The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 16, 1869, Image 8

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    ciry..AND SUBOHBAN•
TEta-GASIM3I fianishect in„thesity,
for siz days of the week for 15- cents per
week; by mitt, 38 per arum : 3 mos., 32.
The Vigilance Co mmittee of the First
ard; Allegheny, will meet at the
sebool house this evening.
A. Temperance and Beform meeting
was held Tuesday everting last' at Hall's
School Rouse, Robinson township.
Correctlon.—ln our notice of the inew
d i
Benefield Church we stated that the -
mar edifice dcstroyed by fire ha 1
*12,00. The church cost *18,912. .
----40.-------- i,m
Bleventb . Ward, Attention. --The Vig
ilance Committee of this wrd ere ur
gently requested to meet Latheschool
house this evening at half iyast ;eeven
o'clock, il
Store Robbed.--The clothing store of
wardbb on Penn street, in theiliinth
was entered by burglars early yes
terday evening and clothing to the value
01'000 carried away.
A liTicherli Lifted, Alexander Pa
vent was relieved of a gold watch and
chain, -- valued'at $l5O, while attending
tae ball at Turners' Hall, Tuesday even
ing. No clue to the thief.
Serious Fall.--Mrs. Cavanagh,. an old
lady, fell from a second story window of
Cavansgb's - fruit store, Fifth avenue, last
evening,' and broke her skull. Dr. Mc
Cook trepanned the skull after the ao•
instant Death.--Yest er ears ofage, r
rday aftenoon
Virrn.R. 'finish, slaty ye
ing at Belleview, was thrown from his
wagon on the New Brighton Road near
Jack's-I%lin, and instantly, killed. The
accident was caused by his horse run
ning away.
Sixth Ward, Allegheny, Attention:—
Vie Republicans of this ward are re
quested to :meet this evening at 7%
o'clock' at Motherals Hall, corner of
Juniata street and Beaver avenue, for
the purpose of organizing for the coin
"ti campaign.
Mary's Festivities.--Annie Charles
worth alleges that Mary Doyle threat
ened to tear out one of her visual orbs
and otherwise acted so r tdisorderly man
ner by applying all of abusive epi
- theta to her. Alderman Strain issued a
warrant for the'arrest of Mary.
The Verdict of Public Oplaion Sustains
the Weed Dtachine.—lt triumphs where
all.others fail. Success is ever the best
evidence of merit and superior worth.
And only
W cents per day to pay for a
'Peed at the 'Agent's, R. U. Long dt Co.,
No. 116 Market,street.
alight Vire.—The alarm or e in Alle
gheny yesterday morning abut ten
o'clock waa caused by the burning of
some grease in, the kitchen attached to
Richter's saloon in the Diamond. The
datnage-was' immaterial, the flames be
ing ex.tinguiehed with a few buckets of
water. 7
Catight.,Johnltarker was yesterday
placed n 'the lock-t. oMr.-11-T.n a chargeVo-
iarceny. It appears th m at
gle-04-Birmingliatn, was in Miller's sa
loon counting some money on th' coun
teßarker', Whim Baer picked up:..a dollar and
a quartet : laid slid. He was captured by
a .oliceman andtaken to - the loci-np.,
lairceny..;4tidreWßhebartmade infer
.. ation 4 befoin the Mayor Tuesday,
charging William Rich
ardson and Christy Bradford with lar
,cee. lie alleges that they took 815 from
him while he,..wsa in Williams 'saloon.
The - parties were , arrested and after a
heahrigez,WilliaMs was discharged and
the otheratommittecifor
Ast ,
13 ttery C
.an a harles Leon
ard yesterdarmsde information before
Justice 'Ammon. ;of; East: Birmingham,
charging William Klien with assault end
battery. The partiei were in a beer se
lOon in Birmingham wfiere a difficulty
arose between thorn,
whereupon it is al.
leged Kited kicked the deponent vio.
lent , ly./A warrant was issued.
I .l‘g / tit, Firei:=About ten o'clock yes.
rday a slight fire occurred in a brick
Aux, occupied by, Mr. Hamilton, in the
tir of the ttnicin Planing Mills, Eigh
enth street, East Birmingham._ The
re originated in the attic from a defec
ive flue. The fire department was
out, but did not go into service as
fire: was extinguished before the
,meanies arrived. The damage was
'cry slight.
tiasty Litigation.—Yesterdaymorning
'Lary Palmer made information before
,lderrnan Thomas. charging Sarah Jen
:tins with the larceny of ninety dollars.
Sarah'spresnises were searched but the
money not, found. Subsequently _Mary
discovered the money behind a bureau
in heintin room, where it had been put
for safe keeping. Sarah was accordingly
discharged. and nary learned a lesson
in hasty litigation.
The Pollee.—ltil but' mete and just
that we should accord more than a pass-
ing word of tribrite to Mayer Brush and
his poliqwfor the very excellent arrange
ments made and . successfully • carried
into effect for the preservation of ord
and. decor= o n Tuesday.' The per
are daily growing better and more effi
cient and certainly their conduct an
b ear ing on Tuesday added largely
theit.individual and collective repute
+Conunined.--James Smith. arrested In
Indiana, Pa.. for horse stealing, was
committed to jail after a hearing before ,
the Mayor yesterday. We stated a few
days since that two valuable horses had
been stolen from the stable of James
,W,Wcinsburg, which it ap
pears were taken by Smith. An officer
Pt track of him and followed him to
Indiana, where he was arrested, havipg
the horses' in his possession, and brought
back to this city.
,Wanted Iliierjuustorn.-121ary Murphy,
proprietor of a small doggery on Virgin
alley, it is stated became very angry at
a neighbor; Miss Nancypatro ni J. Blair, because
that lady cshose to ze some cause
that for invigorators. To sat
la,. her—revenge, it is alleged, while
passing Nancy's house yesterday, she
smashed.on throughindows by throw
ing a brick,it. Nancy sought
Alderman ,Efolfaste malic io usde infor
3nation against her tomischief.
Warrant issueol:
Youthful, Forger. --A lad named John
Crow wee brought tore e city yesterday
by a 'Buffalo detectind lodged l in Jail
to await trial in thelJnited States Court,
on a chargdfot filterirocw,,counterfelting
postal currency.. Tbe.boy,- in Titus.
who is rather
bright and intelligent, operated
Ville, securing postal orders ter two dol
lars and saran dolla and makin g
them read for,larger a rs,
fie was
anaemia' in several instances in" draw
ing the money. lie centeesed hie guilt
and urged - lie bad to keep hie father, an
Aged and Wenn mac. • ' • /
Public flympattiv--The verdict in the
case of officer William Wray of this,clty,
charged with burglary in the Fayette
,County,Couxt, Agu
udit% ilty ex v ,-,
ctte much comMent in this city where
the s
prisoner is so well and fAvorably
known. There is but one opinion in the
case and that is that he is innocent. we
cannot see why . such a verdict should
have been rendered on the testimony ad.
duoed, and believe that Executive clem
ency could not be better exercised than
in his case.
Lager Connacated.—Yesterdsy after
noon two kegs of lager mysteriously dis
appeared from in front of Sohlelein's
confectionery, corner of Robinson and
Federal street, Allegheny. Later it the
day three young men named respective
ly Patterson, Shields and Oaskey,noting
in a boisterous manner in the IFirst
Ward, Allegheny, attracted the atten
tion of the police, and eventually found
cheu3selves in the lock-up. Circuinstan
es of a pretty direct character, ids al
leged, connected them. 'with the disap
pearance of the "fluid," and Mr. e.lile
iein accordingly charged them with the
larceny. They will have a hearidg this
An incident.—The President coom . ..
panted by his lady a short distanc i from I
ca rriage was site
by a tall, lank fellow, who wan ied
know when he could look out for Grant
on his way to little Washington the . Mrsresil
Grant quickly said, "this is P
dent." The man eyed the littln broad
shouldered man a moment, and with a
twinkle of his eye said, "get along Ma
ims, I ain't this years hatchin% that
man's good enough but VII wale a little
longer to see our Preaident. That little
fellow won't pass for him just this' time."
The President laughed heartily kind the
carriage drove on, the chap taking his
seat by the wayside to await somebody
he could believe was the President of
the United States.
Coal Lane, in the Sixth ward, MIS ex
cited yesterday by a wordy warfare-be
tween Mrs. Annie Wilson and Mrs. Eliza
Cookson. Eliza eventually conquered
in words, but subsequently was brought
before Alderman Butler by her defeated
rival for disorderly connect. The lan
guage used on the occasion was thought
by the Alderman to be strictly disor
derly, but that each might hive the
benefit of law, he dismissed he case
and divided the costs between th m.
Safe Deposit Company.
The importance of this institution to
the public cannot be fully appreciated,
except by a personal examination of the
great: security it affords against fire and
burglars. To holders of securities its
vaults furnish most ample and perfect
protection. As a place of safe deposit
for records, and valuables of any kind,
the accommodations are full and corn=
plete. We recommend business men,
and all others holding securities, trustees
of estates and parties having a large
number of title papers to visit the Safe
Deposit Company bulliing and inform
themselves of its workings.
An Omission.
Ia our report of the reception of the
President, we unintentionally omitted
to state that the following officers of the
regular army called upon and paid their
respects to the President, at the Monon
gahela House, in fall dress uniform,
during Whiteley , commander of the Arsenal,
General G. Weitzel'. United States Eng
ineers, Brevet Major W. Y. L. Nichode.
mug, Military Inst:uotor at the Western
University. Brevet Major J. A. Kress,
and Captain G. D. Ramsey, of the Ord
nance Department, and others whose
names we could not ascerta in. -
Difficulty on a Street Car.
Tuesday evening a diffienity occurred
on a street. car on the Bir&inghani rail
way, between B ohn Rldenbatigh, the
conductor, and William Lang and Thos.
Dunn. Lang and the conductor were
arrested by the police and taken to the
lock-up, when the latter was released
and the former locked up for a hearing,
Which he got yesterday morning, and
was fined ten dollars. Dunn made his
escape and repaired to the office of Jus
tice Salisbury, when he made informa
tion charging the conductor witiVessault
and battery, and Rodenbangh made in
formation before Justice Ammon charg
rng Dnnn with the same offence. War
rants were issued in both cases.
The Rene( -ftleetlno
A meeting of citizens to take measures
for extending some relief to the Avon
dale sufferers was called foi yesterday
afternoon at the Mayor's Office, but the
'excitement of the previous day seemed
to have overshadOwed everything else,
and at the time, three o'clock, the at
tendance was found to be so small that
the meeting adjourned until next Mon
day afternoon. Bishop Serfoot presided,
with Benjamin Morgan as Secretary.
The Secretary was instructed to issue
circulars to the pastors of the churches
in the two cities, requesting them to
make mention of the meeting in the
pulpits next Sabbath morning. A note
from a little girl was Iread, which en-
lose d a dollar for the relief fund.
Caged at Last.
On Tuesday of last week we published
an account of a daylight robbery per
petratod at the corner of Grant street
and Cherry alley, by which Daniel Rey
nolds was relieved of a silver watch
worth sixty dollars. Officers Moore and
Rush were entertained s uccessfully . the case
which they.lieve worked tip
.john Grogan and David Gil
more were arrested and the watch was
recovered at Den" pawn shop, where
it had been left by d third party. It is
alleged that Gilmore and Grogan are the
parties who took -the watch, and on in
formation made by Chief Hague they
were committed for a hearing on Satur
day. the 28th Met., at which time Rey
nolds. the man who lost the watch, is
requeated to be pre nt.
linsteriona Occurrence. 1
ggbit at
Mr. George W. Mclntyre, dim
the corner of Fifth avenue andl Pride
street, died yesterday aftermont a bout
four o'clock, under circumstances of a
rather . peculiar character. It apneas
, .
that he left his boarding house . on the
avenue, near his drug store, at two
.o'clock yesterday morning to meet some
friends at the Union depot who were ex
Peeled to arrive at that time. About: gin
hour - afterwards he was brought back to
the h
stated that he had fallen s
hahthr fi a
trestle work and injured himself. The
extent of his iniurlas were not known,
but they were not cant idered of a serious
nature until about half past three o'clock
whim a physician was sent for and . 8
friends notified, and in half an hour af•
terward he expired. - The Coroner ill
probably investigate the affgr to•dey.
The Master Dlectianies.
The-National Wider Aileehanics Aar
---, ,- - - 0
elation weed' ptesent holding their an
iiiiiEritfit tlifilfaiimigalielii Mtge;
in this city. The Affeedation Is cone
posed of the master machinists of- the
several railroad . steeps in the United
States, and its object lathe improvement
of rolling stock and to ascertain the best
material to be used in its &Instruction ,
and where such material may be ob
tained to the test advantage. The first
session was held yesterdaymorning, and
the Association will close its business
this afternoon. ' • ' d'
The meeting was called to order by the
President, H. M. Britton, after which
L. P. Dodge, Secretary, read the min
utes of the preceding meeting.
The signing- of the qpnatitution was
next in order. '
The Treasurer, Mr. S. S. Hays, pre
sented his report, which showed the
Association to be in a healthy condition
financially. .
Reports of ,committees were then called
The committee on the construction of
boilers, composed of Messrs. Haysey; of
C. &P: R. R., Anderson, of N. W. R. R.,
and Jauriet, of C., B. (k. C. R. R., pre
sented a report deciding in favor of the
homogeneous steel plate boilers.
The Committee on Wheels, Axles and
Ties, compoued of Messrs. Filbuck, M.
0, R. R., Perry. of A. dr. E. R. R., 'pre
sented an elaborate, thorough and ex
haustive report which contained valuable
information to manufacturers and rail
road men.
Messrs. Brown, E. R. R., Chapman, C.
Jr. P. R. R., .and Smith, C. C. dc C. It. R.,
presented the report of the Committee
Packing for Platens, Valve Stems and
Piston Rods. The report recommends
no particular style of piston packing,
'and believes it advisable to eubmie all
styles presented to another twelve
months' trial. For valves, steam and
piston rods, the Committee recommend
the use of slate, if it can be obtained
entirely free from grit.
• The Committee on incrustation of boa
ers failed to report.
The Comtalttee on safety valves,,ftx
trures and , the
adoption of at least one recommended
“lock.up" or
bpon-tam un all
oilers, and leftering safety
all othervalve
matters po to be
decided, three machinists adopting the
same. - No particular style of "lock-up"
valve was recommended, but the Com
mittee believed that levers and springs
I I were objectionable and have therefore
recommended the "lock-up" , valve..
1 1 A full and elaborate report was pre
sented by the Committee on Smoke
Stacks and Ash Pans, .to. The general
subject of draft was presented by Messrs.
Wells. J. M. et Q R. R., Pendleton. S.
(St R. R. R., and Van Vetchan, A. (I: G.
W. R. R.
The next business in order was the
election of officers.
Mr. H. M. Bretton of the I. C. and L.
R. R. was elected President 1
mous vote.
N. C. Chaprhan of the C. a'
Vice President.
S. J. Hays of the I. C. R. R.
A y
L. P. Dodge of Chicago, wt..
Secretary by a unanimous ote.
The Committee on the übject of ant
friction valves, failed tp report. ,
A lengthy report ppon boiler explo
sions waspresented by Messrs. Losey,
of L. N. &C. R R and Catlin, of C. H.
(St L, C. tlc L 0. Itlt.' The report was care
fully prepared-and contained a large
amount ot valuable information.
No further business of importance was
transacted, and the Association ad
journed to meet at eight o'clock this
morning. in order to expedite the busi
At twelve o'clock the Association ex
pects to complete its business, after
which time the several manufactories of
the city will be visited.
The manufacturers putts city. *me
tendered to the monitors of the associa
tion a grand banquette be given at the
Monongahela House this evening, to
which, as will be seen by the following
correspondence President _ Grant' and
suite were invited. - -
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 15, 1869.
To his - Eseellency, U. S. Grant, Presie
dent of the United States: The manufac
turers of Pittsburgh cordially tender to
yourself and suite an invitation to the
banquet to be held at the Monongahela
House, on Thursday evening, 16th inst.
Respectfully, •
Geo. B. liloilniterrer,
Chairman. ,
s. ' .. 9.. COVIRAVE, Secretary.
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 15, 1869.
Mr. Geo. B. McMurtry.—Dear Sir: I
am directed by the President to acknowl
edge the receipt of your note of this day,
and to say it, would afford hiny great
pleasure to accept the very cordial invi
tation to the banquet given by the man
ufacturers of Pittsburgh, on Thursday
evening nest. But a previous engage
ment to be in Washington, Pa., on that
date, will prevent him- from being pres
ent. Very respectfully.
130ItACE PORTER, Secretary.
To. S. A. COSORAVE, Secretary.
Killed' on tue Railroad.
David Baughman,la resident of Wil•
king township, received fatal injuries ott
*he Pennsylvania "Railroad, near Brinton
station, Tuesday afternoon. He was
walking on the outer edge of a t rack
along which a loom:natidv irecte w
ion. Aas approa
ing from an opposite
in the road prevented him from seeing
the engine. On the other track a freight
train was moving along, and just as it
came opposite, a puff of smoke obscured
him from view. Just at this, juncture
the loc,omotiveyassed and be was knock
ed from the traci by the bumper. The
engineer observed him immediately after
and !stopped the engine, ascertained
that he had been hit in the breast, but
was still able to move, and had crawled
back to the track, He was taken to the
stook.and Dr.. Hamilton summoned
from tlie city, who, upon his arrival pro
flounced the man'a injuries internal and
fatal. The accident occurred at four
o'clock, and at six o'clock the man died.
lie resided with his family about three
miles from the station,
where Alderman
Thinaldson yesterday held an inquest.
The victim was sixty-one years of age, a
farmer by occupation, and leaves a wiurn
and several children. The jury ret
ed a verdict in accordance with the abo on ve
facts and exonerated the employe , a
the locomotive from all blame.
giNarettiugc Phalanx."
The Eighth Ward Vigilance Committee
held there TegUlar meeting last evening
at the Franklin' street. School Sense. A
Committee was appointed to make sr.
range nests to hold a general massmeet
ing and other business was transacted.
after which the meeting adjourned.
"The Marching Phalanx," of the Sixth
and Eight Wards then held a 'meeting.
The following resolution wall adopted.
Resolved, That the Marching Phalanx
of the Seventh and Eight Wards will
meet on Thursday evening, st seven
o'clock, at the Franklin street School
Souse, fully 'equipped for 'parade duty.
/ ,
30.11 Wand cures Baldness,
Restores Grey Hair.
. A day Barbarity
two a l lnett on w th e e p it u i b v lis er. hed aile
gations of Frank Mooney, a deck-hand
- Chi MitteanierFlirt" during a reeent trip
32p the Misaopri river, concerning abuse
and harsh treatment he had received at
the handa , of the officers of that boat,
against whom suit has been brought at
St. Louis. The Democrat of Monday
Says of the case, in substance: :
The statement of Mooney was so fall
Of horrible cruelty; and inhuman barbar
ity that we expressed a doubt of its
truth, and thought it might be the in
vention of a mind embittered by hatred
and actuated by a spirit of revenge. The
statement of Mooney has been verified
by tho oaths of several persons who
were eye-witnesses to the transaction.
; These men, employed as deck ands on
the Flirt, say that the boat w a day's
journey below Fort Bufort hen the
{shooting of Mooney occur ed. The
captain was sick at the line and
knew nothing of the a air. The
I v
boat was lying at an is and. and
the men were engaged i carrying
on board drift wood for itie . Mooney
was in the forecastle letting t the line
to fasten the boat to the shor . The line
-was too short, and he so told the mate,
John Garrett. Garrett seized the lead
line, used in sounding, and struck Moon
ey on the back with the lead, weighing
about six pounds. He then drew a pis
tol aria shot Mooney in the mouth. The
bar -keeper interfered, and Mooney went
ashore, When the boat was ready to
shove out, Mooney wanted to go on board,
but Garrett refused to permit him to do
so. Mooney then asked permission to
get his clothes, but this was also denied
him. He was left alone, wounded and
bruised, on the sandy island, whore
uotang was growing, and only drift
wood and sand for food. After the boat
had proceeded 6 mile and a half on her
conraci the mate ordered two men to re
turn to the island and feteh Mooney on
boakti. They went along t e main shore
amteame Opposite the ial nd, but were
unable to cross over on cconnt of the
depth of the water. The boat
on whistled
for them, and they Teta ned
without having seen Moo B . The meta
remarked, Well, I p ehe will ,la
anyhow," /
Mooneystates that , after remaining on
the island for twenty-eig t hou,ra, with
ourfood, a drift•log floats dovyri near the
Wind, and crawling up n/it he was
,b6rrie down the curet / for several
miles, an was captured , hy a party of In.
diem T e savages etriPped and tied
him i cip b the hands/near a fire and left
/izer ;
hicather to perish; but in the night a
halrbred quaw nt him down and gave
him' a s all ron. H was too weak
to make use f hisliberty, and remained
nl i
in the Indian camp until the next day,
when they drove hi away and he
crawls to the Miasour river and •laid
himself down on the b nk to die. The
steamer Tacony came a ong and he was
taken on board and treated kindly by
/the of fi cers and men. •
The suits are against the owners of the
boat. Geo. J. Hazlett, Hiram K. Hazlett
and F. W. Boeland. Garrett, the mate.
' will be arrested EUrl tried in the United
r. States Court for { cruelty to 6 mariner.
_ ' i The \Work House.
'Yesterday a party of visitors, umber ,
ing members of the Board of Prison In.
spectias, Work House Commissioners,
and representatives of t epress, visited
the Work House d spent sev
ral hours in an xamination of
the premises. A. t rough laves
tigathm of r the wrk convinced
all of the thoroughness nd satisfactory
manner in which it is ing done. The,
progress which has been made is all that
could be desired. Alr dy 'the is
being put on the wester wing, the brick
work of which was only commenced not
many wee)utego.
It has been found a great advantage.
to have-the prisoners at the Institution,
as by this means a great saving in the
0 1
expense for labor hal been secured.
Last month nine hued ed dollars were
expended this way, wh oh, it is thought,
will be nearly, if not 1, saved the com
ing month, by the labor of prisoners.
They perform the duties of the laboring
hands formerly, but not now, employed.
At present they are engaged in excavat
ing for the foundation of the tuts works,
to be erected on the premises. Of
the number thus far sent up, few
have been at all • refractory, and
only one has been subjected to
the severer discipline. This one became
troublesome yesterday morning and had
to be hand-cuffed for the day. lie will
doubtless commence work this morning
in a more obedient frame of mind.
The infirmary
contains one inmate
who has been sick for a few days and is
receiving the proper care and medical
At the conclusion of the inspection an',
informal meeting of the Board and Com
missioners was held to consider meas
ures for the securing of more money fur
the rapid completion of the building.
It appeared that 8150,000 would be re
quired, of which sum the treasury con
tained but 870,000, leaving a bal
ance of $BO,OOO to be secured.
The revenue accruing, to be placed
in the hands of the Commisioners
is not sufficient to meet this demand.
The matter was talked over at some
l M en ayothrs.
Hs u H h
ono a r
n .
tu St err nd
Messrs. B. S. Fleming, James
Chadwick, and ether members of
the two Boards giving their views.
was thneg o
ai ught that a temporary loan might
be bated until the building could
be completed and put in working order,
when it would not only be self-sustain
ing, but would return a revenue suffi
cient to pay off the indebtedness in a few
years. Various plans for raising the
m arr y
ere discussed, but as a majority
of the Beards was not
d ecent definite ac-
Lion had to be postpone.
The company enjoyed the liberal hos
pitalities of the contractors, Messrs. Me.
grew aid McDcinald, and spent the
easant . tim d
during their visit ita a very pl an
agreeable manner. They concluded
their investigatioas and returned to the
city in the three o'clock train.
_ _
At. Auction.= --Building Lots and Acre
Lots in !Breed,. Grove, Allegbeny.--Sat
urday, September 18, at 8 o'clock, will
b e
sold on the premises a range of build•
ins lots 20 by 100, 211 by 160 and 1 agre
each, situated in Breed's Grove. adj
ing the residences of Messrs. Jonathan
Gallagher and Wm. McCreary.., ,The
Pleasant Valley Street Railway, runs
within a short distance of the grounds.
Gallagher street, recently graded, affords
an easy drive, and a flight of steps
fords good walking in all weathers. The
situation. is very agreeable, overlooking
the entire city, and combining city and
country at once. If theta is a fair at.
tendance at the sale there will be no res.
ervation in price. Person'
who have not
yet visited this locality_ are earnestly re
quested to do so; , they will be astonished
to find it so well adapted for building
purposes. Terms liberal.
.• A. LEOGATI, Aturtr.,
Quarter &s in-one—Judge Mellen,
WEDNESDAY, September 15.—The
first Case called up was they( the Com
monwealth vs. James licitenna Indict d
for lardeny, Louis Soskey prosecutor.
It was alleged that the accused stole
from the defendant 11,2.5. Jury out.
The nest case called was the Common
wealth vs. O'Neil and O'Neil for surety.
The defendants were held in 4500 each
to keep the peace.
The next case taken up was in the
Oyer and Terminei. Commonwealth ve.
John Anderson, indicted for rape r On
There will be a meeting of the County
Executive Committee, of the Temper.
mice and Reform mevement to-day at
three o'clock, No 128 Smithfield steet;
up stair& Atult attendance is recpuoied.
The :soldiers, Monument.
The proposition to erect the Soldiers'
Monument'in the Allegheny Cemetery
has, We believe, been abandoned, and
we would now suggest to the Allegheny
Park Commission the propriety of
making some definite,proposition to the
Association to secure its erection on Sem
inary Hill. We have received the fol
lowing communication from Gen. Pear
son, who has from the beginning taken
a lively interest in the affairs of the As
sociation and has rendered it valuable
aid. The General at one time strongly
favored the Cemetery site, but he has al
lowed his better judgment to prevail in
the matter, as witl be seen by the follow
ing: '
lilisfas. EDITORS: Having received
a number of communicittions asking for
infqrmation relative to the "Soldier's
Monument." I desire 'to state, on behalf
of the Building Committee, that as yet
no fiction has
mp been taken by the Commit
tee for the si le reason that no suita
ble location has , yet been offered, save
and excet that proposed by the Alle
gheny Parkmmission. The Building
Commire has no desire to proceed ac
oordin to the instructions of the Asso
ciation', to have the monument erected
in ,the Allegheny Cemetery, believing
fydna the opinions expressed through the
/press of Chatty, the community would
not be satisfied 'with that loca
ti n. The Building Committee in
a %ions to have the matter deli
tely . settled, so that they can
receive prOpOsahl, and proceed with the
work entrusted to them as rapidly as
possible. I would saggeit that a meet
ing of the Association be called, and that
arrangements be made for submitting
the question of location to a vote of the
pec*le This vote can easily be taken at
the October election. If this course is
ftiopted, the Association will be relieved
rom the odium which many unthinking
People have cast upon it; and at the same
time an opportunity will be given" for
each person to have a vote in the matter.
I would suggest, therefore, that the Pres
ident call. a meeting of the Association at
as early a date as possible, so that the
vexed question may be definitelynsox settled.
Chairman Building Committee.
OPEnS. Floll.42.—The Worrell sisters
re still' holding high carnival at the
pera House, which is crowded nightly
y hundreds of their enthusiastic ad
mirers. i Last evening was the occasion
of a benefit to Miss Irene. when "Nan,
the Good for Nothing," and "Laßelle
Helene," were given. Irene, as Nan, is
really charming, and has few, if any.
equals. 1 "Laßelle Helene" was admire
lay put upon the stage and well ren
dered throughout. The latter piece will
. , repeated this evening, when the en
ertainment will commence with the
sughable farce of the "Fool of the
PArTsßones Tlinvrits.—The old thea
tre is doing a heavy business this weep.,
and so long as Manager Williams pro
vides such excellent entertainments he
will receive a liberal patronage. James
Taylor, the linghable and amusing comic
vocalist, is unsurpassed in his line of
business. In addition to having a highly r,
cultivated voice of rare compass, powe
and sweetness, his facial expressaons are
superior to those of any other actor
the country. Miss Emma Grattan, who
does the "Woman of the Period," is also
an excellent actress in her line, as in
truth and fact are all the members of the
oompansi. The matinee was well at
tended yesterday.
Tug Cmcos.—Friday and Saturday
next 001. Ames' New Orleans Circus and
Menagerie, the largest combined show in
the world, will exhibit afternn d
evening on the Allegheny D ia mo nd.
There are over two bundled men, wo
men and children connected with this
mammoth establishment, and the street
procession, which takes place ' Friday
morning, is one of the most grand, gor
geous and brilliant displays imaginable.
It is over a mile in length, and a lion,
leopard, tiger and dog, are let loose to
gether. A greater variety of amusement
is given by this company than any other
traveling circus, andlthe actors are all
stars in then profession.. The menagerie
is a perfect museum of itself. -
bLksozsicHaw..—TheDavenport Broth
ers, whose wonderful and mysterious
entertainments have astonished and con
founded the wise heads of the nations of
the earth, are holding forth at Masonic
Hall to large and appreciative audiences
nightly, since Tuesday evening. Thai
wonderful doings are beyond descrip.
Mon, and must be seen to be fully appre
ACADEMIC of Music.—The Gregorles
will appear at. the Academy of Mastic on
the 2,,Otkinst. The Academy is at present
undergoing repairs and renovation which
will be completed in a few days.
At Druggists—call for Spalding's
Tee vast amount Of PLANTATION BIT.
Vitas now being sold and shipped from
New York is almost incredible. Go when
and where you will—along the wharves
and piers, and at the depots— p ou. will
see p great piles of these Bitters awaiting
shiment and conveyance to every nook
and corner of the country, and to the
hundreds of foreign ports. They are
very popular among all classes of people, '
and are conceded to be just the thing for
this climate. No Bitters have yet been
introduced which have beome so de.
servedly popular and worthy of patron
age, to all who require a tonic and stim
ulant. They are prepared with pure St.
Croix Aim, e Bark, and all the
world knows Cali full aya
well what beneficial
results accrue from these combinations.
MAGNOLIA WATElL—Suparior .to the
beat imported Garman cologne, and sold
et halt the price. E.s.T.F.
The Ladles of the two cities are in
formed,Abat bliss Bartiagolotnewg an ao•
complieheKi artist, has opened rooms at
85 Federal. street. Allegheny, on the
second floor, where plain and °negate/dal
d i e s' work Is made or repaired: also la.
dies' itairJ'drusgring done in approved
style at the shop or at their residences.
Wool Snowls, long and Ware, fancy
Are* of la voistiol, at Bates & Beira.
1d37 Masud* snd blsnlists..unw
1100Bsilgi a WI.
Register, Register, Register Is the Cry.
Politicians are urging every one enti
titled to a vote to get Registered before
the aiow a weal° those Der
sons, why don't they use as much energy
in hunting up those of their friends seek
ing homes and have them call at the
Real Estate Office of Croft & Phillips,
No. 139 , and the
Real RA avenueMO Register, get " they
would find in it such a vat selection of
Farms, Mills, Stores, Rouse s s, Lots, City
and Suburban property in such a great
variety that they cannot fail to get suited
in a home. Come, every one and get
Registered, at No. 139 Fourth avenue.
The "Register" will be. given away
Gratis or sent by mall free toany ad
dress. ' - tfdlF
Black Silts, evening silks, white al.
pacas, and evening dress goods of all
kinds at Bates it Bell's.
Schwartz and Hastett,drturgists, corner
First and Wood streets, general agents
for Spaulding's jEttBMattEd. tths.
The wonderful properties of Milk of
Violets has caused its universal adoption
by the elite of Europe. Its remarkable
whitening effects is the pleasure of all
who use it. Sold by druggists and fancy
goods dealers. V. W. Brinkerhoff, N. Y.
Rare Chance.—A. partner that is re
sponsible for 115,000, in a good established
business inthe central part of the city.
Will pay fifty per cent. Address M.,
GAZETTE, office. Sr.
Bate do
Bed's.Bed's.and mourning goods at
Real Estate.—Bee advertisement of
McClung 6e Rainbow, Real Estate and
Insurance Agents, 195, 197 and 199 Cen
tre avenue. tf.
Everybody uses Spalding's JiitilMalltd.
Every bottle warranted. •
• Constitution Water is a certain cure for
Diabetes and all dlseasm of the Kid
neys. ForFPI@ by all Drugg ists '
Frig Coeds and new styles at Bates &
Bell's. •
test , at New Brighton, Pa., by Rev. J. E. Tay'
lor, HARTMAN B. DuBARRY, of Shamokin.
Pa.% and ANNA. E.. eldest daughter of A.eMen
daubs% of New Brighton.
SPENCER—SHAW—Tuesday morning. Sep
temberl.4th. at the residence of the bride's pa
tents, Glenshaw. Allegheny ccunty, Pennsylva
nia, by Bey. 0. W. Campbell, Mr. SAMUEL W.
SPENCER, of Allegheny City, and MART S.
RUDBON-11e6ILL—On 'Wednesday, Septem
berllith„ at the South Common M. E. Church,
Allegheny. by Rev. J. F. Jones, Dr. ADIVA.N
HODSON, United States Navy, to MARGARET
M., youngest daugher of the late John McGill
31eINJTIV.--on Wvinehdai. 15th Past.. Mr.
GEOttu r. W. MaltrYlti. aged 321yeart,
Notice of funeral to papers. ,
BEZLICP -Wednesday morning. Cent's:ober
15th, 1869, at 2 3 4 o'clock, WILL 3 lAM seal
of damnel and Jane Berle p, aged years spa 8
Pantral 11)-DAT, at .10 o'elock, from the rest.
deuce of his parents, No. 11 Boyle Alle
gheny City, to proceed to Cniondale Cemetery.
The Wends of the Untidy' are. resy ectfraly in
vited to attend. •
OBEHN-Of disease of the hears. on Weaves•
day morning. Ben ember 15th, I£II3I4II.NJA.
IliN OSBEN. a native of wntrim town: Antrim.
county, Ireland, in the 36th year of his age. ,
TAKER, No. 180 Fouieril E33.zi , ,
turnto, Fa. COVIFIN'S of all tInds,OBAP
GLO and e , ery description of Xaseral Pa
ntehing de fort:del:Led. Rooms mom day 1,...
r Carriages faralsnea for city funerals at.
0 00 each. ..
_. ,
rtiarißir.solas—lteir.mayldlerr, D.D., itelrat.
W:JaootraN D. D., Thomas Ewing. Ma. 3., Ja-oe
miner zsa —,, •
r* . •
D .
A:VENDA Allegheny (lity„ where their OOP
ROOM it, e oonstantly supplied with real on&
imitation Ra ewood, MahoganY and Walnna
CoMns, at prices tarring from ISt to 1100. Bo•
dies prepared for in, truient. .11earses and ow
riages itirnished.l also, .11 rands of - Noun:Ling
Goods, if required. Deice open at all hours, des
1 and night. _
. .
earrhsges for Funerals. 9.2. 00 Mach.
COFFINS and . all Funeral Furraslunent at reu7-
duced rates.
Having just reinrked front tho'Bast with st
splendid Ito ck of
Watches; Jewelry. kilverivare,
I am now prepared to offer them at greatly re
duced prtees. Call and examine before pia—
chasing elsewhere.
Jeweller. No. 56 Flab Avenue,
anat: Opposite Masonic Hall.
Comer of Penn and Sixth 'Stieots,
\ -
Bell and
_Brass Founders,
Made Promptly to Order.,
Made and Kept on. Hand.
p ro prietor stirodansucturers of
J.M. Nped's liiireved Dalai° Wheel
. . ,
OFFICE FOtra4Pßll*,
No. 4114 'PENS' STREET.
Cor. lith ad Railroad Streebsi