The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 18, 1869, Image 7

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    Eittintt Gait its.
. „
.11"nzirz nnis. " t owns ' in Kanautlaim
to be the railroad centre of the State.
. .
lirsETBEN prisoners escaped, from the
Columbus, (Ohio.) Jail on the rnight of
the 15th.
-4P.ozr ORE, containing forty per cent
pure metal, has beery found near Oska
loosa, lowa.
McMANN, the trainei of Flora Temple,
and owner - of Lady Thorn, says he could
get a mile (Jut 9f Dexter in two minutes
with p few week's practice.
A. outyrr.rmAli from i pyoming territo
ry exhibited, on ichan e at Milwaukee, a
few days ago, a nvgget of gold from the
Sweetwater mine, valued at $1,039,
A WEALT/IT Germati merchant of Mich
igan City, Indiana, has.taken out a . life
insurance policy of two thousand dollars
for the benefit of the poor of that place.
Tannn is a brick famine in Canton, 0.
No brick for houses, none for pavements,
none for any purpose tan be had. Six or
seven millions had beenlihried, bat all
. COLLECTIONS to the amount of $156,74
were recently made in Nirashington
City churches, in' response to an ap
peal from the Washington National Mon-
u_ meat Society. •
Bantam, mechanics in Colt's armory,
at Hartford, have contracted to go to Rus
sia to make guns for that Government.
They will get more pay and expect to live
cheaper Man here. .
A NEw Yonx canal skipper has been
arrested for trying to let the water out of
his boat by boring a two inch hole in her
bottom. The experiment was ti failure,
but he got his insurance.
Om was discovered in Vermont, 1%1-
ton county, some time since, and Mr.
Moses Mathewson, of that pla ce, is now
"boring for oil," and has got down to the
depth of 838 feet, and confident of sue
THE fist train which runs from New
"York city to Chicago in twenty-nine
_hours, including stoppages, left Crestine
thirty-two minutes behind time, one day
last week, and reached Fort Wayne on
regular time.
Tits Tiffin (0.) Tribune notes the fact
. that Daniel Huddle, residing four miles
.from that place, harvested one hundred
and sixty-two bushels of wheat from
three acres of ground, an average of
' fifty-four bushels to the acre.
WHILE Joseph korns, of Nelson, Lee
county, Illinois, was lately filling a gas
oline stove, the fluid caught the blaze,
and at once the clothes of the unhappy
man were in flames. His face, and head
were swept clean of whiskers and hair,
and his right arm, Seek, breast and back
burned quite seriously.
' THE fact is developed b,' the letter from
Lady Byzon's solicitors that her own
statement is in the:hands of three trustees,
who are empowered by her will to make
-; such use of it as they may deem fitting.
, If Mrs. Stowe has misrepresented the
ease, we may therefore expect this man
uscript to be given to the world.
Dn. EDGEILL came near being married,
the other evening, at Osceola, lowa. He
had the license, and with bib affianced,
repaired to the house of a friend to have
, the thing settled, unknown to the girl's
parents. - The ceremony was nearly over
and the words, "I pronounce you man
' and wife" were about to be spoken, when
• the girl's father put in an appearance, and
took her home only lief married.
: AARON - Bundy and his wife, of Waver
' . ly, Mich., were arrested and lodged in
jail, at Paw Paw, on the 11th. on the
,-, charge of starving to death their child,
about five month of age. The child was
• - born with a hair lip, and the neighbors
; testify that Bundy has been heard to say
any times that he wished the child was
ead, and that the mother had fed it laud
: um for the purpose of making it sleep
I death.
DURING the terrific gale last week a
Ilady in Providence, Rhode Island, be
e alarmed for the safety of her two
little children who were at school, and
ent a servant to bring• them home. The
her refused to trust them in the streets
such a tempest, and the mother seeing
. e servant coming back alone believed
hat her fears were.true and that some
. ing fearful had happened. No explana
ions could satisfy'her, and she went into
• avulsions, from which she soon died.
A. VALUABLE relic of Alexander von
umboldt has been placed on exhibition
t the Springs, in Central Park, New
• ork city: It is a fire screen, inlaid with
.• other-of-pearl and adorned with a faith
ul view of the royal castle of Potsdam.
he family residence of the Kings of
Prussia. It was daily used byDumboldt
• • d highly prized by him on account of
is having been a present from King Fred
• rick Wiliam IV. of Prussia. It was
.urchased at the sale of the. liiimboldt
- ffects, in Berlin, in 1860.
Tun verdict of the jury in Abrams'
... :e, at Indianapolis, was: "We, the un
. ersigned jurymen in the case of the
state vs. Wm. J. Abrams, haiing in the
• scharge of our duty, and under the
. • .lemnity. of oar oath, found the defend
. .t guilty of murder in the first degree;
i' et believing that the crime committed by
him was the result of wickea influences
surrounding him, and not the result of a
: bad heart, we would respectfallraik the
Governor to commute his sentence to ten
years' imprisonment."
Tnn neck of land on the city front of
Buffalo, between Buffalo river and Lake
Erie, having been selected by various
railway and mining companies as the
i most arailable fleptkfrOm ~ ,whichlo sup
ply the west with Pennriilviudi and other.
coal, a great rivalfy has sprung up for the
right to build a railway, along the beach,
to connect with different railwaYsterini
. =titer at this point.— Several` railways
connected with the coal trade are now
building extensive improvements on this
- meek of.landi to accommodate .the;coal
.'trade. - ' ),q /I .:I,n, '
, '
Sufi has' been entered in Equity Court
.of the District of Colukulda ,against ex.
Commissioner Theaker, of the Patent.
Office, ' by: Andrew Whitley,, Esibi 'as
signee for a number of patents for im- ,
provements IA reapers l t:mowers. It. Is'
charged that Mr. Th eer, when Com
- tirlssionev of Patents,' ref used;-for the.
space, of Jourtcen,„ ,months, to act on or
gives decision titian an 'appeal from the
decision of the ,Chief rizaminec i pf / the
• Patent Office, thts `neglecting to dolla.
proper ministerial' work; and . that the
. said delay , rFsulted
,14 - dattlEttintlf the'
• plaintiff to the'inityttnt df $50,000. .• - .
RiolfaUD Roz, one of the Cadiz bank,
robbecs,'made his =afro from the Coitus-
bns (0.) Penitentiary on the 14th. He
was nailed up in a barrel at a dry kiln by
Frank Hatch, an assistant foremataithfn
nej* was tlien
Thirdrayman, who gives' ignorant of what
was going on, was , stmt back for a ham
mer, Hatch pretending to need itlin open
ing the barrel. While, he was gone the
head of the barrel was taken off, and both
Roe and Hatch effected their escape. The
former was not missed until a farmer re
ported at; the prison that he had seen a
man with striped pants several miles up
the river 'in company with three other
men. Bed was seta from Hamilton
county several' years ago to serve a term
of thirteen years. He is a dangerous
man, and a reward of . 4200 has been of
fered for his recapture.
Gov. GEARY and Hon. Simon Cam
eron, were in Reading on Tuesday, and
visited the Driving Park.
Fri'sars loaded with petroleum were
destroyed by tire on the Franklin branch
railroad on Wednesday mining.
A bean pod two feet long is a North
umberland county curiosity. It was
giown bi the garden of C. H. Young, in
THE little children of Honesdale have
started a ten•cent subscription for the
relief fund of the Avondale sufferers,
collecting about $2O a day.
Tames DIJIT'Oir i • the oldest man in
Delaware county, died on Sunday. He
had attained the remarkable age of 100
years 7 months and 11 days.
A "rear" amt. of - the period drove a
hired horse and buggy from Cleveland to
Corry, taking a round.a.bout *ay of 275
miles.' She was taken charge of
Ton house of Mr. James Johnston, in
Center township, Indiana county. was
destroyed by fire on Saturday evening,
11th inst., originating In the attic.
Does in quest of a coon in White town
ship, Indiana county, recently so frighten
ed an eagle that it fell from ita roost and
was captured, It measured five feet from
tip to tip. •
• Tam Assessor of Crtmru township,
Berks county, called .on a certain man
lest week for the purpose of registering
him, and received the following report:
"Name—Mr. g. Occubation—A Crib
THE pastor of the Avondale Welsh
Baptist Church, who delivered the funeral
discourse over the suffocated miners,'
stated that all but three of the male mem
bers of his church had perished in the
Mae. Meremanzx CARNEY, aged 20
years, of White township, Indiana coun
ty, retired to bed on the evening of the
9th, in her usual good health, but was
shortly afterwards discovered laboring in
a spasm and died in ten minutes.
GEORGE 31'twini has been lodged in Greensburg, on 13 charge of assault-
ting a Miss Melinda Akers, residing near
Millwood station. He followrd and'over
took her after she got off the Johnstown
accommodation, but failed in his disign.
I ,
A costrAxy of light infantry was or
ganized at New Brighton, Beaver county,
on Saturday, September 11th, and the fol
lowing officers elected: Captain, Jacob
B. Winans; First Lieutenant, Daniel R.
Corbus; Second Lieutenant, James M.
Cot. BYRE% of Washington, one of
Marshal Murdock's deputies, started from
Pittsburgh with a prisoner for trialat the
U. S. Cotirt, at Williamsport. At Al
toona the Colonel was left behind, but
took the next train, and upon. reaching
Williamsport was:astonished to find that,
his prisoner had delivered himself.
Mn. JAS. Mon% of Eastf Allowfielfi;
Chester county, whose death was noticed
some time since, and was supposed to
have (=omitted suicide, is now thought
Ao have been murdered. He was ob
served to have a large pocket book, which
contained a considerable sum of money
in large bills, but when his body was
found the pocket book and money were
IN THE U.S. Circuit Court at Phila
delphia, on Wednesday, Judge Grier on
the bench, the case of Edward A. L.
Roberts vs. the Reed Torpedo' Company
and others was up for argument. The
complaint Is for infringement of a patent
for exploding torpedoes In artesian wells,
and an injunction is asked for. The bill
was filed in the Western District, but the
counsel agreed to argue it in the Eastern
District for the accommodation of Judge
Tan Washington - Reporter, having
been shown a specimen of oats, the short.
est stalk of which measured seventy.two
and the longest eighty-five Inches, thus
overtopping the--Brownville Clipper's
eighty-four inch specimen from "Lazy
Hollow," says "the Olspper man will
have to go into some other hollow or his
county will be beaten all hollow," The
Clipper knocks under "Just one inch,"
but says two experts who commenced
counting the grata, of its stalk a week
ago, havn't got through yet."
Tait amount of internal Revenue-col
lected in the Eighth Congreselonal Dis
trict, Fleas county, during the months of
May, June, July and .A.ugust, 1869, was
4196,174,37; the cost to the Government
of assessing which was $2,570,85. Dur
ing the same months of the year 1868,
the amount of revenue collected was
$153,488,33, and the cost of assessing the
same $3,049,16, showing en inerease of
revenue this year over the same period
inlB6B of $42;686,54. and a decrease in
the expenses of collecting' the same of
Ort Tan 3d inst..- the Bellfonte, Watc4.
titan published a doubleileaded article
with the astounding canard that Geo. 8.
'Twitchell had' been let ',Vett off prlson,,
thrOigh the cannivance 4 of the Guvernor,,
the' night before ,he was to have 'been
executed, and that the dead body fotind
•in,tbe cell on,,,the following morning was
:not that of Twitchell, but of another Per
son substituted in his place. At the tinae'
of publication no notice. was taken of
that ,absurd' story,. butt the Deinocratie
press generally throughout ' the 'State:
Ting ,given„extensive circulatlan to
ti "Assertion; ; Gov. Geafy, deemed it
but just to hiniself49 write to Peter Lyle,.
theAariffof "iledsivida, c and, to ; Wm.
B. Perkins', the prison keeperiliere,both
of whom are involved in the iensation,
and-a letter has-tech received from Col.
Lyle' denying therWhOle story_aS a wieked
and absurtiv flibritaticin. Mr. Perkins
'Sande an of ids to and subscri
bed by himself. ; the.physician in attend
anttall•the Witches of . the prison in
anyway: concerned in the .matter, to the
• effect that there is no possible doubt as to
tall flat Of thrbodr , being, putt 'of
;74 513E 91143 01 krifiNX
jiro43 ter ,c4 stare in ,
clear to the Etenipstaid?Plaininpropertr.
Miss t44'.pAie6o'bign - licensed as
an. insurance . agent at' Tilton
KATE FIELD will' lectire, the coming
season, on two subjects:'"On Women,"
and "In the Woods."
"COL. A. W. TAYLOR has recently suc
ceeded J. W. Garrison, E q., as editor
and proprietor•of the Alliance,(o.) Mon
itor. ,
JEM ez•champion of the Eng
ish prize ring, has arrived. in this court
ry. He will give "statuesque illustra
A CHICAGO girl says that she don't get
married. for the reason that she don't
know whose husband she might be mar
rying. I •
Tan Chicago Republican complains that
its Jokes are stolen. Why complain I
This is evidence that they can be suns,
with editing. •
A rim's.= letter has been received in
New York, Stating that Pxince Arthur
hail decided to visit that city during the
coming winter.
Trams years ago Madame Chevrebx,
famous toothsayer,'Predicted to the Em
press Eugenie that her husband would
die in the year 1870.
A ILEAL nose is generally preferable to
a false article. John Kalb, of Newark,
sues for a divorce because his wife is re
duced•to one of sheepskin.
AT New Harmony, Ind., a man named
Vandeon wasfatally stabbed by another
named. William Alsup. An umbrella
was the cause of the affray. •
ONE of the highett pAaks at the en
trance of Echo Canon, on the Pacific
Railroad, has been named by the compa
ny in honor of one of the Commissioners,
Bluff Ben Wade.
THOMAS KEMP, a desponding plumber,
committed suicide in St. Paul's Cathe
dral, London, by periorating his throat
with the spikes on the railing of Sir John
Moore's monument.
A RACIER of the Harvards, in Wolf.
borough, N. H., named Champion, has to
wheel a bushel of apples twenty miles.
to Farmington, in payment of a bet, and
is now in training for the feat.
FRANK WARD, who redently jumped
overboard from a steamer, near San Jose,
California, and was drowned, did it be
cause he did not have the money to pay
a wine bill he had run up on the steamer.
Rim. Mn. LORD, a free Methodist
preacher of Paterson, N. J., did four days'
full time last week, with a pick,.shovel
and - wheelbarrow, excavating for the
lodgment and foundation of the Main
street Church. •
THE Menkezi was buried in 'Pere la
Chaise, but now it is said that another
coffin was interred above hers, and when
friends thought they were removing her
remains to Mount Parnassus Cemetery
they were the victims of a mistake.
A. BOSTON clergyman accepted a call
to another city, and another Boston cler
gyman was invited to the same field.
While he was still hesitating whether to
accept It, his proftssional brother wrote
to him: "Do accept the call; between us
we will make New York bowl."
the &editor upon the condition of the
laboring classes in this country, says that
when he was strange to America it seem
ed queer td him ' l4 lO be parasbl-splked out
of a seat'in a street car :by an elegant
young lady, who only vouchsafed the ex
planation that she would 'sit right there."'
Joss O'Doratioz, who hanged him
self the other day in Liverpool, left a let
ter to his wife, saying , he hoped she
would meet him in heaven, where there
ivould be "no Mrs. Churchill or Mrs. Bat
tersbe for to drink health to nie, wishing
me in hell, and librel enough to stand a
pint of beer to (Add nick to star the
A ruystme at Waterford, Ireland,
named. Lanigan, had a quarrel with his
wife, the other day, at dinner, about what
clergyman should baptize their baby.
First, he kicked over the dinner table;
then he read the newspaper; then he
'killed his wife with a gun and himself
with a pistol. A local paper says that,
both the doctor and his wife were given
to drinking, and were universally es
teemed by all who knew them.
DANA lashes . Grant over Louis Napo.
Leon's shoulders thus: "Excessive smo.
king is evidently fatal to the heart and
the sensibilities; Though Bonaparte lux
uriates In cigars free of expense, it does
not seem that even the gratifyinithought
that the luxury is economical can avert
the evil effects of the weed. Even when
costless, much smoking injures the canli
ac, the pulmonary, and the mental con.
diticm of 'men in high station."
THE Rev. George 31. Derment, pastp;
of the Methodist Church at Brownstown,
Indiana, has been tried by an ended:Ml
cal court on a charge ,ot wanting to spit in.
31. B.' Casteel's face. and saying so;
chewing , tobacco and "smoking a pipe;
threatening to whip John Cummins and
Walter Bentan; lying and reading ser
mons front manuscript. ,' The court folind
for both {parties—that is, there was no
ground (Or the'prosecutlon, and no malice
in the prosecutor ,
EMIGRATION to the West, it is state.
has received a -great impetus from the
completion of the 'Pacific Railroad," and
trom'the i work Parnished to laborers on
other railroad routes to California'. A
smaller proportion than ever of the emi
grants aitiving from abroad, it is bellow
ed, remain the Atlantic States. The
passengers -on the emigrant ships-no
sooner land at Castle Garden than *
commence making inquiries as i to ;t he
shortest routes to the Westg and proceed
on their journey with u little delay/Mt
possible. It is believed that during Abe
next twelve months, fully a hundred_
thousand persons, both native and for
, sign born, NW remove and settle in 14r e i
em and the,Statca beyond.. It is.rep,
that Tillages are Springing up 'lit, even
direction, where a year ago there was
nothing but, prairie, 'without a village or,
even a hut. At Laramie,' 572- miles west
of ()Mahe linos was not a lionise to be
'seen two yierit ago, and now the traveler
meets witlOkileurishing town, with 1500
idhatonnts, ellue railroad depot, a good
hotel and large etores.,
AN Tows woman started for ()harks
City (says the Advocate,) with a dozen
eggs and a few "pounds of butter in a has•
ket one hot day last week, and when she
got there, all that ehe found id her basket
w as , a lock Of hair and dozen yOung
"Or fICITANCIPSre rwmateme
BARN .D.U.LS uura d .calsuraption,
pisfns agg Digpepint.; en accord
lug trections.., ey are all three to be taken
at the lame time: They cleanse the stonrach, re.
textile Uvor and put Min work; then the appetite
becomes good: the food digests and makes good
blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh: the
diseased matter ripens Into the lunge, and the
patient outgrows the disease and gets well. This
Is the only way to cure consumption.
To these three medicines Dr. .1. H. Schenck, of
Philadelphia. owes his unriyaled success in the
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pub
monk Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the
lungs, nature throws it or by au easy expectora
tion, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe a
slight cough will throw it off. and the patient hat
rest and the lunge begin to heal.
T, do this, toe, Seaweed lonic and Mandrake
PUls must be treely used to cleanse the stomach
and liver, so that the Pulmonic Syrup and the
food will make good blood.
Schenck's Mandrake Pills act upon the liver,
removing all obstructions• relax the aunts of the
gall bladder, the bile starts freely, and the liver
is soon relieved' the stools will show what the
Pills can do,• nothing has ever been invented ex
cept calomel (a deadly poison wtdch Is very dan
gerous to use unless with great care,) that will
unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver like Sohenek's Mandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is one of the most prominent
muses of Consumption.
Schenck 'a Seaweed Tonto is a gentle "limn's=
and alterative. and the alkali. in the Seaweed,
which this preparation Is made of, assists the
stomach to throw out the gastric juice to dissolve
the food with the ?Wm onto Syrup, and it ',made
into good blood without fermentation or souring
In the stomach.
_The great reason why physicists' do not cure
Consumption is, they try to do too much; they
give medicine to stop the cough,lo stop Mills,to
stop night sweats, hectic fever and by so doing
they derange the whole digestive powers. look
ingp the
d s ies ecretions, and eventually the patient
sinks and .
Dr. Schenck, in his treatment, does not trrto
stop a cough; night sweats, chills or fever. Re
move the cause, and they will all stop of their
own accord.% No one ean be cured of Consump
tion, . Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Catarrh,
Canker, Dlsterated - Throat, cubs". the liver and
stomach are made healthy.
If a person MU consumption, of course the
tinge in some way are diseased, either tubercles,
• abcesses bronchial irritation, pleura adhesion,
or the lu n gs are W mass of infl ammation and fast
decaying. In such cases what must be done? It
is not only the lungs mat are wasting, but it is
the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost
their power to make blood out of to d. Now the
only chance is to tate Dr. Bchenck's three medi
cines, which will bring' up a tone to the stomach,
the patient will begin to want food, it will digest '
easily and make good blood; then the patient be
gins to gain In flesh. and as soon as the body be
gin' to grow, the lungs commence to heal up,
and the patithlt gets fleshy and well. This 01 . the
only way to cure . Consumption.
When there is no lung disease and only Liv er
Complaint and Dyspepsia. Schenck's Seaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills are sufficient, without'
the Pulmonlo Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills
.freely in ad bilious complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Schenck. who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health for many years past, and now weighs 298
pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, In
the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumption,
hi. physicians having pronounced Ids ease hope?.
less and abandoned bun to his fate. He wuonred
by the aforesaid mee Mines, and since his recove
ry many thousands stmilarly afflicted have used
Dr. Schenck's preparation with the same re
markable success. .lull dim:Along accompany
each, making it not absolutely necessary to per
sonally see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish
their longs examined, and for this pummel he Is
professionally at his. Principal (Moe, Philadeb
phis, every Saturday, where &Metter, for advice
must be addressed. He Is also professionally at
No. 39 Bond street. New York, ever other
Tuesday, and at No v oT6 Hanover street. Boston,
every other Wednelday. He gives advice free,
but for a thorough examination with his Itespl
rometer the prloels 95. • Cmce hours at each city
from 9 A. M. 1013 P. M.
Price of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Ton
le eachsl.Bo per bottle, or. $7.80 a bait dozen.
Mandrake Pills lib cents a box. For sale by all
druggists. I
'DOCTOR. warrruas CON
DISRUKS. That numerous class' of cases
resulting froni self - abuse, producing nn.
mardinest, nervous debility, initabllity, enip
muss. seminal emissions, and finally im
potency, permanently cured. Persons &fillet
ed with' aelicate. intricate and long stand
ing constitutional complaints are politelyinvited
to call for conliultation, which costs nothing.
Experience, the best of teachers. has enaboted
him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe,
permanent, and which in most cases, can be used
without hindrance to business. Medicines pier
pared in the establishment, which Meltaaces of
fice, reception and waiting rooms; also, boarding
and sleeping apartments for patients requiri nngg
da'ly personal attention, and vapor and chemi
cal baths. thus concentrating the filmed mineral
springs. No matter who have failed,
_state your
case. Read what he says In his pamphlet of fifty
pages, sent to any abbess for tiwo stamps In seal
ed enve,ope. ,Thousands of cages treated annu
ally, at office and all over the country, Domini
tation tree, personally or by Ma ll . O ffice NA 9
Wylie street, (sear Voart Mouse) Pittsburgh,
PA. BOWS 9 A. w. to 8.2,111. bundsys Ilia pr.
to SI r. M. Pamphlet sent to say adgresa for two
stamps. ap3
Ry-BATCHELows Hsu' Dine.
This splendid Heir Die is_tisbostin the wmld:
the only true and pertbct Dia harmless, relia
ble, instant/menu; ,no disappointment; . no ri-
Medan, tints; remedies the ill effects - of bad
dyes; In orates and leaves thc.Hair• soft and
beautiful. Dues eremite. Bold`by all Armrests
and Peril= ,ers• and properly applied at Batche
lor's Su ninon. Fa: 10 Rend street. %New
York. . • my2l4OS
GIRLS. will begin Its second year D. - V. on
t e 151 b of BSPTEMBER next. Ihe •number
of pages all of whoa live in the house, is lim
ited to thirty. ranch is taught by a resident
governess, and so tar as possible is. made the
rengnage of the family. Address, for eirculars,
ete.. BUSS CHASE, Ellshopthorpe, Bethlehem,
Penna. I SU3O
and 1539 SPRUCIL STREEL PhlhmitSphia.
Ladies and Missals, Boarding and Day Pupils,
wit! reopen fon MONDAY v
Seen ber O.
FRENCH is he language 'fib* family, atid M
constanticonstantlyis ten In the inaltate.
No. !9 NINTH BTREEt, late Nand,-
Will open Wg DNESDAY. Sept. let. The
School has elegant and commomous roAns. a full
corps of able and competent teachers, and every
facility f..r a thorough education. Besides the
usu., I .aflyantages of 3laps, Charts and Philo
sophical Apparatus, pupils will have the benefit
of a large and valuable Cabinet of Natural Ells
tery. Applications for admission may be made
personally orbt.letter to'the principal, at No.
si,*3l d. Trus PRINCIPAL.
I uplisiliss or
, ! , Rove litemoved -to
NOS. 854 AND' 886 PENN;
Cor. Xleventh SL, (formerly 'Cinal.)
••OSE I4/ VOC // : 411 ):4 , : y
XOll. u a . .Ver.llo. 194190 404 ugh
mastmicrimuras 0* - • " '
/NON PO* : Art
ars In
.trou. HOPS. VORZIGN ; ,.ICII : Ll
ARom orra:
B~a~t,~ec uoaEs= ~~. ,: ~,
nnme AQUlNlll.Ageocaterwili, kOlLinffeet
N os . eioret..olsar Stmt. Pfttabursik•
510•61111 'IWO** OM t• tly 60101/14 sat
loidblair ralUe
Ji-Tv7THE IRON urn
Of Poz;iinsvlvapira.
014, 75 Federal SL,AllegliiY CRY
Rey. J. B. CLARK. D. D..
Rev. A. K. BELL D.D.
Rev. S. H. NEmBIT. D.D.,
- W. A. REED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co.'
JACOB RUSH, Real Estate ASent,
SIMON DRUM, Mayor of Allegheny,
C. W. KENNY, Hatter,.
A. S. BELL, Attorney-at-Law,
D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber Merchant,
D. SWODER, Insurance Agent. •
Capt. ROST. ROBINSON President.
Rae. J. B. CLARK, D. D., Yiee.Presidenti
JACOB RUSH, Secretary,
C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. '
DANIEL swours, Genq Agent.
This ts a some comnany. conducted on the mutual
principle, each policy bolder receiving an equal
share of the profits of the Company. Policies
will be issued on all the different plans of Life
Insurance, and being conducted on en economi
cal buds will afford a safe Investment to each
policy holder, and thereby retain the money at
home to encourage home Industry. -41119:t=
So. SS Jinni AVOWS.. RseismE Plasor,
N. 7. Bjgley. %H.W.olirer. ir, CIPLX•BaIIe7,
Datil Wallape, Hartman, A. Chambers,
Jake Hill, S. MTalum. Jas.
Thorns Smith, Jno.S.Wllinek, "
ROBERT H. KING, President.
JNO. P. JENNINGS, Vice President.
JOS. T. JOHNSTON, SemortinT.
Capt. R. J. GRAM/. Genn•Agent. •
Instires on Liberal_ Terms on all Fire
and Marine Milts.,
• $92:0t7 •
B EN num/will
No. 41 Ohio St., Allegheny
A HMI COMPANY, managed. by Mentors
wen known to the community, who trust by fali
dealing to merit a share of Tow patrcrnase.
D. L.
Jszob Franz, Patterson.
J. D. Smith,
Oh. P. Whiston.
EL J. Entann. -
Mee. B . Riddle,
Simon Dram,
W. M. Stewart,
ZOll. Imam:,
This Is a Home Company, and Insures sal=
loss by Fite ezelnsivelir.
C. C. BOYLE, Vice President. -
HUGH MeE A LHM. Secretary..
Leonard Walter, Georgt
0- C. Boyle, !leo. . Evans,
Robert Patrick; X. appe.
Jacob Painter, J. O. Fleiner,
Josiah Klux', John Voestley,
Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. _
' Mary Sproul,
°Friezes** a 4517 ozcsTartrf
Charles W. Saaeker,
Sa W muel Graagne r,
Jacob l e_ W.l- ••••
aleour •
EDW. C. DALE, Vice Preatdeat.
W. 0. BTEELE._lfeeretarT,Rro tees.
North West corner Third and Wood littrelts.
ItamornEs zumicrE. President:
- , HER.BERT. :meetary. •
' ciezT. GESSEiII Generd Agent,
°Mix, 914 .Water street, Spans A Co.'s Ware.
house, up stairs, Pittsburgh.
stilinst all ldnds ot ,Tire and ,Ms
rine Baas. , A home Institution, =snaked •by Di
rectors who are well known to the community.
and whom** determined by promptness and liber
ality to maintain the character which they have
assumed, as offering the best protection to those
Wm. desire to be Insured.
• DinMOTOnS:
Alexander Hissiek, Join B. MeOutte:
B. Miller, Jr., Chao. J. Clarke,
James McAuley, . William S. Evans.
Alexander Speer . Joseph Hirkpatriok.
Andrew Action, Phillip_Reymer,
David M. Long, Wm. Morrison,
D. Ihmsen. , ' nom
St aightening„Second Avenue from
the Birmingham Bridge to Brady
BiCTION 1. Be U ordained and enacted by the
City 41 Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Coun
cils =trembled, and tt tt hereby ordained and
enacted by authority of the same, 'That the
City IfJagfueer be. and is hereby authorized to
survey and open Second Avenue from the East
ern end of the Btrmlnsham Br.dge to Brady
Street, In accordance with the plans In the City
Engineer's °Dice, and to apprs Ise damage a.. d
assess benefits caused Octet y
PARKS are herebrnepointed In accordance
with an Act of Assembly approved .January 6,
Sac. 9. That any ordinance or part of ordinance
conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at
the present time, be and the same is hereby re
pealed so fax as the same affects this ordinance.
Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils,
this 30th day of August, A. D. 1689.
A. 11. OROS,
President pro tem of Select Connell.
Attest: E. S. Bloakow.
Clerk of Select 'Council.
- W.' A. TOML;111 - 130N, •
President of Common Council.
Attest: H. MCMAH?I ,
Clers. of Co'."". on Connell. seiT
trtablishieg fhe W idth of Colwell
bourn:lir 1. Be tt orciatn4d and enacted by this
City of Pittsburgh., in &lett and Comoros; Coun
cils assembler/ and rt - rs /Inaba ordained and
enacted by thannihority OW same. That Colwell
street. between Vine and DU:middle streets, be
made a unilbras width of fifty- ISO) feet from the
son: h line Air said, street. as laid out In the City
District Plius, to eorresponi with' tki width of
;mid street fait ,ofDiswidd , strett.„ -
SEC. V. That any ordinsnce or part Of ordlna - ...ce
conflicting-With the passage or_this ordtmince. at
theroresent time, be aad the same is 'hereby re.
pealedtio the is the Dude affects this ordinance.
Ordnined and • enacted, into a law InCounalls.
this 30tirdisy'of *uvula, A. D. , 111139. - • •
.riseafdeni pro ten of Select Comic
' Attest: 2.14. MORROW. -
' ' • n !Clerk of Select Connell. l :
, • iv .A. TOMLINSON. .
' "President of Common Council, '
S test: Ft:Veld...En ra; - I .
- • Cl e rk of Common Cottruiti., • or
XovicE.—Whereas, letters of
adminlstration , Lon the imitate of PETER
ILLIAIN, Meet Fleratni. elWion, Allegheny
county, deceased:have been - gMtea to the sub.
sorlher.,sll, persons .tidebted to, said estate are
eeo aced to make immediate payment, and those
;baying claims •or • dams do analnes the estat e of
;the said decedent will, make known the same,
without delays* • •
AD/ L buir. soubbw, Administrates, , aul4 d • ' • • ' •" • -• • Fleming' eltstlen.
. . . .
11:111,:e Max = wu.z. CuluißlADAann.
ptce of MiriTiefl , l ilataltc 4 1 .00 - 14r,DOPja.
enot,l3olKarket inter. M. mana.G.l.
a Co.:urns:Oath Proprietors. , : 1,:,... , 3, i
For lwbolesala and ,retail, l ia. uzo. A.
.811•Lx. rntabinvb. , 64: IT2ITR •
, .
MAPLE-. SITGAIL-10. , , barrels
twat wiesti to spat eition st wATT.I•4IaLea
A.llllTlVAipptch3ber 18th.
IN "nolidmrS3l:o:4. o
e c k nitim,„ t usgsßp.
th f rponiglar ' •
The performance go otautoe ace with the farce
of TH E DEAD slit Yr.
SATURDAY EVENING, last anoearacens of
the WORRELL SISTERS and last time of Offen
BARER BLEUR, <Btu. Beard.)
Mg:IHW.) EITENINO—T a Erni ent Tragedt
eon., Mr. EMMA WALLER, Supported by the
new Comps Y.
lar-PAtirtssr RG It THEATRE.
R. W. WILL/ASIS. S'ote Lessee and
manager„72 , l4.l.3llGliT t ! the to itetteble JAMES
TAILOR in New Songs and uket the,. MIAs
the Great dorapany In' a New Programme,
James Taylor Matinee on Saturday. Admis
sion to Matinee, 215. t. •
COmsoCnclng TUESDAY. Sept. 14th, and con
and SA.TUBDAY. Sept. 150, 160, 17th and
111th, the world renowned
Will appear niter a most extnordinuf and MlC
cessful tour 'of tour years In Europe. in their
Their wonderful power, have been witnessed
by the crowned heads and nobility of Europe.
astonishing and confrniodizut the wisest of all
countries. They must be sten to be annreelated.
Doors open at T. to commence at S o'clpck.
Admission. 50c. Reserved Seats2so. 'Uzi.
Tickets in advance at HOP sid.o4 SALIM.
50 'Fifth Avenue. , ! ; sel7
Joisepb tmsag
Jere. 'Kobe& ,
DOC. CHAMBEWZnainesa Manager.
'Friday' and Satnrday,
September 17th-and: 18th.
Mordecai Lords'
David 5. Brown, •
Isaac Les,
Edward o.. Dale,
(fermis rides.
In all the attributes required to render the en
tert•lnmerits rendered by this colossal aggrega
tion Dreemlu.ntly brlhtant, effecting' knd Inter
.estlng. It stands w.thout a rtvaL . .
Over 200 Men, WOmen and ChOireii
Aye connected with it. Among them aie many
of the fleet artists In the pro es.lon—their
!table achievements in the liens, combined with
tha extensive
• •
Form au - entertainmttnt 'of matchless pleasuree
and Interest.
See The trand Procession of the troupe on.
Tres to the Itttl.etdePts of charity on Saturday
forenoon.. from lt) to VS. - - • •
eee tints, programmer audilthOgraphs.
'seta:WS -
No. Bb Filth *Terme, opposite tlfOOpera,
Reuse, -Pittsburgh., rs.,ls the cOrdesi erect si
desirablOplaos of resorte. Liquors.= be tut&
at MS place Fare and flood. The BilliariioOllll
SOS ostbezrorusd doer In the :rear.
T. A ,117_C T Oli -BUILDING
- LOTS AND" ACRE LOTS 'll.r 333. ED'S
ti OW. ALIA Glie-IiV.—tiOTTILOOY.-- Sep
tember 18, at 3 o'nsetrwill be rld on the nrem
ii.a. a - Tanga btbnilding , lots ILO by103..311. by
10,9 and l acre each, situated in Breed's Grove.
adibining the resldencee - of Messrs. ..Youstbarr-s,
stanza! er and Wm: ldnereert. - The Pleasant
Valley Street, Railway rent within a cbort dis
tance or the grounds, Gallagher street, recently
graded. 'affords an easy Itrive4 end a ftight ot
steps salads good walking in all weathers. The
situation is very agreeable, OY,erloOkingthe en
tire city, and combining city - and - country st
once. Irthar4 i rElsits Mewls:tee “thatale,
th•ra will be Igireservatilii in price, •
persons . who hays not y 4 visited this localt7
are earne&tly do s toey win es as
tonisbed to Ana it so well adapted lot building
purposes. Termi liberal.
• stile e-r•
w. J
,t • iit , olt k
Mauitctuet Incum. P RON
and E.I.L.Ls„ and
Cestlggs •or all DOcriptloniii , •
it 0r R . Eiir attsatim Dam to.iNINUIItOT O .
—A. NOS Atka, to O t sidloittttor Vnttflotr
Ohms Botpt, , •
Onnos roosnat-ilifivi t MAZER
FlTElSlSM,l'lttibludio6 lea• • •
RitilE , AND
11'14 V 16411.14. araltlrri AUltibel37 CUT%
* l :f /14 1 1 1 1 1; ' .