The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 23, 1869, Image 3

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" 0111 0 TC* OP PiTTEarcrEcar GAZETTE,
WENZIESDA.Y. Sept. 22, 1869,
The markets generally are fairly ac
tive, fully as much so as is usual at this
season of the year, and what is better
still, the indications at this time are
very favorable for a good fall and winter
business. As soon as the crops begin to
move freely, the country will commence
to buy and lay in supplies,_and while it
is probable that margins, under a strong
competition, will be somewhat reduced,
there is no doubt, but what there will be
an increased volume of business.
The commercial circulars from Liver
pool, received by the last steamer, gen
erally concur in the statement that,
though the cereal crops are i very une
qual, they will probably not' fall suffi
ciently below the average to !flake much
diffarence in the current price* of bread
and flour. It is rather too early, how
ever, to pronouce a definite judgement.
ApPLES—Very dull with liberal ar
rivals and a supply largely in excess of
the demand; sales at $1,50®2,50 per bbl.
BUTTER—Is exceedingly dull with an
increased supply and prices are lower
we now quote prime to choice at 29®80. '
CRANBERRIES—SaIes of prime east
ern cultivated at $12(412,50 per bbl.
CARBON OIL—Is firm with consider.
able inquiry on western account, and we
quote sales round lots at*29 to 29% cents,
• and 30(431 in small lots.
CHEESE—Is quiet and unchanged,
ranging from 14 to 16 cents, as to
EGGS—Still quoted at 23 ate. for fresh
. - E/ITHERS—DeII; quoted at 80 ®B5
nts to the trade, and the usual advance
for small lots in stora.
FLOUR—The market is quiet and
dull, and devoid of anything new or im
portant. We continue to quote western
flours at $6,5000,75 for good, and s7®
7,25 for choice.
GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and un
changed; $1,30 for prime red, and $1,35®
1,37 for white. Oats firm and scarce,
with considerable inquiry, but unchang
ed; sales on wharf and track, at 54®55,
56@58 in store. Rye in demand, with
sales at $1,10@1,12, as to, quality. Corn
is quiet and unchanjed; sales 600 bush.
prime yellow, shelled, at $l, Barley
very little offaring; may be quoted at
$1,25(41,30, with a sale of choice report
ed at 151,35.
HAY—Sales at Allegheny Diamond
market of 81. loads ; at $14(423, mostly at
HEMP—Very dull, f205 - per ton.
HUSKS—SaIes at 23(053 cm per pound.
LARD OIL—F. Sellers it Co. quote
- Extra No. 1, at $1,43®1,45, and No. 2, at
PROVISIONS—Market firm, but un
changed; Bacon, Shoulders, 16@16X;
Ribbed Sides, 18%(419; Clear do, 193;
®2O; plain Sugar Cured Hams, 22®2,2X;
tlavassed do, 233i®24; Sugar Cured
Shoulders, 17(417X; Mess Pork, $34;
Lard, 20i4 in Brea; 21(421M in kga and
pails; Dried Beef, 271
PEANUTS—SaIes at 15 cents.
PEACHES—DuII, and while the mar
ket is pretty well glutted, prices are
unchanged, ranging from to per
PLUMS—Very.scarce, but unchanged;
14,25@4,50 per bushel for fresh receipts.
POTATOES—SaIes of sweets at s4®
4,50 per bbl for Baltimores, and $5 for
prime Jerseys.
SEED—Flaxseed is in demand; and
the mills are paying $2,20®2,25. Small
sales of timothy seed at $4,25(44,50. No
demand for clover seed.
SALT—Is firmer, with sales of car
lead lots at $1.85 per bbl,
STRAW—SoId in Allegheny market
at $l2 per ton. '
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 22, 1869.
The market compared with last week,
is hardly as brisk • for . the common
grades, while prime fat cattle have, so
far, been in , good demand, and sold
readily at hill prices. The supply al
though not unusually large, is neverthe
less hilly np to the demand, and there
were more good cattle on sale than last
week; as already noted, however, low
grade stock would not sell unless low
figures were accepted, say 43.Vgi5 Pits.
Several. good droves changed hands at
7®73o'nrime at 74,57%, and fancy at 8
—one New York firm bought 5 car loads
of extra Ohio steers at 8, and another
New Yorker bought a fairish drove of
Keutticky cattle at 7.
As will be seen by reference to the re
port of sales t , there' were more cattle
sold at from 4@)534 than above, and, of
the two, good cattle were the easiest
WEDNESDAY, September lb.-Groom
to MeMalian 16, weighing 15,700, at $5%;
Marion io Grasn 20, weighing 18,430, at
5,50; McKever to Wm. Belly 20, weigh
ing 18,020, at 4,75; Jarett & Brci. to
Huntzberger 33, weighing 40,520, at 7,244
MoKever to Wiil. Kelley 19, weighing,
19,300, at. 5,60; Scott to Aull 21, weighing
17,590, at 5,09; Hazlewood to Win. Kelley
19, weighing 17,250; same to same 40,
weighing 40,550; same for Downing to
Ault 16, weighing 14,950; same for Traur
man to Briggs 14, weighing 16,588, at
0,75; same for Keyes to Briggs 3, weigh
ing 3,160, at 6,00.
TatrusoAy. September 16.-Holmes,
Lafferty & Co. for Frederick to B. W.
Gillett & Co. 80, weighing 100,540; same
for Thompson to Lamb &M. 68, weigh.
ing 75,400; same for Kessinger to Klein
atm & Co. 18, weighing 19,200; same for
Turner to same 16, weighing 13,870, at
4,76; Hedges & Taylor for Meß,nrney to
Ault 20, weighing 16,720; same for Stout
to Briggs 28, weighing 32,660; same for
same to cash 36, weighing 39,300; Hazel !
wood & B for Downing to Rowe 37,
weighing 40,030; Robbins & J, to Mintz
-o)erger 82, weighing 40,680, at 7.30; Bach
to Uhler 19, weighing 19,580, at 6,50.
FRIDAY, September ~17.-Haziewood
B. for Wilson • to Kline 19, : -weighing
18.890, at 5,70; ,Holines, L. & Co. for
BroWn to Gillett & Co. 40, weighing
42,149, at 6,85; Crawford to McMahon 8,
weighing 3,500, at 6,50.
Bfor4DAY, •September 20.-Nizon to
Marks 16, weighing 14,450; Heskett to
dc Norris 32, weighing 44,100, at 7%.
TUZEIDAY, September 21.-Heakett to
Mambo 18, weighing 20,080, at 6,60;
Brans & Haas to Klemens & Co. 38
'weighing 42.860, at 7%; Smith & Blue for
Munroe to Kelley 35, weighing 43,640, at
73(6; Holmes, L. & Co. for Pail to Kelly .
19, weighing 21,180, at 5,88; same for
Adams to Scott 21, weighing 16,280, at
4,62; Haziewood 4 B. for Marks to Hick
=at 18,' weighing 20,700, at 6,80; Traur.
snap ,t Lotman to Hillegas 19, weighing
19,080, at 5.90. ••
WEDNESDAY, September X2.-Holmes,
1, & Co, for Thompscin to Knox 106,
weighing 94,670, at 4%; same for Judy to
Teller 46, weighing 35,120; at 4%; • same
for Wilson to Moses 18, weighing 16,859,
at 5,75; same for Rise. to Landis 20,
weighing 18,410, at 4%; same for Fairrall
to Roth 88, weighing 88,100 at 6 , 90; same
fOr"Crow. to Kelley, 41 ; -Weighing 85,000.
414, same for Bender •to , Hertele 18,
WI / S hid g /8(1801 qt &,,,Blue for
, .
HOlmes to Landis 20, weighing 17,990, at
00; Carper 6t Bowman to -O'Donnell 51,
weighing 56,640; Casterline to Lamb it
Martin 31, weighing 42,820, at. 734;' A.
Johnston to same 39, weighing 58,450, at
8; Dannels to Briggs 62, weighing 71.800,
at 7; Forward to Hull 16, weighing 20,..
980, at 734; Haziewood & B. for Downing
to Miller 23, weighing* 19,660, at 6,10;
Kline to Moses 17, weighing 19,750, at
6,68; A. Johnson to Lamb ,& Martin 28,
weighing 40,820, at 8.
• With an unusually light supply, and
a good shipping , demand., the market
thus far has been strong, ` and, compared
withlast week, prices'arei a shade high
er. We now quote at 834@4 for fair;
41/A4% for prime; and•Ei®W for extra,
withrbut very few sales above .ti cents.
Some of the Philidelphians were hold
ing back in hopes of increased arrivals
and lower prices.
Market moderately active and steady,
but without material change, Phila
delphia hogs may be quoted at lilyog)
.10%, and Yorkers at 9 i@co3l. The ar
rivals appear to keep vacs with the de
mand, and this accqurits for the , uni
formity in prices. litock hogs, of which
there are but very few offering. may be
quoted at 10®10.
NEW YOTIH, September 22.-Cotton
opened heavy and declining, closing firm
with sales 3,900 bales middling uplands
at 28%c. Flour; receipts'-13,546, bbls;
heavy and s®loo lower; sales 14,800
bbls at $5,80®6,15 for' superfine State and
western, $6,80®7,20 for extra State, 16,15
®6,75,f0r extra western, $6,75@6,90 for
white wheat extra, $6,20@6,75 for round
top Ohio, 16,50®7,00 for extra St.
LDuis, and 7®9 for good to choice do,
closing heavy: included in the sales were
8,500 bbls extra State and western for ex
port at 16,25®6,60. Rye Flour quiet;
sales 200 bbls at $4,80®6,25;_ Corn Meat
quiet. Whisky firmer: sales. 250 bbls
western free at $1,16®1,21, the latter
price an extreme, closing dull at $1,20.
Wheat; receipts 174,507 buith; without
decided change, closing rather heavy;-
sales 64,000 bush at 11,47 for No. 2 spring,
51,4734 for win. red 111., 51,59 ,1,54 for win
red and amber western sl,a4 for amber
Tennessee, 11,70 for white Michigan and
11,65®1,80 for white Genessee, the latter
price for extra choice, Rye quiet. Bar
ley firmer; sales of 5,000 bush State, part
at 11,31 and the remainder on private
terms. Barley malt in moderate request,
sales of 3,000 bush, part State, at 01,60.
Receipts corn 52,912 bush, shaue firmer;
sales of 106,000 bush at sl®l,oB for un
sound new mixed western,_ 110 ®1,13
for sound do., 11,16, for white western
and $1,14®1,20 for western yellow, the
latter price for very choice. Receipta
oats 38,091 bush, I®2c better; saleia,
of 53,000 bush at 65®67c for nesr
southernand western, 67@6tc for State.
Rio coffe firm. Sugar firm with sales of
900 hhds at 1134®13 for Cuba. and 12®
1235 for Porto Rico. Molasses dull. Pe
troietua firm at 163;®17 for crude, and
2N for refined. Hops steady at IC®2O
for new. Coal: domestic quiet at 57,76®
8,25 for ton by bargo; ioreign firm at
117,50 for Liverpool house and cannel.
Leather: hemlock sale fairly active at
30®31 for Buenos Ayres and Rip Grande
light and middle weights. Wool quiet
with sales of 300,000 pounds at 48@157.
for domestic fleece; 35 for unwaskeu,
and 44®46 for pulled Linseed oil
firm at 11,01(4)1,03 for casks. Spirits
Turpentine quiet at 43®440. Sheathing
Copper dull at 320. Ingot Copper very
quiet at 223,4®22%0 for lake, and 22340
for Detroit. Pig Iron quiet and steady
at Q85®87,50 for relined Fnglish and
American. Sheet quiet at 111®12 gold
for Russia. Nails firmer at 14,75®4,87
for cut; 16,20156.37% for clinch, and 25®
30 for horseshoe. Pork - firmer and quiet;
550 bbls at 131.75®32 for mess closing at
131,75 cash; 530 for old do; 127®27,50 for
prime, and 130®30'50 for prime mess.
Beef is steady; 150 bbls at 18,50®13,50
for new plain mess, and /126317
for new extra mess. Beef hams
are quiet, with : sales 1,250 bbis at 525
(4)30. Cut meats quiet, with sales 110
pkgs at 14%®15c for shoulders, and 17®.
19c for hams. Middles steady,with sales
110- bxs ice cured at 16%017c. Lard
heavy and a shade lower, with sales 420
tierces at 1634®18%c for steam, and 18%
®19,4c for kettle rendered; also 250
tierces seller for January 15th to Febru
ry 15th at 16c. Butter quiet at 1515280
for Ohlo. Cheese firm at 13®161,0
Freights to Livelpool dull and declining,
with shipments 1,500 blabs flour at 2a 8d
per sail; wheat nominal at 934 d per sail
and 10;0 per steam.
Latest -Flocir closed in buyers' favor,
with a fair demand for shipping gradea,
and dull for other kinds. Wheat dull
and declining. Rye quiet and unchang
ed. Oats firm at 66®67c for western.
Corn steady at 11,09®1,13 for good to
prime mixed western. Pork dull at
131,75 for mess. Beef quiet and unchang
ed. Cut meats and Bacon closed dull
and without material change. ,Lard quiet
at 18 1 %®18,0 for fair to, prime steam.
Eggs steady at 29©306.
Csucaeo, September 22,-Eastern ex.
change fist, par selling, and y, per cent.
off buying. Flour dull, $4,75®6 for low
grade spring extra. Wheat quiet and
easier, 2®2Xo lower, ranging at $1.19®
1,21 for No. 1, and 11:W®417M for No. 2,
closing at 51,16% for N 0,2; this afternoon
the market was quiet and firm at $1,16
for No. 2 seller September. Corn fair
ly active and 2c lower, with sales
of No. 2 at 8034®81%c, rejected 77®78c,
and no grade 76c, closing aulet at 80340
for No. '2 in store; this afternoon the mar
ket was active and lower, 79c seller Sep
tember. 79%®800 seller October for No.
2. Oats a 'shade firmer and more active:
sales of Nos 2at 4434®450 cash, and 44%
®44%0 seller the month, closing at 44%c
and rejected; rejected 43 1 /444%c t
Rye in fair demand and a ' shade
lower; sales bf No. 1 at '891190e,
No. 2 at 136 1 4®87%c, rejected at 77g0,
closing at .97%13 for No. 2, and 77340 for
rejected. Barley - dull and. easier,
0,4001,42 seller the month, and 7
11,35 in. More for No 2. -Highwines
firm with sales at $1,06®1,10, closing:
Arm. at outside. Sagan 13340150 for
common to prime 0 ha. - Provisions
firmer. Mess Pork 11 3. Dry salted
shoulders firm with 14 1 e bid; and 1435 c
asked. Lard inactive and firm at 1834 c.
Rough sides nominal at 1.70. Short rib
middles 17340. Sweet plokled hams 17M
018 c. Freights quiet and a shade easier
at 5060 for corn, and (No for wheat to
Buffalo. Receipts for the past twenty
four hours-4,387 bbls flour, 86,305 bush
wheat, 183,148 bush corn, 88,864 bush
oats, 8,165 busb rye, 9,267 bush barley,
4,574 head 'bogs. Shipnients-2,588 bbis
flour, 41,228 bush wheat, 98,670 bush
corn, 13,649 bush oats, 3,221 bush rye, 360
bush barley, 2,851 head hogs.
' ST. Louis, September 22.-irobacso
active at full prices. Cotton nominal at
290. Hemp dull, small sales of undressed
at 51,2501,40. Flour inactive and prices
favor buyers of spring and fall: super at!
114,50@5.15; ,do. extra at 14,9006,85; do.
double extra at 0,60@6,110 :do. trebble
extra, at ;08,2606,60; - i choice to fancy
family at . . 06,7606. . Wheat advanced
abed 2P; No. 2 redfall at $1,06®1,09, No,
1 do. at 11,11®1,15; _Choice at 11,20; No.
2 white at 01,09®1,10; No. 1 do at $1,17@
1,2234; taw* at 0,874' Cern in nood
demand and best graden bleier, mixod,
in bulk at 88086 c; do, in sac 8' at 86e;
yolloy 141137 ® 901 white at 9641,00. , Oat"
'.' f , lin t `!: : ~ J i- f , i I I :,F . lii r .) ,:, 1 1
-F2'..; liiiiti't... ,V11.21.*:.:
-dull 4 a, .tid I. bulk at -1.3 e. do.
insweirsos2 ! &ewe; whiteist4B@isOcritarley
unchanged; sales a g 1,115 for strictly
prime Minnesbta; 81,85'fer.fall. Rye un
changed; sales . at 8312)815c. Whisky' Sold
at111,10(§1,11. Groceries: a moderate bu
siness doing and firmer:" Louisiana Su
gar 1£01.1%.3. Rio Ooffee 233r®243t0;
good to fair to prime 25340. Choice Pork
dull;"jobbing lots sold at' s32Js@33.Dry
salted meat - firm and advanced to 15c for
'obi:Raiders, 180 for clear - rib aides; 100.000
pounds loose shoulders for Chicago, sold
at 13%c. Bacon stiff; alear rib sides on
!orders brought 19y,c, clear sides 193,®
1910, shoulders Jaeld at 1634 c. /Lard
very dull at 186)18%c. Cattle steady and
unchanged at $3@6,50. Hogs qu*t at
07,80440;25. Receints were flour )8,100
bbls, wheat 19,300J/ugh, c0rn15,500 bush,
oats 1,200 bush, parley 6,000 bush, rye ,
1,000 bush. ' '
Cistotztaevrr, Seth; 22. —Flour unchang
ed and dull; demand light; family at 86
®6,25. Wheat unsettled; no accurate
quotations can be given; red held at 11,15
®l,lB, which could have been bought 2
®3O lower. Corm dull and supply large
at 98c®$1. Oats steady at 50®55c. Rye
at $l. Barley at $ 1;60®1,65. Tobacco
active, with sales 242 bbds extra at $7Qa
24. Whisky closed firmer and 2c high
er, with sales 425 tobls at 431,12. Mess
pork dull, with small sales at $32. Lard
very dull. and could have been bought
at 173.ic. Bulk meats firmer; shoulders
held at 14M.., and clear sides at 17Nc.
Bacon at 153.,1(a16c for shoulders, and 19
®l9y, for clear rib and clear sides. But
ter steady at 30035 c. Eggs firm at 20c,
shippers count. Lard oil dull and de
clined t0151,33®1,38. No change in Lin
seed' or Petroleum. Sugar firm and in
good demana; raw at 13;4016c; refined
at 16)(,®17%. Coffee firm at 20®20c.
Beef cattle dull and drooping at $2,75®
6,50. Hogs In better demand at 0®9,75.
Gold 137 buying, and 137 1 4 selling. , Ex
change firm at 1.10 to 50 per thousand
discount buying, and par selling. The
money market is close.
TOLEDO, September 22.—Flour dull
and drooping. Wheat weak and a shade
lower; No. 2 white Wabash at $1,28; No.
3 do at $1,23; No. 1 white Michigan at
f1,55@137; amber at 81.2554; No. 1 red at
61,28; No. 2 do at $1,2554®1,28; No. 3 do
at $1,2214 ®1,23. Corn dull; No. held at
90c, 80c bid. Oats unchanged; No. lat
Mc; No. 2at 47c. Freights quiet at 4®
9c to Buffalo and Oswego. Receipts,
3,500 bbls flour, 73,700 bush wheat, 17,000
bush corn, 9,000 bash oats, 700 bush rye,
400' bush barley. Shipments, 2,500 bbls
flour, 41,400 bush wheat. 0,000 bush corn,
4,200 bush oats, 400 bush rye. •
CLEVELAND, September 22.—Flourqui
et and unchanged. Wheat steady but
without strength, asks of No: 1 red win
ter at 11,31, No, 2 do. $1,29, other grades
inactive and unchanged. Corn: nothing
doing, No 1 mixed held at 9bc, No 2 do.
96c. Oats dull and nominal at 48c for
No 1 State as the asking price. Rye quiet
and nominal at $101,05 for No 1, 90@95c
for No 2. Barley receipts impr•ving, no
transactions. Petroleum quiet, hardly
so firm but unchanged; retmed held at
283 c, prime light straw to white 2t®
29h;c, standard jobbing lots 39033 c,
crude held at $6,50. •
IditwALTREE, September 22.—F our
iu (Air demand but lower; choice spring
extras t 5,25. Wheat steady at t. 1,201;
for No. 1, andl,l6y for No. 2. Oats
quiet @
4444;4 for No. 2. Corn nomin
ally lower at 8 135 for No. 2. Rye steady
and unchanged. Barley nominally un
changed. Receipts: 2,000 bbls Sour, 81,-
000 bush wheat, 4,000 uush oats, 3.000
bash corn. Shipments: 5,000 bbla flour,
66,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush corn.
LotTIeVILLE, September 22.—Flonr
firm; sales superfine at 65@5,25. Grain
quiet and unchanged. Leaf Tobacco ac
tive; sales 157 hhds ranging from $6,70®
17,25. Provisions quiet And unchanged:
mess pork f3:3@33,60. - - Bacon shoulders
163‘6103Rc, clear ribs and clear sides 1934
®19,.1c. Lard 20c. Rams:- sugar cured
240, fancy 250. Woolunchanged. Whis
ky unchanged. Bagging advanced to
BlEatmis, September 22.—Cotton dull
and nominally unchanged at 26c; re
ceipts-212 bales; exports - 47 balel3; stock
on hand 89 bales. Flour quiet and un
changed. Wheat at $1,10©1,25. Corn;
none in the market;. nominal at 81,03.
Oats at 58®00c. liaylat M. • Bran $23.
Pork _134. Lard unchanged. Bacon
stead; shoulders at 163;c, sides at 193s®
PHILADELPHIA, September 22.—Flour
very dull, but unchanged. Wheat quiet,
western red ;1,48@1,50. Rye Unchanged.
Corn less firm, mixed $1.11®1,18%. vats
in good demand, 64®65c. Petroleum
easier, crude, 22c, refined 32%c. Mess
pork steady, 132,50@33. Lard 19%c.
Whisky bnchanged.
BALTIMORE, September 22.—Wheat
dull and lower: $1,50@1,65 for prime red.
Corn dull: common white 51,25(i)-1,30.
Oats 60®65c, Mess Pork dull at ;33.
Bacon unchanged. Lard quist at 193i©
20c; Whisky bilk and in good demand
at 81,15©1,1535. it -
&loan°, Seftember 33.—Cattle dull
and weak the demand being exclusively
for low grades, 5.3,50@4,48% for cows,
15@5,50 for fair to medium steers. Hogs
active, with ready sales, 119®9.40 for fair
to medium, t9,60®10 for good choice.
Live Stock mart..
Ng* ~:Yotts, Septembe r 22, —Fresh
cattle to-day, 1,660 head, besidei 430'head
left Voiii'Monday. The trade is a little
quicker, but prlces.are scarcely as Rood
as Monday, owing to the inferior. stock.
Most of the cattle are poor and some of
them very hard. ' The 'pros ranged
from 8 to • ' 16% cents • and all
sold. The., poorest., 75 ,dry
cows, thin Edema and heifers, 4 cwt, sold
at 809 c; best 70 Kentucky grades; 8X
cwt, at 15©100; - 380 thin Miasouri
steers,. 5% cwti 11@)123fc; SO fair 7 owl
Ohio catti0,:13(41530. There was a better
tone at the clopsmaiket. The arrival
of Sheep were 4,400 arid ' all selling; tat
lots of Sheep and laMbs go quickbl but
thin sell slow.. Stitiovvaryfirom 4% to'
63y,,, with nothing very •titoo oil sale.
Lambs bring 7@,8%c; a smaillof of. choice
State, 64 pounds, 13,0. ' 'Calk 'load. 60
pounds, 80, ande thin lot 47 pounds, 7o;
a car 70 pound sheep, 1i01dat.,43 c; a:oar
Ohio. 80 poundsi:4o, and a, lot 85 pounds,
60. Hog arrivals only 19 cars' and prides
unchanged; a car State, 1961pbtindi, Bel- .
ling at 105(,o; 3 oars Illinois, 195 pounds,
same price; a oar Miphigap,
Dry .Goods Market.
NEW YORE, September 22.—Owing to
the rainstorm the market is less 'active,
but still a fair business at generally
steady rates was done. .We observe that
some, codcessions are being, made in cei
tain' styles of plain* goods, the most
'noticeable today being a deeline of Mo
in Booth 0, Brown, Conestoga.E, Broad - -
way and Augusta 44 Brown ,Sheetings,
which are selling it 12%0 for the two
former and 1334 c and ific respectiveiy for
the other - brands.' • • • •
RoliiSP:Ofr o r_A—Mheat 1524
16: we e for upper' 'cies ' otheri steady;
'retied:lts 20,000.bds eltt ' ra white 14,63;1
Into. Idol 1,112; regular $1;27; amber *1,27.
'lldroftrs ' RAILROAD
o rann i m iim £2qD Prrrenueom'aen
nc,An septedd?er 22,-4 dare'llmestone
ore' Mosnight ' s Porter 0o; 'I do iron
ore,.Hussey.,Wells eis:Copp2 do lumber,
Per, v t o PiPete* oi• wp; 4 1 01 K, whet) W
rqut (fun I,l4,*iliQ t.,,i
tpti4 :4.4111 " telloco t ; ;
13 Stout; lumber, R P Buig4iti;
Moritgomer.y;,ss eke feed, H Schnelbach;
156 elks oats' ' Gist's= & M; 9 crate s
grapes, Van (lorderr. dr. 5; 3 bbls oil, 3 do
grease, Lippincott & t 3; 9 bdls Paper. W
S Haven & Co; 11 toms peaches, F G
Craighead; 5 bucketa butter, 2 bbls eggs,
J A Eiddle; 55 eke rye, Rose & Ewing;
208 bbls apples, 6 kgs butter," Head de M; ,
49 db do, H Riddle; 21 do do, W H Graff
&, Co; 93 eke oats, 49 bbls • apples, Duff &
Son; 5 bbls eggs, S Dave': 33 bbls apples,
Bruggerinan & O'Brien: 22 do do, Wood
worth dt D; 26 do do, Voigt, Mahood &
Co; 40 bbls apples, G H Wella; 10 do do,'
W J Steel; 6 PlAsl apples, Day idt Co; 25
bas starch, Central, Trans Co; 15 bales
corn, McElroy. & po.
ILROAD. September 22.-1 car
ore, Graff. Byes & - .Co; 6 do metal,
Nimick & Co; 16 do - do, Bryan &
Canghey: 4 do do,) Hallman & Hammptt;
sdo do, Union Mills; 2 do do, Everson,;
Preston it 06;5 dO, do; Zug & en; Ido dO, ,
• Loomis & Collard; 36 tcs lard, J P Han
na & Co: 50 bgs ti' otby seed, A, Kirk
patrick et Co; 22 o do, E Heazleton; 2
'bbis alcohol, 1 'd grease, 2 do sizing,
kiarris & Ewing; 2 hides, J H Strain;
20 bga seed, S Ha e & Son; 25 bbls high
wines, R C Lyo s; 4 pkgs soap, Jas
Patterson & Son; 00 bbls flour, Shown.
ker & Langenffel ;60bd is hides, G N
Hoffstott; 51 - bats km, N J Braden; 25
do do, Jas Conner 25 do do, Johnston &
Calvin; 20 do do ,H Lippincott; 10 do
soap, 10 do cande . Thomas Bro;.50 aka
oats, Geo P Mcß ids; 17 doz brooms,
Wm Millar & Co; 27 do do, S B Rob'.
son & Co; 162 bga barley, 16 do rye, W J
Meek; 11 bbls eggi, Meanor & Harper;
2 oks cheese, Woodworth & Davison; 4
bbls eggs, 6 tubs bntter, Voigt, Mahood
&Co; 6do do, J . 1 Graff; 6 sks rye,
Godfrey & Clark.
ALLEGHENY ST, TION, September 22.-
74 sks oats, R Kn a &Son; 41 cars metal,
Graff; Bennett it Co 6_ o lim estone,
Richey, Harbaug & Co; 1 car metal,
Lewis,Bailey & Dalzell; 12 ides, Lappe
& Wese; 2 cars flaxseed. 95 sks do, M B
Suydam; 23 cars whe at , Ke nedy.& Bro:
1 car lime, J Abdell; 60 b is cethent, J
Updegraff; 20 bbls a les. Owens; 10
btils flour; 100 ski - Tien,
sks do, Hambright fi John]
do, Geo Stewart.
ALLEortgarr V AS,,LET It J
tember 22.-83 sIM oats, 7
Vansdale; 2 i bbls ergs, W BJ
& Co; 3 pkgs oggs Head
ear metal, H Woo sides; 2
Byers & Co, 3do 00, John
car lime, D L Reynolds; 2
McKnight, ?ortex tit Co; 11
Geo Woo'slayer.
, URG; NEW. 0
RV.—Theflee ntul.engte stet
LIEI.I. V aw.10N...4. ,{. Own
Will leave for the allove and int
on sue drat water.
Fortreialit or passage apply au board or to
. tilitttEar, SWANK% A C.'., or.
' lel. Aia A COLLINGW VD, Airotts.
N. B.—Obrieat. SiVaisev A Co., give through
bills lading to Alabama river and Texas porta.
selU I
- - - - -,
The Ant. vass.l. ger stell , wer
WliL leave for, the ab9ve and tritermedlAte porta
on tire. wat-r. a
Fur freight or passage apply 9n, board, or to
FLACK *, Cu., N ("WOOD, or
act/ - it:iitiEtyr a SWANEY. Agen t s.
Leaves Plastnicgh EVERY SA
The swift said superb "Fildewhe
leave as announced above.
For Fieiglit or Faciago apply
N. 8.-11.3 Frellint. received
Tgri . tntar; rum sminerasturs
Numbering airieen nrst-slaw 7essels, among
to.natbe celebrated
Sallnig EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 45,
North River, New York. liar nassage or further
information armly to
'mobs odi Ruicauin. Jr.
1113 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh.
of the SiOniacn, Liver or Intsstines.
Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEt .
4t,CllENEY r Dniggists, I ueldo. N Y. Sold.
by by all DrugghdEr. • •
Wholessle Aiients—SCHW KRTZ & H &Z LETT
„: BOLD , emir DI
Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &o n
114 srovitm..a-v - EactrE.
Where may ' be Yelled assortment of Pars
or. Chamber and Kitchen ForMtarc deM
`lmporter and retaiidealerin
aiiinS2e'rEVllol 4 4l.E.ll . l".
Orders by mall receive prompt attention.' Bead
for samples,
1.033 Chesinut NC,
ave:l77.aus&T . •
pyl.EsaitAnt.r. RESIDENCE .
'Fon SAI.E.-11371feet front on 441 h street
914 deepon an alley; a substantial mini y Man
gm wall arranged for comfortand convenience.
Portico, wide ha.l. nine rooms, wash room and
good cellar. i Large garden/r avrolaeed. p•er
trees grape vines, etc -. of choice qualities. The
location is headily and piessantt
b. tIUT4 BERT a gOlis,
sel4' ' 39 di xtn Avenue:
*tun, sad per..ant dealtlni. a. Welts=
m.. end otakets,eanb awis spicy weealy
; rola eit.; XialraltS +bilipenOur tame an 4
roatoMee &date* SO Cia.B.DliZat 701911 NA-Lit
=IR% t t • t .l SUS°
0: -)0.5 `311,,
The river, continues to recede slowly
with 2534 Inches by, the metal marks last
evening. There was• considerable rain
yesterday morning. Cut unless it is fol.
lowed by a good deg more, no rise need
be expected. Weghtir continues sultry
and unsettled. Mercury 83 in shade;
barometer, 58.
The New State from Wheeling arrived
and departed. The Belie did not arrive
on time having been delayed by low
water; she was expected in last night,
however, and will:. depart for Parkers
burg at noon
Capt. Chas. W. Cole's new steamer,
Batesville, arrived yesterday, and as
soon as she receives her furniture,
carpets, &0., &c., will be ready for busi
ness, 'She is 125 feet in length, 20 feet
beaM,tepth of hold, 3% feet; .2 boilers,
18 feet long and 34 inches in diameter,
engines 10 inches in diameter and 33%,
feet stroke. She draws but 13 inches,
light, and was built for the upper White
river trade.
The I3ellevernon is announced for
New Orleans, and the Maggie Hays for
St. Louis..
—The R. C. Gray is loading at-Cincin
nati for Memphis.
—The St. Marys has gone to Cincinnati
where she will be repainted.
—The Mollie Ebert , was to have left
Louisville for Pittsburgh on Monday.
—The Great Republic left New Or
leans on Thursday last,With a first rate
---Capt. Hugh Campbell Is loading the
Mary Davage's barges at Umeinnatt for
New Orleans.
Capt. Joseph Porter and:Jack Cham
bers, were in Cincinnati Monday, en
route iron Pittsburgh to New Orleans.
—The Linton went on the docks at
Memphis, Saturday, for repairs. Capt.
J. D. Adams has chartered her and the
Ida Stockdale for sixty days.
—The Emma Graham was loading at
Madison for this port on Monday. She
has among other items 1,500 boxes, and
600 bbls starch, 300 bbla flour and 100 bbls
ton; 30 bbls
—John Weare, chi engineer engineer of the
steamer Creole, was inn over by a train
on the Pontchartrain Railroad on Satur-
day, at Milnsburg, which cut bath of. his
legs from his body. The unfortunate
man was immediately taken to New. Or
leans for aid, but it is hardly probably
he will recover.
tdiAnn. Sep
do wheat, J
• Metzgar; 1
o do, Graff,
Moorhead; 1
cars metal:
eke wheat,
—The C. J. Caffrey, dredging boat on
the upper Mississippi, during two
months scraped bars 798 times, took out
63 snags, cut 32 impending trees, ran a
distance of 1,859 miles. Three weeks of
the above time she was necessarily idle,
Colpnel Long having made her his head
quarters at La Crease while superintend
lug' the fitting tin the WisConsin River
firedgeboat. The lowest stage of watfir
this season was two feet eight inches on
the bars about the first of August, when
the rain commenced, and a geed boat
ing stage was kept up ever - since be
St. Paul and Dubuque. -,
B 3
mediate ports
ESEfetrilh illip BY A. T
No. 271 Liberty Street,
(DmitEcTvrorr. ICAO= HOTV.L.)
ee :716
RDitY- 12 ar.
I Steamer ST.
mander. will
Successor tO Fetzer &
n board, or to
(.iti' 9 4.lD, or
ES, Agents.
r /tA. ht. sell,
349 Liberty St., Pittsburgh,
ltir STEELE & SON,
Consrn4ssion Merchants, .
AND D1A.L2813
Erziotrit, GRAIN; rEzem,.!,..o.
No: 98 owe 13TRENI, near Esnt Common.
, Wholesale and Retail Grocers,
*3180:39 ,
Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants
Dealers in Produce Ylonr, Baoon, Cheese,
71511, Carbon and-Lard 'OIL, Iron, Nails, Glass
Cotton Yarns and all P . l.tabargh 31anurnetureil ,
Kenerally, 1.12 and 11 1
. 13T.REF,T..
.10111 r 1. HOUgh..iDW:
TOHN 1. HOUSE 413R05., Sue•
u cessors to JOHN T. HOUSE & CO. Whole
sale Grocers' aUg. Commission Merchants, COr•
tier of gmithgeld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh.
,••N o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. • •
haz:sts .
-CASH . ; , •
n ,
No. NA Fifth Aveinot Second Floor,'
ri..TISBURtiIi, PA.
CapitalAllPal 41:TF•
' . !' '- ' 1. Dialdmais.
N. J. Plirlen ,w.oliserjr. Capt.M.Balley, '
Dann Wallace, .H. Hartman. . Chambers,
Jake /11114 - , .q.ll , oturkan,. du. M. Bailer.;
Thomas lath Jno.S. Willonk, .
ROBE T H.ILINO, President. • • ~. :.
J.HQ. P. JENNINOS, Vice President.
,- -JOS. T.' JOHNSTON', fieeresatr.
Capt. B. J. OfiLAOE, &eel Agent.
:Durarea ea Liberal.' Tering - .on
all Fire
• ' .1 ' •and,Marine'Rtilis. ,
rEgg .
ally at BENJAIIIN- PIJLPHESS 'popular
ish - Stand, 140: 45 Diamond' 'Market, Pitts-,
burgh, and at the Twin- City, Allegheny City,
corner of Ohio and Federal st.ts.• Can' be had
aU kinds of Bea_ and Lake its . Halibut, Shad,-
rßeak, Codfish. Haddock and - el: 'Alto, large
'Supplies .of White, Lake Blab, bailsman, Busk ,
Btergeon. Herring and biacinaw Trout, which
enables unto sell at. the lowest market prices,
whdlesale , or ttretail.- •We•havite all foyers of
'rep Ylab to_slvc as a call. and we will incur
them a treat. I . . .mb2li
e -.- ...
HALL'S ALIXIa. WELL eras 131AD.A.C113.
Mazur, WILL Ul7lll . 008TIVII.
Prlee or 3 faraball'oltltzir, 11 0 0pprlopttle.
Depotl3olMarket street. M. ss wiilLtLL
& Co., Druggists, .p ropiteters .,.
For sale, wholesale and retail,
.bt_GEO. A.
KELLY, riregburirtu 9
461 1701r1 9 16 'AIMERICA 3 / ' • .
..1. . ... , •
, cyrzrwrlMS.E• • ,
We'ire In' receipt ,of,tbe above ,vrell-known
brand 'or Onoese. , -Thbr 'Caress 15'12101w aka
place of all.. others where:l ntroduced For ode,
, Ndkaisanle 0r,r.P411 tiollte,‘ firgIFEILW I . ,
"!'loald ' .'
' Coribarlabarif and Nlpthsartano.
t•c;.l.—, , • • •,. ~,• • . • 1••_ , 1' , ..',.' .•,. ... . .
::, 0q,,!.. , •t. ~t., ~ •1 • J'..z.t: OP i. it , Is : . •
On and after MONDAY Sept. 20. 1859, TWO'
will leave Pittsburgt Depot, corner of Elev
enth and Pike street:443r Franklin, 011 OILY.BIII
- and all points In tie Oil Regions.
LL&VI rtvarserman. • AnsLIV IN PITTSBDEGIS
Day-Ex 7:00 are ;Day Ex 5:15 p m
night Ex .... 7:35 pm. Night Ex 5:55 a m
Ist Hunan— 6:40 a m ilst Helton.. 6:25 pm
2d Hu1t0n . ...1t:50 miiio Halton... 8:50 a m
3d Helton.. 5:00 pm' Helton... 8:10 D
4th Hultod..11:00 p M4th Hilton. 7:30p as
Freeport Ac.- 8:15 amisodaWorks.. 7:30 a al
Soda Works.. 5:3(i p m !Freeport Ac 6:15 p m
Brady'.. BAo 31)5 p m Rtadys B 10:05 a m
Churn 1:00 p ni !Church . 10:10am
Express trains Moo only at, princ.pai Dolma,
A-CnOMModation rains sto_p at all stall ms
J. J. LAVVRENCI,_ Oen': "%Vt.
THOMAS M. KW% sun. dupl.
, ..
AD. On and after 111%2., Sunday AUGUST
29th, ISBI3, Trai , a will. Vitro - M. atat depart
from the Union Depot, corner of 'Washington
and Liberty streets, as follower - ~-,,,,,,-..,...-.,,
Arrtes. D
Mall Train—. 1:20 am *Day Emkreelll2:3o liinl
Fast Line 1.45 am Pacific Ex... 7:43 ant
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's No. 1.. 6:30 am
BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mall Train 8:10 am
Wall's No. 2.. 9:05 am Bra'ksAs No 1.5 . 10 pm
Cincinnati Ex..14:25 am Cincln'ti Ex. 12:30 pm
Johnstown Ac 3020 am tWairs No. 2.. 11:35-am
f it
Bra' ks Ac Not 7:00 pm Johnstown •Ac.4:013 pm
Plasb , l: Ex.12:430 pm ra , ks Ac Noe. 9:510 pm
Phila. Expressl:oo pm Phila. Express 3:50 pur --
Wall's N0.3...1:50 pm Wail's No. 5.. 3:ospm
Bra`ks AcNo 29:58 pm ' Wall's No. 4.. 6:ospm
Wall's No. 4. 5:50 pm i• Fast Line 7:30 pm
Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall'alco.s.. 11:00 pm
These trains make close - connection at Harris. 1
burg for Baltimore. . 1
The Church Train leaves Walls Station every
Sunday at 9:03 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at
10:05 a. m. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at
12:150 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station at
2:10 p. In.
*Cincinnati. Express and Pacific Express leaves
daily. A" cthei tra:ns daily except Sunday.
For further information apply to
W. H. BECKWITH. Agent.
The Pennsylvaniaßallroad Company will not as.
sume any risk forßaggage, except for wearing ap
parel, and limit their remmnsibility to One Ruu
d: ed Dollars In value. Ali Baggage exceeding
2at amount In value will be at the risk of the
owner. unless taken by special centract.
anP.O General Superintendent. Altoona,:
RA-LROAD.—On and after Auguet 99,1869.tke
Passenger Transco the Western Pennsylvania
Rai road will arrive at and depart fronr the
Federsl Street Depot,'Allegheny - Clty,eur follower
Arrive. • Depart. -
Springd'e No 15:40 a m atm
Freeport No. I 8:20 a m Freeport No. 19:140a in
Express 10:40 a tu Sharpb'g No111:20 am
Sharpb'g No.11:20 p roi Express 2:20 p m
Freeport No . 21:05 pm I Springd"e No13:10 pia
Mall -5 : 50 p mi.Y.reeport
Springd'e N026:90 p mlSpringd'e No28:30 pra
Above trains run , dpt Sunday. , •
. The Church Train leaves. Allegheny Junction
ever!, Sunday at T:4O a. tn.:reaching Allegheny
City al 9:50 a. nr. Returning, leaves Allegheny
City at 1:5I0 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jane-
Lion at 3:40 p. m.•
• COMMUTATION TIMM-Tor tale: in Wages
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street,- Elerni, Bennett, Tine Creek,Etna -and
Sharpsbura and good only on the.trabg *topping
at-Station! , specided on tickets:
The trains leaving Allegheny City at T:00 a.
m. make direct connection at Freeport with Wa
lkers line of-Stages for Butler and Hannalietown.
Through tickets may be purchased at the OE ce.
No. ISt. CHO street, near the Snapensionviridge,
Pittsburph; and at the Depot, Allegheny.
For farther information apply to
• • • j9t4713 FffeifiESTizeett
The -Western - Pennsylvania -Railroad win e tot
assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing
apparel, and limit-their responsibility 'to One
Hundred Dollars in value. Ail baggage. ex
ceeding this amount in value wilibe at the risk of
the owner. unless taken beapecial contract.
au3o General Superintendent, -Alipecapt.Wa.
1§0.41:911111EL FORT 'WAYNE &CHICAOO
From August 39th, 1860, trains will leave from
and arrive at the Unlan Depot, north aide. Pitts.
burgh city time, as follovrE
- Leave.
Chleigo ....2:08 aln
Erie 4 itgen Es - .7:28 sin
Cl. &Wh'g31 , 16:28 ant
Chicago Mail-8:58 a m
Fast Line. ....B:4S am
Cl. & Wit'g Ex 1:23 pa.
Chicago 1:38 p
IV , e & Erie Ex4:3B pm
Depart from 4.1 ff phtng.
Itea•r Falls Ac.9:08 um
Leetsdale `• .10:03 :Lan;
" 11:5g - sal
Rochester .2:23 Pill
Enon • " .3:58 Inn
Leetsdale Ac0.5:13 pm
Bes'rFalls 66 .o:l3pm
Leetsdale "10:43pm
Fair Oaks Sun
day Church. 1:13 p m
331'1:38 p. m. Chieag
Air 7:230. m.,Chlea4
Geol. Pas. & Ticket Age]
Chleago Ex..)1:13 a in
rselfle Ex....7:43 a m
Wheeling Ex 1048 s m
C. Bt.). Ex 9:08 pm
, Chl'goExsllll3:slB 1 Et
Cleveland Ex .3:38o m
Erie riglt' nEx 5:58p m
Cl. & We Ex6:3Bpm
4rrtve La 4//spastY•
LPetsd ale Ad..6:53 sat
Beer Yells " B:Ms am
Mery Castle ”13:513 am
Enon 9:13 am
Leetsdale ..12:48 pm
Bea , r Falls .` )1:53 pm
Leetsdale " 4:33 pat
Fair Oars Sun7:93 Prn
day uhurch. - 9:58 am
Express leaves daVy.
Express arrives
nt.. Gent. Manager.
MAMIE 4.)F TlME.—Onand Jitter SUNDAY,
August 22,1569, trains willleave and arrive at
the Union Depot. u follows:
Mail • •••• • f h 711:03 p
Vast .. .. 8133 1:08 p. m.
Express—. . .... ,1:43 p. m. 1:13 m.
Mixed Ar.e."n " 5:23 a: m. '2:53
Ide.l3onaldis Aeo'n,No.l 11:38a. m. .7:38 a. in.
Steubenville Accominod. 3:53p. in. 9:45;
dee'n. No. 2 5.33 P. m. ;hill D. is.
Sundav Church Train.. Lnitilit p. 9:58 a. la.
Air 1:43 P.M. train will leave daily 4 _
12:03 P. N. train will arrive daily.
AU - other trains will ran daffy: trmasyrexeeni
.ed. The 5:53 a. m. -Train makes close con
nections -at Newark. itr Zaneiville. •
, . ,1 0 .
- General Ticket ' Aker t S ,'Ooliunbt ECl: i. •
W. W. 91 . 14Wilitipl...Denntsqn..tituo. .
° P .. •-'‘ • • i.}:l , - - :;••••.: • • L... 1
L'll • • '
On d after TOESDA,Y. 2fojetebe t i, 1721.,
-11461:'nesinOwill arrivent- aid- Admit htiazd las
emmet of Grant end, 2 Water, atreeta t ,... Aft
ifitttimittifeemunion-` 'P ePart- • • - : 4" " al tH
town L7:00 A: X. 6:001..11.
BielleesportAecomdt , n 11.00.. M. 2:05P. X.
Ex. to and from Untln- 3:00 p.,X. /0;10A: Ilk
West Newton Aceoni'd Y. 8:33 A. 14
Eraddock'srAeeozadt , n. 6:154 Y. 7:50 P.*
Night Ac. toMelVsport.lol3ol.. Y. 3:45 A. 3
j3pudaT Ohnreh Train tp - ,
and from West Newton 1:001.. sr. 10:00 A.
liar ticket* apply to •
E. ICRitiftniv, *gat
W. B. STOUT, Superintendent. t, neat
TAWS /111"EiniiiM
moN pAcik i Bit
Etuitent Divbititv
RUUPlCttemtheEastteal point"
Colorado Nevada,
ftlifernia• ,lltah,
Washington, 1
New alexim,,
Oregon. • •
Tiro 4aia. leatre State lane iintLes
ilendaMexceredion hearrikal
of ac Bat ad rcon t. Louis, and=
Dal and fit. Joe Railroad - from WM,. cowl=
foe at Lawrence. Topeka and Wamego
track s
for all points In Rinses.end et
track west of Ellsworth with the IthITED
Willa OF OFF-ELAM!) MAIL Alll . l' s
COACH= FOR • • '
AU Points in the Territories,
of 13014.C1iE6 for Fort Nam .• Fort, ma i
,Allinquerque, gents Po, and all points in an.
sons end New Mexico. • - I •
Wilk the reoen Wigton Of rolling stook
saw equipment, • and the arfaagemetita moo
with re sponitble Overland TranefeutiOkm Lan
fronalts western terminus, this road now caw
unequaled Maw fa - . the tniainiselea of
&Melt to th West.
• • INisketa • et. PA the .itthaeftee, co s = t i
th rritat e tinitw fr ett si tee & s ou Canso ;
erkizirvt u•
' 4 +u**, lll P! 433 m3ukii.a
iii lijco
fl i - ia
1:1 PA • 1.1":!....1 . :! . ;i:-.d A'i
.1: i . !: . :.. - .* if ii:: :di