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NEWS BY' CABLE. Ennalista Excited over the Rescript of Pope Plus—The Press still Discuss the Probabilities of War Between the United States and Spain—Efteet of t Pere Plyacinthlo Letter to the Pope— Still Another Aspirant for the Spanish Throne—Spain Resolved to Save Cuba at all Hazards. [Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON. Septemjer 22.—The Ritual ists, clerical and lay, are just now deep. • ly excited over the contents of the letter or rescript of Pope. Pius the Ninth, in which His Hrliness repudiates the idea of non-Catholics or persons not in fall communion: with the Catholic Church '•-• attending at the Ecumenical Council in Rome, and taking part in the proceed ings. Puseyism or ritualism will na do. The delegates must belong to the Holy Mother by profession and baptism. Rev. Dr. Cumming -, will not, consequently, have an opportunity of an oral discus sion with the assembled prelates. - LONDON, September 22.—One hundred thousand dollars in gold was withdrawn from the Bank for New York. The prospects of a cotton crop in India are favorable. SPAIN. Lorinox, September 22.—The Times / says the Spaniards have found the ad vantage of a bold display of patriotism and national courage. Thek met an im agined affront with immediate defiance, though their threatened adversary is ten times more powerful than themselves. Sickles is manifestly alarmed at the re eult of hie' proceedings, and has re quested further instructions Pend ing a reply from Washington he 'desired to withdraw his note. If this is the actual case, Spain shows her own fearlesness, which may savor of -anrea son, but does not partake of the nature 4:4 bravado. She has declared that. if driven to extremity, she will fight. No doubt she will, MU/ for her to gain any advantage by doing so is out of the ques. -tion. But as the matter stands she.will lose less by war than her adversary. America may fairly decline an easy vic tory on such onerous and political terms. The people and government of Spain are resolved not to part with Cuba without a struggle. A contest could only result in the sacrifice of Cuba, coupled with other, but with slight loss. Sickles expected no such resistance as his note provoked. Possibly in the face of such ' opposition. his proceedings may be qual ified or repudiated by his Government. It is believed be exceeded his authority,and America cannot be responsible for his act. The S...andard thinks the loss of Cab 3, and perhaps Porto Rica, would be the certain result of a war with the United States. Here the mischief for apain would end, after months of combat, for she must agree to peace. Bat this mis chief would bring with it no correspond ing good to the United States. War would cause serious interruption of her commerce and result in the Wholesale destruction of her shipping. It is not probable the American Government will interfere any further in Cuban affairs. MADRID, September 22.—The Treaty of Commerce between England and Spain will soon be completed. The first subject of discussion before the Cortes on reassembling will be the choice of a King. Of the candidates thus far suggested, the King of Portugal seem to be the favorite. General Pierrad arrived at Taragona Tuesday, and the Republicans made a great demonstration in his honor. Much excitement prevailed, and there were some disturbance's in the street, during which the Secreolry of the Gov ernor was killed. The Government au thorities then took vigorous steps to re store order. Many persons were ar - rested, the Republican chips dispersed, and the Volunteers of Liberty dis. armed. An order has been issued for arrest of Pierrad. Gen. Prim has returned from France. Soon after his arrival a Cabinet Council . -was held, at which it was resolved to use every effort to save Cuba and to despatch : : more troJps to the island. The Tarrajzona affair was also dig , 'cussed, and strong measures proposed for the preservation of public order. Prince Napoleon is spoken of as a can didate for the Throne. TARRAGONA. Sept. 22 .— Gen. Peirrod _ : has fled from here to Valencia. It is re ported:he was stopped at Torrosto and erred. extare, Sept. 22. 7 -The Republican papers here disavow. and reprobate the violence committed at Torragons. Regent Serrano will leave the city prob. ably Ws week for the Baths of Alabama. , . rRAPICE. PARIS, September 22.—A banquet and fete were given in this city in commemo• ration of the 21st of September, 1792. September 22—Evening.—The Emperor presided tit the Council of tlinisters to-day. Evidenoe ban. been discovered which leads to the belief that the woman and Ave children discovered dead this Week were murdered by the husband and eld est son of the family. • PAnts, September 22.—Le Temps says the noble and courageous answer of Pere Hyacinthe will create an immense effect, appearing, as it has, orlthe event a focal. council: It is truly it sign of the times.- ' Le Steele is of the opinion that the at titude of the eloquent and earnest preacher must exercise great influence' • In the present crisis of the Church. ql The Taunted des Debats looks upon the religious situation as one fraught with serious consequences. It is said the coming Council at Rome will meet only to ratify the decision of a most nitre, Montane committee. but the attitude of certain German and American bishops, and the complaints of certain illtustrlons French ecclesiastics, shoW that' the la bore of the Council will not be so easy and direct as was antinipated. If the Syllabus triumphs ' it will be - with a struagle, and the triumph can only be ephemeral. LONDON, Sept. 22.—The Daily Tete graph estimates the declaration of Father Hyacinth as merely one of the many manifestations revealing the commotion in the Roman Catholic Church, Which promises to make the ecumenical born ell the occasion of anything but-spiritual peace. S W ITZER LA ND. LAUSANNE, September 22.—The Erni. versal Peace Congress is now in session here. Yesterday a banAuet was given to the delegates. Victor Hugo was present ana offered a toast to the Republic of the' United States. He said he felt sure that imitating the examule of America, Europe would eventually become a fed erative republic. PRUSSIA BERLIN, September 22.—The Crown Prince Frederick William will soon de part for Alexandra: He intends to be present at the opening of the Suez canal. Baron Von Wetheir, formerly Minister to Austrja,-has been appointed Minister to France, and Prince . Reuse appointed Minister' to Austria. ITALY. Fr.ouxwes, Sept. 22.—The Government has sent a circular to the Italian P..tinis ten at foreign courts pointing out the commercial and political interests of It aly, in Egypt, and expressing a desire that the Porte, will act in a conciliatory manner in points yet unsettled with the Viceroy. TURKEY. CoNsrewrirromk, September 22.—The Porte persiats in its demand on the Vic. eroy of Egypt in regard to the power of the latter to raise learns, and refuses to make any concession. _ MARINE NEWS. LONDON, September. 22.—The steamers America and City of Washington, from New York and Ottawa from Quebec, ar rived out. 'FINANCIAL AN t) COMMERCIAL. • LONDON, September 22.—Evening.— Consols: for money 92%, account 92g. American securities vwet and steady: 5-20 bonds, '62s, 844; '6ss, 82%, '67s, 81%; 10-40 s, 75;'62s at Frankfort, 873 4 @ 871.4; Erie% 26y i ; Illinois, 91;; Great Western, 28. Stock steady. Rentea 70f. 82c. LIVERPOOL, September 22.-LCotton i E.- regular; :middling uplands 12%@12 1 Ad: Orleans 13%@12%d. with sales of 8.000 bales. California white wheat 10s. 10d.; red western 93. 6d. Western flour 245. 65. Corn, mixed 30s. Oats 3.6. Peas 45d. Pork 112 s. 6. Beef 904. Lard 755. Cheese 61s. 6d. Bacon 655. 6d. Other articles unchanged. Lcitrocns ' September 22.—Tallow 475. Sugar 395.6d.®393. 9d. Turpentine 265. 9d. Petroleum at Antwerp 56%. Cotton at Havre 1525. SOUTH .Atirt'EßlCA. The Commercial 'Depression—Repeated Earthquakes—The People Flee to the Pampas—Yellow Fever. (By Tel. graph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Youx, September 22.—The steam ship Arizona . brings Panama dates to the 13th. The commercial depression still continues at Panama. • Several shocks of earthquake had taken place along the Peruvian coast. On the 15th of August, at. Arica, the shock was terribly severe at half past four in the morning, and at five in the afternoon a second - shock occurred; and at nine a third, bat both of the latter were much lighter than the preceding one. One so count says that in Arica there were no less than forty earthquakes on the 19th, all more or less strong. The people, dreading another sea inundation, completely deserted the place, taking refuge in Tana and else where. In iquque very strong shocks were felt very early in the morning of the 15th, causing the inhabitants to de sert their beds and take to the surround. ing pampas. _ Yellow fever has again made its ap pearance at Pisa Gna and Mejellones. Similar reports of the movement of the earthquake are received from Tacna and Arequipa. NEW YORK CITY. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEw YORK, September 22, 1869 It is reported that the injunction against the consolidation of the Central and Hudson roads was issued by Judge Bsinard at the instance of James Fiske, Jr., and others. The Engineer of the Board of Health is about to present a plan for flooding the streets of tbe city daily from the Hud son and East rivers, by the means of a powerful pump, such as aro now used in London, to be located at every cor ner, which will be fed by means of street pipes leading from the rivers, besides being made to serve as a purifier of the pavements. The salt water may be used to extinguish fires. CUBA. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh titutette.l ILWANA; September 22.—The Spanish troops had a skirmish with the rebels near Euerucijada... Sixteen of the latter wete killed. Sugar operations are limited , . owing to the scarcity , of the qualities demanded for shipment. Peabody Institute.—Addltional Donation. (BY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) BAVtIMOBB, September 22.—George Peabody; Nisited the Peabody Institute to.day, daring a meeting of the Trustees, and madden additiomd donation of 5300,- 600 of Tennessee 6 per cent. bond's, and 5100,000, in Virginia State 6 pee cent. bontio. Thi is designed by the do pier for the, erection of a building similar to and adjoining the present institute, the. site for which has already been porches• ed, any remainder of the above amount, after the construction of the new build big,` , Is to be applied to a gallery of paint ingof sculpture. he Mr. Peabody, i refersn his, t donation, tod• let:er - 'making the pecuniary difficulties - of Tenn.. but expresses confidence In the great national resources of the State, and the high sense of 60110 P of her people, and advises the trustees to keep these bonds for the present, as they are increasing in value, And - when necessary to dispose of thorn at the .highest price. PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1869. SECOND Ell ITIOI. F OUR 0 1 CL I Cl[, .1..'1. lumen=mmimmummommineiminomm , TR t By Telegriph Gazette.) "TWA fptember 29. FRESIDEN' 'ASHINOTON. Pestilent ( kmily returned to Washingt ing. 1 Secretary . ..,, .._ irney General Hoar, called upon him soon after his arrival. They subsequently visited the Department of State. ' 1 SPECRL'ATIONS ON UFA:NISH-AMERICAN AFFAIRS. After the return of the President this morning, and particularly as -be spent several hours with Secretary Fish, at the Department of State, much snits y was was expressed to ascertain the character of the conference, the supposition being that it had reference to our relations with Spain. This is probable, but there is no anti:irily for the positive , asser tion. It lis certain, however, that no action was taken on the premises. It is already known that some time ago Minister SicitleS was instructed to offer the United States government as-a mediator between Spain and Cuba, re presentations having) been made to it by respectable parties, 1 who had visited Spain and obtained Interviews with prominent personages, that its friendly offices rould meet I with favor. Stich oilers net being uncommon in our own history, and that - -of other nationstninister Daniel - E.I Sickles approaclfed the Spanish Government upon the subject and had the desired interview. ,Contrary' to European tete grams there is no reason for supposing that then Spanish Government took ciof fense, has sought to involve other Governments in the action. The Spanish Govern ent, after mature consideration of the proffered relation, has thanked the U. S. Government for its friendly disposition, but Is not willing .to agree to our accommodation between Spain and Cuba on the terms proposed. Tne end of the matter simply is, that the mediation is declined. SMALL NOTES EXCH - *NGED FOR LARGE DENOMINATIONS In order to supply the pressing de mand for small notes for circulation, the Comptroller is willing to receive notes of large denominations from National Banks, of their own issue, and give them notes of smaller denomination, with as little delay as possible, and every facility will be afforded to the Banks in making such exchanges that the public may be accommodated With small notes. A FLAT DENIAL. An article iedently appeared Northerri paper entitled ••Prospectl%/e Description of the Cabinet—Another House Wanted." No such letter ad dressed to Secretary Fish, as alleged, has been received by him or by any member of the Cabinet, or is there the least jus tification for connecting the name of Secretary Cox with any such idea or proposal. PAYMENT OF NOVEMBER COUPONS. The Secretary of the Treasury has au thorized the payment of coupons falling due on the let of November upon a re bate of interest at the rates of six per cent. per annum. ST. LOUIS. National Irish Immigration Convention —Atli/Mee el rue Executive Committee. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gast Ito.] ST. LgKis, September 22.—The Execu tive Committee having in charge the af fairs connected with the National Irish Immigration Convention have issued the following brief address to the Irish. men of the United States: The National Convention called by the delegates from the various - States, will meet in St. Louis on the 6th of October. Its object is to ameliorate the condition of the Irish immigrant in this free land of his adoption; to secure this, it is designed to encourage him to settle upon and tin the vast unoccupied but fertile lands of the Great West, and secure him and his family • from the moral contamination and poverty con sequent upon a residence in the great cities. The gentlemen who originated and who are now endeavoring to carry out this benevolent project, are actuated only by disinterested motives. They have received the approval of a large number of the distinguished prelates and clergy, art well as that of many of the prominent laymen of the Union. It is- therefore groped that all to whom the success of the cause is dear will interest themselves so far as to see that their city and State ere represented. This hope is expressed particularly to the Irishmen of the Eastern and Middle States, and even more especially to those residing in the great State of New Yorit. The number of delegates is not-lim ited for any city or State. In conclu sion, we say that the benificent results to be expected from this great cause should inspire every Iriehmse through out the land to do his duty. [Signed.] Joseph O'Neil, Constatine Maguire, Thos. Dailey, D. Lt. Donovan. Jelin D. Finney, Executive Committee. A mass meeting will Me held here on Saturday night to elect delegates 'frorp this city, to the above Conven ion. Terrible Tragedy—Colored People's COl, ebratten. 3 or Teletex* to tbe Pittsburgh Ossetia) . MADISON, September 211.—A 041410 tragedy occurred near this city yesterday afternoon. Win. Moody, an old and re. evicted farmer, murdered his wife With a hatchet, dragged her body from the house, set tire to the dwelling and outbuildings. standing guard over the burning buildings until they were con snored. He afterwards shot himself dead with a gun. He would allow pi) one to interfere to save anything. A iion• aiderable amount of money was barbed.' The colored celebration thday -was a grand affair. The procession, wail two miles long. Mr. Perm, of Oblo, addres 'lied them before dinner, -- followed by Hon. John 11. - Cravens and Hon. John A. Miller. The trial of Dr. E. J. Englenuirk, for ' burglary, commenced in the Crtminal Court yesterday,, after two day's - effort to impanel a jury. Massachusetts Republican Convention,— Speech of Senator Sumner—Patriotic Resolves. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) WORCESTER, MASS., September 22. The Republican State Convention met this morning, The attendance was large and enthusiastic. Hon. Chas. Sumner presided and made an eloquent speech. The entire State ticket was re-nominated by acclamation, with the exception of State Auditor, the name of Chas. Endi cott,.of Canton, being substituted for that of the present incumbent. Dr. Loving made a speech at the cau cus held on Tuesday night and claimed that-the Republicans of to day were the same as when they sustained the Chicago platform and insisted that the promises of that platform for citizenship, free suffrage and the honest payment of the national debt were being carried out through the administration of General Grant. The result was witnessed in the development of the recources of the country and its general peace and pros perity, He favored Chinese suffrage, and advocated a close union in the ranks of the party. Senator Sumner, in the cenrse of his speech to the Republican State Conven tion, said: In our foreign relations there are with me two cardinal principlel which I have no'hesitation to avow at all times—first; Peace with all the world. Second: Sympathy with all strugglink for: human- rights. In. this spirit he would now approach Spain. He traced the history of that country. Speaking of - the patronage which ena bled Columbus to discover this now world, of all the possessions once held in tats country, Cuba and Porto Rico alone remain; and Cuba is now in arms against her mother country. While Spain' is struggling to hold the little that remains to her in this new world; two questions occur, diet, as to the duty of Spain, and second, as to the duty of the United States. Quoting from a French states man the words uttered in 1850, he said that colonies are like fruits which hold to the tree only till maturity comes, when they will do what Carthage did, and what America will some day do. The speaker questioned whether Cuba has not arrived at that state of maturity. The day has come, he said, when the sovereignty of any foreign power over the colonies on this hemisphere must cease. [Ap plause.) And yet while Spain has her duties to pntirm. there remains a dis tinct policy for the United States, and that is, of strict non-intervenation ex cept in • the way of good •ollloes, Spain is at this moment engaged in a comedy and a tragedy. The com edy is hunting for a King, and the trag edy Is sending armies against Cuba. It is not for.= to become actors, either in tie comedy or the tragedy. If Spain is wise. she will give up both. As to the queition. of the recognition" of belligerent rights to the Cubans, I find no Government, no towns, no cities, judiciary, ports, or commerce. to au ttiorlze such recognition. And again biligerant rights should, never; in the opinion of the speaker, be accorded, to any nation or counT whiph does not recognize the freedo of every man. On the subject of ur - relations with England, the speaker said he would gladly hold his peace. But yielding to the wishes of his friends, he would speak briefly. lie had no hesitation in saying, as he had always said, that we. as a nation had suffered fearfully at the hands of England. He did not say this in bit terness. but in sadness. That in view of all England's complicity in our rebellion he would not attempt to set a price upon the debt which- that nation owes to us. He would not make any formal demand upon that power—not a dollar of money—not a word of apology. He would leave it to England, upon due consideration of the subject, to offer such reparation as she , deepis proper, and to our country it remains, upon such a consideration, to decide what reparation •we shall require. Mr. Sumner referred to the subject of the, proposed annexation of Canada to our own country, and in thelight of his tory and of property, as well as of na tional policy, it was certain that the day was already dawning, in which we should see the whole land joined under the government of the United States. MI (By Telegmnit to the Pittatiorgh Oitzette.l LOUISVILLE, Sept. 22.—James Demp sey, one of the many counterfeiters who dwell in the centre of the State, has been ' arrested and brought to thts city to await the action of the United States District Court. Three negroes who have been murder ing and pillaging in this vicinity for some time were arrested below this city to day and committed to prison. Au a company of negro soldiers were leaving the wharf on a barge last even ing they opened a fire of musketry, many of the balls lodging in buildings,. bdt happily no one was injured. , A U. S. special . agent arrived this morning with a party of seven farmers t•rom Morgan, Magottn and Elliott coun ties, who have bean engaged An illicit distilling. They say that the U. 8. laws have never reached the county they ha -1 habit, and consequently it is fnU of illicit distilleries. On examination before Commisaioner,Callard, they were held to bail in sl,oooeach to await trial at the next term of the U. 8. Court. Murderer Exeented--Catbolic Pastoral Letter Condemning Ist. Crispin sotto!, ties. - - tag Telegraph to the rittsbur,gh Gazette, ) Qualls°, September 22.—Poltraa, the murderer of Cuellette, was executed at . Murray. Bay on Monday. He confessed his guilt. Messrs. Wooley have discharged from their bog manufactory all the men be'. longing to the St. Crispin• Society. A pastoral letter was. read in. the Roman Catholic Church condemning St. . Crispin Associations, and refuting absolotion to those of its members who:4, belong to the Catholic Church. , The Society , are on a strike in Montreal and 'reroute. • • Destructoe • 1.87 Telegraph Wilke Pittsburgh Gazette.) 8000 MITER, Sept. 22.—Thif dry goods store of Morgan & Stevens, the drygooda store of Dr. Van Ferret', fancy goods store of Miss Hudson, Poston's% Odd Fellows and Good Templars hglle, in the village of Hemlock Lake,were destroyed by fire yesterday. Ldst $15,000; partially _insured. . • POLITICAL. Louisville Items. CHICAGO. Resignation of the Officers of the Board of Trade—Rea,ons for Their Action— Lively Time Anticipated. _. IatICAGO, September 22—Considera ble excitement was created at the Board of Trade today by the resignation of the officers of .the Board. The cause of the' resignation is made known in the fol lowing-preamble and resolutions presen ted by the officers for acceptance by the Board, and which the rules of the Board, are required to lie over one day before action is taken on them: WHEREAS, It is the opinion of the Di rectors that the resolution of the Board, adopted on the evening of the 20th inst., requesting the Directors to restore Messrs. Goodyear and McHenry to the privileges of the Beard, contemplates a direct violatibn of the ninth section of rule five, wherein it it the duty of the Di rectors to hold members suspended until the matter complained of has been arranged or settled,—andWhereas the Directors, individually and unanimous ly, hold that in their acts they should deal with facts, irrespective of the stand- Inger influence of the parties involved, and could not cone:latently with their views of duty exercise the discipline of the board on any member that should not be exercised on all under similar circumstances. Therefore be it Resolved, That rather than suirender their deeply laid ideas of duty in the of ftelal pcsiticn they are placed in, the Board of Directors will return to their constituents the trusts committed to their hands; to the end that more accept able servants may be selected to per form the prescribed duties assigned by the officers. The following resolutions, offered by Mr. V. A. Turpin, were also read and in accordance with the rule of the board laid over for action till to-morrow: Resolved, That the Board of Trade has received notice of the resignation of its Officers with profound regret. Resolved, That the action of the ad journed meeting of the full Board on the evening of the 20th inst. is not the send ment of this Board. Resolved,. That the officers of the Board are respectfully requested to withdraw their resignations. A lively time is anticipated to-morrow when action is taken on the resolutions. Universalist Convention—Second Day's Proceedings. . ißy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6agette.l BUPEALO. September 22.—A roll-eall of the Universalist Convention showed twenty-three states represented. The Committee on .Centennial Work report ed as follows:,The year 1870 will be the century of th Universalist Denomina tion in' America. It is recommended first, that the relishes pay off outstand ing debts. - Second, that' all the needed improvements and repairing of Churches, or the betiding of new ones, be done In the course of thayear. Third, Thai a general planof Missionary work be inaugurated. Fourth, That a publication fund be raised. Fifth. That as a special memorial offering. the sum of 1200,000 be raised, and vested in the General Convention -for denominational uses. The Committee also recom mend that mass meetings be held in the spring of 1873, in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnati and Ch icago. Also, that the first Sunday lin June be set apart ,for special memorial service in all the churches. A sermon was preached in' the forenoon by Rev. Tuttle, of Minnesota. The afternoon was devoted to the discussion of the report on centennial work. Rev. Pullman, of Illinois, preaches to•night at the Univer salist-cburch. and Rev. H. W. Rugg, of Ryn, in the Unitarian church. Organization of the New York Demo cretin Convention. • (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazetteo SYRACUSE, September 22.—The Demo. erotic State Convention met at noon. S. S. Tilden called the Convention to order, and made an . address, criticising the administration of Grant, his journeyinga about the country, the treatment of the South " and the Fifteenth Amendment, and very strongly condemning the prop osition to make voters without regard to race or color. Hon. Ferrill C. Denning, of Steuben, was made temporary Chair man. Committees on permanent organ ization and resolutions were appointed, and a recess taken'. At the afternoon session Hon. Allen :G. Beach was chosen permanent President, and the Com mittee on Resolutions not. being s ally to report, nominations of a )State ticket was proceeded with' as follows: Secretary of State, Homer A. Nelson ; Comptroller. Wm. F. Allen ; AttOrney General, M. B. Champlain ; Treasurer, Wheeler H. Blistol; State Engineer, Van Richmond; Canal Commissioner, W.• W. Wright; State Prison Inspeetor, F. of 'Ulster ; Judges Court of Apinials. John A. Lgtt; of Kings; and Robert Earl, of Herkimer. A recess was again taken. —Five two story houses on Central avenue, Cincinnati, were bprned Tues day night. They were occupied as Shope, dwellings and saloons. Loss, $14,000; insurance, $4,000. Throe chil dren aged respectively two, five' and seven years, all' boys, were burned. Their parents were rag _pickers. 'The father's name was Peter Montag. All were in bed when the flames wrapped their house, and the parents escaped in their night clothes on the adjoining roof and were taken down on a ladder. They went away in , search of their child ' en. while the house was burning. The dien were taken out of the ruins at mid ht. • ---Judge Embrey, of Memphis, Tenn., ,Supervisor of Internal Revenue, accom 'panted by M. F. Rider, deptity U. S. Marshal, went to, the store of Edmonds, pciingrew a: Co., wholesale dealers, and demanded the books and papers. On the retinal of the tirm to deliver them, ex cept on due process of law, ths officers took forcible possession ,of ) the store:. Yesterday the firm entered ..suit against .them and General ;Patterson, the collec tor, for, 1100,000 damage, and OM pro cured warrants for their arrest for un lawfully seizing the store. —At New Haven, Conn., on TuOtdaY, a tiro destroyed the building ooftied by Wood dr, Co., mnsio dealers; Tuttle, Jaloorehonse t Taylor, job printers; L W. Thompson, grocer; H. W. Robinson, blank -book manufacturer, , and P.llO - boot and shoe dealer. The en tire loss is about 570,000—mostly insured. About one hundred men are thrown out IA employment by the tire. NUMBER 219. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Repairs of a break in the canal at Pool's Brook, are progressing satisfacto rily and will be completed by Saturday • night. —The Executive Committee of the National Capital Convention, to be held in St. Louis, have written to Horace Gree ley inquiring if he will preside over the 'Convention. —At the Driving Park Association, Scranton, Pa., yesterday, Pachen Chief took a 51,000 purse. Time 2:33, 2;34, and 2:35. Goldsmith Maid and American Girl trot to-day forss,ooo. —The completion .)f the Decorah (lowa} Branch of the hiilwaukee and St. Paul Railroad. will be celebrated to.dayby an excursion over the road. Speeches, music and a dinner form the attractions. —The New York Herald says the re port that several hundred thousand dol lars had been embezzled from the Met hodist Book Concern is denied by, the managers, and steps will probably be taken to institute a suit for libel. • —The Indiads on reservations are given as follows: Cheyennes, 2,200; Araphoea, 1,800; Klowas, 1,500; Apaches, 350; Co manches, 3,500. In additicin to these there are about 1,000 Cados and Wichtas, who have been on reservations for many years. —The picnic of the Lady Masons .of Camden, which took place at Riverside, N. J., on Tuesday, was disturbed by a party, of roughs, and a row ensued, in which pistols were freely used. Several persons were wounded. Only one arrest was effected by the police. —At a hearing In the Brooks case in Philadelphia yesterday, Keenan was dis charged and Hamilton and Atwell re manded. All the others implicated were released on bail. Brooks failed to rec ognize any of the parties under arrest as being present when he was shot., . —The California Pioneer excursion party, after a trip to the water works, the cribs, and other points of interest in the city, and a reception at the Board of Trade, left Chicago last evening for Phil adelphia via the Chicago, Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania railroads on a special train of silver palace cars tendered them by those roads. It was the intention of the people of Chicago to givi3 them a grand. banquet last nigh,t but the time of , the excursionists would not permit the necessary delay. —The Maumee House, at Nashville, Keaen, of the Louisville Hotel, man ager, was thrown open to the publielast evening. Many families, and a large number of other guests, were immediate ly domiciled. This hotel is cola° of the most magnificent structures in the Uni ted States, and is elegantly furnished from the first to the fifth story. It was visited during the day by .hundreds of citizens and etrangers. A grand opening dinner will be given to : tught. The West ern Union Telegraph Cornpany, has ona Ptafich •otilo at .the hotel for the secommodatioirotvisitorls:'' —The annual report of the National Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows shov.a that forty-one thousand were initiated during the past year, making a - total member ship of over two hundred and sixty thopsand. Increase, twenty-five thou eand. The Order has nine and a half millions of capital intested above the present needs. The Order of Cali fornia shows unparalleled progress dur ing the past year. Two thousand were admitted, making a membership of twelve thousand. Revenue, $291J50; increase, $42,000; relief disbursed. $85,- 600. The Grand Lodge'resolved to ad iourn sine die ou the Zith of September. Additional Markets by- Telegrapn. Guides°, September 22.—The markets ruled quiet at the afternoon Board ex cepting on corn which sold at a decline of folly ic; No 2 seller the month de clined to 790, at which figure 3,000 mist: were sold, closing at 79®791,0 seller the • month and 79%@800 seller October. No. . 2 wheat sold at $1,16©1,184 sel ler the month and 51,15@1,16 seller Oc— tober. Oats quiet at 4434®443113 seller the month, 424 c, bid seller October. In the evening No 2 wheat sold at $1,1414 cash, at which price it cicsed nominal. Corn sold at MO seller the month and 800 seller Omoner. Lake freights and provisions neglected. NEW ORLEAZII3, September 22.—Cotton unsettled; sales 1,114 bales: middlings -nominally at 274@28c; receipts were 4.- 928 bales; exports 777 bales, coastwise. Flour firmer at 55,85®8,25. Corn lower: white 51. Oats 550. Bran .51,15, Pork $34,12. Bacon firmer at 173(§203ic. su gar 14%c. Molasses: re-bolted 70c. Whis ky $1,2314@1,25. Coffee unchanged. Hay unsettled at - $28(4)30. Gold 138 j. Sterling 48. New York sight drafts par 01.443 OSWEGO, Sept. 23.—FlOur 250 lower; s ales 17.000 bble at $6,76 for No. 1 Boring, R 7 for amber, winter, 57,75 for White, "8 25 for double extra. Wheat dull: sales 4,400 bush No. 2 Milwaukee at 51,42%. „ I MO bush No. 1 Milwaukee at:51,41 1 4, 8,300 bush red Ohio at 51,40, 830 bush white at $1,55©1,00. • Ltirn quiet. Barley nominal. , ; - BUFFALO, Sept., 22.—Flour,_wbeat, corn and rye nominal. Oats- dull with sales of 20,0(X) bosh No. 2 western at Zee. Barley none bare. Seeds dull; Wno thy 4. Etighwinet: sales of 150 bbls'at 81,10©1,11. Pork' dull and unchanged. Lard ditto. NASHVILLE, September 22. Flour firm, red 21,20, ambrr 11,24 white 11.30. Coro $L Barley 11.25. Bye Oats 800. Bacon: sides 1930, lumui 20c, shOul ders 170. Lard 220. Amusements. • '.* Orztu. nmsz.--- . "Elirabeth Queen of England" was repeated at the °Pent Souse last evening to a large and appro. . clativa audlence.Mrs.Waller's rendition of this great historldn actor is unsurpas ed by that, of any. other saran on this .aide of the water, and her support was all that could be desired; To=night 41 Grireldcr, or. Woman's Heart,, will be Essented, and on Friday night Mrs. wailer , takes a benefit, when shb will appear in her grea t sueciallty of 'the "`Ditches - or- Maid , ' which all lovers of the legitarneitt drama should see. PlrrsnunuaTimsras. The. audi eztote at the Fittibtugh Theatre are large as usual and will'continue to be so while Mr. Williams furnisbes such excellent en t er isiobents. Mr. Taylor cbutitines to amusatthe patrons or the establlstr- Ginosoinss.--Tbe Academy of-ltiusio was well filled lost night, The G ries are great favorites here and their entertainments are of an excellent c.bar eater. - IS