PITTSBURGH MARK ' OrrlcE or PITTSEUTiG : GAZETTE, i SATURDAY, Sept. 17, , 1869. Business generally • ni - moderatly ac fivel and slowly improving, and there i s ' every indication,' at prosnt, that there will 'be a good fiill and wi ter trade. The demand, however, for almost every thing is confined- entirel to supplying y l i immediate wants, there being an alinost total absence of .anything.' ike a specula tion, while in regard to • valnes,l there are no important changesone way or. the other. changes` APPLES—DuII and in good supply but unchanged, ranging from 61,51.1@3,00 per bbl. 1 BUTTER—Is in good snpply and dull but not quoted lower than 3U to 33 cents for prime to choice packed. • BERRIES—Season over; CR A.NBERRIES—SaIcs I prime of east-, ern cultivated at ;gaper bbl. ' • CARBON OIL-4s firm with consider. able inquiry on western aceount, and eve quote sales round lots at 29 to 2O cents, and 30(g31. in small lots. I CHEESE—Is quiet and unclian7ed, ranging from 14 to 16 i cents, as to quality. I EGGS—Coming in moo freely but with a fair demand, prices i are unchang ed, 23C424. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at SOO 86 cents to the trade, and the Usual advance for small lots in store. FLOUR—Is. quiet and unchanged.—l demand confined entirely o supplying , wants of retail trade. . W continue to i quote Western winter whelit brands at `4 , 6,50q6,75 for good, and .f. 7 Ga 7,25 for .1 choice, GRAIN— Wheat is quiet a d unchang --$1,39 for Red and $1,3511,37 for white. Rye is In . better demand witli *l,lO freely bid, and we can report sales of 2 cars at $l,ll. Oats searda an 4 in demand at the advance; sales on track at . so, cts., and in store at 53@,55. Corn is dull and un changed, flocri, - ;11,00. I—Sales from country wnons, at .51,:5t 73 , - .t3 per toll—mostly at .I P—Very dull, *205 per ton. H.Utifilli--Sales at 2:Vt":: : .)3 ctS per pound, LABD OIL—F. Sellers Co. quote Extra .tio, l,'at $1;433'1,45, and No. 2, at PROVISIONS—Market firm, but un changed: Bacon, Shoulders. 15; 3 46.416; Ribbed Sides, 183@l9; Clear do. 1.9 : 3; ®2O;-plain Sugar Cured Hams, 22@22X; Clayassed do, 244@2-1; Sugar Cured Shoulders, 17@1.73,„; Mess Pork, $34; Lard, 20!, , in tirces, 21@218 in kgs and pails: Dried Beef, 22. PEANUTS—SaIes at 15 cents. . . PEACHES—In good supply and dull; may be quoted at .1,00©52,00 per bushel, according to quality and condition.% PLUMS—Scarce and higher;' sales of prime fresh receipts at $4,50 ger- bushel. - POTATOES —Sweets in good supply, dull and lower; sales of Baltimores at e4.,50@5,00 per bbl, and Jerseys at x,5,00 @5.50: SEEDS—Timothy Seed is being sold in small lots at $4,0004,25. Flaxseed is wanted at12,20b2,25, and none cirering. No inquiry for Clover Seed. SALT—Is firmer, with salea of car load lots at $1,85 per bbl. • MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YOB.R, September 18.—Cotton a I shade easier; 1,100 bales middling up " lands at 30Uc. Fleur favors buyers and a little more. doibg in trade brawls; re ceipts 15.650, sales 8,170 bbis at $5,80® .- 1 6,25 for superfine State and western; $6,30(5:6.90 forextra State; $6,20®6,95 for. • extra western; t. , [5 : 2097 for white wheat extr.n, $6,35(37 for R. H. O.; $6,50 . Ga 7 4ir extra Sr.. Louis; '67®9 9 flr good :![ to .hoice do,, including sales 3,300 bbl= chicily extra State for export at $6,40;3) •-• 6,75. Rye your quiet; 150 bbls at sl,Bori, 6,35. Corn meal in moderate request; . ' 3uel hbla Brandywine at $6,35. Whisky unsettled and lower; 250 bbls western • free at 1,148;@1,78. chiefly $1,14,®1,16. Wheat—receipts 17,669 bush: it opened heavy and at 1.®2% lower and closed with fair speculative demand and some little export inquiry; the decline recovered ; and prices were a shade firmer than at the close yesterday; sales of .86,000 bush at $1,45 for fair S - o. 2 spring, $1,50®1,54 for winter red and amber western, -', chiefly at $1,50®1,53, $1,47 for Southern Illinois winter, and $1,606/1,69 for white, • western. Rye quiet. Barley dull. Barley • Malt more active, with sales of 9,000 bush, part at $1,55 for State and sl,7o'for Canada, an extreme; the remainder on private terms. Corn; receipts, 116,301 bush; heavy and I®2c lower, with sales bow for mixed western, $1,12 ®1,14 for sound, ,' do., $1,14 for [poor white western. Oats; receipts, 25,910 bus; opened • I®2c better 'and closed heavy with the advance lost, -: with sales 64,000 , bush at 624 4 @65c for 'new" southern and western; closing at '62M @63c. Rico quiet. Coffee firm. gar hrm, with sales 900 bhds at 115,;® 1234 c for Cuba, and 12,,®1.”.(c for Porto Rico. Molasses quiet and firm. Petro leum firna at 17c for crude, and 32Mc ford refined. Leather: hemlock Sole In fair request at 30®31c, Buenos Ayres and Rio Grande light and middle weights. Coal ,quiet. Wool quiet, with sales 314,000 pounds at 46®55c for domestic fleece, 32 ®4sc for pulled, and 52®57%c for tubbed California. Linseed Oil quiet at 98c®$1 in casks. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 43. Alcohol at $2,40. Western 011 Cake at 48c. Sheathing copper steady at 32c. Ingot copper quiet. Scotch pig iron ... quiet and- a shade easier at 38®42c. American pig, firm at 38@41c Bar Irofi In. fair request at $33®87,50 for , reflined- English and American. •-iheet quiet at 11®12. gold for Russia Sails firm . at $1,59®4,75 for - cut; ,13131y,© ior clinch, 'and 26@30c for hotse shoe. Pork firmer and in moderate de mand, 75 bbls at $30,75®31,00. Mess cios mg $30,87 for cash, $29 for old do, s27® 27,59 for prime, $30®30,50 for prime ine:4s. Beef steady, sales of 120 bbls at 0 13,50 for mew plain mess, 12017 c., for lewextra mess. Beef hams; sales of iOO bbl= -at 25®30c. Cut meats quiet,. ;ales. of 35 packages at 14%®15 1 /0. shoulders at 17®18. Hams Irib:idlers inlet; sales of 70 boxes. ice cured, at : 6%®163( 3 . Lard quiet and heavy; sales if 3,250 tierces at b7/®lBj4 for steam, s®lsr t e. for kettle rendered, and 250 tcs • 'team, seller January and. Febuary ..t 13Ke. 'Butter quiet at 14)28c. 'Ohio •!heese quiet at 13©1634c. , Freiaitt to, ,iverpool quiet and firm at $9%: per 'ail. $lO% per steam for wheat. Lated.--:Flour closed quiet end slightly n buyera' favor, Wheat firm and quiet. with a moderate speculative and milling temand. Rye quiet and arm, at P,SU or now and old. Oats dull_ and heavy, t 62®63c for western. Corn dull, at , 1,05®1,13 for common to prime mixed vestern. Pork qUiet and without de-: idea change: Beef steady with a mod [rate demand. Cut Meats and Bacon iomlnal. Lard dull at 183 o for primo team. Egge ‘ steady at 29@300. : CELWAooi'Septdmber 18 -Eastern The hang° (inlet I-4@y,_oir - buylng,:par - Flour dull,. sales of spring ex. ras at $5®5.25. Wheat drill and 2c low.- r, sales of No lat $1,23, No 2at $1,183 :1,20, closing firmer for No 2 with buv rs at $1,20, this afternoon the marliet lima at $1,20©1,2014 seller September. ,„,irn dull and 2@2;ic lower, sales of No at 82@840, rejected 79c, no grade Me 77c. closing at 821(0 for No 2; this after noon market irregular i and firmer, ' 82 %@83c for No 2 seller September. ' Oats quiet and a shade firmer; sates at 4 4X@443",c, closing at 443.0. Rye fairly active and 2©133 lower; sales No. 2 at 89@92c, rejected - at 79@,82c, closing at 87 @9oc for No. 2 and 79480 c for rejected. Barley quiet, unsettled and a shade firmer; sales No. 2 at $1,45 ®1,47; - cash, and $ 1 ,2934@1,35, seller Octbbe'r, clOsing, at $1,48, cash, and i 51,3301,35 seller. Octo ber. IfighNvines dull an t2o lower; Halos at $1,08@1,10, closing with free sellers lit sl,oB. Sugar active and firmer; sales at 13:14@14,4 4 i..; for 00111.11101.1 to prime Cuiba. Provisions dull, inactiveawl nominal, at ' $33(3.33,50 for mess pork;fB;,4®lB3.fc for lard; 1.%%q_y14c for dry salted shoulders; 17c for rough sides; for Shed rlb middles; 18c for sh'rt clear middles; 17, 1 ,.s (418 c for sweet Pickled hams. Receips for the last 24 hours were 5,913 bbls flour, 95,625' bush wheat, 122,934 bush corn, 47,758 bush oats, 6,024 bush rye, 7,982 bush barley, 1,804 hogs. Shipments -4.636 bbls flour, 124,238 bush wheat, 158,- 512 bush corn, 77,560 bush Oat s , 4,553 b1.1:11 rye, 4,516 hogs. Freights dull at 5c for corn to Buff slo. . PITTSBURGH, Pox,: W ANN & CST:- DAGO RAILROAD, Septembc IS.-5 cars metal, Nimick it Co; 6 do c 3, Hallman dz. Hammett; 1 do do, Graff, iyers d Co;. 2, p do A d , j o a , n try ,t Bro; anitCaughey; 'oar staves, NI; 20 bx,s, : beeSe, Wood worth dDavison; 18 bgspags, Frazier Metzgar; 22 do do, GotlfrY itt: Clark; 20 bxs soap, Rehm Lt Wal ir; 17 kga lard, S S Marvin; 25 tubs buter, J A Graff; 5 bbls oil, Harris & Ewirg; 2 do do, It E Sellers dr Co; 4 cks'cliette, Jacob Sellars; 100 bbls flour, Dan Waco; 100 do do, Shomaker Langeniadm; 2 cars staves, M.,1 3 Adams d Bro; I sr lumber, Stoner dlVlarlatt; I car stave, 11obt Lucas; 100 bbrs'flour, owner: 2.0 . dó" do, R Knox Son; 18 sks timothyseed, A G Cubbage; 1 bill alcohol, G/A Kelley; 10 bales broom corn, 111cEroy it Co; 15 bbls liquor, Littoll d Mtchling; 50 hides, J-Y McLaughlin. y (it.wv.rmarao Aro PITTSB7II3I7 It it- IZO;nSeptembey 18.-1 car stone J L L Krox; 100 bOs Oil .Jrio Spear; 13 skS' rags, C:lristy de); sks oats,Bricker it Co; 4 bits g s ircn, Fred Kircher; 60 bbls and 111 sits flotr, J 1 1 .1outgotnery; 20 bgs plester, 11,frk dr. B;• 1 Mid and 1 bx tobacc), E IVoruHer; 50 bbls oil, Pen nridk B; 100 .upty oil bbls, B D More; 8 roil' Icather.j Hammett it Son, I car rye, V J Meek; 100 bbls ;apples, 3 do cluinit•4, Vas g t .tCo; 52 do apples, Brairtioin 0'11; 41 do do, VariGor der E. S; 23 to do, 57 slts rye, 1 1 .4 1,1)1' riza*s S Bawd; 40 bids apples, W Graf it (2o; 85 do do, H Riddle; 8 bits obese, J Baldinger; 12 bols apples, 10 bxspeaches, P Duff dE Son; 35 -bbls ,ap plei, 20 do sweet potatoes, J S Dilworth; 7 Ibis apples, 6 bxs starch, 13 bxs re- thee,li • Rea - .....LLRGETENY VALLR7 RAILROAD. SOR tonber 18.-4 cars limestone, . Shoen bager, Blair-A Co; 2 cars metal, Rees, Geaff it Dull; I do do, H Woodsides; 2 (.1) do, - John Moorhead; 1 car grain, Mi llign. cV. Stevenson; 1 car lime D L Rey iolds; 53 sks wheat, Jas Gallagher; .2 CINCINNATI, Sente f . Wheat sale.abl obis eggs, L H Blanchard; 15 sks wheat, per IB.—Flour ijake Hill; 8 rolls leather, P Reed; 20 bgse e.t dull and unchanged. hair, J 1 McLaughlin; 1 car junk,- S Mc ;31,160:1,2u for red, but held 2Cei3c above Kinney; 160 bbls oil, Parker Thouip. these rates. Corn dnll at $1,00®1;02. son: 400 do do, Citizens OR Works; 160 Oats firm at .50®57c, the latter rate fir do' do, Liberty Oil Works; 41:0 do do, Oldie° white. Rye firm at $l,OO. Barley Fisher .t Bro; 900 do do, Spray Works. sold at *1,65. Whiskey un.settled; it ors ALLEGHENY STATION, September-18.— offered at 1;1,10 without buyers. Me.N 30 bast Peaches, 8 bbls quinces, Fred Pork dull and nominal at $5 . 2. Lard dul O at 1834 c; no demand. Bulk Moats firm bit Owens; 9 bbls apples, 33 sks oats, ROBO quiet, at 14c for shoulders and 163fa-Ewing; 6 cars wheat, Kennelly dc Bro; 17 11c , bbls eggs, Chas Hartman; 300 bgs malt;" sidest-a small lot of shoulders sold at 14V,c packed.' A good demand for Bacon; Smith ct Co; 40 bbls lime, Jos Crate; 1 sales 200 hhds at 15 for shoulders; car lime, J Abdell; 2 cars ice, M Krebs; i 144 bgs rye, 43 do barler, R Knox it Son; l*io for clear rib sides, and 190 for clear! 1 car cooperage, Riiva Robertson; Ido do. Butter in better supply and less; do, J M Hemphill; 94 bgs oats, J B Me. firm at-30@35c for prime to - choice. 14gs Kee; 2 cars ilaxqeed, M B Suydam; 48 20(a)21c shippers b; , ant. Linseed oil un ;be's grain, M Wiel; 1 car flaxseed, Ewer, changed at $1®1,112: 'Lard oil dull 1,38 , Hamilton 41: Co; 1 car motel, Lindsay it ®1,43. Petroleum firm at 33©35e for re- MeCutcheon; 2 do do, Rogers it Burch fined. Gold 136 buying. Exchange field; 1 do do. Graff, Bennett Si: Co. steady 1.10 discount. PITTSBURGH - , C INC IN IL'ATI AND ST. Louis RAILROAD, September 18.—i car meat, Dalzell S Co; I do staves, W Hast ings; 3do rye, Robb S H; 2do do, 100 bbls flour, D Wallace; 1 do lumber, J Gallagher: 2do do, J F Ramsay; 3 do a{ beat, I-1 T . Kennedy SE Bro; .3 do do, J S Liggett; I do middlings, m Steel & Son; 100 bbls flour, T C Je nklns SE Bro; 50 do do, Watt. L 4: Co; 2 hales cotton, A IT Childs; 15 hhds bacon. W B Hays; 16 bids apples, W H Graff; 80 bgs oats, W II Hagan. ST., Louis, Sept. 18 .—Tabacco steady and unchanged. Cotton nominally low er at 30c. hemp—nothing doing. Flour inactive and low grades easier: superfine sold at $4,873!;b5,25, choice extra at $5,50, double extra at $5,02(4. - 46, treble ex tra at $6,80, and choice to fatiry family at $ 6 : 75 @6,91). Wheat dull, heavY and tending down: No. 2 spring at $/,05, No. 2 red fall at $ 1,10, No. 1 do. at $1,12 Gl,lB, No. 1 whit,, az $1,20, anti choice at , *1,25. Corn firmer at Ole for choice ye]. I low; 9 . 5G95c for prime to fancy white. Cats firm but slowly at-17(703a. Rye quiet a: SIGBS. Barley firm f.ir best grades; prime to choice Minnesota 3 4 iGlOc. Whisks' lower at $1,15. Pork very quiet at t1.3:361:33. Dry salt meats; clear rib sides 171 4 , ; packed shoulders 14! do clear rib 17X. • Bacon firm and better at 16G 143!..f for shoulders, 183:1G10 for clear rill, and 196191 i" for clear sides. Lard very dull with sales of choice tierce, on orders, at 1S!,:i(:)18: 4 4. Cattle steady and in good supply, anu in demand at 2;,..G1ic for inferior to choice. Hogs steady; ranging at 7GlOc. Receipts: flour 2,800 bbli, wheat 25,800 bush, corn 7,700 bush, oats-9,100 bush, barley 1),100 bush, rye 1,100 - bush, hogs 204). BUFFALO, September 18.--Receits -9,3,10 libls flour, 62,000 bush wheat. Ship ments-76,000: bush wheat, 8,000 bush corn, 10,000 bush oats. Freights to New York—corn 12e; wheat 15c; oats S@B;. c. Flour vary dull. Wheat quiet; anther Michigan 51,37; sales 7,500 bush rod win ter at 51,373,;; also 18,000 hush red winter at 51,36b1,37. Corn quiet and droon.ugt sales 15,000 bush western at 9.1 e; also 17,- 000 bush western at -91.1,j3f 2c Oits b‘t-, tar; sales 15,001 bush , western No. 2at 52';,:e.; also 29090 bush western No. 2 at 53a; also 6,00 J bush western No. 2to ar rive at 53c; also 14,000 hush do do at 523 c. Rye dull and unchanged. Birley dull, _-- -- ------- --- ---- - --- -- - Pork nominal at 833. Lard dali at 19;;,& QIECILTRITY AND COMFOIET .19!,:e. Eighwincs dull; saes 10 tibia at.NJ tor the trastling community. ;:i1,1.5; no.ilinally 81,12 by the hundred 3. E. 11. , LT1R.18 barrels. Q t „ ) CLEVELAND, September lo.—i.,our ;!. 4 , ' are' ) File Jacket Car Heater and , steady and unchanged. Wheat di, ' heavy and 33,5 c lower, with sales No. 1 .I1(1 1 7)E11.1 TOR. red on spot and seller September at ~.. 0 -na STo• klr Flues 41I.pen !rig with 1 ,3134@1,32, and N 0.2 do at 81,30. Corn ttil!U r s- sin, r i.%_...ri el sno . fire- In o , iihout th:. Fa.vn quiet and steady at 9,3 c for No, 1 mixed, ter or it-ikesge Ca• , , with the attachment to and 96c for No. 2. Oats In moderate deL cradirate the belt to any teinp. rattre that ita.iy mand at 500 :Or No. 1 State. Rye very ',-. .ir Oi= ,7. o lL'- i;life t aToT,T l i i ii ft l Y i g/.- - a n t r i l T , t. " t i l e . quiet at e1Q1,05 for No, 1, and Docrose foF flaying , !Anklet] of the United Stan. s Leiters No. 2. Barley nominal at 81,25(7(91,30 for i.:)mren,ll,l,,reae s:;:r,fytrlitecLet.h,analts.‘aywa.t.,..l State and Canada, with rather mare in. piled to It in we position and porno.* fur which quiry. Petroleum; _refined in good de- It 1 ' "' Len. "' mand from the West at 29!..5e for prime 3,iici i n s a t ! ,,,, u i,n t i :i n ro . t d c e , r re t l c o t r i y e z ° f r u .. tcc o b r le: i t l s e. r b e y I l l e r s e xl light straw, and 29@2.934c for standard Plpts are need as conductors for smote or heat. white; there is very little movement to L t ‘e i r ' lle a lt i e 'l tnn l :i i t 's ° w a Vrtcg a tl g h; l p i lv t e m ir iY ri l ;.'e'r..Tt! sthe East; crude , a shade off; closing at I , ricuon .. here wood or other couOusilble mat - 6,55. 1 us! may he nlactou in clone nroxiinit: tht reto, r a.n now ready to apply toy Inventionto stores, OSWEGO, September 18.—Flour un iwelllng., factories, ships. stiambo.it.. railroad changed; sales 1,300. bush. Wheat do' i , nrs. .4.c. lYerev-r pipes as conduttrs. a- a c lining; sales last night were 3,000, bush c r tiir de .4li g rif'iltr s':.•nd ~ nov a e,,,r,!?.'fii,L . uir;i a - s to No. 2 Milwaukee Club at "51,38; 7,000 rnannfactar, or use the above invet.tim. Also rerritortal rights to such as may wish to engage bush do. at $1,37; 1,400 bush No. 1. do. at ,a sel.ing privileges either Ay State or email.. 81,45; to-day 7,590 bush No. 2 do. $1,35. Corn held at 8101,05. Barley quiet, and Irr• flake nNE l'f:UrS ß ililli k tA I'AIT . 2,500 bush State to arrive sold at ;1,25. Weottis." cornerof Morris stre.q and tie Ali. Canal freights: wheat 11c, corn 10c, bar- I !betty Vali " Railroad, 'Twelfth ward, PHU.- 'Junta, Pa• irilanlS bey Re. Lake imnorts were 237,000 bush wheat, 34,000 bush corn. Canal exports were46,9l/0 bush wheat, 18,500 bush corn. Shipped by rail last two days 3,850 bbls Henn ' • TOLEDO.. September 18.—Flour quiet and steady.. Wheat a shade lower, No 1 white Wabash $1,63, No 1 whits Alichi gan $1,38 and regular held at $1,30 for amber, sales at $1,29, No 1 red $1,3034, No 2do $1,28, No 3do $1,22. Corn I.c lower, No 1 92c, No 2 89c. Oats weak, no sales. Freights steady, 4(5.9c to Buffalo and Os wego. Receipts: 7,600 bbla.fiaur. 95,400 bush wheat; 7,200 bush corn; 6,400 bush oats, 1,200' bush' ryo. Shipments: 5,600 bbls flour, 30,000 wbeat, 4,800 bush corn, 7to bush oats, 400 bash rye. MiLwArrtnn, Sspternber 18.—Flour weak,and choice grades are freely offer ed pt .$5,75. Wheat steady at 81,24. for No. 1, and $l,lB for No. 2. Oats unset tied at 44a for No. 2. Corn lower at 81c for No. 2. Rye firmer at 89c for No. 1. Barley nominal. Grain freights quiet, steady and unchanged. Receipts-1,000 bbla flour, 65,000 hush wheat,2,ooo bash. oat:, 3,000 bush corn. , Shipments---1,000 bbls flour, 40,000 bush wheat. LOUISVILLE, Septem l ber 18. —Heavy bagging at 115@)25%e. Flour firm at:ssls 5,25 for superfine. Groceries , firrn , and unchanged. Leaf tobacco, sales/77 Mhl' at 0,90024.60. Provisions firni; mess pork at %83@33,50. Bacon, shoulders at 46c; clear rib at 193