B. UTY AND SUBITUBMI. THE %trams is furnished in the city fo r az days of the week for 15 cents per week ;by mail, $8 per annum mos., The market is stocked with melons. The work at the new City Hall is pro gressing slowly. ' Paved,--Locust street In the 17th ward has been paved. Good. Peaches were sold at $1,40 per bushel during the past week. Gm—The citizens of Crawford street are to have gas light. Pipe is being laid' on the street. - • The Grape crop is very heavy this, sea son, and they have already made beir appearance in market. (Ram'ls meet Monday atitwo o'clock to take action on the Ordinance relative to thanes; Water - WoVIW • • The Central Passenger Railway is doing a paying business, since it pawed into the bands of the new company. The Brick and Stone work of the new Mercantile Library Hall has been com pleted and it is now ready for the roof. The Common Pleas and District Courts all resume `business Monday. Argu ments will be beard . in both Courts to day. Committed.—Biddy Morris was yester day committed to jail for thirty days by Deputy Mayor Nichols far vagrancy and drkinkennead. - ' South Side Vagrant.--john Wati yesterday arrested. ,-end taken before Justice Sallebdry; •Burtninkham on a - obarge.of vagrancy, and got:omitted to j#.l.tor twenty days, College.—lt will be seen by re ference to our advertising columns that the evening pleases, in this well-known institution will open for the fall and win ter on Monday, September 20th. Completed.—The work or grading and paving Penn street between' 30th and 33d streets, where the grade was raised sev eral feet, has been 'completed, and the street will be oPene'd totrsvel this morn ing., Going to the Country..—The Mayor yes teiday committed to 'jail for thirty days James Henry, Albert Burrell and Fred Falkner. on a charge of' disorderly con duct.' They will be sent •to Claremont springs. a • • Rellef.—A meeting : will be held at Levi Lewis' on Grant street, between Second and Third avenue, this morning, to raise money , for the relief of the widows and orphinsofthe miners killed In the Avondale mines. . • Pickpocket Salied. l —Yesterday John 'Cagle, was arrested in Allegheny by officer Scott.;lbr picking a lady's pocket in the Alleo,heny market about' a week ago. The fellow was clearly identified, and afteiwards confessed the theft. He was committed for triaL Just tne Tulag.—W. D. Duffy, mer chant tailor, No. 24 Fifth avenue, has an elegant stock of fine goods for gentle ginteu-weitr, embracing all the beat makes of foieign manufactory 'which be pro poses to make up to your order in the best style, and reasonable prices. , Attention, ELgthWarat—On our fifth page *lli be found the persons named to be voted for as a ward ticket'for the -coming 'election. Let :there be a full turnout 9f all the Republicans of the ward and a good ticket nominated. Among the Pennsylvanians registered in Paris on the 2d were the following Plttsimargherm • , Mr. John . S. Dickinson,' Mr.. W. R. Fltzimmons, Mr., C. Yeager, Mr. E Roue& from Erie. Mr. W. C. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Russell, Mrs. W. D. Wal bridge. . Megraw's.—The best place in the city -to procure all the fancy orands of cigars and tobacco is Megraw's, No. 45 Hand street. Mr. Megraw also keeps con gently on hand a large assortment of .pouches, and everything neces. sary to diimplete a smoker's outfit. No 45 Hand street street is the place to pur chase. Atter the Race.—Andrew Knox al. leges that Joseph Downington received as stakeholder in a' bet, on the late horse race at Oakland, forty dollars which, af• ter the race, be retained •possession of, notwithstanding frequent demands had been made for It. Alderman MoMasters yesterday issued a warrant for Joseph's arrest on an inl'ormatiod for larceny as bailee. • Alleged False Representatlons.—Pat . rick Ebbert alleged before Alderman ..dioDiasters that John Faas had, obtained fiorri him seven dollars by 'falsely repro. , seating that_he was in the ngneral-water, saisaparilla, dtc., btisineigiOuid air estab• lishment in Birmingham and would re, tarn the amount In manufactured goods. The Alderman fistugd a warrant for .john'a arrest. ,r • . - Personal.—Mr. Oliver B. Doud, leading mum at the Opera House last seasen;is in the city on a brief visit. , previous to going to NeW Orleans, where he is en gaged for the coming season as leading man at Floyd's Theatre. If Mr. Doud pleasei the amusement going public of the Crescent City ea well as be did the citizens, of Pittsburgh, both as an actor and a gentleman, hill stay there 'will be a pleasant - one- ' For Claremont.Tne number ,of in- -. mates at the - Work Howe will be in - creased by' tbd , following additions to- Jay; Jacob 4 1Keyse.r,4 PatOok Campbell. anice fftlighl lainp, James John Michael Dean, Barney O'Donnell, Wm.. Kelley, arl Ches hieFaarienA ieerklotild, Jno. kiilner, William Lunn Jacob Abby. Al ,lbert.Barnell,Jas. Watii, l / 4 .Fred Falai/J.ler. • On , , a: Tottr..-To•day . the, Alleuheny ' Park CoMmission, and several gentle men, connected with the Turk Improve moots, Start on a tour. They- propose .visiting-Philadelphia; New York. Balti-• Boston. 'Washington, and the leading eastern cities, to gather _infor mation relative to Parks and their, man agement. The company expects to 43e ,absent,abput tea days, and ‘ will cionbtiess dtaae.ai trip. ; Aquatic—This, often:moo between lour and 'at otelock'-' the one mile straight a way race between Joseph.; L. Scott and Wm. Sharp, two of our .test; .stifsteur oarsmen, will' take place over' the lower Monon gahela course. The starting point has! tbeen - fited ttt the: ldokkintitiebiobridge: Thos. Reese, Esq., has br - ses Vim& as referee. Mr. Scott has selected as judges Messrs. Gordon Jackson and James. B. Butterfield. Messrs. Jas. B. Jones and John W. Carle will act in the same capacity for Mr. Sharp. • PITTSBURGH` GAZETTE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1869. Inquest—Justice Holll n ghead, of Tem- peranceville t yeeterdaY held an inquest on the body of John Samuels, a laborer in ' Fahnestock, A 'brae & Co t 'a gime house. Verdict, that deceased came to his death by accidentally falling from a load of straw, causing dislocation of the spinal column. Rough Usage.—Henry G. Wagoner made information before Aleernian Masters yesterday, charging Joseph. Lin pert with abusing his eon William by striking him in , the mouth with his fist. The difficulty occurred, in a glass works at Birmingham, where the parties la bored. Warrant issued. ' Inquest.--Yesterday Morning, about seven o'clock, the body' of Willie Kay, drowned at Sharpsburgh last Saturday evqning, was observed by a companion floating in the water near the bridge. The boy. 'with the aid of a friend. suc ceeded in securing the body arid bring-, ing it in shore; Ithen Aldermari'Donald-' son was notified. He held an inquest at which a verdict of accidental drowning was rendered. Libel Snit landea.--Oharletat. Stein on Pride3s of last week instituted . a salt ter libel againet O'Neill .t Rook, editors and ci propriekftof the Datty Dispat , char g: Mg them With libel in publishin an item reflecting on the character of hi board. lag house on Third avedue. ' , A deran Lynch heldlhe defendants for a hearing, at which the prosecutor failed to put in an appearance, and the case was dis missed at his own cost. , Recaptured.-Charles Gibson, who it will be remembered. escaped from the work house about two weeks since with "Sol bbs" Arnold, was recaptured yester day by officers Grady and Gilstine. and sent back to,that institution to sem% out an unexpired term of fifteen days. He will not likely be allowed to remain there that long however, as an-informa tion has been made before the Mayor against him for burglary. He had on when arrested a coat which ,was identi fied by- Mr. Ebert, on Penn street, as one stolen from his store which *aa broken open a few nights since. He wilt be sent for today. A Capin' Case.—Mr. Peter Tatro, of the firm of Tatro at Williams. was arrest ed on a oapius yesterday. at the suit of J. C. Kirkpatrick & Co., vs. Peter Tatro and J, B. Williams, owners of a process for distilling petroleum, and partners for the sale of rights to use the mime. It appears that the plantiffs in this case, who are in the oil business in Philadel phia, purchased the right to use this pat ent process, for which they paid the sum of #lO,OOO, and they how allege that it is worthless and that they were defrauded. Patrolat last accounts was in charge of an officer hunting bail, which he will probably procure. The Boulevard. The merits of this new style of pave ment are beginning to , attract attention, a fact which is made appearent by the increase in the business which Messra, MoCowan* Co., No. 65 Ohio street, legheny, ,are being favored with. For the purpose's of sidewalks, cellars, yards, &c.. the Boulevard is all that it claims to be and it is not strange that it is , coming into favor, as a good article will always command attention. Messrs. McGowan & Co., 6.5 Ohio street,. Alle gheny, are alone authorized to lay the Boulevard in this vicinity. Boarding Bowe Robbed. The boarding house of Mr. John Cam bridge, at the cornet' of Penn and Seven teenth streets, was the scene of a whole sale robbery yeaterdaYmording. Every trunk in the house, belonging to board ers, eight in number, was broken open and the contents carried off, The rob bery, it is presumed. was committed about eight o'clock, and two young men who had been boarding at the house for ten days previous are suspected,' as they have not been seen about the premises since the'robbery was committed. About one hundred dollars worth of goods were stolen. The litystoue pottery. The Keystone Pottery,, Messrs. Kier dr Co., proprietors, a home institution and one of the best , of its altaricter in the country, is rapidly acquiring a celebrity from the quality of thg ware manufac• tared there. In every respect, the Queensware bearing the "Keyatone" brand is fully equal to•that heretofore of a very high price because of importation, The best materials in the hands of the best workmen, has accomplished • this gratifying result. Purchasers in need of Queensware should call at the ware house, 363 Liberty street, and examine the stook. Lawrenceville In Motion. A rousing meeting of the Republicans of Lawrenceville . was held at the Forty fourth street school &ne, on Thursday evening. There were nearly one thou : sand persons in attendance, and great enthusiasm prevailed. The meeting organized by meting John W. Riddell. Esq., Chairman and Messrs. John Keil, Jr., and F. Marion Gardner as Secreta ries. Able and plitriotic addresses were delivered by Judge Shannon, Major A. M. Brown, Colonel Thomas M. Bayne add John H. Kerr, Esq. -This section of the city is thoroughly aroused and can confidently be expected to do its lull share of work in the present campaign. r; Found at Lest. The marg -, F. O. Cook. implicated In the . _ larceny.of s lot of goods captured at his' home by the ',klleghenY 'police about ten days agoehm at . last been heard from. Chief Bowden-ascertained that he was in custody;in. Marietta, Ohio. on'a charge of passing counterfeit money, and visited him there. - He makes . no dental of the counterfeit business. He denies owner ship in the dry goods found on his preni ism, b ut bg t , nothing to say. regarding the carpenter's tools which were also se. 'eared. - -Cider ikrirdewtheughtittest to leave him in ; the . hasids of the Govern ment officials, and did so, returning home yesterday - mdraing. ; 1 4. 1 4desung Lecture• We wirold call the attention of the . public generally tot he Lecture to be de livered on - tomorrow evening. in, the basement of St. Pail's Cathedral, by Dr. "Rogers of- Memphis Tennessee, The wise welch the stentleinan has acquired our account of his long conneo• nom ',with -, the Protestant' Episoopal Church.- his Ritualistic tendencies and practices, and his 1/Itiutate conversion to the Catholic) Church, will be a' subject interesting alike totiatholics and Protest ants.. The Origin,' rise, and progress oc Ritualism will form the subject of Cie gl:eature.t ThisPhfibjetirtreatBd liy?i,cfn an of auchlikilitartt - -talents, : such raterelo: qttence, and eutfir Pretusitig adfiteds the distinguished Dr. Rogers shonidee• ante a crowded house. Let all, then who can, attend the Lecture, and we promise that they will be edified and. Instructed. , Wraith Ward Republicans Vigilance • Committee. A Meeting of the Twelfth Ward Re publican Vigilance Conimittee was held at the residence of J. E. McKelvy, on .. , Thursday evening. Jno. R. Hague, Esq., was called to the Chair and James Mack rell appointed Sedretary. On motion, the following gentlemen were added to the Committee: Thos. Itosewell, Jr., Jno. T. Rowley, Rubt. Reed, Jno. goose. Sam'l Lewis, Jacob r carer, • S. T. Paisley, Wm. Forsyth. Jas. Arbuthnot, ' Christ Woods. Jas. McCune, Robt McKinley, entlip Selp, Alfred Stockton, Jas. Brow a, Thos. Sloan, Alex. Hamilton, H. Kahl Sam% Wallace, Levi Springer, Jas. Price, Wm. blunt, Andy Bums, Wm. Stsak, Chas. Wale, Wm. Lewis. Wm. Myers, J. F. Caldwell, A. Andersoo. ~ Dr. Brasnaer, Jno. M. Robeits, - C. P. Nelson. Jnu. Baker. (leo. Latimer, Jas. Rayburn, Robt. Herron, J. M. Cooper, Albert Evans. Jno. Paisley, Jas. Laughlin, Jas. Lewis, Fred. Rivers, Sain'l K. Herron, ' Thos. McNeil, duo. opratt, .1 13.. Junes. Win. H. Berger,. j Win. Anderson, Bone Cummlugg, Alex. Hunter, Wm. Sewell; • P. C. ?Seasick, C. Muhlstelu, . T. G. Nmytil, , J. K Hobos, ' Rost. M. Jones, Fred. Warner, Isaac Mc Feely. • Michael Diable. Chas. Townes, Robt. Matthews, Rota. Kyle, W. it. Ford, Clark Si eQuown.. Jno. C. Normme, David Priichard. ". /Wad Anderson, J. S. Charles, , • Sam'! McKee, Wm. Freeman, Wm. - Johnston, ' tieo. Latimer.' Wm. bhaelfer, Thee. Brody. Robs. McClure, After the transaction of other business ' pertaining to the '.organization of the ward, the Committee adjourned to meet at the School House on Monday evening next, at 734 o'clock. for the purpose of perfecting the organization for the cam paign. The' additional members of the Committee. and the Republican citizens of the ward are . expected to be present. A Second Edition. The "Infant of the period" at 'Squire Humbert's office, claimed our attention yesterday. If what transpired concern ing lt be not 'considered as reflecting in any degree upon our civilization, a dif ferent opinion may be entertained of the circumstances connected with the find. ing, and exposition for sale, of another waif, which we have now to relate. A few days since, in the country adjacent to Birmingham, some women engaged in plotting elderberries discovered among the bushes a female infant, a month or more of age, half famished. The novelty Of the finding. if no stronger feeling, induced them to take charge of the little creature, hasten home with it and provide for its wants. Un fortunately the hands into which the waif had fallen were experienced in the raising of children, and were supplied with a goodly iumber. What had been done on the impulse of the moment— thus the noblest deeds are performed— was now regretted, and bow to get rid of the encumbrance was the next consideration. The Idea struck the beads of the family of taking the babe to market with their produce, hoping thus to secure a "customer" for it, and accordith.ly bright and early Friday morning they appeared in the Birmingham market. They succeeded in attracting much sym pathy for the object of their solicitude, and equal disgust for the inhuman expo, Bitten of it iriahe shambles, but did not find "customer" at any twice, and the last account we had of the cust odiansi of the infant was that they were arranging to send the child lb the County Home, a step they should have taken in the !list inatance. Master Mechanics , Convention The menibefiS of the Master Mechan ics' Association, which held its annual session in this city, having completed their business, have been on a tour of inspection. Thursday afternoon, as pre.; vionsly announced, they visited the prin cipal. manufacturing establishments on the Monongahela river, .and yesterday morning at eight o'clock they proceeded in carriages from the. Monongitkela House to the Allegheny Valley Railroad depot, where they took especial train and visited the. Bridge Works and the Union Iron Mills. and thence back to Park's Steel Works, Hussey, Wells .t Co.'s, the Dugnesne Iron - and Steel Works, and Coleman; Rehm-, as Co.'s; thence to the Tort Wayne Reftroad depot, where a train was in waiting to carry them to the outer depot, where they visited the Fort Wayne shops and other points of inter. eat in that locality. This morning they go by special train to Altoona to visit the car shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company at that place. • • Mortuary Report. The Physician to the Board of Health, Dr. W:Snively, makes the following ie• turn of deaths in the city of Pittsburgh, for the week commencing September.4l,h and ending September 11th, 1869: There were 35 deaths, of which 21 were males and 14 females: 34 were white and 1 colored. The causes of deathtre wers: old age, one; accident, one; apoxy, one; asth ma, one; icterus, one; cirrhosis, one; buirnonary'oedena, one; anaemia, three; nephitis, one; pertusis, z' one; puerpal fever,, one; eclampsia, one; tumor of liver, one;, meningitis, one; entertis, one; phetimonia, one; cerebral conges tion, one; .• typhus fever, one; scarlet fever, one; tuberculosis, two; pholera.in fantum six; still bOrn, five: Of the above there were 16 under I year;. from lto2, 8; to 5,1; 10, to 151; 15 to 20, 1; 20 to 80, 8; ' 80 to 40, 3; 40 to 50, 3; 50 to 60, 3; 70 to 80, 1; 80 to 90, 1; To tal 85. . • I- Fight'in a Bart Room, Last night about nine o'clock, Patrick Gallagher and William Fentz, who had beenimbibing pretty freely, got into a fight in Coicoff's tavern, Fifth avenue near Miltenberger stfeet, which resulted in considerable damage to both in the shape of black 'eyes, and various cuts, made._ by the beer glasses, which they used as; eaponC Galli,ghetliteoeived a severe cut on the hand, while Fentz had his hestont several places. The (Us ttirbance was at its height when the po lice stopped, and arrested both parties. They - were lacked•up and will be exam ined to-morrow. Reel/bike/1 Execmive Committee: YeateidaY afierndOti 11 meeting of t the Republican County Executive , Commi-' ttee Was held in the Common Pleas Court Room. The Committee on Speakers reported that V.on. Wm. D. Kelley could be se- - curedlor the campaign. po .1. N.. Courain, of McKeesport. Wall added to the .Comniittee. Several bills were presented and or dered to be paid. Alter the transaction of some other bnsiness of no public, portanee'the meeting adjourned. • • Temperance' !Publications. ;Temperangqi.iimanias for 1670, plicp JO°. attAtigtiaWatup No, "Bible Ruled Temperance...,,, (10c. Scripture Testimony AgilostVine '6oc. at Reineman's book store, No. 118 Third avenue, Pittsburgh. Country Flannels and blanketa—new goods—at Bites it Bell's, Grpnd Openings': Fni and Winter Dress Goods at J. W. &Wiwi& Co.'.,.Ne. 59 Marketlfitreet, on Monday next. It will:be agreeable news to our lady readers to announce • that Messrs. J. W. Barker &Co. have already received their first large importation of fall and winter, goods, which they will throw oven to the trade on Monday next. The stock is re markably. fine and has been manufac tured expressly for the retail trade. It comprises rich dress silks in all the new shades, silk warp epinglines, plain and fancy 'velour mass"; all wool epinglines, Irish and French poplins, black barathe. as, English and French bombazines, Bi-, arretz cloth,. Russell cords, cretonnes, valenclas, serges, nuirinoes, empress cloths, etc., all of which will commend themselves to lady visitors. The general lines of ordinary dry goods and house-. keeping goods are very full and embrace many new_novelties. We trust none of our lady readers will, fall to be in attend ance at the opening,' as a rich treat in the exhibition of .new goods is" in Store for them,And besides they will be agreeably surprised at the general reduction in prices throughout all the departments from those which rpled last fall and winter. " , On Tuesday' the Opening will be sup. plimented by the exposition of 'a fresh stock of silk plitshes; velvets and vel veteens, Astrachan cloth, seal skins, Po. larian cloakings. English waterproofs, cloaks, shawls, ac., on which occasion an unusually large attendance of patrons is expected. Messrs. Baaker (ft Co. have exhibited commendable lenterprise in thus bringing early to the 'city so large and acceptable a stock of choice fall and winter goods, and we hope the atten dance at the several opening occasions will show that the .people appreciate the eirorts so uoiversrlly and constantly made to please the public by, this old and reliable house. Neat, Pitting and Durable Clothes and wnere to Purc,hase. . Those of our gentlemen readers who can enjoy well made and neat fitting clothing should not fail to award proper consideration on the olefins of public favor and patronage of the well known Merchant Tailoring house of Messrs. McPherson, Muhlenbring dt Co., No. 10 Sixth, late St. Clair street, these gentle; have but recently opened a very superior and varied stock of clothys, cassimeres and vestings which we are free to say from our own general inspection that a wider or better selection canliardly be attained. The firm are thoroughly ac quainted with every department of their business and bestow great care in all their work, being jealous of abstaining the high reputation for the neatness and durability of the garment they man ufacttire. None but the most expert and skilled mecanics are employed in. the sewing room, and the work is principaly prepared 'by the hand. From long per sonal 'acquaintance with both members of the firm. we are prepared to unhesi tatingly;commend them in high terms to our readers as eminently worthy a large share of public confidence and pat ronage. Their prices are very reasonable and inducing, while satisfaction is guaranteed in, every snit of clothes, or garment they furnish. We ask our friends to toTavor the i 3 with a visit and judge for themselves, to the superior ity of the stock, the - qua ity and style of workmanship and the reasonableness of the prioescharged. . New,Gooas at a New Roane. Mr. B. Oppenheimer, No. 82 Mar ket street, merchant tailor and dealer in men - and boys clothing, an nounces that he has received a full and complete stock of clothLng and goods, which, he is prepares to manufactare, at the snorted notice, in the most fashion _ able stylen, Adis new store is supplied with the most varied assortment of cloths, cassimeres and vestings and pa trons are assured that no garments are manufactured unless guaranteed to prove satisfactory both as to material and workmanship. A ivery tine stock of readymade goods and furnishing ar ticles has also been ofil3red by Mr. Op. penheimer, and our friends in need of such goods are earnestly advised to re. •pair thither. The house has long en joyed a reputation for fairnes., and we trust our readers will continue to repose that confidence which it so eminently de serves. A. full and complete line of fur bishing goods will be found on hand which cannot fail to prove satisfactory, and the t purchaser can depend on the fact that every article found in the stock is new and of the latest and most impioved designs and patterns.' We cheerfully endorse this firm as - worthy of public confidence and patronage, and bespeak for it a full share of the favor of oar readers. • Colored Evlscopallans.‘ Under the heading "Religious Inte gepce," will be found brief reference to ,the proposed. organization of a Colored Episcopal Church, bys , the Rev. B. F. Crooke, 3 'Rector of- Christ Episcopal Church, •Allegheny city. We take pleas ure in stating theta special service will be held at this Chinon, on Sunday after noon, (ta.ruopow,) at• 13% o'clock. for the colored ,people.. Hon. Thos. J. Big horn and Prof.. Dale, (colored,) will de liver addresdes. All of our dolored friends, fornlerly accuAtomed to attend Episcopal services, and others friendly to the movement, should attend without, fail. Rev. Mr.'Brooke‘ is very desirous to organize a regular church service for their especial benefit, and is laboring as oiduouply to promote their interests. SoTenting Extia To day lioltzheitner, next,daor below the Post. Office, Fifth avenueewill spread before his patrons an unusually elegaut. table,. consisting of the cholCest delibacies of , the season, in game, fish, fowl, dtc.,‘ dtc., all prepared in that excellent stVe which has made the "Continental" so popular. Ample preparations have been loads for the. accommodation of every. patron, and all will be served no matter how great the rush may. be, All who love a a/Alio , ' find subittential 'repast pro 'yerly'repared and lint 'on the boards, will take advantage of this announce ment. ' '‘• Marvin'', Lemon or ; Fruit: .Busou Water, Sugar, Boston or Cream Crackers, always fresh. sweet and,' wholesome, .should be on the table ()revery family, as an agreeable substltutelbr sour bread or for 'variety In the way ) of palatable food they are exceedingly desirable. On hand at 91 Liberty street or to be obtained at any bf the grocery stores. Go Earlyi—Ladles would dq well to take time by the , forelock and hurahase ,itungedildely fail ,outtlee 'from the new stqckiUll, r§nel l yed at Moorhead!s. No 8 1 'Market street. The tieit 'of anode, and the most economical prices 'are' the at tractions of this establisement. • • Oyster Stew.—,Youngicin & Co., earner of Smithfield street and Diamond alley, dish no the beet oyster stews in the oity. Life•lnsurance Dividends—False Rep. • resentations. • ;Under this caption the New York earanCe Monitor comes out heartily against the deceitful representations of some of the Life Companies in regard to "profits" and "dividends." Toe very absurdity of these pretences ought sufficiently to expose their falsity, but it seems that the ingenuitY and "mathematics" of the companies are too much for average common sensejand find otherwise intelligent men Who are actually made to believe that they have a good thing in their "dividends;'.' even professional financiers and bankers may be found who think thatin this case you can "eat your cake and hive too;" that you can get your money's worth of life insurauce and a dividend besides, and from the high character of many of the agents of these companies we are hound to presume that they too are derived or they would not make these reprresen tatione which this Monitor's artielechar• aterizes as a "gross paud." ' IThe above, from an exchange goes far to establish the claim of the Cooperative Life insurance Co., of this city, that its system is the fairest, simplest, beat, yet devised. Register, Register, Register Is the Cry: Politicians are urging every one enti. titled to a vote to get Registered before the election. Now a word to those Der. sons, wby don't they use as much energy in - hunting up those of their friends seek ing homes and have them call at the Real Estate Office of Croft ez Phillips, No. 189 Fourth avenue and get the "Pittsburgh Real Estate Register," they would- find in it such a vast selection of Farms, Mills, Stores, Rouses, Lots, City and Suburban property in such a great variety that they cannot fail to' get suited In a home. Come, every one and get Registered, at No. 139 Fourth avenue. The nßegister" will be given sway Uratis or sent 'by mail free to any ad dress. tfdlF Men and Boys , Scotch Caps, At the Hat Parlor, Nol 22 Fifth avenue. The vast amount; of PworT.A.TION BIT TERS now being sold and shipped from New York is almost incredible. Go when and where you will—along the wharves and piers, and at the depots—you will see great piles of these Bitters awaiting shipment and conveyance to every nook and corner of the country, and to the hundreds of foreign eons. They are very popular among all classes of people; and are conceded to be just the thing for this climate. No Bitters have yet been introduced which have beome so de servedly popular and worthy of patron age, to all who require a tonic and stim ulant. They are prepared with pare St. Croix Rum, Callsaya Bark, and all the world knows full well what benefiaial results accrue from these combinations. MAGNOLIA WATElL—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at ball the price. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, New York, haa discovered, residing Ina very com 1060111ittle plant found growing by the roadside, a medical principle, which sur passes everything heretofore known for the cure of all severe coughs and for MM. ister's sore throat, laryngitis, bronchitis and consumption, in its earliest stages. It is called Dr. Pierce's Alternative ex tract, orElolden Medical Discovery, and is sold by druggists, or send three and a quarter dollars to the discoVerer, and get three bottles free of express charges. Men and Boys , Polytechnic. Cap, At the Hat Parlor, 14. 22 Filth avenue. The best and Origins[ Tonic of iron, Phosphorus and Calisava known es Caswell, Mack dc Co ' a Ferro Phospho rated Elbrir •of Calisaya Bark. The Iron restores color to the blood, the Phospho rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and the Calisaya gives a natural' healthful tone to the digestive organs, thereby curing dyspepsia in its, various forma,' Wakefulness, General Debility and De-' pression of Spirits. Manufactured only by Caswell, Hazard qt. Co., New York. Sold by all druggists. ti Popular Music at Popular Prices.— Hitchcock's sheet music for the million at five cents per copy.. Sacred . Music, and new and popular songs, arranged with piano acixanpani manta. Also instrumental pieces. polkas. waltzes, schottisches, marches, duetts, operatic airs. &c. Price of each number is five cents. New pieces Just received at Pittock's, opposite the Postoftice. Ladles' !Sailor Hato. Aetna Hat Parlor, No. 22 Fifth avenue. Wool t 4 tiawls, long and square, fancy Arabs, of all varieties, at Bates & Bell's. It being an established fact that the Constitution Bitters are far superior to all other Bitters, It is not surprising that they are used to such An extent. There is no doubt that if people consult their own interest, they will be supplied with them at all times, for a few doses taken in - time will:often prevebt a long and lingering sickness. • Slated Blackboards made. and con tracts taken tor slating the walls of school rooms with the Peirce, or Eureka Slate Surface, by F. G. Reirteman, and for sale at 113 Third• avenue, Pittsburgh. Peirce's per quart f 3 90 El:treks 3 00 - Boys , Salter Bate, At the Hat Parlor, No. 22 Fifth avenue. Poleoneus.--Hitherto , the substances used for imparting whiteness to the com plexion have been more or less composed of poisonous corrosives; the Milk of Violets contains nothing of the sort. It gives the skin renewed brilliancy. Sold by all druggists. Wholesale by V. W. Brinkerhoff, New York. • J. 11, Wainer, 55 Fourth Ayenue, corner of Market street, will open Fall Hats and Bonnets in hilt Retail Depart ment, Tuesday, September 21st. The American Haase, .13oston, %timid favorably known all over the country. Unsurpassed in its management it has few equals in .extent, or in its thousand contrivances for the comfort and pleas ure of its guests. . • , Everybody.n • ses Spalding'it Jatamit3tel. Every kettle warranted. Blaett Be Atpa irs e . as and mourning ;to dli at C 4) ThOlatiou Water la a carton core :Or Dlabetea and all diseases,of the Kid neys. For Bale by all Druclata. reite:T. Real Eatate.-3ett adyertisement of McClung & Ilatatiow Estate gut& Insurance Ascents,' 191, 197. an& 199 Oen-' tra avenue. • t. :?, tf. schwartianaliatisiettartinteu f gorner, First and Wood streets, getietal agdnts for Spaulding's Jatamanst : tths. Black silks, evening alike, white al pacas, and evening dreas goods of all kinds at Bates it Bell's. Fall 13tyle 0? clothing. To our gentlemen readers wno are now casting off their summer clothing, and laying in their fall stock. we will gratn 'toasty give some good advice. in the first place, you want to buy your cloth ing where you can get a neat Si, cut in the latest style, of 'the- best quality of goods, and made to wear well and look nest, for as low a figure as. possible. Yesterday, in visiting the \ fashionable clothing house of W. Hespenheldea Co., 50 Sixth street, we were., surprieled .to find what a beautiful suit,!ftistidions in all ways, can be had for so reasonable a price. This house, for a first-class house, sells goods cheaper than any other house in the city. All the styles of walk ing suits, dress suits, fall overcoats; in fact everything in their line, promptly made and guaranteed to fit. Persons wishing clothing are cordially invited to call and examine their goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Their No. is 50 Sixth street, old St. Clair. Autumn Style ofHate , A&the Hat Parlor, No. 22 Fifth avenue. Fall Goods.—Oar stores ar‘ beginning to be filled up with the new fail goods, and none or them presents a better or more complete assortment than Moor; head's,No. 81 Market street. In the line ofancy dress goods, trimmings and laces, Mr. Moorhead's stock is - about as perfect as a stock-can be. Call and ex amine the goods. Evening Parties.—Youngsorri & Co., corner of Smithfield street and Diamond alley, are at all .times prepared, on the shqrtest notice, to furnish persons bay ing-an evening party, with all refresh ments, desired servants, ware, de., with a guarantee of satisfaction in all cases. Reference given if required. Boys , Scotch Turbans, At the Hat Parlor, No. 22 Fifth avenue Marvin's Spiced Jumbles and Ginger Snaps are delhdotis, mantinfactrired at 91 Liberty street, or to be hatfat any of the grocery stores. Hultzbelnier. next door to the Postof dee, on Fifth avenue, serves up the best meals in the cleanest manner, and at most reasonable prices. Oysters are now in Beason, and at no, place are they better served than at Holtzheimer's, Fifth avenue, next door to the Postoffice. Get Some qf Marvites superior biscuit• . from the manufactory, No. 91 Liberty street, or ask your grocer for them. Spalding's Jatamansl 'Dues Baldness, Restores Grey Hair. The Pyramid Hat, At the Hat Parlor; No. 22 Ilfth avenue. At mansLDruggists—call for Spalding's Jats- New Goods and new styles at Bates 41; Boll's. DIED: IRVIN—On Thursday. the 110th Inst., JAMES IdeKEn IRVIN, /1;0,19 months. Fuaeral fdra the _rOvidence" 0 . his graitd-pa- Tents, J.H.loclCee , head of Thirty-eighth street, Btr*THDAY ktoRNING; at 10 o'clock. Friends or Fihe . tamfly are Oordially invited to attend. UNDERTAKERS. ALEX. AI E UNDER TAKER. No. 166 rou - RTE STREET. ttaburgh, COMM( of all Iciads,CRAPNB, EiLOVES, and o err description of Funeral fur. Waiting Goods furniebede, Booms orNen 411 v tr .. ?ORM' Carriages flirnisnea for city funerals al $51.00 earth • rt3rrstuutcate—Rev. David Kerr, D.D., r.M. W. Jacobus D. D.,Tbomaa Ewing, EN.. "401, CHARLES & PEEBLES, .lIN oorn e ?" . .1.1t2. E A.I723 3aR ND LIV T ERY Wi s AßLl c tr i AI7EIsTIOLP. Allegheny City.„ where their ClUtlflaq ROOMS e Constantly_ supplied wits real and imitation itcr ewood , Mahogany and Walnat Collins, at prices varying from 94- to dll3O. - Bo MO prepared for in•erment. Hearses and Oar. riages .Inrnished: also_ , .11 ainds of Mourning Goods, if required. °Mee oyen at all hours, day and night. , EPA BITTER & SON t i os ITZTIMIVTAJW.MItSi No. 42 . 4 PENN STREET. Carriages for Varner&la,.. $2.00 Each. COFF MA and all Funeral Inrniehment at re duced rates. au7 WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MI - 10W GOODS t jinxing just returned from the East with a • splendid stock of Watches, Jewelry. kilverware, OPTICAL GOODS, &c., I "111 now prepared to offer them at - greatly re duced prices. Call and examine - before pur chasing elsewhere. LW. G. DUNSELTH, ,143, eller. No; 56 Fifth 'Avenue > auff3; Oppoilte Masonic Hull. IMEROHANT TAILORS. G. KALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, 'mu of Penn and 'Sixtb Streets, FALL AND WINTER STOCK ', 3 OW ',COMPLETE. 1.,,7,',84A55.• FOUNDRY...,;.' JOHN - 11. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass kounders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE I; I OLLING MILL . BRASSES .14041 e Promptili to Order. BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. •Pioprietan sad Maslaseturere of j.LCoopersimprbved Balang() Wheel . ; STEM PUMP. OFFICEFOUXDRI - ,' Cora7th and lialfroaditreets, sew prrTeStrusaa, re.