8., SplattGli - STEEL WORKS zBTAI3LIBBILD IN 1846. ANDERSON Sr, WOODS, xxstrEkarclugsp BEST.' aririNED - -Of ever? detscripttOk.` Also, belt Bennet Berman Plow and fining Steel, CORNED , BOBS AND ITESST ANlClftris.ritts. bash:, anits:n4l MILLER, & ?BUN. GIiEB.AL PASTIMILB WM. MICTCALIP. REUBEN ?CLIME. GEO. W. BARB, MIAs. p.A.WON. Srsclia, PAILMSR—S. M. BIER, CRITSCV.NT STEEL *ORkS, MILLEII, BARR & OFFICH I No. 119 Liberty Strett, prrogiuses. MED DUQUESNE WORKS. CIOLEIDLIVikThI & 00' 31anutsobarars of IRON, - NAILSIi . STEEL , v AALES AND SPRINGS, DIMITESNE, L X MID JIINLLTA , FIAT BAR. BOUND AND SQUARE IRON. BO IL HAND, Boor, N WIESDAND ¶I ANN IRON, ER PL ASA ANEADS, HUARD IRON ___DRke and DROXPER BALLNDAN JA YLANOrtv, OUEN. BAILS.. OY IRON, .. .. , . W AND FLAT RAIL for Coal Roads. %lOW RARS,WEDOLS a Heattow TEETH, - RING, PLOW .k.ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, EITEL WINOS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL IDLES, STEEL BRASTINAI, A. B. COACH. • BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and XLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. . ill Goods First Class . and Warranted. OFFICES AND WOMB. lizteenth Street and Allegheny Itirer, and 77 Water Street. Pittsburgh. rata SHEFFIELD STJEEL WORKS. num, NIMICa& 00., PITISBT7EGEt. PA.. umfietarers of every deseriptfon of VAST GERILDI STEEL, . • 13ATiW araines, na.r.4l„ , i 2 1. %) vi r iyilaigri 4 Warehouse,.B3 Water and 100 First Sta. BEACH DWIOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Ilannfoaturers of all deeplptlolui of Eiar3WOMILA. • MIMS and arehouse., TECIERTIWTH, THIRTY /On add 71.MIALOAP EiTSZETS, BRASS FOIINDERS• il]ET4il{,Vl Sji R, BLCCISSOB TO JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTINGS DULDIL rEOMPTLY TO WIDE& Maliable and Grey Iron Fittiligs, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLILSAIWIT AND_ CHECK 1 11 LYE ALT. awns rierrEari. _ JEKOINI CUOICS, I Brass Work of every desalptlon for E:t3team., Water and OIL, Ithitil/..4lrtiltlitEl or J. ht. 00017,11 , 6 Improied Salaam-Wheel Steam ?map. Agent* for. Drindttav Patera Oil eke. the best Or the Afar/wt. Mice ind Works, corner Thirteenth and Me IRON WORKS. , .....,... •_. . • li ilil SILitSBN - PROCBSS The Trustees are now oretoWellict kraut &en- Su Sor the use of the SLIABOU&IISKII Ilto - . . , . . .. . The superior quality Imparted to Noon Iron, S be great Improvement tn inferior iron. and the reduced coshcommcnd it to ill manufacturers of Iron. Firtitswitbtog to use it can obtain licenses b 7 inSPlYtnit to ' • .. .., JAS. .P. P. SPEER • - Attorney for the Trustees, BOONS 1 and A, English's Bnlldini, 9453 rani* avenue. Parties interested are invited to TIM , the aliOlh.NßEß,Altit WORN& where the recess a hi =win successful operation. ' • ' reihdi ErraosoN, raEgrois & co., Pennsylvania Iron Works; Warehaase, Not. 165 and 167 FIRST =MT, oopos Ito Monongaaels Hone., 51:424:d5-444' .711714175131M0/1. GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. 100 WOOD STREET: NEW GOODS. FINE VASES, BOHEMIAN AND MINA. NNW' STYLESA,_ DINNIA/4,.. 4 SEA t ri T s, • 921-MB, emoicesui slugs stook OA SUNFAB PLATED GOO— D -S1 ~. \. \ Call and emsmine onr_eßd i t i Zaw liseloMtr o ar e m B a \E. BREED & 00. 11061111 BOLE 8s COi l Point Alleluia pailunineStn (Niue. TEA Pours.) Engine Builders, Founders and Arnchifnists , - • Kan dspl/394301T_ANG1711.5 and STA TION/LIM a HINE of MI OM • gpedal attention in teito'our new STATION OIL WELL itIiejpiLAIR,ZOILTA BIA BOlLll%_of IS-lioraemowar. OANI7NOBf every Iclnd, mule to order atour foundry, on•rulßD'BTßEalaullow,liasket. RIGS for Oil Wells, _PIILLEYSt HANGERB.,I3OIIBE and TOIMLOGO _SOBEWB sna MOON TOBACCO MOMS, era nand sad made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS,. Fronting on the Alleghell7 Wier. near the Point, FIFTEEN/WU, PA. dir Ail orders protaistltr flied. Tug re. FORT PITT . 1 BOILES, STILL AND TABil CARROLL & SNYDER, TIMITLAB, DOIIBLIC-PLUBD TIMULAN, 11111e110X AND CYLINDER STEAK BOIL. NES. SIIIA 24 3TILLB AND OIL TANlik BY% BBILECIONO AND 111 , 11,AN8 , BBTTLING PANS. SAL T FANS AND CON. DINSEBB . BTXAM OAWAINTIMB AND MON RIDGES' raaaorr who AND COAL warm eines and Warehouse. eerier Seeo ts sid, . Thirds Short semi Liberty . Stree. —Orders sent to the above addrees will be .xontly attended to. mh7:188 nounmi. co" BOILER INIARERS BAND SHEET IRONWORILERS, NM SO, SS FEB* BT. Baring sersared large yard and turedied with the meet approved machinery, we are pre Pared to manufacture every description of Beth 888 In the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made the country. Oneya, Breeching, Mire Bees. Steam P ipes, Locomoure Boilers, COlidelllarlk Bat P/1111. Tants, Oil Miss agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridge.", Sugar Pans, and sole manufacturers of BarabLirs rat ent Boilers. Se7airirß dose on anortest nice. JANES EL Rift% • . Nod. 55 and 56 water Street, Trimming', Wt., stAltonis Or IRON OIL T.A.NE..SS 13r ; ILEK 4 1 PANG. COPPER STEAM ran, BOLLING MILL STAMM. And SEOCBT laws WORE, Per Steamboats. JAB= N. D. sauna JARED IC BRUSH. ei SON, iLANUPACTEDUIDS 01 Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tata& MEET IRON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, its. IIrEWCONSON' - y _ Machine Stone Worka, :I . [lttiwealt fitige4ll2lo 2ol 4 ittivhcrima • to: goy hand or prepare_oartatwiV mime it ualih d atom* at Bzirwel7 dta r i: W I" --jlnd.c.llll6—aa;-,18411C, gesima" Of ail delallaani. WOOhD 1' WORKS. -auxurecTuasits PrrISBURGiii, Pa. STOV-03, ASTINGS, &o. A.. 88A311016.1EY it CO., 110.80 WOOD STREET, lianafacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, • TO BZ 10131111. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PA'l`TbliNs AND 15i PROVithiENTd. and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in Want of.a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found the most durable as well as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE. for churches, halls and stores. Over 500 sold in three months. Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price List. jell° allikrtlllAUS &CO, 111211:17ACTURZBIS OF warn' or . rIXECT r sc-,, sevircrimus, . BOSTON GOOSING 84G 14 k MERY tirIINACE," , Bon WAtinore. BunDures. TIIII - NZW Atlgn:4l33 COMO* VI . O M BB. "BSOULA.TOB.,, uOl. BIA. CooK *ITA VAN's My:lmM , stlgttl, MUTABLE WOMB OAST 140)1 XA81n..14, ,8 HaPLECTOBEAVIgskfree from sal Mut: eIiLLTILY3O. isisußßß. Aer -- • 206 and 208 ipetty Street; 9•25:ye ' yrrreetreett. PA. 01008 STOVES. CET. THE BEST Aissirari. co.is k TRIUMPH; rail 81T1142110178 COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as till many other Store In the Union. BISSELL & 00., 1(0._285-lAbertv St.reet. also on baud and for ago, ra ? " 1& 1 6 41 t , .111.1:1001EIN6 @EB, to. Ea LUMBER. T, infruoguss 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 1104 00 feet 12 inch Clear Plank, 25.000 feet 12 Inch Common Plank 28,000 feet Dry 1 and sadck Oak: 28 000 ft- St, 1.131,11 Ludt Poplar: - 10. ieet Dry Poplar Scantling: 10,55171, feetDrylrellow Pine Boards; 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 1188.000 feet en No. 1 18 inch Mena! Shin. gl. 200.0001 4 0. 116-inch Shingles. sawed; so,oeuel 15-baoh Mangles. shaved; • • 1 Bricki 00 .o q ooTile. • 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also; saw Mill Lumber, Locust and Cedar Posta, end an articles in the line on hand and for salo by A.L2ILANDEIt PATTERSON_ 'garde— n. Boecoo swot and corner of =fable and Juniata stteets. Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor ough of Hunetiester• ap :6 STONE. t XIMPITIPIII . i f : G /PLEXT7I tiIIIIRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,- 1889. 1 1 011 rig: cnr. :ww :Chi FORT PITT FOUNDRY OFFICE AND IVORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. larigngines Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines • Se torts, and Castings genera lly. . NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallaiaa IlttNw ,PIPMEinrC III,43II3, WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of OAST IRON BOWL PIPE YOB 015 AND WATZB WORMS. Xy PURA are all east invariably Pits, la dry Pad, and 1! feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. • I would also all the ?Mutton of Bnparintea4 eats of Baa Works to La make of hrrohTis. 4 DUQTJESNE FORGE. WILLIAM 1111=1 (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & 430.0 Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily ell &Borders for STEAMBOAT SEIAPTd, CRANKS. PISTON ROD., LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, BAJJ,BOA.D AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, tog ether with every description of SHAPE woßir. Office and 'Forge, Corner of Duquesne 'Yap and First Street. spi4:h4o _ MIMIMMIN ROBINSON, BEA fr. CO., woe.. to IMMERSOM, Mins $ XILLIES. WASEDNGTCIN WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS,PVITSBORGH , Manufacturers of Boat and MUMMY Mau Ea rl:keg, Blast Engines Mill Machinery, filming, ftsiting, Cuing* of all descriptions: Oil Tant a slid Stills, Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Me, No. corner lint and Smithfield Streets. Agents for OITFARIPB PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. 1a11:01 TRORA.B CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and ffiirhlneWork', ISANDINSHT ST.. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA“ Manufacturers of Buttoner/ and Portable Steam Eatiauca, tru treas.% etuleys, Blurting, Grist and tials Mill Work, Boiling MCI and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wavn Boxes, *c. Buil to order and hale On band gamines of all sizes. tuirl4:o DIAMOND OIL WORKS, Dace, DLLZELL BUILDING, WAIMG AND Commissiaa literalists and Biota. 11 Petroleum and its Products rETLADZIXEM. ADDIUMEI, Boom 17, Chambe rof Onnmeres, 133 801ITII szeoni. EITIMIGT TACK pKoTlizas, COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, \ AND DEAL= IN Petroleum and its 'Products, flttsoartk 011ietr—DALEIILLIB NOILDINO. earner 01 unquesne Wskana Inds streets. Phitsdeipkts Oilee—MlT WALNUT BT. spire2o ECLIPSE PETROLEUM\REFINERY. SERUM W. C. TWEDDLI4 xerivrAcrruozo or Ltnicating . Br, High Test Burning Oils. leUps* llallsead Axle Oil. Stands great heat without change; remains limpid al lowest•temperatlues. Special Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. • L•eomotlve. Zemin% *whine ahoy; Will ant Screws. saw 11111 and Plantes 11#1 011 e, Adapted far high aed. . • , Wane 011, Weelread•Lfght OM 011. Tasuaere Stall. Beesples leg AIl ledshlng.oll, Ussoiline, Harness 011. Parraalne. serve Bright Iron ARMOR VADNI)3II.. to pre Work and Machinery from Bust. • These products are manufactured tinder Dr. Twaddle , s_patent by Superheated steam in Vac cue. '/ he. Lubricating 01 T are almost, odorless, Perfectly p ore, uullortn, and mostly light col °red, stan d shies temperature unchan tvfficl remsaultmpid diming extreme cold. The Olts are unequalled, and min Constant use on many of the principal Ballrowils. Samples on S examined • and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. MIMI (H 12171( WARD.) OILS. H. M. LONG & CO., Duquesne Way. Pittsburgh. P%. DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, NOVELTY WORKS. prnsuiraGit NOVELTY WORKFo• . Founded A. D. 1818. kialls, primp, & 00. IAIMPACTI7MII or CRIOPPONS STANDARD,LIPATELBAK AT. MKT) PLATFORM AIM COUNT= SCALES. {.Lau/ !Wai n. o D i r jir ki, ar d "MMI; iflrele7BultiliATT Pitte~nrßAlß AND PEEROMEIR x. VIANAIi i s orni k ORNAMENT- At RAID WOV* AND VNIDI,c!t. TWA One,siess Hatithleld. ruturr amt. • eAeral assortm r eat tica vz 301n4iic 00 GV BAJ Z ITILL -111 • -- V - .611e °4 M waduilMiLiamizinror 601.4.44 AMERICAN BANK. No. 80` tOURTH AVENUZI, PITTSBITEGEL : CAPITAL • • • • • 6200.000 S iekheiders Individually Liable. DANN. OP DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. - JOHN FLOYD -WM. FLOYD, Fruldent. Cashier. • Drascrasii. - 11305.415r1141111, John M. Mnrtland, Wraj esnon, . Archibald Wallace, James . Arroit, Jas. B. Belli, Chas. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. J•tin Thi l ateral Banking organised arid prego - 'red to do bnOness. pin FIFTH AVENUE' BANE. Of Pittsburgh.. No. 195. FIFTH 4.V.11,NUE. . ~ CAPITAL 'Wm twee . , STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA ELF. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST - allowed en time deposits. Collections made on-itll accessible points in the United States and Canada& on most ravetable terms. Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. . Discount days Tuesday and maw - Orwn from 9 A. Ii• tcl a P. it., satin Saturday evenings from I to 9 o , c:ock. - DIET.CTORS: ED. DITHRIDBE., . W. P. PTSYMAN, W. H. SIMS. ' • FRANKI.IEBERT, W. C. KINZE ROBERR. D. M. ARMOR, MEYER, DAN. , - EMIL POERSTEL. • ED. DITHRIDGE, President. E. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. atafonsl SI CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 11100,0004 , BTOCABOLDERS INDIVIDf ILLY LIABLE. ritranaa PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canada. DOmtNica lrixszu. President. JAMES MCCABE.. Vice President. W. N. Idonoksr. Cashier. DIPACTOng. D. IhMsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dunlery, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, ll.A.Freyvogle, Jno.Jos.Bertnlntl. TlOl2/15 Barnes, k 5 Hugh Keating. jei: THE SAYE DEPOSIT COIIPANY Of.:Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, January 24, 1667. For the safe•keeping of Bonus and other Securities, Bola and Silver, Silver Plate, Books. Records, Diamonds and Valuables of all descriptions. under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes in its burglar-proof vaults. Building and Office: AV. S 3 FOURTH drEXUE, PITTISBVEGII. rA. Puzslinwr—NVlLLlAM VICE PatsiDENT—HENRY LLOTYi). • DIRECTORS: ,' • ' WM. PHILLIPta. JAREB I. MINMETt, lIN NRI 1.1.071), IBYR.ON H. PAINTE.U, WILLIAM REA, ,J 0.1.. S. MORIsIS.Iti. WILLL&M M. LYoIkT,IGE.O4.I:3M 'IL/LOC, CURTLS U. RUSSEL SEC . RETARY AND TRZASIIR R F. Vuti as:r.fr HART, CLIIGIIEI ik CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood &roots, Prx-rentmon, PA., aromas= TO 11/114NA. SAST a 00..1 tosenien ref Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular ett an e rg r e Dr to the verenese COVERNOirIT BONDS. Dresfia on I.ondon. • inyloon PACIFIC DAILVAY GOLD LOAN Messrs. DißriFiT, - MORGAN is Exchange Plate, and I. L JESU? la CO., 12 Pile Street, A. Y., offer for sale the Bondi of the hum ha(' Railway. These, Bonds pay seven per tent.' in Bold; have thirty yearn to ran; are Free from .overament Taxation; aro stared by a Ind Grant of 'Three Million Acres of the Finest Lands yin llamas and Colorado. In addition to this special grant the Com any also owns thret Millions of Acres in Kansas, which are being rapidly sold to velop the country and improve the road Tin area first mortgage upon the extension of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to DeUM, Colorado. The road in operation $7 miles long, upon which it is also a wort . age, NOW SIGNE HOBE THIN ENOUGH NET INCONE TO PH " HE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOIN. There is no better security in the market—this tieing in 01110 mopeds better than Government Se conies. PEINCIPIL AND INTEREST PkYlBllll I 401,D. • Price 96, and aura• ed Intereat, iaCaereney. Plunpidets, rapt Raiaunt farahlte4 an appittailoi, I;MEIM g, , L II I FINANCIAL. 41311rCPW. SILVER. AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Price*. PH. R. NERTZ, Banker Car. Wood and Fifth Streets. nye N. HOLMES' & SONS, 57 Market Street, PrITTNI3IIReI I a Oolleetions glade on all the principal petite of the United States and Canadu. - Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON 00113132810 N. Particular attention paid to the pnrchaso and sale of United States SeCtii'itieg 1130:u LMis T. BEADY 86 CO. (Bnocenon 08. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sts, 3E3 371. 1:4 IS BUY AND BILL ALL KINDS 07 GOVERNMENT SECIJRIITES, GOLD, SILVER LSD COUPONS, ON MOST PAVOIMBLE TXBIdEI. Interest ALtoired on Deposits. • Br Money loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS. BONDS and DOLL. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. ejt gittslogijexaidtt. FINANCE AND TRADE, Omen or Prrrentotaa Gasarra, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 8, 1869. Government bonds are steadily de dining under the influence of a tight money market, and the lower quotations from Europe. The European money markets are still very unsettled and depressed, and naturally a little desire is manifested to invest in our securities, on the presumption that they will soon advance. The sudden , rise in gold from 131% to 137%, at a moment when a fur ther decline was looked for, made ,the most sanguine foreign holders pause a moment before making further pur chases: There is a general desire to sell bonds, not atraolutely held as a perman entinyestment, in anticipation of lower prices, but they are a little slow in ac cepting the lower , quotations that now prevail. • Gold opened this morning at about one-half per cent below the closing quo tations of last evening, sold rapidly dowit to 134%, advanced to 135%, and closed rather weak at 135. The cliques had great difficulty In sustaining the market for the last two days, and may be com pelled to sell out in order to save, thenaz selves from heavy loss. Should such a course be pursued, much lower prices for gold must be looked for before a rise can take place. Niithing but un favorable European news will advance , the xo remit= for the present, just in the' face of large cotton exports. Our grain exports must also be very large, no mat ter whether the present prices are too high or not. Oar supplies of grain are enormous and we must ship at any price. Stocks are dull and have declined, with few exceptions. New York shares and Cleveland are the Only - stocks that have advanced. Money scarce and com mands full rates. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Marts: Gold, 18596: Silver, 129; Eighty one's, Mg; Five Twenties, 1862, 122; do 1864, 121; do 11365, 121; do 1865, Ooneols, 11936; do 1867, 11934; do 1868, 119%; Ten Forties, 110; New York Central, 205%; Erie, —; Reading. 96%; Pittelnugh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 86%; Ohio it kffshalppi, 131%; Michigan ;southern, 10234 Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 109%; C & Bock island, 111%; Chicago irk Western, 79g; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 88%; Adams 'Express Com pany, 55%; Merchants W estern Exyres, 1134; Pacific Mail, --; Union Telegraph Company, 86%; American Ex press Company 86%. Excirstfor., Larg& London; per ...... ..... —8 6 , 70 46,80 Paris. per franc ..... . ... . ..... 27% 28% Berlin, thaler ........ ... . ...... 99 100 Frankfort, florins ........ . ... 5734 59 --Closing'quotations received by James T. Brady at Co. Gold: 1353 f; United States Sixes, lBBl, —; Five-Twenties; 1862,121 g; do. 1864, 120%; do. 1865, 120% Ten-Forties, 110%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865, 11934: do. do. 1867, 11934; do. de. 1868. 119%; Due Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 86; Central do, do, 99; Cy. Paoitic 10336; Lake Superiors, 96. tßy Telegraph to tte Pittsburgh Gazette ) ITEM _Tons, September % r ag , . Money iirmni and active at 7 per cent. Currency and gold ahipmentato the west ate increasing, but not heavily. Mer chants find difficulty in ' effecting loans at 9 and 12 per cent., and no large amounts can be had at these rates. The Govern ment bought 82,000,000 of 6 per cent. bonds to-day at ,118 80-100. r c 7%©13%, peent. Gold epenedffull at 185%ideclined to 134%, advanced to: , 185%, and closed at • 185. One, loan was made of 83,000, 0 0 0 gold today at 7 per cent. The banks have ePared theirleturafar tho:Oompteol: ier of Currency. _ . Governments Wattlf- in* lower: - Latent 41s4tationa-49115001 do. '62, • 21%; do. '63, 20%: do. 'B5, 21; do. new, 19%; do. '67, 18 1 ; do. '6B, 19%; 1040's, 11; curreney 6's, 0%. State Bonds dull; new Tenn., 52%; Virginias, 57; North 'Carolinas, 48; Mu, sour's. 873;; Hannibal and St. Jo issue, 90%; Express stooks quiet; Railways ruled dull but closed a little firmer. Five-Thirty Prkes: Cumberland, 32W Western Union Telegraph, 36%; Quick - - silver, 14; Mariposa:- 8; do. .preferredi 13; Pacific Mail, 19 1 8 ; Boston Water, 15 1 %; Adams Express, 65%; Wells,lB4r. American, 38%; United States, 61%; New York Central. 205%: Harlem, 156; Hud son, 164%; Reading, 64%; Erie, 34; do. :preferred, 56; Michigan Cen tral, 129; Michigan Southern, 102 1 ; Illinois Central. 137; Pittsburgh, 10 ; Northwestern, 80 1 %; do. preferred, 80%; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 78; Rock Island, 111%; St. Paul, 76%; do. preferred, 85%; Wabash, 79; do. pre ferred, 80; Fort Wayne, 86%; Terre Haute, 40; do. preferred, 57; Chicago and Alton, 150%; do. preferred, 150%; Mis sissippi, 31%. Coin disbursements, $96,188. Coppers at Boston : Calumet, 50; Quin cy, 25. Copper Fails ' 834 ; Franklin, 13; Hecla 80; Hancock, 1%; Minnesota, 1%. Sub Treasury receipts: gold, $896,151; payments, 5283.522; balance, $75,831,314. Currency receipts, 5193.129; payments. 52.280,053; balance, $10,260,251; general balance, $88,231,600. EZ2I PITTSBURGH LIVE STOCK MAR KET. • PENN'A CSICTRILL STOCIN YARDS, WEDNESDAY, Sept. 8, 1869. S CATTLE. The daily sales from noon on Wednes day last until noon today were as fol lows: - • • Wednesday, Sept. 1.. Thursday, " 2.. Friday, 44 3.. Saturday, 44 4.. Monday, 4, 6.. al 7.. Tuesday, Wednesday, 4, 8.. Total 1,461 The arrivals thus far this week have been nutlet:tally large; and to-day, with . the pens full to overflowing, and un favorable advices from the east, the mar ket was very dull and weak, and prices tended downward. There was about the usual number of buyers in attendance, but they were all, particularly the New Yorkers, asking for concessions, and concessions they determined to have, otherwise they would not buy, at least it was so intimated. The great propor tion of the offerings were of the common and medium grades, and this class of cat tle. as might be expected, were harder to sell, and did not bring, relatively, as good prices as the better grades. -It is probable that the former have declined from 40 to 50 cents per cwt., and the lat ter 20 to 2.5, but it Is •expected that the decline will be much greater before Sat urday, as the New Yorkers seem de termined to bear the matket as much as possible. In regatd to 'prices, the rea der is referred to the report of sales be- ow. WEDNESDAY, Septernber 1.-Orr & W. for Sly to Graff 18, weighing 17,590, at 6; S. Bo or to McGinnis 21, weig hin 4oo, at 4;50; McClain Jr. Irvin to J.Mar tin 17. weighing 16,610, at 0,60; Fetridge to Briggs 34, weighing 37,020, -at 6,60; Hazlewood &B. for Bandies to Black. well 17, weighing 13,190; Adams to Duffy 2 1 , weighinglB,4B o , at 6; Frego to Lamb 31, weighing 35,3e0, at 7; Smith it B. for Munsor to Lamb 32, weighing 38,- 780, at 7,75. Tsurtsosz, September 2.-Holmes, L. •t Co. for Beals to Kelley 20, weighing 18,700, at 6; same for Musser to Houtz berger 16, weighing 18,Z20, at 7,25-41& over; Hedges it Taylor for Maxwell to Martin dr, Lamb 29, weighing 33,080; Ferris to Blackwell 18 bulls, weighing 14,360, at 3,13; Farall to Lamb 17, weigh ing 17,400, at 6,75; Same to Martin 18, weighing 21,950, at 6,75; Bash for Wel- - halm to B.W. Gellitt & Co. 79, weighing 97,430, at 7,60; -Rockhill to Kelley 35, weighing 34,900, at 6; Needy to 'Clemens 67, weighing 81,400, at 7,90, off the cars. FRIDAY, September 3.- Orr &W. tor H Rodgers to B. W. Gillett 36, iveighl ing 36,630, at 5,80; olmes, L. & Co. to B. W. Gillett & Co. 100, weighing 109,950, at 7,43; same for Blair to Kelley 24, weighing 19,660, at 5,6235; same for Judy to same 40, weighing 40,420, at 5,623,. • TIIESDA.Y, September 7.-Hedges it T. for Aral to Kelly 18, weighing 12,380, at 2,62; same for Stafford to Martin & L. 42, _ weighing 57,970, at 7,75; Holmes & L. for Beals.to Kelley 20, weighing 18,320, at 535; same for Brown to Siemens 20, _Weighing 21,790, at 7,25; ,Smith & B. for Munroe to Briggs 20, weighing 25,140, at 7,62; same for Kline to Hillagass 32, weighing 37,720, et 7,12% , Sloan to Sle mane 17, weighing 17,570, at 5,00-910 off. WEDNESDAY,September 8.-Llck bridge to : Fren c h 44, weighing 38,490, at 5,75f - hedges AT.. for Stafford to Herlzle 10,-weighlnL 17,800; same for same to McMahan:. weighing' 39,30 rt at -- (06; same for Hazellet to Horatio 18,, weigh ing 18,570, at .025; same for • Scrocrgs & Wilsom to Tod d 55, ' weighing 54,920, at. 5,75; Relines L &Co.KorR.A. Thompson to Briggs 51, weighing 57,000, at 6,37; same for Beal to Briggs 36, weighing 39,430, at,O,BM same_ for Goldsmith to Siemens 20, weighing 21,200, at 6,50; same for Morris to Nonce 19, weighing 17,100, at 0235; Basle for ".;Brown to Sink & Alums 22, weighing 20,050, at 6,30; Smith &B. for . Holmes to Miller 19, weighing 18,419; W Marvin to Monroe 16, weighing 19,630. at 7,40; Griffith to Limb & Martin 33, weighing 37,760, at 7,00; Halzewood &B. for Hudson to Kelley 21, weighing 18,490, at 5,12. , SHEEP. The arrivals of sheep thus far this week bog, been rather light, but the; marketle ti6Vat all brisk, and IX devoid of excitement, and compared with last week, prices arg substantially unchang ed. Fair to medium may be quoted at gto 44; good to prime at 4 to 436; and extra at 5. . 31,aniu Lafferty reports having.soldP Illoads'of nice fat Harrison county (Ohio) sheep, averaging 94 Its, at 5, and therewas but one other sale reported at this figure. As in the case of cattle, the great proportion of grad wings were of the commoner es. - The hog market was firm with a demand in excess of the supply during Monday and Tueaday,T and prices ruled high er; but to day, under the influence of increased arrivals, the . market was dull and weak, and the advance above re ferred to was almost, if not entirely, lost. Philadelphia hogs may now WI quoted at 1034 to 10X, against sales on Monday and yesterday at 10,75®10,80. Yorkers at to 934. Dry Goods Market. ITEw YORK, September B.—The job bing trade is very lively and prices are steady and thin. Dwritorr September - B—Wheat: 79- calpts! 28,430 , bushels; market 2o lower; extra white 81,680)1,604'1TO.: If.do OM; regultall, ( Bl4B42g; amber $OO.- . unns;peptember a—Cattle gsLiet L Ind nu 41k1kW; MIPS .2 0/ 6 3ia actil steady4PßOLO. • 181 46S- ENE