11 Q prrzsiiitlion STEEL .'WORKS. EITABLISHED 1845_ • ANDERSON & WOODS, . ILONETACTURZES Or BEST OAST: STEEI,. °revery deitsiption. Also. best Refined Getman Plow and Spring Steel, I:Xi*Kra. - p. 0513 Alp YERBT AVlCl4l 3 ui6:n4l tits. large.large. Pa. s IMR, 888 &plum, ilaiT2lzas 31ETCALIF. lEMMETT IN• MILLE% 6Y0.6Y0.W.8AR8, • CHAOS. PARIC Simms. PART:MI.4. M. SIER, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 311WiR, BARR & PARKIN OFFICE, No, 339 Liberty Street, rnMMSUBEIH , PA , • fel4:d4B DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHN ,& CO., Manufacturer! ot 1110 N, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES_ SPRINGS, AND, DIIQUESINEOL Ana) JUNIATA, . . yx.A.T BAB, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. jiBOAIDRRI96IIIIATDITIPATANK IRON' GUARD UtON,___DßAGalui PROrPER KAMA FLANGES CUTTER BARS, CI IND , ram - - - • .e4D.7wer RAIL,- for Coal Roads. Q_RO B AItS,WNDGES HARROW TEETH, MIING, _PLOW .e.ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, aMEEL'WINERS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. =LEL TIMES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COACH, 131199 Y OUT 'WAGON arnisr,Gs and "Eft, T NAILS AND SPIKES. . 111Goodslirst Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Slstieutn. Street and Allegheny River, and. 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. To.b9 SHEFFIELD STEEL WO: SINGER, MICK & PITTSBVUGU. PA.. Ifsaufacturers of everidescriptlon of - CAST AND GEB3LIN STEEL, ILDALW 13P.ANGS, BlLLl....K. k tla s rerea liMSPß l N c . fil ke Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 'first 813. BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL I WOR ?.43X - Ii BROTHER CO., Itanufsetorers of all descriptions of eraswiLiro6u, .9HCe. and Warebonse, THIRTIETH YERST End Rei 13TRLIS TS PITTSB BRASS FOUNDS ATWOOD &, • Cot. Liberty St. tt 3dl PITTSBIIRGB. P 6, BRASS FOUNERS3 And iron Pipe Fitters. And AGENTE3 ta A. BL OWE RS. CO'S STEAM PUMPS A,1:13 3.1q13.1" 81Z%•.................. GOBTAI HENRY BIER al 13 . SICCZEISOSEI TO 3IMN INI. ioormit.th Bells and Bram Fe • I BRASS CAST - MADE PROMPTLY TO 0 Makable and Guy Dui GAS PIPS. AND VITISING, THROTTLE, RUTTY ANDIREC I TAT RE ALL GLOBE rairriatur. lat:Ori • CC)OPLS , 'grass Work of every 'description for --Steam, Water and Oil. lisigrirAcTonzas OF J. Id. COOPER & CO'S Improved galauee-Vheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreete Patent Oil ers. the best the Market. Once said Works, *Mier Thirteenth ands Ireetg. SLISSIMSENIROCHSS. ;he Trustees are nowprepared tolerant ltcen- L.,' tor the use of the ZLLERESILLUSEDI PRO -.the superior quality imparted to good iron, ' t great Improvement Tintor Iron, and the reduced cost, commend all manufacturers of l'artlesliblitoitOnse Komi obtain Messer by otriallete . JAMES P. SPEER • - rr• Atoorney Lir the Trustees. Isomer 9:=Enalleh's Banding. 96M "oath avenue. - • . the g MI interested *re Invited to 'rldt the UWE MERGER WORICEI, where the is is rioll E RGS . - EVEASON, .P RESTON' & Co., - 4 . • Penvvivatiiairon" Works. WaretL9.ol4- iios. 'um Fa d ial • PINT STISZET, dOcliteittoionriiselilicouse. are24:d6, PATT.Haugtog NOVELTY WORKS. rrrenvuGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 181. r. ifiriLatak tritlEE. Co. rAgrouourol , "ritrtiFyiltili D AMMi r, SCALES. au Janes need Patent Domitleelteittn.,,z, 4VENEriliklollo llBlll sotersti, Plauesha HUGE I, BOLE & 00., Con Point Alley and 'hymow Ms, Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Ilann.Metore STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sires. Amelia attention Invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE ANM FORMABLE BOILER,of 16.bOrrevDower. . 2.1 : CASTINGSof every kind, moue to al Foundry, on THraD STREET, belowM ark. et RIGS for Oil WeIIs,SHAFTING, _PULLEYS, HANGERS,BOUSE and TOBACG o 0 SUREWS on IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hind end made to r order, at the - • , . . INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the Point. ilir All orders promptly med• THY US FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAM TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLUED TUBULAR, 'FIRR-BOE AND CYLINDER. wriam BOIL- EBS. OIL TANIPL OIL STILLS - AND CHDINEYB, BREECHING ANO ASH PANG, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS A24D CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOOM AND OVAL MUTES Office and Warehouse, corner SCOOlad, Third, Short and Liberty. Streets, err Orders sent to the above addresmhs willlB9 be attended to. 7: WM. BARNWELL & Co., BOILER MASERS AND SHEET IRON WORKNRS, Nos. so, sis, lift AND %S PENN ST. Saving secured a large yard and furnished it with the meat approved machinery we are pre pared to mannfacture every description of BOIL ICES in the hest manner.. and warranted 4011 to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Bede, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tauts, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling 'Pans, Bollerriron,.Brldgeli; 's Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill Pat ent Boilers. Bepalzing done on inortest notice. isEell WM Y. sausu....-:—.......z0wyr0 D. BUM JARED M. BRUM & SON, surrurAortrumas or , Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tank& SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 6.1 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. KO THIRTY !ME FIIEY enue, s Babcii. con, dors. i Fittings, ON IVORIES. IPITTSIrpO I3 Ci*ZETTT: FRIpAY,. ggiPTE*I3F , I3. 24, 1889 NAAR Tux l'Ortrr.) PITTBBITitaII. FA. 'WORKS. CARROLL & SNYIDER, KANTO ACTOMIBB 01 PITTSBURGH, Pa. grOVES, CASTINGS, &o. BBA_WILitY fiz RO.BO WOOD STREET, M an ufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating StoYea, TO BE .YOUND. ~ • In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATThRISS AhlD IMPROVhIdEriTU, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in Want of a good articleshonld purchase none but those manufactured by ns, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call narticular attention to our new VoLCAlio STOVE, for churches, halls sue stores. Over 500 sold in three months. Inte for with or with out casing. all who have used them pronounce them superior Lonny other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. lap ORO, KUGUS & CO NIANUFACIIIBIBI3 or EVilar VARINTr or SEMCVNTJENSEIL , ' BOSTON GOOSING. RANGE, 'THE FIERY FURNACE," Fos WArsinEG BUILDINGS. THE NEW ANTI-DU BT COOKING STOVE. REGULATOR." COLUMBIA.. COOK 8T0177.,_ LAM otkercinnigluStkul wiaratirs, REFLECTOR, GBATES,free troisllrt and dast; GILA= FRO. FICNDERN , %Kis and 20$ -Viberty. Street,' semyrr PITTsBURGH. PA. 0001 i STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL di; OIL'S TRIUMPH, raze orTruirmous COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as eon as any other Stove Ina b a Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 285 'Liberty Street. AM* on hand sndlor FABLos STOVES, HBATIONVATII 7ENDEBB, COMMIE} ItANOT.B. to. LUMBER. TO BUILDERS! soo. , feet Dry Me Boards. 160. feetlh inch Clear Plank; 25.000 feet 1); Inch Common Flank; 115,000 feet lary 1 and A loch Oak: • 115,000 ft. )4,_ 1, I,lk, A and 3 inch Poplar: lea Dry ropier Searitling; 10.000 feet Dry 'Fellow Pine Bouds; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 1100.000 feet No. 1 18 Inch Southall shin gles. AOO.OOO No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed; school) No. 116-Inch Shingles; 'handl 80,000 Fire Brick: 1.000 Fire 'Tile. 100 To Fire Clay; Also, Saw 11111 Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In line on hand and for sale by ALL-MANDEB PATTRIISON. Yards— No. 161 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ifard.Allepeal, late bor ough of Manchester. • " ao:s %LAS& CHINA: CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET'. , NEW GOODS. FINE - VASES, DOHNINLAN AND , NZ W. W2YLDLNICA TRA BBIB tIiT I3, GUT CUPS filgOlClNGlarg BETS, . e stock of . PIAA.TED - GOODS or all deaariptiong. 0411 sad exendne out &int end we feel unified no one need to be suited. R. E.. BREED & co. 100iWOOD STREET. -re iyuk. 1: IL - 0. • • .1 ANDERSON, ...... .11. A. FREYVOGLE. .111011ONGIIIEL1 FOUNDRY W. J. ANDERSON & CO., • Ifantifecturere of IRON HOUSE FRONTS, WINDOW LINTELS and SILLS, and Cisllngs of all Destriptlons, Nip Special attEnticn paid to ARCHITECTU RAL ASGS and to Outings for. Window Olatis H ou ses OFFIC E 'ND FOU pa —No . ND—No. 150 WATER ,STREET, Pittabure KNAP PORT PITT FOUNDRY COITA.NY. • OFFICE AND WORKS, • TWELFTH STREET. PrIvISBITRGH, PA. lig-Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nap Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. corner Carroll and Sokalloari (NINTH WARD,' JE'rETBI3I - 5 11,013 . WILLIAM SMITH, nianufneturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR GAB AND WATER W 011321. My Flues are all cut invariablyin Pits, In drY sand, and IS feet lengths. Also, full sasertanerit of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would Woks he *4tention of Superintend ents of Gto L. 7 make of REToRTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM MILLER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Hu facilities Rest , a n d with the leading Forges in the Rut, and 15 ➢prepare t ;] , i_s9 and satisfactorily dli all orders RODS, ArGrti SHAFTS, CUNISS, PISTON_ , PITMAN .IA WRISTS, RAILROAD /LILES, LOCoMOTIVR FRAMES. _together with every description of SHAPE WORE. Oftice and Forge, Corner of %wont Way and First Street. ap14:1140 ROBINSON, REA. as, CO., ante-aims tO ROZIRSOIS, MIMS A MILLERS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Mannf =Mere of 'Boat and Steam En gasetethiLlilast En nel2, RR Castin g g i e or all deserlptionTOSl Tanfi and Stills, Soli and blieet Iron Wort. Once, No. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFIPARD'S PATENT INJECTOR tor feedlillto ata THOMAS CARLIN a. CO., Patti Ward Foundry and Machine Works, ILLNDUBEE BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.. Mantifiscrarers of Stationary and Par table Steam an g el . = tings, Grate Wwis ilt n mest t ia l z in e l i ld to order 11 1 Us on hand a zn ali v a s of OILS. DIAMOND OIL WORKS. H. Id. LONG & CO., once, DALZELL BUILDING. felt f.:01. WAILING AND KING, 00MIntulon Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WO, run.o.usuzina. Annaass. Boom 17, Chamber . of Commerce, 121 SOUTH SECOND STRUM sale TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS • AND DEALERS ta Petroleum and its Products, Pittsburgh USlce'-_D_ALZELLIS BUILDERS canter of utiquesne7sy sad Irwin Phitadelpidsomei—gsv WALNUT ST. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT M. C. 'MUMS" MANUFACTURER 01 Libileatlng & High Test Burt* Oils. Islip's, noire." Axle 00. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. useousosa... Enos% inssosisso ShoPs Saw !gill $lll mi. Adapted for high speed. Spluale on. WoolHead•llisistO n . 011. Tanners' Stuff. itensale, bag dsFinishlingoo. 61 1 14011 fies Harness 00. Parraffine. ARMOR VARNISH,. to serve ' Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Bun. These products are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle r spatent by superheated Stem in Vac cue. 'I he Lubricating OIIh are almost odorless, perfectly pure uniform, and mosti light ad' ored. stand a high temperature one tined,An a l remain limpid duals extreme c o ld. De MUM 011 s are unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Uncles can be examined and orders left at 114 WOOD STEP , WcwkoWE:P. harpsburg Bridge. - STONE. WEST COMMON Machine Stone Worts, Northwest bonier *SWAG Common. Analtinare r/UOIVK AT\MIMI( a, co. BaNtand Or • lePure for an B s idew SraralliF hort notioelleirth and Stones, vistou. _sem • • T••••tf moo =C AMERICAN BAH. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • •• • 3200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK OF 011iCOUNT "AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. =ELECTORS. Thos. M. Marshall, John M. Mortland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, Chas. W. Leech, Wm. D. Kelly, B. Leech, Win. Floyd. John Floyd, This Bank la Bank i ng ul organized and prepared to do a generalbusine ss. jelok43 CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street l .Fittsburgh, ra. CAPITAL, 6100,000. BTOCKBOLDEBE INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTERFST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE _ Bought and soid, and when desired • remitted to Europe. Collections made on alt the principal points of the United States and Canada. DOMINICK Immix, President. JAMES MCCABE.. Vice President. W. N. MOBOAN. Cashier. DIRECTOIO3. H. Ihmsen.James McCabe, Thomas Bourke, Hugh Renting. J. Dunlery, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, • Fl.A.Freywogle , Jno.Jos.liermann„ • Thntnag Barnes, jel:6s . JOS. M. GAZZAM, Solicitor. pwriq SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legtslature of Pennsylva nia, January 24. 1867.' For the safe-keeping of Bonds and other Securities, Goln and Silver, Silver Plate. Books. Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes in its burglar-proof vaults. Building and 011de: Jro. S 3 FOURTH arE.ruE, PIITSBEILO EL PA. rEESIDENT—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. VICE raEstDENT—HENRY LLOYD. DIRECTORS: WM. PHILLIPS. JAMES I. BENNETT Ho NRV LLOYD, BYRON IL PAINTER WILLIAM REA, JOS. S MORRISON. WILLIAM M.LYON, GEORGE BLAIL/E. CURTIS G. HUSSEY. SECRETARY I. ti. F. VU' in23:1167 N HOLMES & SONS, 57 Mailket Street, err-r-restritcala. Collections made on all the principal points o tha United States and Canada'. Stocks,Bonde and other Securities BOUGHT ♦ND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of 'United States Securities J43o:si 11AliT, CAUGUEIi & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PrITSISITIMEE, PA.. (1100CF88OS8 TO MONA, BART AI 00..1 DILLLIMS 1111 Exchange, Coin, . Coupons, had particular e 9 tl sale oln paid to the ;embus COYERNMENT. BONDS. Bight Drafts on London. ayi.da PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN, Messrs. DABNEY, MORGIN It, CO., 61 Exchange Plate, and L K. JESUP k CO., Pine Street, L Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Baiiway. These Bonds pay 'SEVER per cent. in Gold; hare thirty years to run; are Free•from Government Taxation; are secured by a Laad Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. n addition to this special grant the Com pany also owns Three ffilllion3 of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to evelop the country and improve the road They are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kanias, to Denver, Colorado, The' road in operation 417 mlles long, upon which It is also a mort gag!, NOW HIRES RORK THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PIT THE INTEREST ON TUB NEW LOAN. There le no better seentity in the market—this being in lonic respects better than Government ' unities. PRINCIP&L AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. prlra 96, and atom ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets, Diaps and Medan foaled on application, woo , 't ~ .; GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Priccs. PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. JAMES To BRADY & CO., Corner Fourth and WOod Sts., N 3 AL 1%1" , GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 61OLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Er Interest Allowed on Deposits. sir o t Money market r ue d , on Government Bonds at wes Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOOKS, BONDS and GOLD, ilittantrO Gaitttt. 017/7 VIIIRESDAY, oBor Pyrranune Sept. n CU ZETT 869 E, 23, 1. The days during the early period of the war were nothing in comparison to the excitement in Wall street. Today gold opened at 142%, declined to 141%, reacted under a perfect panic among the shorts to 144, and closed at 143. From all appearance gold has not settled down yet, and in all probability another upWard turn may be made to day before enough coupons can be presented to the Treasury to supply gold in large amounts, but nobody doubts the ulti mate heavy decline arising from large shipments of cotton, grain, flour, pe trolum and other products. Governments were very dull and heavy during the day, until at the close, when large amounts sere bought to cover short sales. Stocks are still heavy, and declining under the pressure of a close and very stringent money market. The specula tive shares are swept away in a moment. Railroad bonds are dull, heavy and without any demand. The local money market is working, also closer, in preparation of an active t fall business. Quotations . as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 143; Silver, 135; Eighty one's, 119 4 Five Twenties, 1862, L 12%; do 1884, 120%; do 1865, 120%; do 1865, !' Consols,118%; do 1867, 118%; do 1868,. 118%; Ten Forties, 109; New York Central, JB3; Erie, —; Reading; 93%; r Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Jr. Chicago ! Railroad, 84%; Ohio & Misisaippi, 129%; Michigan Southern. 92%; Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 107%; Chicago & Rock Island, 108;Chicago & North Western, 71%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 83%; Adams Express Com pany, 64%; Merchants Union Express, 33%; I;Pacitic Mail, —; Western Union Telegraph Company, 36%; American Ex press Company 36%. Exonenan, Large. Small. London, per...... 17,15 Pris. per franc' 27 28 Berlin, thaler..- 102 103 Frankfort, florins .59 63 —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 143; United States Sixei, 1881, 118%; Five-Twenties; 1862, 121%; do. 1864, 119%; do. 1865, 119%; Ten-Forties, 108%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July,. VW, 118: do. do. 1887, 118%; do. do. 1868. 117%; Due Com pounds, —; Union Pacific Railroad, 80; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, --; Lake Superiors, 96. :ay Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6ezette.l • NEW Yong, September 23, 1869. The foetuses of Wall street today were excitement in the gold room and another heavy advance in rates, stringency in money and a panicky feeling in stocks. The transactions in gold were on a scale of magnitude without precedent in the history of the room: The rise today was based partially on the expected recogni tion of the Cuban insurgents as belliger ents at an early day. Money was very stringent throughout the day, and in the afternoon the deal ings on Broad street were revived; the rates paid were 7 per cent. per annum, and commissions of q, %@34 per cent., while % to % per cent. w paid for turning the stocks below par, as and 1 to 2 Per cent. for the high priced stocks. ° Late id the afternoon per cent. was paid on Central and 2% per cent. on Hudson River,wnile money itself brought a oomulission of % per. cent. The Hud son company to-day passed a resolution in favor of consolidating with the New York Central, terms to be specified at a joint convention to be held in a few days. At the Central Directors' meeting, at Al bany, yesterday, consolidation ,resolu tions were passed. The Judge yester day credited with issuing an injunction restraining the directors of the. Central from acting in the consolidation matter, denies havingN done so. It is proposed to change the terms of the recent consolidation of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and Toledo, Wabash & Western Railway Companies. South ern is to be put in at par and Wabash at 760, a dividend of 4 per, cent., cash, to be paid on Southern on January Ist next, and after that the dividends are to be of an equal amount on both, the first divi dend however, on Wabash not to be t he July Ist, 1870. According to the new arrangement there is to be no script dividend on Michigan Southern. Sterling la lower, and closed quiet and nominal; 434 per, cent. for sixty-day bills, and 6 per cent. on sight. The gold market stands at 143%@143%, and the latest transactiqns were at these figures; the two extremes of the day wars) 141 and 144%; the fluctuations were solrequent that they tilled , . al*Pages of. AOll4 Room ledger., The rates paid, far carrying Zit; 142:- to“'t Ver. tent: Gold 146,0380412, 346 . : • ant 3 0 t . per D TREASITIMIL uNNLIOIidT rz2 Ell FINANCIAL. (Successors oS. JONES i C 0..) BUY AND BELL ALL BINDS 07 OR MOST FAVORABLE TERMS JAMES T. BRADT & CO FINANCE AND TRADE, liiiN cent. There ve to - lend gold on ti me, a y ndlittle very highdisposition rates are offered for the use of it for 15, 3D or 60 days. Governments been lower butl2o closed firm: Coupons of 1881, %; do. '62,129.%@1t.2%; do. '6l, 120@120%; do. '65, 1203,',C6121; do. new 11834©1183 / 4; do. '67, 116%@1183',; do. '6B, 11834@118%; 10-40 s, 108;a11109%; Pacifies, 107%©108, The Sub-Treasurer bought $1,000,000 at at 116@0116-73-100. Pacific Railway mortgages increasing in favor with investors, owing to large earnings of the road. The offerings are light. The earnings of Union Pacific road for the first seventeen days of Sep tember are officially reported at 5409.- 493 11. ' A. round lot of Union Pacific sold at 87%. Central Pacific are quoted at 92%@95. btate bonds dull: Missouris, 86%; old Tennessees, 81; new Tennessee's, 54%; old Virginias, 54;4; new do. .58; old North Carolinas, 50%; new North Caroli nas, 463. Stocks are feverish and unsettled, but geneaally firmer during the forenoon and early afternoon, but closed lowee and panicky, particularly:in:Vanderbilt shares, which closed at the lowest rates of the day. Canton, 54; Cumberland, 30; Western Union Telegraph, 36%; Quicksilver, 14; Mariposa, 83.0 do. preferred, -17; Pa cific Mail, 74; Adams Express, 55. Wells, Fargo, & Co., 18 1 4; American, a 334; United States, 55; Merchants Union, 11%; New York Central,lBl; Harlem,l4o; Hud son, 160; Reading, 94.; Erie, 35%; do. preferred, 65; Michigan Central, 125; Michigan Southern, 91%; Illinois Cen tral, 136; Pittsburgh, 107%; North western, 71%: do. preferred, 82%; Cleve land, Columuns and Cincinnati, 74; Rock Island, 108; St. Paul, 71%; do. Preferred. 81%; Wabash, 65. ' do. preferred, 81; Fort Wayne 04%; Terre Haute, 32: do. preierred, f.6%• ' Chicago, and Alton 144; do. preferred, 144; Ohio and Mississippi, 29%; Columbus, Cincinnati and Indiana Central, 26%, St. Joseph 113. Mining Shares dull. Copper Stocks at Boston: Copper Falls, 8; Franklin, 11; Heels, 70; Quincy, 23. Sub-Treasury balance, $85,286,859. Geld clearances, $154,000,600. PETROLEUM MARKET, ---- OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, Sept. 23, 1869. 1 • The oil market was somewhat excited and feverish to-day, under the influence of the advance in gold and general dis ruption in financial circles in New York, and while compared with yesterday, prices have undergone no material change, yet as already intimated, there was a very sensitive feeling manifested, and operators generally were disposed -to hold off and await future develop ments. The worst feature noticeable to-day, was the report that some of the New Yorkers were unable to meet their drafts, and another -thing that depresses the market is the unusual dullness of exchange. Heretofore, ,an advance in , gold has been followed by an advance in I oil, but latterly this has had little or no effect. Indeed to-day, right in the face of an important appreciation in the former, the latter would and did not bring the prices current yesterday; but this as already intimated, was attributed to the stagnation in foreign exchange, as • well as the stringency in money matters in New York. As might be expected, considerable anxiety is felt as to the future course of the oil market; so far as we could learn, there are but few who . 1 1 ent rtaln hopes of any materialimprove- , me t during this month; there are some wh expect a better state of a ff airs next mo th, while others, again, do not be- • lie •e, that prices will ' rule higher, that is for any length of time, this year. This tat er class, base their predictions on ;11 ground that most if not all of our re fill rs will go into operation at once, and tb t tile bhipments will increase so la gely that the supply will be fully 1 a equate to the demand. Those who e pact better prices next month and dn. ri g the remainder of the year , argue t at in no event will the supply ss stall ci nt to meet the demand; that there will b more oil wanted from now until Jan u ry Ist, than there was during the cor r s pending time last year; and that s mks east as well as in Europe are corn p ratively light. We have thus en avored to give the feelings and views ) some of the different elements en aged in the business, and that we have ated them- correctly, and impartially o fair minded operator will dispute. CB.IIDE. - -- - But a single option reported -41,000 as paid for the privilege of placing ~000 bbls any time between this and pril next, at 14, Spot was offered reely to-day, at 14% without finding avers; and lines for late months, it is d, were offered at 14M. Seller all ear, was wanted at 14, with no offers to -ell below 14;i. REPINED. Market opened very weak and dull, •ut in the afternoon the feeling was ether better, and September sold at a slight advance. The only sale reported up to 3P. at, was 1,000 bale September, at 32; early in the day 31X(V11 3 / 4 - were the best offers. October was quoted at 32@3*1„ and the same figures vi ill ap ply to lines. mrssaaimaick Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40 0 Eclipse Railroad Axle Eclipse Machinery 760 Eclipse Spindle 800 RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OIL BY A. V. B. R. 'rarentum Oil Works, 1,040 bbls on as of Fulton Marvin & Co; Stella Oil Works, 80 do on account H. hicKelvy; National Works, 960 do on account John Munhall &. Co; Cosmos ' 480 on account Fisher it Bro; D. BlritCo. 24 on account McAllister 43 Co; D. Bly &- Co: 24 on ac count Alexander & Co; Citizens Oil 'Works 480 on account G. S. Thomas. Total 3,064 bbls. OIL SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. B. R. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 632 bbls refined to, Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Braun & Wagner 308 bbls refined to Waring, Kingot Co., Philadelphia. Citizens -011 - )3o. 52 bbls refined to Tack &- Bros., Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick & Co., 53 bbls to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia.' A. W. Bell 50 bbls tar to Truax & Co., Philadelphia. Total Relined 945 OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. B B. Mentzer, Hepler & Co., 468 bbls ref. to 'Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. H. W.-C. Tweddle. 10 bbls refined to Stevenson & Bro.. Philadelphia. D. Bly & Co. 8 bbls refined to Charles Lening, Philadelphia. Dry Goods Market. Nnw Yong, September 23.—Although the market is moderately active, it is nevertheless, weak on certain styles of plain cottons, partiulaily cotton flannel. The Pemberton C have been reduced to day from 18c to 15%c; New England from 17%0 to 16c; Reynolds A A 4-4. Bleached =Wins from 15%c to 18co; Pacific L Brown sheeting from 1450 to 140; Atlan tio L 4-4;: Brown from 14% to 14; Harris . N, bleached, from 11% to 11; Hills Bleallied muslin 1%0, Hills, am also Fo r duffed bittice half a cent per jar* • -