Ell littistargt Gap*, A FRIEND It 8014COmpdp.• D 1 Awn= DE itUBSkrra' The joy of Meeting snakes tie love farewell, We gather once again around the hearth, Alsd thou "lit tell, I Ail that thy keen eXperieneli boa been' Of pleasure. daligeN.misadtteniere, And u aforseen. And all without an angry word the while, jr4 self.comparison—nauaht dost thou recall nave for a smite. Thou knoweet how to lend good fortune grime, And how to mock whateer ill luck befall ... With laughing face. But, friend, go not again so far away: In need .f some lanais help I always stand, Come whets* may: I know not whither leads the path of mine, But ; can tread it better when my bind • Is clasped in thine. tIENFSAL INTELLIGENCE. .lowa, has 700 insane. NEw Efavzw; Conn.; is troubled with scarcity of water, • • Tme,division. Of-Tennessee into two States,is behag agitated. laivrrATiorzs Id a' tin wedding, printed on tin foil, b a Thibitque idea. • ga4 . whi,te' Sulphur ;SPrillge Paid Its proprletore $301000• apiece this season, iFirry•Onvkar .churchili in "New Eng.: , land were damaged by the storm list week: REctry sales in Virginia Indicate Clore briskuss' in • the head, market since the Tim dliorce mania in Chicago Wain nes. Brutal', husbands 'ln nearly eiery, instance. "• '• • • CaiI.T.A.LIBIII of Terre :Halite, - hive $210,000 invested inbeef cattlemow feeding on the prairies. • • • ••• Wm. Joriy.s; a Joliet; III:, s.Orivict, hais fallen heir to 120,000, but can't get, out to, spend it forOvo Years. . 13osaviir is going to try a new invention, by which•all the street lamps in the city can be lighted•in four minutes. LowELi., Minis: is credited with, six teen 4nueldes &ring the pest Wel months, mostly of young girls. ~ • . BRITISH sclentista have discovered that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by a November shower of meteors. THE three canning establishments at Bridgeton, New Jersey, expect to put up 2,000,000 cans of fruit this season. Tun Minna!ota StataTreasurer thinks the` State tax on railroads will pay the State• expenses fifteen years hence., , Timm are three tundred end forty students at•the Wisconiin State Unitersi ty: This is more tharf•ever liefore. 14,.. RpciiiiM ; blacken iii ha/ fallow heir Ahe SOmfoitabie sum of $15,000 by Ofdeittl, of• a relative in. Ireland. ) IffrcnroarthasAhe latelit idea in the way of a mineral spring. Its water is "heavily tharge'r*lth ieledrl9l4',". and gives a deposit of gold. Tim parties . who . r leased the fence around the , new post-offte,e works in New York for two years at $15,000 expect to realize $622000. • . , A WIDOW in . Brooklyn whose husband was drown . gets 5t,38,000 from the county by a erdict from the New York Court of Ap eals.- . i ' Tan Direc o rs of the Madison County (Illinois) F ar offer a premium of $5 for the best 'Mae white shirt, made by a "girl" uncle 30 years of age. = A Rats = f poultry in Louisiana ha 3 dig a well t the entrance of his hen house and laced a tilting cover, on it. Ilia catch av , rages one ; a night. Them told the Mormons the other •otlier teveningithat be had silmore power in directing public opinion than anyother Jive hundred en i n t h e • " . THE 0... • Republica4 of the, 9th sayi that id y•fills. disgusted Mormon .and:Californ • miners cwneintO that city Intro the Wes on the day freceding. • , • _ 1.1; THE br ch of promise case in the United States nrt, at Cleveiand—Nan cy Sloan vs. William Pendergestthe jury failed tci • gree and _Wars discharged. ,cuit,D in Hartforilfell out of a third story window andwas picked•up unhurt from the pave ent. The next morning ii fell from th• abed to the floor and broke its neck. " ' ' ' 'groOnk ;f a half million:Wedding witieh is to Co a oft' in New York in two weeks, hetilready selected -his .panta loons..and' tothe reporters their. color. It is pearl • • . Tan will of the late Henry Keep makes kis:iiifo sole - exeCtitrix, and leaves all his property, worth about '54,000,000, to her and, his datighter, his ,two sisters, and two.eisteis.of his wife. In firing a salute to the . ariltrals at the Petry's victory celebration at Put-in-Bay , on thelOth, two'-men lied each Sica,rm blewn off and :otherwisw.badly and.a third lost a thumb. Tam wheat crop of Ohio is estimated at 4000,000 bushels, about two-thirds More than lAIB6B. - The aggregate of money which, itl,willtitedtice' is twenty-five per • cent: ore' thipilast *Yesr. . . . Taft directors of • State Prison, at Michigan . City, :announce it self-sustain ing, and had on the 2lstot .August a stir ,plus or $3;644'84 ,- At the -present time the prison has'B2o,inmated: • j . Iti77.#oilit. tints Court Of CSMInal Cor :reetion;Jas_t• Weeii, two of-. Blickstone'e diseifilea :hid 6'; rough; and tumble; but it :.seems thatneither had sufficient strength to clothe other.aerlouit injury. . V. P: Virii,SOit;,_`' of NOW Philadelphia,' OW; proposes lb - locate several thousand scies'd land 'on Pacific Rsibliad,.. Kansas andAske outs. colony of. about& :btutdredfamillesto settle on it.. SO= tlie:war the Tiridnia '.State .Li- • ;brary has.. heewrobbed :Of many valuable relics,"! and lhoutainds r'-or'voiumes.' .Of 15,009 ToliinteirWhich ought to be in the . librsf , ant! mare tlitol ,:40,000 can 06, - 1* Potomac* Wiewmiles below AleX. :sat* b3.beeoming.=bniekish; and•if -the' ,d roug httontfoues; crabs' may bd caught' ..Off tact - t,cluki'"j o ruff.l l i v et *erqllitie 'DOC been-brackia4beft foi;Over..quariti' Of • , CentOrf:' - Vitt.,4llehei ortak,,the. Litchfield, Con. neeticuktainesmill;beworked as soon as. workriewshallArritrefrom Germany .- A furnace, capable of redlining'', ten tons Of. oredaily is '436Mpleteti;,latid two others art * I " ' MA* PI, PaPer..lo7 11 :iPhATley Gag4hah.i:tha:.4llB.lltatvill'htle: . that piaci , recently, was relieves:l%W in a taps. 'worm sissy feetitt ,letigthAttd that m,Tont Allan spirted the the. .‘ • ezer 011.4e.cOrt Out souse lckf. petTi Ipigt„AW ty+ e n g by B,re,' 4eni,co44l oll3l X tithe.e.l.l4 # /leXtnitingt' lui**4;:ll# 4431311:Mal ( oc4 the danger of allowing unlimited storage of that and kindred articles. Tnz new carillon_of,bells, manufactur ed in France and now mounted in the tower of St. Joseph's Cathedral of Buffalo, were tried on Sunday. The bells are' forty-three in number, and the chime is the third largest in the world. • AN ALLEGED murderei ' Mike Kelly, late contractor on the. U. P. R R., was arrested at Omaha, on the 7th, after con siderable resistance, in which he was as sisted by his wife. He is charged with killing a man "at Benton, Washington Territory, a year ago. A LAND speculating party froth Chi cago have purchased - 8,7745 acres of land In San Francisco and San Mateo coun ties, California, 2,20 ff acres of which are adjoining the city of . Ban Francisco. They are to pay $2,000,000 in gold for it, in equal annual instalments. SECRETAWY RAWISICS was married to his second wife in 1864, and she bore him two children, both of whom died before their father. Three children yet lire by the first marriage—a son, 'aged thirteen years, and two daughters, aged respect ively eleven and nine years. 'AI(IiNICR OWN man observed prowling aboiri the .residence, In Utica of Hon. Conkling, peepingsinto the win dow, etc...a few nights ago was arrested; Ind :WC Utica Herald says he turns out to be a World reporter seeking for matter for a newsletter to that journal. Mn. COREY Rennotra, two miles north of Terre Haute, 'haa" just threshed the wheat from a- ten.acrelleld, and finds the yield td.be a trifle over forty bushels to the acre. His mode of planting was , to take one half of the 'seed and drill one way. and then the other hall crosswise. TEE damage to the fruit crop in the vicinity of Boston, by the:late storm, was very great.' Many orchards filled with pear and apple trees were seriously in. jured,:and several farmers lost their en tire crop of pears nearly ready for mar ket. Every tre e in one large orchard, near Salem, was uprooted or broken off. AN exchange tells a elm of fisherman who had hooked a small fish, and wish ing to free his hands for the adjustment of his tackle placed it between. his teeth. The fish jumped down his th'oat and stuck in the gullet, defying all the fisher man's efforts to draw it out. He started to procure assistance, but dropped dead en the way. A NUMBER of leitters were found in a New, England postal car recently that had accidently slipped out of a drawer prObably. months before. The mail agent, instead of turning them over to the De. partment, feared censure for negligence. and burntthem. This was discovered and an investigation ordered, pending which the guilty parties were suspended. Jcian' Cararlif. came near losing his life In Jackkinville, 111., last week. The gas all over ,the city was turned off, and Campbell, returning in the. dark, tried the burner in his room, and find- ing the gas shut off, supposed that . would remain so during the night. It was let on again, howeier, and in the morning he was found-nearly dead. A irevrrAL has been progressing in Richmond, Ind., for six, months. About nineltindred persons have been added to the various churches. Out door meet ings twice a week and noonday saloon prayer meetings, have been characteristic ieatures also. As many as fifteen neigh borhood prayer meetings have been held in different parts of the city, at private houses, at one time. Tim property owned by Means , Kyle & Co., known as...the Pine Oro* and .Ohio Furnace and Hanging Rock coal lands, cottidsting of sixteen thousand acres, together with - the stock and fixtures of the same, his bees sold to Thomas W. Means, of Hinging Rock, for $710,000. These furriaces have been the' beat paying furnace preperty in the Ironton region for the past four yeata. - A Iticeroas householder found on his doorstep, the other day, a bag, which, on being opened, was, found to contain a lit ter of kittens.- A. few days after a sim ilar brindle was discovered in the same place, and Immediately thrown into the river. The wife, actuated by feminine curiosity, fished out the package and found that it contained Iv once lively infant and a five dollar bill, with a note requesting that the child be brought up careftilly.. AN interesting case is likely to com e off before the Superior Court of DeKalb.Co., Georgia, on the question 'whether the State Railroad Company have the right to limit the time of a thousand-mile ticket. A few days since, Platt Madison, Repre sentative from Lincoln county, tendered a ticket of that kind, _which the 'conduct or refused to recognize. Mr. M. refusing to pay, Pe was put off the cars, and now sues the company for heavy damages. THE Albany Argus reiterates the story that a young' milliner in Washington county has fallen heir to $17;000,000, left her by a young Englishman who became enamored of her while traveling ins this cotititry. She has been promised $5;000,000 in December, and the balance as soon thereafter as possible. Miss Gray, the fortunate heiress, is said to , be about thirty years of age. She has a mother and sisters to enjoy It with her. Tars City Council of Bloomington have passed an ordinance, "That after the pub lication hereof, it shall be considered a nuisance for any person or persons with . in this city, while'engaged at or witness-, any game of ball or other amusement, so , near'to any dwelling or family residence,, that the conversation or words of such persons can be heard at such dwelling or ifamily residence, to use any profane, vial. gar or obscene language: Every person so offending shall be 'Subject to a fine of Jive dollarsi for each offense." IN ST; Pikris last week . Philip Ilesdor• fer was arreste4for perjury, on complaint of hie divorced wi fe,, who alleges - that in pursuance ea writtee agreeinettshe went to Illinoiliand• remalned'there for one `year, having 'been led to helitive the seri `"eration would be Only temporary and for good - rvisb i :o3, but that „upon' her return she was auiaied to learn she was no longer a wile.,her husband having in the mean time, in order to obtain a divorce, sworn in .open court that. she bad abandoned him and remained away . from ' the State Oneryear,iwithalit causes In her absence he had been living withaiiother Woman. Tan claliforAia* quotes a eget. meat iv Senator Hendricks that there, are as many asiwo thousand Chinanien born in California who , will dome of age with in the next three:or-Split years, and re-', potts that': "It' to tact ,knoWp't,o' pioneers 'that' preeisi(te'the fall of no; there , wf4einot •. 1 00;0 Ann' two or three, "Chitepa women , t i bic-Istate, and mid,: ioneto 1'856 Chinese 46114m:were very faw in number; ev:en- •AnTf:Olf;n are vs_ ry few Mum, ,wo man hePtiv4.4l4o thouw it, Laa: boo ul PI r I SBURGH GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, dreziA,llepirof 2,000 Chinese young menWhozere. torn here and will be 21 Wit In or four years, there are not one brazed." Mn. GEORGE FORMES, of Wheeling, W. Va., while on a visit to Wetzel county, recently, encountered a highwayman, who presented a cocked pistol and de manded his money or his life. He struck his , horse, thinking the, anthill would spri g before he could fire, but the rob-. ber was too quick for- him and fired, the ball triking the point of his hip, dis- ablin him. The scoundrel, at this junc- - tune, became alarmed by some one ap proaching, fled to the woods, and was not seen again. NELLIE CARPENTER, thirteen years of age, of Bridgewater, Vt., lea heroine. On the 27th ultimo, while' playing on the bank of a pond, with three other little girls, one of them fell in and would have drowned but for her coolness and courage. "Rellie first directed the two girls with her to run for some men, and then waded into the pond up to her chin, but failing in this way to get at the drowning girl, she procured a long poles and after much exertion succeeded, just as the girl was sinking for the third time, in rescuing her. A. Tv.LEGILigH REPORTER on the To ledo division of the Lake Shore and Mi chigan Railroad, had occasion to ascend a tree on River street, Cleveland, in order to trim off'some branches that were in terfering with the wires: Re had no sooner commenced operations than some - Utah women'came out of their- shanties and commenced a regular siege upon the elevated repairer, who was just in the act of chopping off a large branch of the tree, which, it, appears, greatly egit4te4 . the contbatards. Rotton_ potatoes, eggs, sticks, cinders and stoneswere hurled at the intruder, who, amid deafening hoots tmd yells, was obliged to beat a hasty re treat, as'the Bridgeta were too much for him. AT St. Clairsville, Ohio, on Monday of laat week, Thomas D. Carr, under sen tence of death for the murder of Louisa Fox, was found lying on his bed in a very weak condition, with the bed clothes and the floor of his cell covered with blood. He had obtained a needle, and, tying his left arm above the elbow tightly with a bandage, had opened a large vein in his arm. His .arm was dressed by a physician, but about noon he tore off the bandages and, with a pin used in the bandsgeAore open the wound again and bled very freely before discovery. He has said from the beginning that he would not be hung. His case is now pending on writ of error before the Supreme Court of the State, and is not to be passed upon before December. EPHRAIM Cettruerga, a farmer living near Sigonmey, lowa, committed suicide last week on account of a fear that his crops would be destroyed by the rain, On the 'morning of his death be arose from bed sad after puttlue on his clothes, went to the door, finding that it had rain ed heavily during the night. He then returned, complaining that his oats crop would all be lost, and lay down across the foot of the bed ; where he remained a short time, when he again arose and passed out through a shed room to the outside door. It is supposed that, as he passed out, he took a pistol fr the chick:shelf unob served by his ifs, and seating himself on the door step,ediately fired, the ball entering the ri ht temple and lodging be. hind the le ft ey . ht Asters° the d sty archives of Bourbon county, E.y., there is a paper which reads ,as follows: "The Commonwealth of 'Vir ginia: To theheriff of Bourbon Coun ty, Greeting: We command you that yon take Dante Boone if he. be found, / 13 and him safely keep, so that you have his body before ear Justices at the Court house of said county, on the`third Tues day of August, to answer Hugh McClint- , rick of a plea of trespass.' And have yon I then and there this writ. Witness: Jno. Edwards, Clerk. Court-house aforesaid, the 10th day Of July, 1789, in the elev- 1 enth year of the Commonwealth." Upon the back of this, written in the scrawl and vernacular of the venerable Daniel, Is "Sir I Ecknowledge this write lawfully I served. Daniel Boone." e A BOLD attempt was made to rob the Eirst National Bank of Springfield, Illi nois, on Friday last. ~ A stranger walked up to the counter and stated that he wanted to sell $3,000 of 6-20's of 1808, and $B,OOO of 1864, and, with the pro ceeds wanted Ito purchase $9OO in gold and the remainder in 10.40 bonds. This transaction involved some calculation, and while the President and Teller of the bank were making it, a confederate of the stranger siipped through the . President's room to the vault, and seized a package containing $llOOO. He was making. his way out of th bank when •he was en countered by , e Cashier, who immedi ately collared him. The stranger who wished to "sell his bonds" was also taken into custody. The former gave his name as Harper, and the latter as Stanford. LAST WEEK while. two clerks in S. A. Newman's drug store in Rochester were engaged in drawing alcohol, alight which one of the young men held in his band came some way in contact with the can, and the fluid was igniteC. In a moment the bleze . was communicated to the alco hol in the vessel, which contained less than a pint, and a fearful explosion fol. lowed. The head of the can was blown out ,and bent double, the leg of a stool was broken off, as was also`the top of a faucet, by the force of the blow. ' A sky . light overhead was blown into pieces, a glass partition was shattered, and finally 'the large panes of plate plass in 'one of the windows - were chattered to pieces. One of the clerks was knocked near a hatchway, and tumbling over fell into a cellar, and a boy was somewhat burned about the limbs by the fire, but both nev ertheless escaped without serious injury. ~. Twe on three years ago a ministerial association met in one of the beautiful villages of the Connecticut Valley. Some earnest reformers among the brethren in trodnced resolutions condemning thetse of tobacco, A certain Doctor of Divin-, ity, who smokes as well as he preaches; to the surprise of all,, warmly seconded the resolutions, but urged Abet. they did not go .4ar enough, • that-they did not reach the roots of the great evil. For if 'the use of toliseco was a sin, then the raising of;tobacco"was a sin, and' all those who received their support from money obtained by the raising of tobacco we re under the sante condemnation; all mu s t be included in the resolutions, it would 'be obviously !lens tO make any distinct . ? Alone. These suggestions knocked. the resolutions in thchead;for *ere not many of the best, meta..:Vrtient, engaged in to'. bacco cultdrer einilvdte - liot eomeiof the , clergymen present receiving tlreir salary from *anotodilltiiref The vote dtd, ; not vsee. s and thei . "D.:W! stilt. ettOkeit and, stiltpriachea l 'XildObacecestill. srpws in the ValllT 4 tliocoineetiout. •.. 1 . '.. , ' ; -,' iroi , -,-.. e...Tp,•1 ,, .: . , ,--,- ...):.K.; ,EPTEMBER 15, 1869, IcAN TOPS. FRUIT SEIIF , LABELING • FRUIT-CAN TOP.' COLLINS 4 : . PITTSBURGH PA r • Re an now prepared to Supply Tinners and Potters. It le perfect, simple. and as cheap u the plain top, having the names of the various Pratte stamped upon the cover, radiating from the center. and an index or pointer stamped upon the top of the can. • It is Clearly v Dlahmtly and Permanently 14411.13E.1.V. 13, • by merely placing the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the pointer and sesa_ing in the customary manner. No preserver of fruit or good housekeeper lir 11l use any other afte rinti once seeing t. CHIMNEY TOPS. &c, WATER rIPES, ORINNET TOPS A large ailirtmen . 1111TRIC H. COLLINS. apl~:hal ad Tenue,flear Smithfield/St. DRY GOODS to w th ,„ z 4 0; 1 0 •st cp! -02 14 3 cm•-. r 4 Z ;it ;Li , e 4 z 04, Z - 0 2 11 .103 el a 1 4 1 c z a a ar' to a, t r i tb gE4 4 0:1 4 04 W .., w 1:4 ;a • E-I Z g a 00? 2 el ;, til' ;74 ;.." Pcil24 E-1 Tit E 4 I= , ‘ir ri Z bi, O .•° .44 Z 12Fil C ARLA ? MC Vir Air** C i er l r / 11 01 6 1 34)" WHOM:BALI MALE= IN Foreign and Domestie Dry Goods, No, 94 WOOD '' frillltrr ' Third door Owe Diamond Clef, pirreNNEON, PAL EDUCATIONAL. ISHOPTHORPE SCHOOL foi 818LE3.1411 berth Its second year D. V. on tle 16tH of ISSIMIGMBER next. 'the number of pu 'M a gill of whom lire In the house, Is Ilm 4. Iced t t H.q. Prench Is tstmht by a resident goys e ~ and so far as potatbte Is made the Isnsn4e of the family. Addrets, for ctroVarx, etc.. IBS ClLitir, Blshopthorpe, Bethlehem, Penna. ...- .. , sold kiis M. MARKHAM (Late Associate Principal of Irving institute, ) WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR Young Ladies and Mimes, MOSIDAT, September 6, 1666: At the rooms lately occupied by the Curry Insti tute, No SA and 51 Sixth street (iategt. Circulars can be bad at all the principal #001,7 stores, or any information may be obtained of Maritharn, at NIS PENN ST., Pittsburgh. NEWELL INSTITUTE, 255 and 267 Perm. Street, Rill ft'-on.n on MONDAY. SEPT. 6TLI. I erms $4O per 'Luton of Bye menthe. No,eztra charges. evcrot for reece and Mu sic. Applicants to be able to re 0 easily. THE BOYS` SclietaL BOOMS, in 1.01 267, have been recently enlarged and veva much Im proved. The courts of study qualifies for en trance Into any College. Thorough teaching is glv.n In ahose”studies relating_ to bus'ness, such as SPELLING. PENMANSHIP. MOTH ME COM POSi !lON. c. Herman Classes daily. The character af the school is guaran tee for honest, vigorous teaching. The Teachers are Messrs. NEWELL, latAuE M ly, BUNCH YIELD, SLOANE, and ORGAN • The School Rooms fo YuIJNO LADLES ate In No. 255 Penn strest. The ,Rooms are spacious and elegant. The Principal,' Mr. J. IL N LL, will ue maimed by Miss SPENCER. Miss E. M. LIOUETT, Irte of Vassar college, and Miss WATKINS,' already known in the com munity as an able teacher. The two Depprt• mental, Junior ant Senior emorace the usual course pursued In inch institutions. 111 E MUSICAL D SPA itTISSNT will be under the care of Prof. DE HAM and Miss STEBBINS. Prof. DE HAM' charges are $l5 per quarter, and Miss STEBBINS, 51.61ver quarter.- oth are Music. as strlctli FIRST-CLASS reacher& ot The LAD ES' tiCHQUL now offers every Advantage which can be ' secured by faithful teaching and tnOst desirable aurfoundaga. street. ficlpl to be in en daily at 1155 Penn from 9 to 12 o'clock. suCtvgat PROPOSALS. INININNYWAIIWINWWWW.reIeI VIWIWMPININIIN CM oisigrat'a OPTIcs. taisonlNT CITY. PA.. rept. S. 1889. 9 SEWER CONTRACTORS.— T.,.......„c0.mi55i0n of the City of idle. gnav are prepared tO receive proposals for the construction of about 1250'.Feet 12-irtch Circular • Pipe Sewer on Rent!) alley, from North Avenue to Fair- Dr wings and spectli•ations can be seen and, fulfil:item:lotion Obtained. at the City Engineer's office. Bids mud state the kind or Beim' pro posed to be turniebed. (cement, or vitrided clay 1 loe) and must be endorsed "Sower Proposals." and delivered on or before 3 P. m Sept. 15ih, 1689. Vorms of proposaraj on • which forms .close bids will be receives, will be furnished at the City Engineer's office. fhe Commisrlon do net bind themselves to as apt the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission; CHARLES DAVIS sc9:os OFFICE OP TEE_ 00 - IFrnottmit ow ALLYOUIST Coll2trx.Tir..• PiTrßrinnou, Sept. 6 11, IS6 . PROPOS4LS FOR 'WRITING. gilded Proposals will be received at this once until tha *pa' 1r st. Inc:Pare, for copying sad Lra , scilhlnl< r IiiINZ•THBEE, AKEE/160143 DIIPLIOA TES for the year 11370. Bids to , be made at so much the running line . compicte, end to incytde the cornparing et each aad every diplicate with the original. Samples can be seen on application: By direction or the Neat, Caintnlisioners. HENRY LAIIIFEBT. ste:o7 FLOW* 'lll4tint: FLOUR 2. 311' NNiaOte rima - vLotTio 3 : - thr t 4bts. legal soder. 281 bids Rollo. 361 bbls lermlue, 110' btils hununit Ribs 010 bbls Winona C0.; , 530 bbl. Red 'River. 133 bbls NAY OHOZOIC y1E106E574 ri,ouss. vou bbls Riven Yoe blus White Mar, 500 bble various brandsj4prinsW hest Flour. ' VnifTEBEII.&T, FAMILY l ridol; . s • • CRl,ln5l rthsfield. Uhl% Pride o the. West. , Depot s, , msisstiost ram, 131nglender and Crown. 0001ele St; Lonfs _sof, .Me terror_ than can be brought front 1110 West. • ' war T.. Taxa a CO..__, irsz ' L. ' al4 sad 314 Wool luls.• • e I :i&C VAl_4l.d, - 1869. ROMAN PLAID RIBBONS, LADY VANDERBILT BOBS, In Flain.:and Roman Colovas. SATIN'/TRILLINGS. Black Silk Fringes. SILK BUTTONS, In all the newest, styles. Also, all the elegant designs of PLAID GLASS BUTTONS, EMBROIDERIES-A NEW LINE. Shetland Ribbed, Grey Mix said White SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. 9ood Country Yarn. A. full variety of cOlore of EASTERN YARNS. Flannels. Ladies' and Misses Balmoral Rose. GENTS' SEALER KNIT HALF HOSE, MAORUM, GLYDE & CO., 78 & 80 Market Street, 'au27 NEW .SUMMER GOODS AT • MACRUM & CARLISLE'S NO. 27 Fifth Avenue, Dress Trimmings and Buttons. Embroideries and Laces. Ribbons and Flowers. Hats and Bonnets. . (Hove fitting and French Corsets. New Styles drsolty , s Skirts. P an and arasols—all the new sty . les. b Hosiery—the best English makes. Agents for "Harris' Seamless Kids." Spring and Summer underwear, l ßotc 'or the Bemis Patent Shaie "Lock meo w, End." "Elite," Act "Dickens by," and other styles. Dealers supplied with the above at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. M.AORiaitt ' & CARTM3I 7 4 N . O. 27 FIFTH AVENUE. iny4 MERCHANT TAILORS. P.. FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps constantly on hand Clotho, Casedmeres and restings. :Also, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. No '93 1-2 Smithfield Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. • Illg•Sent's Clothing made to order in the latest styles. seStnEG B*" Our entire Bummer Stock of , Boys•, Youths' and Children's Clothing, closing out at greatly reduced slices. GRAY & LOGAN'S, /40. 47 SIXTH STREET LATE ST. 4L AIL ante NEW FALL GOODS.. ♦ splendid new stock of CLOTHS, GASSLUERES, Just received by HENRY 31KYILS. sea: Merchant Tailor. T 3 Smithfield street. B TIEGEL, • • li tLsta Cater with W. Hespenhelds.) PSG ail ;To IF-11 1 / 4 .110 }AO VA 0;0;1 No. 53 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh 5e213:v21 JOllllll. BTEWAR EOBT. ILMATIII.IIBOII. ROBT. H. PATTERSON & LIVERY, SAX ,dkri COMMISSION STABLES COL SEVENTH HEM k IIBER7 ST • PrrnaußGEt, Pd me 210,4 Blair & MOSER, Art C.urrECTS, Burr noun A.ssocwrzoN 'smultei zos, Riina 4 Bt„ Chas Street, Pittsburgh., Pa. Special attention Oren to the designing and building of 001131 .- i INUBLEI ead FUEL] 0 nstrt.nrosess. . CITi I ENGINEER. jrBESH SHAD • 'RECHTIrED daffy at BENJAMIN PULPRESS 'popular sh Stand, No. Diamond Market, lll burgh, tan at the Twin City, Allegheny' City, corner kin g Okla and Federal streets. T,a• bid 'all kinds or Sea and Lake fish, Halibiltighltd. Beak, .Vodlisb. Haddock and Eel. Alio, !larks suPelles of White. Lake Fish, seamen, iliagg y tnerieoll. Herring and Macinew Trout, which enables as to sell at the lowest market: Trice.; wholeS or retail. We invite all /oven of Fresh to give ail • call, and we Ida jailor them • at. - reitie il:oo4.4ol3.*:Laig ran* THE `Bump: " Iron is,! 7 F BY •pßtrEf9ll3s:#lllSYYMltatik de:Marin , 1 • '4l-APLE ,SITGAIL-4 .loarreis 0. ~ ..pionment it WLTT. LANE} & CO% 1 and 174 Wood street. tisaiw-4.00 btib# Le_ ; canin e 274/14146 Cements 19 Y i rt: Thornier.° W I DRAI7IIO , CESIINT 0-1 s 00 DU yokiavgle,Hydnl.o a k 4 n lrl.oVa Xll A BanirrauL LINE OP ALL COLORS OF LIVERY STABLES. AROBITIVIS. CARPETS. NEW CARPETS! ERESH IMPORTATION p c i=c t l n bß i T o r p lE . r. H. McCallum from mann- . VELVETS, BRUSSELS, • Tapestry Brussels, &c., THE FINEST Assortment ever offered in Pittsburgh. • • ALSO, A FINE STOCK CF THREE-PITS, INGRAINS, AND COMMON CARPETS A FDIE AnORTMENT OF Well Seasoned Oil Cloths. !CULLUM BROS., Jro. 51 FIFTH rE.r CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths 9 MAC 136TriCi I IV ar Window Shades, AT LOW PRICES. We offer many of our goods much below last Spring's prices. Those needing goods in our Me can save money by buying at once. BOYARD, ROSE & CO., 21 FIFTH ATFNUF. yl4:ddT NEW FALL STOCK. OF CAFPETS, The First in the Market AND THE CHEAPEST. CHOICE PATTERNS Two-ply and Three-ply CHEAP INGRAIN CARPETS. THE lIIIVIST LINE OP BODY BRUSSELS Ever Offered in Pittsburgb. We time and money by baying from. KeFABLAND & COLLINS. No. 71 and 13 71PTH AVENUE, ti=:d liT OLIVER M'CLINTOCK & CO. HATE JUST RECEIVED A FINE SELECTION OF BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CARPETS. THE 'LAMEST ASSORTMENT OF WHITt,CHECK & FANCY MA.TTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN TIES CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL-DEPARTMENTS MI OLIVER MeCLINTOCK & CO'l3. nrrff AVILNIIE LITHOGRAPHERS. 1111AJAXIN Mail% QINGEBLY & CLEIS" SUCCetiOn 14J to fizo. Y. SCIOICSIXAN a CO.. PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPICRIM the only Steam Lithographic itstablishment West of the on. 'asiness Cards, Letter Heads, Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Cards, Diplomas. Portraits, Views, Certificates of De posits, Invltatios Cseli, Oe.. Noe. TS and Iffi snot., atroot. Plittstinralt. HAIR AND RERFITIMERY. CHN PECK, ORNAIIMITAL HAIR WUNKRit AND 141113 1 TDMR. No. Third street, near Smithilebi, Pittsburgh. Alwatin hand.w_ceneral assortment of La diet. BANNS, CURLS : Gazitlemen , a WI SCALPS. GUARD GRAINS, BIIXeRLI. itsr i t u mi Price in Gash will be Rival ftir RAW Ladies , and Gentlemen's Refs (ituttl:s a dva In tba notatast manna/. • ' DR: - W.1111:112;lh - rIONTIPMES TO TREAT ALL il.eni ry iraste diseases. Syphilis in all its forms, all dlseases, and the effects of mercurg= completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea ore nal Wea kn ess and Impotency resulting from self-abuse or other causes, an d which produces some of the following effects, as blotcnes, bodily weakness, indigestion, consumption, aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of memory, Indolence. nocturnal emission% end dually so prostrating the sexual system as to render marriage unsatisfactory, and therefore LA.-video% are permanently cured. persons er, Mated vital these or any other delicate, let:late or long ive tahred standing a = tria M l;u _hgteit o=nst'e complaint complaint , nt should plain p tsUserorh n ea n or W ve %r W il F n ma ofia m m- - matt _on , or Ulceration of the. Womb,•Ovando, prurita, Amenoripoca. Menarrhattia, Dynan norrhoes, and bterilitr or Barrenness, are Mat* ed with the greatest*SUCCettle It is self.evident that a physician who confines himself exclusively to the study of a certain clan of diseases and treats thousands of cases every na. must acquire greater skill in that spakialty than be general practice. - . The /Meter publishes medical pamphlet Of fiftvyr pai Oat gives^ tall a exposition of venereal p - rlyste diseased that can be bad free stoat* or by Man liar two stamps, in sealed envelopes. Byer/ scram contains instruction to the af• dieted, and =sibling them 'to deters:dna the pre. else: nature =as' campliints. • • • , . The estabileitmentznpriaing ten amply. • reomskis central , en it is not convenient to • visit e; city,is opinion can be oh.` , tainei by a 'written statement of the case, and medi cines can , be. forwarded by mail or ex.- press. 'ln some lustanees, however, is personal examination is :abisolutely necessary, while in others daily personal attention is- regt Iced, awl =Vfor the Secommodat ted ion el su the ch D office t "Matta at there are ts cosunec with h are IA every" requisite UM is cal to nromote. recovery, including medicated vap or bathe. All prescriptions are prepared,lll the Matto:fir aWn laboratter. under - his s,cl=s t i i meow pamphl ets at oCerig h w or . I nick matlar,wh i o n re 'filled, resgrwhattie gays. •Hours 9 Sag, ofbe llBitr .,y~ il /Po i yaw /Swig uk t ours 14.0.0114 ot4ls Oceend Floor%