The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 20, 1869, Image 4

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Ctt VAlmtglj Gaittts.
PENN lAN, REED & CO l Proprietors.
Editor' and Propi,letors.
077103:1 1 .,
Of Pltishuragh, Allegheny end Alla.
Tervil—Datty. t Sant- Mostly. Weakly.
One year.,ol,oolone year.s2• 6o 5111 /1 1 e 00 PY—$ 1 . 1°
One month 75t Six mos.. 1090 5 eoples,esush 1.95
B 1 the week IThree mos 56 1.15
Mom curler. sl ) i 11 and 0118 tO Agellt.
MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 11369.
FOB aovEnxon:
isswaser—NLLES 8. lIIIMPHREYR,
TaaAstrasa -- JOS. F. DENNISTON.
Racoaass—THOMAS 11. HUNTER.
Raourraa—JOSEPH H. GRAY.
Claim ORPHANS' Collar— &LEX. prILANna
PETROLEUM at Antwerp, 562 f.
U. S. Bonne at Frankfort, 87i
GOLD doied in New York on Saturday
at 130@1.361.
Ws Plum on the inside: pages of
this morning's Gemms—Second Page:
Poetry, "A Popular Nova ScOtia Song,"
Covoele's District, Letter from, Colorado,
Strange Discovery, Miscellany. Third
and Sixth pages: Finance and Trade,
Markets, Imports, River News. Elev
enth page: Cues and Notes of Music,
Fall and Winter Fashions for Men, Sing
ular Superstitions, Selections, Amuse
ments. •
and Wrixwas seven thousand majority.
Allegheny should see that and go three
thousand better.
Tn - i. Republicans of Westmoreland
and Armstrong counties will hold a mass
meeting at Apollo, in the latter county,
on next Thursday evening. Governor
GEAR; Colonel G. F. M P
—C_ ARLAND and
other eminent.gentlemen will be present
and speak.
Mr. BOUT WELL is doing admirably in
the Treasury Department. In addition
to the large, reduction of the public debt
actually accomplished, he promises to re
duce it $10,000,000 more during the air
rent month. This done, the total reduc-
tion since General GRANT was inaugura
ted will amount to $59,500,000. Just so
many reasons why Mr. BOI7TWELL should
be continued in the place he occupies!
Gov. GRAM has appointed Colonel
Thomas A. Scott, General George W.
Cass, General J. •K. Moorhead, Hon.
Richard J, Haldeman, Colonel William
Phillips, Henry McCormick, Esq., Hon.
G. Dawson Coleman, Hon. Stanley
Woodward,-Edward J. Gay, Esq., and
Hon. Hendrick B. Wright, delegates from
Pennsylvania to the Southern Commer
. cial Convention, to be held at Louisville,
Ky., on the 12th of October neat.
THE CABLE reports the Emperor NA.
?CLEM; as talking most sensibly to Gen.
Puna as to what Spain,ought to do in re.
lation to Cuba. The reputed reply Of
rnms, that the Spanish people are so in
' fatuated about the island that they will
not li'sten to reason is highly probable.
`dear governments are strong enough
successfully to resist popular passions or
prejudices. Meanwhile thepnited States
has no need to hurry, excep4 in the inter
ests of common humanity.
IT was a most,,unfortunate political'di
lemma for bir. PESDLETON that left him
no other alternative than to offer himself
as a sacrifice for the Ohio Democracy.
His. prospects were not good from the
beginning, and each returning day finds
him drifting farther away from the office.
Hie popularity inside arid outside his own
State is waning, and , when defeat comes
"Young Greenbacks" will see his star ris
ing no more, and history will record that
in trying to bold together the fragments
of a decaying political party he was
himself caught and crashed in the ruins.
Tint Ramer Tratainu.cautstrry at
the Asondtge Colliery has called forth
the generous sympathy of the philan
thropic throughout the entire country,
and substantial aid has already poured in
to the relief of the poor and distressed
widows and orphans left by the accident
to the usually cold charity of the world.
ToAay, at the,ldayor's office. our citizens
will meet together for the purpose of con
tributing their share to the fund, and we
' trust that there will be a large attendance,
and, that our good people will not be
found backward in discharging a duty
they *We their stflecing fellow•creatures
who have been *specially cluwtened and
*filleted by &Wise Providence.
TILE PEOPLE of Spain, almost without
exception, are indignant at the attitude
of the United Stetes on the Cuban ques
tion. They are so unreasonable as to
talk wildly of war, as the only adequate
measure of redress. All this is natural
enough. Spain is weak and proud; and
all the more sensitive and blustering be.
cause of her weakness. But there is no
probability that she will actually resort
to war, and if she should, no special
danger would be apprehended here.
'But let the citizens of the United States
reflect. When we were in the agonies of
the rebellion, strong as we felt oar States
to be, we were sensitive to a,degree we
can now hardly realize. Besides it is
manifest to all intelligent men, both in
Europe and America, that Spain is des
tined to lose Cuba, and the United States
to gain it. Much or little time may elapse
before these results shall be evolved, but
they are certain.
FRom ALL parts of thei A State comes
the cheering news that the Republicans
have becoxne thoroughly aroused and' are
patiently awaiting opportunity to once
more meet and vanquish the opposition.
Local. dissensions to distract our party
now sxist nowhere, an immunity not en
joyell by the DemocracY. In Western
Pennsylvania an average vote may be ex
pected out, and Republican majorities
will be obtained closely approximating
those awarded in the Presidential elec
tion. In the interior, northern and east
ern parts of the State, the worrs going
on, and no danger need be entertained
that these sections will fall short of their
accustomed figures. Altogether the out
look is good in Pennsylvania, and the
question is now not whether GEARY and
WILLIAMS shall be elected, but bow much
of a majority will they have? The larg
er the better it will -be, and it behooves
all good Republicans' to work diligently
and earnestly the few remaining days left
to swell the figures so that the golden
tidings of another Gettysburg victory in
Pennsylvania may thrill with joy the
loyal nation. •
Wunal we deprecate the great ma.
jority of personal attacks made on the
private and public character of the Demo-
cratic candidate for Governor, still we
think there are, several charges which
have been put in a variety of shapes
against him which, if true, must seriously
damage him in the estimation of all goo.
and true men.
It is openly charged, and without con
tradiction, that he used money to secure
his nomination, and pledrd to supply
the sum necessary to buy his way into
the highest office of the Commonwealth.
It is openly charged, and without con
tradiction, that his sympathies were ever
with the armed rebels who aimed to des
troy the Union .of States to which our
people are devotedly attached.
It is charged that to evade the payment
of his just share of taxation to the au
thorized agents of the National Govern
ment, he changed his residence into a dis
trict where he was better enabled to con
' ceal his vast wealth and Income and thus
impose his own part of the burden oc less
oppulent but more conscientious neigh
There are other charges made against
Mr. PACKER which are equally as dam
aging as those quoted, and yet no satis
factory evidence has been adduced to
show their falsity. It is sheer presump
tion for our Democratic friends to ask
honest and intelligent citizens to cast
their votes in his favor in the face of the
record he presents.
Mr. FROTHINCIAM, a wealthy New
York merchant, was in June last com
mitted to the Bloomingdale Lunatic Asy
lum, which is a branch of the New York
City Hospital. He was recently die.
charged under the operation of a writ of
habeas corpus. The manner of his dis
charge proves ,nothing as to the real
merits of the cape, for most Judges are
just now insane on the subject of in
sanity, releasing every patient who has
not perpetrated a murder or other
horrible crime within two days of the
date of his appeal to the Court. It may be,
however ), that this gentleman Was correct
in his conception of his own case; which
would only prove that men of fortune are
sometimes in serious peril from 'their relit
tions. In this view, the argument is just
as conclusive against having family con
nections as against having Lunatic
But sane men of another sort get treated
as lunatics, and happily for themselves.
A young man recently asked his father,
who itOt man of substance, to advance
him money to make a start in business.
The request was not complied with.
Shortly after the young man put poison
in the breakfast sugar-bowl of the family,
and came near taking the lives of the
father, mother and sisters. Had he suc
ceeded, and escaped detection, he would
have inherited money much more than suf
ficient for the business enterprise he con
templated. Instead of being handed over
to the Quarter Sessions of the proper
county, he was quietly slipped into the
Bloomingdale Asylum, where he remains :
No one Will contend that the case of this
young man is a hard one.
It is but fair to add that the members of
Mr. FIinIIINOHAM'S family protest, and
with apparent sincerity, that they have
had no sinister designs upon his estate,
and that he was Insane when subjected
to treatment.
Some of the Judges, in this and other
States, are holding that no person shall
be confined In a Lunatic Asylum, with.
out his or her consent, unless liberty is a
source of present danger to others. If
such rulings shall generally prevail, it is
folly to urge the adoption of additional
precautions is committing to Asylums.
In that case, . the only true remedy will
be found in giving up the Asylums alto
gether, and the sooner the better.
The lunatics who consent to their
own ,confinement are not in suffi
cient . numbers to justify the main
tenance of establishments for their us e
If the fact that a lunatic is dangerous can
'only be determined by the actual com
mission of murder, or some other crime
of violence, within a day or two before
application shall be made for comlnit
ment, it would be salutary for all danger
erous lunatics to have reason enough left
to vent the,ir violence on the Judges.
ITDOLPHE WOLFE, who died on Staten
Island on the 14th inst., is spoken of by
the New York papers as once well known
to the public by his extensive advertise
ments, and also as having died very rich.
We have never known an extensive, per
sistent and'judicious advertiser who failed
to get rich. The experience of Mr. Wolfe
has found its counterpart in nearly every
case where his practice has been pursued.
We do no not claim that every man who
advertises freely dies rich; but only that
success in business rarely fails to follow
the practice—but fortunes thus made, are
like fortunes obtained in any other way,
liable to be lost by unwise speculation.
The simple fact that judicious and per
sistent advertising is almost invariably
rewarded by increase of business and ulti
mate affluence, IS the point we present as
undeniable and therefore worth knowing
and trying. Those of our own patrons—
who have continued longest and paid us
most—bear the highest testimony to the
rich resulting benefits. One of these as
sures us that his annual sales have been
increased three hundred thousand dollars
by constant advertising; another ascribes
to advertising at least $100,009 increase
of his worldly wealth. We might cite
numerous kindred; examples, but "a
word to the wise is sufficient"
MESSRS. EDITORS: When you say
President Grant is the „first duly elected --
and inaugurated President who has vis
ited Pittsburgh, you make a mistake.
During the administration of James Mon
roe that revolutionary patriot visited
Pittsburgh, and for nearly a week was
the guest of the late Wm. Wilkins, who
then resided in a stately mansion 'near the
Monongahela bridge, and which was
taken down by Messrs. Lyon Shorb, to
make - way for the first Monongahela
House, kept by Col. James Crossan,
father of the present proprietor.
How is it that California, which only
began in earnest :o be settled twenty
years ago, now produces the keenest
humorists of the land ? Generally
it is believed that a country does not
pro l duce a crop of that sort until the
heavy work of clearing, settling and civil
izing has been accomplished. Thus Eng
land has always kindly patronized
America, patting her on the back and
say) l ing that in time she might produce a
first dais article Of that sort, until re
cently, when we have taken the lead,
anil now the old country Das not one
"funny man" equal to any' one half
dozen Americans we could name. But
of all our hummists only Lowell and
HOlmes excel the great California Phm.
nix, Twain and Bret Hart°. These three
men seem to have been born with an ir
resistible mission to make life both ridic
ulous and enjoyable to others. The first
poor fellow only failed with himself and
died a miserable death. Harte IS the ed
itor of the Overland Monthly, one of the
best and most original periodicals on the
far distant Pacific coast. While Mark
Twain, the greatest and most irresisti
ble, with more wit and humor than
would glut Punch for a year, is "healthy
and happy, and editing a department in
tile Buffalo Exprem; through whose col
%Mins we hope to hear of him for years to
/ THE solicitors of the Byron family,
Messrs. Wharton t Forbes, have pub-
lished in the London Time. a card which
Is the most important addition that has
been made to the Stowe-Byron literature.
It reproaches Dirs. Stowe for breach of
trust and endeavors to reflect doubt upon
the truth of that lady's assertions which
they do not, however, deny. It seems that
Lady Byron left her papers sealed and
In the custody of three trustees who are
to make that use of them which might
seem to them to be best for the interests
l of her grandchildren. The solicitors as•
sort that Mrs. Stowe was not one of those
trustees, nor has she received the author
ity of either one of them to examine
those papers; and close their statement'
with these words: "Lady Byron's own
statement" is in the possession of those
who love her memory too well to make
a rash use of it, and if the world is ever
to learn the, true story of Lady Byron's
life it will learn it from them."
SOMREIOW or other the ladies who
are leading the movement which is to
emancipate their sex do not succeed in
keeping on the best of terms with the
leaders of the public press. Last winter
one of the most noted of the reformresses
regaled an audience in Chicago with a
tirade against the combined press of that
city, interspersed with libelous person
alities concerning the editors, calculated
to provoke the mirth of her hearers.
And now we read that Madame Olympe
Audouird has quarreled with the editor
of theParia Figaro and challenged him
to morbid oombat. Thai affording the aa•
toundil spectacle of a woman who is
seeking •edress for the wrongs of her
sex in a neasure almost too advanced•
for the niketeenth century, seeking re
dress foriersonal wrongs in the duello
which is (le of the relics of the past. It
is a pity tat the leadership of this move
ment has Allen into. such violent hands,
for while nany peraons see much possi
ble good ail, real justice in the proposed
measure, alio:lust necessarily decline to
assist in puttug more power into such
intemperate .ands. •
IN SPITZ oithe Ku-Klux, conserva
tives and rebelt who are not yet aware
that the last dith has been reached, the
carpet-baggers ud sensible natives of
the Southern Sttes are bringing them
aroun to a condliOn of prosperity which
. already almost etwis and will doubtless
soon surpass aki , thing which they
formerly knew. lie estimate value of
the cotton crop is, acording to the Louis
ville Journal, ahoy& $324,000,000; _and
that of the other Tops 5380,000,000,
which, with a pDpuittion of not more
than 11,000,000, gives Eli average of $64 a
bead. This exceeds tie average of the
Western States. Whet; we reflect that
this is in a section so zecently declared
to be completely ruinei, and still, in
many parts, politically trOettled, where
land is very cheap and dilute generally
delightful, we can see tothing iut a
prosperity in the future Wei will fat sur
pass anything that was ever even
dreamed of in the days whet the sn of
slavery stained the great Dien of the
American continent.
ALPHONSE KARR says th ,, ,t Malibr.n,
Sontag and Grist were greatly super3r
to any of the prima donnas of the pro.
ent day. M. Karr's grandfather doubtles
thought and said that the great singes
of his youth greatly surpassed the your;
Malibrau and Grief, and M. Karr's chil
dren, no doubt, will remember the start
ling superiority of Nlllsen'andlti,
when compared with the nightingales
who will be making twenty thousand
trancs a night a score of years from now.
It is really singular how well our song•
stresses sing, considering the fact that
,they have been in a constant state of de
terioration for ages. What a rousing
basso King Solomon must have been,
and yet If any of the audience of Debo
rah and Barak could have heard him
how they would have pooh-poohed his
best efforts. And as this same depreci
ation is noticeable in all the arts, may
we not suppose that the reason the
daughter of Saul despised King David
in her heart when she saw him dancing
and singing, was because she remember
ed how much better her royal father had
danced and sung? The admirers of
Tazlioni and Blister sneer at Morlacchi s
but how they would have been jeered by
King Herod and the other witnesses of
Salome's fatal pirouetting. This con
stant deterioration, seems to be a well
established fact and should receive the
attention of some of our curious savants.
PROBABLY Mrs. Grant, when she was
in Pittsburgh, was not aware that she
was in the imme i rlate vicinity of the
graves of some of er ancestors. Proba
bly but few of our citizens are aware
that Mrs. Grant, on her mother's side, is
descended from an , old Pittsburgh family
—the Wrenshalls. But the fact is that
old John Wrenshall, the maternal grand
father of the wile of the great General
and President, now lies buried beside his
two wives in the old graveyard of the
First Presbyterian Church, where the
stones that are over them may still be
seen. A daughter of. Mr. Wrong's% by
his first wife, married Col. Dent, of St.
Louis, and was the mother of Mrs.
Grant. The graves referred to lie about
rnid-way bet . ween the new chapel of
Trinity Church and the edifice of the
Find Presbyterian congregation.
Ownz DREG Is the Democratic candi
date for Satifienator in the Idontgomery
and Dolandistrict.
P. H. Sammow, ex-Sheriffof Jefferson
county, h Republican candidate for As.
sembly from
A. awn mass.meeting is to be held in
Butler of the 24th inst.\ when Governor
Geary ionnounced as the lading speaker.
Chunk, made a telling speeah in Altoona
on Fridly, to a large, enthusiastic meet
ing. \ _
GOVERNOR GEAEY will speak atPar
ker's Lnding October sth; at Oil City
October dth, at Titusville October 17th,
and atlleadvillp October Bth.
A. '4. BROADHEAD, ht., of Carbo'
county; is the Democratic candidate for
State Senator in the district composed of
Carbdl, Munroe, Pike and Wayne.
Dis A. M. CLARK presided at a large
Repudican meeting in Nicholson's Hall,
Broolville, on Tuesday. Col. J. A.
Nana, of Philadelphia, and Gen. Harry
Whiti made stirring speeches.
Hoz. M. S. HUMPHREYS went to New
Caste to speak on Tuesday, but owing
to ° B4ine mistake he was not met, nor did
he each the hall, until the crowd had
beet sent off with the announcement that
thopeakers had not arrived,
TECEPITLY the Deity Miners' Journal,
'of lottevllle made some remarks' on Al
demen McMullin not very complimentary
to him. Shortly, after this publication,
up editor receceived the following very
plhy epistle, evidently from one of Mc.
"Packer will be elected In spite of h-1,
ad maybe McMullin will be elected Sec
rsary of State.
"If you were in this city and talk that
Nay about Bill, you (both) would be
stung up to a lamp post in -- street,
it Democrats.
"Geary is smart, but he don't come up
t Packer, no how. Geary was in no war,
12t got his leg cut off in a eaw.mill."
This shows the animus of the McMullin
prty. Their leader proclaims club law
ndm m it u t r d r o
a c htohes election
i i c f e rhse ls not
in the
?emocratic wards, and his followers,
mitating their great leader, proclaim
lesth to all who treat him diarespentfullY.
?acker ought to be proud of this wing of
ds supporters.
The Iroquois on the ar PAIL
[From Proof-Acests of Parkinan's new work
.The DlEcovpry of the Great West." now in
Preset by Little, Brown & Co.. of Boston.]
I have recounted the ferocious triumphs
of the Iroquois in another volume.
Throughout a wide semicircle around
their cantons they had made the forest a
solitude—destroyed the Hurons, exter
minated the Neutrals and the Eries, re
duced the formidable Andantes to a help
thesigcance swept the borders of
St. Lawrence with fire, spread terror
-and desolation among the Algonquins of
Canada; and now, tired of peace, they
were seeking, to borrow their own savage
metaphor, new nations to devour. Yet
it was not alone their . homi
cidal fury that now impelled them
to another war. Strange as it may seem,
this war was in no small measure one of
commercial advantage. They had long
traded with the Dutch and English of New
York, who gave them, in exchange for'
their furs, the guns, -ammunition,
knives, hatchets, kettles, beads and
brandy which had become indispensable
to them, Game was scarce in their coun
try. They must seek their beaver and
other skins in the vacant territories of the
tribes they had destroyed, but this did
not content them. The . French of Cana
da were seeking to secure a monopoly of•
the furs of the north and west, and, of
late, the enterprises of La Salle, on the
tributariesl of the Mississippi had especi
ally roused the jealousy of the Iroquois,
fomented, moreover, by Dutch and
English traders. These crafty savages
would fain reduce all these regions to
subjection, and draw from thence an ex
haustless supply of furs to be bartered
for English goods with the traders of
Albany. They turned their eyes first
towards the Illinois, the most important,
as well as one of the most accessible, of
Western Algonquin :tribes; and among
La Salle's enemies were some in whom
jealousy of a hated rival could so far
override all the beat interests of the col
ony that they could not scruple to urge
on the Iroquois to an invasion which
they hoped would prove his ruin.
The chiefs convened, war was declared,
the war dance was danced, the war song
was sung, and five hundred warriors be
gan their march. In their path lay the
town of the Miamas, neighbors and kin
dred of the Illinois. It was always their
policy to divide and conquer; and these
(forest Machiavels had intrigued so wet
kmong the Miamis, working craftily on
heir jealousy, that they Induced them to
i‘in in the invasion, though there is every
reason to believe that they had marked
time Infatuated allies as their next vic
Catered Episcopal Church—Preliminary
Meeting Yesterday.
Yesterday afternoon a preliminary
meeting, looking to the establishment of
as Episcopal Church organization among
tie colored people of our vicinity, was
had in Christ Church, Union avenue,
Allegheny. There was a full attend
aice of colored people, together with
over friends from the white population
favorable to the enterprise.
The exercises commenced at 4 o'clock,
Then the usual evening service was
onducted by the Pastor, Rev. B, F.
irooko, D. D., Mr. Percival Iteckett.of
rbiating as lay reader.
The Bev. Dr. Brooke then stated the
oiject of the meeting, and said he had
ben considering the subject for some
tine. When he first came to Allegheny
hi was astonished to find that no organ
intion for the colored people existed in
tla Episcopal Church. In his own
clurch there was but one colored corn
trunicant, an old lady who had been
atending the services for about twenty
yiara.'l In conversation with-a-number
o; the colored people, he discovered - ill - at --
something in this direction was needed.
Ater consulting with the members of
hs parish, who all seemed to favor the
ilea, be had concluded to attempt
simething in this direction, and
fir that purpose had called the meeting.
Tee duty of the Episcopal church was
gain in this question, which had as it
Tore been more forcibly brought .home
t) them in the events of the last • few
, ears which made the colored people to
;ccupy higher positions in the com
nunity. •
The reverend gentleman concluded by
iatroducing the Hon. T. J. Bigham, who
dronstly favored the enterprise and
thought it - eminently practicable and
praiseworthy. He had oftenhought of
he duty of the church in t respect,
tut more so since the occurrent s of the
1 hat eight years, which hall, on this con
tnent, so changed the rela ions be
tween the two races. Heretofore the
colored people, for the most part, slaves
lave beenjwithout any advantages of edu
cation, or even proper religious culture.
In the Providence of God, however, their
embarrassments have been swept away,
snd they now stand in a more favorable
condition. In a few years, and
probably less than two, they would
be invested with the rights of
dtizenship, and it was necesary
that they should be • fully qualified
to discharge the duties which would by
this change devolve upon-them. They
must be educated, for with higher priv
ileges would come higher responsibili
ties. Especially, should they be made
acquainted with those higher and
more important duties which they
owed to God. All of these must
be performed in a proper man
-1,17, and nowhere but in the church
uld they receive the proper education
co fit them for a new sphere in life. In
thia \ limped he considered the Episcopal
church especially adapted to their
needs,\ in its doctrines., liturgy •
and policy, which was made ap
parent in‘the fact that in the Southern
states where most of the colored peeple
were, the Episcopal Church was largely •
predominant: \ He felt no sectarian spirit
against other denominations , but spoke
•from a feeling that Episcopal usages and
church govorninent were admirably
adapted to the wants of the colored race.
A large propotion \ of the colord people
were Methodists, basis this was only an
off shoot of the Episcopal church, it
would doubtless in a sh time g
from present indications ' ort Unite with the
mother church on his \continent, at
least, where there Were no state eat
harassments -to such a union. . The
speaker dwelt at considerable \ length on
the history of the Episcopal Church, and
contended that as it stood in America it
approached nearer than any other organ
ization to the Apostolic establishMent.
prisen by hoping that the enter
which they:had been called to con
bider would result in the establishment ,
of the enterprise.
Mr. James H. Sewell next made a few
remarks, and suggested the appointment
of a committee to consider , the matter
an report upon its feasibility at a future
meeting. The suggestion was acted
upon, and Messrs. Bigham and Sewell
appointed on behalf of the white people,
and Messrs. Palpress and Dale for the
colored. -
Mr. Palmas, although a Methodist,
iniored the ides, and th ought it would
bring a great many into the Church who
now went nowhere, bileause they wet
not suited in church government. He
felt honored in being =chosen as one of
the Committee, and would endeavor toy.
investigate the matter fully. -e4C
Rev. , Dr. Brooke said the Committe*;
merely were to consider the feasibility:i:.
of the measure, and report accordingly.c„
No one was committed to anything bye .
the appointment. The reterend gentle.
man invited all persons. Whether favor
able or not to the enterprise, to call upon
him for consultation. He wished to have
it thoroughly discussed before proceed
ing in the matter.
The meeting adjourned with religious
services, subject to the call of the Com
mittee when ready to report.
Pastorlal Letter, ate.
To the Clergy and Congregations of the
Diocese of Pittsburgh
BRETHREN—In pursuance of the "Res
olution" of the last General, Convention,
I hereby license for use in the public
worship of our Congregations in this
Diocese' the "Selected Hymns from •
HYmnsAncient and Modern, and Hymns
for Church and Home," as printed in the
book entitled "The Additional and Se- -
lected Hymns," and just published by
E. P:Durten It Co. This license of new
hymns has been thus long delayed, in
expectation of the Hymn . Book now is-
sued. In compliance with the request
made by other Bishops as well as by
myself, the 65 "Additional Hymns" au
thorized for use threeyeats ago, make
the first part of this Hymn Book; so that
the usual editions of the Prayer' Book,
and this one volume, may furnish' al/
the Psalms and -Hymns for use in our
public worship.
The "Selected Hhymns" add to our
previOns collections 388 new hymns-171
being taken from "Hymns Ancient and
Modern," and 217 from "Hymns for
Church and Home." Among these "Se
lected Hymns" there are some that in
crease a little our too scanty supply of
hymns for the Home and Closet. This is a
gain which will be, perhaps, most ap
preciated where the want has been most
felt—among those who cannot have
many books, and who expect their Church
Hymn book to meet, the needs of Home
and Closet, as they see that other "Hymn
Books" usually do. I heartily commend
(his book for use in the Family and Pri
vate Devotions of the people of ~my
I also license for use (if any Rector so
prefer) in public worship, the "Hymns
for Church and Home ;" and, also,
"Hymns Ancient and Modern"—except
ing from the latter book, the hymns as
therein given and nuMbered 46, 50, 53.
96, 98, 163, 203, 206, 210, 212, 228, 248, 249,
250, 259, 268, 269. These seventeen ex
cepted hymns, and any appendix be
yond hymn No. 273 (having been pub
lished among us since the action of the
General Convention in October,
are not included in this License for use
in this Diocese.
Praying God to give you His grace.
that you may sing with the spirit gr and
th a t
with the understanding also.
I am, dear brethren, faithfully and
affectionately, your Pastor in Christ..
Bishop of Pittsburgh.
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 15th, 1869.
W3l. F. STEWART, Eaq., of Brookville,
is Chairman of the Republican'Committee
of Jefferson county.
One of the truest and - most' suggestive ideas
can be obtained fro the caption at the head
of this article; for of all diseases which Impair
human health and shorten human life, none axe
more prevalent thardthose whiCh affect the lungs
and pulmonary tissues. Witt thernre regard lung
diseases In the light of a merely slight cough.
which is but the fore-runner of a more serious
malady, or as a deep lesion corroding and die.
solving the pulmonary structure, it is always
Pregnant with evil and .foreboding of disaster.
In lid—class-of-maladies- should-the physician or
the friends and family of the patient be more
seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs,
for It is in them that early and einem:it treat
ment is most desirable. and It is then that danger
can be warded off and a cure effected. In DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG CURE you have a readicine
of the greatest value in all these conditions• An
alterative, a tonic. a nutrient and resolvent,
succoring nature and sustaining the recupera
tive powers of the system; Its beautifol work
ings, in harmony with the regular functions, can
be readily observed by the use of one or two bot
tles: it will soon break nn the chainof morbid .
svmpathies that disturb the harmonious work-
Inas of the animal economy. The herr:wing
cough, the painful - respiration, the span*
streaked with blood, will soon give place to the
normal and proper workings of health and vigor.
An aggregated experience of over thirty years
has enabled Dr. Keyser, in the compounding of
his LUNG CURL to give new hope to the con
sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy
relief in those now prevalent, catarrhal and
throat affections, so distressing in their effects
and so almost certainly fatal in their tendenclea.
unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DM,
KEISER:I3 LUNG CUBE is 'so thorough and ef
-1 relent, that any one who has ever used it, will
never be without It in the house. It will often
cure when everything else fails, and in simple
cases will cure oftentimes in a few days.
The attention of patients, as well as medical
men, ti respectfully invited to this new and
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the coun
DR. KEYeEII may be 'consulted every day .
until 1 o'clock P. at. at hill Great Medicine Store,
161 Libetty street, and from 4to 8 and WV-
at night.
"In time of peace prepare for war," is a sound
military maxim. "Let not the sickly season
find you unprepared," is an equally good rule in
medical jarisprudesce. Tbb man must be made
of Iron who finds himself at the close of summer
as strong as at Its commencement. Such a phe
nomenon is rue, even among the most robust of
the human family. Muacular and constitutional
vigor oozes out of us in the broiling weather of
July and August, and feW of us. at the opening
of the Fall, are In the best possible condition to
defy the unhealthy influences of the season.
Fever and ague and billona remittent fevers, •
together with a variety of complaints that affect
the dig.stive organs the liver and the bowels,
form a portion of the'autumn programme. Sear
mind that exhaustion. Invites these dli orders,
and that stamina) vigor enables the system. to
repel them. To be weak is to be miserable,"
says Satan to his defeated legions, In -Paradise
Lost.' " at d the az tom Is cornet, though 'lt
comes from an eyllsource.
Hot then; ye weak and feeble, fortify your.
selves against theinvia.ble enemy that invades
the Autumnal .air: The beat defence against
miasma la a course of HoSTE ITS K'S ST 0 A. &CH
BITTLES.. This rare vegetable tunic will
\prove your aptietite, stimulate your digestion.
give -nroaness to your nerves, -Invigorate your
Muscular fibre, notate your seeretionii, cheer
your, spirits, and put your entire physique In
perfect working order. It is easily done. The
stand.rd lonic and alterative which wilt rum.
perste and build you up,. is rot "bad to take, is
but, on the contrary, a pleasant medicine:
See however, that you have the genuine arts.
de. There are Imitations and counterfeits In
the market. and they are all worthless or dale.
Various. Hear - In - mind that HOSTETTER'S
STOMACH BITTERS!" add only in gbass,Ancirer
by the gallon or cask), and that each bottle bears
a label surmounted by avtintette of St. Worse
and the Dragon, and Our revenue sump over tha