a STEW.; WORE 13. pITTSBUE.GU STEEL WORKS. Ll tor extasuari IN' 1845, ANDERSON & WOODS, =1 UM ST REFINED CAST STEEL , . • Of every description. Also,•6est brined ',German.Plow-tail Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AKD FIRST AVEKITS.Phts 'Minh. Pa. aulfina4l. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN. GENERAL PARTNERS: WX. METCALF. REUBEN MILLER, CEO. W. BARB" ;- CHAS. PAS .KIN. SPECIAL. PARTNER-S. M. KIER, CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, HELLER; RARR it PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 319 - Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA IMAM _DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS , STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS, • DLKIATESNE, L X AND JUNIATA, VT BAR. ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. D_, Hoop, SHEET-AND TANK IRON , MOM PL ;NIA AND HEADS, • lEHIARD IRON DRAJd and DROPPER BARS irwaiem; oirrizs Belts, cxwanr,i. stow IS AND FLAT RALL, for Coal Road,: , 1 111 W W Eta RS„WEDGES it HARROW TEETH, ..7XINH,__PLOW ..ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, MEL WINOS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. •UTIEEL TIKES, ST.E.EL SHA_FTINO, A. B. "mum. cokes; BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS , and XLES. CUT RAILS AND spncEs:, • ill Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. • Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. IWO SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS: VNGER; MIMS & FITTSEttiaGEI. PA Manufacturers of every description of EAST 'AND GERI AN STEEL, ESP.MNOS, . ' &Mil. AOC AND PLATFORM 13PRDI68, AZLE% STEEL TIRE, Ac.. AG Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sta. LACH DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. ?ARK, BROTHER & CO., Xsanacturers of all descriptions of eint ig MEMMils 011 Lee and WareiOns RTIvT)I, THIitTY 11118 T and RA TT ROA DTREETS, BRASS FOUNDERS. IMO* & IIIiFFARY 9 Cor. Liberty St. & 3d Avenue, PITTSBURGH. PA., BRASS FOUNDERS, And Iron Pipe Fitters. And AGENTS PUMPS A.S. CAMERON & CO'S MIRAN PUMPS AND BLOWERS. ZEN EY zrztt, HENRY BIER & Ca, UCCTSSOB 6 TO JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bep and Brass Foundqs. BRASS CASTINGS MADE rao#PTLY TO ORDER. Rideable, : ' Grey Iron Fittings, GAB PIPE:AND TUBING, MOTTLE, SAFETY AND CHUN VALVES • ALL GLOBE PATTERN. Ili Ct....)OIEKS, Bran Work of everi descripUon for • steam, Water and OIL. NISPACTIIEERS OP a. M. COOPER'S improTed Balailekneel attain Pump' Agents for Dreyfas' Patent Oil ers, the best in the Market. Mkt and Works.' comer T hiseutti and Pike /RON WORKS. SiBERSEN PROWS. ~.grbe Trustees are now ore_parcO to grant 11cm:t ints for the use of the SLLElttiliAbfkiElg PRO- The superior quality isanarted to goy be great Improvement In Inferior iron , d redrumi cost, commend it to all manafac rers of Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by amains to JAMES P. < SPEER. Attorney for the Trustees, • 2003115 1 and X, English's Building, 9133 i a/4)olth avenue. rattles interested are' invite/ I. visit the an cilL NBEROEB WOMB, whet the roues/xis auccesstnioneration.- te8:467 EVERSON, PRESTON 6t. CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warenouse. Pos. 166 and 167 FILM o;patito MOlM_lrlaelli House, PITTSBURGH COAL AND Goan t i ' , WAL! COAL!! COALp; DICKSON, STiftitllT aitv, • Havens removed they Mee so 110. 567 LIBERTY STREET, goo f y at, Floor 111111)1111COND ZLCIOII. ' • .....„,dost • 1184 to tra;!1; IT el ENGINES, BOILERS, '&0. HUB N. BOLE &CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duque:med., ?HZ POINT,) Engine Builders, Founders and • Machinists. Manufaetnre STEAMBOAT ENGINES and BTA TIONABY ENGINES of all aim. attention Invited to our new STATION ADE OIL WELL. ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of IS-horsomower. CASTINGS, of every kind, made toorder atonr Foundry. on TRIED MAE _ A LT below Market. RIGS for Gll SHArTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, HOUSE and TosAceo SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO MUMMA on hand and made to order. at the . • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, irrontins on the Allegheny Myer, near the Point. 41111` All orders promotlr filled. TnT trs. FORT PITT WIWI, STILL OD TANK TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, FIRS-BOS AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL NES. OIL STILLS AND OIL TAI. CHIMNEYS, BREECHINGAND ASH PANG, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON iIIiIDOES• PRD3ON DOdB3 taw cosi. sinTrzs Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, Mr Orders sent to the above address will promptly attended to. mh7:IES WI. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 80, XX, %4 AND *6 PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the test manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomot ive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tana', Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron. Bridges, Sugar Pang, and sole manufacturers of BanihiU's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. Isa:c2l /AZAD Y. 88178H,.................CANYND D. MOH JARED H. BRUSH & SON, 1411.2f07•02178.1018 OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, &o. A. BRADLEY 4ek Co., NO. BO WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the greatest variety cf Cook, Parlor and Heating' Stores, TO BE FOUND. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTbIiNS AND 11l eitoVishiN 1. Ts. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that anv one In Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as therwill be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call °articular attention to our new VoLDANn STOVE, for churches, halls annstotes. Over SOO sold in three mounts. Intended for with or with out cooing. all who hare used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. Je3o PITTSBITEGH. GRAFF, KUGUS 8c CO., ILLPIITACTIIIMIS Or MIRY PAPS= OP ISITCYVIEISS, BOSTON GOOSING RANGE, THE FUMY FURNACE," • , POE W 1.311031; BUILDSPUB. THE NEW ANTI-DOT COOKING !MOVE, , REGULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, PAC& OAST Patta t in MANTLEKL ENTL.ECTOR,GEATIWfree tromWand dui; GRATE EBo=B. FENDER% AO, 206 and 208 Liberty Street, .e25:117 PITTSBUBOH. GUeTAVIIS BLECH. C OOK STOVES. - CET THE BEST. BISSELL do CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITUMIN OCS COAL. Warranted 14, Cook, Bake or . Boast tie gin as la other Store.ln the Union. BISSELL & aa, Na. 285 Liberty Street. ilso on kand and for sale, .PARLOR STOVES, EZATra reNt 2 l2 l 7olfB. ko. TO BUILDERS! goo. feet Dry Pine Boards. 150,01 feet 1% Inch Clear Plank; 25.00 u feet, 11% 11101 Common Pisa; 145,000 feetbz 1 and* Inch Oak: 115,000 ft. IX, and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 test Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pute Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 103.000 feet No.'l 18 Inch tiaginag Shin . 100.000 No. 115.1nch Shingles, sawed; 50,000 No. 115-Inch Shingles, abated; $O,OOO Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. lOU Tons nee Clan • Also, Saw Hill Lumber. Locust. add Cedar Posts, and all articles in theline on hand and for sale by ALEXANDER PATTERSON. Yards— No. IST Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor. nigh of Manchester, andi GILABS. OHIN.A. CUTLERY. NEW GOODS, FINE VASES, senzlitOk us AND/VIIIMI. NEW trITLEk D12.1/ixIII3ETS, TZA smosnro teirr °u". ,AiaA : gs stock of ASILTKR ,PLATED 000D8 . of all descriptions. ciumw ..r...,,a"ar d Mt:2 & 100 4: AV"" JA La 418118114 PITTSBURGH GAZ PIT'TSBUBSIL. PA. WO KS. CARROLL & SNYDER, warrrAcressits PITTSBURGH, Pa. =EDT !HONE WORL &CI. LUMBER: 100 WOOD STREET. P KNIP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY. OFFICE AND WORILS, TWELFTH STREET, _ ' PITTSBURGH, A. tar Engines, Rolling Mill Ala ehinery, Nail Machines', Re torts, and Casting's generally. NATIONAL, FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and NinaLiman Streelle A t INLITTB WARD.) PITTSMTITA3IIa, WILLIASMITH, Manufacturer of . OAST IRON BOWL PEPE YOB GAS AND WATER WORE& My Pines are all cast Invarlablyin Plts, in dry sand, and 170 feet lengths. Alan, toll assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. elr raTatiB rintea d • tp.•tilo=call DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAM ELLER, (Successor Lto JOS. P. 1141611 & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly Ind satisfactorily fill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD 4, LEVERS, PITMAN JAIISWRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVEFRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE. WORK. °dice and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apifi:b4o • ROBINSON, REA ts, CO., Successors to ItOsmoterm, lOWA i =mum WASHINGTON WORM; FOUNDERS AND RACHINISTS,PITTSBUR6H, Mannfacturersof Bost and Stationary Steam En. es Blast Engines, Mn! Machinery, OesrinC. , Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks asiTlTas, Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. IM, corner Tint and Smithfield Streets. for i Agents f ding B br GIITABIPS PATENT INJECTOB eeoilers. Jan :MI THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Work', BAIWI7BKY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY. PL.. Nam' fltetnrers of Stationary and Portable 13 team kngules, vu rresik, rulleys,_Bhatting, Orbit and Saw KW Work. Rolling Mill and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon BOXtS, &e. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. Invl4:es OILS. DIAMOND OIL WORKS,. H. M. LONC & CO., • Office, DLLZELL BUILDER°. - _ fen . Duquesne Way. Pittsburgh. Pa. WARING AND BIN% Commission Merchants and Brutus to Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, p4:11 aliI) 4A4:0i1Vii.).),4.4:1 __47 Ni!~ !i! 7 ~~ f l ft!_-f• 10 Lll3 SOUTH SZOOND BTEIXT. TACK BROTH:MEM COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS L!! Petroleum and Its Products, PR MMIr LLDe.corn l Irwin= Philadelphia 011os—IAT WALNUT ET. api:w3o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM' REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWFXIDLE I MANUTACTURRII OP Lubricating & High Test Bar I . T I Us. Hatpins IlatirOad lisle OIL Stands great hest withouty . go; remains limpid at lowest temperature e Special Oil for tropical climates or hot west er. Locomotive, limitne, bins Shop, Will out !Screws. Saw Hill and Plan NM OM. Adapted Mr high speed. = is Spindle Oil, Wo liHead•Liahsell, Oil, Tanners , ' St Ir• Bensole, lug & Finis il, Gasoline, Harness OIL Parratene. AMOR VA Lf, to preserve Bright iron Work and itsolOnav nom Rust. These pro( OMR are manufactured under _,Dr. Tweddle , s &tent by Superheated Steam in Waa ono. The übricaung O M are almost odorless, Perfect! pureiniform. and mostly light mg orod;-, e d • high temperature Imams= remain I iMrlid during extreme cold. The Oils are unequalled; and are in constant use on many of til e principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and. orders left at 174 FOOD STUMM, Works at dharesburs Bridge.' • NOVELTY WOltilf3. pITTSWITIIGH NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. miss. fiaIAMEI. .111r/LEE & CO. scAstrrLanTass as CAPSTONE BTANDiED,4ATRBANIC 8 PAT. ENT) PLATFORM . AND COUNTER SCALESIanai PaVirelAirltaitsL.d Lat ch ". Paint hian ioosnaOP M PleLVlTAl ' GArr 8T 1 . 11 STONE. WEST COMMON Mp:Mtii , ,gaiie Wakes Xerikwaftioniseefiresicassisca.Akftwate MOWS 41EVATIMAA , Oh , - re do . of rr i, r t,,4:., • usodedis. 44 , DNESDAY, SEPIEMB FINANOLAL. , E 3 AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AIirENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL 8200.000 e Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cutiler. DIRECTORS!. Thos. M. Marshall, I John M. urtland, • Win. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, j JILL D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, Wrn. Floyd. John Floyd, I This Bank is now fully organized and prepared to d Jel o a general Banking business. 0k43 MYTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No.• 195 FIFTH A VENUE. ooPITAL. $lOO,OOO. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLF. Six PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Collections made on accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most favorable terms. Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. InbCollClt. nays Tuesday and Friday. Open from 9 A. m. to 3 F. M., and on Saturday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. DIBIECTORS: F.D. DITHRIDOE,• W. P. WEYMAN, W. H. SIMS. FRANK ''IEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, HaNNY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. D. M. ARMOR, EMIL PORRSTEL.. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. PICEIENEK, Caahler. autt•nlsl CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 6100,000. BTOCEBOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. DOMINICK lIIMSEN. President. • JAMES MCCAW.. Vice President, W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. DIRICTOI3. D. Dowels. James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunlevy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr, . H.A.Fre_yvogle; ano.dos.Elermann..Thnmaa Barnes, jel:t JOS. M. GAZZASI. Solicitor. THE SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylya nta, January 24, 1 , 687. For the safe•keeping of B9ds and other Securities, Gola and Silver, Silver Plate. Books. Records. Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee and for the renting of Safer In'its burglar-proof vaults. Buddlng and Mice .Vo. S 3 FOURTH .IrE,,rUE, PITTSBURGH. PA PRESIDENT-WILLIAM PHILLIPS. VICE PRESIDENT-HENRY LLOYD DIRECTOIIB WM. PHILLIPS, JAMES I. BENNETT, HP nifty LLoYD, iBYRoN H. PAINTER, WILLIAM REA, ;JOS. S. MoRRIS , t.s. WILLIAM M. LYON,;GLOSEIE BLAAa, CURTIS ki, HUSSEY. EICRETARY AND TREASCIME M. F. VuS ISONNIJUIWf. an25:1167 HAJEtT, CAUGHEI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, (korner Third andtoad Streets, PrITIES33I7IiGr PA.* MUCCiiiBOlte TO HANNA, HART a 00..) DIALM tx Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention palp to the parehase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. Bight Drafts on "..rondon. amass PACIFIC RAILWAY GI LOAN, Messrs. 888 MORGAN k CO., 11 Exchange Plat , nd L R. JESUP & 19 Pine St t, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds if the Kansas Pacific Railway. , These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Cold; have thirty years toe run; are Free from Government Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this special grant the Com pany also owns Three Millions of .Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to develop the country and improve the road. Thry are a first mortgage upon the extension of the road' from Sheridan, Ransigto Denver, .Colorado. The road in operation, 417 miles long, nion which it is also a mort gage, NOW EARNS NOSE THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PH THE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. There is no better 'cruelty in the markek--this being . In some nspeets•better than Government Be- curitieL PRINCIPAL 'AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prltt '96, and stern etlntereS- in Currency. Pamphlets, Ilapi and Cirenlut , farnhlied ai itipllcathojt: . amok . t nets i. ..114 , r; . A.: A +4,4-Q4J 4 R . 15; 1869. SILVER Bought PH. R. MERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. No HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, ETZ"Pr1313131143113, PAL. Collections made on all the principal points Of the United Btates and Canadu. St43eks,Bonda and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. rartlealu 'latch on Dale to the purehee• and axle of United States Securities. Jumai . JAMES Ti BEAM 8s UO., (Successors oS. JONES &C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., JO -EL TV ME .1M 3EL Ms, BUT AND SELL ALL ICOT DB 07 GUMMI:ENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPON OS MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. wir Interest Allowed on Deposits. sir Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates.. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD JAMES T. BRADY & CO.. pittsinitgij Gayttt. FINANCE AND TRADE, :By Telegraph to tie Pittsburgh Gszette.) NEW YORK, September 14, 1869 Money market easy, at 7 per cent. on call. After three o'clock in the after noon balances could be had at 6 percent. discount. Market nominal at 91512 per cent. Secretary Boutwell will arrive in this city to-morrow on his way to West:Ling ton. \lt is reported that a large amount of legal tenders which were taken out of the market last week have been restoyed to circulation. The banks are sending Moderate amounts of currency / t / o the South and West, the demand from both Sections being chiefly for strut rer denopa. nations of notes, which ar - very scarce n this and other eastern n ties. A num ber of prominent capitalists among :hem several large tudders of Lake Shore And Michigan Southern stocks, have been invited by Mi. Boody, President of the Toledo, Wabash and Western Rail. road, to visit and inspect that road, so as to form and intelligent opinion of the valne/Of property. A party will leave to-morrow for Toledo, where they will be joined by some large holders of Witbash stock. Common and prefer red stocks of the Erie Railway Company • ere this morning restorea to call at the ew York stook exchange. The Presi deut of the stock exchange, in announ cing Go) restoration, read the following letter: OFFicF.oF En= RAILWAY, NEw - Yont, September 11, 1869.—R. G. .Rolston, Esq., President of Farmers Loan and Trust Company.—Dear .Sr: The following is a statement of the stock, debt and lease hold estates, in answer to your inquiries of this date. The amount of common stock issued is seventy, millions, and the amount of common scrip none. The amount of preferred \stock, including scrip, 18,536,910. The amount of mort gage debt, seven per cent., authorized and issued, is as \ follows: First mortgage, 13,000,000, extended May, 1867, and 1897; second mortgage, 14,000,000; date of !sine March Ist, 1849. Mortgage six millions, date of bane, March 15th, 1853. Fourth mor gage 441,000, date ,of issue, 0ct.,1857, due 1880. Fifth mortgage 926,500, date of is sue, June Ist, 1859, due 1888. Buffalo - branch mortgage 9.86,400, date of issue, June Ist, 1861, due 1891. The amount of sterling bonds \ one million pounds equivalent t0114,484,000,dates of issue Sep. Ist, 1865, due 1875. Under a statute of the State, mortgage debt is convertible into stock only within ten years from date of Issue, the ten years have expired• on all but the sterling loan, and as it is selling at' par In London- is in -no danger of conversion. , There is no leased road that can be converted into stock of this' Company, except in compliance with the rules of the Stock Exchange. by giving thirty days' notice, nor will any increase be made in any Arm except in compliance with aft:tumid rule. [Signed] • TAY IxOIILD, Pres't, R. N. One, Secretary. Sterling quiet, 834©81% per bent. Gold opened at 135%, rose ,to 18635, on pri vate telegrams reporting lower quota tions at Paris and London, anitclosed at 136. Carrying rates 1.32 10'114 and 5®7 per cent. clearances 53,C00,000. Governments film; coupons 'Bll. 121% ©12134; do '62s 12234©122%; do 4319 121 ©121%; do '658121;4@12134• do new 119% ©120; do 'o7a 120%; do 68s 119;‘©128. 10.408 110©110%. Pacifica 109%6810,i• btate bonds , null; liditisouria 8634; old Tennessees 61%; new do 52%;01d North . Carolinas 55; new do 4734. • Ave-Thfrty Prices: Canton, 56; Cum berland, 3234 ; WestertirnionTelegrapb, 87; Quicksilver, 13%; Mariposa, 9%; do. preferred, 14; Pacific Mail, 73,,f: • Adams 2 4Prwie, 0734; Welli Fargo, 18%; Amer. Icani:B7%r uni t 's& states, 62; Merchants Udinn," Express. Ili York Cen tral; -' '2045“ - "Width sB3% •155 ; Hudson_ River,. 1; ~:Reading, 0 0 34; .40; -do....fireferred, 6 034; . Mieblifigt 4 : 11 0/ 2 ? Int,' 128 f 'Michigan iO4 i 1 Illinois Central:l2Blk Tins fkiLiPtel b , . 00 X; NolThifiltem - 110;740.7 91 1444- - daring' tlep =mini Erteißelistidylottebtiten Southern 14 Utelre4lll: 4041 , , N • .f1 1114 ,M =4O 11441-14. ANGIAL. • Mart, AND COUPONS t Highest Price's. R.l~3~ ; mon stock and 71 - for preferred, on the restoration of the stock to call at two o'clock exchange. In Michigan South ern the dealings have been larger; new share certificates of this Company have appeared on the street, from which it is inferred that large sales of stock were made yesterday by the New 'York Cen tral Railroad Company, they having ob. wined new -and small certificates for single certificates of one million recently received for a similar amount of Buffalo and Erie stock. a report is alßocurrent that the Lake Shore and Michigan South ern stock holders will not ratify the terms of consolidation with Wabash, and the advance in Rock Island to 113% was as sisted by reports that the Pennsylvania Railroad own a controlling interest in stock; also that the semi-annual divi dend will nut be reduced to 3x per cent., as reported. The market continued strong till three o'clok, when there was a disposition to sell, and prices declined then, with principal dealinga in the Erie, Michigan Southern, Rock Island, New York Central, North western in Pacific Mail, the latter being noticeably weak at the close, and prices are unsettled. II; is estimated that the Vanderbilt party have bought back the Michigan Southern they recently sold in hope to effect a defeat of consolidation with the Lake Shore Road ultirnealy to secure the latter line interest in the New York Central. The. Hudson. River Railroad Co. has declared a dividend of of 4 per cent., free, payable on October 15th. Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 78 ; Rock Island, 113 • St. Paul, 76%; 1 do. preferred, 85%; Wabash, po. preferred, 80; Fort Wayne, 87%; Terre Haute, 30; do. preferred, 57; Chicago and Alton, 150; preferred, 151 ; Ohio and Mississippi, 32 1 4; Dubuque, 109; Colum bus, Cincinnati and Indiana Central, —; St. Jo., 1203. Mining Shares dull and unchanged. SptoTreasury balance, #85,365,697. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH (IAZEITII, ' TUESDAY, Sept. 15, 1869. —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 136%; United States Sixes, 1881, 12.13‘; Five-Twenties; 1862,122; do. 1864, 12t; 40. 1865, 121!4; Ten• Forties, 110; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 119%: do. do. 1867, - 120; do. do. 1868. 116%; Due Corn pounds, 119; Union Pacific • Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy.. 'Pacific, 109%; Lake Superiors, 96. _ PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, t TUEbDAY, September 14, 18b9. There is a good deal of complaint among refiners in regard to the light gravity of the crude oil that is now, and has recently been, delivered to them, and as lt 'is a serious matter, it is deemed wOrttq of special mention. Last year nearly ail' the contracts specified .0 gravity to be 40 to 45; this year most of / the. oil sold has been at 40 to 46, and / there is some talk now of making i / t 40 / to 47. Refiners generally expect when they make a contract for 40 to / 45 or. 40 to 46, to get a gravity somewhere between these extremes; but we are told most of the oil "put in" recently has been up to the very outside dch. This is attributed tothe fact th/large quantities of ben fil l. zine are mined In with oil in the well ostensiblY for the purpose of dissolvin or rembving the paraffine; but some, who not so chant bly dimmed, al leges that it is for the arpose of increas ing the quantity, and thus realize the price of crude oil for nzine. Refiners tell us, and they ough to know, that 46 gravity crude wilt no yield more than 65 per cent. of refined,. whereas 44 or 45. gravity crude will yield 70 to 72. Now there is no objection made to selling 46- 0r.47 gravity oil; that Is all right and legitimate; but refiner+ do object to its being considered merchantable oil and sold as such, when it is not so in fact.; If 46 gravity oil will only turnout 65 per . cent of refined, it follows that it should not bring as much -as 1 44 or 45, which turns out 70 or 72, There should be a distinction where there is a difference, and refiners, as we have already inti mated, complains that in many cases they pay for merchanta'sle oil, when in fact it is unnierctianCanle, and that if they had known as much when they bought as they did when the oil was de livered, they would not, by any means, have agreed to the price. In other words, when they contract for oil of 40 to 46 gravity, they expect that it will twzi somewhere between 40 and 46, and not 46. CRUDE. Not a single sale reported, market quiet but steady, and while the demand Is light, the same is also true of the. offer ings. Spot or seller September is still quoted at 14% here, or $5,75 on cars at Oil City. Buyer all year nominal at 14%4515. y ~:~. The only noticeable feature in the re fined market is the fact that there is an improved demand froin the West, sever al round lot sales having been made within the past week or two to go to Cincinnati and other points -in the West. Today we can report 200 bbls on cars at works at 283;; and-600 at delivered on best. For Philadelphia. delivery, September last half, is quoted. at 32X: October at 32%®32%, and lines for September to - December at 34‘ to 32X.- BEempTs OF csamz Citizens Refining Co., 820 Wile oil, on account of RD Cochran; 480 do do Fisher dr. Bro; 50 do do, E Koehler it Co; Jan Wilkins 180 do, on account of Philadel rhia & Boston Refining Co; 240 do do, Liberty 011 works; 240 dQ do, Citizens Refining Co. Total .......:..........._....z....1,490 bbla LIIBILICATI2qG OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 35c Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle ..... 800 OIL. SHIPPED KA 8T BY A. V. Is. B. ' Wormser. Myers (lc Co. 216 bbls ref. oil to Wa..-den. Frew &Co., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan t Co., 400 bbls ref. oil Warden. Frew & co.. Philadelphia. Standard Oil 360 . bb1d refined to Warden, Frew ctr. Co., `Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 600 cases refined, to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. Citizens Oil CO. 533 bbla refined to Tack, Bros. dr, Co., Philadelphia: MoKelvy & Bro., 264 bbis ref. oil to W. P. Logan 4Stltro.. Philadelphia. Montzheimer. Koehler & Co. 400 bblsref to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 250 bbla refined to Young & Levering, Baltimore. D. Bly & Co; 60 bbla far, to Penna. Coal Co., Marysville. Total Refined 27253 bbls. ' 600 cases:. OIL 811IPMENTO FEB ME= PENNA. P. Excelsior Oil Mani'. Co.. 100 bbla ref" to Waring, Sing & Co., Philadelphia. OIL. SHIPPED EAST AT DIIQUXSXX DEPOT. Yi Brooke, liallantine & Co. 104 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. , I D. Bly & Co.': 50 bbls . relined oll , •'tii i J, Salartiott, Boston. cis`ctii4intsm - iimber.u., tie li;Mt9ll;titiPaiii4o,4lBoP arm ist4ww4c irp.„a4l, 5@916° 41101114 " , 4 441/1