The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 21, 1869, Image 7
_ _._--- SE 8. CITY. AND -410IIBIJILBAN.. Beernfia..—A.- detachment , fifteen were taken to the Work Home yesterday afternoon: . Educational.—The Central Board of Education will bold a meeting in their new rooms on Fourth avenue this after noon at two o'clock. Held for Trial.—Michael Dower WaS held to bail •for his appearance at Court to answer a charge of assault and battery, preferred before Justice Ammon yesterday by Joseph Kenning. Disorderly 12Croneheimer made information before Justice Helsel, yesterday, charging John Ackerman with disorderly conduct. A warrant was Issued. Assault and Battery.—Cressella Ste vens, made • information before Justice Helsel y esterday, charging Wm. Thomas with assault and battery. A warrant was issued for his arrest. • ColUslon.--:-A.calllsion occurred yester day morning about eight o'zlookAllegheny on the railroad bridge over the river between a freight 'and passenger train, but owing to.the very slow rate of speed at which both trains were moving, very little damage was done. Emancipation Day.—The anniversary of Lincoln's Proclamation of EMEtlielpa tion will be honored by citizens of Pitts burgh, Allegheny, and adjoining cities, on Wednesday, 22d, by a procession,. as on dresses, and a banquet; - for which 'due preparations have been made, , lhe ,Parepa Troupe.—We take. great pleasure in Ealtionnoing that,- on s e llt 18th .of October next,the great Parep ose Eriglisl3 Opera Troupe will commence a season of one week at the Academy of Music. The musical treats be of the„richest descriptionoffered will. Knocked Down.—Barney Entley made information before Justice Ammon,' of East Birmingham, yesterday, charging Martin -Vogel with assault and . battery. He alleges that he met Martin in a tav err' in Birmingham when the defendapt knocked him down. Warrant issued. G. A.ll.—The metribers 'of Gen. Alex. Hays Post, No. 3, D. P., G. A. it., who desire to avail themselves of the Grand Army. Co. Operative • Life Insurance are requested to call on Lee 'S c . Smith, No. 119 Smithfield street, &wink the present. Capsized.—Yesterday morning a cart loaded with sand while•aseending the In at the new , jail, was capsized by one wheel running off the cart way. Horse, cart and driver • were all Tirecipi tated to the' street, a distance of ten or twelve feet. The boy was slightly • . „ trire.—A. alight fire ocourred about eight o'Clock yesterday morning in the Musgrave building. on Sixth street. An alarm was struck Irmo box 12 and the. engines of the Second District •responded but- did not go into service, the dames having been extinguished before their BllllaWay.-•-,Ak two-horse team belong- 1 ing to• Smith's brewery, Allegheny, run away about half past eleven o'clock yes terday morrdng. The driver was back ing his team into the yard at the Adams Express Depot, corner Seventh avenue and Grant street, when the king bolt c f ame out, separating the front carriage from the wagon, which freightened the horses and they dashed down Seventh avenue at a frightful pace taking the two front *heels of the wagon with them. At Lib erty street they collided With a dray, and c' were brought to a stand-still. • EDITORS OF GAZETTE: The corr e spon dents of the GAZETTE and Ch ronicle should supplement their enumeration of_ the attractions of South : Common, West of Federal street. All the old-nui sances seem to be immovable, and under the kind forbearance of the authorities one cart load of stale manuie. and several loada of ashes nave just been an puts:Med to the mortar beds and heaps of sand and lame before , specified. The Park Commissioner' about to visit other parks in ths'east, may safely defy them afito'equal the South Comm= section of the Allezheny Park either in quantity, variety or nastiness of the surface embel ishments. ' POSTSCRIPT.. The Avondale Sufferers—Adjourned Pub. ' lie %Meeting. Pursuant to call, an adjourned meet lug of - citizens was held at Wilkins Hall yesterday afternoon, for the put.• pose of taking action relative to the col lection of money for the sufferers by the Avondale disaster. The attendance was small. - Him. J. K. Moorhead was called to the chair, but vacated it upon ;the appear ance of Bishop gerfoot, who presiaed at the previous meeting. On motion, His Honor, Mayor Brush, was made treasurer of the fund to be raised, and to receive all donations. ionA communication addressed, to the 'Mayor front Rocief Scholam Congrega t was read, acknowledging the receipt of sprinted circular asking their co-ope ration at the meeting, but stating that by thelerms of the call they were ex cluded, as the "call had been issued and signed for this influential Chriation community: but that as charity has al ways been a most prominent feature of all Jewish communities, and to relieve distress a main law in our holy religion, this congregation, or the Jews of Pitts burgh, Allegheny and vicinity, will raise their mite for Ibis -laudable object, and whencollected will forward such to your Honor:" adding that a meeting of Jew ish citizens had already been called for She purpose. - Toe communication wasleceived. ~ Mr. Jacob Dressell, delegate from St. Paul's, LtitheranCongregatiop, o( East Birmingham, reported 'that a congrega tional .nteating would be held on Wed nesday evening and the action taken ldully reported. It was stated . the Welsh people , had been making collections in the coal !mines and .manufactorles hi andabout the city, were still collecting, an would r pay over, the fonds to the custodian sp• pointed by the meeting. i • Hon: J. 8. Moorhead offered 'the foi 'airing, which was adopted: . Ntßaalvedifflhat all.:ooagrettaaohN tor . ponatiorni,- blubs, assoriations, firms and individuals within , the. bounds of I gheny county-be requested td collect and Make such donations to this object as 'ffierctit to them proper, and Ray the money to the Mayor, of this city, ;Hon. Jared 14. Brush, on or.,Difore the Bth of Oetober, to be by him'orwarded to. the proper Vann; • ' • itSras Seiggetitea that the donations be - acknowledged through the city papers, and the announcement was made that otioh would. done. • ‘. - "There tiding no farther business, and 1)ong a Motion to adjourn made- by Br. Us; the - ivoitny • Chairman made a .few remarks appropriate too the Occasion . HO, 'said that in case of failure to respond lib i to the present call for. 'charity. the Masons of PAW: carat' and vicinity would I be lacking in an evident duty. .• . The meeting then adjourntd. = ME I= [ 121 PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : 'TUTADAT, SEPTEMBER ,- 21, 1: CITY COUNCII3. . -::peelal meeting—The New Water Works—Report of Water Committee. A special meeting Of the Select and Common Coundla of the city was held yesterday, Mlnday, Septeinber 20th, at two o'clock P. m4' to take action on the report of the Water Committee, laid over at last meeting. SELECT DOLINCIL. Members present—Messrs. Ahl, Arm strong, Brown, Burgwin, Coffin, CGross ,raig. Dickson, Edwards, Gallaher, Hallman Hartman, _ Jones, Kehew, Kirk, Ll:nfnian, Little, Lloyd, Morrow, Murray, McClelland, McEwen, Mc- Mahon, Phillips, Rafferty, Rees, Schmidt, Scully, Shipton J. S. Wain wright, Z. Wainwright, Watson, White, Wilson, Zern and McAuley, President. The President stated the object of the meeting. - The minutes of the proceeding meet. ing were read and approved. Mr. Coffin from tiae Water Committee called up the ordinance relative to e a new water works, laid over at a previous meeting and moved its third reading and-dnal passage. Mr. Morrow called for the reading of the ordinan. Mr. Lauf ce man '-asked for itliOrMatiol l how much band the Committee proPiised to buy. Mr.jffoffln,ClaairMan of the tee, replied that it was proposed to pur chase 102 acres. Mr. Lauftnan desired to know farther what price was to be wild for the same., Mr. Shiptdn in anOwer - to this question replied that the price asked was .400 per acre for 'the 102 acres, and fl,OOO per arore for the fifty acres of coal land, which were now being worked. After some further interrogations and answers. Mr. ShiOon self for the propo sition of the owneei of Abe land. which was read by the Clerk, as follows: TO THE WATER COMMITTER. Gentlemen: 5 -- In response to yours of the 13th inst., we agree to sell to the city of Pittsburgh the following prbperty situated on Shades Run, and bounded by lands of Coleman Ireland, Hartman and Ashton, cont !l ing about 102 acres and having thereo a stone +iv:tarry, one storehouse and dwell ing and ninety-two miners' houses, for - the' sum of $4OO per acre; also all the coal under said land, and the land of Thomas' Chadwick, dec'd:, supposed to be about fifty-three acres, together viith the pit, cars, railroad and Incline plane, all now in successful working order, for the sum of 11.1.000 per acre; the number of acres of said coal to be determined by survey. If the pile° of the land is not satisfac tory, we will agree to submit it to disin terested parties, mutually cposen by the city and the undersigned. We will ac cept in payment for the above the bonds of the city of Pittsburgh at par, bearing seven per cent. interest. l -Respectfully submitted, - W. ComitAsr, F. Ream. - The following proposition also accom panied the above:: GENTLEmEN: 1 will also isell, If desired by the city, fifty-one acres adjoning the above, with the Improvementsi consist ing of one tenement house, dwelling and barn, now occupied by Mr. Doak, for the sum of $OOO per acre, and will take the bonds of , the city at par, bearing sevep per cent. interest. This proposition is open for your ac ceptance twelve months. Yours truly, W. torataiara. '3lr. Gross moved to amend the motion to pass the ordinance as follows : ',Pro vided, however, that the city take none but black merchantable ooal." The amendment was accepted. Mr. Burgwin thought the matter be fore Council a very important one, and the Committee -having had the matter under consideration for over eighteen months, had given a very meagre report of the matter. He thought the Commit- , to should have given a full and com- , plete report of what they intended to do. and also given an analysis of the water of both the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. Be then offered, the following as a substitute for the ordinance offered by the Water Committee. That the Water Committee be instruct ed to employ a competent corps of civil engineers, and also some eminent Hy draulic engineer with a view of ascer taining the relative adaptability of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers to afford a full supply of pure water for the use of - the city for the next twenty-fire years. That in such examination regard be bad to the water capacity of ttwo rivers, the system for supply and to serve, with the estimated cost. That the said Committee also have the waters of the two rivers thoroughly analyzed by competent chemists, and that they re port the result of the 'whole at as early a day as practicable. Mr. Littell objected to the substitute in a lengthy speech. Mr. Kirk favored the amendment to a certain extent. Mr. Ha Brnan, Mr. Gross and Mr. Gal laher frillowed, all favoring the Alleghe ny river. Mr. Gross moved that the substitute offered by Mr. Bargwin be laid on the ' table. Mr. Burgwin called for the yeas and nays. The vote.was as follows: ol it .Ay —All, Armstrong Brown, Coffin, Crai , Dickison , Edwards, Gallaher, Gr Hallman, Jones, Kehew, Littell, Llo. d, Morrow, McClelland, McMahon. flerlY. Reese, Schmidt, Shipton, Wa nwright, 8. J., Wainwright, Z , VVat. son, White, Wilson. Zern.--27. Nays —Brirgwin. 'Hartman, Kirk, Lauf man, Murray, McEwen, Phillips, Schul- ly, Fresh McAuley-9. - I So the substitute was laid on the table. I Mr. Shipton moved the final passage of the ordinance. Adopted. Mr. Coffin presented the ieport of the Water Committee for last year. accom panying which; was a resolution author izing the publication of the report in pamphlet form. The report was accepted and the reso lution sainted. - ..,,, Mr. White presented a petition for an iron clad building on Boyd's 11111; in the Sixth Ward. Referred to the Com 4bittie on Wooden buildins. Mr. Loyd presented a remonatranoa against the construction of a sewer on Third avenue. Accepted. The President presented the report of the viewers onDiamond ally sewer,which was accepted and approyed. On motionadjonrned. , . - , Common. Connell. President Toinlinion in ihe chair. Present: ,Messrs. Albans, Anderson, Barr. Barton, Batchelor' Bell, Berger, Black, Booth, Carroll, Case, Matey, Chialett,: Dile, Daub, Dunseath, Flom log, Glidenienney. Hare, Houston, Hutchison, Jahn; Jones, -Linehan, Mc- Candless, McCarthy, McChiron, Moltel vy, -McMasters, Meanor, Moore, Moor head, 2dorgan, Rahman, Wed, Book, Rosewell, lildierlk. Blum. 800% Verner, Vick, liVanghter, Weldon, Welsh, Wil son and President Tomlinson. ~ Minutes of preceding meeting ' read and approved. • • - The President stated the meeting , was called for the‘purpolte of Considering the 'water question. Mr. McKelvey moved to suspend the ;rules!and take up :other busbies until , the repo rt of the Water_ Committee wss presented from.-Beleet Mundt. ' Carried.' BUSINESS PROSISTREET OOKNITTEE. Mr. Weldon called up the following business; laid over at a preceding meet- ing: Report of viewers on Diamond alley sewer. Accepted and approied. Ordinance for opening Denny's alley _from Tunnel to Chatham street, to a width of twenty feet: Mr. McCiarren called for the reading of the. petition for this action. After which the ordinance was read three times and passed finally.' Ordinance for opening Miltenberger's I alley. Passed finally under suspension of roles. Ordidance for changing grade of Dun can street from Gren toeviler's street. Mr. Moorhead called for reading of etition for the same, after which the 'ordinance wasread three times and passed. Ordinance for construction of sewer on Marion street. Read three times and passed finally. lOrdinance granting Walter Slocum privilege to lay a tramway across Second avenue. Read three times and 'passed. Mr. Mclielvy presented a petition for an increase of the width of sidewalk on Wither street. Referred to Street Com mittee. Mr. McCandless, resolution for, a gas lamp on Wylie street extionsion. — Re ferred to Gas Ootilnilitted.' 1 , , Also, a - reSoltition instructing the Street LNmmittee to examine and report upon the condition of Dinwiddie street and report at the next , meeting. Mop ted. • . . • Mr. Rebman, petition for a gas lamp on Franklin street, between Congress and Washington streets., Referred to Com mittee on Gas, witlipOwer to act. • Mr. Case, petition for a gas lamp on Marion street. Referred to Gas Commit tee. • Mr. Scott, petition ler water pipe on Willow street. Referred to Street Com mittee.. Also. report of the viewers on the open ing of Hatfield street, accompanied by an ordinance authorizing the opening of the street only from Forty-fourth to Forty seventh streets. Ordinance objected to I and laid over. trNPIXIBSED BUSINESS. Business from Select Connell was then taken up, and concurrences bad in the reference to Road Committee of petition for opening an alley in Reis & Berger's plan of lots, Fifteenth ward; final passage of ordinance opening Ronp street, Twen tieth ward; passing finally ordinance for grading and paving Diamond street; re ferring to Gas Committee petition for gas lamp on Crawford street; referring to Water Committee petition for extension of water main on Miltenberger street; referring to Committee on Streets peti tion for sewer on Fourth avenue: accept ing ordinance for opening Federal street; referring to Finance Committee, with power to act, the ' aceortnt of E. C. Matthews, for grading and paving in various parts 'of the city ; ac cepting the report of water Committee I accepting and passin mtic g resolution tached to report of special Committee on Roads ; accepting report of Controller ; passing resolution instructing contractor to - have sth avenue paved fOr as sooff as possible ; accepting report of Commie tee oh City property; resolution.relatlve to 'Park tickets : ' passing ftnally; posters" ordinance; passing finally sup plementary ordinance relative le "awn- _ ings ;" passingordinance for grading an paving 43rd, street. Authorizing public,- anon of ordinance for milk Inspector, and postponing action until a Ware meeting ; referring to wooden buildtngs ordinance and report in reference to Com mittee granting Jos. Spencer privilege to final erect an iron clad building; pasalog ly supplementary ordinance relating to upon s I nm, & A ug u st 3 0, 1869. wa acted Common Council non.oonourred in its passage of the ordinance, changing place of holding election in SLiteeeth Ward, in resolution for payment of,All-. right's bill for posting tax proctarnaticm, which was laid over, in laying over•re port of printing Committee which in hi. C. was accepted, in living over ordi nance exemPthis residents of rural dis tricts of vehicle licenses, which in S. C. was read three times and passed, all of which business was acted upon in Select Council, August 30, 1869, but not reached in O. C. . szcsrnow of TUX PIONEERS. . Mr. Batchelor presented a communi cation from Mayor Brash enclosing a letter form F. Knowlandi of the . Pacific Railway, in reference to the receptiofi of an excursion party of twohundred, com prising some .of the leading bulkiness men and representatives of the press of California, known as the State Pioneers' ASSOCIPItiOII' of '49 and '5O. who are to pass through Pittsburgh on their way to Philadelphia and New York. ATrAnge meats shave bee made in the cities named, together n with. Chicago, and it was suggested that • Pittsburgh . take actiod in the matter. The communication was received and filed. Mr. Batchelor offered a resolution in. structing the Mayor to extend the hospi talities of the city to the "Pioneers." Mr. McCandless wished to know if the resolution contemplated the entertaining of the excursion at the expense of the city. Mr. Batchelor said the resolution gave no details, but left It discretionary with the Mayor, Who was authorized by it, if necessary, to spend money. He thought Pittsburgh, as the first manufacturing city visited by the excursion, should eel . . tainly show some respect to them. The money if Treasuryould either be drawn from the rea or the Mayor might appoint a committee to secure the funds from manufacturers, who would doubt less be willing to. contribute. After some further ,discussion the reso. Union was passed, Mr. MoMasters offered a resolution authorizingordinance the Str for pav i n g to re port an _Diamond fS erred quare to S witre th 14 Com so mntte e 1col • pavement. Re. et i. Mr. Weldon presented a petition isi companied by lin ordinance for grading and paving Railroad street, which were laid over. Also, petition for , changing the width of Webster avenue. Laid on table. The President now announced- the desk clear for new business. . voted A motion to adjourn was here down, and Councils took a recess for ten minutes .to await the action of Select Council on the Water Committee's report. 0. 0. reoor.ned ed not having any business before them, nadjoutned. • Register, Register, Register is the Cry. Politicians are urging every''one' anti* titled to a vote to get , Registered before the election. Now a word toth ose 'per sons, why dOn't they use as much energy in bunting up those of thelr friendi seek- e ing homes and have them call at th Real Estate Office of Croft, the Phillips, No. 189 Fourth avenue; and get the I.pitteburgh Real Estate Register," they would find ise nit such a vast lection of . Farms, hillbs, Stores, litouees, City and Suburban property, in such a great variety that they Cannot fall to get suited in a home. Come, every one and get Reitidered at No. 189 FOluth' avenue. The "Register" will,be even away Gratis or sent by' mail free to any ad. 02'cocm. United States Conn-Wads° McCandless The following business was transacted in the 113:kited States Court at Williams port, since . our last report: lathe case of the United States vs. the distillery of John It Lowaker and other property, in which the jury rendered a verdict for the United States some days since, a decree of forfeiture was entered and a writ of sale was ordered. On motion of Mr. Carnahan. David S. Wilson,Esq., and on motion of Mr. Shiro, Boyd Crumrine, Esq., both of Washington county, Pennsylvania, were sworn and admitted members of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States. I A The equity cake of Weaver It Jones vs. N. Haller & Co. and A. B. Clark A: Co., in which the complaint is an infringement of a patent corn sheller, came up for art gument on Wednesday. A decision will be rendered in a fow days. In the case of the United States vs. 116 barrels of distilled spirits, claimed by Edward Lyon, an appialsement of the property seized and a bond for the re lease of the same filed. The bond Wks approved by the Court and the property released. " • 1 , In the case of the United States vs. 166 barrels of distilled spirits, claimed by Barber & Hendesson, an appraisement and bond was filed by Mr.Parso oouri -1 s et for claimants. The bond was kr proved by thp.Pouxt and the property orf dered to be released- , , p 1 Ilifillekturrov Mara. The case of Lewis MoDawell, et al. Ferman Field, a bankrupt, was taken up onpriday and is still on trial. This is ,a case of opposition' to bankrupt's dis charge. 1 R. B. Patterson, Esq., presented ' a p,e talon on behalf of William Pickeragill. & Co., of Pittsburgh, creditors pr'aying the Court to adjudge George W. A10C 0 9.. of Washington county, bankrupt, for the cause in said petition alleged. The usual order to show cause was leaued.l In the.csse - of F. Geotge, petitioning creditor ys. John Peter A.lthof, the debtor appeared by his counsel, J. C. Sturgebn, Esq., and denied the alleged acne of bankruptcy, and demanded a trial) by jury. Trial ordered at January term, 1870, at Erie. , , L In the case of 0. M. Miller & Co. vs. Patrick Sheridan, rule was entered to show cause why the specifications of to jection to. bankrupt's discharge should not be stricken off as itsnfficient. Rule n made absolute . the cas e of George Lazarus vs. John R. Brown, bankrupt, the, specifications of objection to bankrupt's discharge were withdrawn._ McElroy, In the case o Dickson dr, CO., pet!tioning creditors, vs.. Emmons & Rs ler. on motion of R. B.Tatterion Esq., the Marshal was appointed provisional . _ assignee. In the case of John Peter Althof. an al- leged bankrupt, on motion of J. C. Stur geon, Esq., the injunction Was so modi-. liedas to allow the Sheriff of Erie coun ty to proceed with the sale of the .prop• erty'levied upon by him and pay the , proceeds into the • Keyistone .National . Bank of Erie, subject toThe return order of this court. Quarter Sesslom--Tudge Mel MONDAY, f3eptember W.—Charles Fish plead guilty this morning to the larceny of a watch, end was sentenced to the workhouse for six months. Lawrence Koll was convicted of assault and battery on oath of Magdalena Roll, and sentenced to the work house for two months. Clara Williams, of Allegheny city, con• victed of assault and battery, on •Ilarbara Good, was sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars and costa. In the case of John Mc ßride, indicted for misdemeanor under the livery stable act, a none pros• was entered on the Pay mint of costs. Wm. Green,tonvicted of assault and bittery, on .oath of Albert Miller, was • sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars and coats. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. No. 141. Corn. vs. Wm. W. Keenan et ca. " 102. " " Jeremiah Fisher. a 105. " " John Glister: " 107. " " John W. Jones. ~ 110. 4, " John Lankshire. ~ 117. ~ " MathirrePrnooknev. 119. , " " Conrad Schiller. " 120. " " Wm. Smith. 125. " " Henry House. " 126. " " Frank Kittleley. " 128. 1, " John E. Thompson. " 129. " 4, James Wright. " 415. Goetz., " "F. Bmder. TRIAL LIST FOR WEDNESDAY. No. 61 Com. vs. Geo. Harrison. ' " 74 " " John Whittinger. "22 " Rudolph A. Lipp. - " 122 a *, W. W. Wilson andG. Myers. " 127 " " Molly Smith. L " 163 " ~ Wm. Einstein 11 cases. " 161 4 , " Charles Kohl. . " 159 " "Charles Fink. ~~;~; ME . '. , 1111 common Pleas—Judge stow°. MaNDAY, Soliembers et c 20th.—ac Wm. Lind say vs. Thos. N . Llndky, ,if, tion on an article of agreement to reoiver the sum of 510,000 as being the price agreed upon for a tract of land containing 186 acres in Wood county, Virginia, sold by plaintiff to defendant. On trial. Before Judge Sterrett, in the District Court Room. The Borough of McKeesport vs. the Pittsburgh and McKeesport Car Com pany. Action- to recover the sum of 5374,67, for grading and paving street, as .er assessment. On trial. Tne vast amount of PLANTATION BIT. TEES now being sold and shipped from New York is almost incredible. vrhen and where you will—along the - wharves. and piers, and at the depots—yon will see great piles of these Bitters Awaiting shipment and conveyance to every nook and corner of the country, and to the hundreds of foreign ports. Tbey are very popular among all classes of people, and are ()encoded to be just the thing for this climate. No Bitters have yet been . introduced which have beome so de servedly popular arid worthy of patron age, to all who require a tonic and stim ulant. They are prepared with pure St. Croix Rum, Cathay's Bark, and all the world knows well whatomb beneficial results Boerne from these cinatl • tgLeasoma WiTas.--Superlor to the beat hapostad German. (kblogue, and eold at halt the Prtee. • • • irit.a.T.W. parbilan aristocracy have adopted the Milk of Violet. 'unanimously, owing to its efficacy in communicating to the skin the most 'delightful velvety softness. Sold by druggists and fancy goods deal-- ern. .W. Brinokerhoff, It Y., sole agent. Yougsouvs Saloon, at the corner of Smithtield street and Diamond alle ye t is the Plam to get Saddle Rook oy fried', stewed, steamed or roasted, and 'served In the best style imaginable. • Williams°zeo shop, UK) Federal street. b first class for a luxurious bath, for shaving, hair dyeing, haircut ting‘antli dresainEt Plain or by curling and tar =NAM and Isechios. (From the Pittsbarsti Medical News.] Female Diseases. At the present day it is extremely rare to find a female who is entirely free from some one or the other of the diseases peculiar to her sex. Go where you will, on the mountain top or in the valley, in the hamlet or in the city, among the rich or the lowly, there will be found very few females who are not laboring under physical affliction peculiar to woman hood. The cause of this we will not undertake to explain here. The numerous applica tions made to us for relief during our twenty years' ractice, has long since in duced us to make especial study and in vestigation of these diseases, and their best method of cure. They are maladies of a peculiar character, and as a general thing they requires method of treatment entirely utilise that adopted for those' common to both ?glass, In fact, the very frequency and extent of female diseases in our midst. 10 good evidence hat "common treatment " has not met with success, and shows that some more ef. Scent course Mould be adopted. We were long' since convinced that lodal remedies and external appliances, bandages. &c., were mere pa ll iatives for the time, and of 7no permanent value whatever, but , × injurious; and that an efficient course of medication was - the only Wipe of care. For the benefit of those who may bit afflicted with any disease peculiar to the sex, whether Item a slight cold, followed by a derangemeht and irregularity of the general system. which many times pro-, duces cough, expectoration, tightness of chest, difficult breathing, palpitation. &c., with all the symptoms of "going in to ..a decline," or from any of the very many other causes which produce such terrible suffering among women, as to make life a burden to them, we would say that our remedies are selected and pre pared with a special view towards these ends, and will, give relief in all these kinds of cases, without needless expos wearing indent. ate examinations, or the of disagreeable instruments br cumbrous appliances. • We have cured hundreds—Yes, thous ands—of cases by "medical treatment alone, hundreds of whom we have never seen, but who only obtained their med icines after having sent to us their cases for examination. Oar remedies in these diseases,are mild but effectual, and are such as we have found out to act in conformity with the laws of nature. in regulating health; and from the success which has almost invariably crowned our efforts in these cases, we can promise, and do promise, a speedy cure in every case where a real,. onable hope can be entertained. • Especial attention is directed to the above. • L. Ohnsstru. b.f. D. 132 Grant St.; Pittsburgh. AIBBSEMEIGS. OPERA Housr..—The regular season at the Opera souse opened last evening, on which occasion Guy Mannering was presented with Miss Emma Waller i n the role •of Meg Meres. The ani dance was a large and apprectstive_one , and the new company came fully up to the highest expectation. Mr. Chester, the leading man, in the role of Dandle Dininont, was a success. and the same might be said of each individual member of the company. Miss Georgie Dickson as Julia Manner:llg, and Mrs. S. K. Ches ter as Lnoy Bertram, deserve especial notice. Miss Dickson made a decided hit, and received a full share of tne ap plause. Her singing is superior to any thing we have had in her line of bust ness, and she is a most charming actress. Mrs. Chester is a floe reader and dresses with excellent taste. Tonight, "Eliza beth, Queen of England" will be pre sented with Emma Wailer in the title, role. - PITTSBURGH TEMA:rus.--h. large au dience greeted Mr. James Taylor at the old Theatre last evening, and of course everybody was pleased with the enter tainment. This afternoon a Matinee will be given, the entire prcceeds of which will be appropriated to the relief of the isi a wdows nd orhans of the menwho per hed in the Av p ondale coal mine during the recent disaster..: An opportunity is thus offered to all wlio sympathize with these unfortunate persons,- to. render them assistance, and We _hope to see the house crowded to its utmost capacity. The regular entertainment will be given this evening. Tau OnEolves.—The Academy o Music was crowded from pit to dome last night by the admirers of the Greg roy troupe. The entertainment was an. anticipated, was excellent, and we have no doubt they will continue to draw bowies. An Irish Dinner. "Will ye dine with me tomorrow?" said a Hibernian to his 'friend.' t'Faith an' I will, with all my heart." "Ite mimber, it's only a family dinner Pm asking ye to." "And what for not? A family dinner is a mighty plisant thing. What have ye got?" "Ochl nothing by common; jilt an illegant piece e corn ed bafe and potatoes." "By the petvet-i that bates the world. Jist my own din ner to a b air—barrin the beef !" The joke wits told in T. Tobias' mammoth cloth ing establishment, latit Saturday, and took well with the large crowd of pur chasers who were in waiting, inspecting, and purchasing in the store. The stock. of piece good and ready made clothing now offered at T. Tobias'. 25 Sixth str sod is is superior in quality and quantity, sold at more reasonable prices than the , goods in any other clothing house in the city. This week the grand fall openi 2s ng will take place Saturday, September . Wool- glum's, long and square, fancy Arabs, of all varieties, at Bates dc Bell's. J. B. warner, 55 Fourth Avenue, corner of Market street, will open Fall Hats and Bonnets in his Retail Depart ment, Tuesday, September Bitten Alpacas and, mourning goods at Batas Bell's. Coustiudion Water is a certain care for Diabetes and all diseases of the Sid ney& For , stde by all Droggists. ' Tsse:T. Emi Bleat Ulm, evening silks, white al. s, and evening drew goods of all kinds at Bates & Bell's. Country Flannels and blankets—new g ds --at Bates & Ball's. Wew Goods and new styles at DAN it Bell's. • Schwartr. and liaslett,drgnetgisicl. corner First and Wood streets, cm agents for Spaulding's Jatamanal. ttha. Spalding'■ Jatamanst cures Baldness, Restores Grey At Druggists—call for Spal din g ' 5 j ata anat. .Evenbody uses tgpaldiog's JatirriavAl vory, b4tlts warisnia. IMEI Oysters.;—Lovera of the biTalveo should call at Yonngson's saloon, comer of Smithfield street and Diamond alley, if they desire a first class article of oysters served in every style. Hectors Farina forms a very agree able light nutritive food, a superior arti cle for puddings and jellies, and la highly recommended by physicians for invalids and children. Sold by all grocers• T Real Estate.—See advertisement of McClung t Rainbow, Real Estate and Insurance Ageuts, 195, 197 and 199 Cen tre avenue. tf. MARRIED: READ—TAN 7'INKLE—On Thursday even ing, September AGth, by Rev. IV idiam H• 'Locke, CHARLES I. READ, formerly or to MART, daughter of Join Van 2:14 _ Allegheny City. 1)1ED FL ATH—On fisbbash evening,September 10th. 1869, Mrs. ROSP.TTA BEKTHA. PL.A.I H, aged 27 yesrs, 9 months and 16 days. 'The funeral will take place frcm the resinenee of her husband, Spring street, East Liberty. Nineteenth ward, WEDNESDAY NORNINhi, at 10 o'clock. Carriages w1:1 leave Mrs. Garber's,un dertaker, No. 170 Smithele d street. at 83.4. o'clock. Friends of the famly a - e respeHlully invited to attend. CRIJMP—On 'Monday morning. 20th Inst., at twenty minutes b. f .re . one oictuck at Dravos • burg, JOHNNI II I,lSHEll.youns est child and.B an A. M. Crump, aged 1 year, 4 months lB days, ilitineral To-DAY at 10 o'cl:ck A. x. CAVENATIOIi—On Sunday, Sep ember 19th. 1860.- at 4 o'clock, MAUGARET CANA.. NALIGH, aged 68 years. keret from the res deuce of her daughter. No. 1 Tunnel street, at 2 o'clock TO-DAY. The Mends of the family are ,respectfully Invited to . attend.' CHESTNUT—At the residence of f his grand pan•nts, Ssitsburg; Ir. (liana count. Penna.. .I)ANIEL, Infant son of Daniel and Mattis S. Chestnut, aged 13 months. Funeral from Western Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, Federal street, Allegheny, on the arrival of the 10354:0:1eek train, True wens pro ca. d direct to Uniondale Cemetery.. The tido'? s of the family are respectfally invited to attend. UNDERT&KER B • • __ LEX. AIKENi_ UNDER A. TAMIL No. 166 FOliu.'lll STRIZET. usb_ii_ugands COPYINB of all kisoIa,CILA.PD , OLDW.h. e• en , description orlruneral Far• Waking Moods furnished. Booms orwz dsT •n' reitht Corrine& I'l:maimed for city funerals at la 00 each. trisrantrish/.9—Rev.David Serf. D.D., 11ev..M., W. Jacobu s, • D•• Thomas EtSring, EGO.. 111.ra li Mzra. PEEBLES__, • DERTASEMS AND LIVERY STAB cornet_. f SANDUSKY STREET AND CHDA AVEDY. Allegheny City. where their con* BOOMS e constantly supplied with reel and imitation Iio•ewood; Mahogany and Vi r ginal Coitus, at prices s aryLug from 14 to 11 00 . - 80. dies prepared for in trtnent. Hearses and ear riagea ftrnished: 1.11 Kinds of. Mamming Goods, if requiret. Once open at all hours. dal and nicht. OSEPH MEYER a. 8011, vrriErvawriLvzorts, No. 424 FINN STREET. Carriages for Funisrolo, .2.00 Boob. - COFFINS an all Funeral Ituralitiment ash dated rates. ASTHMA. A STHMA.; CtCARS DE rOY. Recommended by the Medical ProfeWon• Certain Relief in the Worst Casey of Asthma Ana all Spa•modic Affections of the Respirator,' Organs, and a curt edected when ta. ed in time• Imported and said only by SHEION JOHNSTON, Corner_lronetb Avenue • and fludtlrdeld • dole Agent for Ma United States. a "TIES f A.TCHE'S, JEWELRY, &03. NEW GrC)CorOS Hiving just return ed from the gent .with &- splendid Ito ek of Watches, Jewelry. Laverware, OPTICAL GOODS, &e., I ant now Drepared to offer themet greatlY - daced prices. Call and examinDefines pnr— chasing elsewhere. W. G. DIINSE/LTH. _ Jeweller. No. 156 Firth Jimmie.. sun; Opposite Masonic Hall. CHANT TAILORS._ NBY 16t. trAJAE, MERCHANT TAIIOII, Corner of Penn and Sixth .Streets► ALL AND WINTER STOCK 001SCE'LETE. BRASS FOUNDRY,. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders, INGINB, LOCONOTHE Er, LOLLING SILL BRASSES . s Made Promptly to Order. RABBIT'S . METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Proprietors and Manufacturers of I .M. Cooper'sbay oveAlllalpee Wheel STEAM PUNT'. OFFICE Axil, FOU*Dler, Con 176 aid Itailroadliltnoh pITTSBIIRGIU: BANK FOR SAVINGS. ' O. 61 'FOURTH AVENUT, PITTSBURGH. QUARTERED IN ktIOA. ..• • • OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 &cloak aid oa SATURDAY MIMING, from . May is to No vember l it, fr om to 9 o'clock, and from No. relater lit to May lit. Bto 8 o'clock. Interest paid at the rate of all per cent, free of tamaad if not withdrawn oompopucts seint.amiltallyin January and July. Books of Briarfris &0.. In tasked at the once. .. Board or Idanagerso. A. Berry. President; B. R. Hartman, das. Park, Jr..lirtoe Pratt:Mutat L. E. N'Hlule7._Seuretary and Treasurer. A. BradVey..i. GrabaukA, ROL Wm. um Nb% John 0. Dilworth. 9. Itotbsta tme,Jomua Bhodesolue.Seott.ltobt.U.Sulituarti. ellsrlitoohor $llll. • D• PITTSBURGH, PA BANKS.