Nkiw ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW MMMTUMMIMI3 • FARMERS DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK, / September 111. 1869. SAT A MEETING OF THE .• DIRECTORS of this Bank, held to-day, MR. WILLIAM WALKER was elected Presi dent, to fill the vacancy canned by the death of JAM Es Esq. • it21:06; 'P. L. STEPHENSON,.Cashi.r. °Swiss or CITY ItitaiNasa Ass sinevziros. / 1 Fittaberse, Sept. 91 , 1869. s , ;q0 TICE TO NEWER CON•i! TRACTORta.. —SZ A LED PROrtsBALS willj received at tel 'Hite for rebuild,ng Tryi Street Sewer, until FRIDAY. October Tat, 1869,1 1191 aP. x. Plans and specifications can be seen: at this office. t I Th. Committee reserve the right to re.) at anyt‘ or an bids. 5r.24:062 • M. J. MOORE, City Engineer. - tssiotirierii—The partner.i 2,-' lla _CONl P El l t er rn o tt for lrEVlV n A42, -e g i dgT4l JO - COOPER, dr, CO.; I.: Aff Aga Was dissolved on the 18t h Day of Augast, 1869, Fleury Bier purchasing the interest of Johtat. tioopc.„ Henry Bier settle all the, business of the late rm. se2l:oa CITY ENGINEER'S OFFICE, ALLEGHENY CITY, re., ,Sept, 20, Ib6o. I , VOTICE.--The assessment for .L GRADING of HENDERSON STREET, from Federal to Sandusky street; also, f3r grad ing and pAring of BLOSSOM ALLEY, from Turner to Peach alley, are now ready for ex amination and can be seen at the office of the City Engineer Until September 28, 1869, when they, will be ptaeed In the hands of—the "MY Treasurer for collection. CHARLES{ DAVIS, 5E121:06-1 "VIIA NR AND INSURANCE an/CRS. MONONGAHELA WATER CO.. a LEGHENY AND BUTLER PLANK. ROAD. TIIE6DAY EVENIN6, Sevternber 81st, at 8 o'clock, will be sold en second floor of Commer cial Sales Rooms, 106 Smtudieht street, .30 shares Bank of Pittsburgh; 90 shares Exchang 1 Natiouas Bank; Au shares Arsizans , Insurance CO ; 33 shares Monongahela Wster Co.; 107 snares A llegheny a But •er Plank Road; 20 shares Mechanics' National Bank; 45 " M. &M. do. - do.; 6 " Th,rd , do: do.. '0 '• National Sank of Comm- rce; , 25'• Exchange National Bank; - • 20 •. Rank of PI tsburgn; ' 5 •• Monongahela Insurance Co.; 49" Culumbi a ( 'ls Co. te2l•c A. MCILWAINE, Auctioneer. --: CHANGE . OFMNIONI TIME... ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THIS OIL REGIONS WITHOUT CUANGE OF CASE. ' Oa and after MONDAY.' Sept. SO, 1509. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sendai vrlll leave Pittsbargl Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for gralin, 011 City, Bt f- Salo, and all points 1n the 011 Regions. LEAVY PITIIIIPIRGB. !SRAM IN PITTEIBITHEII Day Ex 7:00 a m ',Day Ex 5:15 p m Night Ex .... 7:35 prr4Nlght Ex. 6;55 a m •: Ist Halton... 6:40 am, Ist Halton.. 6:35 p m 3d Halton...Xi:so a m 'VW Halton... IS:5Oa m 3d Halton... 5:00 pm 311 Milton... :10 put i4th Hulton..11:00 p m 4th Hultnn. 71.3 u D Freeport Ac. £1:15 a m soda Works.. 7:30 a m Soda Works.. 6:3ti p m greeport Ac 6:15 p m Brady's BAc 3:05 p m Ilrarlys B Ac 10:05 ani Church. 1;00 p m Charth 10:10 a m Express trains stop only at prine.pst points. Accommodation rains stop at all data ms J. J. LAWRENC Gen': `itip`t. THOMAS X. KIN G. . Assn., earn. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. , Notice is hereby - given that by virtue of au order of the Omani s' Conn. of the conarr 0 of Westmoreland, th-re will be eirmsed to Pub lic sal - on THURSDAY- the :10rh day of dEP TE wilEtt., at 1 o'clock r. m.,11969, the fallowing real estate, to wit: A Ceitain tract of Land, flituatffin St. Clair towlashin in said county. at Houston station, on the Penna. R. R . wands of the hairs of Jos. Martin, Juo.Staltb - '''' , 4lConemsngh liver. containing and'l23 Perches, With WELLING. 110UsE, BARN and other • lIII* o7emento ihsr , on. tats the real estate of , EDWIN a. TOWER. dec•u• kale to take pirce on the premises and be conducted 100 M. A. ow er and A. F. Brooks; ad mluittrators of said dos cedent. Terms—cash on confirmation of sale, • and thst said sale be subject to the payments doe and to become due on the bonds and - mortgage ol James Wa't to Dixon Houston ;sad Wm. Bons : -too, dated Nor, 119. 1863, and recorded In the Rego: der's office of • add county. In' mortgage book No. 3. psge 41. and also subject ; o the payinents of the bonds and mortgage of Edwin W. Tower to Jamss Watt, reco.dod on the 9th day of March, 1869, In the same office. in mom gage book No. 4, page 19. By the • ourt. J. W BLAIR. Clerk. Underlying the above property Is a good vein of coals persons wleh'ng to purchase cantata the mail train at Fittzbu two In the morning and re ' turn by the Johnstown accommodation the same i s evening. se:lros6 ISSUED THIS DAY. - • LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE. TEIE OCTOBER. NUDIBER With Three Fine Fills Pa ge Illustrations. CONTAINING FOURTEEN ENTERTAINING ARTICLES. For male at all the Book and News Stores. Yearly subscription $4.. Single number. 35 feats. Srscrithre Namara. with Premium List sent to any address on receipt ot.Thirty-fire cents. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 MARKET ST.. Philadelphia. sedo:oht A; T PRIVATE SALE-VALUA BLE LOT OF GROUND situate on the north-east corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver St., Allegheny io:tv; fronting 37 feet on Stockton ' avenue, preserving the same width along Braver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, preservins a width of 00 feet to Water I street, on - which It erected a two.story frame dwelling house, and being the late residence of Esther„Btockton, deed. - This prop rty fronts on the Alleyway Park, and for beauty oflocation ", and surroundings sanuot be excelled. For terms of sale andlarther information, enquire of THOMAS B. UPDIKE, No. 209 Beiver Avenue selB:c4B ••pXGußuc PALE OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE IN THE CITY or AL ,' HENT. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of - Allegheny county th e undersigned, is Trustee ander the will of her Stotkton. dec'd, will •Aoffer at Pubilci3ele: on VRIDAY, the Sib day of 'October next, at 10 o'clock A. 11., a LC r or °BOUND belonging to the estate of said deco :. dent, situate on - Stockton avenue, near Beaver street, fronting 23 feet on Stockton avenue and preserving the same wiuth back toward Water street, a distance or 140 feet. Terms of Sale—One-third of she purchase money cash on confl. mat on of sale. the. balance ; in two equal annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. For further ireormittion. enquire of THOS. B. UPD - lIKE, Trustee, No. 209 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny, Pa ; pielB:ot7 1 1 111 AT 11111111 DOLLARS WILL DO, IT WILL BUY A. LADY'S PINE Solid Gold Hunting Case Fall Jeweled Watch Which we warrant a good time keeper. Call and • examine• them and be convinced they are u rep resented, at WATTLES & SUEAFTIR'S. 101 BIRTH AVENUE, above Smithfield street. LEA:TODD AND GU lAIILTIND. Also. Gum Pautimi, Huse. Gasket& 443., ale ways on band'and lb, isle, wholessli or retsil.hy • ' a se - natzlra:' SO sat NIP In* NUNS, J MI DRESS GOODS. 31c. Double Width Poplin Alpacas, Fall Shadel; an! &tilt Bargain. 37ic. Mixed Poplintts, new styles. 371 c. Goltn China Poplins', new. 50c. Tagona PoplinS for Suits. 621 c. Heavy Corded Repps, cheap at $l,OO. Empress Repps, Mohair Repps, Velour Repps, .Empress Cloths, Silk Velvets, Black Satins, Black and Colored Velveteeni, Elegant Bright Plaids, Plaids for Arabs nd suits, Black Corded Silks, Black Alpacas and Repps, 25c. White and Sdarlet ,Flannels, 25 and 31c. Plaid Shirting Flannels, $2.50 All-Wool Bed Blankets, 12 yards Good Prints for $l.OO. 14 yards Bleached Muslin for 8 yards Good Canton Flannel for sl.o@. Paiseley Long and Square Shawls. • from $12.00 to $100.00; splen did bargains. City 71:1 sin NEW GOODS Wholesale and Retail, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. E. B. GA.EMNER, WEST CORNER Market Street and Fourth Avenue, =MD JOSEPH HORNE & EO'S NEW FALL GOODS . . Just Open:ea.. LINEN RUFFLED COLLARS AND CUFFS, LACE Cold, A R.B. HANDKERCHIEFS. Fmbrold , d,Heaurtlteherl, SHEER. LAWN ANTI LACE. HAMBURG EMBROIJEBISA. REAL & IMITATL,N LACKS A EDGINGS, BOULA.VANDE SKIRTS. ARAB SHAWLS, IN rANTS' HAND KNIT' Of IDS & LLCM JETS KNITTING AND Z aPHYR YARN. BENti3f AN'S ZEPHIR, JAVA. CANVA-S. • KNITTER'S MATERIALS. HANDSOME EttvW AND SASH RIBBONS. TRIMMING SATINS, BONNE e vELVitTs, •. - HAT AND BONNET PLUMES', FINE FRENCH FLOWERS. Latest stab s AND BONNETS. BONNET AND FRAMEs, sad MILLINERY .GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, AT • 77 and 79 MARKET STREET. st2l RAMALEY'S HIT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue Of All the New Styles HATS AND OAPS q t, E . THE SEASON. RATE AND FASHIONABLE. CONFECTIONS FOB PRESENTS. GEO. BELYET4 112 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny DRY. sc7:n94-TTIIB GEO. B. MILTENBERGER; SOLE AGENT FOR I:FM=3 RELIABLE W4TER num. No. 936 Porn RI , CORN 811114)11i€1.-25 bales Pre vv PABILDs to arrive onsneamer "fla kor sal" by . • 15A1•11 DIOIXY CO., iflll.lL NeirL ILEfano-10,000 in in.r•Llo br DAUS MOM 1.0 , 1" 9; `: "ok .7:* 'Mgt,r No. 69. A FULL STOUR or PITTSBURGH. PA. 7- ') •• . . A• ' SEPTEMBER " - 21, 1869 - , ,; - -. TUESDAY • NEW 4DITERT/SEBEANTB. NE W FALL DRY 'GOODS. 1 AT LOW; PRICES. nnavv AND FINE White Country Blankets. COLORED WOOLEN BED' 'COVERLETS. Extra Weight and Quality. DOUBLE WIDTH BARRED COUNTRY FLANNELS, Best Makes and St,le3. Barred and Plain Colored SHIRTING FLANNELS. Extra Good Bargains. NEW AND COMPLETE ASSOSTMENTSIOF Cassimeres and Jeans, Waterproof Cloths, Tidings and Checks, Table Linens and napkins, Sheeting and Tillow Muslin, Calicoes and Ginghams, - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FE WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. B. OPPENHEIMER, Merchant Tailor, AND DEALER IN NEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'' CLOTHING, Is bent), to annonnee to his old friends an 4 CUB. tomes, and the public gerierally,that be la now established In his STO No. 82 Market Stree Where he has opened a large and • CILACOTII Cassimeres, Vestingsl Of the latest and mosCapproved patterns, which he Is prepared to make up In the latest •tyles at the lowest cash fakes. Also, a nne lotof Ready Made Clothing; AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, To which he Invitee the attention of tho I NO OLD STOCK: EVERYTHING IS NEW! B. OPPENEEIMER, No. 012 Market Bt , SECOND DOOR BELOW THE DIA me 17:03d SCHOOL AND COLLEG TEXT BOOKS AT THE METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY, • 129 segthfterd Street, (corner of Virgin • Teachers, School (Meer/ and the 'Trade are nvlted to send for our tcLool Catalogtie. lOSEPTI HORNER, Agent. anal: CAUTION /1 . • We call attention of consumers to te uractice of Adulterating Lard Oil, by mixing with it Cot ton Seed 011, Eosin 011 and other inferior 01L. • OUR LARD OIL WARRANTED • PURE. Any Person altering our Brand Or coo ping oar Trade Mark will be proceeded against according to law. PBOOTEIR & GAMBLE, n a 044 n TIP :.,'" t 01.21018kTATL H IL LYON, Senior of Weights and . Ream* 4Koe-1,0,5 ?MITI AVICNITE, Pitiaburth. v. ILWINED i Deputy, Pittippigh At. Int I. MQNVLTT, Depute. Alio raw ALDVERTISMr3EINTS ,DRESS GOODS AND SUM FINE BLACK Gro Grain Alpacas & Poplins. NEW COLORS IN ALPACAS AND POPLINS. BR GILT PLAID AL L-W p 0 L POPLENS some Decided Bargains: Striped Arab Shawls, Paisley Shawls, Striped Woolen I , hawls, Thibet Shawls, Woolen Square Shawls, Cashmere Shaw CHILDREN'S SHAWLS IN GREAT` V ARIETY NEW STOCK OP Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ribbons and Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Collars, Stockings and Gloves, Jet Jewelry, Rufflogs, &c,, Hoop Skirts and Corsets, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Underwear, Fdgings and Lasts, Hair Switches and Curls, Dress Trimmings, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 'WILLIAM. SEIIPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. rgrREPUBLICAN MASS MEETING AT CITY HA LL, .1 On Thursday, Sept. 23d, At 7S' P. Y. The meeting will be addressed by R. STOCKETT MATTHEWS, Esq., OF BALTIMORE, MD. The state on the right and left of the Speakers stand will be reserved for ladles. Campaign and Geary Clubs are requested to turn out and attend the meeting In nulfrm. By order of Committee, JOHN 8, LAMBIE, Chairman. J. S. FERGUSON, Stbretary. sellim4o Mr7GRAND ' • REPUBLICAN RALLY AT APOLLO GOV.IGEARY EMI And Other EminetiMpeakers to be Mien . The Rcpubllcans t, or Westmoreland and Arm- strong counties will hold a grand Eatiffcatlua Jubilee at Apollo on g Peptember 513 d, 1E69. G YOV. GEAR, Col. 080. P. HeVARLAND. Snpertntendent - Of Soldiers* Orphan Schools..and others will be present to address tbe assemblage on the Junes 01 the dAy. • d stotk of Rally. citizens of Westmoreland. Armstrisng and iviscent counties! A good time Is anticipa• tad. tome by rail, come in wagons.. ceme in pia• tuonnecomPardmi.regiments and brigades! Come like a grand conquering army with banners and bugles. and bear the great questions of the day discussed. PIE rp.aking Co begin al. half-past B cr'cloek. abarp at ;051 - ViiTARAN, b., EDUCATIONAL. HAY & COMPANY, BOOKSELLERS, 65 Wood Strea, Have on hand a complete stock of Standard School and College Text Books, AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Which they offer at the Lowest Prices, Wholesale and Befall. Price Lists and Circulars sent on application. OFFICE OF THE COIKIOBBION2IIII Or THAI SINKING FORD, • reasury Department of Pennsylvania, HAIirISIONia, August HO, 1869 SEALED BIDS WILL BE HE CEIVED for the redemption et ONE MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due July let, UFO, until IA o'clock M. OCTOBER i15t,11169. Com munications I o be Addressed ton, W. MACKEY, Esq., State Treasurer, Harrisburg, Penns, and endorsed bids for redemption of State Loan. Y. JORDAN, • Secretary of State. • , - J. F. HARTBAN.TT, Auditor General. • B. W. MACKEY, State Tr. as urer. Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. N. B —No newspaper publishing the above without anthoriky, will receive pay therefor. • auTtineS EMI OND, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE kiENT.—To the citizens of adjoining coun ties. who are forming Militia or Military Com. patties, LANE &TOWNSEND, 430 Market St., Philadelphia, Offer for sale a large quantity of the All• Wool Dark Blue Cloth Infantry Frock Coats in bound condition, for the low price tin quantities o 100 or upwards) of *5.00 each, cash - on deliv ery. auzsaiso NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnershlp lately subsisting be tween 314k8OHNiell and BEBECcA J. MIL LER, niderl the arm of "EICHNECK & MIL LER," was alisolved on the 14th day of dEP TEMBE4, Ilateil," by mutual consent. All debts owing to the said partnership are to be received by thesaltr RJEBEOCA J. MILLER, - awl all claims are Lobe presented to her for payment". • ?ux. 40km:cm. nis t o.42 : =BROCA J..111141/1. nocasePtkutts,soo in stare, Do sale br • WWI MUM A 99. 1%21Wc747 El 3 1111= POLITICAL. EgrREPUBLICAN !MEETING IN THE SIXTEENTH WARD, Pittsburgh, Corner of John street and Greensburg Turnpike, On FJ iday Evening., S. pt. 24% At 7.4 o'clock. The meeting will be addressea by Hon. THOMAS HOWARD, It. C. MACK BELL, Ns q W. A LEIII4ATE. Esq.: . A limes Band will be In atter dance. Cam palgn and Grary Cluhs aeonve attend. By order of Casa:dit ODeakers and Meet ings. aei:ot7 arREPIIBLICAN MEETING IN THE MARKET SQUARE, IN BIRMINGHAM, On Friday Evening, Sept, 24,1F69, A 174 o'clock. The 'meeting will be addreirsd by W. C. MORELAND, hag.. and A. M. BRO WN, Esq. A Brass Bsnd and Glee Club will be in attend ance. EfgEMMI By order of Committee on Eneakere and Meet Inge. 5e21:056 W'REPUBLICAN for Robinson, Upper EL Clair, Scott and South Fayette townships, at G. W, BOYD'S ROTEL, IN BRIDGEVILLE, On SATURDAY, Sept. 25th, -At 7 P. N. The meeting will be addressed by THOMAS EWING, Esq,, and Hon. THObiAB HOWARD By order of Committee on Meeting's and speak ere, I 5t21:061 'REPUBLICAN MEETING G,ERST'S Corner of East Lane and Second street, Third Ward, Allegheny City, on SATURDAY EVENING, Sept. 25th. At T 34 o'clock. A. M. BROWS, Esq., Hon. JAMES L. GRAHAM; H. P. MUELLER. Esq., and D. L. SMITH, will address the meeting. - By order of Committer on Speakers and Meet- Inge. se2l arMEPUBLICAIN MEETING ; IN BELLEVUE, IN THE PUBLIC HALL, On Friday Evening, Sept. 24, At 73f o'clock. The meeting wl Ibe addressed bp- W. S. McCIME, Eeq., Cant. H. A. COLLIER, W. PEEBLES MILLE'S, Esq., JAMES P. JOHNSTON. Esq. A general invitation Is extended to surround ing districts. J. O. FERGUSON, se2i:o4l ' Secretary Com. on Meetings. IWILEPUBLICAN MEETING On Tnesday Evening, Eeptember 21, AT 7X P. M., AT THE M'KEESPORT MARKET HOUSE. The ulteting will be addressed by ',Hon. THOMAS HOWAB.D, Doi. T. M. BAYNE. 1.1. Z. MoKELVY, Esq. By order of the Commlttce on Meetings and Speakers'. selS;o+l ,EPUBLICAN MEETING IN ETNA BOROUGH On Wednesday Evening, Sept. 22d, At 7 , K o'clock. The meeting will be addreesed by W. C. MORELAND; Esq., JOHN H. HERE, Esq. By order of Conimittee on Meetings and Speak era. 5e20:051 OrREPUBLICAIIT MASS MEETINC • On Tuesday Evening, Sept 21st. • AT O'CLOCK, AT THE OLD MARKET HOUSE, In the IHuth (late Fifth) ward. Should the weather be unfavorable, the meeting will bp held to ANDEltea.N's HALL. on Penn street. .Stuakers. W. 0 31011.e.LA SD. E_ q.. J. J. SIE BKNECH. /too., den. A. L. PEARSON. . By ordar of Committee of !imam and Meet. lugs. 1518:041 farREPUBLICAN MELTING • , AT • ELIZABETH BOROUCH, On Wednesday Evening, Sept. 22d, At 73 o'clock. The mostlanwill be addressed by Hon. THOMAS HOWARD. Col. H. BAYNE. By order of Committee on Realties and Byeakere 5e18:043 INDEPENDENT TEMPER. Cle 3 CANDIDATE. • FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. sulk= - J. W. BAR 59 MARKE ON NOND4Y, SEP Will Open their Si lendid I ter Dress Goods, Manufactu Trade, and comprising Rich shades Silk Warp Epingli Russe, 411-wool Epinglines, Black Baratheas, English a arritz cloth, Russell Cords, ges, Merinos, Empresi Clot ALSO, ON TUESDA Silk Plushes, Velvets and 0 teens, Astrachan, Seal Skin ernroofs, &0., at very Attra r. 59 Bffie,RKE rfir NOTICES—"To-Let,"'"For Sale," “Lost," , .iVants." "Found," "BoortUi,rit me., not exceeding FOUR LEE', eoiZd be inserted in these column.s on fur TWENTY-FIVE. CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENT'S'. WANTED-.-SITUATIONS, wANTEDr- SITUATION. -- Bir . _ a young mut of AA as Copyist. Shipping Clerk, or an any c parity where he can make himself genertgly nik fol. Salary not so mach of an object as permanent situation. 'City reference even. Address A. C., GAZETTE 07FICL, WANTED. -A GOOD GIRL, I. competent to do general housework Wen s will find a pleasant aluation in a small family. Enquire at 65 BEAVER STREET. Allegheny City. • . TIVANTED-HELP.-AT EN PLOYMENT OPPIOZ, No.l St. Clair Street s BOYS OIBLB and MEN, for diderent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short, notice. -- MEETING ANTED. - IMMEDIATELY. —A SALESMAN is a pry Goods hare, at No. GO Market etret t. N,T E D .-R 0 0 NEL-TWO ROOMS or a SMALL HOUSE. la the up per Wards. Pit'sburgn. nest of r, rrenceis given. Aedres• B. it .BOSH. GAZETTE OFFICI. WANTED—ROOM-MATE.--In a pleasant room, about ten ruinutee Walk from Pittsburgh Postottice. Terms sl.tlo Der month. Addresi MILES, GAZETTZ OPFICY. WANTED.-BEESWAX, GIN SEtiG. DRIED FRUITS, WOOL, and GENFRitt. PRODUCE. Our Soot ern and Western Friends can obtain the litgbest marke , ra.es, ADS get prcmpt returns by conslgntn g their Produce to us. cL RKoON GRIFFITH, . General Commirsi_ot Merchant. ' • sel7;c No 43 20 N. Front Street, Ph il adelphia, Pa. TAKEN UP ABOUT TEN DAYS ago, a WHITE AND BRINDLE DOG. The owner can have said dug byo ro vine property and paying expenses, by spoiling at No. 89 DIAMOND STREET, Pittsburgh MO-LET.—ROO2I.---A well far- Eiecond Btort 'gßoNr BOOS( for two or more gentlemen, Apply it No. 33 Ninth street. • rro-LET.-- ROOM—A . Second story Front Itoont, furnl•hed, with board. suitable tor gentl , men or lady or two single gen tlemen. Inquire at IS WYLIE IiTESkT. 0-LET.—Second Story Front 300.11. suitable for eincle gentlemen, at o. 31 Ninth (formerly Hand) street• mu LET—FOUR NEW ROUSES SIX BOOMS eacn or Jalamps street. Flf h ward, Allegheny. near Allegheny &Fence. nne ?par . j' i rmyr . claby e a d t e r i e a c i t cars . trt E c n o rl es u er lre olf St . oekton avenue. or CIiARLRS P. STSIGlirt, 171 North avenue, cot ner of Webster street. O-LET.—A tint-class STORE T. hOO3l, with gohd cellar, at No. 46 Ohio street. AllAgheny, second door from Diamond, and opposite , the Franklin Sayings Bans. One of the best locations to the city: has been occu pied for twen b u siness by the subscriber. who Is retiring from . Fixtures complete and In good order. Possession Immediately. For particulars, inquire on the premises of W. CARSON. FOR SALE.—One-half of a valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania. A small article wed in all houses. A chance for an active pound man with a few hundred dollars. Addre•e PATENT, Postotere Nov wan. FstyOlL treiLE.--liesiraul e Wrat- ERN AVF , CRE RESIDuNCF. Allegheny ; Lot 1. SLR feet by 120 ro a 20 Vet Ailey: house contalms 11 rooms, with eh necessary eon venienc- a: will be sold very cheats, as the owner se g line to have the city. Apply 1o • IIOFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agedts, A o. 139 Fourth Avenue. It SALE—POEM DRY.- Bare anee for an enterprising rasa with sosse capital, situated In the town of Washireton, the cuunty seat of Washington county. Pa. It 15 DOW doing and successful bustrie.s as the books will' show, could be increased to double the mindamount dese. furnishpartnert supply the d - will a lt o a for at Leif inter est in It if desired by the purchaser.- This is a good opening for a practical man,. as can be shawls beyond s doubt. Apply, to CROFT £ PHILLIPtI, 'No. 139 Fourth Avenue. . _ VOIR SALE.--8110P ON NORTH ANENUX. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.— Tne building, 36MTO feet Ls being used by Jaa. Godfrey & Co. at manfacturing asitabilehment... One of the members of the firm wishing to retire from business on account of poor healih, We have decided to close out this part of the busi ness t a bargain. Also good will- of Stella Pow i• (5 to 10 home power ) tools and =whin alit:len.; would make a good wagon mater shoal lot 60x100 feet, on 3 _yew lease. For farther particulars inquire at No. , 4lt Ohlo street, Alice gbeny, Pa. FOR SALE-10 AIIRES, LESS or Allegheny Fall er township, Allegheny contY. R. B. runs through's. Two hundred yards from station. Frame "wage Cl six rooms, and good stable. and all other ne cessary on.-buildings: orchard of 100 bearing fruit trees, df all kinds; good garden, grape ar bor. and geoseberrles and corn. ta; $45.000 worth of rock, quarry opened; will snit !kir resi dences or manufacturing estabbsbments: coal under entire place: good Indications or oil: deepest eater and best landing on fhe river; all well fenced. Inquire of A. B. SERB, on the premlies. • IDERSONAL. —All persons seek , - A. Diet HOWLS, or investments In heal Fa tate, will save Vine, trouble andmonev bv__pro. curing • copy the "llTTiiillUtteili I/EAL. ESTATE BEMS rßii.” ls givenawaydrumil or will be sant by mall rasa to any reilutull^.ll Persons cannot tall to get suited out of the tame !let It contains. CROFT & PHILLIets, Pub. Ushers and Heal Estate Ageats, 3io, 1.39 . Fourth avenue. MONEY Td LOAN.--$2O 000 to loan on Bend and Mortgage In large or small mounts. Bond and Real Estate Broker. On o T STREET. MEMBER 20, 11469,- mportation of Fall and Win— red Exuressly for the Retail Dress Silks, in all the new n ,es plain and fancyl Velour Irish and French Poplins nd French .13ombazines Bi‘ Cretonnes Valencias, hs. Y, SEPTEMBER 21st, loAs and Shawls, Velve s, Polarian Qloaldngs, Wat dive Prim. 3 .W.'.*...'g'C,:i;''' T STREET WANTED-HELP WANTS‘ POUND. TO LET. FOR SALE. LOAN, TgOlft.lB K. PETTZ, - No. - 179 Smithfield street: 01 MEI