. The Gregories gave an excellent entertain ment as they usually do, and will give another equally interesting this even ing. To-morrow afternoon a Grand Mat inee will be given, coriamencing at trao o'clock. Everbody shOuld go and take their children, and if they have no chil dren take some other nian's children. Pe; ----1- t — ui . Mr. Charles Lockhar and family, Mr. James Mawhinney nd Mr. John Holmes, all of this ci y or Allegheny, were passengers on t e Scotia, which reached her berth at N w York ea Wed. nesday. 'We hope. tb t thee journey ing. abroad hAve bee pleasant and health-giving as their elcome home is sincere and cordial. Gen. James A. Eske , formerly of this county, whose emtnen services during the war induced his ra id promotion and his present high and responsible position in the Quartermaster Department of the Regular service, is spending some days with his friend, C. Hanson Love, Esq., 'oi this city. The Generbeal's numerous old acquaintances w glad to greet ill ---; Republican .Meetings This Week. In the BixtecntkWard, corner of John street and Grgensburg turnpike, Friday events:4, Metisrs. Howard, _IL C. Mack rell and W. Leggate, speakers. In Birmingham, on the Market re, on Friday eveUing. ' Messrs. Squaw Brown and W. C. n Moreland, speakers. At Bellevue, i the Public Hall, Fri et Messrs. W. S. McCune, day eve .Capt. AiCollier, W. Feeblest Stiller a n a Jas' P. j hnston, speakers. S Hall, bird ward, Alleghs. At Gerst ' ny, Saturdayt, evening. Messrs. A. M. BrOWD, J. L. &sham, H. P. Mueller and D. L. Smith, sOeakera At G. W. Bard's hotel, in Bridgeville, on Saturday evening.. Messrs, Thomas Ewing and Hof. Thomas Howard, speak ers. 4 Country F nets and blankets- - new goods—at Bat a Bell's. No One Should be Without One. —The Weed Sewing Machine Is noW one of the moat p6pular machines before the public. The (Weed la always ready for work; and adeomplishes sni t kind of sewing in perfect -style. R. . Long & Co., Agents, s! 116 Market street. New at G l "de -----d new stYies Bates & i Bell's. - , *sal g,stattr.-lEiee advertisement of mocking d r Ro t lribow. Real Estate and Insurance Andutat /9 5 1 1 9 7 and 199 Can- . ire mom t tf. Plano Buyers' Notice Means. Mellor & Eir.oene are now re ceiving their fall stock of pianos, wiles ted personally at the factories in the East by Mr. Mellor. Among the lot are two magnificent Chickering Concert Grand rialtos, the finest and most artistic in struments ever brought to this city—eo pronorinced by all of our musicians who have, seen them. Also, one of their newly invented patent action Up-right Pianos—a perfect gem of a piano. AM, a number of their superb Square Grands, with Agraffe attachments throughout. The fact that Mr. Mellor selected these pianos himself, is a guarantee of their excellence, for all our citizens know of his rare and extensive qualifications and experience in the piano business. Those persons intending to purchase, will find it to their advantage to examine this splendid stock Rooms, No. 52 Ftfth avenue, next door to Masonic Hall. 3 If you desire beauty yon should use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. .• It gives a soft, refined, satin•like tex ture to the Complexion, removes Rough ness, Redness, Blotches, Sunburn, Tan, &a, and adds a tinge of Pearly Bloom to the plainest features. -It brings the Bloom of Youth to the fading cheek and changes the rustle Country Girl into a Fashionable City Belle. In the use of the Magnolia Balm lies the true secret of Beauty. Ho Lady need complain of her Complexion who will invest 75 cents in this delightful ar ticle. Lyon's Eathairon is the best Hair Dressing use. mwFF. Wool Shawls, long and square, fancy Arabs, of all varieties. at Bates dc Bell's. New Billiard Hall.--Bennett's newly refitted Billiard Hall opens on Friday evening. Eyerything new. Beat room in the city. 2t Black Alpacas and mourning goods at Bates It Bell's. lIEINZ—YOUNG—On Thursday, Sent. 513 d, at the r sidence Of the bride's parents, by Bey. E. M. Wood. HARRY J. HWINA, of Sharps burgh, to Hiss SALLIE YOUNG, of Hoboken. MARK.HAM—On Thersda. , mortitur.S•utcra ber Silin. 1859, Mira MATILDA. MAltlillAltia aged 50 years. The fluaeral will take place from the residence of James Mettssters, Ise., 313 Penn street, TIIIS AFTERNOON at 3 o'ciock. The friends of the deceased are respectfully invited to attend. LEX. LISEN,____ENDEB TAXER, 1510. 160 FOITETG STREET. PiccnbnrgL, Pa COl l 7lllB of all kinds, cram, GLO and a , ery description of eral Nu s . nishing s furnished. Booms open ntebt. Carriages furnished for city funerals a • 62.00 each. turansaMaa—Sev.David Kerr, D.D., IteT.ll W. Jacobus, D. D., Th0111&13 Ewing, ZAK.. h killer. Esti. A (111 ABLES & PEEBLES; UN , I %...1 DERTASEEB AND LIVERY STA.BL : • carnet' f SANDI:MU STREET AND CHUM : AVENUE. Allegheny City, where their COM ROOMS el s e c o nstantly supplied with real a • imitation Rotewood„ Mahogany and Wal • • Co.llas at prices varying (TOO) $ to $lOO. • . earoared fOl• in. trtOent. %Hearses sad € Ilirsished: also, rll ends of , Mo • • • Moods. if Metre& Ornee open at all boars, d and night. . - • I -011•Mil...11 JOSEPH MEYER & SON, ILTN333EatrrAlcrat.l3. Carriages for Funerals, $2.00 COFFINS and all Funeral Ft=latunent at duced rates. a WATCHES, JEWELRY, & NSW` .0f 4 : 00 013 Having just returned from the Zest v►i ' splendid sto ek of Watches, Jewelry. taverwa I am now prepared to offer thereat greatl I &teed prices. Call and examine before chasing else here. , W. r DITIISEATEL , I Jeweller No. 56 Fltai Ave ate: - Opposite Masonic H pITTS " A " B NO. GT F OPEN D! SATIJEDA , comber ls .1 'ember L paid at tit 1 If not wt January a Welted at Board al B. IL Ha D. E. M' A. Bradt; Nontok, J; be,J01..1111, Chrtll.op D. W. • El Be Beautiful. MARRIED: DIED : UNDERTAICERS. No. 4514 PENN STREET OPTICAL GOODS, &c., BANKS. lIRGII NIC. FOR SAVINGS, RUTH AVENTE, FITTER BARTERED IN 188%, IMY from 9 to 4 o'clock., EVENING:, from May Ist, from 1 to 9 o'clock. and fro.. to May Ist, Bto 13 o'clock. In • rate of six per cent., free of 'drawn compounds semi-ann • July. Books of By-Laws, &e. .e office. Managers—Geo. A. Berry, Prost; ! man, Jas. PArs, Preal. • iniehnecritary and Treasurer 1.•K;ii;,`13u 6 . - ort,Tl-:, t ittg e ,. l47 o . Rhoues,Jno.cols,ltobt.v.. • I•r Zug. b. 8.13e11, Solicitor*. my CHANT TAILORS. itir G. H RCIIANT TMOR,', lof - Penn and Sixth Streets, Corner 1 ,1.1: AND WINTER STOCK. COMPLETE:. NO RABB . FOUNDRV.I ' JOHN M. COOPER, Bell and Brass Faunae ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE & EOLLI - BRABSP3 .1196 Promptly to BABBIT'S META Made and Relit on E Proprietors andldanirileturerl of Coopet's Imiroved Bal l a:: Wheel • . pTE2.I4.. - pea OFFICE .1.111 FOIVtDRI", Coralth and RailroadEdrants, U II II rra !d rest oag fur ent; . taus ens, co., 18, el RILL = and. MEE PITTBB