The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 18, 1869, Image 4

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    I 2
jt littsbutO etaidtt.
ltditors and Proprietors.
0171.0 E: • -
of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and aile.
glum)! County.
--. \
Isms -m.. 4. wisely.
One year-50,00 One yeix.15 2 . 50 622111 1000112—V•lw
One month 75 Mmes.. 1.50 scoßies,enen 1.25
=week In Threes:nog 75 10 ' 1.15
etnierAl done tO Agent.
iNNSEMM. - .l.l.iniim =l
ILENBY W. ward-Aids.
D. N. W ITE, •
Tasssouis—JOS. F. DENNISTON.
Rsoorria—JOSEPH H. GRAY:
Claim ORratiltsv Cotner—ALEX. HILANDS
Ws Plum on the inside pages of
morning's Gezrris—Second Page:
Poetry, "A Maiden's Psalm of Life," Re•
ligious Intelligence, New Publications.
Third and Biz,th pages: Finance and
Trade, Markets, Imports, River News.
&oath page: General Intelligence, State
News, Personal. •
Flanomma at Antwerp, 571-f.
11, B. Boma at Frankfort, 871
Gorzo , closed yesterday in New York
at 1361.
Tar, Republican victory in Colorado is
confirmed by telegraphic advices this
Tux. attention of our readers is directed
to very interesting reading matter which
appears on our second and seventh pages
this morning.
I r vim be a piece of gratifying news
to his many friends hereabouts to learn
that It. BTOCKE'rr TINATTELEWS, the gifted
orator of Maryland, will address our Re
publican citizens next Thursday evening
at City Sall- The mere announcement
of.his name is enough to draw thousands
to hear hlm intelligently and eloquently
discus the important issues of the day.
TEE 'RECENT terrible calamity at the
Avondale coal mines, will doubtless be
made the theme for many pulpit sermons
throughout the 'nary tomorrow, and
we earnestly hope hat the appeals which
will be made to e
oncharitable for suli
stantial aid to the egi of widows and
orphans left by th awful accident, will
be generously nded to. and such a
sum realized as wi add lustre to the phi
lanthropic charac .r of our peuple.
_ AGM.
l i ii
The question o furnishing an adequate
supply of tolerab y pure water for the in
habitants of this city will come up for
decidon at a ape meeting of Councils
to be held on Mo day next. This is not
a measure of su rdinateiniportance. It
involves not onl the expenditure of a
good deal of m ney, but likewise the
comfort and heal, b. of a large find rapidly
increasing poputstion. Indicationshaie
not been lackirilg recently of an,lnipa
tience, on theart of the electors, at
liberal or ex anent appropriations of
municipal fund . But pure water is not
a luxury to be d
t spenssd with when it can
be obtained. I is a i necessity for which
too much canna be paid, provided a less
price will not oliftain it.
While the tax -payers want an abund
ant supply of good water, and are willing
to pay any reaionable sum for it, they are
sure to be restive if experiments shallibe
undertaken that are not sanctioned by
men who hay bad ample experience in
the matter o water,supply, and have
I ' special, siienti c attainments sufficient to
I"give the weig t of authority to their sug
gestions. •
Nor is it f so much consequence to
have this que tion disposed of at once or
soon, as to ye it fully considered under
te.l the aspein which it is presented,
so that the decision,"when made, shall
prove to be oroughly sound. The va
rious sour of water -supply which are
cl l
at command ave been long ender inves
tigation, no simply by the public , and
the press, bti by persoip of acknowledged
- competency. and duly. employed to that
end. If soy additional facts have been
recently diselosed which awes fficiently
powerful to l et aside er may. modify
the conclusions reached two years or
more ago, ey have not fallen under our
The nsibility is with the Councils,
and we doubt not they will act with such
discretion Mid promptness as 7ifilttlie et
the poptgateairotal. , ' , , . '
The telegraph reports thnt the sympa
thies of Admiral Hoff, commanding our
Gulf-squadron, are witluthe Cuban i insttr ,
gents. It would be safe to assutne that
the feelings of the men who are at the
head of national. affaira at Washington
ton in, the same direction. Rebels are
'nearly always poPular with everybody
'except those against whom -they rise in
arms. When the Southern States revolt
ed their cause was popular almost all over
Europe. If good wishes from that quar
ter could have availed, - the rebellion,
would have proved successful.
Some thinkers maintain 'that this
marked and universal sympathy with re
bellion, is only a vague and unconscious
protest against the evils which necessarily
inhere in all Governments devised and
conducted by fallible human beings.
Other thinkers contend that this sympa.
thy is only the expression of a natural de
light which most people feel at seeing
their fellows involved in trouble.
Whether one or the other of these
classes of thinkers, or neither, has
the fact with them, we will not
discuss. Certain it is that the
advocates of popular government al
ways rejoice whenever a monarchy en
counters a serious revolt. Ihnthe case
under consideration, there are peculiar
reasons why the people of this country
should wish well to the Cuban insur
rection. Spain has notoriously governed
Cuba about as badly as it could. Indeed,
it is a perversion of terms to call Spanish
rule in Spain a government. It has been,
rather, organized robbery.
But the United States, during the late
rebellion within its own borders, set up
some principles of international law, and
claimed damages from Great Britain under
them, which stand in the way of its action
in behalf of the Cuban insurgents. Not
prepared to relinqUish its claims upon
England for the Alabama spoliations, and
not being able to bring the controversy
in relation thereto to a conclusion, it is
constrained to remain passive. How
long this will last it is not easy to per
ceive. Recent advices indicate that it
may be extendedso as to make the case
of the Cuban rebels altogether hopeless.
That mining is an employment which
subjects all persons engaged therein to
special hazards, is abundantly manifest,
particularly to residents of mineral dis
tricts. Science has disclosed various in
strumentalities by which the dangers can
be lessened, if not entirely avoided; but
the cupidity of proprietors, or the selfish
demand of the mass of coal consumers
for cheap fuel, or both of these causes
combined, has led to the avoidance of the
additional expense which the use of these
instrumentalities r.ecessarily entails. Just
now there is a general clamor for the
highest possible degree of safety in mines.
But the cheerful concession of such in
creased prices for coal as would enable
the proprietors to meet the heavy costs of
the security, we fail to discover. The
fact seems to be assumed that these costs
can be defrayed without seriously impair
ing current profits, or, at least, without
reducing profits below a fair proportion.
We apprehend that the balance sheets of
proprietors may conduce to a different
Thefact can neither be denied nor con
cealed that the wages of labor almostuai
formly bear a definite and just proportion'
to the hazards entailed by different/em
ployments. In point of fact, miners are
now receiving, and have been for a
number of / years past, high/rates of re•
numeration—ngruly or quite double the
average of skilled wortrien pursuing vo
cations above groynd. Whether this
higher average.o/f/compensation is actu
ally sufficient/to cover the greater risks
run, we need not here stop to consider.
All we desire in this connection is to call
attention to the obvious fact that if work
lit mines shall be reduced, by the applica
tion of approved scientific means, to the
average chances of casualtiez which pre
vall•in other labor, the wages of miners
will not long remain above those of other
toilers. In the very nature of the case,
this must be so.
Some powder-makers pay a certain rate
of wages, stipulating to maintain the
wives and children of such of the work
men as may be disabled or killed by ex.
plosions. In sten cesare reported in which
the proprietors of-a•mill support twohun
dred such persons. In these instances,
the wageti are made enough less to liar
rant the proprietors in taking the chances
of damage likely to be inflicted on the
workmen. It does not matter how many
times this problem may be turned round,
the final result will be the same;
proprietors must directly incur the
reducing the risks incident to - the busi
ness in which they are engaged, or the
workmen must be indemnified' by aug
mented wages. In either event, the con
sumers of the product' will haye to pay
higher rates for so much of it as they
have respectively occasion for.
If it shall turn out upon a careful
scrutiny, that miners are not now paid
larger wages than most other classes of
workmen, it may be taken for granted
that on the general introduction, either
through the force of law or of public,
opinion, or the demand of the miners'
themseivesof new and costly means of
additional security in the mines, the
consumers of:coal will have to submit to
a penruumnt average increase in price.
Nor ought this to be objected to; and if
objection &odd be idled, it would be of
so avail. Whituver Wade to isoretuie tbe ,
cod of producing Aqi, tle/ljuring sir
commodity is sure to augment the price
that must be paid for it.
We commented, 5 few days ago, upon
the effort made last spring to' secure the
enactment of a proper law for reducing
the hazards of mining, and upon the
causes of the failure of that effort. Le
tts" add a few additional words. All the
anthracite counties are "largely Demo•
craft, as are also most of the .bituminous
in which mining is prosecuted. on a lib
eral scale. This has been so constantly
since the beginning of the mineral devel
opmenta. By comity among the mem
bers of the two Houses of the General As
sembly, legislation to meet local wants
has always been left to the representatives
of the districts specially interested. By
far the greater part of the miners are
Democrats. The mining counties are
Democratic in consequence of their votes
mainly. Why have the Democratic lead
ers whom they have promoted year after
year'to places of honor and influence sys
tematically neglected their welfare in
this important matter ? Nay, why have
they opposed as often as an attempt has
been made to secure a proper legal rem
edy for the evils endured ? We do not
like to present the cuss under this aspect,
because it is one of very high gen
eral concernment; but there seems to be
no other way of doing fall justice in the
The danger now is that legislation may
be precipitated under excitement and
without duly calling up the material cir
cumstances which ought to be taken
into consideration. A well balanced stat
ute is required; one that shall
compel the proprietors, under stringent
penalties, to adopt and effectively main
tain all means of safety which have been
found of real value, and which shall
sharply punish miners who shall interfere,
under any pretext whatever, with the
constant and vigorous movements of this
machinery, no matter what it may be.
The bill that passed the House, and failed
'hi the Senate, last spring, is said to con
tain suitable provisions. Possibly it em,
bodies all that is needful; but upon mature
reilection.we incline to the opinion that
it stands in need of revision to adapt it to
all the contingencies that are liable, to
If the men who may- be elected to the
Legislature from the mining counties will
give this subject their attention,- - tvill
inspect personally as many of the mines
as they well can,—and will consult . fully
with both proprietors, engineers and
miners, they will bring to the task of
framing a proper law a good deal of defi
nite and valuable knowledge. They will
certainly understand the evils to be cured
in all their ramifications, and be able to
devise remedies that shall thoroughly
meet the necessity. without damaging in
terests that are of incalculable conse
quenge to the State and the whole cuuntry.
But the public may as well understand
first as last that the mining corporations
and individual proprietors, engaged in
the ,traffic for the full peylod of thirty
years past, have not gained much over
aft average profit of ten / per cent. on their
investments. Some companies and indi
viduals who dipped in about 1862, have
made more, but if they shall stay in for a
considerable time longer, their average
prgtitazwill be greatly reduced from the
points at which' they now stand. The in
ference from these facts is obvious. The
,adoption of all the means of safety in
mines which have been suggested by the
newspapers would at least double
suggestions are known by all practical
men, proprietors, engineers and miners,
to have no merit in them, and to have
proceeded from utter ignorance of the
points of danger to be guarded against.
That the next Legislature will enact a
general law for the regulation of
mining, is now certain. It is al
together desirable that this law
shall be molded under the influence
of reason and knowledge nab& th
excitement and prejudice.,
When il
take effect the profits of proprieters, the
wages of miners, and the price consumers
will have to pay for coal will be adjusted
by those commercial laws, which, in the
long run, prove superior to all combina
tions to put up or put down rates. It
will not be marvelous, if many persons
who now clamor. loudly tor the introduc
tion and maintenance of the most costly
means of safety in mines, shall clamor,
some little time hence, with equal energy
against the increased price of coal which
the employment of those very instrument
atives may possibly render inevitable.
Burrs for damages against the city of
Bt. Louis are accumulating. Mrs. Ellen .
Halpin° asks $5,000 damages for fatal in
juries received by her son, a child, through
the unlawful and negligent obstruction of
the sidewalk by wagons, carts and horses.
W. C. Sampson sues for $lO,OOO for im
prisonment in the calaboose for twenty
four hours without any charge or com
plaint being made against him. Pierre A.
Berthold has also sued for $25,000 dam
ages, sustalnedi he claims, by being
thrown into a dole eighteen feet deep,
which had bee dug ior the laying of
water pipit'.
A BOGUS insurance agent has been
swindling farmers in Crawiord county.
His plan was this: He insured one
man's property at a low rate and took
his note for the amount; he Svent to
another, sold him the note at a discount,
and also insured his property, receivi n li
cash therefor; he then went to a third
k his
farmer, insured his propert'
note, and then disappeared from the
neighborhood: He is being looted after.
TEM. Avondale Relief Fund In the bands
of Mr. George R. Bter(arte. the treas
Thund urer,
et Philadelphia, amounted en ill
to 04,145.16. , < •
THERE is probably no author now liv
ing:whose driunas have been so success
ful or have Sodeserved success as those
of Dion Botioicault. His has been almost
the only pen, save Bulwer's, which has
added what may be looked upon as per
manent contributions to English drat:tet
te literature. His latest product on,
Formosa, is accused of a boldness which
renders it inadmissible to thepp
gently warn the dear public from rising
3 r.
stage, and critics are not wanting w
the Contamination of their minds b pat
ronizing its performances. If aol sof
persons, synonymous with these critics*
had lived in the days of Shakespeare,
there would have been a number o fine,
appealin critiques—now existing r else
lost to the world—upon the horri im
morality or destructive influe of
Twelfth Night, Winter's Tale, 11 mlet,
Macbeth,. etc. We have neither re .d nor
seen Rermosu, but we are familiar with
the Cry of the cant-hounds s , .ho make
i l
their reputations and their daily breed by
seemingly pious appeals inten ed to in
cite precisely those feelings; he •exist
ence of which they profess to d ploreanti
we have no doubt that Mr. Bou Jesuit has
written something which, wer it not fi_r
his prominence, which rends s him fit
prey for those creatures, wou dbe con
sidered neither more nor les immoral
than the great majority of books and
plays which are published to Ithe. world.
c i ls.
THE OLDEST MASON in the - world
should be sought for by Mr. ficawber,
who was waiting for him ; w know of no one equal to the oldest bias n for turn
ing up. Unlike most aged c ntenarians
he cannot be depended u on for any
time, nor can he generall. walk ten
m i,
iles an hour like the peri dical oldest
inhabitant, but quite often e grows ten
\For instance, about a year ago he was
or twelve years older in a sin le fortnight.
named Johnston, and aged inety-eight;
then he was named someth Dg else and
was aged one hundred an four years.
Some time later he was Da id Eatdn, of
Virginia, aged 'one hundred and eleven,
and now he is again Davi Eaton, but
only one hundred and eight years old. l
This kaleidoscopic youth h never been
appreciated by the fraterni y, he is in Lid
ease an M. V. W. A. L. . G. M. P. A. l l
Y. M, but ig invariably poken of as a
Master Mason, whose hes, is level and
whose actions have always been on the
square. We hope that his habits may
become more regular so that we may
from time to time chronicle hls move
meats for years to come. 1 • i
TUE STORM which NITEI. Stowe has
raised by her recent article on Lord
Byron, in the At/antic, is probably alto
gether without a precedent in b
history; but like other storms of human
origin there has been a great deal of mis
placed bluster and unjust fury. That
Mrs. Stowe's article w4s unnecessary
arid . in bad taste we, think none will
deny, and any writer isjustifled in saying
so, or even in doubting the reliability of
Mrs. Stowe's authority ; but many, not
content with this have assailed her person
al character, have accused her of pander
ing to the depraved tastes of the age and of
writing the article in order to gain a
little cheap notoriety. To say this of
Mrs. Stowe, is simply to proclaim one's
self an ignoramus. The woman who
has given her energies to the promotion
of great reforms, and whose name has
rung through the world in every lan
guage louder and oftener than that of any
other living woman, wears an armor
from which such weapons will turn
against their users. Much as we flay
regret the publication of such an article
from such a pen, we must believe that
the intentions of the anth oress were
good and her sincerity unimpeacitable.
Ig Loognto over the daily press of thi
period one constantly encounters gems
of humor or wit which would do credit
to the reputation of a Hood or a Jerrold.
The reason of this is that most news
papers boil down a great deal of their
matter into short paragraphs now, and,
as everybody knows, brevity is the soul
of wit. Every one of at least twenty
papers gets off at least one good thing a
month, at least one thing that, when we
read it, causes us to be as suddenly and
irresistibly tickled as if . we had just
snuffed a charge of pepper up our most
sensitive nostril. These paragraphs, the
successful ones of Course, might be
gleaned and harvested and by and by
brought out in a book, which, though
not altogether a fresh crop, would, we
are sure, quite supercede the ancient
Joe Milleriams and cut and dried puns
which appear about once every 'ilve years
in new editions. These gems, which are
being hilt every day , are, maniof them,
we feel sure, much better than those old
ones were when they were new.
'DIU Philadelphia North Anteriean
said, a few days ago, that the season for
gunning accidents had not yet com
menced. At present this can no longer
be said. It seems as if every paper we
glance at has some horrible account of
the careless use of fire-arms and the fe
ta; result thereof. Every I State, and
every portion of every State, seems to be
too readily furnishing a warning exam
ple; but people will not remember.
Enough poisons have been killed, by
these means alone, in the United States
during the past score of years, to people
a new State, and enough more have been
crippled or maimed by the same means
to fill all the offices in the new State, af
ter it was peopled. The frequency of
these affairs has become actually terrific,
beca the more frequent they become
the I care there seems to be exercibed
in ha dling the shooting irons. Girls
have.their heads shot o ff and men thelr
brain blown out; hearts are pierced and'
lun ibored ovally day, through the care.
lessrudes of some relative or friend. Such
onolfralless Is criminal, but there is , a
sort 't I. wore.; , we refer to the intau
tiOnal Pignallg GO Pilling Or Wigan
of guns supposed not to be loaded. Fre
quently we have seen this done, and al
ways feel: lik — e dealing summarily with
the foot—for he Is nothing else—who
dares ruu so great a risk.
pleased to learn that Mrs. Augusta J.
Wilson nee Evans, has written another
text book for their use. Although this
novel is not yet out of the hands of the
printers, and we have not yet seen it, we
have no doubt it mill be quite as ad
mirably suited to their purposes, and as
thorough Greek to the rest of the public'
as were Beulah, St. Elmo, Ma caria and
Inez. Doubtless some of the characters
often exhausting their powers of being
brutal to each other, will sit down to
gether in some beryl paved corridor,
from which the stairs of jasper wind -to
the rock crystal dome, and enjoy a quiet
little dialogue in oolitic, Sanscrit or
Arabic interrupted only by the rustle of
the hair of the heroine upon the jewelled
floor, while she stands in her bare feet
upon the icy roof above, deeply immers
ed in the verification of one of the astro
logical problems of Zoroaster.
THERE is to be a Democratic meeting
in Waynesburg on the 21st inst.
AsA PACEER is said to be the champion
euchre player of Mauch Chunk.
REPUBLICANISM has become the syno
nym for economy and that of Democracy
for. extravagance. No better evidence of
this can be found than the record of the
',State on national finances.
EIGHT more years of Republican rule
,at the same rate as the past eight will
(completely wipe out the State debt left
us by Democratic rulers. Everybody
who wants it done will accordingly vote
for Geary.
EVERY Republican will appreciate the
importance of the present campaign, in
view of the fact that the election of
Pershing would give the Democracy the
control of the Supreme Court of the
State, and enable them again, as last
year, to deluge us with fraudulent natu
ralization papers.
GEN. R. C. Cox, of Liberty, is an rtn
dependent candidate for Treasurer of Ti
oga county. Gen. Cox was a candidate
for nomination at the Republican nomi
nating convention but failed to receive
the sanction of that body. If a man is
especially conceited, such a failure is
almost sure to bring him out as an inde
pendent candidate, and the election which
follows almost invariably takes the con-
ceit out of him altogether.
IT is asserted on the authority of Wm.
F. Smith, of Philadelphia, that Asa
Packer, who has claimed residence in that
city since 1864, has only paid one income
tax in all that time, amounting to about
$32 50—beside a tax of $8 90 on watches
and silver plate, which would be $4l 40
in all. This statement is worth inquir
ing into on the part of the revenue officials
of Carbon and Philadelphia. If Mr.
Packer has really shirked the payment of
his nationalss well as State, borough and
county taxes, by shifting his residence,
Is proper that the public should be off t
cially informed of the fact.
Tun Philadelphia Ledger speaks of Bill
McMultin, leader of the copperhead
roughs in that city, who threatens blond
shed on election day if the registry law is
enforced, as follows:
.."It Alderman McMullin has been reek
figs enough to utter such threats and there
is anything but idle vaporing in his
words, he will find on the side of the law
and authorities thousands of men as
brave and fearless as he can possibly be,
although they are not in tiii habit of ,ex
hibiting their courage in as reckless and
questionable ways. His 'crowds' would
be outnumbered a hundred to one.
There has been a great deal too much of
this sort of thing, and it is time that all
those who feel like indulging in it should
be made to feel that there is no decent
man of any party who will give counte
nance to it, and that there must be an end
of.these discreditable and reprehensible ac-
EDWARD HERNDON, a colored man,
died on the 15th, in the vicinity of St.
Louis, from the bite a mad dog received
twelve days Previous. of
THE Krentz murder, at Cincinnati, re-
Mara involved in mystery, the Coro-
ner's jury finding that death resulted
from a pistol fired by some unknown per
son. One Adam Leider has been arrest
ed on suspicion.
A. LADY from Connecticut went to an
eating house in Columbus. Ohio, leaving
her bady on a seat in the Cincinnati train.
The train left with the baby, and the
mother was left in a high state of excite
ment to follow on the next train.
Tan residence of Dr. J. T. Ray, in
Meadville, was entered by burglar , on
the night of the 15th, and robbed of all
the silverware the thieves escaping with
out alarming ,
the family. Fortunately
they overlooked "silver wedding" pres-,
ents. In view of the fact of the presence
in or about the borough of it - nang of bur
glars, the Republican recommends cross
dogs, double barreled shot guns, revol
vers, &C, '
THERE was a curious bet made by two
sisters, daughters of a wealthy farmer. at
a horse race in Dubuque last week. The
eldest bet on Wild Rose, the terms being
that if she won the youngest sister was
to remain single for the term of five mor
tal years; bet that if she lost she must
marry, within four weeks, a young man
of her acquaintance: Wild Rose lost;
the eldest sister is therefore held to the
terms of her contract, and, being of true
grit, declares that she will stick to her
agreement. Ax
ATTEMPT WWI made to murder Mr.
N. D. Clutter, of,Rich Hill township,
Greene county, on the night ot the 10th.
Whilst returning home from a visit to a
sick friend, two men sprang out from the
bushes at the road side, and commenced a
murderous assault, one of them striking
him with a knife, cutting his clothing
from the shoulder to the hip, whilst the
other struck him across the back with a
club. Mr. C. manazed to draw his re
volver, when the rascals fled,' two shots
fired after them unfortunately :failing of
Tun STORM It Cleveland Thursday
night, the Herald says, was one of the
most terrific within the memory of the
"oldest inhabitant." It buret forth
appalling fury,'witti vivid lightning, andth
thunder which mewled to thaethear•
TWA wasprelhatharY Peed bode
~.,, ~
R.;.. ~
rain, literally inundating the streets.
During, the storm a house on the West
Side was struck by lightning and burned,
and the .wires of Steven's omnibus
telegraph - line were melted, the
drops of molten iron falling in a shower
to the pavement and cracking like torpe
oes as they struck the water. -At the
AJentral Police Station the lightning en
tered on the fire alarm telegraph wire,
and a ball of fire, seen to leap from the
bell of the instrument, bursted with a re
port as loud as a pistol shot,. the fluid
then passing into the wall, scattering the
plastering. No particularly serious
damage is reported, save the burning of
the house referred to. -
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 17.—Cotton: re
ceipts to-day 2,323 bales; of week 7,134
bales; exports coastwise 2,091 bales;
stock 7,863 bales; market active, with
sales'l,4so bales middling at 29 1 4®NNci
sales for the week 3,712 bales. Flour
dull at 85,75®6,05. Corn lower; white
at 81,02. • Oats at6l ®62c. W hisky easier
at 51,30. Other articles unchanged. Gold
at 135 g,. Sterling at 45X. New York
Sight at par.
MAIL GLE/111i68.
47:'! 1"1.!
One of the truest and most suggestive ideas
can be obtained from the caption at - the head
of this art.cle; for of all diseases which impair
human health and tbotten human life, none are
more prevalent than those which affect the lungs
and pulmonary tissues. V'llLtherwe regard lung
diseases in the light of a merely slight cough,
which is but the fore-runner of a more serious
malady. or as a deep lesion corroding and dis
solving the pulmonary structure, it is always
pregnant with evil and foreboding disaster.
In no class of maladies should the hysician or
the friends and family of the patient be more,
seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs,
for it is in them that early and efficient treat
ment is most desirable, and it is then that danger
can be warded off and a cure effected. In DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG ClfEer. you have a medicine
of the greatest value in all these conditions•
alterative, a tonic. a nutrient and reeolvent,
succoring nature and sustaining the recupers
xive powers or the system. Its beautiful woric
tugs, in harmony with the regular functions,,can
be readily observed by the use of one or two bot
tles: it will soon break sir, the chain of morbid
sympathies that disturb the harmonious work
ings of the animal economy. The harrassing
cough, the, painful respiration, the sputum
streaked with blood. *lll soon give niece to the"
normal and pioper workings of twilit and vigor.
An aggregated experience of over thirty years
has enabled Dr. Keyser, in the compounding of
his LUNG CUR& to give new bone to the con
sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy
relief in those now prevalent, catarrhal and
throat affections, so distressing in their effects
and so almost certainly fatal In•their tendencies,
unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DE.
KEYSER'S I.DING CURE is to thorough and ef
dcient, that any one who has ever used It, will
never be without It in the house. It will often
cure when everything else falls, and in simple
cases will cure oftentimes In a few days.
The attention of patitnts, as well as medical
men. ii respectfully invited tot his new and
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the court-
.D R. KZTeER may be consulted every day
until 1 o'clock P. Y. at his Great Medicine Store.
161 Liberty street,• and from 4 to 6 and T to 9
at night
"In time of peace prepare-for-war,"As a sound
military maxim. "Let not {he sickly season
find you unprepared," is an equally good rule in
medical jurisPrudetce. The man must be made
of iron who gads himself at the close of summer'
as strong as at Its commencement. Such a phe
nomenon is rare. even among the most robust of
the human famdy. Muscular and constitutional
vigor oozes out 4. us In the broiling weather of
July and August. and few of us. at the opening
of the Fall, are In the best poasible condition to
defy the unhealthy Influences of the season.
Fever. and ague and bilious remittent fevers.
together wltii &variety of complaints that affect
the dig s ta re organs, the liver and the bowels,
form a pottion of the autumn programme. Bear
in mind that exhaustion Invites these disorders,
and that Maintain vor enables t m i se r a b le . "
repel them. "To be w est is to be
ears Satan to Ida defeat a x i o m
legions. in 'Faradtse
Lost," " avd the axiom is correct, theukh it
comes from an evil - source.
Ho 1 thsn, ye weak and feeble, fortify your
Autumnalhe invis•ble enemv that invades
the air: The best d•tfence airainst
miasmata a court's , otIiuSTE'ITE STOstA.CH
BITTe.R.S. This rare:vegetable tonic wild
prove your appetite, stimulate your digestion,
give lirtopess to your nerves, invigorate your
muscular fibre, regulate your secretions, cheer
your spirits, and put your entire physique in
perfect working ordtr. It is ess'iy dope. The
stand rd tonic and alterativeawhich
per.ste and build you up, is
VOt "bid ,"
but, on the contrary, s pleasant mtdiclne.
See, however, that yeu have the genuine arti
cle. The are Imitations and counterfeits in
the mark et and they t ars all worthies" or dele
terious. Bear in mind that HOSTETTER'S
STOMACH BI TTERS is so d onl each ss. In ver
by the gallon or cask), an - d that bottle bears
a lane' surmounted by a vighette of St. George
and the Drassbni and our refs:rine stamp over the
Rt;I:1 - GIOUS.
LEIL CHURCH. corner Wood and Sixth
strears.—The pastor of this thnrch, Rev. W. H.
BPS DE• has returned and wilt preach on
SU:Nyity. at
CHURCH. (Railroad htreet,near Depot,)
Preaching EVERY SABBATH. St 11.1% A. a nd
I P. H. Public cordially Invited.
BENJ. F. littoo KN. B etor s t will officiate at di-
vine service in this Church on TO- hiuRBUW at
hall-pa it ten o'clock A. X., and half- .rast seven
O'ClOck Y. X.______________------.—...
. LUTHERAN CHURCH, Seventh Ave. , '.
nue, above rmittitleld street. Rev. r. LAIRD. ft
Pastor. Services Tu.MORROW MORNING, at
10 )4 .0 • a lcma.M)W66:'Ck.. , iT,
corner Grsro street and Thira Alranney,
Rev. W. N. VAN DEIIARK Pastor. liervices
'gym - HUN OAT at 10); A. X and I ie. B.
nexus free and a welcinne to all. Sunday School
at 9 A. is.. '_____.....—.--.----------------- ,
Ilir CHURCH. corner of Grant and
te strer Tlits chard seal .p.W). eb
divrne es vlce TJ.MOBROWbe(Biodayedtfhoe
19th. at 10% o'clock A. x. The public are In
vited to attend._
Gray, Pinter, meets statedly in NEVILLE
HALL, corner of Liberty and Fourth streets.
Services every Lord's Day at lON, A. X. an d 73
r M.
üblit are cordially Invited
AN CHURCH, Allegheny. corner of
cock and Andersonstree.s. freaching TO. MOR-
RoW. August bib, at 1.03 i o'clock A. X. and at
TM o'clock P. BEV. G. W. F. MOM, of
kpringlield. Illinois. -
All are cordially invited.
(1111800. corner Beaver street and
Montgomery avenue., Allegheny elly,
KING, Pastor. Preaching Tit .MOB
NOW, (Lord , a
Day.) at /04 A. X. and I% P. K.
nests eallrely tree and scordlalltaltatlon to
Oda Nitta street. Bor. J. 14. . BTUeirtti .
R sae. Yalta?. erraebtag PO. REOWs at
10H A._ll. and THrwrr. •
tinnday. Sabre sae A, S.. Leesarearta Prayer
of tike CossaNwsttua sad Willa cord4lll7 tuned.