The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 13, 1869, Image 4

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Itttsburgt Gaidtt.
.t r iMNA I4 ,}PZED & CO.Protrietom
11. PENNIMAN, JoßtAit HIDT6.
I% )30i:rues. P. REED.
or Pisti!innot appsheAr rod An«
• ghoul" COOII2F,
0/1111—Dtiy IBessf-Weskgsr: • Waisr,•
Ow yew-4AM ,One 51205cm... 1 A
%Mayl 1 sts. mos,. 1.50 5 eoplesAtah 1.25
lb VbISILMOs 75 10 " 1.15
Carrley.)l =done to Mont.
MONDAY, SEPT. 13, 1869.
ion aovErzzon: I
JUDGE OP, sr 113331.13 COII*T:
'HENRY W. W1LL.T.4.1118.
JOHN 31. masc . /macs.
assuvralir LAW =DEM COMMON rwas,
*. JAM .
• D. N
48:14/tip! Alyea S. FLESIDIG.
CIaIRR OpOooBr6--,sOSEPH • BRowN • E.
zscospzu -- mon H. HUNTER. - -
Coanu6sloNsa- aNcEy B. BOSTWICK.
BratsTza-JOSEPH H. GRAF. ,
CLARE Oltrsuars , Co . r-ALEX. HILANDS
the inside pages of
Tim—Second Page:
set," Foreign News
rat Intelligence, Per-
Casualties. Third
inanee and Trade,
and River News.
: eptember Magazines,
Ufa morning's G
..Poetry, "Vireo Old
and Rumors, Gen
gtesio Item
and * Sixth , pages:
Markets, Import .1
Seventh read • 1
State Politic*, 4m
lAntwerP, 557 f.
Plrramatras at
IL B. loNne a
New York on Saturday
Gimp closed
Republican dissensions
been averted; it is said,
. between the Bond and
.f the party. j
TEM Patin; of
in Maryland has
by a cordial fusio
Cresswell wings
tender of the Chinese
Wilkes, Of New York,
ed. It is said =to have
rominent citizen, whose
Tag reported
mission to Georg'
is positively den
been offered to a
name has not yet
It Governor, with other
(1 a Legislature today.
- al eandidatei are Gen.
ain, (Rep.), Franklin
:(d N..G. aineliborn,
Tics elects
Stite officers, •
The Gehenna° ,
J. L. Cluunbe
s m u t , (Dem.)l,
THE entire pro,. -rty of New York has.
'been valued, by . e State Board of Equal
ization, as folio -- : Real. $1,418,132,80 5 ;
personal, 4441,9:7,845; total, $1,860,120,-
850. Of this ag! eget% about silty per
cent:. is listed in . e Metropolitan police
district, which 1... • but thirty-two per
cent of the total population.' i
-----" 1 "" ---------
Tar. ONLY Cc) lutional disqiudifica
tion which will barrass the members
elect to the ne Virginia Legislature,
wild' meets 0 ber sth, is that which
the XlVtli Artic e o f . the Federal Consti
tution prem . ' No member can be
sworn who, as ilis officer of, the State or
of the United States, has eveetaken, and
1 ' 4 • t
- violated an oath to support that Con t i.
tatiots: 1.
Tam President empresses the Republican
ontiment, in pledgirtg his cordial approv
al of the straight Republican organization
which General Davis leads and which
Hamilton opposes in Teva& With equal
ly good reasons, tieneral GUANT hopes for
the election of Alcorn, the probable can
didate of. the Mississippi Republicans,
over the Conservative dodge which pre
tends to follow Judge Dent.
Punuc atuon again siasigns the vacant
portfolio of the to some citizen
of Pennsylvania. Connecticut wants it
for Governor Hawley and lowa for Gen
eral Wilson. . But the indications point
to a Presidential preference for one of our
own citizens. With Hon. G. A. Grow,
the names of Hon. J. D. Cameron and of
Hon., G. H. Stuart are also mentioned.
Western Pennsylvania presents no candi
date: , The Republicans of this section
will heartily join with their friends
throughout the State in felicitations upon
the appointment of either - of these Cain.
guished will most capable citizens.
Tan s uspension of the Memphis Post,
-- the ablest I Republican journal in Ten.
nessee, and the only one in the Western,
division oft the State, is said to be due to'
• the-withdrawal by Governor SENTEU, of
the pitblici printing from its columns.
' ... The Post fiat; been fearlessly and faithfully
conducted; in the face of the local unti
-1 menu which sways that region of Ten
nesse(i. Its course has ilea impartial and
candid throughout the recent canvass,
- taking but very moderato 'grotutd, and at
a late hour,;ln Door of the Stokes ticket.
If Governor riNtarlak:aigul Wills way,
t i o stllle Republican journalism, there is
'amt, little to hope for from the Republican
Amps u pon w hi c h he pought and secured
"ma election.
.President Galan' and family will reach
this city to-morrow, by the noon train ,
from the East, and will remain at the Mo
nongahela House 'Until Wednesday morn
ing, when they will proceed to Washing
ton county, to vieit relatives there.
With the Presidential pithy will be
Senator SCOTT, Hon. D. Cameron,
President of the Northern Central Rail
way, and other dist.ingtObed citizens of
the Commonwealth.
The President will be a welcome visi
tor to a community which, in. November
last, attested its grateful sense of his con
spicuous military cervices, and its confi
dence in lie'llelity and capacity for the
highest civil trust, with nearly two-thirds
of forty thousand votes.
He comes to its to-baorrow not as the
representative of a party, but as the Chief.
magistrate of all the people, andel; isuchhe
will be received and honored by all the
citizens of the county and of western
It is"presumed that the proper arrange
ments will be made to-day, for such pub
lic courtesies upon his arrival and during
his brief stay in Pittsburgh, as will honor
his high office, the meritorious citizen
who'"fells it, and the people of these large
and hospitable cities.
The recent avowal by Gov. Wells, of
Virginia, of his hearty and unqualified
acceptance of the policy of removing all
political disabilities from the citizens o
his State, substantially relieves the pre
vious embarrassments in the way of a cor
dial i'rennion of all the Republican sup.
Porters of GRN GRANT'S administration
In another week, Gov. Wells_retires
from an office which he has creditably
filled, signalizing the close of his Execu
tive term by adeclaration of the highest
value to his reputation for statesmanlike
patriotism. Accepting thus the results of
a canvass in which he was himself the
exponent of that dogma of restriction
which he now abandons, he has the
courage to avow his error, and the
magnanimity to commend the policy
which he had unsuccessfully opposed, to
the cordial support of every Virginia Re
publican. Graceful as this surrender is,
it should have a decisive influence with
the people of that State.
We may now look with absolute confi
dence to the Republican re-union in the Old
Dominion. Gov. Walker will next week
enter upon the Executive office, with
good reasons fortelying upon the support
and co-operation of a largo majority of
thepeople. The lines that unfortunately
divided for awhile a great party, are ef
fectively obliterated, and it now only
needs that his administration should be
faithful to the principles upon which that
party has come at last to agree, to ensure
the long continued maintenance of the
Republican ascendancy in that State.
Sustained by this powerful expression of
the l people, the Governor will be able to
make good the expectations which his
own language has justified, while the
Coneervatives of the new Legislature
cannot fail to recognize and respect the
public voice. Coming events will show,
as for the two leading competitors in the
recent canvess, whether one of them has
plucked the higher honor from defeat, or
the other from his fidelity against the mul
tiplied temptations which may assail his
success. .‘
A Republican State Convention has
been invited to assemble at Richmond,
November 24th. Before that day, the
new Legislature, meeting October sth,
will be likely to have adjourned. The
Convention cannot* fail to be wisely in
structed by the results of a Legislative
1 session which is certain to reveal the pol
icy of the oppositon, with the effect of
consolidating the Republican party, of
At this writing, we ere permitted to
see but one manifestation of the sym
pathy which should move a Christian
people, like ours, to stretch out a charita
ble and soothing hand to the small army
of living sufferers, the destitute widows
and orphans of Avondale.. The Miners'
Society of Wilkinsburg, _in summoning
a meeting of the coal-miners of Alle
gheny, must have credit for taking the
initiative in any movement whatever
among our people, for the practical re
cognition of the Claims of the Avondale
mourners upon> the nublic tompassion.
Shall the movement rest there?
If there be; in this wealthy, intelligent
and religious community, any charitably
disposed persons who feel moved to assist
these stricken women and children, in
the hour when they need it most, there
will be no difficulty in securing the trans
. mission of their donations. If no other
mode suggests itself to the benevolent,
their contributions may be handed into
the GAZETTE counting-room and we will
undertake the delivery to the local com
mittee at Avondale. A dollar now will
be worth more to them than ten dollars
n week or two hence. The "National
Bank of Pittsburih" is also designated
by that committee, as a depository; no .
one of the National Banks Is specified,
but we pres i n ie`th i it, any , of these institu
tions will promptly attend to the remit
. tutees. Coptrlbutions may also be sent
directly to Henderson Gaylord, Treasurer
py Belief fond s Plymouth, Pa. ,
The Manch Chunk Gazette gives chap
ter and Verse, to explain the awkward
scrape in which Mr. Asa Packer, the
very wealthy candidate of the opposi
tion, has been might. 1
The Judge brought his carpet-bag fro&
Connecticut to Mauch Chunk in 1833,
arid that has ever since been his "borne"
—the legal, usual, actual and only resi
dence of himself an his family. Whim
the war Made a hes bounty-tax neces
sary foi l that county, and also largely in
creasedlhe "poor. ,' f for the support
of the familiei of the living and dead a
dlers, in July, 'O7, - . Packer was d ay
notified, by the propir oflicials, thate
following sums were ue freat him:.
It or State ; Tax....,...
.• ' , pedal State Tax
" B..rougb T .x.
" echool Tax
County Tapc ..... .
" FOOT Tax
' Total 133 Fhll 7 7
His assessment, at that dste, at Mauch I
Chunk. was upon 11,128,385 perional
property and $23,050 real e'itate. He pos
itively iefused to pay, saying that "he
had got himself assessed in Philadelphia
and should pay his taxes there." He
continued to reside at Mauch Chunk with
his family, as usual. Going occasionally
to Philadelphia, he registered himself
always at the Merchants' Hotel as "Asa
Packer, Mauch Chtink."
Threatened with distress-warrants for
his delinquent taxes, be finally paid, on
the sth of February, '6B, the full amount.
Out of this, the county sad borough had
to pay $2,002.84 for lawyers' fees and
- other expenses of collection.
tie did "get himself assessed" at Phil
adelphia. Worth $20,000,000, and taxed
for over one million of dollars at home,
this' excellent Democrat procured him
self to be assessed in Philadelphia, thus:
• *5.000
. 8 500
. 8,500
Mortga? es
Monies on Into. est
Omani as Vice Pr. stdent L. V. R. R.
Two Uold Watches
Total II:0 500
Thus giving in but one-hundreth part
of his substance at Philadelphia, he at
tempted to get out of all taxation upon
the other ninety-nine hundreths at Mauch
.No statute . at_ that time exempted stocks
from local taxalon in Philadelphia. If
_had oeen, his correct valuation
should have been returned for State pur
His Philadelphia assessment did an
swer its intended purpose. He not only
cut down his valuation trom over a mil
lion to a paltry sixteen thousand, but he
has not paid one cent of tax on that in
Philadelphia, nor since the tax of '67, not
a mill of personal tax in 3fauch Chunk.
Foi 1868 and 1869, this twenty-million
Democratic candidate his dodged his per
sonal tax altogether. What do the peo
ple about it?
Under the provisions of the law of the
last session for the registration of voters,
the Assessors of this county have attend
ed to that duty and filed their returns
with the Commissioners. We present,
below; a complete list of the wards, bor
oughs, townships and precincts, with the
Assessors' mames and the aggregate regis
tration returned by each. No returns ap
pear from the 15th ward of Pittsburgh.
We also annex, for the purpose of com
parison, the aggregate vote of each elec
tion district in November last.
It is seen that white the registry is less
than the Presidential vote in many of the
districts, it is largely in excess thereof, in
others, and that the total registration ex
ceeds the total polllastNovember by 656,
to which the sum of the 15th ward regis
try is to be added.
We find , in this statement intrin
sic proofs of the general fidelity
with which their duty has been
performed by the Assessors. The
marked variations in some of the pre•
curets, between the registry and the No
vembe.r poll, which was the largest ever
cast _here, will attract attention.
Why the registry is less in a
majority of instances, and so much larger
in other cases, is capable of an obvious
explanation. In a manufacturing and
mining county like ours, a- not incon
siderable percentage of the population,
whether in city or country, is regularly
transient, under the exigencies of em
ployment, from one district to another.
The suspension of some special branch of
industry, or increased activity in some
other branch, will speedily draw large
accessions to one neighborhood or scat
ter the operatives massed in another.
Hence a district which shows this year
gain or a loss in its voting population,
may exhibit a contrary state of things'a
twelvemonth - hence.
Again, these returns, taken collec
tively, afford'a gratifying proof of the
steadily advancing prosperity of town
and country. Considering that our man
ufactures are not confined to the strictly
urban districts, much of that industry
being planted in the outlying precincts
and boroughs, we percelye that the
county should, more than is usually the
rile elseivhere, be regarded as an en
tirety, irrespective of country or town.
Taken as a whole then, we , shall see thr&
AllegikenY is one of ;lie few counties oil
the State where a regiltry, taken in the ,
summer _of '69, exhiblis a larger adult
population of male citizens than were re
presented in a.very full polled their votes
given nine months before.
That this is a Colld, l 'substantial proof
of our steadily increasing population—it
self also it satisfactory evidence of our
continued prosperity as a community—la
tiro sore apparent when we rememabec
that this registration is of necessity not
perfect, the law wisely providing for the
correction of the lists in specified `modes:
These corrections are likely to addpn
siderably to the total number of voters.
On the whole, we must reiterate our,
satisfaction in.this showing, whether as
it discloses the rapid and solid growth of
the 'material interests of the county, or
for the proofs it affords of the intelligent
fidelity with which our assessors have
discharged the novel duties imposed upon
these officers by the new law, and which,
'under the peculiar features' "pf the case,
have been executed with equal speed and
Ist ward...
2nd •• •••
2rd " •••
4th " •• •
at 4 " •••
Sth " •• •
tat " •••
but • • •
.• •
12. . h ds
li • h• •.
+y •••
557 se
b7ta 17
. 88
9223 88
• 5767 17
15.6 ", .
!?1,11 : 4
18th " •
106 4 ' .
20th " •
2151 " .
:3rd "
Ist " 0. W. Lyon 986 679
2.4 " ... John Sterrltt..... I.= 1.554
14 '• 1 p..... 11. B. Ray !r:s 912
1 ••2 P.
. 1 4. P. Ray 7C5 759
4tn •
• - 1 p ...
--James Graham...' 1.1173 1,2= 9
401 " 2. 1,... ,lames Graham... 521 '
'. 542
sth " ..Henry Paulus.— 720 642
%tries Pugh .. 7111 767
7ttt "
eta "
Eitzlbr t y h. C. titoi'aen... 220 ='
Went elttsburgh..Fd ward hprnag. 312
Monong •is rla John gan 173 142
Bradducka.........namuel Guthrie. 227 .223
Sewickley Jas.ues T.tstinple 242 161
Birminguam 1 p—Oaniel 8erg..... 512 557
Birmingham 2 p—Dantel Berg 611 633
East MrlllingtlALLl• A. J. 11. pp • ••• 1,257 1,..66
Sit. ashington „James Ititcble.. 327272
Sharuburgh J. Comatrca. 449 354
South s Pittaburgia.. 5111bollands 491 511
1,4 clieeaport •••• ....P. D. Marsh... it..N 482
West Etizatietti....J. G. Percival.. 102 101
Ilrmsby ..... . .... GVorge Geyer.. 178 =9
Tarentum ........... V. Evans. 164
MI hale B. H. Fai.bacn. 9, 153
Ts mperanctvil e...e. Patterson... 359 31Z.
Bet.vue 1 .5. Snodgrass 50 58
Union Wllb.Lloli•rt.. 172
Etna E. P. Thomas... 223 233
Kilbuck Jams tit eland. 303
,Lett Samuel Neely... 12.5
Plum T. A... Patterson. 293 311
Penn.... ....H.. Monahrwilin. =, 470
13,1zsbeth 1 p M. M. Wilson... / 730 145
•• 2 p M. lid. Wilton... ' t 100
ii 3 v M. M. Wilson... 1„, 94
•• 4 P•••••• IL M. Wllium.T. f - Itts
1111111 n W C itors,ythe. 689 4813
- Robinson, 1 p.,...J00n Nichol In
Itommon, 2 p., ...John Nichol 1 355
Moon W. S. Deemer... 254 163
Franklin John P. Shuclsg. 147 150
Baldwin, 1 p......H. B . Wichtmsn 212 131
Had win, 21. It. B. W , ghtrusii 232. 193
Ross, 1p Wm. B. Dummitt. i - 136
i 365
Huss, 2p Win. B. Du moat. 162
McCaudli as Frederic!' Naha. 203 192
Exit Deer F. If Edmundson 341. 139
Upper tat. Clair -D. O. Bower ..... 150 1
3 67
North Fayette ... A. P. Lewis '.5 63
*fertile.... ........ George Cole. Jr., 49 52
Mister. 1 P... .... -. J. L. Else ssor
Inhaler, 2 p J. 1,. Elsessor .... 1 225
a l l
Fawn ' ttobt. M. Gibson. 140 130
W ilkins Wm ewisshelm.. 541 65.
Patton ......- ....- it Mnyet a '..:3 VI
Versatile,, 1 p... John Sill 5.70 ill
Versailles, 2p ...John SIB 615
Ji Verson John C. ftesm...• 335 37,5
Cnartiers Owen McGovern. 375 375
Findley A. W. Enlow •A 3 285
Ohio ..... .... ..... Davidson Dolt-- .SO 139
Et serve Prid,lph Lutz 95 =3
snowden. . ..... S P. Boyer
Pine Wm. It•iynolds.... 142 151
West User.. •••.H. R. faint ton... 701 ITT
Indiana W. A. Campbell... Cs 431
Lower St. Olair.Thomas Curran ..• 6.1.1 684
south Payette -Levi Gregg r.O :Do
Sewickley qatnuel Sarver . . 107 7 3
Cce.c ut J. Schr isdes 62 SO
513 SZI
McClure H. H. Kerr.
Richland ... ..... David Patton 133 149
Union A. C. Wooster.... aim 264
Hampton John H01me5..... 157 171
beta ..1 p Barnes Ford/ 0" 162
Scott. 3p `arses Ford. ...... f 156
Marshall ..Dsvld Neely 163 169
Harrison James Mitchell.... 303 202
Lincoln Jno. Patterson.... 1911
Fo. ward .. ...... D. P. Allen 257
Total Itelstration. 1869 40.614
Total Vote, November, 15415 40 156
Ltncnln and Forward (bps.) and' Union Lbor
°ugh) arehew, erected' since November.
A new arraneetnent,and sub-division of the
precincts have beau 'nude in Elizabeth. Suder,
Itoss and Versailles since last election.
NOTWITEISTLNDING the averment, of
the World that Gov. HOFFMAN, of New
York, would persist in declining to cer
tify the ratification of the XVth Article
by the last Legislature, to the Federal
Secretary of State, the Governor declines
complicity In such partizanship, and has
daly transmitted his official certificate of
that action to Washington. It may be
harsh to suggest that his duty in the-pre-
mises, so long neglected, has seemed
clearer since it became manifest that the
ratification by New York would be certi
fied, if need be, in some other sufficient
way. We prefer to credit . hies \with the
wise resolution to do his plain duty, ir
respective of. partizan Influences.
The Article was rejected in Georgia,
but, it slid, Gov. Bullock refines to
certify that action to Washington. No
fault should be fouiid with this refusal,
since the Governor is entirely right. It
is only in case of ratification that the
Vth Article of the Constitution renders
any certificate necessary. Until three
fourths of the States shall thus record their
affirmations, no amendment can become
a part of that instrument. Whether from
the omission to act, Cr under an express
rejection, all the States not thus certified
must be counted againt such a proposi
tion. A certificates of rejection is wholly
superfluous. , '
WE WERE in error inthestatn „ mentithat
the bill regnlating the m'lnes and pro.
tecting life In Schuylkill county failed to
beiome a law last winter. It was enacted,
as a local measure, after the amendment
to make it general throughout the State
kad been defeated by the Democratic
Senators. The Pottsitille Journal says:
This bill, so far as this County is con
cerned, makes some wise provisions . for
the better ventilation of mines, and pre
teats, to a certain degree, the lives bf the
miners. But we have an' Inspector ."of
Mines whose duty it is, amongst others ,
to see that the mines are properly venti.
lated, and toper) that the workmen have
the proper means and appliances for
egress in case of tecidents. Now,, bad
this law been extended to Luzern() noun•
ty, and placed in practical operation,
through a competent and skilled Inspect
or, the community might have been
spared the harrowing recital of the recent
horrible disaster. • '
When our members desired the active
co operation.of the members from the
other coal counties to pass our 'present
bill, theirasaistance was• rendered In
manner which showed plainly that ,they
did not at all comprehend its ihmporOnchave el
and when it was proposed to tem to
the provisions of the Act extended to
their respective counties, the idea a
ooldly.reoeived9 and passed over witho nus
actiono •
Asatesor Ar0t43. , 63. Regis •
....raines °limey ... 644 632
....Alex. Mkt 13 800 539
...John 05ehe....... 570 536
. ...A.. P. Thcmoen.. 751 7
...'.W. F. blebride:. 9M 816
—.D. J. Thomas.... 95.5 925
....Wm. J. Logan... 765 614
• lex. BAsn or 638 696
~008e.pb Irwla 76 6 5
...David Beak 5 15.434
....4 0 la n Cm! fo rd c2O 697
....,lo g atl S. Ndritithe 1,133 1,47
...Robert bider .... 371 484
....Wm. 11 arrlson ... 613' 775
Ah1t0 557
....Anthony Hippy., 372 . .435
T. McClure. 733 762
McMaster.. 125 122
.• ...John 271 417
..David Aiken 390 :115
. Samol Chadwick 384.
—.Jill= Alderson... 179 586
....Wm. Alexander.. . :70
J fotidk
;I Long
GOVICREOIi -GEARY visited the Avon
dale' Colliery on the 10th, manifesting his
sympathy with the suffering which the
appalling calamity has " - occasioned, and
directing , special iiquiries upon points
which bis next message will urge as re
quiring Legislative attention . Tll Gov
ernor was also at Honesdale on the 9th,
pronouncing the oration of the day at the
dedication' of the Wayne county Soldiers'
Monument. His audience was the largest
concourse of people ever assembled in
that count* who welcomed his address
with marks of the highest satisfaction. A
letter says
The monument is about twenty feet
high, of
,granite, pyramidal in .shape,
and is ten - feet square,at the base. The
figure surmounting it is bronze, and rep
resents a soldier at rest, with knapsack,
gun and accoutrements. The whole
monument cost •some f 5,000. which was
raised by the untiring exertions of the
IT IS SAID that when Miss Anna
Dickinson was at Yo Semite, she scorned
conventionality, and getting astride her
mule, rode it in a truly masculine man
nen In spite of the brilliancy of Miss
Dickinson's career we do not believe she
has ever done anything more truly sen
sible than that. Could anything,
upon reflection, be more ridiculously dan
gerous than the present fashion of hang
ing ladies onto a couple or. hooks on the
side of a horse; exposed to all the dan
gerous caprices of that often very capri
cious animal? The one position is in
reality not a whit more delicate than the
other; whereas the danger to a person
siting astride a horse is not a tithe so
great. Dress half the women in the world
in lOng flowing habits, and then bang
them on a saddle hook, then dress the
other half in a sensible and suitable
garb, and place them in the true posi
tion on bookiess saddles, and in six
months you would find that, what with
being thrown and dragged, and having
the habits frighten the horses or catch
in passing wheels, the list of mortality
in the first half would very greatly out
number that of the second. We firmly
believe that a fear of Mrs. Grundy is all
that prevents the abandonment of this
ridiculous custom, and we admire Miss
Dickinson's independence and good
sense in this respect.
SCIENCE certainly does make wonder
ful strides. As is well known, it bas, in
some of its branches, gone so far that a
new significance has been found neces.
nary for many of the statements in the
Bible which orthodox theologians were
formerly in the habit of taking as literal.
The ace of the world, the length of time
Il i
employed in its formation and fur i sh.
Ink, the deluge and its true significa ce
and duration, all these have been ex
ined in the light of science and he
Biblical account found reliable if 100 ed
upon in the proper way. One after he
other, the world has swallowed t ese
views and become accustomed to the
change, but some British savens pow
pretend to have made a discOvery which
attacks the very roots of one of our old
eat and most favorite articles of faith.
It explains one of the darkest and most
terrible of the mysteries of old by bring
ing it under the scientific microscope.
We refer to the total destruction of Ithe
cities of Sodom and Gumorrah, which
English philosophers attribute, not to
showers of liquid Are and brimstone, but
to artt s tnusually severe and concentrated
6hower 4 of November meteors. 1
FEN! sights are more melancholy Lien
a renowned man who, still in his -fall
vigor, has outlived his popularity. Not
one out of a thousand, in such circum
stances, can preserve - both his dignity
and hietemper. • We have in the world
at present, two brilliarii specimens of
the other nine hundred and ninety
nine. Mr. Andrew Johnson and Mr.
Alexander Dumas. The former shows a
wonderful energy, combined with fiery
temper, the latter in his efforts to attract
attention and regain his former pre-em
inenee, succeeds in accomplishing much
that is sadly rldiculo . Every Ameri
can knolls what Mr. Johnson has made
of himself in his effo s for a renewal of
popular favor. }Dam on the contrary,
has almost succeeded in making a fool
of himself. Moumf I are Rib vagaries
of unappreciated genius.
THE proposed celebration of Melina
hundredth anniversary of the birth of
Humboldt, is one of 'the most beantiftil
and significant evidonces of the growing
success of the mission of this republic.
Not the grea !German's memory
cnerished and honor d by his country
men, but it is held In the highest esteem
by Americans of all nationalities of bir di.
The equalizing and amalgamating influ
ence of onr institutions , is here most
clearly shown. When the proper time
arrives to: show our regard for
~ the great
German, we are alfk . :iermans, just as,
upon the 22c1 of FOrtiary, we are _all
Americans, and on the Fourth of July
we are all brothers in the great family of
Liberty. Every opportunity for thus
nutting, in a community of rejoicing
should be seised upon, and then, year
by year; we way gradually forget onr
widely different origin, lose our special
Interests in the petty nationalities of
Europe and become a great' united nation
of free men, unanimous in our allegiance
to the Republic.
WE have frequently seen it stated, re.
cently, in grave essays and compendious
leading articles, that the whole world is
in that state of expectancy which is sup.
Posed .alivays to precede some astonish
ing invention or discovery. As yet, the
nature of this crowning glory of our cen
fury of invention is unknown; but an
dotthiedlY hindreds of men are laboring
and toiling close upon its brink. Beth's
as it may, it is certain that the civilized
man feels himself in a transition period
as regards dress if in no other way. The
simple . modem costume, Which beg
with the sans culottes of France, and has •
culminated in the ungraceful and rather
clumsy fall-dresa costume of the period,
has always been made on the one model,
differing only occasionally in minor de
tails. We think that this dress bas already
seen its palmiest days; its glories have
perm already to depart. Already ru
mors of a radical change from black long
'clothes to brillant short ones are preva
lent, and before the closeof the next dec
ade, the pigeon-tail coat and tight trows
ers will probably be stowed away with
the stocks and the peg-tops of by-gone
Tag city of Norfolk is looming up as a
formidable rival of Baltimore. Her har
bor is better and more, accessible, her
southern railroad connections are becom
ing very numerous and valuable, and,
before very long, she will attract a large
-amount of western , 'and south-western
trade, by means of 'the, soon-to-be-00m
pieted, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad.
We know of no city with prospects for a
more brilliant future. It must netes
eerily keep pace with the rapid growth
which may be looked for before very
long in. the Southern States, and there
seems to be no reasonable room to doubt
that it will one day be one of our most
flourishing seaports. Baltimoreans look
on it with a little jealousy, but a brisk
rivalry will do neither city any harm,.
and the prosperity of the South, grow
ing as it is, will be sole to support both
of these marati me cities and several more
into the bargairi.
MR. HENRY Di - tar Tog, it prominent
member of the newly organized Rich-
ings English Opera Troupe, is accused,
in Philadelphia papers, of having exhib
ited in London in 1863, a panorama
called "Federals and Confederates" for
the avowed purpose of aiding the rebel
lion. The lecture with which he accom-
panted this exhibition, contained some
of the most preposterous falsehoods con
cerning the manners and customs of the
North, that were ever manufactured.
He accused our women of an almost
universal lack of chastity, and our people
generally of utter ignorance of decency
and virtue. Oar cotemporary gives ex
tracts from the lecture which if they be
authentic, are quite sufficient to render
it inexpedient for Mr. Drayton to attempt
to appear in public before any intelli
gent audience in a northern city. The
day after the - appearance of the ex
pose, the morning papers of Philadelphia
announced that Mr. Drayton would that
night sing the "Star Spangled Banner"
at the Academy of Music. Such tardy
and easy retribution will hardly suffice
to placeidm right before the people.
One of the truest and most suggeetiveldese
can be obtained from the caption at the head
of this art cle; for of all diseases which impair
human health and tho-ten humarillf. none ue
nore prevalent than those which affect the lungs
and pulmonary tissues. 'Si - Intl:ter we regard lung
diseases in the light of a merely sllghtcongb.
which Ss but,the fore-runner of a more Eerlous
malady, or as a deep leelon corroding and dis-
solving the pulmonary structure, It is always•
pregnant i,hh evil and foreboding of disaster.
In no class of maladies should the pill slclan or
the friends and family of the patient be more
seriously forewarned than in those of thelor
or it 1s in theta that early and effielerit,treat-
meat is most desirable. and It Is then - that danger
can be warded off and a cure erected. -In DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG CURE you have st . ratdlcine
of the greatest valve in all these conditions. An
alterative, a tonic. a nutrient and resolvent,
succoring nature and sustaining the recupera
dye powers of the spitem, Its beautiful work-
ings, In harmony with the regular fanctions, can
be readily observed by the use of cruetr two hot-
ties: It will won break nu the chain of mcirbid
sympathies that disturb the harmonious work-
Was of the animal economy. The harrassing
cough, the painful respiration, the sputum I
streaked with blood, will soon give Wage to the
normal and proper workings of health and vigor.
An aggregated experience of our thirty.yeara
has enabled Dr. Keyser, In the compounding of
his LUNG CURE, to give new bone to the con
sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy
relief in those now prevalent, catarrhal and
throat affections, so distressing in their effects
and so almost certainly fatal in their tendencies.
unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG CURE is to thorough and ef
ficient, that any one who has ever used it, will
never be without it in the house. It will often
cure when eTerythlng else falls, and in simple
cases will cure oftentimes In a few days. -
The attention of patients, as well as medical
men. is respectfully invited to this new and
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the coon-
DR. SHYVER may be consulted every day
until 1 o'clock r. x. at his Great Medicine Store, 3
161 Liberty , street, sad from 6 to .6 and 1 to 9.
at nigh!.
When the leaves begin to change. remittent,
and intermittent Avers make their appearance.
From the surface of the earth, bathed nightly In
heavy dews, from marshes and -swamps sur
charged with moisture, from the dying foliage
of the woods, from festeringhoo Is and sluggish
streams. the sun of September evolves clouds of
miasmatic vapor perilous to health and life. The
body, deprived by the burning temperature of
July and August of much of Its vigor and elas
ticity, is not in a proper plight to residt malaria,
anti hence all diseases that are produced by a de- •
Prayed condition of the atmosphere are parties.-
lady prevalent In the Fall. •
There Is no 'reason why the health of thousands
of.t!ple should be thus sacrificed. A PrePars
tory course of INSTETTIIIt , d STOMACH .RIT,
TERM Is a ces tarn protection against the eulders-
Ica and endemics which Autumn brings In its
train. Let all dwellers In unhealthy localities,
liable to such a biltatione, give heed to the warn:
ing and advice conveyed in this advertis MDT.
an .t they may bid defiance tattle tout es halation,
which a'e now doles, night and'day, from the
anti. around them. no farmhouse is the land'
should be without this Invaluable exhilerant and.
Invigorant at any period of the year. bet cape.
clay in the Fall. It Is not safe to go forth into
the chill, misty atmosphere of I I:Votes:the?
morning or evening with the stomach unibtlitied
by a tonic, and of all the tonics which medical
chemistry has yet given to the world. 110STETI
Tgat , l3 BITTERS are add to be Marlene,
the most - wholesome and netost benegeiaL
• Let all who desire to escape the pitons atteelta„ -
bowel complaints and malarions fevers, take the
BIT rZIII3 at least twice a day throughout Qf,.
present season. It Is as wholesome . as It is In
season. It
Look to th e trademark . 'ElOSTET. 7
TAO'S 1311114.&00 SITTESS. , engraved Onithe
label and embossed en the bottle, andtheir re,.
sloth stamp cetera,. the ettrk. Y cOUSiterfelte
and Indtalsoas *Do
.~~..^w.yY. l