PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, 0 • SATURDAY, 11, Stistneas hiTaeen facrly active - ddrilit the past.week, fully up to the standard of this season of the year, and with navi-' gation resumed, the indications - for still further improTe&snt are favorable.' The receipts of grain litive bear rithei light which may be attributed to the fact that dealers have little or margin, at present prices, and like other men they do not feel like working for noth-• ing; the trouble lies in the fact that prices are relatively higher inthEcountry than, in the city—farxuera have been accustom- ed for many years to , getting big figures 'for their products that they dont like to come down, but looks now as if they would be: obliged to' 'submit to old ' fashioned prices. Flour is dull with a supply fully up to the--"demand, though there is no accummulation of stock. Fruit of all kinda is abundant, though with a steadylleinand, prices, genefally, are well susiatned. APPLES—Unchanged; we continne to _quote at 82,50@3 per bbl for prirde ,to good; - $3,50 for prirne f and $4 for etichce. BERRlES—Unchanged; rilMl,lO per bucktit—mostly at tho inside figure. BUTTER—Is firm and in steady de mand, with regular sales of prime to _cis:Ace - 1V 33®35.' ;% CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment, is quoted at 82,25 per bbl. CBEESEi—Is steady, but unchanged, ranging from 1 to 17, the outside figure for .New York ashen. CARBON 0 Steady but unchanged; ; 29 for round lota, and 30@31 in small lots. 1 fresh packed at 22. ' Dull; quoted at 80@)85 e, and•the usual advance [store. clot and unchanged— ! store at .6,50@6,75 for 7,25 for choice winter ;Not much inquiryfor EGGS—Sales FEATHERS cents to the tree for small lets In ' FLOURIti regular sales i good, and $7,601 i.wheat brands. I tinting wheat it market almost GRAIN—Wh • Red cannot he 11,30, and we a ing been mad i mills. Oats qui first hands, an .f '.urF, and supply in this • xhausted.. -at is dull, and prime :old in this market above e cognizant of sales hay • . at this figure to the et and unchanged-45 in 41@50 in store. Small sales of priine yellow corn at $l,OO. Rye I ' can be sold at $1,05 in first brands, and $l,lO In second!. There is little or noth ing doing in I Barley, as buyers and sellers are api rt; the former refuse to f pay over $1,25, and farmers thinkthis is ; not enough. ' HAY—Is firer with sales from coun try wagons, at $15®24, for common to strictly prime. - . . HEMP—Very dull, $205 peri: t n. HUSKS—SaI t ; at 2%@3 eta pe pound. hi ; LIME—WLime is quoted atsl,so, •• , and Cleveland at $2,50 per bbl. LARD OILJ-F. Sellers 4k C : I Extra No. I, at $1,45, and No. 2, a; 1,08 I' PROVISIONS—The demandis unchanged. Bacon, Shoulder,. Ribbed Sides, .18N; Clear do, lap Cured Hams,234l®24i. Lard, times, 21 in half bbls, and 213 it, eta and kegs.l Mess Pork, •S,T Dried Beef, 22.1-.: i i PEANUTS—SaIes at 15 cents. ~i PEACHES ere in better supply " but with a• continue good emend, :. prices are still mafuta ned, $ 50@2,50 ~l per box. 0 PLUMS—Offering fr ely an prices lower; we now 'luote al $4.25 4,50 per bushel. . i POTATOES-ISales of prim Jersey Sweets at $6,00 6,50 pert bbl. , SALT-1s fir er, with sales load lots at 31, per bbl. SEEDS—Smallaales of Timo, by Seed i .at $4,25@4,50. No Flax Seed: ffering, and no for Clo Or. , - - ' BiaIIKETS BY TILE. - GR PH. NEW • -, 7 ..... Y ORE, Septellliber 11. Cotton , t a shade lower; sales of 1,000 bale ,at 33X . 1 @34c :for middling uplands. F l our: re- I ceipts 2,069 bbls; market steadir; sales of 7,400 bbls, at $5,70@1,25 for superfine atate and westerJn, $6,00©7,00 f l or extra t ; state, $3,50©7,05f0r extra western, $7,10 I- @7,20 for white'heat extra, §0,50©7,05 ! for R. H. 0.,6,75@i;00 for extra St. Louis and $7,25 9,00 for good to choice , do: Rye Flour. uiet; 'sales of 200 bbls .? at $1,50(§6,40. Corn Meal scarce .and i -quiet. Whisky decidedly firmer; sales i of 280 bbls western at 151,20©1,25, free, I closing at the latter' price.- Wheat; re ; ceipts 147,509 bbls; market opened I@2c t better and closed quiet iat about lo ad ivance; sales 106,000 bush, at 81,49@1,54% or No. 2 spring, @)1,60 for No. I do. 't n store, ;1;58g1,6.1. for, winter red and amber westexn,lsl,6s@L7o for white west .. ern, $1,65 OF, white Kentucky, 81,61@ 1,62 for amber southern,i 51,72%®1,75 for white California; Rye dull. Barley quiet. Receipts; corn 99,281 tuish;heavy and I@2c lower, sales of 4,600 bush at 96 €41,14 unsound new ,mixed western, . and a1,14@1;17 sound do. Receipts oats, 19,416 bush; firmer, sales of 58,000 bush at 64®71c new southern and western, lat ter an extreme. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sngir . firm and qctietoaales of 200 nhds Cuba at 12qc. - 111olas.se9 dull; Cuba 56d. Hops nominal.- Petroleum easier at 1631 1 for crude and 32g for rained. Linseed oil quiet at 51 incasks. Coal quiet. Wool • Arm; sales of 300,600 Ilis at 48@52e fet domestid fleece; 34@35c for unwashed; 60c for combings, and 40 @soc for pilled. Leather—Hemlock more active at 30@3136c Buenosyres and Rio Grande light and middle weights Spirits Turpentine quiet at '423,1 @4341 and 44@45c for:retall lots. Alcohol. 2236 c. Sheathing Copper steady at 32c. Ingot copper quiet at 2236@)22)ic. Pig Iron 38@43; Scotch 38@41 ; American bar steady Vi5@87,50; for refined English American;. sheet. quiet' at 11©12340 gold for Russia. Nails tirmer 154®13.1 for cut; . _ ElK,@6 for clinch, and 2;;430 tor, horse shoe. Pork is dull and heavy; 700 bbls Ht 1531@31,12 for mess, closing at 531 cash; 1,30,60,. for old do; 527 0 25@28 . - for prime; and 530@31 for prime mess; • also 250 bbis mess_ seller_ January at 426,50. Beefsteady, With. sales 240 bbls ; s at 58,50®13;50 - for new plain mess, and $12@17 for new extra mend Beef Hams quiet, with sales 50 bbla at 12.5@30. Cat Meats quiet, withaales 120 pkgs at 14,i(4). 15y,,e for shoulders, and 17®190 for hams. Middles quiet •and. steady. Lard dull !.; and heavy, with .sales. 370 tierces at isn 0119 i c for steam, and 19%©20c for kettle ; rendered; also r 250 tierces steam buyer •: September at 19c.: Butter steady at 16@ 2.8 c for. Ohio.- Cheese quiet at 13(0160. Freights to Liverpool active and firm, • with- shipments 50.000 bush wheat at d per-sail and •10344 per steam, and 1 1,000 bbls flour at 2s Oil per sail. • Latest—Flour closed steady for corn ; mon r and dull and heavy for other kinds. I Wheat quiet and steady with a moderate 43xport inquiry; Rye dull at. 81.12©1,15 for western. Oats quiet at - 4313®70c for western; :the latter price for choice. 1 Corn:lower; and heavy at $1,14g1,16 for ! :sound misea western. Pork quiet at *3l formesS. Beel P qniet and unchanged.' Cut meats nominal. -Bacon dull. Lard:; dull at loci for prinia'steatn— Eggs 1 :1 1 *4 I at 27®28c. - , 1 ST.; Louis, September 11.—Tobadeti strong, at • full prices.. Cotton nothing ; doing.; Hemp no,sides. 'Flour inactive and rather weak bit' unclia!ged; super. . .. : . .. ''', T , ' , l ,'- ' ,4"fac: . - •'..'... f ..,.'..: ~.. - .:.S.'• ~i,....d , „,.:,..,,,...,,..„,:t,„,:,,:. .„.1•,,,...,,,z0., a....1,.4'...e..) - .*rlJ .;it•-! , • - • • . . line sold at f4,85@5,25, extra $5,30®5,50, double extra $5,50@5,80, tree tra $0,60, and choice family S7©7,SO,,INVIiNsi: !Je4. 1,1 / 214 , 4spatiwr E AL4 Dly and aeman ot a. es a ; Nn.; - -:2 red Tall 81,10(0,45;t0Nce d 'do '8416©1,20. , _ cholas $1,2 1,32;,, ;RU.- 1' And alio - ins ' white At Corti is inactive, arid I - Urn - changed in ; bulk 80c; do in sacke , BB@9oc;-good to; fancy white 92®95q,, Oats heavy and slightly lower, with sales In balkat 45,© 46c, and in sacks at 49@54a Barley stow at $1,25©1 4 45 for prime to choice spring, and $1,85©1,95 for do fall: Rye slow at 85@b714c. Whisky firm at $l,lO. Grog aeries quiet and unchanged. ...Pork dull at $33,00©33,75. Dry Salt, Meats- very, - ; firm, with email sales at 14 4 ',6 far shoal-. dere, and - 180 for clear' , sidetV'Bd.t con; feeling buoyant,. with:) Babas of shoulden3 at 181/ 4 c, rib eides J B %; , clear sides 19c, loose'do isgd, , foo;m0 ips clear aides buyer to 10th of Outobeirlit? 19y.. Lard dull at 18%@185(4, round 101 and small orders filled at 19@)19myleril, 20% keg: Cattle unchanged at 21g4w:tn. feriar to prime,' 6!'634. cliofee o extra.' Hogs Active and sesrcertiatcli6rtt. 'heti at 83 : f(010(,:stock 7(4)B%:•Beeelptsrlitpii 4,800 obis, wheat 31,700 brishi corn - 3;300, bush. oats 25,600 bush, bailey 6,000:1$Ush;: rye 12,000 bush; hogs 1,000 head. . , CLEVELAND, Sept. 11.—FIOur marke, quiet and steady; demand moderate. Wheat market - rules , steady and un changed. Corri,.ttiore , nothing doing and market nominal; Oats, there is a moderate inquiry and the market is firm at 51@52c for parce l s on spot; 51c to ar rive within a few days. Rye, there is no inquiry for of importance and the mar;' ket is nominal. Barley nominal. Petro ieum market quiet; sales of refined at 2Sc, bolders generally asking 28%@29e in large lots; 30@31c for trade lots; crude held at $6,45. MEMPHIS, Sept. IL—Cotton easier, with sales of uplands at 3335 c; receipts 0f.335 bales; exports 10 bales. Flour; superfine ss@s6. Wheat inicuanged. Corn 94(4)96c. Oats 65e. Hay $22@24. Bran $22 Pork $34,50. Lard unchanged. Bacon steady; shoulders 16;-.4c, and sides 1934 c. Cotten picking has fully begun but it is feared a large portion of; the crops will be lost through the inability of planters to ob tain hands. In'some localities they aro offering three'dollars per day and can't obtain them at that price. MILWAUKEE, September 11. Flou r, dull and weak; city spring extra t 6.25@ 6,75. Wheat easier, $1,28% for No. 1, $1,240.; for No. 2. Corn lower and inact ive, 83c for No. 2. Oats firmer and le higher, 43,4@44c for No. 2. Rye dull and lower, 86c for No. lin store. Barley nominally unchanged. Grain Freights steads , at 6%c for Buffalo. Receipts 1,000 bbls flour, 36,000 bush wheat, 1,000 bush corn, 2,000 bush oats. Shipments 1,000 bbls flour, 16,000 hush oats. BALTIMORE, September 11,—Flour quiet and steady, with western superfine at $6,50, and extra at $6 50(§8,00." Wheat firm and receipts small at $1,50 for red. Corn; white $1,25®1,28. and yellow $1,25. Oats 601563 c. Mess Pork quiet at $33,50 @34,00. Bacon firm and active, with rib sides at 1934 c, clear rib 20c, andshoulders 16%c. Hams 24@25c. Lard quiet at 19%@20@2034c. Whisky active at $l,lB. New OBLEARS, September 11.—Cotton; prices Ogden bales ; 370 bales middling at 31%c; receipts were 517 bales; exports coastwise, were 2,091 bales. Flour lower; superfine sold' at $5,75; double extra $6,2); treble extra $6,25.. Brand $1,07%©1,10. Pork lower; mess $33. Lard 2034 @2l; other provisions unchanged. Gold 134%. Sterling 48%. New York Exchange' s gi%c. discount. LorrisviLba, Sept. IL—Bagging scarce and active. Flour steady; superfine at .' 4 5@5,25. Corn 90@95e. Oats 451@)50c. Provisions quiet and firm. Mess pork $33%®33%. Bacon; shoulders 16; clear rib and clear sides 19%. Hams; sugar cured 22c, extra do 2314 c. Lard 20c, Whisky steady at $l,lO. Tobacco active; sales at 47.351515,75. quote '1,05@ air, but s, 15%; Sugar 120% in buck -1%@34. 1 -<)r car OSWEGO, September 11.—Floor steady and unchanged with sales of 1,300 bbls. Wheat is drm but quiet; No. 2 Milwaukee club held at $1,43@1,44, red winter at $1,50. No. 2 white Wabash at $1,55. Corn dull and lower; No. 2 held at 51;044611,05. Barley; none in the market. ' DETROIT, September 11.—Wheat: re ceipts 00;2.5,000 bush. white lc. lower. at 51,39; for No. 1 amber at 1 c. better, with brisk demand, at 51,34. Corn firm at 51,00 Oats dull at 47@50c. IBBORTS BY RAILROAD, P/TTSHUBGH, FORT, WAYNEI tits CHI. , OAGO RAILROAD, Bilptember , 11. 7 -5 cars metal, Nimick & Co; 4 do do, J Wood, Son & Co; 3do do, Superior Mills; 2do , do, J W Porter; Id & Hammett; 3do do, ,Coleman, Rahm & Co; 0 do do, Zug &,co; 2 do do, gvers .! , 9 n. Preston & Co; 2 do clb, Pgh Iron & Forge Co: 1300'sks floor, oilinfir; 225 skit rat..,s,' 10 bales do, Pgh Papers Mara Co; 100 tibia llouroShomaker Laugenbelnu .25 do do, L Blanchard: 51 .sks ,rags,, R C Christy; 12 tubs butter, W, GrM*.k. CO; 12 do do, J A Graff; 100 bids myer & Voskamp; 200 do dd, oliber;.l hhd tobacco, A. Schaub; 20 sks, fertilizer.- W Flacons & Son; 15 bail cheese, W Kirkpatrick & Co; '8 bdla Wood, Lemoit'& Weise;ls bbis oil, Beyrneir, "Batiinat3` Bi' Co; 75 b.:A cheese, ArbUckles & an 75 do do, T C Jenkins Jr. Bro;, 25 do do, .E Hea zleton; 20 do do, 11aworth & ,Dewhurst; 36 reams paper, Godfrey,",t• 'Clark; "30 , kegs nails, Jas Wood & Sono 28 ake7oats, W Welsh dc go; 2 .bhds. tallow, Isaiah Dickey & Co; 224 galls stoneware, D White;" 25 bbls 'highwines, Sbipton & Wallace; 1 ear staves, 1 car oil bbls, M P Adams &Bro; 67 whisky Ws; .1 S Finch & Co; 102 sks oats, 23 do rye, 2 cks cheese, Woodworth de Davison; 40 bbls oil, Jas Wilkins; 2 bbls whisky, S Apple baum; 10 tea lard, J 11 Parker; 85 bgs timothy seed, Jos Craig; 10 bbls liquors, Jas McKay; 2 do alcohol, Geo Barry; 6 do spiriti, McCullough; - 100; hides, Hart ley, McKee & Co; 1 car barley,Pler, Dan nals & Co: 43 bgs seed, A' Kirkpatrick & Co; 50 bbls flour, S Lindsay, Jr & Co. CLEW:LA.ICD ADD eII'IDBORWA i l. ROAD. Septet:Ober 11.-1 car stone, P Wolf; 100 bbls flour, J M Montgomery; 50 do oil, J Spear; 7 cars I's ore;McKnight P & Co; 2 do do. Bryan &. Caughey: 1 do do, Rees Graff dr, Dull; 1 car turnings, Moorhead & Co; 1 'do lumber, Hamil ton, IA dr. Co; Ido do, W W Rigdon dr Co; 100 bbls lime, Ripley & Cof 26 tlo oil, Pennock & Beeson?' 20 do lime,' Reiter dr, Caskey; 20 Ems cheese, Watt, Lang. & Co; 5 kgs lard, Atwell & Lee; 10 do butter, 62 bbls apples, 3 do cider, 4 do eggs, Tolgt, Mahood tk Co; 6 kga butter;: 23 bbls apples, W H Graff & Co; 9,230 feet lumber, Graham it L; 50 bbls oil, D• fly & Co; 14 do' apples, Van order Sri° do' do,,Brugterman it O'Brien; 19 do , H Riddle; 2do pears, W J Steel it fro; 1 do plume, Woodworth & D; ,2 do;flige•• 2 do onlons,.l - do vinegar. J J Pettit. PITTSBURGH, CI.NOINNATI AND_ VAT, LOUJM RAILROAD, Sept. 11.-25 bgebar- 4 F Sehtelds; 1 car tarns, W B m i me; 4 bbls flour, J Onstott; 20 eke oats ] WI H, agan; 5 coils rope, J Rutledge; 5 cars ulk wheat, R T Kennedy; 1 do,dchj. Liggett; Ido do, Reed et J; Ido grain, McHenry & Hood; 1 do ear corn, b .1; Herron; sdo staves, M P Adams tit Bro; 100 bbls flour, A Kirkpatrick; 20 .eks rags, W H Graff; 40 tilts candles, W,Has r , lime; bbls whisky, W H Beaumont; 20 cads tobacco, G Kauffman; 21 . do do, W& lenkinson; 15 do d0,,/Fullerton; ' , 400 eke flour" filelthgover ear/ A)tilk meat. 25 bbls lard, .0 t ßoUers ,p9;- MOM : i•- JIIEL ;LISS **„, :1: 11 Y.1%31 b 1111)12W1 .:*11Y . ,"4 0.1 a• r PITTSBURGH GAZETTE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, • 1839. bbls Hour, J Porterfield; 15 do oil, J Dal- F a/ dr ' rcr 4_,:4 714 T ' ALL y - m,. Vnimliok sp . - • - __ _ . Jr; 10 bgs . ,.ry e, SkElood; 1 car _dime,,. D L Reynolds; 4`vang lipiegtone; -112 hoenber- - , gfirit , Bigir4,4B ski; rye, 14 , do W Weltxh,& Co; 21 do do, Adams & Austin; 6 hidea, 1 b - ar pelts, John Seibert; 2 bbls whiskY, SChimdt & Piiday; 1 - do'eggs,` 2 nkgsibutter, Paul it Gibson; 20 bbla salt i Heazieton; .1 car. metal, H Woodside; 3 do do, McKnight Porter & Co; 3 do do, John Moorhead; 2 cars railroad iron, J B Dorrington; 62 bbla oil, D Bly it Co; 5 0 do do, Pennock it Beeson;.. 040 do 1 10, J Dates; 1;010' do do, Fisher Tiro; 240 do do, Jas Wilkins; 320 do do, -GIS Thomas; 2 cars 1 4 4311( HaKcia9Lol. ALLR,ourosir STATloN,RePtemberll.- 4 cars wheat, Kepnedy Bro; 6 do cooper-, age, RalYd:k.Robeittsori;•22s' galls stone ware, J,Kohem,kaar lime, J Abdell; 2 do cooperage, J M .. Hemphill; 4 care limestone;RtcheY & Co; 2` bbls eggs, R dr. A Carson; 1 car metal, Lindsey ot McCutcheon; 50 •bss peaches, Fred Owens; l'earilaxseed, M B Suydam; 56 Elks oats, Illig &., Folk; I.cjir. ore, SPehg't Chalfant it Co; I do lumber, Joan Nanz; 33 eke oats, S B McKee.: ; EIVEIt NEWS ' The river continues to reseed steadily , at this kint, with 9% feA.by the AiHa l gheny 'narks last everting , , and a foot , less by 'those of the , Monongahela. Weather clear and pleasant—mercury 79 in the shade. ' The Belle from Parkersburg, due here on Friday night, did not get in un• til Saturday evening, having been de tained by fog. She departed again the same day. The Bellevernon from Parkersburg, where she had been laid waiting for wa ter. has arrived, and the Kate Putnam from Cincinnati Is duo here to-night. The St. Marys departed for Cincin nati on' Saturday, with an excellent freight list, quite a number of passen gers and lugagements below. Pilots, Johnston Alulrine and George O'Neal. The Glendale, Capt. Bare, with Capt. J. Mellon in tho office, will positively take her departure for St. Louis to-day, and passengers and Shippers should bear this in mind. ' The towboat Ironsides bas arrived The Wild Duck will be ready to leave this evening or to morrow, and shippers should bear this in mind. Capt. Ana wait will attend to parties having busi ness with the Wild Duck—he is assisted by Gen. Chas. Banes. ' —The Importer la loading at St. Louis for Arkansas River. —Captain George Rea loads the Jeffer §on at St. Louie for Red River direct. —Colonel Work, of Texas, is prospect lug on the Ohio for a light-draught boat —Resistance to payment of insurance on the Coosa, burned Tueiday morning, will be made. —The Cincinnati and Louisville Mai Company refuse to give up the Maj. An dersou for another week. —lt is rumored that a couple of boats will shortly be placed in the Pittsburgh and Leuisville packet trade, —Capt. C. L: Brennan has, or is about to contract for r a tine elde-wheel boat'tor the Pittsburgh and Parkereburgb trade. —The Pink Yarblo was sold at Cincin nati on Thursday to Capts. T. W. Roberts and N. C. Shelby, of New Albany, for t. 6,500. ' —The& C. Gray. Capt. Isaac R. Whit- taker, with Capt. W. B. Anderson in the office, is announced for Cincinnati and Louisville forthwith. —On Thursday morning, a lady pass. enger on the Pink Warble rave birth to a bouncing big boy, and the little fellow was christened Pink Varble. —The Great Republic, St. Louis to New Orleans, left Cairo on Thursday, drawing LI feet, the largest trip that ever left that port in Seutember. —The Kenton wai to'• have left Cincin nati for this port on. Saturday, and as al ready noted, she will at once assume her place in the Pittsburgh and Ports mouth trade. —The Kate Putnam left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Thursday, without taking any freight, other, than wikaishe already had aboard when she arrived from St, Louis and laid up on account of low water. ; —The new steamer, Julia A. Rudolph, Capt. R. q. McComas, is filling up steadily for New Orleans, and' will take her her departure. on Wednesday without fall. Passengers and shippers call rely on her going through. —At a late meeting of the stoCkholders of the Memphie .'and Arkansas River Packet Company, the ,following Direc tors were chosen,: John D. Adams, Cap tain- John WbOtibuni;• Captain' Reub. ./3ttives. Oapt..Reese , Pritchartlind Har ,riaion Blasdell.). „ —General App,a,per, United States Mar 'shel for the 'Saito de - liadiana, took "nes• session of'lheiliteanier 'Charleston, at Loulavilte, Wielineadaye.and had her towed' over to ,New , Albany. Captain Patee, :of the Charlesiton;' - has brought suit against GeneritlApooner 410,000 damages. The chnrleston,Jt re.. Methbered, was gamed at ..Ryaksville a few Weeks'ago ane*.skipped off" with out nettling., , , . —We,clip the following from the Cin cinnati Gazette of Friday: The Charles, which has been under charteer to the 'U S. Mail Line for more than nine months past, *ill be turned over to her owners today. Think of a company chartering a boat to tile' amount of $27,000! It is almost incredible. The Maj. Anderson was sold by the,company for tees moneY, and eno of many boats might have Veen purchaaed for ,the same amount, that would have„ answered the comPenv's purpose. The owners of the St, Charles have' made money - by the charter.' B. af. AVO9WAN ~.o. B. APHOWN. R. N. McCO WAN &. - CO., Bouievard Pavers,:- . - : . .• Office, No. 65.01111) .ALLEtinigiy Orders left at.GAZETTZ'OrilClteLPlttaturghi promptly attended to. Elev. Sidewalks, Cellars, Arrives, Drives. etc. • Warratittd against ellonsea of belt:Mid c01d... , IlEflttuctroas—,2lox. Mo. rhead, Lvo t & blpnb. a odr.ratterion: Wm. Park. 'antes 'NI •Lotig'it • Son. Aartley McKee Andtr3o34 , B &Alartvgll, Aiken A Campoell.qamic Crate. -1316:m23' X 30,00 0 ' ' 'ALLEGHENY : CITY PARVBONDS , • • ' The.aund t Linde in the market: '1'61 , 1 iper centum interest. The ialth.eretttt awl prop. ertv of the city, pledged for tboir re4eIIIPOPII. :424).00u , 0f three 114utds not, unreel tor !Old: P'or ltittlrrostintt coneernlt.gtea* &c, aprAly Treisurere Wnde• 1114111 *u (NM - 41, BI Order at Park Commission, - -• • • • • • JAMES PARE,. Jr: • •• ' Pr, e si dent. 02i.LE,X, Secretary. . DENVER; SA.T.II 4 ' La,k.lrilk VALUABLE FA RIO FOR SALE, - , ,tIOS . - 671, A i tt a us it t . e i n ir e o a: d 11 , a yt n e , e p w li t te w t o lo s u, Lo t r y t a r i a ct m rn e re4T : itianuflii4ol4leqsnA:ithergr.E.9oBA2rDtimute:nft.smoaclrxinwatcl:rt:7!:4l7l.w. ti -wmumen r v o . : F eari my : lnuier An.. ...." l4 : ..- All Poinu In the Tenitoci llng bouse, of hall. four rooms and celier, two ethnics, timber out for a barn, spring of good water at the door, springs In nearly every fold, young orchard of choice fruit In bearing fences good, ninety acres. Lilly cleared, rernalnthor prime twiner. hit kory, white and black oak. :Sixty acres with I m provements will be sold sep- Mt the men additions at roiling flelt• ' " *I responsible Overland - Traasportetkot ar : e ip lY ily to ' '.' ' "B. CUTH 3 B i l i tti su r t t i B s O ve N n S u 4 e : i fro iss western terminal', %hie road now oiler* 21 -- , -- emint l yt; t: th ß rt kl e a. in t i E le , r a r l i t o u r kted or L4Newwrraimereorneeles.n‘d, ilitiihtt"rgalurealltedelicta:..trati,lejltea;idraenHttl:kitibad.l673virtetralLittlaelnitOsflldestlnni: i. igEfOOL___,SIIAIO ItEcr,tirr, , ALUABLE STOCK EARN rre AT Conte a bsOseres. 400 of *bionic clear,d and lab dbatadnyda,t lEitArt. ... Ak , ” - irii, A\ lr -irices t nurgh, and at 7 mg...... , gm , - x - m--x-r rm.. a... La. past corner of Ohio and Yede l stroeta. •eaa be te , and large portion in grace. • The bald is rich '‘'. ItoSi tr iNtl rActifiC_XAloWAY all kind of Sea and Lake Sat, gantlet, Bb , and !Yell watered. The buhdlng con s stn of g 5a82136 DZI•s 0 I.- '-- ' -fr , i-- t ° l7e j T4 II I i n i r N . r ity ln.° , nd A ß l Mu le V :h Bk e e n t r 11 0 11 : 1 • ' • 4 . L i 3 I/ . 1 • 'Beak d i oadab• Hild d olk and" EAL Mani, yore large temp Dwelling, t*o trust Barns and no. t- ' , . , .1 ..• a* AfIDEIIBO/11 1 , ',-''' ‘ i ' I FIM IFIES lin MAI O D P"', •'- ' • ! " ks,e u" A t e le oleee rl ri dtei oip ,• La it e blisg4„ . 4 4 T a r n o i tT AM • i n Alf4l7ll:ll:ll'4l4lll4e L g.ta r &id h ue lk .g T°4 1 1, 14 th nok t roi peengtemeisa . ' : L • ' ' ' 1 ' ' '- ' '1 ' " soca r oies as to sires s ee lowess Market prices farm is °tiered at toe low pr... or SIO per sera il ' '' `: ''' t ' Bu •< • ' ~" - • )1)11 RAWL Br DBIRIGIIITS EvEgatwiniDet wholesale or retail. Wa !Vette ill !rivers ool' ,witti easy partlents. Apply sodlit.2.• •t f. .- r• , ' - ji b sc, wzn arcui. 1 . 1 1, _ L_ ,, _! ~) 2,, ~ ~ i, ~ ~ r •Er.e4lleisti to lave rr# rattfe. w, r il in"r ' ' ' ' I * " s- 41 §• 441 1 ' t ()" • ' .I,,,Aer: piumacir . ir , , , isiovm treat., •- 1, '''''r i 0 atfa ' dia4' ' ,1 o. 104 Otrrt ' Artellerfr :.": ,14-1: -. ~.._• <._ . . e 0 'if i J r,. , I , , ' • 14( i' ' 1 ".•• "-, , - '4' '• 1 •tr Fs: , 1 ~ i- l il,G.Mft e_ ~, ,7, in /ea. eet t ; ' -: IA 71:(:a o - ri 1 , 1,7 -. ~t ~ J el . re , e: , ult ,et - ce I 1 - . Lii . st • _thin oJ i i ~ (,I ~,)•41.• , . •/.. 00, .• • 1 .- . ~i; ~,„, , 4, ~,‘, ~, 4 ty VO: a .. ..,, ..., , , ,1 113,1 411, , I , I: 1..1..i Eft illiatiilC) Z.332„,.1 111.) . 1 4. q.c.A I, , 4 ~, ~ , , 4 ' 1, J., r t ,fai NI: ~, 11 //U 1 irJ // / . ..1 id/ I • , • ~/ i-.k../ lii I /I 'll CO L- 11, ~,'• , 4,11 i , u 0,12 a 1 ,,,,, 1, ,,,,, „,, i I nt , .1,3,,, , , : 1. vbi,.., , Hl ;Jit L , ILI/ I 4PaXi 1 1 r c; • v till fit'J 1.`41: 1 5in .1 , 1 )10•' . (cr. ) isoizoLuil o.tyl/),1,„ 13 . 31 , ji rg, 1 1.3 a ,y 3 ..,d 1...;,4ir no_,:! i . ~,,F ,e I a w, JO' r - , 11 1 1101.00 r.r..`,,aSta. - i 441 P tub „.I.kat P,Cit ' .Z I ,dlllcmtl`l. ( E)mi'l. IDI4T. Ic. i ,r.c,,,..* 47/9 4,.:' ..,4 /. t PO) -', 11 . (kii RIVER PA9AETS. 4A tViii - atti ..lVelVir/404 Fgiu wu G.s ia gr in g ARIXTrA;PA EfiSBURR , AND CINCINNAT.LI_ Leaves Pittsburgh EVERY SATURDAY IA 31. The swift and superb Sidewheel Steatner ItIARTS, T. e. SWEENEY, Commander. will leave as announced above. • -; For Fieight nr Passage apply onboard, or to FL ACK 'et, COL LINOWOOD. 0r . .• ' COLLINS at BARNES, Agents. N. B.—No Freight received after lit A: Selo FOR ST. L011.113 - AND BT. PAUL—Tbe flue patina'. gersteamer ..• OLEN DALr Capt. Jonx 11:17ficak.' Clerk ,Jarmes. VeYon,. will le nve. , ttio,alyotre poets on Ttl.lB DAY, 131. ti Inst.. at Cr. at. Nor frel at or tataaage apple an board. or to, ;, Bela ACS a COLLMOWOOD, Agents. EVANSVOILLE. CAI4O & ST. LOlllB , 1j ou'''SFOSNRyILLF~ DAISO.,AND ST. -LOUIS.— The powerful Tow-Boar, WILD Welt and; HAntiFd. I,dpt. J. W. AN AWA TAT, will leave on THIS DAIL, nett ember 13, at 4 P, at. For freight or .passae_apply to,eaptaln Ana -watt. on board, or to felt ; CHARIAS BARNES, Agent,- NEW ORLEANS AND , RED RIVER. F OR NEW ORLEANS AND'END RIVER DIRECT: the new and magniticeet passenger steamer • JULI& A. RIJI"..t.rII, Capt. A. G.. MeCORAS4 Will leave for the above and Intermediate ports ott WRDISESDAY, 15th Inst.. at 4 P. For. fre,ght or passage ninth , on board, or to Gel° GhItIEST & SWANEY, Agents. CINCINNATI AND LOUIS VILLE VORCINCINNATIand LOUISVILLE.—TEe dne pas se Mot' steamer It. C. GRAY ...... .....Cant. WHITTAKER. Clerk Wm. It. Aro.erson, will lave rorthe snore and - Diterniedlate ports on TUESDAY, 14th 1.5 t., at 4 o'clock, giving through receipts for 31.mpuls and New Orleauafaelght. For ['night or prosage apply on hoard or to selo tifilrlNST 4; isW ANEY, Agents, zillOar.l*(z.):,s*l TO LIVERPOOL ANDsga' QUEENSTOWN. . TIM INMAN MAIL STEAM:SI:LIM Numbering straten nret-elaes vessels, among sn• mthe celebru.i.ed - CITY OF FARM CITY OF ANTWEr - f. CITY OF BOSTON, CIT 7 Bo.LTIMORE, CITY OF LOSDON, Sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from. IPlar 46, urtl, nivel*, New Torn. /'or nasusge or further informeion sunlv to WILIAM BINOHARI. is 3 SMITHFIELD STREET, PlttAburgb. LEGAL TAI THE MATTER OF THE AP. -A- ILICATION of "The Hopewell Old Seboo] Presbyterian Church. of Flndley Township, Allegheny c , :unty, Ycnneple-anla•" for a Chattel of Incorporation."' No. 001 September Tenn, 1809. Notice Is hereby given that the .. 110PFAVELL OLD SCHOOL PREnBYTARIAN CHURCH. of Findley. Towr ship. Allegheny county. Pa.." have made application to the Court of common Pteas for a CHARTER OF 'INCORPORATION, And that the same will be granted at the n...tt term or Court, unless sultclent reason should be sh,,wn to the contrart au2 J. 11. 'WALTER; Prothonotary. EXECUTORS NOTICE. testementary upon the will of E'..17.A.- BETH BLACK, late 01 Pittsburgh, ite,ease.!, hartrg twin lasued to the unitergt.inetiollt per iwig tnii.bted are required to make nayment, alto all having claims will present them to . GEtilti..it. W. COFFIN., Executor. .jyl9:m4Yl No. 49 Water street. Pittghurgh. ORDINANCES. - AN ORDLNANCL•` lieseindlau Provisions of Previous Urtiteaneelsaias to tiradinKand rasing of Market Street. SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted ht} t . h• 'Feted and Common 'councils Of the City of 4 1 logla ray, and it is hereby ordalnea and enacted,y the au thority of th Mance autherizintr th e Grading n d Paving e. same. That that uort on of she f . On: of Market street, which' reserves 40 f et central apace where the width of the street is 90 feet and over be repealed, and - the entire Width of the street graded and paved. . SEC. 2. The 51dewatics .on the wide portion of the street Is hereby fixed at 12 net.. . exc. 2. That so much of any ordinance as may conflict with or be supplied by the, foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordaineu and enacted I Into a law, this the 9th day of September, -A. 1.). 1809. JAMAS McBILIER, President of the Select Cou,.cil. ATTEST: J. 11. OXLEY. Clerk. of Select Conner!. . AL FttEl.) SLACK. President of Common council Attest.' ROBERT MILWORTII, Pell Cirrk of Common Council. SECURITY AND COMFORT fur the traveling community. • •J. B. HARRIS• Safely Fite Jacket, Oar Heater and JTIODER4TOI4: • Foe Sniolte and Hot Mr Flues, dieriensThir with the use of stoves and fire. In or about the Patna titer •br Haggaire Cars, with the attachment to graduate the beat to any temperature- hat may, he desired velthout 'tue possibility of firing the car or cars to which thedacket may he attached. - flaying obtained of the United states Letters Patent .f.tr a Saie-ty- Jacket, which Ls warranted to resist 'the rang( Inten.e heat that may be ap plied to It In Lae position and parpoactior which It is intended, It is - a .ure protection [rem:accidentally fire, originating from defective flues or where iron It pi pet applicablea ns ti asc o a n t d p u = lagr t co m o . l7 obre become overheated, and is warrunt,a Involve perfect sat.; Isfactiou v here wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed .close Proximity thereto, T as now ready to apply my invention to stores:, dwellings, lacitoriet,:shics..steamboats, railroad' cars. ac. herev-r pipes as .connuctorm are made dangerous:by' being' oVerheat ed and !MU rlty.desirtd, I will set pion application right to manufacture oriuse• the. above Invention. Also' Territorial rights to each as may wish to engage In seb ring privileges elthesy State' or county. • J.' 'I3...EMMS • 43-Office at the "NE PLUS ULTItA PAINT. WORKS." corner of Morrie street anti the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, 'twelfth , ward. Pitts bllfiria. Pa.' f716:Tr138 " ROCK THE BABY , EARNEST'S PATENT,CRIII: BOLD ONLY BY t' LEMON & WEISE.. . Practical Furniture Manufbetturere, • us vOrnEyrki A.Nr - E.NrITE;: Where may be found a rill assortmpt of Par. or. Chamber and 'Kitchen Rrirettnre.- Witt 7. E. .. . . . ...... BEAT? SWINT & IMATT, • ARCHITECTURAL AND' ` • • ORNAMENTAL CARVERS; 50. , 63 Sandusky St.. Allegheny; Fa. • - .A n 445•11141611 t of NEWEL POSTS and BALL:.TELIS constantly, on hand. TUKWINU r'nf 41 1 .0.4.01'1 1 ) : tor. . - • •,,,.. 11a. I Wiji I 4:}:t CO •6# 3 311_4: r-i WLLER& Nos. 22„1 1223' Liberty . ttreit. Corner' of Irwin, now : offer to the trade at low fi g ures, strictly . Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and 'English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Drips, Loverlngs, Brunlis, Stuart's. Adams , and Long Island Syrups. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Ryson, JaPen, Imperial, Gunpowder end Owens Teas. . Carolina and Bangoin Bice. Java, Lagusyra and to Coffees. TOnaCco, .Lard 011. Flab, Nails, Glase..:80111)11. Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly on hand. 'ALSO; IMPORTER'S OF Fine Brandies;Wines and Segaii, Rhenish, Roselle, and Sparkling • Hock Wines of Hinkel 4 Co.. in bottles. • , Spark-lour Sioselle, Scharsberg and Johaanisl burg. ,Rooklieimer. Burgundy, Brandenburg it Freres' Fine Olive 011. • do do Clarets, imported in bottles, • 'do Whitt Wines. In bottles. M. Work t sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine oJd.Snerry, Madeira and Port Wlnes. Free Old Monotiganela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old .Scotch; do, do. Sole Agents for Meet 41. Chandon , is grand Itnper:al. yier.Lermy and dellery Champagne. of our own selection ' and warranted. .110. d 1 . . KlettVi i ' lffy : D BY A. T W. M. GORAELY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Dirtr.orta OP?. ZAGLE HOTEL.) 1 3 ITTEMETILG73. se :yIC W. C. AILDISTRONG, Successor to Fetzer do Armstrong, PRODUCE COMILSSION DERCHANT, No. 25 MARKET STREET. mvis MT= XXXI. JAL r. ItICILLEV KEIL & RITCHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS; V1))I FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, kc., *49 Liberty St., Pittsburgh. my24:1337 Y. STULL 4. £. 6TXXLI. AA" STEELE & SON, • ATJL Commission MerchantB, . AND MALMO L? VIA:MIR. GRAIN. FEED, ado. No. 96 OHIO STREEI. near Nut Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. LA T J. BLANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 396 PENN STREET,: aplS:xa anIdITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, 'Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants Dealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish. thirlion and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all P'..taburgh Manufactures generally. 11l and be.coND STREET, PittOmrtro. JOHN I. 110I:SE—IDW. 11.110 USE TORN I. HOUSE &BROS., Suc u cessors to JOHN I. ROUSE .t CO, Whole• sip Eiroceri and Commission Merchat :s. Cor ner nt dinithaeld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. JOH2: BRITTON A WALLACM. § IIIPTON& WA LLACE_, Whole- SALE GROCERS AND PROD UGE DEAL LS. Ne. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pict !burgh. lal2:rsi. FOR SALE IOR SALE-PROPERTY.. , 8 lots 25x131 feet, Prarlt-,1, only 4500 *lOO per year. 4 lota 94x132 feet. $4OO $lOO per vs ar. 1 lot X 5x120 feet, /500; need street. Frame house of 1 rooms, lot 24x1.00 feet; only $l,lOO. Btu* house of 7 rooms, bath room and stable; 221100-61,500. 2:tbree _storied brick houses on rulton street, each 43... 500. 2 nve roomed pressed brick houses finely finished, new; lot 611:100 Two brick houses. pumps and hydrants, all for $l,OOO. New two room. d and cellar brick gouse, lot 21.1x100; 40U-4800 cash and 5100 per veer. Hood seven roomed house and lot 24x260 feet, 112,- '5OO. and easy 'arms. 6 roomed frame house. lot 24x60; 41,000-4300 cash and ralanre 1n / and 11 years. 2 lots on Wylie street 24x.80; 5250- 1101 on Wylie street 1176 x bill:41,600. Mots on Centre avenue 223/x125; $01(10 each. 150 iest• front on: Centre avenue by 126 feet deep, wilt divide tosult. 6 lots on Cea tre avenue from.s3oo to $5OO The above,property Is well located and within 10 to 12 minutes walk of the Court House, and on t e New (Antral Passenger It. H. 110 acres on Western Penna. 'railroad. 4 miles from the city. 20 acres-on Pan Handle Railroad, 4 utiles from city, New 6 room frame house 1 , mile- from Court House. 2115 acres Missouri laud. . • Perioos cl•slrioa to purchase a borne 'or' thake an Incvstment, and those wishing' to aell, please w , call oor address. • °' . . . - • • • • • • • McCLUNG & RAINBOW..' ' su3a Nos. 195.-197 end 199 Centre avenut. FOR SALE. • House and '4 Loti on Spring Hill, 7111 ward; .10 acres at Fleming Motion; Home and Ili acres; also 4S• acres at Glendale :Station: 16 Act ea shout 1 mile from F , enung Station; 36 acres at FIRM* Oaka*-Siation; 17 acres at Glendale on P. Ft. W. &C. IL IL: House and Lot corner, Hein . lock and - Poplar street; Lot on Tref Hill; lionsuott Nu:Musky street: 3 Houses on Boyle street; ,3 Farms iu Ghlo; '2 Houses fn ighth ward; Farm ,in f newtekley township: Farm near Perrysville: House on I,edile street; Farm 1n Westmoreland cone ir ;• Fa= in Butler county; 5. Lots •near Br. ad's riA•e; 2 acres on Headerson's RIR: 1 acre at Jack's Pun; House and Lout on Beaver street; House and Lots on Bearer street; Honse and Lot In Salem,. Ohio: li Lots on Fremont street! other Houses and Lots in good localities. -. • • , WHITMORE, Real Estate Agent, corner Uhl° and Sandusky . street; Allegheny. . . . au27 F OR BALE. Near Osborn Station. on the Pitteburab Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad. ' TWO LOTS, , Containbik About Two Acres Ikeb. Qtrinz oz W.. MACKEOWN & BRO.. 195 Liberty Street, lI HOBOKENIT STATION )PROPERTY, FOR SALE.'" • i • This beautiful situation =mot, be surpassed for private rCsidences in any direction, so elose to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylianin Railroad. Any iers on de-. siring information alioutiblinion ' erticint'obtani Wiry calling at the office of theIRON CITY Wit.' ,TIJAL• LIFE INSURANCE' COMPANY. 75 Federal street. Allegheny. 'Lots . from one-half acre to five acres; alto. small lots to suit pur • Wiasers. There is a good location. , or si ma bailie , 'Xing establishment,. between the Railroad an egbeny rlier., • auliknal, RAILROADS.. ,t - . E.ALNAIL-'EA T EW E WORNO — st.x. - crx.-notzA )Al3. On and after -r 11 P.m., dunday A UGUST 29th. 1869. Trap q will arrive. at an iu t a l from the Utdoll Depot; • earner tot,vr 6 add Liberty itreets, as; ; Aeries. ; Dearb Hall Train.... 1:20 arci ' , Day Exreesl2 :30 am Fast Line.. 1.45 am ' v Pacitic . 7:43 am Wall'S O. Y.. SAU , Walla N 0. 1 ... 6:30 am Brinson A.cc'n. 7:50 am: Mail Train 6:10 am Wall's No. 2.. 9:05 Sr., BreksAa N 01. 5 10 pm Cincinnati 3.3.41:25 am:Cincin'ti Ex: LIII:116 s, Johnstown Ac 1020 am' Wall's No. 11:35 am Bra Ac Nol 7:00 pm Johnstowa Ac.4:05 pan Pitts Wit Ex.12:40 pm Bra'ks Ac N 02820 pm Phila. Expreaal:oo pm' Phila. Express 3:50 pm Wall's No. 8...1:50 pm, Wall's No. S.. 3:05 pm Bra`ks AcNo 29:58 pm: Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 pm Wail's No. 4. 5:50 pia • Fast Line 1:30 pm Way Passn' r 10:20 pm ;VVall'sB.o.s.. 11:00 pm These trains make Close connection at Barna burg for Baltimore. The Church Trali ieirtet V 8111: 'Station ever r :Sunday at 9:05 a. reaching Pittsburgh at " 10:05 a. in. -Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh at - 12:50 p. In. and. &nivel:sat Walls ; Station a t , , 2:10 p. re. • Clucinnati-Expreadland ['wine Paine:sale:we, daily. A.: .thos trams daily eicept Sauday. a:Ur further informations PIRt W e- ITI:1, . ThereatayWant& R H o ß d X o l mpany w A g o t mine any risk. forßaggage, except for wearing . parel,andninlttheir responsibility to One am • di ed . Prollars lu'valve. A/1, Baggage eXceedint,:. tl at amount In value will be at the risk Of .4ket. owner. unless taken by special conteart. . EDWARD ti . Tyr - lA.lloos. . . General Superintendent. Altoona, ra. sui - 0 E 1 E _JL_R RA-LROAD.—On and after August 20.1860.11 e Passenger 2raina on the Western- l'ennitylVanfit Rat road will arrive at and depart from tte Federristreet Depot, Allegheny City. as follows: Arrive. j; • . Daman. Bpringd'e N016:46a ml,Afail 6:20 am Freeport No. 18:20 a ml Freeport No. 19:30a m Express 10:40 a tu!Sbarpb'g NO111:20 am tllairdtfg Zio.11:20 pm: Express 2:20 p m :Freeport :;,0.24-1115 p nalSpridg(Ve Ik. , Tca 3:10 pm Mali 5:50 p mYreeport N0.2 . 5:110 pm Springd , e No 26:20 p mjSpringd'e No 26:30 p m Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction cver) Sundav at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 . a. in. Returning, leaves AlleglienV City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny Jean lion at 3:40 p. in. • • - • COMMUTATION Ticire7s—POT sale in packages of 'l'wentv. between Allegheny City, Chestnut street. Herr's, Bennett Pine Creek,Etna and Sharpsburg and good old on the trains stopping at stations tpe tided on tickets. The trains leaving Ailegnenv City at 1:00i. m. make direct connection at Freeport withWal ker,s line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstoan Through tickets may be purchased at tie No. ISt. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge.. Pittabyr,, I?, and, at the Depot. Allegheny. For further information apply to JAMES LEFFFIFTS, Agent Federal Street Dept*. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ayysrel, and limit their responsibility to tine- Iclund:ed Dollars In value. All baggage ex— ceeding this amount in value willbe at-the rist of the owner, unless ta.k.n by special contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS,' ••T auilo Bene.al Siinerintendent, Altoona. Pa. 809 0 o alEgaMi . irISBURGH. FORT WAYN. E & CHICAGO B. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH R. R. Pr9tn August 30th, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union depot, north aide, Pitts burgh elti e time, u follows- Chicago •.2 :OS iCtilelßO ET...13:13 a m Brie Ygn Ex.7:2R am!raclitc -7:23 am. Cl. Jr 11 , 16:9 8 a mjWheelbag Ex 10:48s m Chicago Na11..8:58 a m O.& St. L. Ex 7:08 r Fast Line. ....8:48 a m Cht`goExA.M.l3:2B i m. Ci. Wh'g 1:23 p m Cleveland Ex 3:3 So in Chicago Ex. . _ 1:38 p m Erie & W'e &Erie Ex4:3B Cl. Wh , g Exo:3Bp nr Depart from 40ep1 eny. Arrtae Sn .4flepsen y. Bea'r Falls Ac.0:08 n m 'Leetsdale A.c..6:53 am Leetsdale " 10:03 am j Bea , r Falls " 13:28 am 11:58 a m , New Castle "10:23 ant Bochester " 2:23 pmjEnon " 2:13 am Enon " .3:58 pm j Leetsdale "12:48pm Leetsdale Acc.15:12 pm I Bea'r Falls " 31:43 pm Bea'rFaiis .6:l3pm; Leetslale " 4:33 um Leetsdale " 10:43pm " " 7:23pm Fair Oaks Sun- !Fair Oaka Sun day Church. 1:13 pmj day t.,hurch. 0:58 am Xi,- 1:38 p. m. Chicago Express leaves dsPy. Alir 7:23 D. in. Chicago -Express arrives daily. 311" J. N. McCULLOUt4H. . Gent. Pat. & 1 icket Agent. Gent. Manager: CHANGE -01FOMPONIN. TIME. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILROAD, THE oNLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OF OAisS. On and after MON DAY, June 14th, 18159 TWO-.' THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsbutat Depot, corner - of Fier , enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011 City,Bufr leo. and all points in t! e Oftliegions. LEAVE prrrsßußGu. jAninv IR prrraistraGß Day Ex 8:00 aln Day Ex 5:151/25 iglght Ex .... 7:30 pm i Night Ex 13;30 Mg Brady's B Ac 3:05 p mlßradys B Ac 10:15 aXI Freeport Ac. 9;4-0 a in!lsteodaWgis 7:40 a ' 6:30 p m;Pree_p :1 ort Ac. 615 pm Ist Hultola... 6:45a mjst liulton.. 8:00 a . 20 Hu1t0n...12:00- m Hniton... 2:00 put 3,1 Holton— 1 1:00p m'3d Milton... 1:05 pat • Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p na , Arnold's Ac. 7:40 pas Churco train to and from Soda Works IeSVS Pfttsburgh at.l:lor. E. Arrive at Pittsburgh* (Sundays,) at 0:50A. M. Express trains atop, only at principal points. Accommodation rain s'stop at all statt ins J. J. LAW - HENCE, (sea'sTHOMM3 M. KING, Assn. apke -• ITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND . LOUIS RAILWAY. • PAN HANDLE HOIJTE. CHANGE OF TIME:—On and after. BUN DAY August 29,1859, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as tbllows: Depart. Arise. Mail.. 9:08 mi 19:01 p:m. Fast Line 8-53 a. m. 7:08p. m. Express . 1:43 p.m. 7:13 a. m._ Mixed Ace , n 5:23 a. m. i 6:53 pre. McDonald's Aec , n,No.l" 11:38a. Zli. .7:38 Steubenville Amommod. 3:53 p. m. 9:48 Mellonalda Ate'n. No. t 5.53 p. a. 3:18 p. Sunday Church Train.. 19:58, p..m. 9:48 a. m. aar 1:43 P. X. trainwill teate.daiy. - - 13:03 P. 3E. tralawillaravefi . AU other trains will run daily. Sunasye ed. The 8:53 a. K. Train hakes- close cow. nectionaat Newark , ar Zanesville.. General Ticket Agert. Columtus, 0. W , 0 , 1110. Stun't.. Dentason,.ocuo. - ; AI :ROAD. il oNwELLs.v I L L FREMPIR AMROAD.' ind after I'VESIPAt; Nogiimber; I.IIIIIS artive at. and depart front the Depot 'corner of G.rant and 'Water street/I.'lla Depdr.t. Mal to and from tint on- Y. 6:012 rills: ean xiiii'eTsportAccomdva-iiicio ida . i.; Ex. to and from Unt , n, 3:00..r, at. 10;10 A.,x• West Newton decom , d - 4:30 p . x. 8:33 A. 11.' BraddoelVa Aeccandt , n; 6:13 Jr. N. 7:50 r.lll. Night Ae,:tohleK , sport".lo:3o p, st; 0:45 Banday Church 'Train to _ _ _ and from West Newton 1:00 SG 10:00 Ai. ,For tickets apply. tom ; E. M. .111.YMOIED, Agent . W. B. STOUT. linpermennent. not! SROUTE. MOSY HlLLaniiim UNION PACIFIC lIAILIVA F . - Eastern Division. . . - The SHANLVICIIT AND 11.4..,152 .BELLS LiOUP?. from the Nutt° al peter: z Colorado Nevada, falihnnia Arizdua Washington; New ,INez boo, Idaike, Oregon. _ • Ti _ Two Trains leave State Line and LeartitwOrns duly,: (Sunday/ excepted, )on the arrival of train* of Facile Railroad from tit.- Louis. and Sant. hal and St. Joe Railroad trona tzninet. coatiees la. at Lawrence, Topeka and MI amego with. stak e s tor alt to In Hansa& At end at •poin track west of Ellsworth with the. It STATES REPRESS COMPANY'S ' IOW LINE OP OVERLAND 1t.41, ssx? ;mama, COACHES-70R E 3 rt=3 Arrti*.