IES ;Oil) XOTECtErMUSIC. 'RS. LANDER LS still in England. Bovril is making money with his the atre. Mad KATE BATEMAN is in New York as incomparable as ever. Terns. SCOTT SrDDONS is now crossing the briny deep, canting Westward again. JOHN E. OWENS is said to be funnier now in the Victims than in any thing PESARO - , the birthplace of 'Rossini, has just been having a musical festival to his memory. Rossrm's Mass will ' be produced this winter at at. Peursbdrg, Warsaw and Moscow. LUCCA was paid this summer 5,000 francs fOr singing. at one concert at the Wiesbaden Knrhaus. TRALBERG looks as fresh and young as ever. His hands are the smallest of any of the great pianists. JEFFERSON is worth a good deal of money, and his Rip Van Winkle is still a Fortunatus' purse to him. _ WAGNER is in fresh trouble, for it is al leged that he has eloped with the wife of Bulow, the son-in-law of Liszt: ZUEINAR BOUFFAR is the name of the latest opera beuffe prima donna, in Paris. She has made a hit as the Grand Duchess. EDWIN . ADAMS has made - a real ROSS tionfin• Chicago. Ills principle role has been Enoch Arden in the drama of that name. MARGATE, the English Trateri ng place, boasts of a very successfal "Hail by the Sea," where Parepa has been among; the singers. ENGmstr versions of "Don Giovanni" and "Rigoletto" have lately been sung in England, with Madame Haigh Dyer as the prima donna. ji BOTTERO, the buffo singer, who ap• peered last season iu London, is described by the Saturday Renew as a liutf.) calcu lated to draw tears. AT A Milan theatre lately Pacini's op era of "Sabo" Was sung without any tenor, and seemed to please the audience as well as if they had one. ADELINA PATTI has been making her usual successes at the Homburg opera, though wretchedly supported. A stall at performances costa gold louis. AT the recent sixteenth triennial Nor folk and Norwich musical festival, Tiet jens, Murska; Trebelli, &Mai, Feli and Rigby were among the singers. PADUA, Italy, is to have a new musical paper, called La lrelodie, to which Verdi, Petrella, Mercadante, and other well known composers, will Contribute. HANDEL'S "Amami Galatea," lately revived at the Princess Theatre, London, has proved a pecuniary failure; yet it was most admirably mounted and sung. 'MADAME PURCELL has lately died in her thirtieth year. She was but little known in London, though popular in the prov inces•as a prima - donna in English opera. A WALTZ composed by Bela, and called Ain sehoen en Rhein gedenk ich dein, is gaining in Vienna a popularity that - • 'l' rivals l the similar compositions of Strauss. THE whole season of opera just closed in London may be summed up in two words Nilssen and Patti. Everything and everybody have been subservient to them. 1,11 HEcr r HArnrr is to be the tenor of Miss Rtching's opera troupe ; which by the way, is the. first musical company to announce, a bentfit for the Avondale sufferers. • Tun' Anvil Chorus is to he sung at the • Sydenham Crystal Palace by eight thou ; sand voices with accompaniment ef anvils, cannon and bells. The idea is sneered at - by the London'tnusical journals. 3ln., of the London A?. hani&ra, is the original "Captain Jinks" ' (for sbfch he deserves to be broken at the wheel), but is nevertheless an accom : plished singer, and has sung in oratorio with first-class arttsts. ROSE H.ERSEE, the light prima donna of the Parep, troupe, is a little winsome creature, English, by birth. and quite a popular soprano in her native country. She has been favorably received at the Crystal Palace concerts. "liroonErro" was to have peen the gala cpera on, the occasion of the expect cd visit of the. French Empress to Corsica; but the Empress did not get there, so the ' . opera troupe from Milan (lid not have the - opportunity of singing before Napoleon's wife. BoucleAutir maintains that all who take exception to the immorality of ''Formosa" must, to ba consistent, find -equal fault with the operas of "Norma," "Rigoletto," "Don Giovana," vitta," "Lucretia," "Faust" and "Som.- nambula.-" MErrn LUTS, the composer, has writ ten for .Niissen a new scene, entitled "Xenia, the Scandinavian Maiden." Its 'theme is said to have all the grac4nl flow and quaint charm of a national melody. A shilling edition of Ndssen's life has also been published, with a portrait. - Winxiawsitr, who lately visited the Sultan, was directed to play twenty-three' pieces, one after the other, and as soon as be had concluded, received two hundred noundsirygold. Lie was not presented to the Sultan,. who placed himself in a corner so that the player could not see Fall and 'Winter Fashions for Men. ' The fashion for frock coats during the - coming fall arid winter will be the Prince Albert style, double breasted and short in the skirtoi hich has .been worn during the past seaso.i. It will be even some what more abbreviated than hitherto. The colors are to bp blue, black, olive or brown, as may be desired. Entire suits "of- Englisn'i and livotch black and gray plaids will also in vogue. A similar -frock coat will be s worn for evening, half dress suits in making calls, etcthe ma terials being meibins and plain !dark bea vers of various Oades.. The lull drees evening snits for recep. tons and small gatherings still consist of black dress 'coat,' with black 'vest and black pantaloons. The ball and opera costumes are - t0 - ber composed of a blue; olive, or claret drees,poat, with buttons to match of similar calors, a white vest, and _light plaid pantalobns. To this decided Innovation- over the late funeral garb a few adventurous spirits rimy add!. brass buttons, in the style ,of twenty-five years ago. Overcoats *ill be in the sack style, sin gle breasted and with fly"fronts. The 4 naterial3 are to be - of Amitotic, fur bea . rt . ..,..- .- ;,t...', ...-. )It.: I vers, chinchillas, and other rough ma terials. For sporting and driving coats,and vests velveteens will continue to have the 'preference, 'the colors 'being brown dark green or olive, and the pantaloons'of lig i t shades. Pantaloons will continue in the presen somewhat tight style, fitting in the sam manner round the boot, but will be less striped at the side than formerly. Thei material will be chiefly of gray plaids. Vests for day wear will be of the pres ent gay and varied colors, cut low, with plain rolls. The light fancy vestings, for day or evening, will be of white cassia mores and kerseys, full and double breasted, in the English lappel style and buttoned high. For exclusively evening wear, they are to be cut low, with three buttons and a rolling collar. The materials used in the more eaten. Eire establishments will continue to be largely foreign, but more American cloth Will be used than heretofore, especially for pantaloons. Foreign manufactures can .. . Ettr, be well imitated, eipecially in pantaloon materials, even with ,our inferior wool, and for ready-made clothing they wi, continue to be almost entirely used. Neckties will be both white and black as heretofore. 1 Silk hats will be much simliar to the style of last spring, with low, belled crowns, and brims rather broad; but they will be. if anything, slightly lower—more of the bell shape, and whits greater curve in the rim. Of the low crowned hats, the broad, straight brimmed Wharton style, of smoke color, is to be much worn, with a wide, contrasting black band, re sembling mourning. The other number less styles of hats in use will continue of the same pattern and varied as heretofore. Boots and shoes will be rounded at the toes, and similar in style to those now in use.—N. Y. Evening Po'o. ar Superstition sachnsetei In the southern part of the town of Marlboro, Mass., near he Connecticut line, lives a family by thname of F—. It seems that this family i predisposed to ; consumption. About the irst of January one of the family, Emily, a girl eighteen years old, died of this disease and was buried in Cornwall Hollow, Conn. The mother and brother, Charles, and a sister, Eliza, remain. Charles is - now wasting away with the same discas;. During the summer a man by the nam of Case, who lives in a town to the ease, was in that section hiring cattle pastun He met this ,F— -family of and told them some aw. ful stories of how personi, nearly dead With consumption had baen - cured by the digging up of some relatiVes who had died with the same disease, taking out the liver, lungs, heart, etc.,where fresh blood would be found, anurning them, after this the sick ones wckuld improve until health was restored. The reason assigne d was that there was a sort of vital current existing be tween the living and dead —that these organs in the dead' body that contained fresh blood and appeared to be alive, would continue to live until the vitality of the living subject was exhausted: un less said organs were taken out and-con sumed by fire. Eliza heard and believed these stories, and if they ever appeared absurd, they soon became matters of fact to her. Dr. S. of an adjoining town was importuned to do the dissecting—no rest could be obtained until the thing was ac complished. Strange to say the doctor cons .mted. The 10th of last August the doctor and half a dozen, more or less friends dug up the body of Emily, cut out the liver and a portion of the lungs, took them some distance from the grave and burned them. The heart and a por tion of the lungs were -found decayell— that portion of the lungs supposed to he destroyed belisne her I death— and fresh blood was found in the liver, enough to thoroughly besmear the doctor's hands. These are facts. i • 'Smoke and Kalil Drops. The report of the Eu,glisla inspectors, lIN I.filE COURT OF colvtiroik rLicA.‘s of Alleghcny county, No. 676, June appointed to investigate the variQus Terms 1b69. causes of the cantamination of the at- FANN Y B. El( 118A1731, Fy next ['lend, mosphere in the manufacturing towns of 1 , J , ohn Ble.:r, ys. WM. Elf:III:AUX. In D:voree, Great Britain, is said to furnish valuable _o r, t ; lie.abo i v ? : anted Responder t: addition to knowledge on. the - subject of mia, u su a b r: oe l: 3 re` i J n y t t h io e tt , ti b e o d l that the Subpoena and the 4ngredients of the "smoke" • caused b liz . :i b a y g r t int r r , e - 1 by the consumption of coal. in :London 1 thrnee non ~,,, inrentus, you :7: a funereal hue is imparted to the statutes I to app. , ar In this Court .011 the FIRST MON ' u.»• of public men, the exteriors of churches ()F I.ECHIILIER, A. 1). MD, to answer the and houses, the trees, the birds and the I complaint in this ease. clothing worn by the inhabitants, and in sooty EL B. CL CLEY, other parts of England the smoke ma r 1 .--tel3 ' "3-31 ----- sance is almost as intolerable. The :Aierlff. "blacks," how - ever, are not the only sub. jects of complaint, for in some districts the smoke arising from . coal, highly im. pregnated with sulphur, condenses into . an acid "rain which kills the vegetation and' u it exceeding deleterious to thi; health of man and animas. The chemist employed by the the inspectors under the English "Alkali" act has acquired such skill in his investigations that lie can classify smoke in the clearest and most definite manner, and can ,dissect 4,r dissolve it into its primitive ingredients. In the same way this skilful chemist has been enabled to analyze the rain drops, and to ascertain how much acid, how much soot and how much salt from the sea they contain. The rain which falls around certain large towns has been ex amined, and large diagrams of the drops have been prepared, in which the most curious crystal pictures are delineated. The drop of 3lanchester rain resembles the splintering and slivering of a large block of ice in which slabs of stone are incrusted; London rain resembles the branches of a large tree deprived of its leaves, and the Newcastle rain appears to contain blocks of coal, These investi gations are very. minute and "spores" the fifty-thousandth part of an inch in diameter, have been detected and eau. merated. BEAUREGARD'S PLEASAICTRY.--BUt what Young man is that whose raven locks and mustache may be seen wherev er beauty dud grace reign most decidedly? Some one whisjpers that it is General Beauregard, the k rest • engineer and gal lant soldier; .but- surely that cannot be, for the last time I saw that great chief tain his hair was as white as the driven snow, and his bronzed features were not those of the ball-room gallant. But an other look convinces me that my friend is right, especially when I remember the ready reply made by the brave chieftain to one of the belles who twitted him on this change. "When I was in command of an army," said he, "I used to dye my hair white to impress my soldiers • _ with a proper respect for my age and position; but after the war closed, and the neces sity passed away, I allowed,it to return to its natural color!" May his locks never turn gray, and may he live long to enjoy the societ/Of which he is so bright an ornament.--Correvoylence Richmond Dicpatch. . PITTSBURGH GAZETTE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1869: .--------....._________________ IW' SCH ENCK'S •p• PULMONIC • Snit}... -SEAEED TON/C AND MANDRAKE PILLS will cure Consumption, •i erCdtntnhit and ttripeptia 2 if taken accord ing to directions. They are all airee to betaken at the sametime. They cleanse the stomach, re. lax the liver and put Ira° work; then the appetit e . becomes good; the food digests and makes good blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh; the diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the patient ontgrows the disease and gets well. This is the only way to cure consumption. To these three medicines Dr. J. H. Schenck. of Philadelphia: owes his Unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The na l:110We Syrup ripens the morbid matter la the Lun gs nature throws it off by as ea,y eepectora- Linn, for when the phleam or matter Is ripe a Bilk ht cough will throw it off, and the patient has rest and the lungs Wain to heal. Te w do this, the Seaescl 'lonic And Mandrake Pills and livuer mst bea te reely - eel to cleanse the stomach so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the Its ed N 741.1 make good blood. Selienck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, rernovbig all ele , tructions, relax the euet s of the Fal bladder. the Idle seertt fie ely . ....aud the liver salt relieved: the eturds will seew what the Pills can do; nuthinc has ever been in ex cept calomel (a eleidis mason w.!icr,p r ger thes ell, ea: wl , a, great care, ) ,:l a : wil l l unlock gall bladder and start the secretions of the liver like eche aci,'e Mead ,the leils. Lieer Cempiatut le eet . of tee meet prominent :muses of Consumption. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic Is a gentle atituniant and alterative. and the alkali. le the Seaweed, which this peeparatlon Is made ot, assists the stomach to tarow one the gastric Juice to dissolve the food with the Puimonic Syrup, and it is made lido aood b ood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. The great sib s rea why physicians do not cure consumption s,y try to do ton ch: t hey give medicine to stop the cough, to s top chills, to stop night sweats, hectic fever, and by BO doing they derange the whole digestive.powers, lock uup the secret. On s, and eventually the patient Inks and es. Dr. Schen di ck, in his treatment, does not try to top a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Be. ove the cause, and bsey will all stop of their .wa accord. No one cam be cured of Consume t on, Liver Complaint, Dyepepsia. Catarrh, f ankete Ulcerated Throat, unless the liver and s ontach are made healthy. • If a person tuts consumption, of tu b ercles , ngs In some way are diseased, eithe , a eases, bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion, o ;he lungs are a mass of Inflammation and fast (I •caying. In such cases what must be done? It I not only the lunFs ;net are wasting, but it Is t e whole body. 'I he stomach and liver have lost their power to make blood out of fo d. Now tee oaly chance is to take Dr. Schenck'a three rued!. elites, which wilt bring up a tome to the stomach, the patient will begin to wartrlbod, it will digest easily and make good blood; then the patient be gins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body be gins to grow, the lungs commence to heal up. and the nationt gets fi shy and well. This Is the only way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Liter Complaint and Dyspepsia. Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, Without. the Puinionic Syrup. Take the Menerake Pills freely in all billions cemplaints, as thy; are Per fectly harmlers. Dr. :Schenck, who has enjoyed uninte.rrnpted health for many years last, and now weighs :AL* pounds. was wasted ?AV ty to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulnionary Consumptioe, hi, physicians having pronounced his case hope less and abandoned Ilan to his fate. llc was cured by the aforesaid me, Ica nes, and sluice his rarove ry many thousavals similarly afflicted have used Dr. Schenck's preparation with the some re markable success. Pull directions accetnpany each, making it not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish th,ls lungs examined, and for this eurpese be is erefessil,r ally at his Principal ( imee, panaael. elda, every eatarday, where all letters for advice must be a , ldre...eed. Ile is also prefe-sonally at No. 33 Bond street. New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. Zrs Hanover street, Itoston, el ery other arednaday. De oyes ads ice free, ,'.cry for a thorough ea:tinting:On With MS lieSpl roin,,ter the price is $5. (..),... ce hours at each city front 9 A. Si. BO 3 I'. M. Place of the Pulmonlc Syrup and Seaweed Ton i.- each el.eiti per bottle. er V7,5U a salt dozen. 3land rake Pills '25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists. uirlailli-d&F Western Inas- "1D111007021. IVIIITTIER CON TINUES TO. TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numerousl chtss of cases resulting from self - abuse,' producing un manliness, nervous debility, Irritability. erun nuns. .Seminal emissions, and dnally Im potency; permanently cured. Persons sill:et cd whti celleate. Intricate and long stand ing constitutional conc.ditints are politely in cited to call for consultation, which costs nothing. Einerience,' the best of teachers. has enabied him to perfect remedies at once eficis•rit, safe. permanent, and which In most cases c m be used without htnorance to business. Medic,nes pre pared In the establishment, which embraces o.:- flee reception and waiting room: also, soardinu slid' sleeping apartments for patients requiring daily personal attention, and vapor and etteml col baths. thus concentrating the famed minpral sprimp. No mativr who hare failed, state Your case. Read what he says In his pamphlet 0 rfl cty :mires, bent to any address for two stamps to seat ed enye one. Thousands of cases treated annu ally, at bake and all over the country. C,llil/1- :a:ton free, personally or by mall.. t` Pi tts No. I/ Wylie street, (near Court House) Pittsburgh, P. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 I'. M. Sundays 1.2 3:. to 2 r. Y. Pamphlet sent to any address for two .I:amps. - LTA 11l tii,.: '....1.1 on,: p'endld Bair Dye lc th , .., v bent in tht r.TI-,:!: 13‘ Lt ne and perfett Dye: bir.:12:24:, rt!l:_a ble. InstFmt..-aeons; no .lizappJluunent; no r1,:!,11;:j...., ,:!,11;:j...., ants rem. d!ez Ine El t - !.. Cr'...t.:: e l bad -1,,..5: 1n , :iz0r.) , . , ... - e cud ..:11 , c- the al - , ,r., nnd i - styJnVrxii..??l,:cl.• or ::roiclz.. 2,01 d I, y hli ' rue;r.t - t; a3r,:l'e.:-Clln.,:arn:.,lli,pttrly Bond ed ;t. 8 A T,1,,,_ 1 ,',, Wic irtiLor.V. 2. , ~ 1.5 st..7rct. -,',..:,-,y Yar!c. In121:Inn TN THE COTIRT conr.noifi i pLEAs.or Allegheny county, No: 677,june Term, 18(110. M. A. ti.UICKH ART, by her next friend, :To. zeph McCorn.leii, vs. it.I3IiIN BURKHART. In To the above named Resporthnt: Yoa :ire heret,y notified that the sub; Dina and ants fubooana having been returned non ce! nt i.e you are h reby rey II !rod to: paear in this Court ou the FlltsT MONDAY ;.IF DECEMBER A. D. 2869, to answer the compla'ni: in tilts ease. SAM ..EL B. CLULEY. Be/3:017:4 TN THE' _COURT OF COMMON -A- PUMAS of _Allegheny County, moo. 736,June 31.%fl Term, 1869. D. .110 c /K, ne-vt f 4 lend. James Donnell, I's. DA WM M. BOOK. In Divorce. To the above named iterpondent: • You are hereby notified that the subpoeurt alias subpoena In the above case. having been re turned non mt invent Sou arc hereby require 4 to aepear in this Coast on thy FIRST .510NDAY OF DECEMBaD, A D. 1860, to answer the complaint In this case. SAMUEL B. CUTLET, Sheriff. =MI WINES. LIQUORS, .Bze SCI - IMIDT INFOIt/VEVA 011?2' WINES,* BRANDIES, l ON, &C„ wiloixasi. 'mai... is -PURE RYE WWSKIES, ..r - 409 PENN STET, 'Leentoyed r to Nos. 384 AND 383PEIVN, Cor. Eleventh (forxrarly cagal.) JOSEPH s. Furor/ ,; co . N 09.185.187, 189, 191, /9a and in. FIRST STREET, P/TTSSTIEGII, KarTlPACTtrBinsB OP Copper Distilled Pure Rye whiskey. mach dealers in FOREIGN Wprlts and Qum. SOPS, de. • =tan=LlA GAL W. W. MARTIN, President JOHN BitoWN, JR., Vice President, JAMES E. STEVENSON. Secretary. • , DIRECTORS: Jobn A. 3:Tyler, Jas. Lockhart. !Jos. Myers, Js.L. Graham. ; Robert Lea, ;C. C. Boyle, Jno. lirown,Jr.. George Gent, ;Jacob Kopp, O. 1' latAmblJno. ThompsonlJ. McNaugher ape • ulisuuAyas coax OFFICE. N. E. CORNER WOOD et. FIFTH MT A Howe Compauy,takl nA Flre and Marine Risks 4. LLEGAIEI N IC INSVIIANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH. 0 i. /CE, No. 37FIFTII STREET,ILurn BLOC*. Inuttres against all kinds of Fire and Karla. Mika . [ JOHN IRWIN. jn.. President. • T. J. HOSHINSON Vice Prerldent. O. G. DONNELL, lieeretary. CAPT. Wit. DEAN, General Agent. • • DIFINZTOII6: John Irwin. Jr., B. L. Fahnertoek T. J. Huskinson. W. H. Everson, C. D. Hussey, Robert H. Darla. ` Hersey CUM', . Francis Sellers, Charles Hats. flap!. ‘T.lStockdale. Capt. Wm. many T. H. mevin. PITTSBURGII GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED ISSO LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDEXT, INLAND _ INSURANCE. No. 63 Fourth Street. CAPITAL REPRESNTED OVER $30,000 1 r00, L A. CARRIE & BRO., GENERIL AGENTS CONNECTICUT Mutual Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN., For •Western Pennsylvania, A PURELY 3ICTUAL COMPANY, Numbering Nearly6o,ooo 'Members ASSETS, (JUNE Ist, 1869,) OVER RE 25 ,000,000 SURPLUS, p VER 87;000,000 Current Dividend from FORTY to SEVENTY PER CENT. Cur rent Inomeover 5 1 0,000 0 000 Per Annum. Its Income from Interest alone more than pays its Claims by, death. L POLICIES NON-FORFEITING For Every $lOO of liabilities, IT RAS $145 OP ASSETS Liberal Arrangenicats made with insurance Agents and So licitors upon application at this Office. ALSO AGENTS II _---- 7 )- A \ • • - . z • 7-:-- - ..\\S ,A •ct.,'.W-_, CHALRTERED 1819. The Most Successful FIRE INSURANCE CO, IN AMERICA, ASSETS, $5,352,532.96. Trai ellers' Accident, rash assets, $1,250,0011 Albany City Ins, Co., 400,000 Aetna los, Co , N. V., 500.000 State Ins. Co., Cleveland," " 250.000 Laniastcr .b , s. Co., Pa,. " 250,000 Insurance Effected upon all de scriptions of Property at FAIR RATES ANA OAr LIBERAL TERMS. Applications Soilcited. Policies issued without delay and alt liusi2zess attended to with fidelity and dispatch. luar NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cur. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny Office. In the tiECOND NATIONAL BANK BISILDLNG. • DirsCSOita: Wm. Phillip M s, Capt. L. olds, John John Watt, Parks • ;Samuel I'. Shrirer, IC. , C bodes Arbuckle, Capt. James Mlle:, Jared Al. Brusb, W. Van Kirk, Wm F. Lang, Janes b. Verner, Samuel illcOrickall WTI. PHILLIPS. President. JOHN WATT, Vice President.. W. f. GARDNICII, Secretary. ("APT_ .. .T4H., g:(112.1-1(1N Ornerxl Arelt; _ _______________________ _ _ AND INSURANCE COMPANY. PHELAN'S BUILDING. No. 22 Fifth Avenue. Second Floor, . PITTSBURGH, Capital All paid Up. PA. DIRECTORS. N. J. ley,Hi 'II. tV.i giver, Jr, :Capt.3l.llailey, Dann Nce, S H. Hurts-In.:A. Cnambers, Jake Hill. .S. .31'Clurk ,n. Jas. 31, Bailey. Thomas Smith, Jr.o.S. Wilton. ROBERT IL KING, President. JNO, P. JENNIGS, Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. • Capt. R. J. GRACE,'l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms on ail Fire and Mantle 11/sts. _ape:g67 B EN FICALIFTEit LEV • INSURANCE COMPANY. GN ALLERRENT, PA. orricE FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE BUILDINGS. Mo. 41 Ohllo St., Allegheny. A HOIYIB Irtinared. hy Directors •••,1; knowr. to CI.: cornhunlty, who 'trust by falr desllns to merit a share of your putronaze. TLEITRIF • emt, Dit.O. D. RIDDLYEZ DIVICT.OFtzi: Hvzry Irwrl -, 10. L. Pa tte C.3.3L, ' WITI, (7oeper, E„-e.o. 'fa. Riclifle, ;.Tacob Franz, iF. cttic) FEUSI ;31.zuon Dram, :.7. B. z-,rnlt.:,, Jacol , 1:s, W. M. Sterrart Ch. ''. IIIL:tozi, Tczeph Craig, Ja, Lxutner, V III. j. Elnkasm, Jan.. R'. - lca, • P.. I. . ZEIZON, (}L NENAL AGENT. OEM lii.SIMANCE COMPANY OF PITTIZBURC.HI 011.'10E. No. 157$ 'Woo!) InTRZEr. BAbqi coIniERCE Thin !s n Home Company, and In3nres agair_:t lots iby Fire exclusively. .Y.LIONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE. 'Vice President. ROBERT PATRICK, TreaEurer. litiE l / 1 .L YeaITENY. Secretary. LIIIPCTOW > : Leonard Walter, . .George 1711sc, C. C. ficvle &co. SY. ras.% Robert Patrick, . C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. v. Fleiner, Jo ' John Voeirtley, Jas. 11. Hopkins. =talon. Henry Sproni, Nr.E3INIT'v AGAINST LOSS / Er FIR. FRANKLIN INSURANCE,CO, OF PHILADELPHIA CE, 12534.:7 CE...z. - SYI`.:".:T BT.. LCE.r Eta. I , ...T.3teTer S. Ci..e.riex N. lit ncker, ' fir Lon,e, '..r01,1a4 'Wagner, DavidFa nucl S. Drown, Grant, ea. Ear:ard C pore . Dale,. poe W. Rtehr.ree, I- George ales.' ". CHARLES G. .}3A.!.:C.T-i.E.17., Y'JV. 7 . C. DALE,VIeP I .('. C. tiTl.i.'l.E,Seeret.r.ry,p.r J. C ARD Third o, r;:t.yr, North Weat. torterand Wood Stree lISTEZIN Y vY PANY rirn.±Buil , 'I. '€4 WILY ANDER NI.:TICIt. F — r:isllent. • W.M. P. liEttiiE:T Segretary: CA.PT. GEOlttnr. NE:ELLi. Uen gra/ Agent. o=tt, 94 Water street, Spang C 0 , ,. 7if horse, tip stairs. Pltttgutrat. Will ituare against all kinds of Plre mad Ma r.nt /asks. A home Instltu [lon, ruar..tguti 1:1 are I:nown to Vie turnrntnitv, trAil Who ar. determined hr protn,'S and slay to atalatala the charac 'Which they have asstnited. c';:irlug the bu s t .__ protbettun tO who desire tO Izswreo. tßocc D1111,:rlCRS: Alex:incur Nlir_ick s r., L v.. Lt. A.1e1.11.1/ 4;er Specr, ,To.:epo c,y Thiy e gir, 2 Long', 1.1,111,11. BM= St - aightening Second Avenue from 'the Birminghath .Eri , to Brady Streets. SECTIO:N 1. Be it orddined 0714 entitled by the City of Pittebterg , t, in St t..:et and Coalman C01:77- et 1. a* " 2 "I'l• ant i ~ it t 8 hereby/ orclaiwa and int - feted by author ity of the earat, That the City Engineer t,,.. and is he , el.3 . el 2 [hot ized to surrey ~nd open Second Avenue from the tr. ast ern end at thtt Bantin A haln livdge to Brady Street, In ancorazda, wd,li'l he Wan 'I to the-City Fngineer's Otlic., and to appr toe damsg s a d n 5,4-5,,, benefits caused Inert.) y • It M. It. liitOWN, WM. J. ANIII:nsw. and JAMES PA itKS are 11.!.r. by aopo'nt,sd lit uccoraanee u-Ph an Act of Asst.mhly approved January 6, 1564. Ste. 2. That :ely.orailiallee or port of ordinance . conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the samo is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects lid:, ordinance. Ordained and . enacted Into a law-la Councils, this 30th day of August, A. 1). 1869. A. 11. (UWS 4 Prefilent pro tent of Select Council. Attest: E. S. 3lonitow. Clerk of Select Council. W. 03111.1V4 President A. of C om m on Co u ncil. Attest: 11. Mc3lAs rEn, Clerk of Common Council. • sett AN ORDLNANCE • ablishing fhe Width cf Colwe Street, SECTION 1 Be it ordarn.d and enacted by the City Pittsburgh, tn . Select and Common efts assembled and •It• fa hereby attained and enacted by the authority ofthe same, That Colwell street. between Vine and Dinwmilic streets, oe made a uniform width of fifty 150) feet from the south line of said street, as Mil 011 t in the City District Plan, to correspond with tati width of eeld street ea-t of Diswid•Le strea t. EEC. 3. That any ordinaniteorpartofordlna^ce conflicting with the passage or tills ordinence at the present time, be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as the SSW: affects this °Mb/at:ice. Ordained and enacted into a I sw in Councils, this 30th day of August, A. D. ISOD. • A. H. 61105.8. President pro tem of Select Council, Attest: k. e. 3tonnow. Clerk of Select Council. A. TOZ.ILINSON . . • President of COMIIIIOII Connell, Attest: A. 314:31A5 - rxii, • Clerk of Common Connell. COAL AND COKE --""••••••••••• COAL! COAL:I COALLM •• DICKSON, STEIVAIIT Ea CO., Haring temoced their 0211ce to NO. 567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lztcly City Flour Mill) BECO9'D Axe nmv pmenred to 'furnish fiord trioTOUGRIO- Sli NIJT Cyd.r. CathLACli, at the e pric. All orders lea nt e their oMne, or zuhlresceAtt to them through the =all, Trill - be attended• to promutrr. END Liber ERSON baItUOVVIVERS I ti • 286 ty street. Dealersla Drees,c and Patent Siodtettles. %este" b X_p Fi „DRAITLIC CEMENT. --100 --100 bli Louisville rivull.o27Aer. for sale 7 .ft , • 14 •. -, ..•,;, , i- T T4E_ IRON CIT - Y 7 11(111AL.--LIFE INSURANCE ..Cll. Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City. DIRECTORS* Hon. ,TAMES L. GRAHAM, Rev. J.. CLARK. D. D. , Cap t.- F10.41.N80N, Irev. A. S. BELL. D.D., Rev. S. H. L.P., W. A. f E.ED.. Cashler Allegheny- Trust CO. JACOB RUSH, Real Estate Accnt, RIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY, Hatter, A. S. BELL, Attornev-at-Law, D. L. I'ATTEI:Sti.N, Lumber Merchant, • D. RWOGER, Insurance Agent, CapZ. BORT. B.OBINqO.7ii, President. Rev. J. B. CLA 88, D. D., Vice President, JACOB RIUSII, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITE...MED/CAL Aimstit. DANIEL SWOGEII, Gen , ' Agent. • This Is a nome cotrtnany. cond noted on the mutual Drir.cipieveauli policy holder receiving an equal share of the protits of the different plan will be Issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford a safe . investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at home toeiicourage home industry. SR. ENIV,S TLVA Nl.ll ORDIDT.ADT:'wS AEI V OPERA ROUSE. OrENI.NG TI R RF.GT"LAR DRAMATIC :HON-DAY EVFICts G. set:in-014r 2011.1669. r:.g.attnrint ins nights only the epithet:lL, znizs. nrana. WI1) will nruear In Walter AScolt's beautlfal. 61c:a GUY MA N.N.EIt.NG: on. THE GYPSEY'S Meg Slerrlles....l., . ... . ....... Waller. Supportel tl - tile w Con:many. The Der:lin:lane, %ill! ecinincnee with. tlr.ft, tilt:, here, of t ;t' ,remiiii,re, of the, Matinee on lieturchiy T IFIL'ATZIE. 11. Avir.l.lAr4. Leese: and mane_ 1!' &ci d and last Weekrt the great JAM TAYsult, ENAA RATTA miss AL h X.AN DER. A PO.. erfu I (.110 e.ich evening. La,: les Matinee every. W.-thief,' ilay and SaturdaY. Acl.l.l:sion L. , Matinee. 25 rents. rit • 31ATi NEE for the bctiel of the sufferers by the late ..voniltild disaster on ArTLiINtAI ACADEMYOr ifgv.3stic MONDAY. ETTNING,,/Stpt. 20th, AM) ALL THE Vi i. ;- O '. I ES, 1 / 1 .21 . 7.41. T ÜBE CIR C US, , E'RIAL ACRO BA TS, COMIC PANTO al IME. 14"LLE GER,TELVDE 1111 appear in hr r wonderful Parlor Entertain ments and GRAND I'II.I3:SEPT P1..4(4.11T. New chara , : ter songs MISS BESSIE Also, first appearance here of the celebrated CLODOCHE TROUPE r)F GIR)TE-QPE DANCERS from Paris, and any new uttractiu.u.s. YIZ/CFS OF ADMISSION : Parquet.e and Dresa Circle Family Circle Gallery ............... . Seats can be secured without extra charge at Holrrnatt & Hale's Opera House Music tttore. 7,-...:j5-F'FIFTIT AVENUE ELAILL-k No. 65 Fifth avenue, opposite the Opera House, Pittsburgh, Pa., is the Coolest and =oat desirable place of resorte. 14quors can be 44 . at this place Pure and Good. The Billiard Roma are or the ground Door in the ear. - FOR V __ 011. SALE—PROPEUTY. S lots 2.74131 feet, traded, only 3500-- *WO per year. 4- lore 24% - 132 feet. 8400.,- 3100 per war. I lot :25x 120 feet, 350 t, iteed street. Flame house Cr a rooms, lot 21x1.00 filet; onlr 11,1110. ltrie= house of 7 room,, bath room a - 1 n ~able: 221100- 31,600. 1.3 three storied brick houses on Pulton street, reel, Vl,- 509- *4 :are roome:: men-pressed brleh houses flaeii 1 11 , ./. Dr n: L.l OL . XIOO Ti.o b irk he,ni - es_ pom o, ‘n.l 11 y , T:LTI, F. ti n ,'r Itl ;.-. 000. .Vew two rosin :1 ::::' ...era r brick :•ortit lot- 90.-K100;91,- , 10961100 rain 4,, ti tart ) p-e reor. food seven r•olo,..1 t.u . i . :; - 4111.3 . o . ; 2-1:r•200 fzet,•32l;- 000. :;:10.. , , rem , . 0 :0,.17:1..ti frallle 'house. lot 2:4000. r . I i • :a2n•C in I t in, tz . 0 . 2 1013 e.:: 4, , tree; -.1.r.0; •.."0, l;0: nu W. i1...,,zr..121'13:1:41:7: i.1.,a00. ntre ::-vet:o. 9 9. , f,:,:12.3: 4990 eadh. 1.30 leer font : a Centre av-tn e by /155 feet Greg. ~w ,1,,1,n. t , snit. 0 ;e:n on fee tre avenue trim , :-.3tot) to .1 1 10 Th., h Jrt. nropertr is well loo,:te.: an:i wlt lin: 10 to 19 in,.nute.., renlh'of the , coort linos , . 0:10 en t e .1t,.. tentral Pas3eoger lt :+. 20 a; rt :, v.: ~ 'es •en l'en. , • ''all:ovl. 1 :::: es fr in ii, :qtr. 29 a .:-e, o , 11 , -Indle C .1:r 0:1, .1- 11/ I i,..,:: r... 111 4I: V. N t•W 0 ieomfmne Pottse 1 fruit, Couri, :louse. la:za came ..... 11, zonr11.11.(1. Persons e d.tlilng.topurrhise hoine k an incestmen 1.- and those wLlaina llOr mace, 'please call on or athlre.t.s. g , to te . 1 16.17.,111tiG il, RAVYBOTir.- 11133 Nos._____ 1 95,_197 and 199 Clentre'avenitel _ FOR ELLIE. . . . _ House and 4 Lots on Sprlnit MB, 7th ward; In acres :at FletnlngStation: House and 13i acres; also 64 acres at I .ilenda , e tqat , oo; IC, acre,. about 1 mile train F'. a. II g. Statio n: 31 awes at Pair Oaks S'ation; 17 acres at lilendare cn P. Ft. W. a (.7. ft, lt, : House cnd Lot corner Hemlock and Poplar streitt Lot on 'I roy 11 , 11: tiouse on :,,andusky , treet: 3 Houses on ,corle street; 3 Farms in inilo: 2 Houses In I, .lghth ward; i , arm In eern, kley townalilp: Faral 11,...,1. Perrysville; House on ',emit. stre. t: I,arm in•Westm.ireland conulv; Farm In Butler county: 5 Lots near Iln cd'. Grove; 2 aere3 cm i4e...,lenwa's 4111; 1 acre at .Ta , lt's nun ; TlOO3. and Lots on I: 4 arer stret;t: Huts and &Alta oh Beaver street: LlJuse and Lot In Nah in, On'ot 2 Lots on Fremont ritr,e.: other !lollies and Lots In good localities. _ 3 . 1 ... 1 1:1 - lITMOREC t ' Ilea! Estate Agent, corner t:111.3 amt. sandusty .., Alegi', ni . au.27 --------- __________________ --.- FOR SAL,E. , ~.‘ear the roronch or . Freedom, Dearer alma; and n, in urea r...,1a Jima L.-tattoo on F. 'Wayne a and 1.. Illeloto If : :m I , oac, a small FAEIt or2e. acre:, ~-ph 704) fruit trews litol r.. ore than 109 - gm: . t 1 furs, :, t I) , •arlug and cf ehole ,, t 'rade • 4.1 , .-..E.: a a 1,,,,., -turr Yrante nous: , Iriti-, 10 Monis, large Bar:, .t . e. Thls propeey is offered at a. bargain. Pard-s vo - o wins to kecure a handy yard: n f.trat aceesbble to the city. 'will do well . to E . X1 . 17.1:1e MI- pr.:lltrts, a± a , hanee :Lie Eats, to i.o.r. a ,l,eap:ni cqnkrortable home. is seldom, offerer ;o a 71151 Wit ti 4:mlied Ille4LS. • , for plrt:eu:ari :Ltrire a: S';: Grant Stre6t, first floor, 1. TUFUITT tc3l R wayit e: e ir O d sbo c rn Statl :aon n thk7. Pittebar^2l '.,itio o 44, T'.7o LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Each. QUIRE OE W. MACKEOWN & ERO.. 195 Liberty Street, tahls FOR. StiLE.—tDne of the FINEST BUILDING LOTS Ever offered to the Pltlsburgh for etther pubic or p7/vate buildings; having a front on a 00 feet Street of 700 feet by 240 feet to a 40 feet street oncla 20 feet alley, the nhole depth on one side,. Less than three miles from th&Dlamond, and but 70 feet from Butler street. • • Inqthre of S. vezi.t.rnars. Seventp'enth ward, oppotlre SC. al Cauran. John's Eptico ardie:tin HO"" OUP STATION PROPERTY POE, SALE. . . This bettritlitil satiation cannot be stirpassed for private residences In any direction., so Mose to both cities, being only eight miles tip-the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person ne airing Information about this Dronertv can obtain a by calling at the office of the 1i10.5 CITY mu- TUAL LINE INSURANCE CORPANY4 . 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one,halt acre to doe sires; also, small lots to milt pnr ei/asers. There Is a good location or a mainithie turine establishment, between the Pal/road - and Allegheny river. ' 31//9:n53 17'A . , .. . LUALEILE . STOCK FARM. FOR SALE. situated in Wratuareland county. three miles' aorta of "New Plorence.,l Contain, till) a cres,.4oo of whirrt la clearal and and a Isrge portion fn grass. The land la rich anti well watered. The buidlur consists of a large frame Dwelling, two frame Barns any DA. merous outhuildlusra. All the 'Aar on the grOund to erect a Poe new dwelling; Cellar dug. Thla farm is ollemd at tae low price of $lO pei acre, with euy payments, aPPIT Boon - to - B,_ teeLaDT- .00., sieo • NO. 10a ?mirth 'Avenue, ~~ THE NVONDErFLTL. WITS THEIR 75 cen s 50 ••