ttt e vut tj t ... 11 vertetitly run aga stt you . Conan V A „CattaneO. , who angrily daked what be *leant The officer, who had just come *inn a= champagne 'dinncr, boxed- the :ears ofthe Italian nobleman, who sent his "friends," with a Challenge to him next' morning. They woke up M. de Froidefond, who was sleeping the sleep of the just, and, as soon as he heard what was the matter, protested he could not remember having boxed the ears of „way body; ho.offereil to apologize-for-his volence, which he could well afford to do, his bravery being generally known. Cattaneo's friends returned to him with this answer,_ but the Count rejected the apology, and replied . that the' duel must take place the- same 'day. , It did take plaCe, find Count Cattaneo was shot through the heart. Thus, in the course of ten years, two tragedies have taken place in the same family- • Tak..tanest, the. leading medical jour -.1 nal of England. and not one given to the adoption of •novelties .without considers- I tion, has a rather remarkable article call' fug''attention to thti 'practicability' of usirftbranfor the dales, Or rather the: ntiits;RfneW-bcrn bableit." Our,contetop otat7, assured by ,mothers who have tried,system.,—its t 3 upporte" by the way, will not allow tb at the system is. new,—that it answers: admirably. I,The, plan of &climbs as,followsr An ordinary cradle, is filled with, common bran: hairplllotsKis purity tind , then the bran' is moved aside with the hands tottils low" formed' tie 'size 'Of Pie, bodY.' The infaiit,.. divested of everything,, belowthe wilst,, and, having st little bod- - !ono:lice - lie above that, 'is then placed in the bran, arid its body:completely cover ed, with it, exactly as may be seen at the seaside, where 'children play at burying'. one another in the. sand:' -A light cover let or Counterpane is finally'placed aboYe all; and 'Nib) , is in bed for the night: This Method pursued.frord almost as soon as infants are bornuntil 'they are ej. Most 'elght,.or" ten Months old., The plan is cieanly r as,,lncri, absorbs fluid and, the,wet sinks below -the dry.. The heat around the baby is , equable, and of sufficient temperature. ~ titt entirely new supply of bran is required ohee a fort: night. OLIi ; 4AWS. BY LtCY LAIICOII. If the world rehms cold to you, Kindle fires to warm It : Met. their comtbrt hide trona view, Winters tha deform It, , - 11 0 artids ire n'ailotir own. - To that raa Ace gather: 4. , tqs will goo mosa.• .., Ahl the e sedges weather." If the world , a i wilderness, • : Go - Will bluid l ho our lo n el : i ness Ou the wind: to din it ? '. liaise a hut : bowever 'sight, --, • .Weeds and !brambles I•mutter:. And to root and meal invite • • home forlogner brother. .. , If the world's a vale of rears. '- • t litnile till rain now. span. it: • - , tritreatne the love that life endears, ‘. C:ear from clouds to lan It: , .. ; • O f your gladness lend a gleam I, Mgita souls that shiver: • Show Vieth how d.rir. borrows stream Blends, with Hope's bright river.. FOREIGN NEWS. AND BUNORSi .Pnnt..lives it% 'Vicky,. in two! small rooins:l r .'" • Tar. tinfoii,unstc li'oh-tamer, • LitCss,, died filial..[lie effgcca kide'WciPnaa. Atrnowsm.Kaan says•living prsma donna is'eqkial to iienriettai Son- tag: Grist cr , Mitliiiran in their qialmiest da Tu.E lease,andlieed. Will of one of the , leading coffee• Paris, was sold the other day for six hundred thousand francs. - - - . , THE Emperor Alexander the Second of Russia is said tobavn - clianged his mind in regard to the projected removal, of the seat of Government from St. Petpisbarg to Reiff. ' • - HENRY lIHINE;tIid celebrated Germsn poet, who died in 1836, has left a number of . exa;edingly valuable posthumous works. which are about to be published_ in H~giburg; THE iarge ,, village of .Ghumleigh; in Devonshire, containing some '9OO inhab itants,, was half destroyed by fire on Wednesday afternoon. ", The calatrity is attributed to children playing.with lucifer • Tim - attempts' to employ naphtha as fuel 'lave length'-proved sueceeiful. Oifthe 31st- of July iv:tram' Arrived safely in -, Rutschujart,- eiihty•ont : v'ersts -from Charkoff; *hose engine witi heated with; raw t aohtliti instead of ccial. The circulation 'of; RochefOrt'S Lan terns has dwindled ddivn to • about twenty •thOsandtoplei. „The French: Pollee no longer take- any_;,o l / 1 09 Confiscata, the - rdneerite, and it is , now sold:quite open=' ly nearly everywhere ; in France fitiOnnvhefore his ; recent illness, the Emperti,t:Napoleon was urged by Nelaton, Cenneau. and his other. physicians to quit smoking cigarettes. The .Emperor is said to have replied that sm o king was as necessary to him as fbod and drink. THE citizens of Frankfort have been _natttalizing their children as Swiss Citi- ZRZB, so that they might'eacape the Prus sian draft. - - The