6. / "EIITISBURGII / STEEL :WORKS / / ESTABLISHED IN 1 . 84,5„ ANDERSON & WOODS, 3 1 AICITIP.AITCTZ9 8 Or BEST zikrlNEo • CAST STEEL Of every deseriSlon. Also, best Refined Gettan 'Plow and Spring Steel, CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE,Pltts burgh, atlG.n4l MILLER, ERR & PARKIN. GENERAL PARTNZES WM. METCALF. REUBEN MILLER, GEO. W. BARR, CHAS. FAKE'S. SPECIAL rAnTNan—S..IL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, KELLER, BARR & OFFICE, No. 339 Liberty Street, tel4:d4B PITTSBURGH, PA DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN, MEER & CO., Manufacturers of IRON NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND 'SPRINGS, DIIQUESNE, L X AND JIINLIMA, FLAT BAR, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND, HOOP,_ SHEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PL ATER AND H F ADS, _ GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BARS FLANGL; cirrncy. BARB, 0 A_ND FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. CROW B RS, WRDGES & HARROW TEETH, :::YRING_,_PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, UTEEL WLNGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. TEEL COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and ILETS NAILSCU AND SPIKES. ill Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND WORKS. Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. m 59 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, HECK & 00., PITTSBURGII. PA.. _ • NantiLsctureri of every description of CAST AND 6EEMAN STEEL, itAILW SP2/NOS, 8LL1....:C AND PLATFORM spumes, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ic., Warehousei, 88 Water and 100 First Stu - BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Xanolltoturers of all deacripUona of ISTMB. (Moe and Warehouse. THIRTIWTH, THIRTY aad TraTr.H.o6.o STHILETE, BRASS FOUNDERS. I:IOENTIX 7 BIER, Cl= JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDZR. Usable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE,SITETT AND tHECE VALVE ALL GLOBE PATTERN, 11-1(..)N . COCEES, Brims Work of erery description for Steam, Water and OIL MANTIFACTURESB 01rd. M. COOP/CB% improved Balanee-Wheel Steam Pump. Agen for Dreyfus' Patent Ott erats , the best in \ the litarka• Office and Works, corner Thirteenth and Pike treets. sOrt. IRON WORKS. - IWIRSIESEN PROCESS. The Trustees are now _p_roared_itoffl',ant licen ser tor the use of the TT.T.W"H kunS2l PRO- The superior Mighty imparted to good lion, he great iMpreventent in Inferior Iron, and the reduced cost, commend it to ah manufa c tures of iron. ' Parties wishing to sue it can obtain licenses by tirPtYlot to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney for-the Trustees, BOMB 1 and 2, English's Building, ocui lonith avenue. Parties interested are invited the visit the MEOENBERGEIt WORKS. where the rocessis aow In successful operation. leB:dt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & co., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Wzrehcraoe. Nos. 186 and 167 FIRST STREET, oAposlte Moziongivals House. • ap24:dB PITTSBURGH ` GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. WO WOOD STREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOHNALIN AND CHINA. BIZW STYLES"nnigg TicA sitoann." smortsre BETS,_ A larg stoc k of W Ca 4 SILTEk rum apes of sp. dercriptlonit isall="l:ll:i 4 6%a d t:itbefLuT R. Z. BREED & 00. 100 WOO HUGH BOLE &CO Engine Builders, Founders and Alluchinists. lifennfacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINE'S, of all sizes. • Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsepower. • • CASTM6B,_of erery kind , made to order atom* Fonndiy. on THIRD STREET, below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells, SHAFTING, _PULLEY% HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACGO SOIREWS and LEON TOBACCO PRESSE% on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Him, near the Faint. FORT PITT BOILED, STILL AND TA TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FIXED TUBULAR, Irma-sox AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OIL STILLS ALN - D OIL TANMS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLING l'ANd, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS: STEAM PIPES, GABOMETEBS AND IRON BRIDGES,• PRISON LIOORS AND COAL SHIITES (Mice and Warehouse, corner Soctind, Third, Shortbiad Liberty Streets, lier Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:169 Wril. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAkERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, FOB. SO, XS3, X 6 AND X 6 PENN BT. ;Sexing secured a large yard and fundshed It smut the meet approved machinerl, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made la the country. Chimneys, Breeoldcg, Fire Beds, Bteam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pane, and sole manufacturers of Bmakill's Pat ent Boilers. Bepairing done on snonest notice. I aa:c2l JAMES M. HATER, Nag. 55 and 56 - Water Street, PrIITSIITINUM, PA, it.dicriAcnnzin or IRON OIL TANKS, EITTLING PANS, COMM STEAM PLF . M, ROLLINS MILL STACKS, And SKEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats. J'AnlDDßußlig R . 1 Tali, . PROBE xunirAcrazias OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SEEET IRON worts; so, 61 Penn Street, Pittsburg/4,-Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. AL BRADLEY dir, Co., If anotacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heathig Staves, PrITEIBIIBGH. In our assortment will be found all tie LATEST PATTiItNii AND ISIYHOVBAIENTs. and 'the reputation of our Stoves le such that any one in want of a good article shouldpurchase none but those manufactured by na, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call Particular attenilon to our new VoLCANI STOVE, for churches, halls and stores. Over SOO sold In three moats.. Intended for with or with out caging. All who have used them pronounce them anertor to any other and far cheaper. - bead for t.%talogne and Price (let. lea HUFF, 'luaus it co., BABBTAcTsziss4* strssy Tammy as .19 11 rCIONTEISS, BOSTON COOKING BANGS, - . "TM FIERY FURNACE," Yos WARKING - BuILIMNFIL, THE NEW ANTI-DUST 000EING STOVE, .BEOULATOIt." COLUMBIA COOK STl_Byi, RANGE OAST IRON Patten))PORTABLE BEELECTOB,GRATES,fres trouilit and Mut; GRATZ /B&W& TENDER& Ea 206 and 208 Liberty Street,. 5e25:717 PITTSBURGH. PA. COON STOVES. • CET THE BEST. BISSELL CO.'S TRIUMPH, ran szruhinfous COAL. Warranted to Cook. Bake or Bout u fell RS an/ other SUM In the tridon. BISSELL 00., No. 286 Liberty Street. alantagime for sale, EZAT E,1 3: 11714 55 k) FIENDENs, COOKING ANGEI3, se. TO BUILDERS! 500.000 feet , Dry Pine Boards. ' 150.000 feet 1% luck Clear Flank; 35.000 feet 1i luck Common Flank; • $15,000 feet Dry 1 and A inch Oak: 35,000 ft. A, /, I.ls, and 3 Inch Poplar: 10.000 feet Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,000 feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; • 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 103.000 feet No. 1 18 Inch bagina4 Stan . glee. 100,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed: 50,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, shaved; 50,000 Fire Brick; 1,000 Fire Tile. . 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posts, and 01 articles In the line on band and for sale by ALEXANDRA FATTEIisON. Yards— No. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and Juniata streets, Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor ough of Manchester. WEST COMMON T , .11whine Aitqns Worms :., - irarthirist ' confer OiWist dominos, Aliegiany, PRZWIL ATVATKa & CO. • Baivtuad er oaW geuti at t .. es. tat Brow Web ttemeiebg ENGINES . ; BOILERS," ato Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (FLAB THY POINT,) PiTTEIBITBBH. Pl. sir All orders promptly filled. TUT US. WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDE% KANOTACTURNItB OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. SO. OD WOOD STREET, TO BE TOUND. LUMBER. STONE. PIITSBUI1(3.11.:G tFRIDAT 10 .1869 OAP FORT PITT . FOUNDRY COIPAITY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. rirEngines, Rolling Mill Ma• chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. N ATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. I Cornea Carroll and Small's:Lon Streets, tN/NTS WARD.) _ WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE . FOR OAS AND WATER WORKS. My Pines are all east inviulablyln Pita, In dry sand, and 110, feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Castings [or Gas and Water Works. DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM MILLER, Successor to JOS. P. 1111611 & COy Has Pantittles co•erteadve with the leading Forges In the Rut, and Is prepared to promp_tly and satisfactorily all all urders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON ROD 4, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORIE. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. ap14:1140 ROBLNSON, REA C 0. ,& Coy Successors to ROBINSON, M 1.1113 a WUXI& WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURIK Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, MDi liacbinery, Genriag, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Omce, No. iii, corner First and thaltklield Streets. Agents for GIFYLED'S PATENT INJECTOR fkor seeding Boilers. Jaftirt2 ripßOlttets CAREEN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Work SAIIIDCBEY ST" ALLEGHENY CITY, P&., Mannhetttrers of Station try and Portable Steam Zuguto., on "'rtes.., galleys, Shafting, Grin and Saw Mill Work, Rolling 11111 and - Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Wel/Gate, Wagon Boxes, kn. Buildto order sad bare on hand Eunice of all sizes. awl4:o DIAMOND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO., Office, DA.LZELL BUILDING, fen Duqueme Way, Pittsburg-b. Pa. WARING AND KING, Camellialon Mereksats and Brokers 131 Petroleum and Its ' Products, DALZELLI BLOCK, DUQUEBME WAYI PHTLADXL£II7.A. ADDBMII, Room 17, Chamber of Commerce, to 131 SOUTH SECOND STREET. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, _ - AND DICALSBB IN Petroleum and its Products, rftLamomoo-impan BUILDING. Piluide , 44lllo4lott—DlT WAIANNT IT. spi:was ECLIPSE PETROLEUM . REFINERY. HERBERT R. C. TWEDDLA MAIMACTITRZE OP Leiria* & High Test Burning Oils. Malmo Railroad dale Oil. Stands great heat without change; ?matzo limpid at lowest temperatures. Special 011 for tropical climates or het weather. Locomotive. Ennio. Machine Mop. Wlli cut Screws. llaW MtEl and Planing 11W1 Oils, Adapted for high spftd. aphid's 011, Woolißoad•Light Oil, 011. Tatman' Staff. llontado, lag& Flialablagilli s Gasoline. Harmon Oft. narrates& ARMOR VARNISH, to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from limit. These products are manufactured Elder Dr. Tweddle , apatent by Superheated Steam In Vac , - cuo. Ihe Lubricating 01ft are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col orod. stand a high temperature unchangtsd. and remen Maple during extreme cold. The Railroad. Ohs are unequalled - and arc ta constant use on many ot the p e n al Railroads. *Samples can be examined and orders left at ITS WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. NOVELTY WORKS. IpITTSIBIIRGH . NOVELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 1983. ADAIVO. *KEE at CO. rannuraprunins er CILINTONZ S TANDARDaWAIRI3ANE SPAT ENT) PLATFORM AND COUNTER • SCALES. Vanua laced Patent Door Looks aid Ladle% Paint and Coffee UM & .2,03. 00111 ER OP FIRST AVENUE &'GR&WT GM Pittaborgat, Yasties. . , . HAIR AND p 311'11.,-17-111' - - ";{ate, PECIC,ARNAMENTAL RAIN Wont ra - AND " iiu nasumwo.. 21121.4 iirAhlebigtta`ta• ovavosr, riri t iritikra elndlsaiel is she sagas aimumm OILS. They area tint setgage nylon the extension of tko road from Skeridan, lanais, to Denver, Colorado, The road in operation, 417 miles long, upp which it is Bison mort gage, NOW LUNE DEE Tin ENOUGH NET INCOME TO PIT. TEE INTEREST may in the market—this being in ome raped' better kit GiTtrllMeit Sr. PRINCIPAL AND MEM PAYABLE IN GOLD, Prim 98, Item- od lateral, fa Carroty. Pampileti r iaps and 'Challis' furnished on applinalm NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGiI. .CASH CAPITAI, • • • • • 8200.e00 Stockholders Individually Liable. BASICOP DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Culder. DziacTomli. Thos. M. Marshall, John M. Murtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace, James W. A rro tt, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, • Thts Bank is now tally organized and prepared to do a general Banking business. Jelok43 FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No. 195 FIFTH AVENVE. CAPITAL 11410.000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SiE PER CENT: IN rEszsr allowed ori time deposits. Collec*lons made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most favo•able terms. Erchang.! on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount days Tuesday and Friday. Open from 9 A. Of. to 3 r. so., and on Satarday evenings from 7 to O o'clock., akc.rontlt ED. DITHRIDGE •Dr, W. P. WEYMAN, W. 11. 81M8. FRANK I-lEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, He,NrtY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. D. M. ARMOR. • EMIL POMMEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. li. SCHENCK, Cashier. aun.nsl CITY BANK. 112 Fifth , Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL. 6100.000. STOCHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. EiTERFST PAID'ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal Points of the United Iltates and Canaoa. DOMINICK IHMSXN, President. Joins MCCABE, Vice President. W. .N. MORGAN. Cashier. DIEZCTOkt S. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, Hugh Keating. J. Dunie, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr,' H.A.Freyvogl e, Jno.Joe.liensann. Thome, Barnes, iel:k 5 JOS. H. GAZZAM, Solicitor. PrzrA SAFE DEPOSIT CONAN Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the. Legislature of Peunsylya- January 24, 1887. ter the safe-keeptag of Bonds and other Securities, Cola and Sitrer Silver Plate; Books. 'lewd', Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee and for the rentaag of Safes In Its burglar-proof 'vaults. Building and Grace .Iro. S 3 Po URTLE 4rE.rUE, PrETSBURGIII. PA PRESIDENT-WILLIAM PHILLIPS.. Vicx Patz.iDr..xr—HENlLY LLOYD DIEZCTONS: WM. PHILLIPS.iJAMES I. BENNETT 11r.*..4 HY LLOYD,!BYRON H. PAINTF.I: WILLI4M REA, •!ff.JOS. S. MOltalS , ,N, WILLIAM M. LYONi!OO'dok. BLA.U.K. CURTIS O. HLSSEY. SECRETAST A!QD TIMARCRICII F. Vu.N IttniNl3ol:3r. HART, CAUGHEI & co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood &Wets, Eirr - rsxsinson, an:10011:38011.5 TO HANNA, HA.= tr. C 0..) Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particalar attention paid to the panikase and sale 01 GOVERNMENT:BONDS. "tight roziartel on raondon. I:ssx PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN. Messrs. I/BNEY, ORGAN & CO., 63 Exchange Place, and N. L JESUP k CO 1 Pine Bare t, N. P., offer for sale th Bends if the lam Pacific Rafts, Tine Bonds pay seven per cent, ix Ceti ave thirty jean to ran; are Free from overameat Taxation; are neared by a and Grant of Tkree dere' of the Finest Lands in lamas and Colorado In addition to ail aperial grant the Com any also owns Three Lilies of Acre Eanias, lard are being rapidly sold to relop the miry aid impure the read. N THE NEW LOAN. There Is no better i.I )5..“ • ?%.Lit FINANCIAL. SILVER AND COUPONS litaught at litighest Prices. PIE. R. IILERTZ, Banker ayeCor. Wood and Filth Streets.. N. HOLMES & SONS, 13 . 57 Market Street. Pl3 - rwszrunoir, Collections mule on all the principal Points of th• United butes stid Cenadas. Steciu3,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 0011aIM8ION. Pert Jailer Menton paid to the ourthase and sale of United States Securities. 033:al DANES T a BRADY Et CO., ainocessora 03. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.,. 213 .a.remr..30251.155, BUY AND BBLL ALL KINDS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, BOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST PAVO BABLE TERMS. • t Interest Allowed on Deposita so-Money loaned on Ooternment Bondi at loleat market rate,. Orders executed for time Purchase am; Hale of STOLES, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BEADY & CO. Vittturgij etairttt. FINANCE AND TRADE Orman or PITTSBURGH GAznrru, THURSDAY, Sept. 9, 1869. S Government bonds declined to-day under a tight money market, and in consequence of large offers to the Gov ernment., over eight million bonds be ing offered and only two millions wanted. New 5-2 Us sold down to 118 X, and 1881 s to 120. At the close, however, the market improved slightly. Gold opened at 133 M, declined to 134%, and sold up to 1353 g, closing steady at 1353,. The short interest has been ma terially increased since the decline, and if the money market will be relieved to. morrow by the payment of about two and a half millions of currency, a sharp rise may take place. either to-morrow afternoon or on Saturday evening. The movement in the south to demand gOld in payment of cotton may tend to advance the premium tbniporarily until gold finds its way back. The New York World has advocated this system of bringing about specie pay mensa quicker than in any other way for some time, and in its favor are the facts that he circulating medium would there by not be decreased, and currency only be kept as a convenience. Stock are dull but steady. Cleveland and Pittsburgh sold up to 119; Ohio and Mississippi from 3134 suddenly up to 132, but some of the Western shares are dull and lower. Money is scarcer and commands from 8 to 12 per. cent. for good paper. Busi ness seem: gradually tctreviva. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135; Silver, 129; Eighty one's, 120; Five Twenties, 1862, 120 X; do 1864, 119 X; do 1865, 126; do 1865, Consols, 1183; ; do 1884.119; do 1868, 118 x; Ten ortlea, 110; New York Central, 204%; Erie, —; Reading, 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 87; Ohio & Misisalppl, 132; Southern, 101% Cleve land tic rittsburgh; 101 X; Chicago & Rock Island, 11135; Chicago & North Western, 80%; Chicago dc North Western Preferred, 893;; Adams Express Com pany, 5634; Merchants Union Express, 1034; Pacific Mail, —; Weatera Union I Telegraph Company, 37; American Ex press,Conipany 88. ' xxoNArrois, Large. Small. London, per - 16,71 16,80 Paris. per franc.-- 271; 2834 Berlin, thaler 99 100 Frankfort, florins 5734 583 i —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 1353/ 4 ; United States Sixes, 1331, 120; Five-Twenties; 1862,1203 x; do. 1864, 1193,; do. 1865, 120; Ten-Forties,llo; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and Juy, 1865, - 118': do. do. 1887, 119; do. do. 1868. 1183 x; Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Pacific, 109; Lake Superiors, 96. LBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) NEW YOWL, September 9, 1669, The registration of Erie formed the great topic of diseusslon in Wall street, and the stock was actively dealt in at the National Stook Exchange and on the street, to the detriment of speculation in the balance of railways. The following letter from Jay Gould to the Stock Ex change will explain matters OFFICE ERIE RAILWAY Co. N. Y., September 9,1869.-2 b the ' Pr esident of the 147e:0 York StookExchange:—Dear Sir: In compliance with the reqUeat of seV eral of your members, this company has just registered in the office of the-Farm era' Loan and Trust. Company,, common stock .representing: $70,000,000;and pre ferred stock 58,636,900. The earnings of the'road during the eleven months end .ing September /at, not including Ole ‘xe.• . egpla of the'Allantio /tad Great Western baNP.teen.ll l7 l4 4 . 8 3 86 34'Ve have , />_,llinntre in stating that the road wan uostirjEtbetpr.condith;lei — ,, ~ ,id_ enexjnisfiret,vPl7-1 5e uv( 1411V 'awing " tits - gay and rate for call way sharp at 7 per cent. for gold, bat toward 3 P. sr. more accessible to first class bor rowers at 7 per cent. currency. Discounts nominal. Sterling a- shade firmer and in good demand at 834 per cent. Gold irregular and unsettled; opened at 1353‘, advancing to 136, declining to 134 k, ad vancing to 135;4, closing at 13534; carry ing rates 2@7 per cent., and 1.32 to 3 32 per day. Clearances 8174,000,000. Governments closed firmer. Conpons, 'Bl, .20y,(42031; do. '62, 20%,@21: do. '64, 20©20 1 /0 do. '6.5, 2034@20,i; do. new, . 19 341gi 9 h'; do. '67, 19.‘@1934; do. '62, 193 4 @)19%; 10-4014 10®103; Pacifies, 11% ®l2. State Bonds dull; Missouries, 87V; old Tennessees, 61; new do., 52%; old' Vir ginias; 65; new do., 67; old North Caro linas, 55; new do., 47%. Stocks opened strong and closed heavy and lower, quite unsettled; Erie was the feature of the day, rising from 34%@3.9 and falling to 36. Five-Thirty Prices: Canton. 60; Cum berland, 32%i Western Union Telegraph, 87; Quicksilver. 14%; Mariposa, 33f; do. preferred, 12%; Pacttic Mail, 78%; Adams Express, 66%; Wells, 1835; American, 36; Milted States, 61%; New York Central. 204%; Harlem, 155; Hud son, 184%; Reading, 96%; Erie, 36; do. preferred, 59; Michigan Cen tral, 129; Michigan Southern, 10135; Illinois Central. 137; Pittsburgh, 169%; Northwestern, 80%; do. preferred, 8835; Cleveland, Columbus ,and Cincinnati, :0; Rock Island, 111%; St. Paul, 763:; do. preferred, 8635; Wabash, 7834; do. preferred. 82; Fort Wayne, 87; Terre Haute, 33; do. preferred, 68; Chicago and Alton, 150; Ohio and Mississippi, 32%; C. C. and I. C., 33%; mining shares dull, no Boston prices; sub-treasury unan nounced to-day. 01 PITTSBURGH MARKIEM OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTD, TUESDAY, Sept. 9, 1869. The general markets are quiet, though .here is, nevertheless, a fair volume of business in the aggregate; as has been, the case for some time, the demand for almost everything is confined to sup plying immediate wants of the local trade, while prices generall . are un changed. The receipts of grain and flour are only moderate, though the supply is fully equal to the demand, and the same is true of other articles not necessary here to specify. Fruits con tinue to arrive pretty freely, but un der the influence of a steady demand, prices are fully sustained. APPLES—In steady demand, with sales at from 112 to ;3,50 per bbl,- and choice may be quoted at 14. BUTTER—Is scarce and in demand, and prime to, choice is being sold at 33©35. BERRIES--Sales Blackberries at •glg I,loper bucket. CHEES&--Is steady, but unchanged, ranging from 15 to 17, the outside figure for New York Goshen. CARBON 011t—Standard brands indw be quoted at 29@30 for round lots, &pi 31@32 in a retail way. cEm - FlNT—Johnstovrn Hydraulic Ce ment is quoted at $2,25 per bbl. EGGS—Scarce and in demand, with sales of fresh packed at 20. FEATHERS—DuII; quoted at .80@85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots in store.„7 FLOUR—Is quiet' and unchangedi, demand entirely local. We continue to „quote western winter wheat brands at 17@7,50 per bbl, that is for small lots in store. The mills are doing a fair busi ness, but a sharp compelion has reduced the margin to almost nothing. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and unchang ed; t1,30®1,33 for good to prime. red. Oats steady but unchanged-45 in first hands and 48 to 50 in store. Rye is dull and there are very few, if any, buyers above $1,10@1,12. Corn is quiet, though the arrivals are light, and the stock in this market is by no means large; - sales of prime yellow at $l. No movement in barley, and so far as we can learn, there are no buyers for State above $1,25. HAY—Is selling from country wagons at sls@2 mainly at $15@20. HEMP—Very dull; $205 per ton. • HUSIlS—Sales at 2,;(4)3 cts per pound. T.Tvr , --White Lime is quoted ai11,50, and Cleveland at $2,50 per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, atl,4s,and No. 2, at; 1,05© 1,08 PROVISIONS—The demand is fah, but unchanged. Bacon, Shoulders, 15X; Ribbed Sides, 18m; Clear do, 1934; Sugar Cured Hams, 23@2334. Lard, 20 3 / 4 in times, 21 in half bbls, and 2134 in buck ets and kegs. Mess Pork, 1433%@34. Dried Beef. 22. • PEA.NUTS-..,Sales at 15 cents. PEACHES—Firm bat unchanged— sales at $1,50®2,50 per box, as to quality. PLUMS—SaIes at $5 per buseel, or el 5 per bbl. . - . -- . . POTATOES—prime to choice Jersey sweets still quoted at 6,50@7 per bbl. SALT—Ie firmer, , with sales of car load lots at ;1,85 per .bbl. Llve Stock Market. CHICAGO, September 9.—Cattle quiet at 164,25@4,30 for fair to good cows, V. 5,50 6,65 for fair to medium, and Keo 74234 for good steers. Hags active and steady for best grades, and quiet for other qualities; P@8,50 for common, $B,BOO 9,20 for fair to medium, and $9,40©10,00 for good to choice. Br. Louis, September 9.—Cattle un changed, at 2®50 for inferior to good and 5W660 for prime to choice. Hogs inac tive and in demand, with a limited sup ply. at tr@s for stock, and 19@10 for heavy. Dry Goode Market. • NEW YORK September 9.—The Dry Goods market is very active; prices are steady and firm, If we ascent the Hill's yard wide muslins, which have been changed by a leading Jobbing house from 180 tto 17Xc; the Edwards; 3 do, from 13Xc to 13c. 'BALTIMORE, September 9. --Flour quiet and low grades firm, with western superfine at P@6,25, and extra F3,25® 8,25. Wheat unchanged and receipts small. Corn advanced, with sales white' at $1,23®1,25. Oats steady at 60@62c. Rye unchanged. Mess Pork dull at $33,50@34,00 Bacon firm, with sides at .1931 c, clear rib 200, shoulders 1834 c, and" hams 2-I®2sc. Lard quiet at 19(§1934c. Whisky in good demand at ;1,12y,,igt • Tor Eng( Beptember • 9.—Flour quiet. Wheat I@2o better: No. 1 white _Mich!. gan /1,42, amber 61,36, No. 1 red gi,sBg 1,36%, and No. 2 do. $1,33. Corn dull and Ic lower; No. 1 95c. Oats lc lower; No. 1 530, and No. 250 c. Freights steady at 4o ceipts to 3 60 ffo ablbol sa n ou Do 9900 Os w u e w heße -16,500 bus corn, 5,400 bus oats, 1.100 bus rye, 350 bms4liarley. Shipments: ,3,400 bbls flour, 25,300 bus wheat, 37,300 I bus corn, 4,600 bus oats, 3.000 bus rye. . , CLEVELAND, September 9 .—Flour market quiet. Wheat: sales No. 1 red at 1!1,85; Nor 2 do at ;1,83; No. 1 at 11,86. Cord: No. 1 =1@1,01; No. 2 98©92e. paw .held at ciCks, Bye: No, 1 11 1 01.05; N0..51 .94950. 'Barley nominal; tbetlgures are h. a I - 2031,80, for Btata and; Canada. ••' -.Pe. suun: refilled held at 29 ®293ie .for 19brs'Vitali - ietis at 31 (02o; - artida held at 0,60;