= MM - '1 BILLIARD "B&LL, • No. GS Smithfield street. be opened on FRI DAY EVENING, September 24th. The open ing game wilt be played by twu celebrated bit llardlats. sezi 070 JOIST PUOLISHEIL—SuppIe• meat to BRIGHTLY'S PURIDDN'S DIGEST, lan to 1869. Pike TwoboHank. KNY .t COMPA.EY, 1 65 Wood Etreet. PESING• s ld tyles ; f 7111 ISITCHIEN -- , opens her new o.-- . razz reatmNigy GOODS I On SATMID RI". 95th Intt., baying a splendid stock oa hand. R. 100 ,IVEDERs.L. STREET, 'Allegheny. seatoeT ALVALVA DUEOOIi FOR 4 i l , 1 eehanies .and I !Engineers. • , THE PRACTICAL ENGINEER: A treatise ,on the subject of modeling, constructing and running Steam Engin.s; cdtitaining. also, (Grey :nous in regard to the yariolis kinds of machine' y witnected with steam power; prepared with 3Pecial reference to the neell ot Steamboat Own ers, Captain', Pilots and :Engineers, and also connected. with Stationery Steam Engines on ;.and or water. By JOHN WALLACE, Practi • -al Engineer. Price $3.00. Sent by mall on :•ecelpt of the price. Poe sale by , • • sell BOOtsellers. 05 Woo d e t CM t P te AN r Y h . IRON AND STEEL. OSBORN'S NEW BOOK. ,getallnrgy of Iron and Steel. ,71, e^retical and Practical in all its Watches, vlth esp•clal reterenc J to American Materials }yd Processes, by B. S. OSBORN, LL.D. 230 Engravings anl 0 Folding Plate! FOB SALE BY R. S. DAVIS 8c 00., 192 LIRERTy STREET. ser:PIM ;ALLEGHENY COUNTY, stn—ln the Orphans' Court In and for tail eunnty. n the matter of the estate of JOSEPH A. ;UTT, dee'd. No 33, September Term, 1869. And now, to-wit,. September 18th, 1869, on ',lotion of Brown ft Lam ble, Attorneys for ae ountants, the Court appoints J. E. McKELVY, ;sq., Auditor, • o 'audit the account and make Istribution of fonds In hands of administrator. BY THE COURT. (From the necordo Attest: A. HILANDS, Clerk , _____ Notice it hereby given that the undersigned , ' ''...uditor will attend to the duties of the above '''''. .'• Inpointinent at his office, No. 91 Grant street, • - •: , '.lttsbargh, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, the 20th .! t i ny of October, A. D. 1269, at the hour of 3 1 'clock P.M. of said dty, at which time and place pr r „ _fit : : ;:lose interested may attend. 1i .4 ::.;ae24;071-r . J. E. MCItELVY IST OF ING IN B 1 4mber `21!;188! LETTERS lICILANALN PU 9: .oburyllmmas :reen G crown Cora L :eggs J M - ,•rlggs Mrs C 2 ;oyd Mrs H ;Leader Mrs N ' illrr A arr 32 ,ater Abraham *.,lrd Ca pt - John :elmor: isdmrd • C nromins alPx -astard Davld ,rochers John oming W blotto Mary ',rah; rue an hrlstle Alex onlon Michael ampb.llß iaker Darman :ayis David 13 E vans Mrs JH Tills GeOrge r 'Mx & :lettdad Wm , _ Hughes W W Hartman Geo Hopklas,L Horn Chas E Horner &... Hill Hand John W Harbison Jas T Harbison John Haney Jacob Johnson T W Jones J W i i Jones EC Symnel Kelly :John Kreger • ima ft Lafferty Hugh Lewis Lewis John' bLaur Rich srd 14 nch Lundell Fred't Longs cre Beale Lase er & Lemon M ller Wm Miller August Martin Joseph Mahan John Morris Kate L Moore Amite Morgan Ag .t ha Marratta J as M saarrattsEdw , d Maguire Jr Wm Oden J W )1 PHILLIP ,org Frank awn? Mrs W !arner D • EI liat.ed Alex M;2l CAUTION. IWe call attention of consumers to the practice Adulterating Lard Oil, by mixing with It Cot. in Seed Oil, Bonin 011 and other inferiorls. OUR LARD OIL VARRANTED- PURE. Any person altering our Brand or copying our Cade Mark will be proceeded against according law. PROCTER & DANDLE, "5t21:n41.4r ii i STABLISHED JB2 U. H/GHT H. RIGBY dr,' CO., .linixortere and dealers In !him, Glass & Oueensware Pine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, alters and Britten's Ware. No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, few doors above Sixth street, (late St ß.—{llass Ware engraved to order on abort Mice.;.sa.2B:nso MAT NV DOLLARS lIIIIDO IT WILL BUY A LADY'S .111113 '11(1 Gold Hfinting Case Fall Joireled Watch :mai we warrant a good time keeper. Call'aid Amine them and be convinced thii7 are as reP sented at • WATTLES ei . SHEAPEWS. it FIFTH AVENUE, above Smithfield Street. lelB AISSOLOTION.—The Partner-. JJ sbJp heretofore extetine between JOHN ; COOPER. and, HEMSY BIBB; tinder the M IMMO of I OHN M. COOPER, & CO.. Was dissolved on the 12th Day of August, 1869, ':nry Bier purchasing the interest of John oper. Isnry Bits settle . all the business of, the late 'IN POUT ANT ANNOUNCE • MENT.—To the citizens of adjoining noun % who are forming Militia or M illidea, tary Oom• LANE & TOWNSEND, ao Market Philadelphia, :er for aide a large quantity of the All-Wool irk Bine, Cloth • Infants? Frock Costa In "end ndition, for the low price (in vim:titled 0 or upwards) of 411.00 earl, Cash on dolly' anitlin4o IEMERIT-100 blblisLotthvilale I XYdritalso CFCS*Mat* ' vAX/ULD • T'ELV. Audit REMAIN :TORFICE, Sep Powell Geo W Paul Wm M Porter Joseph Richey & liar NEW STORE, row Robinson Jan Reed Robert Rees David T Russell Unties Rote I L Roy Otis iteynolde J Richards :Wm Rene Win Reeves John Rowlands Wm Robison:John Riley Thomas S iSraith J P Smith James 'Snyder W Spends' P Snyder A II Scanlan Tim Steiner A A Steiner Joseph Sprague II Is Titomas Jane Taylor Robert riagessesJacob _ W Where • e Ins opened a large and raided noel of CLOTHE, Cass:Beres,- Vesta)" gs, &c., Of the I 4 test and most approved patterns. which he la prepared to make up la the lateat •tylea at the lowest cash prices. Also, a doe lot of i 7 • II- - l ady Made Clothing . 9 WlllllerWaira C os ley 615 C Walker Eliza Winters nenr' Wlel.ae Booerc r. GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, To whic. he invitee the attention of the public. NO OLD STOCK. VERYTKIN& IS NEW! B. ' OPPENHEIMER, No. 82 Market Street, SECOND DOOR BELOW THE DIAMOND. se 17: oat CINCIANATI. DISSOLI7TION OF CO•PART NERtillle.—The firm of BOLLMAN /313 - YD & BAGALRY was this day dissolved b mutual consent. Toe business will be continue. byiIIcORESE W. BOLLMAN and RALPH SAO ALZY, under the .t le and firm Data! of BOLL MAN& BAGALEY. who are authorized to col. lea all accounts due and pay all claims against the firm. ORO. W. BOLLMAN, RALPH RAGALRY. JOHN D. BOYD. WM. CAMYBELLan. PirrunntiOn, August 91st, 1589. retiring from the foundry business we fully recommend our late partners to the f urther patronage of the pub:lc. JOHN L. BOYD Wm. CAMPBELL, Ja. PMENDE ROLL FOUNDRY, BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, Manufacturers of superior. CHILL ROLLS. AND ROLLS and PINIONS. Corner Liberty nd 94th streets. Pltts .urah. BILEtT BIOBT • B. M. M i COWAIT itt J. P. avzowiy. B. M.. McCOWAN & CO,; Boulevard Pavers, . 08Ice, No. 85 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left - at - GA arra onus, Pittsburgh, promptly attended to Pstve Sidewalks, Cellars, lasi Yard', Drives, io. Warranted against circa of best and cold. Birsmummita — Max . ovrhead, Lro n & shorb, Body Patterson Wm. Park, lames N. Long a Bon, Bartley ,t McKee, Anderson's ~ 1 Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Craig. .1 5,16:m23 ALPERT ik - KOHLER, Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, No. 1.31 l Market street, Pitts! bush. Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to Mitt the attention of the public to the fact tha we are now prepared to manufacture Boots • d Shoes for persons troubled with Corns, Minions, or deformed feet, under the personal supenision of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Allegheny City, who will be pleased VI lee his old ea tomers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert.s ode of measuring the foot, by 'which we can safe in warranting easy and comfortable Boot. nd bhoes for the tender est, feet. Give us a Wel and be convinced. ALPERT A hOIfLER, 4 1 an9;n2l 38 Market direct, Pittsburgh. Pa, 1. Z. Ervnits•••••llm • • le Si. =MT • criVINT &lEI4M Aso .11.1fD ORNAMENT/kt, CARVERS lta 61 kndagy illegkes sow h Pa rititratty l Ttrim use Wof assolv ass• °OM. rg3MIDP Dry Goods. BATES Will Open This Week A FRESH ASSORTMENT. ino.brßrp NEW STORE. INEW GOODS. OPPENHEIMER, Merchant Tailor, AND DEALER IN EN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Is happy to announce to Ws old frlende ani cue tomera, and the public generally, that he Is now established in btu No. 82 Market Street, AND S yilTsßviton.,,o4z.b-uar FRIDAY, SEPtErn 1889. ~."I".!..mappmumew WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Federal Street, Country Blankets, Colored Blankets, r, Woolen Coverlets, Barred Country Flannels, White , baker Flannels, Barred and Plain Sheeting Flannels. BELL Cloths and Cassimeres, Black and Brown Waterproofs, Ticking and Checks, Table Linen and , Napkins, Sheeting Mislin, Pillow Case Musliv, A FI7LL STOCK LOW PRICES, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS 0 , THE SINKING FCND, !treasury Department of Pennsylvania. HAttnisshion,Wilt 20,1869 SEALED BIDS WILL BE RE CEIVED for the redemption of ONE MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due July Ist, MN. aatil 131 o'clock 31. OC ros z 1s ,1569. Com munications to be addressed toE. W. MACKEY, Esq., State Treasurer, Harrisburg, Penna., and endorsed bldi for redemption of State Loan. P. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT; • R. W Audito . MA r CK EY. Geral. ne State Treasurer. Commissioners of the sinking Fund. N. IL—No newspap er pbblishing the above without anthorLy, wi llreceive pay therefor. au.VmSS • 2,000,000 CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, Union Pacific Railroad Company, ZASTEILIT -81017, . - Lying along the line of their i•oad, at $l,OO TO $5,00 MB nu, And on a CIIIWIT OP rrn: Par thi th er particulars, Inv" Le., addrele .irolan P. HEVEREVX, Land Cknnatisloner,Topeka, Kansas, Or-CHAR. R. LAMBORN, Roe% St. Ltda. Illuonn. CM ROCK THE I BABY - EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY. IST LEMON & VirEISE. Practical Furniture litanatietarers, &e n us wciuwria Alrimvxm. Where may be round a full usortmest of Par. or. Chamber Led Kitchen Furniture. den WM. B. PiEEPER, ALDERMAN AND EX-OFFICIO JUSTICE 07 . THE PEACE. OFFICE:B9 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention _given to conveyancing and collections, Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages draws up, and all legal tmainess attended to promptly and accurately. ALICIVEIL INcHLtSTEBS, ~fLx.33.Ertatsrt, Eme)Melo Justice of the Peace and Police Mag. trate. Unice BRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral, PITTSBURGH, PA. • Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all -Legal Business etecuted with promptness and dispatch. mhle MEANOR & HARPER • FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 329 Liberty Stre9t. PITTBBUIIGH, PA. Ifir •do n sta me n t so li cited. • • se7 B. LYON, Sealer of Weights and measures, Once—lso. 6 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Capt. JOHN MESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh Market. Lieut. 'GEO.. B. McNULTY, Deputy, gheny Market. TEA DRINIIEHS who drink A.. a rine tlonchong or - English Sreakfast Tea will do well to try our "Choice English 3fiztan' e put up In original one pound packages. with M. Soler/tredve, Jolt received and for 'sleet 61.60 per pound at the Faintly Tea Store of . LeiO RENSHAW. se23 Corner b e d Ninth street. GEO. B. MILTENISERGEE, BOLE AGENT TOE .- ZED 'S RELIABLE WATER Mane No. 23e Penn Bt BELTING. LEATNErt AND aum . BELTING. Alio. Gnm Packing, Hose. Gaskets. hl4. al- Milian hand and Sr sale waolesale or resau.by J: a H. PH/L1.11%. J,o sad xi BLit& thillat. ALT ALLEGHENY CITY CU En ALLEGHENY CITY ACRES OF BT TEE Mb bland, SHAD RECEIVED daily at BENJAMIN FOLREIEBB 'popular land, No. CI Diamond Market, Fate burgh, and at the Federali Mlegheny CIO' corner of Ohio and stnets. Mao e hi a all kinds of Bea and Lake gsh, Halibut, Mad, Beak, Uodfish. Haddock and E4l. Also, large supplies of White,.Lake nob, Canunon. Bass, Iltergeon, Herring and Macmaw Trout, .which. enables us to sell a$ the lowest market .firleea. wholesale or retalL We invite all lovers 0$ /yeah Flab to give use will, 64,4 we wit Izmir Pirresenou t PA. ULtO :cmaimahr..4oo: bbis Loom* HydrolloCementANTlZl for male B C.D3 WILLIAM SEMPLE'S 180 and 182 Federal Street. NEV STOCK OF. DRESS GOODS. Alpacas and Poplins, French Merinos, New Stples Delaines, Bright Plaids, All-wool Poplins, Velveteens and Cloaking Velvet Ladles and Gents' Underwear Hats, Ribbons, Flowers and Feather:s. Bracelets and Hair Switches, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLLIM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLECIIIENY CITY POLITICAL. (REPUBLICAN MEETING On Tuesday Evening, Septa 28th, AT 7S P. x., AT TUE HOPE ENCINE HOUSE, In the First Ward, Allegheny City. The meet ing will be addressed by A. U. BROWN. Esq., Col. T. BAYiN P, W. C. MORELAND, Esq. A Brass Rani will be In attendance. By order of Committee on Speakers and Meet se'M 'REPUBLICAN MEETING IN BELLEVUE, IN THE PUBLIC HA On Friday Erentirg, Sept. 24, 73io'cloek. The meeting wl Ibe addcesied by W. S. MeCUNE, Esq., Capt. 11. A. COLLIER, W. PEEBLES MILLER, Erq, JAMES P. JOHNSTON, Esq. A general Incitation Is extended to surround ing dLetrieta. J. S. FERGUSON, ae21:051 Secretar7 Com. on Meetings. INDEPENDENT TEMPER ASCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER, ISAIAH DICKEY. aus:nn LOAN. MONEY TJ LOAN.--ii2o MO to loan on Bond and Ifortgage In large or tmall amounts, THOMAS S. PATTY, BUI, Bond and Beal Estate Broker No. ITO Smithfield street WILLIAM BULLER CO Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty - Street. Omer of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low dimes, mini/ Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cabs and English Island Sugars._ New York, Philade/phia and Baltimore Met fined do. Golden Drips, Lowering'', Brualls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island errant. Porto Rico, Cuba and Engibil Island Molasses. Young Dyson., Japan, =pedal, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoln Rice. Jaya, Lagnayra and ..10 Coffees. Tobacco, 'Lard 011, Fhb, Nails, Glass, Soaps, Cotton Tanis, £c., constantly on band. .GLIASO. IMPORTERS 01 Fine Brandies,Wines and Segar& Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hoek Wines of Hinkel &AO.. in bottles. Spatting Moselle, Eleharsberg and .Thhaania. burg, Hookbeimer Burgundy, de. Brandenburg .111 5 , Pine Olive Oil. do do Cla.rets,_ imported in bottles. do do White Witten, in bottles. M. Wort & Sons , Sparkling Catawba. gine old Sherry, Madeira e nda Port Wine'. Free V er y onongahela Whiskies. pure. do SnVerlorOld bwteh 4o do. • ALSO. Imjeeßole ri ffents ter Meet .% Ottandon's Grand yin , rzenity and Bellery Champagne. Arendles ot our own selection and warranted. 11o•d43 TRADE MARK. MISIDGE'S irnm- PllOO.lO Lamp - OBINNEYS. .deL.T fgrREPUBLICAN MEETING AT SEWICKLEY, On Monday Evening, Sept. 27th, At 7S o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by Gen. WM. BLARELET. J. M. STONER. Esq., J. E. MeKEL I TT, Tech, JOHN 8. ROBB, Eng. By order of the Cm:mince on Meetings and Speakers. 5e18;044 BD Mr`IIEPIIIILICAN MEETING ii WHITE HALL TAVERN, IN BALDWIN Towlista?, On Monday Evening, Sept 27th. Al. 7s o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by ('ol, T. M. RAYNE, H. C. MACE:HELL. Eiq., 11. H. 31cCtif1.31ICK, Eta. By order of Committee on ispeake's and Meet- Inas,. se23 arREPUBI.ICAN MEETING IN THE MARKET SQUARE , IN BIRMINGHAM , • On Friday Evening, Sept. 24, 1869, Al 7if o'eloek . The meeting will be addreawd by R . C. MORELAND, .k.sq.. and A. M. BROWN, Esq. A Brass Band and Glee Club will be in attend ance. Campaign and Geary Club. are Invited to at tend. By order of Committee on speakers and Meet ings. 5e21:056 [gra EPILTBLICALN MEETING for Robinson. Upper St. Clair, Scott and South Fayette townships, at G. W. BOID'S HOTEL, IN BRIDGEVILLE, On SATURDAY, Sept. 25th, At . 7S r. H. The meeting will be addressed by THOMAS EWING, Esq,, and Hon. THOMAS HOWARD. en By Order of Committee on Meetings and Speak, se=, GERST'S HALL, Corner of East Lane and Second street, Third Ward, Allegheny City, lin SATURDAY ETRNIND, Sept. At 73 o'clock. A. IL BROWN, Esq., Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM. H. P. MUELLER, EN.. and D. L. SMITH, will address the meeting. By order of Committee on Speakers and Meet ing.. 'REPUBLICAN MEETING IN TIM SIXTEENTH WARD, Pittsburgh, Corner of John street and Greensburg Turuplke, On Friday Eyening, &pt. 24th, At 73 o'clock. The =settee will be addressed by lion. THOMAS HOWARD, H. 0. MACK BE Brass _. W. will TE, Esq. A Band be In attendance. cam paign and Geary Clubs are Invited to attend. By order of Committee on Sneakers and Meet ing". seti:ot7 3. W. BAR ON MONDAY, SEP Will Open their Splendid I ter Dress Goods, Manufactu Trade, and comprising Rich shades ; Silk Warp Epingli Russo, All-wool Epinglines, Black Baratheas, English a arritz t)loth, Russell Cords, ges, Merinos, Empress Clot Silk Hushes, Velvets and C teens, Astrachan, Seal Skin ernroofs, &c., at very Attra .7.; 313 'tiowirzoAL. . tarNO TICES- 1, 2b-Let," "Ibr eale," 6 , L ost , t, II lirantiil) I gpound , / I 4.l.B9pryling, rt ggrerrizENs or- . . SECOND cve., sud ezeieding FOUR LIN:4% ni:il WARD, ALLEGHENY, yoa are ear- reetly renneeted to attend a Primary Meeting at be inserted in these columns OnCe ' f ' ' ' ;' _ n ...,....,........ the 2 &COED WARD PUBLIC SCHOOL. HOUSE ±;, a r -tri-AvIVE CENTS; each adc/4- on FRIDAY EVENING, at 73 r.. 2., Sep- tional line FIVE CENTS, ten:Lime 24th, to nominate Municipal and Ward °Deers. seLlmel arREPUBLICA.N MEETING AT Mrs. GARDINER'S • HOTEL, On the Steubenville Pike. in Cbartlers Town. ship, on Monday, Sept. 27th, At 73¢ P. M. The meeting will be addressed by B. F. LUCAS. E W S. 31cCONE, N. MILES S . Fsq.. By order of Committee on meetings and Speakers. 5e24:02 nrREPUBLICAN MEETING. WILL BE HELD IN THE DIAMOND, ALLE6IIENY CITY , On Monday Evening, Sept. 27, At 71 , 6 o'clock. The meeting will beaddressed by Hon. HORERT MoSNIOHT, Hon. THOM • HoWAtar, W. C. MORELAND, !L c 'sq. A Eras, Rani w Unarydance. Campaign and Clubi are invited to at. end. • JOHN* S. LAMRIE. Cha rman Commlttep. S. 'PERGusom, Secretary. 6v23 far'REPEBLICAN MEETING AT TARENTUM, On Saturday Evening, Feptember 25, At TS o'clock. Tbe meeting Rill be addressed by W. C. MORELAND, Esq., Col. T. M. BAYNE, JAMES W. MURRAY. By crder of Committee on Meetings and Speak ers. sei3 REPUBLICAN MEETING ♦T 59 MA RKE ALSO, ON TUESDA ITEM 69 MARE WANTED -HELL' WANTED.--A GOOD GIRL, • w competent to do general housework well. will find a pleasant aluation in a fatally. Enquire at 68 BEAVER STREET. Allegheny City. V 1 ANTED--EIEEILPr•—AT PLOYMENT 01 , 7143& No. 1 Bt. Clete Street, Balla GIRLS and MEN, for dttereat kinds of employment. Persons wanting of all kinds can be kelt, =milted on short notice. WA NTED .-TO la Allegheny 'City, 0 or 7 room; within 15 minutes' walk of Allegheny Station.. with gas and bath roo m , , Address P. 0. Bor. 150, Allegheny City. . IVA NTED .-R 0 0 10 9.-TWo r r ROOMS al. a SMALL HOUSE, babe Bp per Wards. Pittsborit.. Beat of rPfetetteel given. Aadress B. 8..80x IL GAZETTE OPP/CB. MO-LET. --Second Story Front ROOST. suitable for single gentlemen, at No. 31 Nlntbs(formerly Hand) street. FOR SALE. F,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e"II VOR SALE.—One-half - of a valuable PATENT lor "Pennsylvania. A email article ured In all bowies. A chance for an active young man 'with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Poetottlee Box 69U. FOR SALE -SHOP ON' NORTEK - A: ANEN OE. ALLEGEOLNY CITY, PA.-- Tne building, 38k70 feet, is being need by Jaa. Godfrey & Co. as a man facturing estabiLshment. One of the members of the arm wishing to retire from business on account of poor health. we have decided to close out this part of the busi ness t a bargain. Also good' will of Steam Pow , (5 to 10 horse power.) tools and machln ehlnery; would make a good wagon maker shot': lot 60x100 feet, on 5 ears lease. For farther particulars &wire at NO. 44 Ohio Street, Alle gheny, fa." FOR SALE-10 AcRES, LESS Alleghenyn Plum tonnship, Allegheny coot!. Vallee B. R. runs through it. Two hundred yards from station. Frame house ni six rooms, and good stable. and all other ne cessary our - buddloge: orchard of 100 bearing fruitirs es, of all kinds; good garlen, grape ar bor. and geoseberrles and curra. ts; $25.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will suit for resi dences or manufacturing establlshments; coal under entire place; good Indications of oil; deepest water and best landing on the riser; all well fenced; Inquire of A. B. KEBR, on the premlsO4. • 7 FOR SALE. /Near the Borough of Freedom, Beaver county, and 3 minutes walk from station on Ft. Wayse and Chicago Railroad, a small FARM of 26 acres, with 700 fruit trees and more than 100 grace vines, ad bearing and of choicest varie ties; a threThisOame house with lOrooma, large Barn, & c. property Is offere.d at a bargain. Parties who want to recurs a handy garden farm. accessible to the city. will do welt to examine MS property, as a chance like ttus,, to set a cheap and comfortable home, Ls seldom offered to a man with limited means. Yor particulars inquire at ST Grant Street, first floor, seB TUSTIN & KLEE. FOR SALE. House and 4 Lots on Spring Hlll, 7th ward; 10 acres at F leming Station: House end I,tiacre also 635 acres at Glendale Station; 16 acres about. 1 mile Irom F , etning Station; 31 acres at Fair Oaks S'atlon; 17 acres at Glendale on P., Ft. , & C. H. Lt.,: House and Lot corner hemlock and Poplar street; Lot on Troy Hill: lactase on Sandusky street: 3 House Ink Boyle Farm Farms in Ohio; 2 Houses Ighth ward; In taewb:kley township: Farm near Perrysville; House Farmle strest; Farm instinoreland county; In Butler county 8 Lots near Zr. ed's Grove; R acres on Henderson's Hill; I streett Jack's Mud; House and Lots on Bearer House and Lots on Beaver street; 11-use anti Lot la Salem, Oh'o; 51 Lots on Fremont street! other Houses and Lots fn good localities. 'WHITMORE. Heal Estate Agent, corner thio and Sandusky street, Allegheny. • p L E p A LI:4IF VA Ir PEGRENY.ViTEiN THE CITY OF By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, the undersigned, as-Trustee under thq will of Esther Stockton, deed, will offtr at Public Sale. on 111IDAY, the Sib day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. W., a Wl` OP G.SoUND belouging to the estate of said dece dent, situate on Stockton avenue, - near Beaver street, fronting 23 feetwn Stockton avenue and Preserving the same wluth back toward Water street, a distance ol 140 feet. Terms of Sale — One-thlrd of the purchase money cash on confirm Iron of sale, the balance In two equal annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage of the putchaser. For further Information. enquire of THOS. B. UPDIKE, Trustee, We. 209 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny, Pa. se18:017 AT PRIVATE SALE=VAILIIA.- BLit LOT OF GROUND situate on the north-east corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver St., Allegheny cttY, fronting 37 feet on Stockton avenue. preserving the same width along Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, preserving a width of 60 feet to Water street, on which Is erected a two-storytrims!' dwelling house, and being the late residence of Rather Stockton, dec'd. This property fronts on the Allegneny Park, and lorbeauty oflocation and • urroundlngs eannot to - excelled. for terms of sale and further information enquire of THold B eaver - IKE, No. 209 Avenue . eemos D E RSONAL.—Allipersons seek . INO HOMES, or Investments In Real Es tate, will save time, trouble and money by pro curing._ a RE G ISTER. e -"PrefliaII11011 REM. •EPTATE given away 01141 2 / 8 or will be sent by mail rims to any rctiatertiag 14 Persons cannot len to get salted out or nu:risme list It contains. • CRoPT PHILLIPs.„ Pao avenrs and Real Estate Agents, No, 1.38 Fourth Pao avenue JOHN A. STRAIN, exaxiitumAzir, . .. Ex-ornmo JUSTICE OP THE•PILLOS /aro POLICE MAGISTRATE. . Office,llll PLYTH STREET, op.mitte the Cu • erot utedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort- ' • wet, Aclulowledgments, Depositions aad. all Leta Business executed with prozontuess and . dispatch. - . _.... EER & CO, T STREET. TERMER 20, 1869, mportation of Fall and Win red Expressly for the Retail Dress Silks, in all the new nes, plain and fanct ; Velour Irish and French Poplins nd French Bombazines, Bi- Cretonnes, Valenoias, .Ser hs. Y, SEPTEMBER 21st, loaks and *Shawls, Velve s, Polarian Cloakings, YVat otive Prices. 313.131 1 3R. db , •• • T STREET - 5 ' • :ILI fi IA TO LET EMI