II 0 littilogt Gaitttg. PIIBLIBBED BY FINEMAN , REIM & 00.,Proprietors. 7. B. PENNIMAN. JOSIAH XING. T. P.HOUBTON, N. P. EICED. =Ears wad Proprietors. -077101: GAZETTE BELDING, 84 AND 86 FIFTH LT faresr—Dittii. [Beset- Wakik.llik.l One yew... 88,00 One ear. 6o Mlle 03119.4 140 One mcmtla 75 Six mos.. 1.50 5 coples,etch 1.25 ](stns week 15 Three mos 75 10 •7_, 1.15 U= carrier.)l and one to Ascent. THURSDAY, SEPT. 23, 1869. UNION RUPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. FOB GOVERNOR lialIZT W. GEARY. JUDGE OF Sr PREMB , COURT' BENET' W. WILLIAM& COUNTY'. • ASSOCIATE JUDGE DISTRICT COURT. JOHN 2.I.'HIREPATRICK , ABISISTArr LAW JUDGE, COMMON PLEAS. FRED'S. H. COLLIER. !VAT's Srafart—THOMAS HOWARD. AssExima—MLLES S. HUMPHREYS. ALEXANDER MILLAR, JOsErli WALToN. JAMES TAYLOR. , • D. N. W JOHN H. KERB. • essasrr HUGH S. FLEMING. Tp.iustrEra—JOS. F. DENNISTON. OLsaz or COURTS--JOSEPH BROWNE. Rzconoza—THOMAS H. HUNTER. 'ComiusstoNsa— 3HAIINCEY B. BOSTWICK Mansura—JOSEPH H. GRAY. Cu= OaritAxs , Comm—ALEX. Mt ANDS Drazoros or •PooR—ABDIEL McCLUB.B. Plaisrr on the inside pages of Ms morning's Gssarrrs—Becond Page: Poetry "A School Girl of the Period," General News, State Items, Foreign - Lit• ---lerary Items. Third and Sixth pages: Anance and Trade, Markets, Imports, River .Netos. Seventh page: Grand Rapids and Indiana _Railroad, Amusements, Di rectory. PETnonnum at Antwerp, Var. 11. B. BONDS at Ftanktoit, 87.1(07; GOLD closed in New York yesterday at, 141. IT rs NOT all pleasant sailing among the Republicans of this Commonwealth. Their County Committee in Somerset, by an unanimous vote, have requested Mr. STIITTAtAIf to resign the nomination for State Senator which he holds. What he will do in the premises has not been an nounced. In Philadelphia, the Evening Telegraph, which has always sustained -an excellent reputation for Republican ism; demands the expulsion of STORES, Dims, Bum', ADAIRE, CLOUD and Bono from the legislative ticket of that county. Tin political "reaction" this year is fall of comfort for the opposition. In Maine, on a light vote, their candidate is beaten by only 12,000 majority, while they have actually gained one Senator; electing three of the thirty-one, and will have perhaps thirty-five of the one hun dred and fifty representatives.. The in .creased Republican majorities in Colo -rado and New Mexico ate calnily borne, in the consoling reflection that the Con gressiorial delegates thus choien are to have voices merely, without votes, at Washington. Certainly, a very hopeful Teactioni THE rumor of a hirge detalcation by the recent management of the Methodist Baok Concern, in New York, has been painful to the general public, and quite ir respeetive of any denominational lines. It was regarded as a sadly convincing proof that no station, no purity of personal profession, was safe from the contagion of the unavoidably prevailing mania of wealinesa and faithlessness among those holding pecuniary trusts .: The public will welcome, therefore, with peculiar pleasure, the semi-official declarations, of a New York journal, that the rumor 'Al laded to has no foundation in fact. Innunts to be settled that the Presi dent will not hurry in selecting a succes or to Secrettiry Rawlins. Two or three journals, inflamed by their suspicions, have sought to create the impression that an exciting contest was progressing as to who the individual should be; but no facts have transpired to warrant that sugges tion.. So far as is known, the President lies been left entirely to his own judiment and preferences, except by the newspa pers alluded to. These have been resolved that if they could not dictate who should be, appoint, they would occupy a po sition to claim among the uninitiated that they virtually determined that one person should not. norna,.the Democratic nominee for Gpveinor, has been formally charged with evading, 'although his wealth is reckoned by millions, the payment of his just taxes for the year 1863 and thud far for tog. sh ice igg7, he has contrived to escape from any State tax Whatever, upon bis vast wealth. Under this charge, °ldr. Packer - and hid friendi would have done better to stand wholly • mute, than to at tempt, as they now do, to avert the PoP• ula;contempt_ by showing th*, prior to '67, their candidate did honestly , PLY his taxes. NO cinestion has been raised on that point. What the people wish to IcnoW l Tfki Vlikodid he pay $82,000 at Mnuelx;43lnnak wail -425,00 in '661 and $14,000 in '67, and only $8.95 in '6B? He has certainly not grown poorer in these years. How has his dodge been so successfully contrived as to cut down his payments in those years from $32,000 at home to $8.95 at Philadelphia ? WE ARE not ready to credit the aver ment that our Minister at Madrid has ex ceeded his instructions, or to believe that he has given, to a proud and sensitive nation, any just cause for,_irritation or complaint. His communications to that government may not have been couched in the most obscure verbiage of diploma cy, and he may have expressed the hu mane sympathies of the American people with a trifle too much of soldierly frank ness. • It is simply incredible that he has indulged in any menaces, or that he has for a moment forgotten how much was due to the dignity of the power near which he stands, representing the Repub lic„, When his correspondence shall be opened to the judgment, of his Govern ment and to the criticism of his country men, we have a hearty faith that even those journals which, like the GAZETTE, have faithfully protested against any Cuban embroilment, will find therein ;ping to merit a substantialreproof. Wrrum a day or two past, the press reports two instances where, by the inten tional displacement of railway switches, trains have been thrown off the track, and ;much damage done, fortunately with out loss of life. This yields further proof of the need for the-exercise of constant vigilance by the companies, in guarding against the malicious mischief with I whiCh their property and the public safety is constantly threatened. It proves, moreover, that even the vigilance which the best managed corporationa require from their servants does not always suf fice to protect their lives from the inter ference of the evil-disposed.. We were told, the other day, by a highly responsi ble official of one of our most important railways, that he did not dare to let the pub lic know how constantly and fatally the safety of their tiains was imperilled by the tampering to iffhich their switches are subjected. Thtuf far the vigilance of that • Company's servants has detected and foiled the meditated crime in every case, but it is apparent to any experienced judgment that no precautions can always avail. Yet the railway companies are • • expected, and perhaps not unreasonably, to take all the responsibilities for the ab solute safety of travelers; insuring them against all casualties, whether originat ing in the misconduct of their own ser vants or the malicious interference o outside rascality. FATHER HYACINTHE. one of the most popular and effective orators of the Ro man Catholic Church, and for years the favorite preacher in the gayest metropolis in Christendom, astonishes the world with the announcement that he with draws from his allegiance to Rome, pro testing against the decrees and practices of the church as not according with the principles of christianity. Representing the Gallician church, he rebels against ultramontanism, and leads a new move ment which must convulse Catholicism on the European continent. With the reli gious element of the French people, Father Hyacinthe has for years enjoye_d an unexampled influence. Effectively he has been more than Pope, than the Holy Father himself, while his faithful subordination to Rome was never before seriously questioned. This letter of protest is regarded by - the French press as a great religious and political secret. This means that the Gallician church re vives and strengthens its old demand for ecclesiastical independence of the Romish See, and that the Ecumenical Council, which is to meet at the Vatican, is 'to be something more than merely- an imposing display of dignitaries, since it will now have serious work to do. The text of his letter to his former spiritual superiors spe cifiee, doubtless, the obnoxious practices and decrees against which his solemn protest is aimed. These particulars'have not reached us, but it is to be presumed from the language of the French journals that they include equally the doctrines and discipline of Romanism. Tun annexed quotation from the latest published letter of Lady Byron, seems decisively to preclude any continuance of debate upon the accuracy of the recent statements of Hrs. Stowe. These words could not have been written by a woman who knew her husband to have been gull ty of the most revolting of crimes. Here is testimony given after the separ ation and while every incident; was finish in the memory of the wife, who wrote : -'Though he would not suffer me to remain his wife, he cannot prevent me from continuing his friend." "It is not necessary to speak of his heart in general it is sunk:lent that to me it was bard and impenetrable. * * I would rather present this as my misfortune than as his guilt ; but surely, that misfortune is not, to be made my c mrie." ' "I might appeal to all whO have ever heard me speak of him, and still more to my own heart, to witness that there has been no moment when I' have re membered injury otherwise than affee tien,ately and sorrowfully. It is not my duty to give way to hopeless and wholly unrequited affection ; but, so long as I live, chief struggle will probably be not to remember him too kindly." And Lord Lindsey adds: . "In the fame( the evidence now given, positive, negative and circumstar tial, there can be but two alternatives in the case —either Mrs. Stowe must have on. Weir misunderstood Lady Byron. and been Ihns led late error and misstate mentA.Or Ate / must ooncltide that under the Wanly tif: 'lifelong And secret nor. row, Lady Byron's mind had become clouded With an hallucination in respect of the particular point in question.b b.Ro.):l', GAZETTE=: „ Tii U PITtSI3 NEW TELEGRAPH TARIFF. The business community will be grati fied to learn that the telegraph system is to be more than ever popularized by the Western Union Telegraph Company, whose lines connect together all the I principal cities, towns and villages of the country, who propose inaugurating on the first of next month a revised and greatly reduced schedule of the rates of terra This is a movement which has been under headway for a long time, but owing to the great and intricate difficul ties encountered, the innovation has been necessarily delayed up • till thetoresent Lime, and the public have been d prived of the benefits and advantages of cheap facilities for rapid communications on matters of a business and private nature. When it is asserted 'that the Western Union Company has during its existence taken and consolidated with at least six large, dominant organizations, and has been constantly engage'd in stretch ing forth its wires to all points of the 'compass, the , reader will realize how tediouS and troublesome was the labor of establishing' a fair, just and equitable table of tariffs in thousands of offices un der the direct charge of its management. The prices wore, and at' the present time, are, discriminating and in numerous in stances perhaps. unjust,—a condition of things consequent to a multitude of cir cumstances and it has been the am. bition 'of the company to so rearrange and adjust their business, as to popularize their Wires and establish' a uniformity of rates, which would be not only satisfac tory to their patrons, but as profitable as those now in vogue. Some three years ago Messrs. ORTON, ItICA.LPINE, STAGER and LEFFERTS, able and distinguished gentlemen, at the head of the Company, determined on a revis ion of the rates, and with commendable energy and enterprise commenced the great labor which has just been completed in a highly creditable and satisfactory manner. The basis of calculation for the new arrangement was novel and expedi ent. Reckoning by an air line from of fice to office, and computing rates• pro portionate to theklistandes so obtained would have been an endless process, and one involving numerous years of time, and yet failed to have furnished the de sired equitable result; but out of the in genuity of the gentlemen charged with the work was born a plan whereby much labor was saved and the rates equitably established. A great map was carefully drawn of the entire territory over which any of the electric wires passed, and_ the thirty-five hundred or more of -the offices were marked in their correct places. The surface of the map was divided into squares of fifty miles, so arranged that all the squares of every alternate row fall in line with each other, with the vertical lines terminating at the centre of the' squares above and below them. The tariff was fixed from the centre of each square instead of from offices with in it to those outside of it, thus reducing the entries of tariffs - very largely. These squares have been provided with tariffs proportionate to their distaimes from other squares, and, - as we have remarked, the new schedule goes into operation on the Ist proximo. Under the new rates we confidently look for a large and increased share of public patronage to be directed towards the Western Union Company which has always displayed commendable energy, enterprise and liberality in acting as the people's faithful agent for the transmission of messages by telegraph. In order that our readers may judge of the great reduction in tolls to follow the revision of tariff, we annex a few con trasts in the old and new rates, in which the changes are observable, and which afford an idea of the , new order of things throughout Pre!Milt Rata fr om Rate fur 10 wor.M. from Oct. LA. Ban 'Frandsen. Cal ...M 7, G iii burning eprings. W. Va... I 45 Os Cate.loula. N. 0, 1 45 go luni.lia. Net) 3 70 9 10 Camden, N. Y 1 SO 1 oe Casual', N. H 1 90 1 30 1 60 1 Oil Cansiatote. N. Y Catinell. N. Y ........ ....... 1 86 _ 1 10 Matietta 0 . 96 05 Yarkerseurg, 884 .Va ..... ... 96 s emir", in 2 10 1 50 Waterville. N. Y 1 NI I 00 Detroit, Mich ...... I id as Danville. Va 0 1 SS Willlamipoit, Pa 116 SS Canaedagua, N... , 146 So Abingdon. Va. ........ ..... 2 25 I Oil -Afton, N. Y" ................ 'I 55 90 Batavia, N. Y ................ 1 45 90 Bergen, N.Y. .............. I GS 00 Leesville N.Y. 1 SO 75 Danville:Pa. ................ 1 25 it:, Bilzabeib, W. Vs ............ 1 IA liti Parnilagton. 111 ....... . ...... 2 16 I 60 Prenatal, N. Y. ........ ... 1 se i 08 Geneva, N. Y .... . ........... 1 45 9. 1 00 6S (Braid. U.—. .............. ... 1.0 the revision the company has taken care that when the new scale inaugurated advances over the present tariff,, that there shall be no advance whatever made, but the existing rates shall stand as though no change had been introduced. It will be will to add that the new tariff has been made without any reference to competing or rival lines, the sole object of the company being to make the tele. gtaph popular and to conduce to the gen eral advantage and benefit of the entire piiblic. . The Company is.engaged in maturing other plans for increasing the utility of the telegraph and rendering it of greater benefit and service to the public, one of whieh is for the dispatching of messages which do not require immediate trans. mission; at greatly reduced rates. On the whole we congratulate the business cote., Inunity, and indeed all who have occa. , sional recourse to the wires, on the very important changes made, and trust t,liat. this is but a step , towards making thatelegraph as cheap and economical its - tie Mail- system for the transilision of - Ecteidly greetbigs or business announce ments from 'one part of the country to. the outer. riEkßEit 2 giDAY, SE EU OBIT Mn. JoHN J. HosTox.--The death of ' 13 r this gentleman, o Saturday, at West Philadelphia, and s interment in Wood land Cemetery,:on Tuesday last, are an nounced in the Ph ladelphia papers. Mr. BotrsTox was fro the opening of the Pittsburgh, Ft. W yne and Chicago Rail road, for ten or m re years, In a confiden tial and important office in the service of that Con pang. '• i lt He raided for some years in this city, and was known to our community for his efficie t administration of the freight departure tof the railroad company, and also for his dignified deportment, forlis social amenities, nd for his exemplary christian walk a d conversation. His death wilLbe lam nted by many attached friends in this oh . - - - 1 - LIBERAL REPUBLICANISM. The recent MOT went of the liberal Re. publicans of Wes Virginia was brought to the attention o the President, during his visit at Wheel ng, on the 21st, and he was urged to expr ss his opinions thereon. The Intelivencer IFilys : • The President thought the policy ad vocated was "right and proper." lie i l thought discriminations on account of partloipation in t l rebellion should now e cease, and referro to the fact that, act ting upon this idea, he had "afforded the people of Virginia\and Mississippi an op portunity to thro overboard the obnox ious clauses of th tr constitutions" en forcing such disc iminatione. He said cave should be to - en to avoid division among the Republ cans such as had hap pened in Tennessee; but he thought the ideas advocated in the Wheeling address were "about right.', Being asked if he had any objection to hiving his ap proval 7of those ideas 'made known, be replied that it would me improper for him to interfere in any way in our local politics; and he did not want to be mixed up with themi But this expres eion of his views having been thus drawn from him without the slightest idea on his put of interfering or volunteering advice, we feel that there can be no im propriety in stating the main point of the conversation as we have done, viz: That President Grant's attention has al ready been attracted to the Liberal Re publican Movement in this State, and that be regards it with decided favor, as being in consonance with his own ideas and official acts; and that while he coun sels the utmost caution to avoid a di vision among us, he would gladly seethe Republicans of the State united on such a platform as that embodied in the ,Wheeling Address. , We have more than once spoken of this movement to abrogate the existing restrictions upon the suffrage in that State, not hesitating to express our hearty concurrence in the policy, and our sincere wishes for its success. Herein, the Re publican press of the country general'' , has agreed with us. It is gratifying to find that the same opinions are shared by the Administration, as well as to perceive the significance with which our friends in West Virginia are admonished of the single peril against which they have to guard. Their hands will be strength ened, as their policy is sustained, by the personal endorsement of General GRANT, aed we shall look 'with confidence to a very general acceptance of the Wheeling platform by the entire party of the State. ______ NOOK TOPICS. Wua Americans neve been abroad they generally come home quite indig nant at the lack of intelligence and knowledge of American affairs in for eigners. Some lay the blame of this upon the national stupidity which the unfortunate Europeans must imbibe with the air . they breathe, while others charge it all to the short-sighted and op pressive rule of the "effete sovereigns" of that Continent, who dread the effects of a full knowledge of America, and American affairs, upon their degraded subjects. Now, we do not propose to choose between these two excellent rea sons, but we shouldsi l ie for ike tothe knowig w hich, ich, If either, is respon concerning European affairs in this country. About England we do know a little, but of France, Italy, Russia and Germany we are as ignorant as any of the Partially educated inhabitants of those lands are of us. If a Sanattir of the United States were to visit Paris, he would, in all likelihood, be diegtuited at the discovery that his fame—un less ha were a man of the gimp of a Sumner or a Fessenden had not reached so far, and yet he would have to confess a total ignorance of even the names of men filling perhaps higher positions in that country. Of all the members of the newly appointed cabinet in Paris, how many had ever been heard of before on this side of the world? How many 4 the leading Min isters of Austria are known of here, ex cepting Von Beust, who himself sprung into their notice only in 1886, although for many years he had been Premier 01 Saxony, and was regarded by the South Germans as their only hope against the machinations of Bismarck? • How much do we know concerning the colonial gov ernors of England, excepting those of Canada and . India? Yet, if one of our State Governors, men of less power and influence, finds himself unknown abroad he is pretty sure to base upon it a charge of ignorance against the Europeans. Again we refuse to choose between the two excellent reasons for their lack of knowledge given above, but shall leave It to others to decide. WE sun a paragraph "going the rounds" of the press concerning an en gineer of the Pennsylvania Central Rail road, repreienting him as discovering a locomotive without an 8130I1 80 k ap proaching his train at fall speed, as having whistled adown brskes" on hie train, and as sending his fireman back to uncouple the tender at the roarvirbile he himself severe& the connection.with the enitthe, and then 'jumping onthe tender,' with red tag,' watched athe two en glues dash toward each other like very demons," both being thrown from the , 1869. track and demolished by the colli sion. He next ran 'to meet the ex• press going east, which was just two minutes behind time, barely suffi cient to enable him to "flag it" and bring it to a full atop within twenty_feet of the wrecked engines. For this heroic act, it is further stated, the company presented the engineer "with a check for one thou sarid dollars." This certainly was a "heroic act," and the reward not more than adequate. But—we should like to know the name and residence of the hero, that we might do our share in handing him down to posterity. THE Capital, it seems, is to be removed at least many people say so. Bt. Louis claiths it, Chicago says that if moved at all it must go to New York or Chicago, and Train, having land for sale, gently shrieks Omaha. It would need a • good deal of pretty convincing logic to induce persons generally to agree that the Capi tal needs moving at all. Some say the movement is being engineered by the Demoqrats, who do not intend to al/ow it to culminate until they again hold the reins of government, when they will be able to satisfy a very hungry crowd with the most gigantic job yet dreamed of. St. Louis is not the healthiest locality and but little pleaanter - than Washing ton, and the sum paid as mileage to Con gressmen now would bs no whit less if that were the seat of Government. New York is as far from central as any of our large cities, excepting the "Hub," nor have the purity and excellence of her city Government induced us to desire to trust her with anything more than we can help. As to Chicago—nobody but a Chicagoose would think of such a thing; uncentral, unstable, unreliable, naturally, Chicago is a sort bf George Francis Train among cities. We do'not believe that the Capital will be moved at all: but in case it shall be, then we are n favor of finding the geographical cen ;re between Mexico, British America and the two oceans, and there locating a town and builalng the Capital. TEte London papers constantly praise Mr. John S. Clarke's performances of Babington Jones and Toodles. The Court Journat, in a long notice says: 'This popular American actor was very suc cessful in both pieces, and the warmth of his reception ought to do much to soften he asperities of the Alabama difficulty." Just such ridiculous paragraphs as this are quite common now in some journals on both sides of the Atlantic; to us it would seem just as sensible to say that the warmth of the English rose-blankets which we use ought to soften the asper ity of the Alabama question. Blankets are good things, and we pay good prices for them to the producers. Mr. Cooke's acting is a good thing, and If the English people have the good taste to appreciate it, we can see no reasonlwhy we as Amer icans should feel as if a favor had been done us. The Alabama question is pure ly one of international law and comity involved in a diplomatic labyrinth, and as such cannot reasonably be affected by either good acting or good blankets. We send . England many i good actors, she sends us many poor ones and much good manufactured ware, but the Alabama question still remains unsettled, and its lasperities, so far as we can see, hang on a different set of hooks entirely from these other articles. j_ SOME MONTHS ago we gave our ideas concerning funerals as they now are and as they should be. The New York Clom mereia/ Advertiser has now taken up the same question and isjhandling it in a dif ferent light. We objected to the barbaric show and glitter, to the heartlessness and unfeelingness of the present require ments of society, and to the expense. The New York editor treats of the expense alone. He says The desire for displays on funeral 00 visions keeps pace [with the passion for costly weddings. Years ago, a simple coffin, followed by a few carriages, was regarded as sufficient for displaying prop er respect for the (dead. Now, costly, shrouds, the most expensive coffins, and long trains of carriages are looked upon as essential. The Advertiser then treats of the folly of this, and of the l exhorbitance of un dertakers in a very forciblestyle, but not sufficiently so to frighten us from treat ing some day upon the same text. The President at Washington. A. letter of the 20th, from Washington says: The Presi still tarries in our midst. The peopledent are delighted. They are making good use of their distinguished guest's presence. Reis very amiable and obliging; does all he can to make his stay among us yield us as much pleasure as possible. He seems willing to do' aiy thing we ask anything within the bounds of reason, save make a speech. That be will not do. On Saturday the corner atone of our new Town Hall was laid. A large con course of people was assembled. The band discoursed music; prayer was of fered by Rev. W.A. Davidson; an ad dress delivered by J. F. Patterson, Esq., and then a box contaiting sundry things was deposited in the corner atone by the bands of the President. This done he was conducted into the Court House, where many hundreds of our citlzenshad the privilege of shaking his hand. And what a shaking it was; old and young, rich and poor, white and black, Republi cans and Democrats had a hand in it. To them it seemed a great pleasure; to the President hard work. Poor man; he is to be pitied; to be belabored everlastingly must be an intolerable bore. It is well he has patience and endurance in an emi- nent degree. Aside, however, from the two instances I have mentioned, he has had comparative quiet. This, he says, he covets and enjoo. He expresses himself greatly pleased with our place. This naits - tion is largely indebted to !him . let prayers be offered in his behalf; ' he de serves well at the hands of this whole people. Taw 'following appointments have been !nab in Pennsylvania for lbe Hou:C. 1)elano: Harrisburg; Saturday, September 25. Laneseter, Monday, September 27. West Chester, Tuesday, September 28. Norristown, Thursday, September 80 STATE POLITICS. D. M. Per:ixFat is chairman of the Re publican County Committee in Hunt- ingdon. THERE is a breach in the Republican party in Huntingdon county and the cop perheads are smiling. Iz rres been charged that Pennsylvania clerks in the Departments have been as sessed to defray campaign expenses, but the officers of the Pennsylvania Republi can Association deny Use charge. A NEW paper has been _ started in Huntingdon, called the Republican, and published by Theo. H. Cremer, a defeated candidate for the nomination of Protho notary. It the paper were started in good faith as an -advocate of Republican prin ciples, we would wish it well, but as it opposes a portion of the regularly nomin ated ticket, we would advise Republicans to have nothing to do with it. —Holidays burg Repealer. TEE State Central Committee has made arrangements for the following masa meetings and speakers: On the 23d inst., Apollo, Armstrong county, Gevernor Geary and Hon. Mahlon Chance . ' 24th, the same speakers at Butler; 27th, Gener al Harry White at Monongahela City, 28th, Hon. G. W. Schofield at Tionesta, Forrest county; General Harry White at Washington, and Hon. John Scott at Coudersport, Potter county: 29th, Hon. John Scott at Smethport, M' Sean county, and Governor Geary at Clearfield. Oc tober-4th Hon. John Scott, Hon G. A. Grow and H. Bucher Swope, Esq., at Pittsburgh, and Governor Geary at Par ker's Landing, Venango county; Oct sth, Hon. John Scott, Hon. G. A. Grow and H. Bucher Swope. Eiq., at Beaver in the afternoon and New Brighton in the evening, and Governor Geary at Oil City; 6th, Governor Geary at Titusville, and Messrs. Scott and Swope at New &ode; these gentlemen are to speak at West Greenville, Mercer county, on the 7th, - upon which day Mr. Grow is to speak at Kittanning; Bth, Governor Geary and Messrs. Scott and Swope at Meadville; on the 9th these same gentlemen, joined by - Mr. Grow, are to speak at Erie and at Corry. Republican Meetings This Week. At City Hall Thursday evening, R. Stockett Matthews, speaker. At Eleventh Ward School House Fri day evening, Commissioner Delano, prob able speaker. At Apollo Thursday evening, when the Republicans of - Armstrong and West- moreland counties will be addressed by Gov. J. W. Geary and Col. Geo. F. Mo- Farland. In the Sixteenth Ward, corner of John street and Greensburg turnpike, Friday evening, Messrs. Howard, H. C. Mack , reit and W. Leggate, speakers. • In Birmingham, on the Market. Square, on Friday evening. Messrs. A. MI Brown and W. C. Moreland, speakers. At Bellevue, in the Public Hall, Fri day evening. Messrs. W. S. McCune, Capt. H. A. Collier, W. Peebles Miller and Jas. P. Johnston, speakers. At Gerst's Hall, ward, Aueithe- Dy, Saturday evening. Messrs. A. M. Brown, J. L. Graham, H. P. Mueller and D. L. Smith, speakers. At G. W. Boyd's hiitel, in Bridgeville; on Saturday evening. Messrs, Thomas Ewing and Hon. Thomas Howard, speak THOU BRINGEST ME LIFE- LUNG.-WORT. One of the truest and moat emggeattve Ideas can be obtained from the caption at the head of this art.cle; for of all dlseues which Impair human health and shorten human Ilte, note are more prevalent than those which affect the lungs and pulmonary tissues. Whether we regardiung Mamma in the light or a merely 51)v:it cough. which is but the fore-runner of a more serious malady, or as a deep lesion corroding and Mr - solving the pulmonary structure, it is always pregnant with evil and foreboding of diguter. . In no class of maladies should the physician or the friends and family of the patient be more seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs, for It is in them that early and efficient treat ment is most desirable, and it is then that danger can be warded off' and a cure effected. In DR. KEYBEIrd LUNG CURE you have a medicine of the greatest value in all these conditions. An alterative, a tonic, a nutrient and resolvent. succorimi nature and sustaining the recupera tive powers of the system, Its beautiful work ings, in harmony with the regular functions, can be readily observed by the use of one or two bot tles: it will soon break up the chain of morbid sympathies that disturb the harmonious work ings of the animal economy. The harrassing cough, the painful respiration, the sputum streaked with blood, will soon give place to the normal and proper workings of health and vigor. An aggregated experience of cyer thirty years has enabled Dr. Keyser, in the compounding of. his LUNG CURE. to give new hone to the con sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy relief in those how prevalent, catarrhal and throat affections, so distressing in their effects and so almost certainly fatal in their tendencies, unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DB. KEYSER'S LUNG CURE is so thorough and ef delentrthat any one who has ever used it, will never be without it in the house. It will often cure when everything else fails, and in simple cases will cure oftentimes In a few days. The attention of patients, as well as medical men. is respectfully invited to this- new and valuable addition to the *pharmacy of tie cOun- try. DR. it Ryas. may be consulted every day until 'o'clock Y. at. at his Great Medicine Store, vrt Liberty street, and from 4to 6 and I to 9 at night. A DEFENSIVE MEDICINE. 'ln time of peace prepare for war," is * sound military maxim. "Let not the sickly' seasonseasn end you unprepared," Is an equally good medical jurisprudence. The, man must summer of iron who finds himself at the close of as strong as at its .commencement. Such a phe nomenon is rare, even among the most robust of the human family. Muscular and constitutional vigor oozes out of us in the broiling' weather of July and August, and few of us. at. the opening of the Fall. are in the beat possible condition to defy the unhealthy influences of the season: Fever and acne and bilious remittent fevers. together with a variety of complaints teat affect the dig,stive organs, the liver and the bowels, tot m a portion of the autumn programme. Bear In mind that exhaustion Invites these ditorders. and that starainat vigor enables the system to repel them. "To be weak is to be miserable," says Satan to his defeated legions, in *Paradise Lost," " and the axiom Is correct, ttionah it comes from an evil source. Hot then, ye weak and feeble, fortify your selves against the invisthle enemy that invades the Autumnal air: The best defence against miasma is a course of HuSTETTIWnisTOMLOR BlTTrtitd. This rare vegetable tonic will lm .prove your appetite, stimulate your digestion, give firmness to your nerves, invigorate , your muscular Libre, regulate your secretions cheer your spirits, and put your entire physique in peeled& working Order. It is easily done. The etand.rd tonic and alterative which will reels. perste and build you u p l easan t "bad to take," but. on the commies medicine.•• See however, that you have the genuine art!. ele. There are . Imitations and counterfeits In the market. and , they are all worthlesscrdelev tenons. . Bess In mind that . Ii(AITZTTLIVS STOMACH BITTEB3 Is sold only In mass, in:Ter Itry the gallon or oadt). and that each bottle bear* a label surmounted by a vignette of St. s od **Drums, =dour revenue stamp O f = sour. .