NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10" GRAND REPUBLICAN - BALLY AT APOLLO! GOV. GEARY And Other Eminent Speakers to be Present. The Republicans or Westmoreland and Arm strong counties will hold a grand Ratification Jubilee at Arolio on ifIII7BISDAY EVa.NI3BO. September had. 1869. GOV. GEARY, Col. GEO. F. McFARLAND. Superintendent of Soldiers' Orphan Schools. and others will be present to address the assemblage on the issues of the day. Sally. citizens of Westmoreland, Annstrong and a , / scent counties: A. good time Is Anticipa ted. Come by rail, come to wagons. cope in pia• toous,companies,regiments and urigadela: Come like a grand conquering army with banners and bugles. and hear the great questions o the day discussed. Speaking to begin at half-past 6 o'cloil sharp• 5e2.0:04 VET ARAN. BELTING. LEATHER AND GUM BELTING. , 1 Aluu. Gum Fucking. Hose, Gasket*, 10., al ways on hand and for sale, wholesale dr J. 1 H. PHILLIPS. ae2o . 28 and 28 Sixth Street. pLLA NR AND INSURANCE STOCKS. MONONGAHELA WATER CO., EGHENY AND BUTLA it PLANK ROAD. TUESDAY- EVENING, September Jlst, at 8 o'clock, will be said on second floor of Commer• clot Sales Rooms. 100 smithileld street, . - 30 shares Bank of Pittsburgh; 20 share i Exchang, Natlooati Bank; ten shsresAttizansl Insurance Co .: 35 aharee lllononrahela Water Co.; 101 snares Allegheny & Buyer Plank Road; sePli A. bIcILW SINE, Auctioneer. ATVBIVATE SALE—VALUA— BLE LOT OF GROUND situate on the northeast corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver St., Allegheny city, fronting 37 feet on Stockton avenue, preserving the same width along Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, presercine a width of 60 feet to Wate'r street, on which i; erected a two•story frame dwi Bing house, and being the late residence of Esther Stockton, dec'd. This prop rty fronts on the Allegheny ['ark, and tor beauty of location and f urroundings eannot th excelled. For terms - •of sate and further information, esquire of selB:c4B 'PUBLIC PALE OF VALUABLE RltaL FhTATE IN THE UM' OF AL .LEGHENY. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, the unlsrsigned, as 'I noise , under the of Ea.tter ntockton, dectd, will offr at Public Sale. on etRIDAY, the kith day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. kt., a LIJI: OF 44BOUND belonging to the estate of said deco. dent, situate on Stockton avenue, near Beaver street, froaung 23 feet on Stockton avenue and preserving the same wteth ba,..k toward Water street, a distance ot 140 feet. - Terms of Sale—One-third of the purchase money cash on corl, mat on of sale. the balance In two equal annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage of the purchaser. For further mformation, enquire of THOS. B. UPDIKE; Trnstee, No. 209 Beaver Avenue, Allegheny, Pa. 5e11:047 1 .... VDT 'MIR DOLLARS WILL DO, IT WILL BUY A LADY'S FMB ' -Solid Gold hunting Case Fall Jeweled Watch -• • .. Which we warrant a good time keeper. Call and • I •examine them and be convinced they are as rep : " i'l . - resented, at „ WATTLES & SIMMER'S, , ' '+ .11.01 FIFTH AVP.NITE,.above Smithfield street. '.... t- 1. eels •-- ~ . • ESTABLISHED IS2S. •• ••,'-', H. EIGBY ALBIRT HIGBY. . •.. . H. HIGBY & CO., • ..'. Importers and dealers in . .. China, Glass & Oueensware, Pine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, • - Walters and Brittanut Ware. , . •:.. . No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, • A few doors above Sixth street, (late St Clair.) • •.• ' .N . B.—Glass Ware engraved to order on short • notice. ati2B:aso ALPERT & KOHLER ! Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS. SHOES AND GAITENS, No. 39 Market street. Pitts •b ugh, Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to direct the attention of the public to the fact that we are now prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes for persons - troubleilwith Corns, Bunions or deformed feet, under 'the personal sup,rtision of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Allegheny City, who will be .pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of measuring the foot: by which wd can be safe in warranting easy .and comfortable Boot and .hoes for the trnder •eat feet. give us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT & it.OfibEß, auSta2l. 38 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. TEST BOOKS 178 ED IN WESTERN UNIVEIISrrv, IdACRUM'S APULLO INSTITUTE, FEMALE COLL GE, BEH PITT AN'S INSS KIIRGH, ITUT ORAL S E CHOOL, , PITTSBUIIGH HIGH SCHOOL, NEWELL INSTiTUTE, IRVING PISTITUTE. _ MISS MARKHAM'S SCHOOL, PROF. BIC.OHAM'S SEMINARY. BOWMAN INeTITUTE, PROFL. BEI.I.A.M'S AnADEMY, CURRY'S IN S TITUTE, EtY. S. M. GLENN'S SCHOOL. And all other schpole >u .rlttannrgh and Alle For Sale at the Lowest Prices, R. S. DAVIS & CO., LIBEETYSTREET EZDTMI AL 14 hVCOWAN." B. 111. McCOWAN & CO., Boulevard Pavers, Office, No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY. Orders left at GAZZTTZ OPTIC=, Pittsburgh, nrompds attended to'. Pwve Sidewalks, Cellar., lasi Yardi, Drives, ay. Warranted against chenges of heat and cold. Exyznancne—Max. Mo-rhead, LvOn& ehorb. Body Patterson, _Wm. Park, . g ames N. Long & Son, Hartley & Meßee, Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Crate. I vitlem2S D" ELLING 1101USE 0 7 FOR sALE.—f hi Carson street, $5 0 00: Carson street.; $8,000; Penn street, $25 000; Pine street,' lilt. Washington. #3,500; Fulton street. 45,00; sycamore treet, $5,500; Bertha street, 81,800; Locust. street, e 3,800; Irwin avenue, $3,000; Liberty strait, $5,000: Mahon street, 43.000; Congress street. $2.800; Charles street, Oakland, $8,000; Strawberry alley. 47,000; Lincoln Avenue, Third Avenue, 49,000; Second Avenue; East Liberty, Ever green hamlet. etc., etc: CUTHBERT & SONS, se 16 39 .81: th avenue. EO. B. MILTENBERGEIt, BOLE AGENT 808 KEDIIIEB RELIABLE WATPX, FILTER. 180. 130 Penn 8 , 46 NrouNG AMERICA' , -4 " PIErraMSE. We are in. receipt of the above well-known 'brand of Cheese. This Cheese Is taking the slice of alt .others where Introduced. For sale, -wholesale or r. tall. by JOHN A. RENSHAW. rola Corner Liberty and Ninth streets. 3/I . EANOR & HARPER. FLoIIII, OWN AND PBODTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 11210 UNITAS strimit• • pITTSBUTION, PA. alreinudsnmenta *Atoned. THOMAS B. urbisr, Po. 209 Beaver Avenue ,a. B. ISIKOWN P1TT9111711611. RA. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Oa partnership lately subsisting be tween MAX SCHNECIE and REBECCA J. MIL LER, wider the firm of "fiCHSTECII. A MIL- LEH," was dissolved on the 14th day of' SEP TEMBER, 1E169, by mutual consent. All debts owing to the eatd partnerahly are to be received by the said REBECCA. J. MILLER. and all claims are to be presented to her for payment MAX SCHNECK. se:8:o•4S REBECCA J. MILLIE% ISSUED THIS DAY. LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZIE. TEE OCTOBER NUMBER t.l With Three Flue Full Page Illustra one. CONTAINING FOURTEEN ENTERTAINING ARTICLES. For sale at all the Book and News Stores Yearly subscription $4. Single number, 35 cents. Brim:nt.'s Ithspan, with Premium List sent to any address on receipt of Thirty-five cents. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 MARKET ST.. Philadeltda ae20:055 IV`VV" Dry Good BATES Will Open This Week A FRESH ASSORTMENT, 12:33:13 NEW STORE NEW GOODS. B. OPPENHEIMER, Merchant Tailor, AXD DEALER IN NEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, Is happy to announce to his old Meade and toniere. and the public generally; that he is now entibilehed In bia ririow STOR E , No. 82 Market Street, Where he has opened a lug e and Tarled stock o . . C~LO'pir, , r. • Cassimeres, Vestings, Of the latest and most approved patterns. which he Is prepared to make up In the latest Mies at the lowest cash prices. Also, a fine lot of Ready Made Clothing, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, To which be invitee the attention of the public. NO OLD STOCK. EVERYTHING IS NEW! B. OPPENHEIMER, No. S 2 Market Street, SECOND DOOR BELOW THE DIAMOND. 'se 17:u36 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE MENT.—To the citizens of adjoining coon lies, who are forming Militia or Military Com psalm LANE & TOWNSEND, 430 Market St., 'Philadelphia Offer for sale a large..qaantlty of the All-Wool Dark Blue Cloth Infantry Frock Coats la sound Price On quantities o cash on uomndlotrlounp,wfarordot)hoefluoir.oo each, 1 • deliv ery, an2dgn4o KEYSTONE POTTERY. N. KIER Br. COy o Iffonshatoren o QIIIMBriwAST. 1111111TOL WAIUII 41" 06311 sad wasehoiss, LIM= STUMM AM Wen proilloll siteldied PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : MONDA.Y, SEPTEMBER 20, 1809. hitak7M: 9 1'il al 31 afivi 3 II 1/41 NEW FALL DRY GOODS. LOW PRICES. BEAVY AND FINE White Country Blankets. WOOLEN 'BED COVERLETS. Extra height and Quality. BARRED COUNTRY FLANNELS, Barred and Plain Colored SHIRTING FLANNELS., Extra Good Bargains. NEW AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OF Cassimeres and Jeans, Waterproof Cloths, Tickings and Cheeks, Table Linens and fiapkins, Sheeting and Pillow Muslin, Calicoes and Ginghams, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, BELL SCHOOL BOOKS. All the latest editions of the Best and Most .Ipprored SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS NOW IN USE. BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY Of every sort and detcription, at Low • Prices, Wholesale and Befall. sir Our new Wholesale Price List now ready, will be mailed free to dealers and tea:hers on application. S. A. CLAIM 84- CO., Booksellers and Stationers, • 119 WOOD STREET, Second door below Fllth avenue, Pittsburgh. sellissivr ROBERT 11, PATTERSON & COG, CORNER OF • Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PPTTSBIIIIGH, PA. Will on Saturday, July 31st. ifl69. and on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sala of HORSES, _ CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, And everything appertaining to the Horse. Parties deal lug to sell *hi please leave their notice of consignment on or before Thursuay of each werk in order fur advertising. Prompt at tention and good care will be given all Stock left forssle. JOHN IL STE WART, Auctioneer. 13,2&mes DISSOLUTION OF CO-PART NERsIII,-.-7 he firm of BULLMAN. BoYD A RatiALEY was Oils day dlseolvrd ny mutual consent. Tue business will be continued bykikOßOP, W. BOLIAMAN and RALPH Hitt. MACY. under the tyle and firm n am- of MILL MAN A IiAtiALEY, who are authorisrd to not leo. all accounts due and pay all claims against the Arm: ORO. W. BOLLII&N, R LPH UAOALEY. JOHN 1 , . BOYD. WM. PAMPBELL,Ja. rITTBDOII.OII, August 21st, 1869. In MOM; from the foundry bustnese w cheer— fully ••e.ccm mend our late partners to - the further patronage of the pubic. JOHN L. BOYD, WM.. CAMPBELL, Jn. PHIENTXROLL FOUNDRY, BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, • Mariufsef urers of our:wear CHILL BOLLS. AN u BOLLS and PINIONS. Corner Liberty n i :414th etrm'to. PlLMburßh. sM:nai ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD ONLY BY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Mann Lecturers" &c., 1.18 FOURTH AVENUES. Where may be found rail assortment of Par. or. Chamber and Kitchen Purnltnre. dell S WINT SWINT & BRATT, 11. BRAT? ABCHITECTURAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS No. 6$ Sandusky St.. Allegheny, Pa. A litre assortment of NEWEL POoTS and BALLSTERS constantly on hind. TUIWDiB .of all dosisrlp ns. ;limp noci.vllN PERSONAL.—AII persons seek-, INO HOMES, or invehanents in Iteal Es tate, will Bate time, trouble Lnd money by pro curing_a copy of the "PITTSBURGH' HEAL ESTATE BEGISTER. ,, Ills given away GRATIS or will be sent by mall prigs teeny requesting it. Persons cannot tall to get suited out or the Large list it contains. OBGFT & PHILLIPs. putt- Ushers and Beg Estate Agents, No, 139 Fourth avenue. gB. LYON, • Wider of Weights and Measures, °See—No.B FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburg& Capt. JOHN HESSNZB, Deputy, Timbale' MIMEOS. Lieut. GEO. B. ItaNI7I4TY. Damn Aue. 'tiny Yukon. - . - In COLORED DOUBLE WIDTH Beat Makes and St7le3. na ALLEGHENY CITY. NEV7 I ADVERTISEMENTS. ~~~~ + ~ DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS, FINE BLACK Gro Grain Alpacas & Poplins. NEW COLORS IN ALPACAS AND POPLINS. BRIGHT PLAID ALL-WOOL POPLINS. Some Decided Bargains. Striped Arab Shawls, Paisley Shawls, Striped Woolen thaw's, Thibet Shawls, Voolen Square Shawls, Cashmere Shawls. CHILDREN'S SHAWLS IN (TREAT NEW STOCK OF Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ribbons and Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Collars, Stockings and Cloves, Jet Jewelry, Rufflings, &e., Hoop Skirts and Corsets, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Underwear, Edgings and Laces, Hair Switches and Curls, Dress Trimmings, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AT WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. NO. 6S POURTEI STREET. CHARTERED IN 1855. ASSETS " 59,503,431 33. Open daily, from 9 o'clock A. Si. to 3 o'clock r. at., and SATURDAY EVENINGS, from May Ist to November Ist, from . 7 to 9 o'cloca, and from November let to May let, from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than ONL DOLLAR and a dividend of the p•oute declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn out, Is place ' d to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same Int crest fromthe 'lst days of June and December, compounding twice *year, without troubling the depositor to call.oreven to present his pass book. At this rate nionfy will double in lets then twelve years. Books containing the charter. By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applica lon at the office. PhaStok•NT—GEORGE ALBILEE. VICF.PRISIDENTS: John G. Backofen, A .M. Pollock, M. D.. Benj. P. Falinestock, Robert Robb. James Herdman, John 11. Shoenberger, James McAuley, James James B. U. bleeds, Alexander Speer, •• Isaac M. Pennock. Christian Yeager. TRUSTEES: Wm. J. Anderson, Hen ßobert J. C. Loomis Calvin Adams. ry Lynch, John C. B,ndley, i Peter A. Madeira, George Black, John Marshell, 11111 tturgwin. Walter I'. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, I John B. McFadden, ChaqcsA. Colton, Dal id McCandlets, John Evans, • H. W. • liver. John J. Gillespie, Ormsby Phillips, William S. Haven, lienryL. Itingwalt, Peter H. Hunker, Wm. E. Schmertz, Richard Hal s, Alexander Tindle, James D. Kelly, William Van Kirk.' TimAsvnicrt—CHAllLES A. COLTON. Skerteraftlf—JAMES B. D. NEEDS. ATEST OIL STRIKE. J j ciTICE LIBERTY ECONOMY ! AND FREE TRADE! To secure even handed JCBTICK, just come and see what splendid bargains are offered In the gor geous stock of Spring and Summer Clothes just prepared and exhibited to the public by S. G. TRAIJERMAN. - The fullest LinanTY to be enjoyed when the man who enjoys it is neatly dressed in a suit of new Comm. r Clothes which fit him so comfortably as not to abridge the freedom of his motioni. Such cltthea are to be had at S. C. TitetrititM/008. To practice ECONOMY, don't spend vast sums ofna they where'exturtionate people charge fancy prices for unsatisfactoy clothing, but come and get the wor.h of every dollar you spend, at S. C. TEAUERMAN'S. Flom TIRADE of the freest sort, practiced every day. and all day, at the big No 11 clothing Hail. There the people bring their cash. and there they get their clothes. Larry man Pee to buy at all times. Trade tremendous just now at the Big No. 11 Clothing Hall. LOOK AT THE PRICES. Cocoa nut suits f lin worth OM Spanish sults for $9 wortnl2o. tikating park cults for ell worth $35. 800 culls, linen, at Oa 59 each worth $3. Black sults fors ILO worth IWO. Boys' cults tor $5 worth $lO. And a great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains, as we have but a few days to sell. lteMember Big No. 11 Sixth street. EDUCATIONAL.. ' KAY & COIIPANY, B 0 0 - KSELLERS, 65 Wood Street, Have on hand a complete stock of Standard School and College Text Books, AND SCHOOL STATIONERY, Which they offer at the Lowest Piton, Wholesale and Retail. _ Price Lists and Circulars sent on application. OFFICE OF THE COMIISBIONERI3 0 , Tlls SINKING FUND, !treasury Department of Pennsylvania, ' liAlts.lbbUßG, August NiO, 1860 SEALED BIDS WILL BE BE CEIYED for the redeinption of ONE MIL• LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due July let, 1870, until 1M o'clock M. OCTOBER 15t,18130. Com• munleattons to be addressed toE. W. MACKEY, Esq.. State Treasurer, Harrisburg, PC1111&., and endorsed bids for redemption of Mate Loan. • F. JORDAN. • Secretary of State. J. F. BARTRA.N FT. Auditor General. R. W. MACKEY, State Tr,asurer. Commissioners of the eluting Fund. N. B.—No newspaper publishing the above without adt bort ty, Will receive pay therefor. auViukti, INFANTS' FANCY WOOLEN CLOAKS, As Phelan's Old nand Stocking Store, No. Slik HIM Avenue. WOOLEN Iew KNITTING TARN. all color", Old d filtooklni the AA TiGn Ave nue. Mural: POLITICAL. farREPUBLICAN MASS MEETINC AT CITY HALL, On Thursday, Sept. 23d, At 7S P. M. The meeting will be addressed by R. STOCKETT MATTHEWS, Esq., OF BALTIMORE, MD. • The scats on the right and left of the Speakers stand will be reserved for ladles. Campaign and Geary Clubs are requested to turn out and attend the meeting in uniform. By order of Committee, JOHN S LAMBIE, Chairman. J. S. FERGUSoN, Secretary. selS:o4o igrREPUBLICAN MEETING IN ETNA BOROUGH On Wednesday Evening, Sept. 22d, At 734 o'clock. The meeting beaddressed by W. C. MORELAND, Esq , JOHN H. llttlitt, Esq.. By order of Committee on Meetings and Sneak erd. . 6e20:1.54 IarREPUBLII.CAN - MASS MEETING On Tuesday Evening, Sept. 21st. AT 735 O'CLOCK, AT THE OLD• MARKET HOUSE, In the Ninth (Isle Fifth) ward. Should the weather beuufavorable, tne meeting will be held to ANDERtioN'S HALL, on Penn street. Speakers: W. C MORKLASD. E q.. J. J. Slit- HRH ECK. Req., Gen. A. L. PEARSON. By °rues . of Committee of liptakers and Meet ings. selB:o4t (REPUBLICAN MEETING On Tuesday Evening, September 21, AT 734 P. N., AT THE MIKEESPORT MARKET HOUSE. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. THOMAS HOWARD. Col. T. H. BAYNE. J. E. McKELNY, Esq. By order of the Committee on Meetings and Speakers. IigrREPUBLICAN MEETING AT ELIZABETH-BOROUCH, On Wednesday Evening, Sept. 22d, At 75<_ o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by Hon. THOMAS HOWARD, Col. T. M. BAYNE. By order of Committee on Meetings and Speak ere selS:o43 rirREPULICANS OF TEM FOURTEENTH WARD WILL MEET AT THE SCHOOL HOUSE, Fifth Avenue, near Murphy rtreet. ON MONDAYI 20th ins nt, ' AT 7S r. FOR ORGANIZATION. By order of VIBILANCE CO3I3IITTEE 5t18:046 ,Itgg"TE,IPERANCE AND HE- FORM MASS MEETING.—A. meeting of the citizens of the Fifteenth. Seveneenth and Eighteenth wards will be held on Forty. , Fourth street, one square above Butler street. Lawrencivillc, on Monday evening, SeptVanber 20th, at Vi o'clock. Let all who are in f+or of Reform turn out and learn why they thmild vote for the People's Candidate for County Commit stoner. Addresses by Rev. P. Combe, of Ptiila delphia, David Kirk and others. setBo49 tgrTHIRD WARD.-A MEET -.IND of the Republican voters of the Thliel ward will be held at the. SCHOOL HOUSE 'on MONDAY. September 110th, at 73f o'clock, r. x., for the purtio:e of naming persons for the siveral ward offices, to be voted for at the Pri mary Election to be held on PRIDAY. September 714tb, between the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock r.x. at the same place. I. By order of Vigilance Committee, J. F. &OLE. President. JOHN T. BROWN, Secretary. INDEPENDENT TEMPER ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH. DICKEY. ansall2 DIVIDENDS, OFFICE MONONGAHELA HIIIDGE t september 3, 1860. IarTHE PRESIDENT AND MANAGERS of this Company - have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, payable at the Ranking House of N. Holmes & Sons forthwith. sell- amp JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasurer.. 3. W. BAR 59 MA RKE ON MONDAY, SEP Will Open their Splendid I ter Dress Goods ! Manufactu Trade, and comprising Rich shades ; Silk Warp Epingli Russe, All-wool Epinglines, Black Baratheas, English a arritz Cloth, Russell Cords, ges, Merinos, Empress Clot ALSO, ON TUESDA Silk Hushes, Velvets and C teens, Astrachan, Seal Skin ernroofs, &0., at very Attra 3. W. 3E3 AL 3EIL 59 MARKE EirNOTICES—"To-Let ; " "For Sale," "Lost," "Wants," "Found, ' l .Boardingr ttc., not exceeding FOUR LINES, wilt beinserted in these columns -once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each adds tional Line FIVE CENTS. WANTED -SITUATIONS. W ANTED.- SITUATION. - By a young mm of 22 se Copyist, SiihiPing Clerk, cr in any capacity where he can maker himself generally us..ful, Salary not so much of an object as permanent iltcation. City reference elven. Address A. C., GAZETTE OFFICE. ANTED. S I TUATION.-An Eastern man of nrst•class experience, Nir sites a situation as Boxman or liar. tender Inc tint class house. Apply at the Eagle Hotel.Airile Liberty street. JJHN N. KNIGHT. WANTED---HELP WANTED -SALES NAN -MUMI be thoroughly acquainted with the Re- tan Clothing Business. Address Box T, ZETI2 OFFICE WANTED. -A GOOD Gllll4 competent to do general housework well; will find a pleasant etnatlon In a small family.. Enquire at 65 BEAVER STREET, Allegheny City. WAN'rED-HELP.-AT PLOYIdENT OFFICE. No. 1 St. Clair Street, BOYS GIRLS and KEN, for different kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTS. WANTED. -ROOMS.-TWO ROOMS or a SMALL ROUSE, In the up per Wards. Pittsburg , Hest of ref •renees given. Aodress B. B ,BOX H, azsrrs OFFJCI. lA n, TANTED—ROOM-MATE.—I a pleasant room, about ten minutes walk. from Pltteburgh Postoftlee. Terms $ 4 .00 per month. Address MILES. GAZETTE OFFICE.. . WANTED. -BEESWAX, RENO. DRIED FRUITS, WOOL. and. GENFRaq, PRODUCE. Our Sout - ern and 'Western Friends can obtain the highest market. rates, and get prompt returns by conalgning their Produce to us. _ J. - CL A ItKoON °RIF Ma, General Merchant, No 20 N. Front otreet, Philadelphia, Ps. e17;03s FOUND. rrAKEN VP ABOUT TEN DAYS •ago, ' a WHITE AND BRINDLE DOG. The owner can have said dug by proving property and paying expenses, by applying at No. GS DIAMoND STREE r, Pittsburgh TO LET. TO LET.—ROOIII,---4 well far.. a NItHED Second Story FRONT NOOK for two or more gentlemen, Apply at No. 33 Ninth street. r rin. LET.— 110011.—A Second 1 story Front Room. furnished. with board. suitable tor gentleman or lady or two single gen tlemen. Inquire at 18 WYLIE rTltb;>:T. o.T -- O-LET.Second Story Front ROOK. suitable for Mn ale gentlemen, af. 31 Ninth (fo-merly Hand) street. MO LET-FOUR PEW HOUSES of SIX BOOMS mica on Jalappa street. Filth ward, Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue, one square from Manch.ster street cars. Enquire of T. M. S dol. NS, 89 Federal street, corner of Stoctton 'venue. or CLIABLES P. STRIGHT, 171 North avenue, corner of Webster street. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—One-half. of a valuable PATENT Jur Pennsvlvanla. A. email article used In all houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postoffice Box 690, FFORS LE.—A Drug* Store \ sit nd all the Fixtures, Drupe. .tc.._ of the latest style. tituated ~ n the corner of Tunnell street and Fifth avenue. Vol' fall particulars Inquire at the Store or WILLIAM „ Attu, No. /LO Brent street. ornq•ltt• esthedral. FOR S ALE.—Desira bl e We st- EttN AVENUE RESIDANCE, Allegheny City; Lot I, 48 feet by 120 to a 20 f. et Allen house contains 11 rooms, with all necessary con• venlences: will be sold very cheap, as the owner fs - goloo to have the city. Apply to I'ROFT do PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agedts, dto. 139 Fourth Avenue. F OR SALE—FOUNDRY.—Rare chance for an enterprising man with some capital, situated In the town of Washington, the county seat of Washington county, Pa. It is now dolng a very successful business as the books will show, and could be loCreased to double the amount desired, and yet could not supply the d- - mend; will also furnish a partner for a half Inter est ill It if desired by the purchaser. This is a good opening for a practical man, as can be shovm o•yord a doubt. Apply to CROFT &. PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOB SALE.-SHOP O,v NOBTH ANICN 17E. ALLEGHANY CITY, PA.— Tee building, 36'70 feet. is being used by Jas. Godfrey & Co. as a maufacturing establishment. One of the members of the firm wishing to retire from business on accdunt of poor health, we have decided to close out this part of the busi ness t a bargain. Also good will of Steam. Pow r (5 to 10 'torso power.) tools and machitt. ehinery: would mates good wagon maker shop; lot 60x100 feet, on 5 year. lease. For further particulars inquire at No. 44 Ohio street, Alle gheny, Jr tt. Fon SALE-1.0 ACRES, LESS or more,l in Plum township, Allegheny contY. Allegheny Valle. , B. B. rusts through it. Two hundred yard; from station. Frame house of 61.1 C rooms, and good stable. and all other ne ccesary out-bu,ldiug4: orchard of 100 bearing fruit 'nes, of all kinds; good garien, grape ar bor, and geoseberries and curesd.tsi $20.000 woral of rock, quarry opened; will suit for resi dences or manutacturing 'estabilshmentS; coal under entire place: good indications of *deepest waltr and beat landing on the river; all well fenced. Inquire of A. ii. SEAM on the premises. LOA N. MONEY TJ L0AN....420 000 to loan on Bond and Mortgage in large or small amount% THOMAS H. PETTY. BU!, Band and Beal Estate Broker, N0..179 Smithfield street KER & COn T STREET. TEMBER 20 9 1869 mportation of Fall and Win red Expressly . for the Retail Dress Silksoi all the new nes, plain and fancy ; Velour Irish and French Poplins nd French Bombazines, Bi- Cretonnes, Valences, Ser ha. Y, SEPTEMBER 21st, locks and Shawls, 'Pelve s, Polarian Cloakings, Wat ctive Prices. 313.31EL1E1L etb T WI'REET Eli