The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 09, 1869, Image 8

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TsE GAzsprz is furnished iss-gwaity'
for StZ days of Me week 'for AEteriiti pelt
oftfk ;by mail, i 8 per annum Ftaik,o2:,
The riven are oonamenoing,to
t tt.t;a• :
Allegheny con n el in - will:104 tillegtj4r
meeting this evening:at:l4 :pry
The Allegheny ilithotthr nine:far have
been unusually well attended for the
lonening week. • - •
Duquesne Greys.-=-I'he in henorthis
'.'company will find a notihetOn our sth
page concerning them. '•
Rain.---Provideneb has, been regaling
xis with a bountaladispensation of moist
favors since Taesday*vening.
The iltunboldt ophtenrtial celebration
promises to be one of the most interest"
sag ce gbpstions liver held here.
Post imatemelt—The consecration of
4 1 1
Grace iGhtut at Mount' Washington,
- which'. was nottneed to take place to
day. has b n postponed, or deferred ,
y ,
day. the 4/1 ter partof October next- . -
The M andifLager.—Amid the go.
questerfar *tecinta of:Saw-Mill Ruh
standawllitletofteat:fbet.bibulotta indl
viduals,: which is: deargniYed •by ::its :
It rary ocoptisore as the "valley: lup, l
weptAly.Tlifra thti wish to see him, juati,
Sabbath Celebration.—A Sab•
bith Seboor.ooloratibli will 'ha held at
Montour's thnreb, in Robinson town;
- abip, on Satarday,'September 16th. ' , Good
music, addresses- and aft - aXcellent (din
ner may be exPiietoal
New Postetlice„-A"'ii*iatioilloe
called “Oakdale .Station'? halo been es
tablished on the Panhandle Railroad and
on the line between 'Ninth, and South
Payettelownehips. Mr: David;Jcihnson
has been appointed Postmaeteri: '
, Bar-Room Demenstra ft oriLi:-Chales
ldn'yder was arrested in, the
saloon, Diamond, Allegheny, yesterday
afternoon, while endeavoring to kick up
a row with the bar-keeper. He Was
locked up for a hearing this morning.
Secand Ward. --The members of the
Second Ward Geary Club are requested
to meet at Wikins Hall, this evening at
6% o'clock, sharp, to act as an escort to
Hon. John A. Bingham, of Ohio, whP win
address ebb meeting at Allegheny Dia
mond, this evening. •
• A Change.—Lientemmt' Jamo
•of the Mayor's 'force; has been appointed
police officer at the Union Depot, vice A.
Boyd Rook, resigned. We regret that
Mr. Rook, on account of ill health, had
giye up the situation', but it is pleasant
to knew that his place, will be 'filled by
such a competent man as Lieutenant
Insane.—Micbael. Magee, an insane
Man, was taken, from Uercy.Hospital to
the lock-up yeaterday 'morning and will
probably be sent to' Diamorit Hospital.
He was taken .to, the. ikspltal from No
blestoWn. andluur been there some time.
Yesterdayixiorning he became so unruly
thatrit was necessary to hive him re
!keyed to a place Spf. safety. .
Oakland. Disturbance. llilattheW
Davis made inferinatiOn before Alder
map. Butler yesterday, against John
Boyce, for assault and battery. The
parties (are neighbors, and reside at
Oakland. They bad some trifling diffi
culty, when words were followed with
blows, and a -visit to the Alderman's
office. Boyce gave bail for a hearing.
The Wrong Place.—Yesterday morn
ing a thirsty Individual, in an intoxicated
condition, entered the Second. National
Bank in Allegheny, supßosing it to be a
saloon. Before discovering his mistake
he leaned upon the counter, and gently
passed away to the land of dreams.- The
officers of the bank called a policeman
and had him careinlly removed' to the
lockup, where he will be allowed to
sleep off his dissipation..
Street- Fightf.--Yesteilay afternoon,
Thomaa'§cott with two companions was
coming up Federal - street, Allegheny,
- when they had some disagreement which
caused Scott to knock his two friends
into the gutter. A policeman witnessed
the pugilistid demonstration and stopped.
any farther_ operations- by securing Scott
and lodging him in a watch-house cell.
He will a bearing this morning.
Lost Bays.—Tuesday afternoon, Jacob
Neel's, ten years of age, and Jacob Deaf,
ItWelve years old, left their homes in the
Seventh Ward, Allegheny, to drive
some cows to pasture and .have not been
beard of since. Their parents are very
.nlttch distressed about their mysterious
disappearance and would gratefully re
ceive anv information of their where
abouts,. Word can -be left at the Alle
gheny Mayor's office.
Moving Eztraordinary.—All day yes
terday parties were engaged in moving
a house in the Third Ward. Allegheny,
from Chestnut to Third street, a distance
of about a dozen squares. The house, a
frame, two story and a half high, was
raised on wheels,and by the aid of half
a dozen horses and twice that number of
men, safely landed On It folindation pre
-Inc:lusty prepared for - it on Third street.
The men worked regardletis of the rain
-and every obstacle, - until their task was
Kli M n s eoi p f r e w s a e s n b d o t r h e e
Alderman N ee per
• yesterday oa• a charge of false pretence
preferred against him by Andrew jack,
a resident of St. Elmo, Allegheny.
county. The accused was charged with
obtaining boarding from Jack by repre
senting he had•certificates of deposit-in
a bank tn, Brookville, and also had a
(Irish payable at that place, all of which,
At II; alleged; mere false representations.
...Klineloff waived a hearing and was corn-
L:iiiitted - fOr trial.
We are glad to learn that we are to
have, bssides,rasual4noolipnt course
of the "Library lat Ion; itadtliek. con rse
..sofiectures under the auspices of the G.
R. oPittabttrAal• - We have seen 'the .
Of lecturerti Already engaged and End
that it embraces such names as Justin
15 foOdrth.9. !Josh Bill PAisi Rate Fields,
John G. Brie,-and Ativeral others. We
think that with such popular names, any
couse;of4eatures onant/td prove success.
Ica, and we congratulate the Cl. A. R. on
bright;the prospect before them..
Intellfgence.—Mr. Barry Marker:
:1 1 )eputy Clerk of the United States, M
ulct Court in this City, yesterday re
eett.sed a telegram • from Trenton, New
Jar. sey, informing him that his lather
wee,lying at the point of death At than
piece, and requesting him to porno
inmenlately, with which request he
compile d, leaving on the Brat train east
after having -received the intelligence"
This Will b:a sad news . to manyy cfPar cit
izen% 'yell as the frii3nds , o = :Mar.
ker,, , whe was, widely known ani::mtiVet:-
'can't:J*4 l E 436 d tigo :
• •• •
• '
S e lt ueogs ktecoverm,„____
(II - 4V • t)y police have fttimeeded
in4 - 4,bdfig . a 'large'Veul oritotefi r goods,.
at) aie o 64 l ~ o ne of !the suptioseil
&levee; Some months ago Cochran s
carpenter shop, on Westtern avenue, Ails
ghen r y, was robbed of a quantity of tools.
A few 'evenings afterwards ` Shaffer"'S
grocery, store, in the Third ward, was
also robbed by the ofme :,thleyes, which
was apparent from the fitt*'that a Chisel
stolen from -Cochran's!andp *is found
alongside the door of the litrOcely.-which
had been pried'open, Tiktaleves man
aged to einde<the vigilant =of-the police
until Monday after'zitothkrWhen Chief
Bowden learned:„thaf4Laty,<Herriet,
a well' .knowri:-1 nk•-;*as en
deavoring to- .3011t-It' - hipii:pri , , ;toolg an
swering to diet deitatibii of those
stolen- ",-With•qthis .ho made
a raid on the residencegLauy, on Penn
sylvania avenue; this'city, 'Tuesday eve
ning, and t mcceedeilltreeouring Larry,
and a large hanl of goods, comprising a
quantity- of the tools, and two large
trunks and a box filled with dry goods
and 'varieties. cona4sting pricipally of
dress goods 'and mdslins. The plunder
atd.prisoner were brought to the Mayor's
office. Larry stoutly denied guilt in the
ma ite; and stated the ; tools- and• goods
hadiheenieft at is `house by Pram Codk,
about two monthe,ago; and that he knew
nothing,of:them at all. y Before daylight
`Yesterday morhing, the police continued
their investigationsAy malting. a slescent
on Codk'iihonia oAbUden street off Cen
tre aVentte, w here they secured the box of
tools,, Cook, however, 'had be _absent
from the city for ten days. Thettocibt
when brought tattle Mayor's offkodwere
identified by Mt. Cochrane from hisi
private .marks, ;with which they were
stamped. , The,dry goOgn, - from , certain
circumstances, are supposeti ttr be a part
of a lot stolen 'from g fitoriklit Burgett's
town on the Panhandle-Railroad, abodt
two monts ago. .° riltaywas , ...l6fted up to
await further developments.
.• -
• rr't
Vet ashingtoik And Ream
• The , Deinocratieh; I , ,Vqnferees from
• Washington and • Bisa' ' Yeti counties, met
at the St. Charles Hotel, 4heesdaY after.
niiit:ni:e!tigtominate a candidate for Sena
tor andli'Legistative ticket The legis
iltii.Villanvention completed its huskies
speatsesday morning placing in ;tontine
Lion, William Davidson, of Beaver, and
- Jolualk Mcßride and J. N. Walker,.E.N.,
of Washington county.,
The Senatorial Conferees met at the
St. Charles Hotel yesterday morning,
Captaltr;French. of Beaver county was
called to the chair, and Felix Boyle, Jr.,
of Washington county, was appointed
Two of the conferees from Beaver
county being absent, on motion of Wm.
Workman, Captain French was allowed
to cast the vote for Beaver county.
The conferees 'for Washington county
were Wm. Workman, W. H. - Rainpy and
Felix Boyle, Jr.'.
On motion.of Ciptitin Fret:4a, Samuel
Bigger, of Beaver county, was put in
nomination for the State Senate.
On 'Motion
'of Mr. Workman, Isaac
Newkirk, of. Washington county, was
put . in , nominatiort for the State Senate.
. Three ballots were taken without a
choice belbg - effected. when, on motionef
Mr. Rainey, Dr. W. G. Barnett; of Wasti
ingtou county, was Put in nomination. "
The; seventh ballot resulted in the
nomination of Samuel Bigger, -Esq., of
Beaver county, by a vote of foi,u• against
two' for 'Barnett. -
Second Ward, Allegheny,
The Republican voters of the Second
ward, Allegheny, held an adjourned
meeting on Tuesday evening, in the
School House, for the purpose of organ
izing for the campaign. W. H. Alexan
der was called upon to preside, •aud Mr.
W. P. Price designated as Secrettny..•
Upon thelformation of a “Geary Club,"
and thenppoinquent of Blook Commit
tees, the following series of resolutions
were adopted: .
Resolved,. That the best,' interests of our
country:demand the continuance of the
Republican party,' with its noble, pur
poses in favor of Freedom and Human
Resolved, That the renomination of
John-W. Geary, the patriot' soldier, for
Governor, and the nomination of. Henry
W, Williams for Sunrsme Judge, meets
our hearty concurrence.
Resolved, That the ticket nominated.
bv ,the_late Republican County Conven
tion meets with our entire approval, and
we pledgelt our kearty anti undivided
Support. -
Resolved. That -as the Second ward
polled the highest. Republican vote of any
district in the contity, we pledge our give a good and true account on
the Second Tuesday of October,
Two Cuarges.• hitchael •
O'Connor made information
yesteitliy,'' before Alde'rman Thomas,
agalnst WilliautiCennedy, for obtaining
ten dollars' worth of groceries ander
false pretences. O'Connor is proprietor of
a grocery at Oakland, and be alleges that
Kennedy reresented he
owner of tive p hundred dolla m r s s e ' worthof
real estate, by which he obtained the
goods. Subsequently Kennedy took the
benefit of the three bemired dollar law
before Alderman Thomas. He was ar
rested and committed to Jail for a hear
ing. Kennedy is also charged with false
pretence by Mr. H. Martha, lumber
dealer, whO alleges he obtained lumber
from him ou the credit of a third party,
who had given him the money to pay for
it. He will have a hearing on both
charges on Saturday.
Ace!debt at Honeidale.
While an excursion party were riding
up a very steep plane on a coal carat No.
4, near Honesdale, Pennsylvania, on -
urday, the rope broke, and the car de
scended the plane with a feariul rapitlby.
Seven ladies ' , were seriously injured,
among them a Miss . q a tton, of Newark,
or New York,' who was badly bruised
about the head end-back; Miss 14. Bal
lard,•of Elruirtt r wiso had her !um bro.
ken, 'and wall severely cut in the head;
Miss. Georgle,Lawrence, of Eilenyille;
Miss Louisa Wood, of Honesdale; Mrs.
E. A. Penniman, wife of the editor of the
Honesdale CilizenriMrs. Thomatt J. Ham,
wife'of the editor of the Wayne dounty
Herald; and biles Cauldwell, of Equi
ty:wk. Pennsylvania. Some of these aro
not expected to live.
Hired a Buggy,
rohlk A l van alleged,. hefore , Alderman
Lynch yesterday that he had been ills.
gaily deprived of two dollars, by,Pairlek
Burne r proprietor of a livery atahku„.
went to theatables and, isohe states, paid
two dollars "for the hire of a horse• . and
buggy which was .to be"sent= around -to
his arouse at a certain hour. The buggy
was z k ot sent,= he allege% and when he
went, to get his money back his demi/Ad.
refikeed. .He took to the end
made imorMation bafora Alderman
Iffnigt liglWAtikah 3 # lo 4Viierkliell .
arrant hatted;
r!,••=e , '"' ta•—f
_ . .
11 ri Dl lt>F iR • r s '
ny RDSMAr, September B.—The argtt
-041410. the afille‘Or Ed. EragletSn va. the
Allegheny Grocery and. Provision Coin•i
pany was heard and judgment allowed
against Goerge Schield + aasarnistiee.
Quarter Sesslomr—.lndge Mellon.
WEDNESDAY, September B.—The first
case taken np was the: COmmonwealth
vs. Thomas Moore, indicted for the lar
ceny of a caddy of tobacco from the firm
of Shipton &Wallace, Sixth avenue. Of
ficer McCready, it appears, arrested the
accused on the street with a box of to
bacco in his possession and took him to
the lock-up, where he remained until
Mr. Wallace came and identified this to
bacco as having been stolen from his es
tablishment. The jury retired, and after
a short labsence returned a verdict of
guilty. The prisoner was remanded
for sentence.
The juix in the case of the Common
wealth vet Frank Lenstetter, previously
reported, came into Court and returned
a verdict of guilty. Mr. Haipes, attorney
for defendant,"gaVa notice that he would
move forts! new „lea!, and , ,f 1 o reasons
therefor: T he prisoner was remanded
to jail. •
i n up was that ! of t 3
L W. I C' ()handle
for ce 4-b ite" larcetry,
alleged, was committed at the, Union
Depot, abon,t,,tenso'cLock Tuesday morn
ing, at whltitt OsiValt, a resi
dent of Mercer county, Ohio, had a pock
et book stolen, containing $785, an ac
count oewhioh we published Wednesday
morning. Chandler. who, it appears
had been near the prosecutor a OA*
Units pe f or e discnvered his lossoand
had joitledidnit' after theyientered the
Car, and thrown a coat over his face, was
arrested in a sleeping car and taken into
the When .pf.i t . hicOreighton, at the Union
Depoti•Wheridelock.ket book was 'found
behind a case or wardrobe, near which
the accused had set his traveling valise,.
7#l3'..jary;Tafter a abort absence, re.
turned averdiatof guilty, and the priso.
ner'was remanded for sentence.
• •TAnhgrgaltro . ,; o. &roar.
The next was a s case between a
Mr. Wilson and a M r s
:McCormick. It
appeared 'that thErtarties cosn farms ad
joining each other in Lokr4r St. Clair
township, and on or_near tlie line there
are a number of cherry trees, which are
In.4ispute. , Mr. Wilson went upon the
cherry trees to pick cherries, and Mr. -
McCormick threatened to shoot him if he
did not get down from them. Mr. me-
COrtnick was held to ball htlhe sum of
12,000 to keep the peace.
" he next case taken up was that of the
Commonwealth vs. John G. Freeberger
and Jacobina Freeberger, indicted for
obtaining money under false 'pretend:a,
Salina Grovesprosecutrix. The accused,
it appears, kept a store in the Thirteenth
ward, and the' husband of the prosecu-
Wiz. le a gardener, residing at Oakland.'
By some undue means, it was alleged,
the defendants got into the good graces
of the prosecutrix and from time to time
borrowed money from her, and about
the 11st of June last, having al.
reedy : obtained about 1400, they called
upon • her again for 1100, - which-the
refused to let them have without secu
rity, stating that her husband had ob.
iected to her• loaning any .money with
oat security. The accused'then, it,. is al
leged, stated that Mr. Groves need have
no fears about hitr-money, that they (the
• were mirth froM,llo,ooo to 012. 4
000, and could at any time procure $5OO
from a building and .19. an association on
• half hour's notice. On theftrepresen
tations the slo(l,waa kanedrillind output..
qtferttly \it - ?vie 'astertained i that there
were 'a number of judgments against
Mr. Freeburger,rdid that he was insol
vent. On trial.
The Grand Jury at the close of theses.
sion. yesterday presented- the following
Commmonwealth vs. Moses Beekman,
assault and battery, bill ignored and the
county to pay the cos. Commonwealth
vs, Mix Binder and Barbara Bruder,
assault and battery, true , bill; Common
wealth vs. George Morino, aggravated
assault and battery, true bill;-Clara Wil
limner assault and, 'battery, true bill;
Coutnionwealth vs. Charles Schwartz,
sellinft liquor to minors, true bill; Com
monwealth vs. John COok, larceny, true
COmmonvrealth vs. James lacßen
na, larceny, true bill; Cominonwealth
vs. Charles Gilkey, larceny, true bill;
Commonwealth vs. Win. Woods and B.
McClintock, aggravated assault and bat
tery, true bill; Commonwealth vs. L. J.
Kuchler and Adam Schauer, larceny ,
bill ignored; Commonwealth ' vs. John ,
Carey, kill ignored; CoMmonwealth .vs.
Alexanderf Allison, larceny, bill ignored:
Commonwealth vs. Samuel Newton,
George Drake and _William Clark, as
sault and battery, true bill; Common,
wealth vs. Fanny Delfey, assault and
buttery and Commonwealth vs. frarriee
Faitfa, aggravated assault and battery,
arose' suits, bills ignored and prosecitg
tors to pay costs.
• .'
No. 438. Commonwealth .vs. John An
I. Commonwealth vs. O'Neill, et al.
i. Commonwealth vs. Patrick
Murphy, et al.
Commonwealth vs. John Jay
and David Ludwig.
Commonwealth vs. Robert Ear
' 160
' .326
CI 40
s 4 38.
,1 37 .
" 39•
Commonwealth vs. Jno. Eckles.
Commonwealth va. George Fol.-
Common Wealth ' vs. Lorenz
Commonwealth vs. John Ala-
Henry. .
Commonwealth vs. Henryßeady.
Commonwealth vs. Mary A.
" 42
For Fort Delaware.
James McAlister, formerly a private
in the cidnauce Corps at Indianapolis,
Indiana, from where he deserted about
nine months shade, passed through the
city last night e n mule fOr Fort Delaware.
Be was captured at or near Lafayette,
Indiana, aut four • weeks since and
taken back to Indianapolis, where he
was tried b courtmartial for desertion,
found guilt and sentenced to spend two
years at For Delaware. 78argeant Keefe
and private Quimby, having the; prls
onerin charge, arrived la she city les
terday at noon, and having to lay over
for the evening train East, the, prisoner
was left at the lockup in charge oC Capt.
Graham until six o'clock' last night,
when he was taken charge •of by the
More of It. --.: land Barlow, who yes
terday Charged a butcher in the Alle
gheny marke with , , taking from ..him
twenty 'dollars but subsequently found
himself mista k en , and the money in his
, picket-book, which he had hastily °yet . -
looked, has got himself into trouble by
the traneaction, as the butcher yester
day lodged informatien against him; be:
'fore Alderman BOlster for Peri nry.,The
`offense consistainswearing to the infor
mation of larcenrpreferreci before May:
oI'A;9I2;CAPIA .libP-nutake4.--Bikintt
Jri 1 f.1 61 1r4 42 Pa s gaV o . l3 4 , 4 l kbearkifi.
._..• , •,t '.: i ' : •-' •- ''
Annual-Conference MMet iodi;t Clutivit—
,;!;,-,,,aglitistturgli-c oriterence.-
Kieiteiesedenee of the Pittsburgh easette.3
• 3:;,:j.tAXIa3IO.XT. Nr..y.. Sept. 5,1869.
i wa5 , .....-14-,a) ...-1. 'l, l7 . Ti t - ii.j.,,• • • •
-st. ~.,_, , KAlkl.!s ~ . •
' 4 The'4iternoon session opened in the
ustoilirtanner.- A.
1 .
The .Vreildeiti's .Talary was flied at
5800.00.. The Oxrdifittee on Statistics
reported an unusually large increase in
each department of the work.
. . . .
Conferarieendjonened, and the Preach
er's Aid;; Society organized and trans
aeted...Ateix,,business..:,Williana Miller,
Treattnter, reported V 2,489.06 bathe Treas.
uty,-to :be divided among tide several
claimantihr-which was :tkett dialappro
priated toauperannuated'•4rilpftu and
widows of . .deceasedirdniate*;:: . .:.
yt io
ThnUommittne orilifleakina-re - rted
assessments of OYer,B2,oooler Oil\year.
The Coffimittesi on Finance ;re rttad i
showintthat soinkaof the -004 had
not done tio well iii:mair?ti* for,
though. -many - did admirably ,,. hey
always do.aJ ••!; :7 , 1 ! •.' `'.,'~;
Tha, Distriet 7 COMMitteilreii. ed_
: three- ministers and thiesi-hayMan.r< •
1, sli4asper *Ss offerediailegiitl4Aid re
cO‘rmiendioSlal book- by The/nasal Col
, hotir,ie -called. ."Non-Epitietiatll'llietho
.disitO: ivied aUdViipkitt ja: the
:Conference; •,,,-: .--.± , i- ,.--, 11 , .:
. % Betioltititliiit , egulatingtritet4 . .r
wext : pessosk , ,nuil. ordered. o. .r
11 snetilaXlatMethoctistVesop,..
,;,.,,, Be ltPilkg*POllikt ' ' •f'. ' "'."
' . ...aaay . , ;ai., , .Af... , '-.. , • ...'.
''c"' I''" , - *Writ •DAy'ssUSetort.
. ..
.---Turenaaa v, Sept.' e.-Opened in due
fetmp*Aintes of yesterday afternoOn
read All, 11:1- , adopted. A Committeeawas
elestedlo , have the minutes published in
patiaphlet forth., ,Rev. G. G. Westfall
was, elected Treatitirer of An. Conf. Miss.
Moiety. • - '
"The'"Board of Missions ' and Church
Extension" at Pittsburgh. Pa., was rep
xesOrtted to the Conference, and recona
inendedto the synipathies of all ourpeo,-
• The. Conference Missionary Treasurer
repOrte4,', 'showing - alight' deficiencies,
but noiscilargeas last year. A. M. sea
aion adjourned with prayer.
Afternoon session opened in the usual
manner. Rull called, minutes read and
approved. -
Resolutions of thanks were tendered
to the kind people of Fairmont • for our
excellent entertainment, to the pastorof
the church, Rev. J. E. Snowden for his
services in arranging for us, to the Balti
more dt roa d R. R. C0.,..f0r passing us
over their of half fare. •
Action was taken, securing valuable
documents for the purpose of publishing
the history of the Methodist Church
(non-episcopal) from ;US . origin to the
present date.. .
The entire session was a very harmo
nious and happy one. `There were about
one hundred• members present during
the sessionkand all - seemed to enjoy the
occasion exceedingly. The weather was
all that conid he - desired, and the people
fully sustained their reputation for hos
'Conference adjourned St five o'clock,
p. a 1.,. to meet at the First Methodist
Church, Allegheny city, Pa., on the first
Wednesday in Septemoer, A. D., 1870.
Benediction by the President, W. Col
President of Conference, W. Collier.
'• First Church Pittsburgh, Alex. Clark.
Second Churcb, Pittsburgh, William
Third Church, Pittsburgh, J. D. Herr.
First Church, Allegheny, H. B. Knight.
Second Church, Allegheny, - D, 1, K.
First Church, Cincinuatti, D. Jones.
First Church, 'Birmingbam, G. G.
Sharpsburg Station, F. H. Calhoun.
New Brighton Station, S. P. Crowther.
Johnstowri 'Station. W. Reeves. •
Connellsville Station, H. Lucas.
Manchester Circuit, Jno. Cowl.
Ohio Circuit, J. B. Lucas.
• Amity and Waynesburg Circuit, F. A.
. Monongalia Circuit, J. H. Hull. _
Brownsville Circuit, Jno. Hodgkinson.
Trinsibull Circuit, C. P. Goodrich.
Cherry Tree Circult,.D. H. Davis.
Susquehanna Circuit, W. T. Wilson.
Clearfield Circuit, James Clary.
Bethel Circuit, C. K. Stillwaion. -
Webster Circuit, J. B. McCormick.
Harrison and Tyler Circuit, E. Mathers.
Palatine Circuit, L. R. Helmich and
P. T r Conway.
Fayette Circuit, P. T. Laishly.
Elikabeth and Bellevernoti Circuit, W.
H. Phillips.
Connelistille Circuit, C. P. Jordon.
Independence Circuit, I. Holland.
Fairmont Station, supplied by the
Fourth and Fifth Churches Missions,
K. H. Sutton.
Bellevue Mission, to be supplied; S.
Robison, assistant.
Youngstown Mission. W. H. Griffith.
Stahistown Mission, D. Colclongh..
Cassviile Mission,l. M. Mason.. •
Wellsburg Mission, S. A. Brindlay.
Pittston Mission, John Gregory.
Clariod and Brookville Missions, J. D.
Uniontown Mission, unaupplieci.
Buchanan Mission, H. Liviter. -,
Lewis Mission. M. Lee. .''';'-
Washington Mission, Asa R. Wood. '
Morgantown Mission, J. L. Simpson.
Bakerstown and Harmeraville Mis
sions, H. Dormer.
In the hands o fthe President: S.
Young, Joel Wood, Geo. Chappell, Jas,
Grant, Alex. Patton. A. E. Luty. W.
Wallace, E. R. McGregor, G. B. McEl
roy, Professor at Adnan College; J. Rob
ison, Agent for Adrian. College; J. Scott,
Editor . of Afetliodie Reeorderr Thomas
K. Stockton, deceased; James. B. Pra
ham, •deceased. -
Superannuated: Geo. Brown,. J. W
Rutledge. •
The, Humboldt Centennial.
, ..
The Humboldt Executive Committee
- me e t last night, and everything seems to
be going on well. The Finance Com
mittee reports about 12.500 subscribed
and several Hats not yet handed in.
Owning to the time required for ,•the
ceremonies at the laying of the corner
stone, it is yet undecided whether - the
orations shall take:place at the Alle
gheny Park or at the Grove. Many so
cieties have agreed to take , part in the
lows, Tur n ers, p
Red includin
en, Maso ns Sin g,
ing OddSocie
ties, Allegheny County Medical.'.So
ciety and others. Fitty musicians , will
perfonti at the Volksfest. Xt,was decided
that too much, was attempted for
one day and the banquet was
postponed. ' to., anOther day. The
fonndatioti...will e.....ready .In time
and an a pp r opriatelydecorated arch will
be raised over the" foundation stone.
' Ample arrangements have been made
for the eatables and drinkables at the
Volksfest and a sufficient number of cars
will be provided for all who wish to go
out. A telegram has been received from
Prof. Blesser stating that the bust will
CO4 . 12,000. A vote of thanks was ten'
dared the German and English preas of
the city, and the meeting then adjourned
to meet again on Saturday evening at 8
o'clock,. When a full attendance is patio.
Wail' requested and the members of the
Ainethie .Cominltteci am &aired AO 'lie.
Resent. . , ,
,stawounut 9 _
/7- and to
The Olympic base ball club of Alle
gheny City left yesterday on the 1:40
tram for Cincinnati, to playa game with
the celebrated Red Stocking club of that
city. The match comes off to-day.
They also play tomorrow with the Buck
eyes, another Cincinnati club. We hope
they may come off victors in both
— matches, but this can hardly be expected,
as the "Reds" have vanquished all the
crack clubs throughout the States, and
are now about starting on a trip to Cali
fornia to engage in friendly contests
with the clubs on the Pacific.
Grape Vine" is the beading of a notice in
your paper of September 8, taken from a
California paper. It certainly is a big
thing, but Greene county, Pa., can beat it
in size of wood. On the banks of Dunk
and creek (where oil ought to be,) there
are two large vines standing within ten
feet of each other, the one meamuring
thirtysix inches and the other forty
eight inches iu circumference. The
thickest one rises about fifty or sixty
feet before it takes hold of the nearest
tree; it then spreads over several trees,
but was so high up I could not see wheth
er it bad any fruit upon it or not. So you
see, Messars. Editors, California may - be
ahead on big trees, but Greene county,
Pa., is entitled to the belt for having the
largest place "where the belt ought to
go. ' yet heard from. D.
Pittsburgh, Sept. 8, 1869.
Tne vast amount of PLANTATios BIT
TERS now being sold and shipped from
New York is almost incredible. Go when
and where you will—along the wharves
and piers, and' at the depots—you will
see great piles of these Bitters awaiting
shipment and conveyance to every nook
and corner of the country, and to 'the
hundreds of foreign ports. They are
very popular among all classes of people,
and are conceded to be just the thing for
this climate. No Bitters have yet been
introduced which have beome so de
servedly popular and worthy of patron
age, to all who require a tonic and stim
ulant. They are 'prepared with pare St.
Croii Rum, Calisaya Bark, and all the
world knows fall well what beneficial
results accrue from these combinations.
MAGNOLLI. WATEB.-81:1p4riOr to the
hest imported German Cologne, and sold
at halt the price. TH.S.T.F.
Black Alpacat, Ladies' Merino under
wear, Hoop Skirts at coat, at Bales dr.
'lke Ladies of the two cities are in
formed that Miss Bartholomew, an acs.
complished artist, has opened rooms at
65 Federal street, Allegheny, on the
second floor, where plain and ornamental
hair work is made of repaired; also la-
dies' hair dreming done in approved
style at the ship or at their residences.
• C At.vertisement.l
Executive Committee' Meeting,
There will be a regular meeting of the
Executive Committeerof tho Temper
ance and Reform movement to-day at
three o'clock, at N0..129 Bn:infield street
op stairs.
Fresh. Oysters.—Our readers who are
fond ofa dish of oysters, done
,up for The
most fastidious should remember
Youngson, corner Of Diamond alley and
Smithtieldstreet. In fact Youngson has
everything, yott want in the eating line.
Ladies pspaciallyi are invited.
The akin of genie ladles is delicate and
tender. Milk ot Violeta may be used by
such with perfect safety, its cooling bal
samic qualities ~ removing entirely red
ness, auuburn, pimples, etc. Sold by all
drugglate and .fancy goods dealers. V.
W. BrinckerhOff, N. Y. 11. S. agent.
Reel Estate.—See advertisement of
Welting dr Rainbow, Real Estate and
Insqr: nee Aqents, - 195, 197 and 199 Cen
tre av :nue. • tf.
A a- es - ehance—Tne Hat storefor sale
bY.E. " Wilson. Bee advertisement.
' - Constitution Water is a certain cure for
Diabet - and all diseases bf. the Bid
dieysi ' , rioale by all Drog#sts.
••• • - Traser,.. -
°Pima Hotrm—A very large and ap
preciative audientte assembled at the
Opeia Rouse last night, to see the 'Wor
rell Slaters in "The Field of the Cloth of
Gold," which was presented remarkably
well. The clog dancing of. Irene and
Jennie is eiceedingly good and Sophie's
walk-around Is unapproachable. The
piece will be repeated to-night.
Hams. continues the usual attractions at
the Pittsburgh Theatre and is receiving
a full share of public patronage, of which
he is deserving: . The Company is com
posed of first-class artists both male and
fernale, and everything announced in the
bills is produced in the highest tyle of
the profession.
MAsomo HALL—The world-re owned
Davenport Brothers will give a eeri e of
their startling and mysterious en
tertainment at Masonic Hall, comtitenc
ing Thursday evening, the 14th inst.,
and closing the following Saturday
The Davenport Brothers.
These renowned gentlemen have
achieved 'so much of fame that at one
time the whole world was talking of
them. The their seances
are of so startling, -wonderful and appar r
ently super-natural a character that at
one, time many intelligent persons be
lieved that there was some power more
than human in concert with them. The
Wonderful brothers did not deny that
their prodigies were of spiritual origin,
for they found that it paid much'better
to have such an Impression afloat, but
now that the public has been dispos
sessed of the idea, they no longer assume
to have more than an uncommonly mys
terious repertoire of tricks, of a perfectly
human and earthly character. The Day
enport Brothers will be in this city net
week, and will doubtless be well patron?,
Bargettatown Fair.
The Union .Agrioultural Association
will hold their fourtesnth Annual Exhi
bition on their Fair Grounds at Burgetta.
town on Thursday and Friday, October
7th and Bth. The board of officers for
the present year have spared no pains In
revising the premium list so as to please
exhibitors in each and every class, and
have added several hundred dollars in
the aggregate over and above any of the
previous years' premiums. In addition to
the usual attractions, there will be a ve
locipede race on the ast day of the Fair.
For the swiftest and most graceful rider
a premium of fifteen dollars will be
awarded, and for the second beat a pre
mium of ten dollars. It is expected that
a large number of "go it gracefuls" will
be in attendance. -
Sue Ball
'• Ho, for the gauntry: Sale To-Day:—
The Agnew prbperty of eleven acres and
dwelling, on the Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne
-and Chicago Railway, goes tt►day, posi
tively, at three o'clock P. m. Tram from
'Federal street at two o'clock. Thirty
minutes ride from town. Agnew Station
right on'the place. Abundance of water.
Every requisite for a comfortable and
pleasant home. A great bargain may be
expected. If you have the slightest no
tion of goingto the country do not fail
to attend. A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer.
Bates & Belt will open a new stock
of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods.
The Favorite; Resort.—Ladies don't
forget to call at W. W. Moorhead's, No.
81 Market street, for the newest styles of
dress goods and fancy articles. Mr.
Moorhead has one of the finest and most
perfect assortments ever brought to
Pittsburgh, which he is disposing of at
the *Bible prices. For the beet
goods and most reasonable prices, re
member the store is Moorhead's, No. 81
Market street. It is the favorite resort
for all who consult taste or fashion in
Shawle—New Stock at Bates ett Bell's.
—The old banking housa of L. A. Be
noish &Co., of St. Louis., has suspended.
—Late Arizona advises .report the dis
coveryofrich placer mines by emigrants
from White Pine.
—ldaho advices represent mining pros
pacts encouraging Grasshoppers are
devastating the country.
—Vine President Colfaz reached Port
land, Orogen, on Tuesday. He had a
publicreception Wednesday evening.
—A Washington diepatch states that
thelfarshal at Macon, Ga., seized a ves-
sel there with fifty tillibusters, bound to
—The city council of Alexandria, Va.,
passed a resolution of respect to the
memory of Gen. newlins, and also re
solved to attend his funeral.
—Last Saturday, at Macon City, Mo.,
a farmer, was robbed of 513,000, by one
Sam. Compton, ' who was arrested and
most bt the money recovered.
—The election at i a lmigton. Dl.,
city officers. on Tue W sdy, resulted ien
choice of Valentine, Rep., for Mayor.
The Republicans also, elected a majority.
of the city councils.
—The Allentown (Pa.) iron works
were burned on Tuesday. Loss $300,000.
One thousind men are thrown out of em
ployment. The works paid out $15,000
in wages every month.
—Joseph Snyder, who a few days since
shot and killed Richard D. Carter. In
Philadelphia, committed suicide in goy
amensing prison Tuesday night, by hold
ing his head in a bucket of *rater until
he was dead.
—A call has been made by the Mem
•phis Chamber of Commerce and the
Presideats of the various railroads there
for a meeting October 12th, to consider
the line of the Proposed railroad thence
to Kansas City via Springfield.' •
—The Governors issouri; Kansas
and haveg i v e nv notice to the
Committee of Arrangements for the
Southern Commercial Convention, to be
held at Louisville, that they will .soon
appoint delegates. Governor Smith', of
Alabama, states that he will be present.
The Governors of New York and Mary
land, and the Mayor of New Orleans,
have already appointed delegates.
—A Georgia letter states that the dam
age in that State to the cotton crop,
ceased by the excessive heat and drought
of the latter half of August, is extended
and irreparable. The yield of the State
has been diminished fully one.half, and
in many places more than that. The ef
fect upon the fortunes of the planters is
disastrous, though it is at least probable
that the higher price consequent upon
an abridged supply will in a great degree
compensate for the apparent loss.
veWRORTER—On Monday, September 6th.
1869. It' lif-ntrinin.,v. county, Y.,
The facersl will take place from his late real
deuce. El!buck Street. Allegheny City. THIS
woastwO., at 10 o'clock. The friends of the
family are respectfhliy invited to attend. •
McGOWIN—On Wednesday mornl art, Septem
ber 7th, at ISS o'clock.-JA.NE McG . wlN.relict •
of the late %%m. McDowla, in the 89 th year of
her age.
Funeral will tyke plan' from the residence of
her son•ln-law. Bowen Slcelnre, bonnet:no Way,
near s.mien, formerly Hand street, on FoIDAY
1408.1i/NG, September 10th, at 10 o'clock. The,
friends ol the family are rens:Wally Welted to
rsburgn, Fa. COFFINS of all Muds. CRAPHR,
GLOVES, and e , err description of Funeral Fur.
niahing 6 400ds furnished. Rooms onro 4.v to^
night riarriages ftraisneu for city funerals at
$9 00 each.
startaasomi—Rev. David Herr. D. D., Rev..ll.
W. Jacobus, D. D., Th OMO3 Erring, Hai., Isaob
otemes of dANDIISKYSTRE'ET AND Clitin: ,r
AVENUE Allegheny City. where their C 0 1 ,71
ROOISIS sr e constantly supplied wit, real and 4
Imitation Ro. ewood, Mahogany and Walnut
Coffins, at prices ‘arying from
_e-a- to 0100. 80.
dies prepared for in irment. Hearses and ear. -
sieges furnished: also I 11 Linde of Mounting
Goods, Jr required.' Othce open at all hours. day
and nicht.
Carriages for Funerals, 82.00 Each. ‘,
COFFINS and all Funeral inrttlstament at re.
duced rates.
• au7
:UMW 413-4 00 LIDS r
Haring Just returned from the East with
splendid sto ck of
IPatches r Jewelry. iilverware
I am now Prepared to offer them at greatly re , .
dined prices. Call and examine before rm..
chasing elsewhere.
'Jeweller. N. 56 • tint' Avenue, -r
ate; • Opposite Masonic Hall. ?
Corner of Penn and 6xtb S.tzeo% 1
; .
NOW ' C:M "L E TE.