S. STEEL WORKS. pIITSBIJAGU • __ • STEEL WORKS. 8T ANLI§BILI) IN 1845. ANDERSON & WOOtS, _ YANTIPACTLIMEB Or BEST DEFINED CAST STEEL "•• • Of west= description. .diso, bent Refined German Flow and Sprin Steel, CORNER 110.iii-AliD MST .I:9BNlMPltts litirsii. Pa. anl6:n4l MUIR,RR & aIINSICAL P.MITNEIIB ROM. METCALF. RE R UBEN KILLER, G. W. BAR,. I CAB PARKIN. SPECIAL rAMPNICE - S. M. KLEE?, -CRESCENT STEEL. WORKS, KILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE, No. :19 Liberty Street, PITTt3BIIEGH, PA. fel4:d4S DUQUESNE IVORIES. COLEMAN, RAM & CO. Manufacturers of 'IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, DIIQLESNE, L X AND JIINL&TAt FLAT BAR. - BOUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND, HOOP, SHEET AND MANS IRON. BOILER PL aTE.S AND HEADS, GUARD IRON, _DRAG and DROPPER BARS, FLANGIaT;. UUTTER BARS, CYLINDER AND FLAT BAIL for Coal Roads. CROWBa RB,WIEDGEB & HARROW TEETH, aTRING,P _LOW .ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, UTEEL WINGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COACH, BUGGY and W LOON BPEINGS and XLES, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. • 13130thi First Glass and Warranted. • OFFICES- AND WOEICS. plateenth Street and Allegheny Raver, and 17 Water Street, Plttabnrgh. a iII Y NFIELD STEEL WORKS. NIGER, NIMICK & CO., PITTSBI7I3GEI. PA.. Manufacturers of every desertpOon oi, CAST ANA GERMAN . STEEL, WEAN SPAINGB, • ELLI..:f. AND PLATFORM SPREROO, ABLRS, STEEL TIRE, Re., /se ;ter alehouse, S 3 Water and 100 First Mts. LACK DIAMOND TEL WORKS. ?IRK, BIiOTHER & CO., 9Stnufaitareis of all fiescrlptions of .fHn and Waxehonse. 'THIltTrir.H. THIRTY IMLET and HAllatO/Li) STREE% BRASS , FOUNDERS. ATWOOD &' 11111IFFREY, Cur. Liberty St. & 3d Avenue, PITTSBURGH. PA., BRASS FOUNDERS, And , Iron Pipe 'Fitters. SEAMENid.r A. S LOWERRON, it CO'S Ittra AND B. =SMUT BUM. ouvravtis BASCH. firtlitY BIER & CO., succisswas TO JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MAD' TROMMLY TO ODES. Makable 'fflid Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, MOTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK VALVE • ALL GLOBE PATTERN. JOR 40.14,4 r Ck)CEK.S, grass Work of every description for Steam, Water and OIL SiatiillPAO'rt.piESl3 Or d t CoOYE & CO'S improved: Balante-Whiel Steam Pump. Agents: for Dreyfus' Patent Oil era. the biro in the Market. Mee and Works, corner Thirteenth and KU treats. strbo IRON woags. SIBSEUSBN PROWS. „ . tees The Trim are now ensured mg. rant licen ses for the use of the ELLICHI3.Ii6USEN ?W or. , The superior quality imparted to good iron, the great impt ovemeut in interior iron, and the , reduced cost. commend it to ah manufacturers of Parties wishing to uee It can obtain Menses by Wiling to • JAMES SPEER Attorney for the Trasteee. BOOMS IL and 411, - 114110 10 1 1 BUIPIng. IMlrt Soldth ayentie., Par ties 'interested - ate - Invited to tlait the 131: USBEN*,II : WOItN,S. Where the rocesa itocletn7clneoesawl operation. • • r_.teB:d67 10 . 0tizraESTOIICA" SSA .I PeitivititidEi Iron 'Works. Varooonot‘• Nos. 166 sad 161• FIRST 171glalr, ogs!os,lto•NonougliAela UoUle, • - PITTSBURGH "-NOVELTY WORKS. p 11 ITTBBIIR O NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1838. ADAMS, raw,EX & Co. IcoirOPlAltoulla OP gatiSTONIO PAtAttrogirtr,gillalOAlr OTAT. NAT) PLAPPOAK Atop 001.1ATATI SCALES. 3P , Jo= Nod Patent Door Looks and Ladies. Paha anal:lD:tee OWL Ao. ya .091/11 .qMLAVEiaring , as. ENGINES, 'BOILERS, &o. u 110 Cor. Point Alley and Daquetme Engine Builders, Founders a Nackiniets. ManufactureSTEAMßOAT ENOINEB and STA TIONARY /MOINES, of all aline. Special attention invited to our newSTATION LRY OIL WELL EIiBINE AND PORTABLE BOILREIof 15-horaetpower. CASTLNGS, of every kind, made to order stout Foundry, on THIRD STREP,T, below Market: RIGS for Oil Wells, sEAPTIN,'PULLEYB, BANGERS, EIOIISE and TOBACOO 1301tEws and DION TOBACCO PICF OOII eN 011 Mad and mad to order, at the INDUSTRIAL _WORKS Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the P ar All orders promptly filled: TRY VS. FiT PITT I BOILED., STILL ILO WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER„ TUBULAR, DOUBLE-TMTED TUBULAR, ~O.ND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL ERS. OIL * STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ABH PANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANG AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GABOHETEBB AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL EF - tUTES ofDoe end Warehouse, corner Deco d, Third, Short and Liberty Street , • PITTSBURGH, Pa. prom orptly Orders sent to. the above address wl,l be attended to mld 189 WIPL BARNHILL Es. CO., BOILER MASER — AND SHEET IRON WOR • :.RS, NOB. AO, ISA, A* AND Sti PENN 8T ' fining Jecured a large yard and furals ed it' wills the most approved machinery we sr • pre pared to manufacture every description of SOIL EBS in the best manner, and warranted eons' to any. made in the country. Chimneys Bree hing, 'Fire Beds, Steam Pipes,- Locomotive B filers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, -Oil Stills, ita tors, Bottling Farm Boiler Iron, Bridges. agar Pans, and sole inanatsoturers of Barnhill , Pat ent Boilers. • • .B.epairing done on soonest notice. •1 :c2l JAUD M. 8EDE1X................/DMITICD D. DI TARED M. BRUSH & SON, \ I/LA1IZ7&CT131 12118 07 Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tai MEET IRON =RR, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, STOVES, CASTINGS, dcé„ . BBIDLEY C _ NO. 8Q WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND. In oor assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTSENS AND IMPROV4MENTes, and the reputation of our Stoves le such that anv one in Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VoLCANI) STOVE, for churches, halls anastores. Over 500 sold in three months. Intended for with or with out casing. AU wbo have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. je3o GRAFF, EUGUS 8 00., 111LANUTACTUBSILIS or 171 MY Win= 07 e a rCri7Mfil l, BOSTON COOILENO RANGE, ( *-TIIE MOT FURNACE," Ton wmuciNG Buizzaffie. - THE NEW ANTI-DUST °OOHING STOVE, ''BROUIATOR." COLUMBIA COOS A STOVE I; fferlaMjlS ß AL E esgia u REPLECTOROIRATESIree tromtald dut; GRATE FRONTS, BRNO &O. 206 and 208 Liberty Street,', _ . reM:yl7 PITTSBURGH , PA. PITTSBURGH. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BEIIISEIIi & COAS, TRIUMPH. • FOB lartmizioua GOAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as sell as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Libertv Street. 3.1.0 on band and for sale, PARLOR ST4E O d, GRAWNO S A ^ IIS TENDEBB, COOKING nklatiF,B. no. TO BUELIDERS I 500.000 feet Dry Pinealoards. • 180,00 0 Net 13i loch Clear Plank' 60 feet 1% inch Common Yllinki 48,000 feet Dry 1 and Mei Oak: 48,000 ft. M e 1. 1)1, SI and Inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling; 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Beards: 100.000 feet laemlock Scantling. - soa.cwo f M eet No. 1.18 inch Saginad Shin -1100,00 No. 116-inch Shingles, sawed; 80,000 No. 118-inch Shingles. shaved: 10,000 Vire Brick; 1,000 Ifire Tile. 100 . Tons lire (nail Also, Saw Idlll Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the line on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. 158 Babette& street and corner of Preble and Juniata; streets, Sixth triad, Allegheny, late bor. • ough of Man chester . • argl IPITTSBURGH GAZETTE: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1869. OWLS TS= POINT.) ITTTBBYTEGH, PA. ItArturAcrtrarais O• LUMBER. MBAS% OEINA., CUTLERY. 01 1 . GO II:ig gl g NEW 'GOOD& • FINE VASES, BOXIEDIAN AND MUSA. NEW ESTYLEik • Di#531 14 1 / T B I3 iTS, GIST CIIPS SMOKING BETS, A large stock of SILVER PLATED GOODS of ,lidrarip!aom. • astl end examine our pods, and we feel satisfied no ose need WI to be suited. , • . RN BILEETI & CO. :.IQOIWOOD OTREET. F,CIPMMU3; MACHINISTS. 'W:rhiNDERSON, ....... H. A. PREYVOGLE 1110NONGIIIELI FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Manufacturers of IRON HOUSE FRONTS. WINDOW LINTELS and kILLS, and Clio(logs of all Descriptions. HTSlZl l Nt t egrto Pa ds t gllillTi c rgw - Wass flounce. OFFICE ND ForneDnr —No. 150 WATER STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. OAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. MrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. earner Carroll and limallama treats, (NINTH WABD.) Prl`ali333lTll6l EL, P 6. WILLIAM SMITH, anUfaoturor - of CAST - IRON 2OWL PIPE FOB HAS AND WATER wonns. x l2rssgcat invarl lxnts, ildrY n t , iive.len .k tan of general . Castings for Bas and Water Works. I would also call tbe mite of Buipertntend• eats of Das Works t0r...1 mate of EXTORT& =I Pa. DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM RIMS, (Rtecessor to JOS. P. HAIOH & C 0.,) Has facilities ce.extenslve with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepare romptly and satisfactorily fill all orders for ST E AMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD`, LEVERS, PITMAN .1 AMS,WHISTS, RAILROAD AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORK. 9truse and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way aid First Street. ap14:140 ROBINSON, BBL & CO., Successors to RODinnOn, MOM • r WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,MTSBUREIH, Manufacturers or Boat and Statonary Steam En gines, Slut Engines, Mlll Machinery, tiearl, ftatting, Castings of all descriptions; OR TWts arid Sti ll s,_Soller and Sheet Iron Work. I Office, No. corner Ylrst and ihnittneld Streets. I Agents for GITTARD'S PATENT INJ jaau ECTOR tor reeding Rollers. • rionts cumuli & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and lacking Work', SANDUSKY ST.. ALLZOHENT CITY. PA" Mannfacturen of Stationary and Portable Stem Engines, Uti Presses, ensleys, Shafting, grist and Baca 3llll Work, Bolling Mil and Raab:us Castings, Orate Bars, Weights, WiWon Boxes, de. Build to order and have on hand Intinea el ail sizes. • msl4:qs DIAMOND OM WORKS, H. M. LONC & CO., pence, DLLZELL BM:WIND, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. WAKING AND SING, Comalsalcm Merchants and Brokers Is Petroleum and Its Products DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAYI PHITALDILIXBIL ADDB2BB. Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 133 IiOIITH BECOAD WISEST. aPIO pie& BROTBLEIIS, COMMISSION MEMO% • .11. ND DIALERS IN Petroleum and its Products, co utronhugMial;L:=Bl eu 13re s Philadelphia Ofilae-1111 WALNUT BT. a .i:w3o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. um= w. C. TifEDDLE, NANUTACITUBER 07 Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Ze'ipso Kaßroad Azle 00. Stands great heat without change; reinMns limpid at lowest temperatures. Special Oil for tropical climates or bat weather. Locomotive, Engine, !Ischia* Shop, Will out Screws. Saw /HMI and Planing 31111 Oils, Ada for high speed. ladle 011, Wool liead•llght oll, lip 011, Tanners , Staff. Benaole, ling& Finishing 011, desolate, Harness' Oil. IParralline. _ ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright frou Work and Machinery from Rust. These products are manufactured under. Dr. Twaddle , s_patent by Superheated Steam in Vac 'l he Lubricating Oltf are almost odorless, perfectly pure uniform, and meetly light ool orod, sten d a high temperature unchanvd, and retturinlim pid during extreme &dd. The road Oils are unequalled, and are in constant use on many .01 e principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. • Works at Sharpaburg Bridge. WEST COMMON • Machine Stone Works, Northwest Gomm of West Common , Allenhany. FRED% ATVATIIIII & GO. S►tozoi su k u luind or p are on snort Doti= int Stones , for nidowslic Vaults( •Head an Tomb pones. o. Man wawa executod. non realostabli -rtii a. , “ - - • illiuAn In aw nli ni NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE; • PITTSBURGH. CA/4H CAPITAL 8200.000 . Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. DIRECTOrtg.' Thos. M. Marshall, John M. Murtland, Win. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace. James W. Assort, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, WM. Floyd. John Floyd, This Bank is now fully organized and prepared to do general Banking business. jelok4S CITY BA.NII. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 9100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTFRFST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canaoa. DOMINICK istsistor, President. JAMES AlcCAnn, Vice President. W. N. Monolg. Cashier. DinkCrOns. D. Ihmsen. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugk Keating. J. Duulevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, H.A.Freyvogle, .Ints.Jos.Hermann. Thomas Barnes, jel:6s JOE. M. OAZZAM, Solicitor., SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of T'ittsbur gh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylya nis, January 24, 11367. For the safe•teeping of Bonds and other Securities, Gold and Silver, Silver Plate. Books, Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and fur t/M renting of Sates in its burglar-Proof vaults. Building and Office: Jro. 83 FOURTH ..17'10,01-UE, OILS. STONE. FINANCIAL. prrim PrITSBURGII, PA l'itsivENT—WlLLlAlt PHILLIPS.. Vica PRESIDS.NT — HENRY LLOYD DIRECTORS WM. PHILLIPS, JAMES I. BENNETT HM NRY LLOYD, — BYRON H. PAINTER WILLIAM REA, JOS. S. MORRISoN. WILLIAM M. O LYON, OSORGE BLAukl. CURTIS . HUSSEY. D TIV/268131i1/2 0 N li 1101 WT SECRETARY A b. F. VUN auM:n67 N. HOLMES $. SONS, 57 Market Street, P/'I"I"ESMCITIELGIS. PA Collections made on ail the pliantDs2 Polots 0 the United litsies and Canedas. Stocks,Bonds rad other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. - Partfeeler atteatiost paid to the perehase sad mole of United States Securities paa:al HART, CAIIGHEIK & CO., BANKERS AND BR6KERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, PrITEMITROIL. pIIOO To HANNA, HART S 00..1 miasma IX Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular atten nd tion e o paid to the waste a talt GOVERNMENT BONDS. Biala Drafts on London.. =rims PACIFIC BAIL\VAY GOLD LOAN lessrs, DABNEY, MORGAN h C Exchange Place, and M. E. JESUP & CO., 18 Pine street, IL Y., offer for sale the Bonds of tie Kansas Pacific Railway. These. Bonds pay seven per cent. In Gold; are thirty years to ran; are Free from cvernnient Taiation ; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the 'inost Landa in Ham and Colorado. -n addition to this special grant,the Cllll any also owns Three Millions of lcrrs in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country ani improve the read. Thry are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver; Colorado. The road in operation 437 miles long, upon which it is also a mort gage, NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PLY TIIE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. There is no better security in the market—this being i HMO respects better than Government Se unities. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD, PfirA3 96, and aura ed Interest, in Currency. Pamphlets Naps and eimilan finished on applicat was FINANCIAL. GC:Mob , 7 . 7 SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Pricci. PH. B. HERTZ, Banker Cor• Wood and Fifth Streets. LEES T. BRADY & SO., (Successors oS. JONES -& C0..1 Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., 3E3 .11. 1:1. 213 _ r BUY AND BELL ALL RINDS 07 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, BOLD, SLUM AND COUPONS, ON MORN FAVORABLE TERMS. . , • Interest Allowed en Deposits. '‘ lotma: on Government Bonds at ogei=. Orders ezeoested for the Pnrehr.se PEW hale of }novas, BONDS and GOLD, JAMES T. BRADT & CO. littsburgij Gait& FINANCE AND TRADE. °Evros: OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 22, 1869. t The Government bond market was very dull to-day, and declined from one half to three-fourths per cent, and closed weak and heavy. Gold was weak and dull at 137%, when suddenly tke market run up to 141%, closing strong at that, with a fair pros pect to be run up to 150, unless the Treasury should begin to sell . or antici pate the November Interest. There are also several millions of gold .on the way here from Europe, to arrive on Friday and Saturday, but in the meantime the market may be run up high. Stocks are dull, heavy and declining. The greatest falling off was in New York Central, and all the watered shares. Ohio and Mississippi is steady at 31, Reading at 94, but Lake Shore and North West is weak at a decline of three per cent. Express stocks are heavy; American and Merchants Union declin ed to-day to 33%; this stock was firmly held at 37% for several weeks, but had to give way under a stringent money market. In local securities, bank stacks are the favorite. Valley bonds inquired for at 85, are now offered at 85 and dull at that. Money quite easy here when com pa red with rates paid in New York. Quotations as received ny .en. R. Mertz: Gold, 141%: Silver, 135; Eighty one's, 120; Five Twenties, 1862, 121%; do 1864, 119%; do 1865, 120%; do 1865, Consols, 118%; do 1867, 118%; do 1868, 118; Ten _Forties, 108%; New York Central, 187 . ' Erie, —; Reading, 94; Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne •t Chicago Railroad, 85; Ohio & Misissippi, 130%; Michigan Southern, 94; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 106; Chicago & Rock Island, 108%; Chicago de North Western 72%; Chicago d North Western Preferred, 84%; Adams Express Com pany, 55; Merchants Union Express, 11; Pacific Mail, —; Western Union Telegraph Company, 36%; American Ex press Company 34. EXCHANGE, Large. Small. London," per .. .. . . 17,05 Paris. per frinc ' 20% 22% Berlin. thaler 100% 103 Frankfort, florins 59% 61% —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 141%; United States Sizes, 1881, MI; Five-Twenties; 1862,121%; do. 1864, 1193;; do. 1865020%; Ten-Forties, 108%; Five-Twenties, Janu. ary and Jnly, 1865, 118%: do. do. 1867, 118%; do. do. 1868, 118; Due Com pounds, --; Uni Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, d 0,99; Cy. Pacific, 108; Lake Superiors, 96. ,By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.l Naw Youx, September 22, 1869. The scenes and excitement on Stock Exchange and in Gold Room today bring vividly to the minds of old specu lators the stirring times in Wall street during the palmy days of the rebellion. In the morning the chief events were the panto in railway shares. The de pression in Governments, the demorali zation of foreign exchange, ,the strin gency in money and the great strength of the gold market amid the sur rounding depression was the prin cipal centre of attraction. Eaily in the day the lower hall of Stock Exchange, presented a tumultuous assembly of excited and anxious brokers yelling in the most frantic, manner, ail eager to sell stocks and save themselves from be ing wiped out along with their custom • era' margins. The slaughter of the pub greatthe large decline of to-day was and has completely wiped from the surface of Wall street an army of small speculators on the "bull" side of the market. As the day wore along the ex citement and activity in the stock market died out, and a compara tive quiet and dulness reigned in the Stock Ezohange. - Throughout the afternoon the market in long room experienced fitful rallies, and theriswas a considerable recover from the lowest p_oint of the morning, more especially in Vanderbilt stocks, but an unsettled feeling prevailed and purchases were large to recover short oontracts. the bull element being severely crippled by heavy losses consequent upon the de cline of the past few days. Brokers are beginning to be alarmed for their re maining margins, and as to the ditilcutty of carrying stocks, in view of the money stringency and decreasing want of con fidence in the afternoon, the ex citement, was transferred to the gold room, and here occurred scenes which rivaled those consequent on the recent illneas of the Emperor Na poleon. In the morning the panic in the Stock Exchange induced a perfect flood of short sales, this only caused a decline of %to g per cent. After the-"bears" stopped selling the market was firm and recovered the _decline, where it re mained natil afternoon. The extraor dinary firmness of geld preniiums in 6 _the face of enormous short , sales of the morning, and the panic on Stock Ex change alarmed some of the prominent ' , beam'? who began to. cover their abort E:z contracts. when the market fairly bounded upwards. The impetus given to the market, by an attempt of some of the "bears" to cover, started upward in movement with such rapidity that the crowd of brokers and speculators rushing into the Gold Room soon jammed the Booth room itself and the passages leading to it with a frantic crowd almost breathless with anxiety. The price ad vanced sharply from 37% to 40%, , and at the latter price, bids were on the Boor at one time for $16,060,000 of gold. The excitement was increased by a report that Sickles had presented an ultimatum to the Spanish Government on the Cuban question. In the money market there was a stringency equal to anything ever known in Wall street. 7 per cent. gold was the usual rate. There was a large and ex cited crowd in front of the Stock Ex- change engaged in buying• and selling money in shape of turning stocks. The rates paid were i/ t to per cent. on the general run of stocks. but on the high priced stocks one per cent. was the rate. There is a complete stand still in the discount market and it is next to an impossibility for merchants to obtain money. Sterling dull, heavy and most un saleable at 634@735. Commercial bills 5. Gold buoyant and excited; opened at 37.).i, fell' to 37% and advanced to 141%, closing at 141. Carrying rate 7 per cent. for gold, and 132@,e per cent. Clearances, ;98,000,090. Tne upward movement was assisted by reports found. ed on private dispatches to the effect that negotiations between this country and Spain in regard to Cuba are likely to re sult in hostilities; also that Gen. Sickles - has demanded his passports. Governments lower but closed steady: Coupons of 1881, 12034@121; do. '62, 121%@122; do. '64, 120@120%; do. '65, 12034(.120; 4 '; do. new 11534@)113%; de. '67, 1183.0119; do. '63, 11834@118%; 10-40 s, 108%®108%; Pacifies, 108@108%, State bonds heavy : Misseuris, 85%; old Tennessees, 61%, new Tennessees, 54; old Virginias, 59; new do. 58%; old North Carolinas, 51%' new North Caroli nas. 47%. The cub-Treasurer ought ;2,000,000 in 5 20s to-day at 116 62 7 100(g•117. The stock market has bordered closely upon the panic; New York Central fell from 198% to 175, and Hudson from 175 to 165, wnich produced a very excited feeling on Stock Exchange, which was intensified by a difficulty in borrowing , on the speculative stocks. The imme diate cause of the fall was the report that an injunction had been issued, at the instance of a small stockholder in Hudson River, by one of the city Judges to restrain the New York Central direc tors from consolidating with the Hudson • River. The panic made less havoc with the remainder of the list, althougu the nrices of the morning are the lowest yet touched since the present downward speculation began. The only exception to this remark is Pacific Mail, which is comparatively steady, having ranged between 76 and 7435. In the afternoon there was a steadier feeling and stocks rose nearly as rapidly as they felL During the early hours of the day New York Central sold at 159, buyer three, and Hudson River at 73. Later the market became unsettled and New York Central fell to 187, rising once more to 190 and finally closing at 184; the rest of the mar ket sympathized with the fluctuations of the Central. Market closed unsettled and feverish. The .Post hears on good authority that the meeting of the Di rectors of the New York Central was duly held to-day, and .the consoldation resolutions were passed, although no particulars concerning the terms of con solidation have yet been made public. Canton, 50; Cumberland, 30; Western Union Telegraph, 36%; Quicksilver, 14; Mariposa, 8%; do.. preferred, 16; Pa cific Mail, 7435; Adams Express, 65. Wells, Fargo, dr CO., 18; American, 34; United States, 5434; Merchants Union, 11; New York Central,lB4; Harlem,l42; Hud son, 168 y; Reading, 9335; Erie, 353; do. preferred, 61; Michigan Central, 126; Michigan Southern, 91; Illinois Cen tral, 137; Pittsburgh, 105%; North-I western, 82:. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 77; Rock Island, 107%; St. Paul, 71%; do. preferred, 80%; Wabash, 71%; do. preferred, 80; Fort Wayne 85%; Terre Haute,3l; do. preferred, 58, Chicago, and. Alton 14%; do.'likeiferred, 143; Ohio and Nissisaippi, 30 1 .; St. Joseph 115; C. C. Br. L C. 29. Mining shares dull and unchanged, Sub-Treasury balance ;87,430,917. . The oil market was moderately active today, though weak, and dEcidedly "bearish," and compared with yester day, prices are a shade lower. There seems to be no special cause assigned for the reaction, but that there is a reac tion compared with last week. is be• yond dispute, and as might be expected, the bears are very much elated about it. There is no Winne, however, what 'a day may bring forth, and the "bulls" still entertain hopes that the market will soon react in their favor, and that prices will again improve. CRUDE. Bales 3,000 seller t3entember at 14%; 500 seller 30 days at 14%; 1,000 each oe tober to December at 14%; 1,000 each September to December at 1431; 1,000 spot 14%; 1,900 do at 14%; and 2,000 buyer all year, on upper creek, at 15,80 —considered equivalent to 14% here. At the close, October to December was offered at 14%@)14%; seller all year at 14g; and buyer all year at 15. REPINED. But two sales reported I,soo.Septem ber at 32; and 500 October at 32%. From the above it will be seen that, compared with yesterday, are off about a quarter and even at the redaction, there did not appear to be many buyers. Lines lot September or October to December quoted at 32g. • LUBRICATES° °MIL • Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 1150 Eclipse Machinery'7 6 o Eclipse 5pind1e.........800 RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL BY A. V. R. R. Duncan; Williams & Co., 400 bbls; Citizen 011 Company, 80; Cosmos, 80; Eagle, 160; Pennock eir, Beeson, 80 -on ac count A. W. Raymond; Ralston, & ing, 4bo on account Pool Bro; Spray works, 400; Vista Oil Works, 480 on ac- count H. MoKelvy; Pennock & Beeson, 160 on account Owston & Sowers; Cos mos, 480 on account Fisher :Bro; Stella Oil works, 160 on account H. McKelvyl Citizens Oil Works, 800 on account Ows ton & Sowers. - • Total Refined. 8,660 OIL BHIPPBD BA ST BY a. V. R. B. Lockhart, Frew & Co. 591 bbls refined to Warden, Frew I Co., Phila. ' Livingston & Bro. 80(1 _ cases refined to Warden, Frew & 64)., Philadelphia. H.'W. C. Tweddle, 60 bbls refined to J. R. Bartlett, Philadelphia. , Fawcett. L. & S. 850.bbls refined to W. P. Logan I Bro., Philadelphia. Braun & Wagner 500 bbls refined to Waring, King- & Co., Philadelphia. - Citizens 011 Co. 845 .bbla refined -to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. Total - 1,886 bblEt; 800 cases. •In !•• PETROLEUM MARKET; OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WELNESDAY, Sept. 22, 1869. OIL SHIPPED WIT AT DUQUESNE DEPOT. Brooks, 13fillentine et Co. 49 bbbl ref. to Warden, Frew & Do., Philadelphia I=