El Of Lii#4oi,tgat*ti: A 6CHOOL•GIRL OF THE PERIOD:. Geography ? Yes. tberes a lesson each day, Hut Its awfully hard to remember. We've been in month Africa nearly a month; Perhaps we'll go not th_ t 2 y. blovember, What Ilittory have we.? Its quite big book. Without any pictures— , bObotherl To-day I. was told I'd sustained a defeat Intheinittle olr-somelling Orotheri Arithmetic? oh. its tbe bane of my life matter bow hard I may study, My knowledge of diAden de. fractions and rules Continues unchangeably muddy. Proficient in spelling? I hope that I am, Thougn I shine less as writer than talk r; And due' t mln , i confessing now ofLett 1 use • A p3cket edition rt Walker. I We'vempoio ? Of course.once aweek— 'ac"' a t a ult subject to-mor. ow! Manage to spin out a page and a half, Though lots of glrls copy and borrow. you ask me whichiesson of all pref r? Y.. think my reply-, unite alarming • In "'Mach we've a gent 1 man readier you know, Andlsomelow Its perfectly coarming: for 'EDGAR F.avrCiar, in' liarper'a blagszlne Oltober. GENERAL NEWS. lowa expects to gain three Represents; Lives by the next apportionment. Tint Avondale Relief Fund at Phila. delphia, up to Monday evening, amounted to $27,256. 'Tun Tennessee Legislature will meet on the 15th proximo, and the election for United States Senator will take place on the llth. WALLA. WALLA, 'Washington Terri tory, reports marriages and divorces in equal numbers, and alternating with as tonishing regularity. TwENTY.TwO HUNDRED barrels of crude petroleum were . destroyed by the fire on the oil dock, at Sixty-first street, New York, last;week. Tan United States Railroad Condnc. tors' Life Insurance Association, now numbering 2,510 members, will meet at Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 20. THE St. Louis Board of Health has di rected that the names, localities and hours of business of the vaccine physicians be published in all the city papers. - Brine already experiences the blessings of annexation to the United States. Her population has to 680, and the number of her groggeries to 60. A BoSTON paper says : "The Temper ance Convention was, as usual, a very intemperate affair in its utterances. In other words, its spirit was bad." maw and his grandson went outhunt ing in Arkansas last week. Tne boy got behind some bushes and whistled like a turkey, and his grandfather shot him. Tun Saturday Review thinks the man who got into the way of the boat race and caused Oxford...to lose a length, ought to- be condemned "to an infamous im mortality." • SCIENCE' threatens the extinguishment of "the dusty miller." A. method has 'been discovered of making bread without grinding the grain, and a patent has been taken out for the process. A CITIZEN of Philadelphia on Monday conducted some relatives to the State House steeple, and while adjusting the telescope to his eye, sank backin a .state of syncope and was taken up 'dead. A swum SWALLOWING showman, near the State Fair groundit, at Toledo, Ohio. last week, while attempting to conceal a - • long knife In his throat and month, was so severely injured internally that it was - feared he would die. DeNTEL HACKETT, ahard-hearted Phil adelphia Jehn, for unmercifully belabor ing a horse for inability to draw alma of stone that would ,have been no easy job for a yoke of oxen, was fined and then held in $l,OOO to answer. THE colored citizens of Kansas will hold a State Convention at Topeka, October 27th, to organize 'for the comingPamPaien, in which they hope actively to' participate, through the ratifi cation of the proposed X Vth amendment. - Two Philadelphia burglars, Harmon and Thomas, under arrest at Columbus, Ohio, were released on Monday, and im mediately'. took an Eastern train. A Pennsylvania officer arrived soon after with the necessary authority col take,them into custody. Brnits Cox, an old woman, who for many years sold tripe in. the St. Louis market, died on Saturday. Oa searching her premises $9OO in gold and $4,000 in greenbacks were found concealed in the cellar. She leaves a husband to mourn her 10 - ss; and inherit her wealth. • QUITE a number of small lawyers in New York having advertised of late that -they can procure divorces without pub ' Itchy, for a small sum of money, one of - the firms has been summoned before the Supreme Court to show cause why they should not be compelled to refund money . thus obtained. Tint crrizsays of - Decatur. Illinois, havaputchased a silver set of thirty.three pieces, eight per - cent. finer than current coin, for presentahon ads Rev. Peter 'Cartwright, D. D. Intion ex• Gov. Oglesbyhas purchased a fifty dollar Turkish.'chair, which will be presented with tha silver set. , THE seven days Feast of Tabernacles, • commemorating the ins gathering of the fruits of the earth; began with the Jews "at'six It Is one Ofl4lo three ' annual elCbrations Com '. Mended by the lifois4,law, a n d, is strictly , . - • observed by all classes and conditions of this scattered people. How; lienaltiLL, after say - leg that'the •penitentiery • system of Ken -- cttt*y disgrace 'and a public shame; .worse'than the slave trade ever was, despondingly:; as It is a mine from which 'men can. ext ract wealth, it job for-any Man or sey of =dui& undertake ` to rtforni;" • rierLecL LINEN RUFFLED COLLARS AND CUFFS, LACE COLLARS. HANDKERCHIEFS, Embrold'd,Hemstltehed, SEWER LAWN AN.% LACE, HAMBURG EMBROPARIE S, REAL & IMITATI.+W LACE S A IDDINOS, BOULKFAVDE sKIRTS. ARAB SHAWLS, B IN t , ANTS , HA.ND KNIT ' , DIMS A SACQ J KNITTING AND ZEPHYR YARN, BERGMAN'S ZEPHIE, JAVA CAN VA,S. RN ITT iCIVR MATERIALS. HANDROME S..W AND SASH RIBBONS, TRIMMING SATINS._ .. BONNE VELVKTS, HAT eRD BONNET. PLUMES. - FINE I KENCH FLOWERS, Latest sttl , s .ATS AND BoNNETS , BONNET AND BAT FRAMES, and MILLINERY GOODS Ball= fle EVERY .DESCRIPTION, 77 and 79 MARKET STREET st2l FALL (OPENING. IA 1Z P,4 ARAB SHAWLS, In /laid and Boman Striped Baffled Collars and Cuffs, - The New Sailor Collar, Silk Fringes, Satin Trimmings, Silk Glass Buttons. E EC P R A 04 VI 4 rt .4 )4 i t XI .4 In all the Newest Patterns iISSES FINS - WOOL CIPS SiCitrlE elegant asserts:teat just received WI lair and Jute Switches, Balmoral and" Plaid Hosiery, fool Ball Hose, Shirts and Drawers, FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR CO., ) A Full Supply of AU /kinds. HEAVY PLAID FLANNELS, .MACEEM, GLYDE & CO., 78 & 80 larket 'Street. sellt MIZI ;In Nllir MO GOODS ItACRITII 6 CARLISLE'S EET, Dress Tritandugs and Buttons. , • SantoMertes and Laces. Ribbons and Flowers. Hats and Bennett". Glove fitting and French C 0111446. New Styles Wraelty's Skirts. l'arasols- - all the new styles. Bun and Bain Umbrellas. • Hosiery — the best Engl ish ak es, Agents for *Hurts , asnleu Spring and Summer underwear, Bole Agents 'or the Bemis Patent Shape Col lars„ "Lockwood's "West End," "Elite," de; •'Dltkens, "Derby," and other stiles. Healers supplied with Ike above at PITTSBUESII, PA. "PLACRUM & CARLISLE, SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, -ELT EU FINE ASSORTMENT OF YARN. No. 27 Fifth Avenue, MANUFACTURERS' Ilii4a. 27 FIFTH - AVENUE y 4 WINES. LIQUORS, &o. IMPOSTERS OF WINES, BUMS, GIN, &O WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WRISIMS, 409 PENN STREET, Nave Nemeved to NOS. 884 ANT) 886 PENN, Cora Mairenth St., (forinerly CanaL) JOSEPH S. FINCH es, CO., • ' ' sOs. 1136 197.1 99 . 191. 193 man Val 'MET nrissralmf:. patrurAort l = l 4 pepper DiStnifd- Flint Rye mioVdesters in' ItssinelriMits'ana' L; WORK ROM, ‘023.101 . • LEARNT ~... 7PAPEB, HANGINGS. ; tm fir- Enameled. Wall rapers taLffilnin tints elons to soot and smoke. Vernoillictrnitt witt_s_sol,! , and Inlaid plgores.l OB B g. ,Vrrn INDUt. TAPZieTR74. stamped and emitted Aold.i gim bere Newly imported and motto bet towed e In.the country. Tor "ale at, , , . MitaßlarA llll3 W. P. NEW WALL! PAPNB STORE, 191. Libertil Street. IncTIDUORATIO.NB.In Wood, Marble, and Yeesoo imitations far Wags aim Ceilings of Dining q.nr - . . . 107 Mark. josEi migg setstreet.Bo. QTAIIPED GOLD PAPERS for 14.7 tortlri. %t No.lol Market street. IRMEL% B. Rue s& a Imo. C E T S. NEW FALL STOCK. Oil Cloths, Window Shades,_ DRUGGETS. DRUG GET SQUARES, ngrain Carpets, At the Lowest Prices Ever Offered. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. oelB.cl6T NEW FALL STOCK. CARPETS, The First in the Market AND THE CHEAPEST. CHOICE PATTERNS Two-ply and Three-ply ClipP INGRAIN CARPETS. THE FINEST LINE OT BODY BRUSSELS Myer Offered. in Pittslsrali. Bare time and money by buying from McFABLLND L COLLINS. No. 71 sad 73 FIFTH AXIOMS, au.n:d &T NEW CARPETS! MESH IMPORTATION arebmblgdr. I. 3oCalum from mann tuitgpe. VELVETS, BRUSSELS, Tapestry Brussels, &c., THE FINEST Assortment ever offered in' PittsburgL ALSO, A FINE STOCK OF THREE-PLTS, INGRAINS, COMMON •CARPETS A FINE ABSOWIId3NT OF Well Seasoned . Oil Cloths. IreILLIIII EROS., .ro. 51 FIFTH ogfr/EX RIVER I'CLINTOCK & CO. RAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE SELECTION OF BBITSSEI.S, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE LARGEST ASSORT ENT OF WHITE,CiaCK & FANCY DIATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN TUE CITE. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OISVEII , IIIeCLINTOCK & CO'S. A 3 FIFTH AVENUE. LITHOGRBPHERB• artuisax =alas, QINGEBLY & CLEISI Successors U to 41zo. F. Bcm:roam-sic I Co.. • PBAVTICAL LITIIO9II,II3BECES. The only Stearn Lithographic Tstahlishutent West of the Mountains. - Business Cards. Letter Beads. Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Dipionuts. Portraits. Vtaws, Certiteates of De-. posits, Invitation Cult, .111 stoLl* wbira pituunrat.. HAIR AND PERFUMERY• TORN PECK, Ol A ' A • - 1 HAIR Iir°RIMS AND PiRPI3II3R. No. Third street, near Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Alarazt On hand, a general misortnitent of La. dies CiS BAIMS, CMILS; Gantlemen'a WIEIS, _lftllS, SCALPS, oPion) °oms. Bita..,Lb:T l l, ite. All-ftari Price in cash will be given for RAW Ladies* and elentlemen's hair Cutting don* la tb a TiaMPat Mannar. WAY= t, DR:.NVIIITTnnt eIONTINVES TO TREAT ALL private diseases. Syphilis in all its !brine, all urthary diseases, and the effects of mercury are completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea or , seud nal Weakness awf Impotency. resultiag froM self.abuse or other causes, and which produces some of the following effects, as blotenes, bodily weakneelk indigestion; consumption, n ave to seciety.„ unstalainess„ dread of future events, loss of memory. indoleumoicleturnal emission% and finally so prostrating the sexual system Is to render marriage nnsaactory, and therefore improtdent, are permasently cured. Personae:. Meted With OM or anyother delleaW intricate • or long standingconstitutionsi complaint should Rive the Doctorstlilhe never fails. ekna. A particular a tt en ti o n - given to plaints, Learorrhes or WWWhites, Palling; =Wm or Ulceration of the Womb, Ovaritis, pruritic_ Amenorrhoea. Nenorrbagia, Dynnecto nontoes, and bterility or Barrenness, are. treat ed with the greatest success. It is self.evident that a physician who confines himself exelusivery to the study of a certain claw of diseases and treats thousands of ewes every year must acquire greater skill In that slleacalt , than one in general practice. • The Doctor publishes a medical pamphlet of fifty pages that gives a Pal exposition of venereal and private diseases; that can be bad free at , aloe or by mail for two camps, in sealed envelopes. ETCIT, sentence contain' ix:Laments:l to the af. Meted. and enabling them to determine the ine. else nature of their Complaints: The establishosintr ie compri sing u a t:a ample =tit thewpocitolis opinfola can en Deter. bv Rivi tannei ng a written statement of the Case. and medicines can be forwarded by mail or ex press. In some Instances. however. a personal Ir/sanitation Is absolutely necessary." while in 'others dallypersotud attention is regtirndpang for the oteoommodation cf such patients thels_Eu awirtments connected with the once that a tided with every requisite' that la ealeulMTcp promote recovery. including medicated -Aspen Whs. Ali prescriptions are prepared ,la the DOetor's own laboratory, under - his - personal ser Medical pamphlets at oMee free, or is liw il l e 2 l for two stamps. No matter who base railed, readwhat he says. Hours 9 A.M. tog P,X. Sundumlil ii. to 91. 9 WYLIB BTRI , W. (near Court House,' Flttsburgh, pa =MEI (Sex, end Floor). AND Ina