The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 13, 1869, Image 1

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kr_By 'retegtaph to the Pittsburgh oezette.]
. AU!.
- LONDON, September OThe Prince of
Wales has directed Captain Hatt
Bi:tinders to oommtun te to the Har
vard University Boat C w his regret at
befog preveatedlroM yang his per
*nal respectsto them - individually end
collectively during .their ' stay in 'Eng
land. catitiin Saunders is_ nharged to
convey also too - the Harvards an expres-
Edon of the,admlratioriof. the prince- for .
the gallant iniunier in which they rowed
against the Oxford men.
A letter in the Telegraph says: “Liird
Byron did Cot meet /Os. -Leigh from a
period before his marriage until after.the
separation from Lady Byron."
_The Times contrasts the French .revo-
lntion of 1848 with the present revola-
tion in Spain. In the former the people
ruled, when the power given to Sen.
Cavaignac was turned against s the too-
pie's sovereignty after a short but terrific
struggle. In Spain the' army governs,
yet the army, although ruling, has
neither - conquered nor fought for its
power. A straggle with the 'pea.
pie • is• always imminent, - but the
contending forces are unequal and
the odds are against the people. Among
Spanish statesmen there is no Cavaignao
to try 'Stratagem, corruption and sur.
Trtser,--but dare not employ force. The
-11pyoltitlon ban - hardly moved a step and
the whole affair lies in's nut shell. As
from the beginning, the question is"
still. whether the army or the people
-aretrihave the upper hand.
The Times in an article on the Turko. .
ggyptian affair, trusts the controversy
will have the effect to improve the rela
tions of Sultan and Viceroy. _
LONDON, September 11. —The Land and
Water newspaper hopes the Oxford crew
will make a return match with the Hay
sards -slid that the, race will be as well
fought as the last; a better contest can
not be expected.
LONDON, Sept.-42.—Lady, Palmerston,
widow of the lat e Lord Palmerston, died
Pa sys, Septtimber news
, .
papeis to-day' ahnounce Napoleoh well.
I • Stunt:me of thapossible atxlicatiori; fore
; shadow a not improbable event as the
Emperor Is not likely to return, his sick
; ness incapacitating him from business.
Many think his son's majority will be
proclaimed on his next birthday.
PARIS. September 12.—A fearful hurri
cane has swept over the north of France,
causing much daniageW,the Orono -au:
other property. s. '
a The Emperor did not igo s Out today on
; account of Ahe severity of the weather.
The .Thirrnal (official)" publishes the
text of the Saugus Contultum, which is
Promulgated in the mime of the Ea'.
peror and signed by Reuher s and coun
tersigned by Duvergier. The'following
Is a synopsis of the document:
!Article J. The Emperor and klorps
Legtslatiff have the privilege of iffitiat
ing laws.
Article 2. The Ministerearedependent
on the Emperor. •• They deliberate under
r - his Presidency, are reaponsiblee but can
• only be impeached by the Senate.
Article 3. The Ministers may, be mem
bers of either Chamber; they have free
access to and the right to speak in both.
Article 4. The sittings of, the Senate
are open to the public, but on demand of
live members the Senate may go into
secret session.
Article 6. The Senate, after pointing
Out modifications in a bill, may send it
bank for further consideration to the
Corps Legislatif, and if in any case they
oppose the promulgation of a• bill, in
such wise the bill cannot be presented in
the Corps Leglslatif again daring the
gime session.
tArticle 6. The Corps Legislatif elects .
Its own officers. 'At the opening of each
_ session the Senate and Corps Legislatif
make their own internal-regulations.
Article 7., Every individual member
of the Senate and Corps Legislatif has
the right of interpellation.- Votes of con
fidence or- want of confidence, orders
de jour motions, can be adopted, but
they must be referred to the bureau.% as
a matter of right wheneVer . • the gofern
, meta demands is, and the bureaux will
then appoint a commissioner to consider
the matter, on whose report the Corps
will decide whether to accept or reject.
Article 8. No amendment of a bill can
.be discussed unleash has beeaprevlous
ly sent to the Committee
- which consid
ered the bill and also co mmunicated it
-to the government. If the government
and Committee disagree on the amend
ment, the • Council - of State shall pro.
flounce its opinion, but the final decision
• rests with the Corps Legislatif.
Article 9. The budgets are presented
and voted on by chapters and articles.
Article 10. All modifications' in ens
, toms or postal tariffs, made throngh trea
. tieewith foreign mations, will-require a
' law to mske them-binding. -
Article 11. -The 'relations of the Emi
peror, Senate ; d' Corps Legitilatif are
changed only into far to they are modi
, a tied Dy this Senatue Conaultune. Their
formal Intercourse will 'be. settled here
sifter by Imperial decree. • ,
! Article 12. Certain articles of the Con
stitution inconsistent with the aboye pro
• visions are abrogated.
FARM, September 11.—The rumor that
idieltegency, under Serrano, will be Si
leaded; is gaining ground. All partied
in Spain favor the proposition.
MaDnID,, September 11.—Tb9 'Wear.)
aera have been quelled, and the city and
country is . tranquil. The Government
'has advised General Prim ( that his
speedy return, is unnecessary. The /nu
_pctrciat newspa per to day publishes a let.
ter from Mr. Fish. - Amerloan ' , Secretary
of State. to Minister Ludo, and , comments
favorably upon it.
- MADRID, September 12.—The
eia/ newanber, confirms the reocirt that
twenty•Aolfil thousand soldiers will be
sent to Cuba, and states that the mer
chants of. Havana have raised 9.000,000
reals for their pay.
t. Hing•VictorEmanuel, of Daly, in ra
gply to oputures made to Duke of Aar
' -
to in connection with the Spanish
throne, declares t hat - Merton' shal-1 never
reign in
,a free country. unless lag a.unan
!mons call of 'its Constituent titian:them
BRUSSELS, September 12.—Tho Belgian
Government declines •to join Bairaris in
carrying out the Prince Ho enlohe's
policy respecting the • forthcom ng Eau
menical Council. The Govern ent has
also determined to send no o clardel
egate to the Council. . •
LISBON, September 12.—The, Republi
cans are extending thiiir intluen eln Por
tugal, and their organizations are in
creasing in number.
QUEENSTOWN, September IL—The
steamship Cuba from NeW York arrived
Grasoow, September:lL—The 'BOOM
ship lowa from New York arrived to
day. ,
Quinws•rowlv, SepteMber 11. The
steamer Manhattan, from New York for
Liverpool, has arrived.
LottDonr, Sept. it —Evening.—Consola
for money, 92%; on account, 93. Ameri
can Securities: Five-Ttventy , bo nds, 'B2B,
8334:'655, 82%;'676, 81%; 10.405, 75%; 'tits
at Frankfort , 88%; .Ertel , 25%; Illinois,
95. Bourse firm. Rentes,lof. 17c.
' - LIVERPOOL, Sept. IL—Co ton steady;
middling uplands 15%d.; OrLsansl4o.
sales of 10,000 bales. Wheat'. California
white 10s. 2d.; red western No. 2 9s. 10d.
Western flour 255. Coin: No. 2 mixed,
WEL Oats 3s. 6d. Peas 45a. Pork 110 s.
Beef 90s. Lard 765: Cheese 618. 6d.
Bacon 675.
LONDON, Sept. 11.—Tallow 465. 6d.
Sugar 40s. 6d. •
ANTWERP, September 11.—Petrolenm
firmer at 55 f.
I:lavas, Sept. 11—Cotton.iirm at 158 f.
FRANKFORT, `Sept. 12.-American
bonds active and firm; 5.20'; 87g.
HAVRE, September 12.—Cotton: the
market yesterday sickliest quiet and
steady. Quotations uhdhanged.
State of Affairs Oh the latand—Enthaal
aam Over the , :Recent Reported bile=
ceases—Outrage!, Perpetrated by Vol
[By Telegraph. to the Pittetturzb Gazette.).
WASHINGTON, D. C., September
Southern gentleman who Is visiting
Cuba, for the purpose of ascertaining the
state of affairs for himself and his friends,
writes from Cardenas, of Sep
tember let, as follows : '
'The news of the recent succeu of the
Cubans near Puerto Principe, Sagas La
Grande and Los Tunas has given impe
tus end new lite - fo .the patriot cause,
:which will prove irreslatable. The en
thilsiaam of the Cubans knows na
bounds.'They sie 'HMI* ntriaSef and
floating - to the liberating erhay'by hthi•
dreds. 'The Spanish openly assert that the
revolution will :be successful, that the
'Spanish force is almost destroyed; that
Spain can't send sufficient reinforce mantel
to regain positions lost by. these battles.
It is reported Shit . the. thgrani in tliese
engsgementi fought with great deterixd
nation and daring, and snowed disci
pline equal to that of regular troops. The
Spanish troops everywhere- are demur
alized. They have no confidence in their
soldiers. Many of the regulars ate
known to sympathize with the Cuban..
The revolution, I honestly believe ' will
succeed and the independencof e. Cuba
be attained. .
"The outrages perpetrated upon unof
fending and helpless people by the vol
unteers and their friends, are of a =it
revolting character, and exceed• even
those perpetrated by the Indians on
the frontier of the United States. Every
where evidence of these outrages can be
seen in buildings burned, churches des
troyed and hundreds of hometess,-starv-
Ing wanderers. This once beautiful and
luxuriant island is now a barren waste,
and should war be prolonged six
months, it will be almost uninhabitable.
Even now, all along the , eastern coast
of the island, the people are on the very
verge of starvation, and are dying by
hundreds, from , disease superinduced
by want."
The Humboldt Celebration at Cincinnati
—The B►ble iu the - Public Mchuob.
[By Telegraph to thePlttaburga earattel
ChsclNNArt, Sept 12:—Pull arrange
ments for the celebration of the Hum
boldt Centennial are made. A salute of
one hundred guns in the morning, a pro:
cession through the streets, speeches at
the Rink, and banquet at Schuetzen
Platz, and various separate celebration*
at night will constitute the cereitionleei.
_ Twenty Protestant ministers today
devoted ell or part of their sermons to
the,exclusion of the Bibielmm the Pah
no Sehools. Petitions to the School
ard protesting,against it were made in
every, church.
Funeral of Senator Feentuletl.
tB3 , Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazett%)
PORTLAND,MB, SePteiiber 7 11.-LThe
funeral : services of Senator Feszenden
took place at the First Parish (Unitarian)
Church to day;lW -- y. Mr. Ba i ley s , Pastor t,
officiating,' altdated'' by 'Dr. Caruthers:
The edifice was thronged, the crowd ha.'
v .n
ing the vestibule and reaching to the
street. The' funeral cortee!: a very long. The body was burle d at t - e' West
em Cemetery, in the tunny lot. The city
Willi were. tchilttg while the procatlaillit
moved. The city bnildinge are draped
in mourning, all Mgt; are at half mast,
"and the public offices closed. , -,,
1 •L —ii
—The Lewisburg, Centre .and Spruce'
Creek Railroad Company, organized for
the purpose ottimatinctingZatitiftrold
through, the :rich valleys lying between
the west branch atbe Suaquehatnia aild
the Allegheny Axe:mutable,. having for
feited their charter, the Lpgistattire, :in
1865, revived it, with &supplement ez
tending the road at either,: end.;; The
Pennsylvania Railroad Company now
has charge.oL the' enterprise - OW already
built a fine bridge at Lewisburg, and will
push the new •ratlioadlhiongh Union;
Centre and Efuntinsdon92,typis bo,jui,
earlY 'c'ain - pletkii: • , - -
P. D. Fiske, widely kruawri through.
ont the country from his oonneotiOnwith
express business, d1ed.0139040A On Sun
day morning.
(By Toiiiitraritbti Pitteburitt.etzecte.),
WASHIT.CGTON. - Sept..l2, 1886:
General Sherman'a commission as Sao
rotary of War appoints him until the
end of the next session of Congresi. The
law does not prevent him from holding
the two offices of General and Secretary
of War, but be must - elect which salary
he will accept.. -
President Grant is expected to return
to WiuMington, on Tuesday next, and
It Is scarcely probable that the rep_ate*
now in progresslat the Executive Man
akin will beCompieted
.before tlfst time;
REVENUE Laws TO us Tagroacrzo:
Captain James Burns, of Company IC;
Fifteenth U. S. Cavalryi - has been or Virginia, with a - tietaohment of
twenty men 'to-.enforce the Ravens
—The Rawlins fund at New York has
reached 141,000.
—The Amaral of Secretary Fessendeh
takes place to-day..
—A. Madrid dispatch-' states 16,000
tolopti were ready to sail for Cuba. -'
a-President Grant , :visited • his son at
West Point on Saturday, and returned to
New York La the evening. • •
~Z —The Memphis (Tenn.,) Evenitsg Post
Mu; suspended, Gov. Sauter having with.
drawn the State printingtom it.
...The recount of the votes cast at the
election in Sin Francisco elects Selby,
Republican, Meyor beyond dispute.
—The railroad men of
.New York have
appointed a Committee to collect sub.
serval:3ns for the Avondale sufferers.
--Thu trotting horse, John Stewart, '
made twenty miles within an hour,
'at Philadelphia, „wimung 15,000. The
time was 50:89%.
-i-The at:Quirinal; at Hawaii* on Battu
day detained letters for the United
States, as they.Nyere supposed to contain
rebel, intelligence.
Georgeil. Stewart, of Philadelphia;
Treasurer :of...the .Rellef.Prind for the
Avondale sufferers, had on Saturday, re
celVed doer ' • •
—The crop prosprict in Louisiana is.
leas ikvorable. The cane' is backward
and the caterpillars are, damaging the
cotton in several parishes.
-The Moderators of Presbyterian Gen
eral.Assemblie t have alloiresaeCe letter
t.S 3 ;rart.Pitia.-chirthiMg slairrtktipror
Contained in the ens} ellear letter.
lie •
tiNeefeetory of Weikel &Smith,
dn tont street above Adrbh,
phis:: was burned 'yesterday morning.
'Loss heavy. Insurance not ascertair.W..
—Mr. Nelson Kneass, well known
throughout the country as the author of
'the popular ballad ' ! Ben Bolt, ' dled at
;Chillicothe,. Minion Rrbliay of last week.
—Nearly .the, whole bush:tins part of
Martinsburg, Lewis county, New York,
was destroyed'by fire on Friday flight of
last week; ; Loss 1130,000; Insurance 116,
—Several mintsters in Cincinnati-yes
terday= preached on the subject of the
bible in public schools, taking ground
against the Catholiti movement to throw
It out.
—A meeting of' - Catholics
,at Mozart
Hall, Cincinnati, last evening, arranged
for raising contributions to send Arch
bishop Purcell to the Eouthenical Coun
cil at Rome.
—Louis and Nancy Davis have been
arrested at St. Louis fori, perjury, in
making false and fraudulent returns to
the Bankrupt Court, and held in aS,WO
for a hearing..
—The reported arrest of A. D. Moore,
mail agent, as a mail robber, is incorrect.
The name of the party is R. J. &boozier,
who was found with the evidence of his
guilt in his hands.
—Subscriptions for the relief of the
Avondale sufferers have began to reach
Treasurer. Renders= Gaylord, First Na
tional Bank, Plymouth. Total amount
thus far received, e 3,385.
—Udalto Lieutenant Governor of
Bayorna, dubs, althe outbreak of there.
baliion, has been found guilty of treason
by court martial and sentenced to the
chain gang for ten years. '
—Daniel Richardson killed Silas P.
Casey, opposite Hudson, Indiana. yes-
terday, by striking him pn the head with
a gun barrel. Both were Batboatnien.
The murderer was arrested.
—The contract for widening the Louis
vilisiand Portland Canal, according to
the plan of General Weitzel, was let on
the 10th. It will be enlarged from forty-'
nine feet eight inches to eighty feet;' .
-Col C. S. Price, clerk at the ClOw
mercial Hotel. Memphis, and torment of
Alexandria, Va., was accidentally; , ot
,yesterdayafternoontiy (aloof the OMo%
and mortally wounded...,ge F has a large
' Lets ••• .)•().
--Yceiterda,y.„st breaqh; occurred. in, the
Erie Canal at the aid .aquectuctoln Boob
ester;; 14. Y. The slaty.three Intl° level
witatdrawn down t 4 day for repairs. and
'the canal boats areegrountLi , Thls Wilt
delay, pavigatloh; . :itt . lent; tekintProur
hours. r:
-4ohry 11.;063, of, St; • toUla, bite ,
brought snit, against his , -father, Charles ,
, Bubb, to cottipel:;,hicri to ramjet= acr:
COMII of his. stewardship. of_t an estate.
valued at balf'a milLioni leftio hie child
ren,',; and of which. Witirappointed .
trn~tee; • , 0
tifitioe Cow
mtstdoneri recently arrested in Boston on
a charge of violating .tio trniteitilitatee
Revenue Lswel; ,by; neglecting.tor. affix
stamps 012 psalm" otireportedlignere.
Wan, on' Sidurdity.,abitiltted and honor-.
ably disofni.rgedi• IL: •• .
—Wrlitear hatiainivinis and eerlforari
were decreed lathe Aar York Bunerior
CtipiVon SattircleV;,liV,tkoswo of Henry.
Eiothinglisuu r n .lienri.Ereet merchants,
confined'. in. :the 7'l3loortilturdale lunatic:
asylum, it ie idleged tolrevelit him re.
voiding fatull,rescrels, ' -•- -
—The Annual ht E. Conference lit
edartost al littgr ' def
_ .
voted town lay delegation.. The vote
was for lay delegation, sixty to thlcty
three. It required three-fourths of all
'votes cast fobs infavor„ . belbre the prop
osition ocsuifi be adopted.
—The defalcation.Of H.' Saunders;
paying teller of. the -North National_
Bank, of Boston; it is said amounts to
190,000 above hi/ securities. The money
was lost. In stock speonlatiOns. &sunders
remains in the city, apparently resolved
to ac oepLthe consequence*:
—The Cincinnati' Ileard'ol- Trade have
resolved Wasik the Obis Legislature to so
amend the law as to have real estate re
valued every three year also to increase
the oompensatiett of assesacus. The
board also took stens to have assessors
chosen without reference to politico.
—Wm. J. Nana, or San Francisco, ar
rived at: St. Louie yesterday morning,
en route for Cincinnati; to make the final
anatigements with the Red Stocking
wise WI - club ; to visit that city. • Mr.
Hatton is prepared to provide means for
the transportation anci entertainment of
the club, and will accompany them on
their journey:, .0. . • -
—Citizets of Leaven Worth and Atchi
son. Kansas, have been 'radiating Over
the opening of the Leavenworth; Atebt
son and North Western Railroad. The
first train Over the road, on Friday last,
carried about one thousand citizens of .
Leavenworth to Atchison and returned,
and on the following (say about theiarne
number of the citizens of Atchison were
carried to Leavenworth, wherethey were
received with firing of cannons and other
demonstratiens of welcome.
—The Treasury detectives obtained a
clue of the location of the lithogral.hing
atone, from which the counterfeit five
dollar greenbseks that have been eaten.
eively circulated in the south and south
west were struck, and have at last, by
persevering and energetic efforts, ob
tained possession of it. It is estimated
that from this, stone alone over half a
million dollars of spurious notes have
been' printed. They have also obtained
possession of the stone from which the
counterfeit five dollar bills on the Jewett
National Bank, of Jewett, Conn., that
were so extensively circulated a few
months ago '
ware printed. The princi-,.
pals of this extensive gang of oeunter
fetters are now In custody, but their
names are withheld, as their publication
would probably prevent the arrest of
--:"Tom Brown," (Thos. Hughes,) the
referee in the Harvard Oxford boat race
on the Thames, publishes a letter giving
his views of the contest.. The weak spot
of the Harvards, he says, was the Jodi
viduality of their rowing. . —more than a,
Cambridge or. Oxford "coach" would al
low=each man having small peculiar
ities of style of his own, interfering more
or bras with the perfect machine=like
uniformity absolutely necessary to get
"greatest speed out of wood on water."
A more material point he be
haves to he the catch at Mel
beginning of the stroke, and the'
comparatively. shallow sweep of the oars
throughthe water,- with which the OZ.
lord% -ptlllat , -everr-Itteh br ur Itte ': T i t
s*bleh dips Abase Abe - :Wet
/sower.. Speaking of the race, be says
;be never witnessed anything approach
ing the scene, although fan:niter with the
'Thames for a - quarter 'of a 'century, and
having witnessed mold of the races dur
ing that time, Adding, "we shall never
see the like again, and the oneismall'
grudge we shall owe you will be that you
will have taken, the zest, even out of our
.University matches in the future," , ;,
13ockenberry-McCandless Homicide Case
—Closing iicents.
Judges McGaffin, Ounfibings and Gar
vey, pretlding.
Adjourned Court for said county being
in session, And the Oyer and Terminer
list being called over, the Sheriff was or
dered to bring into Court the body of -
Zachary Taylor Hockenberry, who was
tried at the Minch term for the murder
of Miss Nancy:Ann McCandless slid con
victed, and whose ' counsel had moved
the Court for a new trial and made their
argument at the .Tune term.
The Court stated briefly that the pris
oner had received a fair and impartial
trial at the
. hands 'of his countrymen;
that he had been ably defended; that the
rulings of the Court upon all aoubtful
questions had been in his favor, and that
toe Court had nonsidered well and fully
all the 'circumstances surrounding the
case, and that they could not find any
thing upon' which they could found or
would be justified In granting a nets
trial, and hence it was out of their power
to do so.
The prisoner was. then asked. by the
Clerk of the Colullf he had anything tp
say why the sentence of the lawahould not
be passed upon hicn. The prlioner con-,
versed with his counsel a few moments, .
and through then] announced to the
Court that-be had nothing to say. He
was then ordered to stand up, when the
Judge addressed _h as follows:
Z Taylor libekehberry, you have been
tried and convicted of murder in the first
degree, which' was judiclillYascertained
by a verdict of your fellow'eltizens of the
highest respectability: . Your triers were
men:carefully: selected by. you, with
the assistance of faithful • and :Intel..
ligent. conneel. . All., the lipms ,of
law w ere carefully observed ih Selecting,
that jury.: You ' were' dtirinettie triad'
allowed . eVirrrl right' and all ' , doubtful
questions which: arose'-in the titivestigso
non and ,presented tocthelConrt :Vete ,
ruled in • your behalf, iltltiatrmeno:htta
man eye saw you commit the ternble
doe&• PA alfreo , WOrkfit olrootOlitlieolis
so starrcuuded :your oondnetraelO -feed
the. Jury to the,Conclusion'that you took
the life of Nancy A nn McCandiesp i hi the:
darkness of ' the night, by means' of e.
deadly • weenen, While • 'sitttnit ,ile - 'hat
:father's table, Where you bad Itecirtinittf
bean permitted to 4 liartake - etthe hoepi.,
rainy of your undo in berlasolety.'n You
forgot ,that..the eye. of ..lardlmats ' , fixed
oPoo • you. I.UO who sofrartioot saperrow
to fo4 wi9/9.14t Hie notice, !OW.
act. ' • r
You committed the foal diaed '4l' taking'
away the life of One 'yott: bitted; heciiuse
she not veclnnxtatti-your. feelings,'
and to have permitted jealoutiy. to have ,
taken possession cif your, judgment end
precipitate •you . into rhia , oommission of
:anoisylul. homicide—rind to Act , eTelig 4
of her' because she would not conse n t
become, yodr Wife:,year 8,0; w'ittnott --,,
of sudden impulse, but a deen,seated de.,
liberation, 'and viell-lbrined 'design ,to
take' her: life., HOinntso &milli yoU dis•
"MA Ind 0 /4 4 Alrond hl,Ob i lhb 'heavoco*
sent to become your partner for life; her
refusal respond without cause
lot the perpetration of the fatal deed:
Precut not thus briefly . to the facts of
this rinse to wound your feelings, or add
one pang to your grief, for the afflicting
hand el an offended God is pressing
heavily upon you. Before the lifeless
corpse of your victim was conveyed to
the narrow tomb prepared far the living,
the officers of the law were on your track
and you were overtaken and have been
oosidemed, and , the sword of justice
trembles over yon, and is about to fall on
your guilty head.
You are about to try the realities of a
never ending eternity, and •1 beseech
you not to rest bison the hope of a pardon
through Execative clemency, which
may never be realised. Let me , entreat
you, by every consideration, to. reflect
and remember your situation. - We are
all taught by holy writ that there hi one
who can truly: pardon and wash away
our guilt, however great it may be. 1
adjure you to fly to him in this, your
hoar of•periL,
It only rensidna for ;me to pa ss tie
jridgment of she law, (here ;the judges,
members of the bar and spectators( all
rate to their feet.) which is that you,
Zachary' Taylor Hoekenberry, the pris
oner atothe barielie taken from heriee to
the jail of the county of Butler, from
whence you.came, and from thence to the
place of execution, and that yon there
be hanged by the neck until you are dead,
and may God have mercy on your soul.
Baring the remarks of the Judge, and
the passing.of the sentence upon the pris
oner, there wag ro perceptible change
in theprisoner's countenance, nor could
a muscle be seen to move. Affer the
sentence was 'passed the prisoner sat
down and conversed a few moments
with his counsel; Messrs. Thompson and
McCandless, and was then conducted
back to the jail by the Sheriff, doubtless
to remain there - till be shall be led out
to his doom and to - vindicate the majes
ty of anoffended law.
Cuicage to 'Vora, via., Pittsburgh.
A correspondent who made the ?trip
says: . . •
Leaving Chicagost..4_l?. M. in one of
the magnificent palaci;coaches of this
line, the traveller waken up in Pitts
burgh at 7:10 the following - morning, at
ter a night's rest almost as refreshing and
satisfactory as N had at home in his own
bed: Breakfast at the Union Depot Ho.
tel, one of the beat in the country. :No
one will be likely to forgot this, even if
he ationld not be reminded by the cat
ductor, for the name of - the proprietor
will suggest the condition and needs of
the inner man and prompt him to satisfy
them; his name tieing Unger, very-ma/W
-ren,' suggests integer. This is supposed
to be a sharp practice of the iminagement
of this line—a means of 'enticing to the
dining room - the unwary and unsuspect
ing in a very innocent manner. "All
aboard" is heard, and we are on Our. way
over , the,. trend old Alleghanies—
now throng s tunnel, now- :wind
ing Shout -a steept .ctiftbeneath you
ywillnit,initch; now gilding alnng ayur
• a ado; ottnitliet altontiuttpus"Pan,
cratitis nirisublhus; grand asd>,bastaire
scenery—a combination net ••Oftliii . -1.0 '•be
found. On, past the immensewerkshops,
sstutrs toe , metals are, wrought, or mines
from whisk ..comeni* tba: vast ,urnount
coal needed, to supply, this country for
fuel and purPoses of iiidristry 7 -through
at an enormous price Just" now; still
past the rich farms, all under shish stare
of cultivation and yielding bountifully
to the husbandman. And - while one is
thus dreaming and perhaps trying to
comprehend, the magnitude. of
country, the wonders and beauties that
he sees on this he is in Jersey City,
and the boat Vfaitieg to take him across
to New York, in time lift a nine • o'clock
supper and a night's rest. But twenty.
nine hours ago - in Chicago, new; In New
York, "the Chicago of the. Batt." as a
resident of the former, , city has. been
pleased to call it ! . •
A. Reimblican masa-meeting in. Bradford
county, was addressed by. Gov. = GE.Aar
on the 4th. He, adverted to the reduction
in the debt, and •
The Democrats ask, "Where do you
get all this money?" We don't steal it.
We don't ilich it from the broad acres of
the Commonwealth. We do not tax
your property, your farms, your homes,
your . workshops, your tenements. If
they are taxed, it is by your. municipal,
county, or township authorities. We get
most of the money from corporations,
which, holding special privileges from
the Conatnonwealtb, are justly, made to
contribute to the 'government which pro=
teas And with the money thus
raised. we pay.for our common schools,
support thousands of soldiers' orpharie,
and give asylums to the:.unfortunate in
sane, and shelter to the lame. blind and
halt. Mr. Packer would' restore the tax
on real estate, and extencf his, protecting
wing to special corporate privileges; oat.
erwise your debt would go on decreasing.
\ Of special legislation, of Vetoes, and of
pardons, he spoke as follows.:
If you 11113 desirous of stopping speolal
legislation, the : granting of special pow
ers, and the incorporation of Organized
capital in - any. particular , shape. you
must send the proper representatives to
HarriAbiarg so instrucled—meni , too,- who
wilikobey your Instructions.: Yon, are
directly responsible , for the legislation
of your representatives. It is between
you, and th em. I The. overnor , has no
right to , - Stop, *nisi egislation :: simply;
because he Goes not Abe sing' retkon, Why
it, should not pin 'bita.the statute books:
Rionztentativeis- , supposed to know
and follow the Interests of and dernatids
of their conseitnents at home much , bet.
ter than can your Executive; and if. the.
bill is not in Wallet with constitutional
rreceptit, i t i s digtehit„ if not impossible,
for him to preVehr its enactment. Your
representatived Pais - Which; they
think are tiecesiary.for their people,-and
toe Governor Cannot , question _their- taw
sevezatiops.... 1 - .) ‘
,4,looelpg back for,: many years over
the reCerds of vetoes presented to : ,the
Legislature, I have: found that.theY, Old
not average mere titan ten "or twelve per,
annum . idypredeCetenr, during the six
yeah ,of his adminlatrationi..tvrote'
vateee.:-Ljust tilneteetoSt'-atilitina.''' Of
the. thred 'years of itiy
thus, far,: I .haVe writtenilin , lB6T r 6gt in'
1668, 69; in 1869 , , , 79—ina11, 217, vetoek , in
which, will venture say, almost
every. principle of the governMent pay
in some way been inyelved. And no
one of these.xetoes luta.-eyer liepa-aver
ridded' by, trieteglsiature • , ' •
• We *Ulm) an atrerelkikraif ‘ 4 4 4 . 11
pi!AmOteivoi-glori than r oot hp,r 9,04
day of legislative session. Were Ito do
more, the Legislature. I fear, would,
form such a "ring" ss would prevent
the Executive from stopping any legisla
tion they might choose to enact. I have
gone just as far as any Governor ever
dared go. NoGOvernor has ever vetoed
as many bills and stopped as much evil
legislation, and I have the proud con
sciousness of knowing that not one of
the bills I haYe vetoed has ever passed
the Legislature over my bead.
Alluding to the Subject of pardons, the
Governor said tbafln their palmy days
the Democracy =pardoned' 'four or five
hundred criminalein a single year. ' The.
whOle , number oif - pardons during:lds
first year was lifty•two. In 1888. the.:_
number was ohe hundred and six, owing
to the fact that he could not see men
mulcted in seven and eight hundred del-
Isn Anofor simply enforcing **instate,
framed by the Legialature and signed
by the Governo r , _ .proventing deserters
from voting. During the current year
the number had reached but forty. mak
ing a total of one hundred and ninety
eight during his term. Murder, petlary,
arson, burglary. and kindred crimes
should not go unpunished under his ad
Tenement Monies.
Commissioner Dr. Stephen Smith,
Chairman of the Sanitary Committee,
made a report to the New York Board of
Health,"a few days since, in Which he
gave some interesting statements. He
expressed fOrcibly the filet that the tine
meat house -population are entirely de
pendent upon their landlords, • and must
put np with such quarters RS' the latter
choose to furnish, which are generally the I
poorest possible. • These houses are , the
very hot-beds of disease, no less of crime./
Itis !among th is class :- that; at; all Zito of
contagious diseases thrive, as in a conge
nial soil, &Rile from it ; lust they so Ire
quentl,y burst forth . and spread through
the neighboring conuntuilties. And every
year, whatevermay be the general health- ,
fulness of the town, it is in the tenement
house district that the great balance: sheet, _
of its. excessive mortality is,'made np.
Yet more than one-half'. population
liveln tenement hotisis. ' The iandlorde
of these houses - are .keneralli wealthy'
citizens, andrOmy of them pay,po pelisolt-;
al attention whatever to their bases, tratui-.
acting all their business through igentS.
These agenta r as "might be imagined,
Pay little or no attention •to the'Sanltary
condition of, the houses. Dr.iSmithiluotes '
from several reports made by Inspector
James to illustrate his remarks. There
are a faw- houses which are occupied by
the owner himself, or a careful agent,
which are models of neatness, and it is here
that the doctor finds a remedy for, the evils
complained of. He says that the trouble
is not in the crowding of peopletogether,
but in the total neglect.ofall'sanitary pre-
cautions.' He closes, therefOre, as follows:.
"Ia view, of these .facts,Aecommittee
are of thq opinion that'oe,puiklic health.,;
requir*..l4atan tenement ,
gwvtor twolvipu4 , .houNivilittt
same owner,. havurg icennie lions , -
ten families or upward, shoidd be place& ;
ender the supervision , of a superintend-,,
ent, hotisehteper, .tiverseer,_ selectell
and`compensated- by the'owper,' who, _
the accredited - agent of the'property;
be held responsible to: the - boardlor the
faithful execution of tile provisions of the
Tenement House Act, and of such
nances and regulation') relating to tend:_
ment houses as the board May from time ;
to - time adopt." ' ,
In Cincinnati it grand* vroctsalori is ,
be held it. honor of thegret4hilosopher., ;
The 'eminently cosmopolitan cbafacter oft
his' life and works will be significantly re-"
ferred to the procession as folloWs:
• , A.great many .ornamental cars,are to'
be introduced in the procession, two of
-which, the first and second, will begOtten
up in grand style, ' regardless of .trouble
and expense. ' ' '
. The first will have a raised phttferm,
surmounted by • - rnhtiature temple, - in
which will be stationed two ladies, rep
resenting Columbia and Gehttallia. On
the steps leading up to the temple will be
appropriately costumed young ladies,
petsbnating Philosophy, linlostly, Bel
Surrounding the steps of the temple on
the platform will be placed'plants from all
parts of the world, and specimens of tlie
products of all the climes visited by
. the = .
great traveler and man of science.
On second car will be placed a ped
estal surmounted by a bust of Humboldt •
and surrounded by men representing-the
five races. This car will bearnonatianil
colors or flags but a large globe will. be ::
placed in front of the bust to indicate the
cosmopolitan character of the man whossi
birth is being celebrated. The plttform •
of this car, like that of the first,
decorated with pintas from all,clim ..!' .
A Parisian journal gives us so vets.:
important commercial news. - imr
mense fall dectared,to have take . !place
in the value of .ornamental hair w• en by
ladies who , desire rather to.. make them. ,
selves more beautiful. still than. d
We are told la. depreciation, o
per cent. has taken place in the v net of
041 110111 N flattest categantel - 'tug& -
I,lfcrentqltelk-nle.obea; and fax . pew?'
h - n.fii?Oral , Mortal' then gook .to Ili
in a:pat hetic tone, "Youladiesm
ly _believe 'that you have • s ew. ,21,000
franCie worth of false curls in yo :toilet
drawers (the sum paid for sup. espillary
ornaments), deceive Yourseivep longer f.;
it is only worth half that aturteo3 l .l;• we
areot told why this te rri ble .- reduction.. ,
in the value `
of hair has Place-.,Th° '
journal referred to says that 141.11_...tbe , r
&lee - hair ,worn by, the Rolston !wet ,
were,colleim4la, th 9 ,ll4cesVendorae end
Vied:up, it W9PI4 reach te,flii3 top of the
speleon enicirm. The prica of those—
htlid AnPrattonala ProttY h i gh.. A light:.
tden or Idraw.eolore4 hat mmixlBl4lll4
hi& falls from the crown of the .head
down the had, is valued at,PoOrr...nige. ,
People who marry dark women some
of cheaper. Gray . b i ldr lrY,fxtgeil?iTe•
, •
TEE last question's not Whether Judge
p ac ker pays his taxes in Manch:tiana .
or Philadelphia-but
_whetho 4 / 4, m om . ;
w a ir c nohere. Revenue °Metals 111914
settelfork to Wit