.. . Jll/11 - F = -- FOURTH WARD, ALI E- NOTICE IS HRRERT:dirIfEII ~. ~..., GRES V—Tbe Republleansof she Fourth . , tbat thed,,,nernop iavieb.ionibt. Ward are requested to meet at the SANDI:IS- Ar li n de f thM eK ni oaftlatrti C e lt il l . I L : KV STREET SCHOOL Harm THIS (Satan . EH, ''.:a r(1,18 4:•lrk.: on the e C _lith day of VP d ay) EVENING, at 7)i o'clock ,to 070111ZP for TEMBER. S II76I), by mutual conient. All debts the campaign and to suggest eandhiateator wand fq i ' le t c'etattl,7 stsiga i re jan. P ilittlsr. r ifi e ra e ll *facet% VIGILANCE CUMNIITEE. * claims are to b■ presented to her for payment. . At ....X ECHNECn. Sept. 18, 1989. 5e11:961 -REBECCA J. MILLER. farTHILID WARD. --A MEET. /NG of th' h el dpbilesn voters of the Third ward will be at the SCHOGL /1017 BR on lIIONDAY. Scp'ember MUM, 'clock, e. x.. for the puroole of naming pe r s o nsfor the oeveral wart offices, to be voted 'or at the Pri mal." Election to be held on YRIOAT. geotember 24th, oetween the boars of 8 and 7 o'clock at the same pine. By order of Vagilonce Committee, JOHN T. B .1. F. cLOGLE. President. ROWN Secretary. 8 , 18.00 • g'TEMPERANCE . AND HIE ,' Font MASS MEETING;—A meeting Of the citizens of the. Fifteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards will be held on Forty . Fourth street, 'fine square above Butler street. .Lawreneevllle, on Monday evening, September 20th, at Vio'clock. Let all 1 , '6 are In favor of Beforin turn out and learn why they should vote for.the People's Candidate for County Commis sioner. Addresses by Bev. P. Combe, of Phila delphia, David Kirk and others. 808049 itgr''REPUBLICALII MEETING On Saturday Evening, Sept. 18th, AT BRADDOCK'S FIELDS, Will be addressed by W: T. BAINES and AIILES Btat.PBREY4 , , Bags. A Brses Band will be In attendance. By order Committee on Speakers and Meetings. seism " cACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY EVENING, Sept: 20th AND ALL THE WEEK, THE NVONDERFHL ]E(- Tt 3E S, ATINIATURE CIRCUS, ZEILIAL ACB 0.8. A. Ts, ccurre PANTO mr,trz I'LLE GERTRUDE WWI appaar In her wonderful Parlor Entertain enenta•and GRA.DID TE&NSEPT FLIGHT. New character songs by , MISS BESSIE Also, Brat appearance here of the celebrated 1 CLODOCHE .TROUPE • OP GROTIENUE DANCERS from Parts, and amany new attractions. PRICES OF ADMISSION Parquette and Dress Circle Pawly Circle ........... . . Gallery. ......... . ...... fal F. Beats can be secured without extra cLarge at 83o8nlan & Hale's Opera moose Music ntore. • it 7 L // , ( 4 IVo, 37 3rifith Avenue. • EVENING CLASSES FALL AND WINTED, SESSION, WILL COMMENCE Monday, September 20t ititrtletlollllgl9Bll In BOORlEkE • inifi. PEN " • I MANSHIP, .A.BITH3SET/C; hc, • For particulars, call or address the pilleicei as -above FALL- OPENING, , • FINE A.ssawridzsT OF ARAB SHAWLS, In Plaid and litanzan Striped. Ruffled Collars and Cuffs, • The New Sailor Collar , • Silk Fringes, Satin Trimmings, Silk Glass 'Buttons... • a'l the Newest Patterns. .KISSES FINE WOOL CIPS AND SACQUE An elegant assortment just received. Hair and Jute Switches, Balmoral and Plaid Hosiery, Wool Hall Hose, Shirts and Drawers, FOB Tau AND WINTER wain YARN, ..4 Full' 'Supply of All Kinds HEAVY PLAID FLANNEL% MACRUM, GLYDS & CO 78 & 80 Market Street. eelB J ABIEW lIKLMORAL BTOKNGB, c Phelan's ojd stand Stchking Score, No. 24 it/11h Avenue. prANTSP FANCY CASHHERE STWICINGS. 'STORE. No Avenue.AND STOCKING No. SIEFUgh • prIPANTS?•II AND SNIT BACQUEB, HOODB..OAPS and BOOTS, At Phelan 's Old Eltand thotklait store. No. 24 UM Aeenne. . INFANTS' WLZN CLOAKS rum . ! I ! Wano l kin g ftc ' r e• , No. 51* . . bOLEN Old lai d Typire 'USW all colors c!"?Bt '. IIII F ° 2l ' nag al i ANTO- EIS W iiiMI=EM AT 7s p. WITH THEIR 75 cents 80 ~ sa, •• /TOR THE tIMEI an A: NG E . oraitawi k ' TIME. ' EGIU3NY VALLEY ILIIII ± I2O4D ' THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO 'THE OIL REGIONO WITHOUT OHAmom OF (JAW. . On and after ONA, Sept. 2 0, /830 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (excel) Sunda) ) roil leave Pittstnire Depot, - corner of Elm> enth and Pike ,streets, for Franklin, Oil Ity.Btf tato, and all Points, in tie Oil Regions. __ LICAI72 PITIVINIIRGEL AHRIP IN friTaßtraC.ll Day Ex 7:00 am Day .Ex Igias pCM might Ex.... 7:3 •pm Night/21x ;33 a m Brady's B Ac 3.03 p m Bradys 11 Ac1.0:05 a to Freeport Ac. 8:13 ain IstetidaWnts 7:30 a in lid fiodaVV , ks 6:30 pm Freeport Ac. 6:13 p m let Holton— 6:40 aro Ist Helton.. 4 :30 a m Ad Hutton— 8:13 to Via Holton— 6043 p m 3d Halton.. . 11:60 pm 34 Halton .'. 11:1 p m *th Holton.. s:e° p m 4th Halton. 7:30 p m Chorea train to and from Soda Works leave Ptttsborgb at 1:00 P. N. Arrive at Pittsburgh, (Sundays,) at 10 10 A.R. • .. • I . Express trains stop only at principal .points, Accommodation rains stop at o ll Matt ins J. J.•LAWILENCx, Gen , ' - luP , t. THOMAS M. KING. Allit• mpult. KAY & COMPANY, BOO KSELLERS, 66 Wood Street', Hire on band s complete stock o Stanford School and College Text --SOROOL, STATIONERY, Which they Wier at the ' Loweet Prices, Wholesale and !detail. Price Lists and Circulars sent on annilei CHOOL ARD COLLEGE METHODIST BOOK. DEPOSITO Twin, &boo' , Maws attd• ttorTrade are tithed to amid for oar taciolcstatogiik. 4 0/3714PRAKORNEk 4orkt; DEM IMEEM isels:co42 WHAT MINI DOLLARS WILL DO. IT WILL BUY A LADY'S FINE Solid Gold Hunting Case Full Jeweled Watch Wh , eh we warrant a good time keeper. Call and examine them and be convinced they are aa reD reseated. at WATTLES & SHEAEER'S, 101 FIFTH AVENUE, above Smithfield street. eelB AT PAIVATE SALE-VALVA RLE LOT OF GROUND situate en. the north•east corner of Stockton avenue and Beaver St., Allegheny city, fronting 37 feet on Stockton avenue. preserving the same Width along Beaver street 140 feet; thence along Beaver street 100 feet, preserving a' width Of 60 feet to Water street, on which 1R erected a two story frame dwelling house, and being the late residence of Esther Stockton, dec'd, This prop:rty fronts on the Allegneny Park, and ior beauty of location and 'urroundings earls/et be excelled. Por terms of sale and further information, enquire of • THOMAS B. 1 1.1PDMP, No. 209 Beaver Avenue. selS:o43 01111711LIC SALE Or TA LITAULE J, RP wL ESTATE IN TIIE cm OF AL LEGHENY. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny county, the undersigned: as 'Trustee under the will of Esther Stockton, deed. will offer at Public Sale. on KRPDAY, the Bth day of October next, at 10 o'clock A. M., a LOP ciltuuND behmiglng to the estate of said dece dent, intrude on Stockton avenue. near Beaver street, fronting 23 feet on Stockton avenue and preserving the same, wt. th back toward Water street, a distance or 740 fret. mihnerms of 'tale — One-third of the purchase ey cash on cqndtmat on of sale. Hit. balance In two equal annual payments, secured by bond and mortgage or the purchaser. For further in r ormation. enquire of THorl. Avenue,E, Trnetee. No. 209 Beaver Allegheny. Pa. 8518:047 A.M , ILLET'S HAT PARLOR, No. 22 Fifth Avenue A FULL STOCK Of All the New Styles HATS AND CAPS CeLL THE SE CARPE NEW FALL STO Oil Cloths, Window DRUGGETS DRUG,GET SQII Ingrain Carp At. the Lowest Prices Eve BOMD, ROSE 21 IiVITII DUCATIONAL. AND TEXT BOOKS. AT THE 129 Smithfield Street, Opener of Viigin,Allep) 77; /0 • r a:4 EMS PITTSBURGH GAZETTE BATUItDAY, SEPTE.MBER, 13, 1869. A .,, , soirateEMlENT- . . • ••• • THE SUNDA ..,Y MAC AZINE" 9 - A MONTHLY 0/ Recreatiqn and intdruction."- PROFI ZaLYILLINTRALED.- . EDITED MY MEV. THOMAS GUTHRIE., D. D _ Messrs. J. B .Lippinoott & have co n c l u d edure of annonne.nr that they ar rAngements for the future publication. In this c,u nirY• or . Lr. Uuthries 'SUNDAY MAGA ZINE,I, c ri nnencinr with the 'tumour:Ur Octo ber next; forming the Mite of a new volume, to be, h arespect to 1- ttetpress and i l l ustration, a lac simile of the Realign Edition. i sinceitscommenceme ut,THEBONDAY3lAo. AZfl has enjoyed an enviable popularity In El/gland—lle circulation reaching Si high as 140,. 000 c , plea per month and the pubtlstsers are confident that It only needs to be better known and be mad,. more acc , ble to the American public to become equally popish r in this conutry. Tee elm ofthe Magazine is to ccixtbine.REORTI ATION. In its truest sense, with INSTRUC- TioN; and I. thus happily expre sed by the Editor: " Mv , purpose, lu one word. Is to ...tout the best and most varied subjectsf ceiling off the mind from the secular 'which nee 5.1,y adtorcis noon it during the week: to awaken from their torpor those feelings of gratitude at 41 ration which the divine greatness Eine good ness should excite: sod to make the regular re turn of Sunday a., healthful to society as the amorers whit:11801ton, fertilize, and beautify the eaea ve stli, bi • ingi • ng with them the Infineece of hn • • •To ma ne leter eating to cultiv.ted nil. d owi t h ou t Ming unin telligible to men of ordinary education: to he read by people of all Christian denominations; to be of Du chum, of nu sect, of no party, but b e longing to all and prontaele to all — such is La aim." The coming volurcie, while's= receivins. Con. tributions front , li.ee who have helped to raise Lae Magazine ta at areltlEllt stfttql‘..l.l, will Colt tlaue tu be Inn/ uctlve on religi UJ t. p'cs. stint taw lug by its Ho, les of the lives of the wit,. and F o od, an' , ,o lntercstg In its tales and ski topes or,lte and character as to the Lowed of tens of thousands.rend er it ettinective to It, C .11neetIon wl.h the new volume, 'lt le, enou s h to say that what It has been the Stagazlne wll continue to be • with this addition, that It wdl aeri e rab Its . If of all the Improvements welch expnce bay snow. to I). el eireble. The edlowlii , IMPORTANT SE /. ! A WOS Rill be the leading features of the new volum e: I. ...v/iDAYS ON TUN COSITINANE, By Thomas Guthrie, D D., Editor. 11. ErtsOn t).• lowercni LIFE. Tieing Experiences Inthe Hamlets. By it Curate. 111. ST. PA, L'S COMPANIoSS. lty Juba S. Howson. D. D. /V. lieu LonD'S MIBACLT.S. -By Geo. Mac do aid, I.L.U. v. THE PORTRAIT or t tlatoirr, as presented by V I St. Pstil. Fly 'WW 1) 1. in llsnua, .1). . UPWAUD GLANCES. Itteent Revelations Of .sty , u , rnv iii Rev. elta. Pritchard. VII. HOW TOSTEDY TIIE OLP TES LAsiltliT. By Prof. L ntlsa•-e, ' , Header, L.U. VII . . Tug STNI.GOLI to FLURARA. A Story of the It. I..irin adon in Italy. Br Win 0 lib..r. E•eb nureber will he PROFUSELY ILLUS TRATED from designs by eminent ards,s. on the Fir,t of 1 etober all l be published Part I. of the New V% lume. TICH3IS ore THE SUNDAY 3IAGAZINE. Yearly Su b .3,50. Stogie Number, 30c. -Sts Club Three Hat-s s._per annum—Two copies f , r $0,23: coat. f ./. c-ples for t25.#9: Five copies /or 1111; Teu The sunday 51 egatine and. Lippincott's Maga zine, to one address. $0 50 per annum. Slue/men no her maLed to any address on re ceipt of 23 cents subscribers will please he r artful to give their Po , tittllee a• d addr,ss 'a 1u 1. A Full Pro. p •••tup. with Premium List, will be tnall e .,l on application. Address 3. B. LIPPOCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 MAItEET 87'.. Philadelphia. self; . PRO CL A.MATION. City of Pittsburgh', as. I I, JARED M. BRUSH, Mayor of the city of Pittsburgh, do issue this my proclamation, that on the SECOND TUESDAY in OCToßleil. A.D. MD. being the 12th - day of the month. the freemen of said city qualified to vote for mem bers of the Rouse of Representatives of this Cr mmonweslth, will meet at their several p aces of holding the elections In their respective welds and elect by oallot the following members of Se . Met and Common Coureil : The Electors or the First ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet att he Pe I.lle School House In said ward and elect one member of select COOn• cil and three members of Common Council cif and four members of Comm,n a:butted. SIL T Id h w - Pittsbnrgb to meet ar the en bile School Houle In aEridectM°dr4eol:ethoen7M'ennid hew'r"odf of t he :e h e c :C I t o Y u: The ). I. ctors of the I hit el ward of the City of Pt tsburgh to meet at the plaint:dui shop of addy Sc Wi.liams, corner or Slx.h and stni.hfield etrests, and elect, one member of Select:Council and three members of Common Commit, The Eleetors of the Yourth ward of the el' v of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public School House in said ward, and elect one member of ,etelect Council and thn e members of Common Council. Tile niectoes of the F:fth ward o the r ley of Pittsburgh to meet at the °Moe of the Clerk of the Orphan. Court In sa:d ward. and elect one member of Se.ect Council and three members of Common 0.1101.11. The Electors est the Sixth w.rd of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public .School House on Ann etc. et. In •ald ward, and elect one mem ber of Select Council and four men:them of Com mon Council. Tbe Electors of the Seventh ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public sc boJi House In said ward. and elect one member of Select Council ano three members of Common Coo HMI. C 7 he Electors of the Elghth ward of the' city of Pitteburgn to meet at roe house or Henry Wil son, co ner of Franklin and Fniton streets, In said ward, and elect' one member of Select Conned and three members of Common Council. The Electors af the Ninth 'ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Putitc School House In said ward. and elect one metnher of Select Counc El ec t or sree members of Coltman COUElell. The of the Tenth ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Lamb Tavern, corner of Penn and Mechanics Streets, And Chet One member of Select Connell atopl two members of Com Elector,.Th um the Eleventh, ward of the city orpittaburgti to meet sat IticaPtulhs Bohool House In said ward, and elem. one mom ber of Select Council and ttmee members of Common council. Th- Electors of the Terelftb avard'of the city of I Ittsbu rich to mee t at tbe Public School House iu said ward, and elect one member of Select COUncl. and flye members of Common Council. The Electors of the Thineentn' ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Public school nterrtutePf Piro' Man- Rouse In said ward, and elect one member of Se fect.COnmcil and two The Eleetors of 'the oarfeenth ',card of the city of Pittsburgh to mete at tae Public echool House In said ward, and meet one member ofta.e feet. Cosine': and four ne mbers or:Common Conn- Thu.iilectors of - the Fifteenth sward of the city of Pittaburgh to Meet t the Public Soliool Ifouso in said ward and el et one member of Select Commit and four members of Common Council. Toe Electors fit the Sixteen tli ward of the city of Pittsburgh to meet at the Wigwam, corner of Main and Petri streets. fn sat.! ward. and elect one member of Se:ect Council and two members of Common Connell. The Electora of the ateSeveenth ward of the eity of Pittsburgh to meet the Pub.lc School House In sato wa , d and eiect one member of Se lect Council and three members of Common Council. The F.lectors r f the Eighteenth ward of the city of Pittsburgh to znee t at the Public School H use In Halo ward and , I..cc, cite men, Ler of Se- Met Conseil and two members of Common Coun cil The Electors of the Niteenth ward of the city of Pittsburgh to n 3 et a at the Hollow School Housn on Mill street, to said ward, and elect One member of Select council and two members ofCemmon P ouncll. of T P e i t E sbi co h o o f MheaTawe H n eft th r w s aSrcdhooft hßouisy in saw ward, and elect one Member of ewe ct Con ' ell and tw . members of Cemmon Connell. cit Th f E lPitob of g he t Twmney at rs th w Wg wam corner of Spring street anti Pnekety road, In said wa.el, and e ect nun mrtb.r of two members ofeommon C‘bun e.dent Council andca - The Electors of the Twenty-Second ward of the city_ ot Plttshurgh --to meet at the ]twin School HotPe in said ward, and elect one member ofeelect Council and two members of Common Council T o r slrctors of the , Twenty Third.- ward of the city InlaidPitsburgh to no et at Harlewtrd of es House ward, and elect one member of Se le t Council at dtwOpsetubers of Common Coun cil. ' In testimony whereof I have hereunto L. S. s t nsy nun and annexed tbe seal .-f•the, I day of M ell IT Pltt.butgh. thiselxteenth . r „„ September, A. D. 1869. ;JARED M. BEM.' • Mayor. SON TS Shades RES, M!1 Ohre 'CO SID APPLE, PAKIER B .4 . have . a full assortment of Apple Paring. Coring and .aiming Machiniil Which I invite all to call and 'see them tried. The PARING, CORING AND SLICING MACHINES, takes ?ply three turns 0 the crank to 'pare, acre, 'and slice' in ordinary , sized apple. It will pare without slicing or coring required; Dried Apples sell much higher when, sliced with this machine than hen quartered bra* old process: Also, full assortment of .. - • - , • , Lightning Turn Table Apple Parers /or sale. wholesale aad Bala% bY 1 4 1&186 WOOD STREE'r. MI ME NEW ADITERTISEMENFb. Booksellers :and Ottitioners; 66 WOOD Mari DRT ... GOODS, s.„. LOW PRICES. iIEAITY AND FINE White Count6r\ Nan. IVOOLEN BED COVERLETS Extra Weight , and ,QualitY. BARBED COUNTRY FLANNEL Best Makes and Stylo. Barred and .Plain Colored SHIRTING FLANNELS. Extra Good Bargains. NEW. AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENTS OF Cassimeres and Jeans, Waterproof Cloths, Tidings and Cheeks. Table Linens and hipkiiis, Sheeting and Pillow Muslin, • Calicoes and Ginghams, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLLIM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY MT NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. B• OPPENHEIIIiER, Merchaut Tailor, AND DEALER IN NEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, fa happy to • announe, to hla old frlerole an ear towers,-and the public generally, that be la now established In his - NV - S Co7Erk 7 .No• 82 Market Street, Where he has opened a large and ♦arled stock o o aLaCDPInEXIS, Cassimeres, Vestings, dcc 9 be I , • Of tbe latest and nioscapproved patterna. WeliCh Is prepared to make up In the lateat , •tyles at the lowest cash pricey. Also, a fine lot or Ready Made Clothing • AND GENT'S FURNISHING' GOODS, To which he Invitee the attention Of the robllc. •NO OLD STOCIC'' EVERYTHING IS ; , NEW 13: OPPENHEIMER,. No. 82 Market Street, SECOND COOR BELOW THE DIAMOND. se 17:u38 CHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOBS. A Full Assortment of, all the Works USED IN THE. Public: Schools, High behool, Western University, Methodist Female College, .Bounnats Institute,' AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS &ACADEMIES Pitrebniigh, Allegheny and Vicinity. FOR SALE AT THE LowEsir pnwis Wholesale and Retail, KAY .8e COMPANY , (164rArirpra wicara:Witatit,is {:r5:..-- 1.. I t4aVILY49.4 Yr?). 4DVERTIS F 44 - 14 : PM COLORED DOUBLE WIDTH CO I •LET.-110011.--4 wen -fur . RIORED &rood Story PRtiNT HOOK, for two or more street. gentlemen, Apply at No. 33 Ninth rl. LET.— story Front Ito furniqted.'with board suitable tor 'tenth men or lade or two single semen. Inquire at 18 WILIE rTlets.T. rno• ILEF.---'•E{e - i--wirStory Front ROOSI, suitable ter simile gentlemen, at I%ia. 31 Ninth (formerly Hand) street. ~,,,,,, ee ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "VOIR 4 L in -114 Ell Y.—A well A.: FURNISHED BAARRY, fu• a Good Loca tion, la for cats very cheap. Inquire St NII3 Want street. J. A R ON MONDAY, SEP Will Open their Splendid I ter Dress Goods, Manufactu Trade, and comprising Rich ' shades Silk Warp: Epingli Russe, All-wool Epinelinesi Black Baratheas, English a arritzAlloth, Russell Cords, ges, Merinos, Empress Clot IMIM Silk Plushes,Velvets and 0 teens, Astra chan, Seal Skin ernrooh, leo., at very Attra .T. , ME ADVERTISE DRESS''''GOODS AN SDAIVL ' FINE BLACK Gro Grain'Alpacas & Poplins. El 2 NEW COLORS IN ALPACAS AND PO.PLIIO. BRIGHT PLAID ' ALL-WOOL POPLINS Some Decided Bargains. riped Arab Shawls, Paisley Shawls, riped Woolen hawk, Thibet Shawls, oolen Square Shawls, Cashmere Shawls CHILDREN'S SHAWLS IN 157- 11. E A. I' VARIETY liE IV STOCK OP Ladies' and Children's Hats, Ribbons and Flowers, Handkerchiefs and Collars, Stockings and Gloves, Jet Jewelry, Earnings, Sic., Hoop Skirts and torsets, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Underwear ktigings and Laces, Hair fi wi t c hes and Curls, Dress Trimmings, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLI.AIII SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY W ANTED ---HELP WANTED—SAIL ES MAIV--IM us be thoroughly atqualattd with the Be• Clothing Laziness. Address Box T , GA ZETIC OPPICE WANTED.-A GOOD GIRL, competent to do general housework well, will find a pleasant s'tuation in a small family. Enquire at 65 BEAVER STREET, Allegheny City. W St PLOY3IENT OFFICE. No. 1 Si. Clai • kindsr ree of t. ROTC ki/RLIS and MEN, for diltere of all kinds can ul employ me nt. Persons wantons heir be 'applied on short notice. WANTED - SITU A TIONS. w ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, E N t tE D • — SITUATION.-A n wishes a a s t erEan onan ort.class experience, on Urs or Bar.u-nder In a ilr , t class house. Apply at theEaFie 40Ce1.274 Liberty street. JOHN ENrairr. WANTS i, A k l TE D .—R 00 TO S.—TWO ROOMS or a S3IALL ROUSE, in the np per Ward& Pit , sburg . Hen or r, f-rences .girtn. Audres• B. ki , Box FL, oezrm OFPICZ. W —_ —__________ CC TED --1100:44PIAT/L--III a pleasant room, •bout ten minute s win from Pittsburgh Potoice. Terms iMuCI per month•. Adduce, MILES. GAZEITS orptcs. W AN TED.-BEESWAN, GIN. . • GENRR •t. PRODU C E.n FRUITS. WOOl4 and °or Sout ern and Western Friends can obtain the highest intake , rives, and get prompt returns by consigning their Pi oduee to us. J. eta ItKeltnit GIOFFITIT... General Constaissbn 31erchati.• ' No. 20 N. Front Street, Philadelphia. Pa . • serY:oas WANTED.s; AGE s ; amoutas.siti;oao loan ie lame or u TBOMAS R. PETTY Bin, Bond and Beal llalate Broke; No. 178 Smithfield street TO"I.ET 0-LET-1100 sts.—Furigh e d ItOI~T VF! or unfurnished. with board Also. a large /OX. at 147 Fourth avenue. FOR SAE 59 MARKS ALSO, ON TUESDA .13 4%. Pt 68 KE MEM lan EU ...: . . In the Ninth (lite Fifth) ward. ld, the weather bennfavorablr tne tueetlntr wiltbr beld De AN D HALL, nit - Penn street. Sneakers. W. C MOB sLA ND. E q.. J:J.-SIB— StcliECK. it.q.. lien. /I.,,Ar..P.EarKSUN. By ordtr of Commlttelf-of 410/kers and Meet.: Inge. _ seligoil —.__.________ GrREPUBLIcAi.V INEETENG On Tuesday Evening, September 21,. AT 7,1 P. m., AT THE - M'KEESPORT MARKET HOUSE. The meeting will be addressed by By order of the Coramittte on Meeting's and Speakers. • . se/S;o41 tirREPUBLICAN MEETING.. ELIZABETH BOROUCH, • On Wednesday Evening,- Sept. 22d, AL 73 o'clock. The meeting will be addressed by - • By order of Co Speakers nlinlttee on Meeting , . and selB:o43 REPULICANS OF THE FOURTEENTH. WARD WILL MEET - AT THE SOHO 01! 'HOUSE; Filth Avenue, near litanpbj street. ON MONDAY, 20th instant. AT 7 P. M.: FOR, ORGANIZATION. By orals of VIE:ILA:Nei CO.3rMITTER. er18:o48, nr*FIXIST WARD; AILLGIIE-r NT.— A meeting of the Republican voters of the Ward wfl! bb held it , the serroot to pl ROUSE, SAT I T RDAY.IBth, at' 7, , i o'clock P. M.*, ace 11 /inatlnallon Candidates ',for the4lari.;. ous Ward officers. A meeting of the Vigilance C:rnin Mee will be held at the 5C1160 . 1, TIOUdE; TtIESDAY, 2Tat. at 7Sf o'clock P. at, , • ael7 NDEPENDENT TEMPER,* ANCE CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. - sub* ISAIAH DICKEY ICER & 0., T STREET. TERMER 20,.1869, mportation of Fall and Win red Expressly for the Retail Dreis Silks, in all the new nes, plain • and fancy; Velour Irish and French Poplins. nd French Bombazines, Bi- Cretonneso Valencias, Ser hs. SEMM[BEIt 'oaks and Shawls, Velve -6,1 Polarian Cloakings, Watt= ctive Prices. ..I=L 4d13 4c l CAN. BT'REFT 3 i • 1.4 ' • • . 11W7 EIGH TH WARD TICKET. The following anir-tbe fumes to bele lected from. Egiat heading embiltis the lumber to be voted Or: 7`. FOR SELECT COUNBIL. One to nominate.. - • JOSEPH MARSHALL, WU.. R. (alt./MN. FOR CO/DION COUNCIL. Three to nbminate. W. JOS G. PH D UNSEATH, E Moults, JOSEP HTH.GEoRGE E B R o B. (MAGNESS. A. J. REYNOLDS, GEO. F. moRG&N, L. N. CoURsLN ' EMANTrEL ECAER. JR:- 6cl'Oat DIRECTOR. CHARLES MARTIN. CONSTABLE. One to nominate. GEORGE COCHRAN, JR. J. W. BELL JUDGE OF ELECTION'S. One to nomtnaie. T T. Y. BOYCE, G. S. BODhEttA. • J. it. ritt.W.M.A.N. INSPECTOR. One to nominate. W.H. KEdANxy RR, mutmE, JOHN" SCOTT. RETURN: INSPECTOR. One to nominate. JOHN KEMP. GEO. J. 4NRENY. JAL:O.s H. WALTERS. Belt 050 IariIEPII7IILICAN MASS MEETINC AT CITY HALL, On Thursday, Sept. 23d, At 'Vs' r. if. The meethig - will be 2.,llreseed bT VSTOCKETT MATTHEWS, Esq., OF BALTIMORE, MD The seats on the right and left of the Speakers stand will be reserved for ladles. Campaign and Geary Clubs; are requested to 'urn out and attend the meeting in uniform. By order of Committee. J. JOHN S LAURIE. Chairman S.*FERGUSON, Secretary. aelft:o-10 nN'" * REPUBLICAN . MASS MEETING On Tuesday L i vening, Sept. 21St. AT 73 O'CLOCE, AT THE OLD MA K r HOOSE, c o l. T. . THOMASAYNHE.owARD. IC B J. E. 31 oKELVY, &eq. Hon. THOMAS HOWARD. Col. T. M. nsyNE B 3 orderor EX EC EITIVE CC MUT PEE Q