The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 09, 1869, Image 4

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    I 0
;IrsEittistat4 Gaittts.
7. B. eracinaux. JOB 411 Kam.
Zdfiets and Prowl Th.
Of Pittsburgh, Alleghezt, and All.-
ghoul!' Count.y.
Wowatio. I I -
One yesr...lMootO2p year.ls2.sollslngle copy ..11.59
One month 75 81.2. mos.. I.sollscoines, 1.25
By.the week ISlThree mos 7510 1.15
. (from carrier.) I done totattnt.
THURSDAY, SEPT. '9; 1869.
FOB aoynarzon;
Taxestrasa-10S. P. DENNISTON.
Drascrtra or Pooa—ABDIEL McCLUBB.
Ws Plaza. on the inside pagee of
this morning's GAZETTE -Second Page:
Poetry, "Summer Dying," Ephemeris,
Paris ,Pashsona. Third and Sixth pages:
_Mance and Trade, 3farketc, Imports,
River News. Seventh page! Clippings,
.Amusement Directory.
Pwrnatalux at Antwerp, 55if.
U. S. Borina at Frankfort, 80i
Gout closed in New York yesterday
at 135.
CONSERVATISM is dead as a door-nail
in liissiesippi and Texas. ' The opposi
tion, in those States, flies once more the
old Democratic flag, with an occasional
show-of the stars and bars. The Conser
vative dodge is played out.
Tat officers of the Lehigh Valley Rail
way deny that the . company has contrib
uted a dollar in any way to the Lehigh
University, or that Judge Packer ever
negotiated a loan for them in Europe.
What railway company was it then, or
was there any, which was really saddled
with the university subscription hereto
fore attributed to Mr: Packer?
SINCE the Supreme Court has appa
rently been unable to. deal directly with
its Eastern prothonotary, in the matter of
the fraudulent naturalization business
which was carried on in the name of that
functionary last autumn, the next best
thing haS been done by an order dated
July 7, '69, which directilheinspension
of all Nisi Prius terms during September
and October. That Democratic mill
won't grind as" usual, on the eve of the
coming election. •
'crams ONT is allyight I The star in the never obscured But little over
a two-thirdii vote,was cast at the election
on Monday, the reduction, being greater
in the opposition vote than in that of the
Republicans. Gov: Washburne and the
Republican State'ticket will have from
20,000 majority upwards, while the Leg.
islature will be almost unanimoudly Re
publican. This body will meet in four
weeks to ratify the XVth Article. Now
for Maine, next week _
HAVE th e good - people pf these pros
perous cities, and of the rich counties , of
Western'Pennsylvania,no sympathy for
the six hundred widows and orphans at
Avondale, whose husbands and parents,
their bread-winners, have been torn from
them at one sweeping;blowy A three
months' strike had brought many of these
families already face to face with suffer
ing, in every form of destitution, but this
blow, in the very first hour of their bright
er hopes, strips them of , all hope forever.
There should be, among a Christian peo
ple, charity for these bereaved, orphaned
and wretched mourners-
IT IS 11101'08ED, in interested quarters,
to increase the tax on whh3ky at the next
session of Congress; That the proposi
tion is seriously made, is evident from the
increased activity of the distilling interest,
which is driving the business just now to
the utmost. The plan is to have a large
stock on hand, which is to be exempted
from the advanced taxation. With the
adoption of the higher taX, whisky on
hand would be advanced in price, to the
handsome profit of the owners. 'When it
is found out that the present tax is faith
fully collected, it.may be well to propose
an increase, provided that increase be
assessed also upon the stocks in store.
But this is not in the progratnitie. The
•proposed rate of advance is not in the
interests of the Treasury, but altogether
of speculators. We shall see how . matey
Congressmen, 'and.; whom, they can rope
'into this ringq ••-•,.. •
Remember the mass -meeting of this
evening, in \ the Allegheny Diamond, to
hear a speech from Judge BINGHAM, of
Ohio. This eloquent orator has ever been
a favorite with our Republican friends,
crowds of whom will be on hand to-night.
WILLIAM PITT FEssxrdrai, a Senator
from Maine but a statesman whom the
Republic will mourn, has closed his
earthly career. He expired Wednesday
morning, at his residence in Portland.
His health had long been. impaired, but
the attack to which be has finally suc
cumbed had not a long duration. Indeed
a recovery was hoped for until within a
few hours of his decease..
The deal Senator was a man of shin
ing mark. His abilities were extraordi
nary, his experience in public affairs was
one of the most elevated statesmanship,
and of the broadest usefulness, and his
influence with his countrymen, exerted
in public station, was as powerful as it
was meritorious.
Born October 16, 1806, he was the nat
ural son of General - Samuel Fessenden
and of a mother wno subsequently mar
ried a respectable citizen of New Hemp.
shire, and who was living very recently,
if not now. The, child was not dis
owned, but was taken home by.the fath
er's parents, reared by them, and by the
father, with the regular issue of his own
later marriage, 'ale bar-sinister upon his
birth-right alway !being steadily ignored.
Indeed, lie was always recognized as
the favorite son of General Fessenden,
and as the flower of the family in the
general public view.
Admitted to the bar in 1827, he entered
public life, as a member of the State Leg
islature in 1831. Preferring his profes
sion, he declined further ser vice until
1839, when he was again chosen to the
same body. In 18 . 40, he was, elected a
Representative in Congress, serving but
one term. In 1845, he served one year
in the Legislature, and again in
1853 and 1854, and in - the latter
year was transferred to the Federal
Senate, serving therein two terms and
retiring, in 1864, to take the Treasury
portfolio, after the resignation of Secre
tary Chase. In 1865, he was a third
time elected to the Senate, holding the
office until his death:
Mr. FESSENDEN was a Whig from the
start, when Maine seemed to be Demo
cratic to the core. He took an active
-part in State and National politics, being
a member of nearly every Whig National
Convention, up to the disbandment of the
party in 1852, and he proclaimed himself
still a Whig when, two years idler, he
led the movement fusing the Whig and
"free-soil" elements of Maine into a vic--
torfons majority in that State. His dis
tinguished position in, the Republican
party naturally followed.
His political influence was entirely
due to the public appreciation of his abil
ties, and of his personal integrity of char
acter. What this appreciation must have
been, may be judged of from the fact that
he connected himself, at an early period
of his professional life, with the agency
for an, immense landed estate, the largest
private ownership in Maine, with which he
was so constantly brought into collison
with popular prejudices that, with less abil
itysnd less of an honest repute, he would
have become the - most unpopular man in.
the State. Yet he braved these prejn-,
dices so successfully that he was respected
wherehe was knot loved, and was con-
Mandy honored and trusted by a com
munity which he never cared to concili
ate by a kindly disposition or genial man
Mr. FESSENDEN'S national reputation
was fairly won by his splendid profes
sional ability, and by his distinguished
public services. We need not remind
our readers of-his career either as a Sena
tor, or at the head of the Treasury D epart
ment. In the latter place, he exhibited
a genius for finance which Commanded
universal adthiration. As a Senator, he
came, years ago, to the lead in he Na• .
tional - conncils, and, although his leader
ship was not always followed, it was
always' respected even by his political op•
ponents. His successor may have more
personal friends, with more of the quality
for attracting them, but Maine cannot re -
place the Senator whom she has lost.
It is supposed that the fire at the Avon
dale Colliery originated from the ventil
ating furnace at the bottom of the shaft,
and, communicating with the woos-work
of this shaft, rushed rapidly to the upper
surface and seized upon the immense tin
der-box frame-work of the breaker and
engine -houses, covering the mouth of the
mine. The fire below ground could not
have been serious, fot• the rescuing parties
have found no obstructions to their ex that cause. This horrible
slaughter seems to have been wholly the
result of the outside conflagration,
large quantities of the buining mate
rial falling into and choking the main
gang-way, so tat escape was impossihle
for those within.
Six hundred widows and orphans mourt ,
the dreadful holocaust which, in an hour,'
swept husbands and fathers into eternity.
A. more terrible calamity never shocked
the people of Pennsylvania. We cannot
restore this small army of dead to the
living world, but we must take order that
no similar event, from the same cause,
shall be suffered hereafter to dishonor the
wishind paternal government of a Chris
tian Cointnowealth. It b quite pmati-
cable to ,proyide the ,effectivi-xeelationf_
Which hll maitre, under ell contingen
cies, the absolute safety of the main en
tries and shafts of all underground worli
ings. Indeed, it is singularly a reflec
tion upon the legislative forecast of
our people, that their enactments have
not already amply provided for
the regulation and protection, in
the interests of the public safety, of the
lives of the very numerous population
who work underground in this mining
State. Beyond a few limited provisions,
wholly directed to the regulation of
property interests, and a single section of
the criminal code for the punishment of
malicious injuries to mining works, Penn
sylvania has not a syllable of legal pro
vision expressly for the especial protection
of life to her large mining population.
A well-digested system of drainage, ven
tilation and security from fire, or other
interruptions to safe egress from below,
should be directed by law, and enforced
by a competent inspection under the State
authority. Without such a system, the
public has absolutely no safe guards what
ever against the repetition of this dreadful
experience of Avondale. The ignorance
or the cupidity of colliery proprietors,
and the irresistible necessities of labor
for bread, will continue to risk the
chances of fresh catastrophes. Adopt
such a system, and its terms could not
fail to reach and correct such a glaring
recklessness as this which covered the
mouth of a colliery, employing hundreds
of persons, with an immense tinder-trap,
on the side of a mountain, far out of the
reach of any effective means for putting
out a fire, and so , framed that the touch of
a match would be sure death to every
miner below. ` ,
Two hundred men and boys suffocated
like rats in hole! Six hundred widows
and orphans wailing and starving above
ground! Does not this fearful business
disclose, to the people of Pennsylvania,
some need for investigation and for future
110 vY THEY
When the Philadelphia Board of Al.
dermen was engaged on Monday, upon
the list of canvassers for the October
election, objection was made by Mr.
Packer's friend, McMullin, to the Fourth
ward appointmeits. Why and how he
objected, the annexed report shows:
Alderman McMullin said: They can
never go there. I will bet a hundred
dollars on it.
Alderman Jones.—We will have to
move the ward out, then.
Alderman McMullin.—When the day
of election comes we will crowd the place
with men.
The Chair.—Alderman. you should be
ashamed of yourself. I am surprised
that you make threats.
Alderman McMullin.—On election day
'don't let them - go in. They will be mur
dered if they do.
Alderman Cloud moved that the reso
lution as read be adopted.
Alderman McMullin prcposed • as an
amendment a long list of names.
Alderman Cloud moved to lay the
amendment on the table.
Alderman McMullin characterized the
motion as being unfair.
The Chair said the motion was not de
' batable. -- •
Alderman McMullin. Well, there will
be trouble tliere then.-
' The Chair—The gentleman should be
ashamed of making threats.
Alderman Jones asked that the room be
cleared. , -
Alderman Mc3lullin—Yon had better
attempt to put them out; you will see
what you will get. There will be three
or four thousand men let loose on the
day of election.
The motion to lay upon the table was
agreed to.
Alderman Jones called the previous
question, which was the adoption of the
resolution. Agreed to.
The resolution as read by the clerk,
was then agreed to. The Chair declared
the names as the officers to conduct the
election in October.
Alderman Me.3lullin—You will have
- club law, then, on election day.
The Chair—lt is beneath your dignity
t& - make any such threats, or use sun lan
We copy, without charge, the adver
tisement of the N. Y. Citizen. a Demo
cratic print, calling for some sort of a na
tional platform of Democratic principles.
The public consideration is solicited.
Says the Citizen: .
"We hear nothing as to what are Dem
ocratic principles at present. Copper.
headism was a failure, and died the death
it so richly deserved; the proposal to pay
:our debt In greenbacks has been repudi
ated by the nation; the everlasting col
ored gentleman has secured all the rights
:he knows what to do with, and a few
more; the woman's suffrage movement
has not the dignity of a party measure.
Democracy is In a state of chaos. We
cannot undo the irrevocable ; it his
nothing to offer as an incentive to per
sistence. Cannot somebody find us a
few principles?"
A lIIIIIDRED different reasons are given
for Prince Arthur's visit to the New Do
minion. He is to be King of Canada,
&c. The Qabec Mercury says that every
thing is said but the plain fact, which is
that Prince Arthur is destined• to take
high rank in the army, but he cannot
properly be promoted until he has seen
foreign service; consequently he Is sent
to Canada to perform that duty. The
Rifle Brigade, to a commission in which
Prince Arthur has lately been gazetted,
and to join which, at Montreal, the
young soldier is now 6n his way, is one
of the "crack" corps of the British army.
It has emblazoned on Its colors the names
of no less than twenty-two battles in
which it participated, the first of these
beinß Copenhagen, the last Lucknow.
In military style the corps is known as
"The Prince Consort's Own:. and it is
at present commanded by IL R. H. -Al
bert Edward, Prince of Wales, as Col
onel-in• Chief-4 sort of nominal posi
tion merely, which does not imply . tdit
'present* With the Mode:,
• • ' - •VA'
[Corretpcm deuce of the Inttsburah Gazette.)
ST. Lops, Sept. 4, 1869.
Glorious weather. everybody says, and
the voz populi is right. • And it is par
ticularly glorious just now, when news
is scarce and topics for conversation and
correspondence rather in demand. Let
us be thankful that we have it to talk
about, since it seems there are some mis
erable countries on the globe where they
have no weather, at least none to speak
of. They have climate instead, and have
to be contented with the same invariable
thing one day and another the year
round. To remark that it is a fine day,
where all days are cut by the same pat
tern, is ridiculous. Dr. John W. Foster,
in his recent volume •on the' physical
geography of the, Mississippi Valley,
makes an allusion to this subject which it
is a pity he did not develop I further. He
says, ridiculous as the custom is, (i. e.
commencing conversation by talking
about the weather,) it is nevertheless the
bridge by which we cross lan otherwise
impassable barrier. The inference is that
when people don't talk about
they don't get ' over the barrier, and of
cours social intercourse is impossible.
It wo uld be curious to learn that this is
in y degree the fact, and to
be able to trace to so upper
parently insignificant cause some of the
remarkable peculiarities of tropical na
tions. Are the social and political condi
tion of those nations, their slow progress,
their constantly recurring revolutions,
f their religious bigotry; are these the
results of not being able to talk about the
weather? This is suggestive: Who
knows what developments in political
and social science may grow out of it ?
Next to the weather comes the subject
of amusements. And here let me • say
we are not behind any state in the Union.
• For example, what do you say to a grand
exhibition of lance tournament and coro•
nation, to be given under the auspices of
Capt. L. P. Van, the well-known profes
sor-at-arms and horsemanship, which is
going to come off here October Ist, and
will be a high-toned affair of the first
water. Please observe that no knight
will be admitted without a uniform as
becomes a knight. The lances to be
of equal length (9 feet), and the rules
and regulations will be strictly enforced.
.0 you benighted (not be-knighted) Pitts
burgliu s, what wouldn't you give to have
a professor-at-arms and horsemanship en
tertain you with one of these chiv
alrous exhibitions of lance tournament
and coronation, with lances (and uniform
as becomes a knight) 9 feet long, and
the rules and regulations strictly enforced?
And then, the tournament over, every
one can go and get a Phantamarona.
which Prof. Montarici, the great Photo
manzist, will furnish to parties, ladies
and gentlemen, sending fifty cents end a
three cent postage stamp, description of
person,- age, color of-eyes, and lock of
hair. Who would not give that for a
Phantamarona? But Professor Montarici
does more than this with his Calorin
Spiritual Telegraph, which imprints the
date of marriage, even to the hour, on
the fabric containing the likeness. ThOugh
not viable at first, directions will be sent;
by which means an instantaneous im
print will be brought out on the- surface.
There's infermation worth having. 0,
sighing swains and longing maids, what
will you give to know the address of this
wonderful person, who has . "arrived in
St. 'LOIIiS direct from Bordeaux?" (A
direct importation, 'you see). I shan't
tell you till I know whether for this
notice he will dead-head me with a like
ness of my future husband or wife.
But after all, what's a tournament?
What's a Phantamarona? What is even
'a regular old l fashioned gander-pulling by
the side of what is to-day really our most
popular amusement, nigger-killing? Here
we beat the world.
The following paragraph relates to a
mysterious disappearance at New Mar
get of a negro boy named Dave, who had
been arrested charged with an attempted
outrage a little girl: '
"He was taken from the custody of the
officer by seven men, said to have been
'seven feet high and twenty-two inches
between the eyes,' and spirited away to
some unknown land. A Democratic
exchange says: It is supposed that he is
now 'an angel'—or something else."
Match the refined' wit of that, if you
can. • -
Up in Fulton, a few nights since, a
negro who had (been arrested on simple
suspicion of a similar crime, was taken
out of bail in the obliging absence of: the
gentlemanly jailor, and .hanged spientifi.
sally on a tree. The boys`:who did it
had a jolly time. A day or two after an
..lrishman was arrested for . the same
offence, cominitted upon' a colored wo
man. An ignorant Yankee, who hap
pened to visit ,the town, suggested hang
ing the Irishman, but' was indignantly
informed by the Mayor that he probably
didn't understand the customs of the
List week in Fayette, a chivalrous fel
low ' playfully threw some water on ,a
crowd of niggers. One of, them impu
dently remonstrated, 'whereupon the high
• toned gentleman drew a revolver, fired
two or three shots before any took effect,
but finally as. Dick Turpin served the
coachman, he
"—put a couple of ball, in hie nob.
And perwalled on. Win to stop."
He was arrested, but of course could
no: be blamed for such an accident, and
was discharged in time to attend the fu
neral, which he did with his revolv
er. You see we are- at no loss
out here for amusements of a high
character, and that things are altogether
lovely. To be sure the niggers, don't
like it much,_ but, what's, a nigger made
for, any how ? I - suppose the fox don't
like to be hunted, but is'nt that a noble
amusement. And having no foxes, must
we abstain from sport? Verily not.
State Items.
The town of Shamokin, Northumber
land county, contains five thousand in
habitants. -
The Venango county Grand Jury has
presented that part of the Franklin Branch
Railroad„ between Reno and Franklin,
as a nuisance.
The Clark Farm, Sharaburg, is now
the scene of active operations. The black
oil wells are being shut down and bored
to a greater depth to reach green oil.
The attempt has proved successful in
every instance. _--
THZ STATE OH lowe,' according to a
census recently taken by , the Town As
sessor', contains a population - of 1,011,-
952, being an. increase cif 109,909 in two
The Qfl :Operator ^ A Slietch
This individual, about whom less is
known and more said than: any other re
presentatiire of the petroleum district, is
generally a sombre looking chap, between
twenty and fifty years of age, and tohnt
alders is considered a cross between a
speculator and a laboring man. He is
not an igrioramus as the special corres
pondents of the sensation journals would
lead the public to think. He does, not
wear his beard and hair unkempt, nor is
his clothing saturated with naptha and
benzine- His spare moments are not de
voted to distributing seven-thirties among
the poor, nor is his drink a mild decoc
tion of low gravitY oil, seasoned with
nitro-glycerine.. On the contrary,.he is a
quiet, well dressed individual. He sports
a Broadway hat of the latest style, and
the gayest old scarf "out"—generally.
purchased in Corry. Drives his own
team , - if' he is operating with borrowed
capital, and hires livery rigs, if
his income exceeds one thousand
dollars per day, to avoid the trouble
of "hitching up." His feet are usually
cased :in cloth gaiters, with holes cut at
convenient intervals for bunions, while
his hands are engaged in fondling his
watch guard and seal, the latter usually
consisting of a small golden derrick, en
gine bodge, etc., mounted on a blood
storie setting, A. diamond cluster, vary
ing in size from anew cent to a glass door
knob, adorns his shirt front, and is in
most cases genuine. Whence comes the
oil specnlator and what becomes of him,
is a query for oleagians to answer. lie
Appears front of.the hotel reg
ister with the robes and jewels described,
"registers his name, and is "one of 'em."
His first demonstration, after getting his
boots polishe4iS to open a bank account,
gives the receiving teller a reward for
counting his deposit, and says, "send up
the amount at your leisure." He never
rides to the depot, but walks down, and
at 8 o'clock each morning-may be seen get
ting on the cars for a trip down the creek to
make a "bid" or sell, as the case maybe.
He returns at 11 o'clock if successful—
otherwise at '6 o'clock in the evening.
While on the train he ConTerses in a mon?
otone and in, mysterious Slang, peculiar
to the "creekers." A. wink with the
left eye binds a bargain that may be
worth thousands ' and a single negative
or shake of the head loses him a fortune=
"Puts," "shorts." cornered," "delivered
on B. G. C. B. 0.," "plank yourmaps,"
"open your gauges," "let on your fluid,"
are the sentences which indicatela trans
action and its acceptance. He will not
bet "much" on .a horse race, but will
gamble on the daily average production
every time. Delights in telling his ex
perience in New York among the "ben
zine shippers." He has more money,
spends more, fails oftener, gets up again
quicker than any other man on the face
of the globe, and is in all cases a genial,
jolly, good:hearted and pleasant fellow.
—Titusville Herald.
at Serampore is reported by the Calcutta
papers to have been a failure. and it is
alleged that no enthusiasm and little faith
were exhibited. On the last day of thd
festival, July 19th, two cars decorated
with flags and idols were left standing on
the roadside and partially in the ditch,
in consequence of the refusal of the peo•
ple to pull them. Numbers, it is stated,
had been hired to applaud and to pull,
but the cats were only moved half the
usual distance, and then were left on the
roadside. The crowd collected was es=
timated at 75.000 persons at the highest,
being only one-third of the usual assem
blage, and only one man being present to
fifty women and children.
Wbsconalti Democratic Convention—
Plomluationa and Regolotions.
tßy Telegraptt to the Plttaborg4 Gazette.:
MILWAUKEE . , Wis. September a—The
Democratic State Qpnvention met today
and nominated tho following ticket: Col.
C. D. Robinson. of Green Bay, for Gov
ernor; G. 1. Park, of
,Stevens Point,_
Lientenent Governor: A. G. Cook, of Col
umbus, Secretary; John Black, of Mil
waukee, Treasurer; S, W. Denney, of
Madison, Attorney General; Carl Bar
deen, of Waukesha, for State Prison
Commissioner; Peter J: Gannon, of Ce.
darsburg, for Superintendent of Public
Among the resolutions the following is
the most noticeable:
Resolved, That the Democratic party of
Wisconsin rejoices in the extinction of
slavery, in the prompt and general ac
quiescente of the Southern people in the
results of thearar, in every well directed
effort for tiff enlightenment and'eleva
tion of oppressed humanity at home and
abroad, and in every pleasure compati
ble with good - goveniment'and public or
der, to' broaden the basis of suffrage
and extend the blessings of free in
stitutions to all classes of the people;
and that in strict fidelity to this spirit of
progress and patriotism, we deplore the
many and Inexcusable infringements of
our National Congress upon , the liberty.
of the citizen and the freedom of the bal
lot, its failure to recognize the equitable
right of foreign born residents to an early
participation in the privileges of the bal
lot box on terms as liberal as those pre
scribed by the Democratic constitution
of WisconsirP, its constant effort to bur.
den labor and encourage monopoly, and
its covert purpose to centralize and en
large the powers of the Federal govern
Resolutions were also adopted favoring
the taxation of National bonds.
Mississippi Conservaitive Convention.
Jeorisorr, September B.—The National
Union Republican Convention assem
bled to-day at noon. It is the largest
meeting of the kind ever hold in this
State. Three hundred delegates are
present: seventy-five of whom are col
:ored. Nearly all the counties are repre
sented. Judge Speed, of Vicksburg,
was chosen President, an d r the following
resolutions were unanimously adopted:
First. We reaffirm the principles enun
ciated in the Convention of the 23d of .
Second. That in. addition thereto we
announce ourselves in favor of a liberal
system of free schools and of such equi
table distribution of 'the public school
funds as may secure the largest degree of
good feeling among , all classes of our
Third. We . cordially invite immigra
tion, capitalists arid manufacturers into
our St to and - pledge ourselves to such
legislition as shall most effectually aid
and foster industrial - pourettits of oar State
and thoroughly develope all its resources.
Judge Lewis Dent was unanimously
nominated for Governor; Judge Jefferds
for Lientenant-Governor; J. S. Wafford
for Congress in the First District, Judge
Wm. Kellogg in the Third and Judge
Joseph W. Field in the Fourth. Ad
journed till 9 o'clock, A. ra., to-morrow.
The Virginia Election.
IttorrotOND, September S. General.
Canby williaane his eleotion_proc i lma-
Lion to morrow. Governit ' _
Well; t ia
stated, sent his resignation to General
Canby a meek ago; -on the reception of
the Attorney General's test oath opinion.
The proclamation will bring the Legis
latnre together October ; sth. Governor
Walker will be installed as, Provisional
Governor within the next two weeks,
et which time Governor Wells' resigna
tion, now in the hands of General Can
by, will be accepted. The Legislature
itself will decide whether it shall elect
permanent or temporary officers.
MONTPELIER, Vr., September B—There
were not over 95,000 votes probably poll
ed in this State yesterday.i Returns from
thirty-five towns give Washburne, for
Governor, 6,844, and Heaton, Democrat,
Additional Markets oy Telegraph.
Nzw YORE, September B.—Only 1,275
fresh cattle came in this morning, abut
650 were still holding from Monday.
Trade is slow and the only change in
prices is a little advance on fat cattle,
very few of them being on sale. The
range is from 10©16, with a small num
ber of extras at 1630. About all of the
cattle were sold; one drowe of 5% cwt
Indianas at 110123yc; a drove of 6pi owt
Illinois at 1434©1534 4 c, and a drove of 8
cwt Kentucky grades at 1534®16;44c.
The "coming woman" has arrived,
and is now reporting the cattle
market for a city paper. Sheep
and lambs: receipts of 4,500 head;
the only change is a dullness anti down
ward tendency in prices of common
stock. Sheep brought 434.@634c, and
lambs 714 ®BXc for what were weighed,
but some solo by the head were lower.
Swine: sales of 5,800 head, and only a
single car 190 lbs Minhigan sold at t 9,81
per cwt. Dressed are unchanged.
BUFFALO, Sept. B.—Flour: old spring
firand in little demand, small sales
we tern at $7,50@7,75. Wheat- quiet;
831 s 1,600 bush white Kentucky at 81,60;
18,4 0 bush red Ohioand Toledo at $1,38;
4,7 0
bush at 81,30; 9,500 bush on private
ter a; 15,000 bush red Ohio at $1,35; 7,-
500Ibnsh No. 3 Milwaukee Club at $1,23.
Corn easy and small lots sold at Wg96c,
according to quality. Oats firm with a
good enquiry; sales 50,000 at 5234@53c
for No. 2 western. Rye nominal; 11 was
the best ,bid for western. Pork steady
at $34. Lard steady at 19Mc. High wines
dull; sales 00 bbls at $l,OB.
Nkw ORLEANS, September B.—Cotton
In demand; sales 800 bales, having little
or mine in first handy; middling 3134@
31Nc. Receipts 64 bales. Exports coast
wise 11 bales. Flour: low grades scarce; -
superfine $5,75; double extra $6,25; treble
extra $9,40. Other articles firm and un
changed. Gold 134%. Exchange ster
ling nominally 145. New York sight
draft 1 / 3 4@;(c discount.
Oswxoo, September B.—Flour in good
demand and market unchanged; sales of
2,000 bbls No 1 spring at $7,20; for
amber winter $7,75@8; for white 18,25@
8,50. Double extra wheat quiet but low
er; No. 1 Milwaukee club held at $1,50:
No. 2do at -$1,45; red winter at $1,97.
Corn held at $l,OB for No. 1; sales of
8,000 bush. by sample $100; cern meal
$230 per cwt
NASHVILLE,- September B.—r Weather
fair and cool., River rising slowly.
Wheat: red sl.le, amber $1,15, white
$1,20@1,25. Corn $l,lO. Oats 62c. Rye
90c. Barley $1,20. Flour SS. Bacon:
sides 19 1 ; 4o, shoulders 17c, halm 20c.
Lard 2134 c.
One of the truest and most suggestive Ideas
can be obtained from the caption at the head:
of this art cle; fur of all diseases which impair
human health and tho; ten human life, note are
more preanlent than thane which affect the tangs
and pulmonarrtissues. 'Whether we regardlung
diseases in the lista of_a merely slight Cough,
which is but the fore-runner of a more serious
malady. or as a deep lesion corroding and dis
solving the pulmonary structure, it is always
pregnant . whit evil and foreboding of disaster.
n no class of maladies should the phistclan or
the friends and family of the patient be more
seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs,
for it is in them that early and effielent treat-
pent Is most desirable, and it is then that danger
can be warded off and a cure effected. In DR.
KEYSER'S LUNG CURE you have a mcdicine
of the greatest value in all these conditions. An
alterative, a tonic. a nutrient and resolvent,
succoring natrire and sustaining the recupera.
sive powers of the system, Its beautiful work
ings, in harmony with the regular functions, can
be readily observed by the use of one or two bot-
ties: it will coon break tip the chain of morbid
svmpathles that disturb the harmonloris work.
Inas of the animal economy. The harrusing
cough, the painful respiration, the sputum
streaked with blood, will soon give mace to the
normal and proper workings of health and vigor.
An aggregated experience of our thirty years
has enabled Dr. Keyser, in the compoundinir of
his LIING CURE, to give new honeisithe con
sumptive invalid and at the same time speedy
relict in those now prevalent, catarrh's' and
threat affections, so distressing in their effect!"
and so almost certainly fatal in their tendencies;
'unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DR.
NETSER , S LUNG CURE is to thorough and ef-
ficlent, that any one who has ever used it, will
never he without It in the house. It wnl often
cure when everything elite fails, and' in simple
cases will cure oftentimes in a few days. -
The attention of patients, as well as' medics/
Men, 13 respectfully invited to this new end
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the man-
DR. KRYsER may be consulted every day
natal o'clock r. M. at his Great Medicine Store,
167 Liberty street, and from 4 to 6 and 7 to .9
at night.
Is absolutely essential to physical health and
clearness of intellect. tier Is this all. Beauty
of person cannot co•eztst with an unnatural con
dition of the bowels. A. free passage of the re
fuse matter of the system through thesonstand
wa ste pipes, is as necessary to the purity of the
body as the free passage of the offal of a city
through ; its sewers is neeessary to the health of
its Inhabitants.
Indigestion IS the primart cause of most of the
diseases of the discharging organs and one of
its most common results Is CO:NSTIPATION.. This
complaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has
many disagreeable concomil ants—such as an un•
pleasant breath, a sallow skin, coatamtuated
olood hemorrhoids, headache, loss of
1112 0 1TIOTT. and general oebilitv. -
all these evils by removing melt Immediate
cause in the olgestive organs and regn' sting the
action of the Intestines. The combination of
properties in this celebrated rreparation is one
of Its chief merits. It is not merely a stimulant,
or a tonic. or an anti-bilious agent, or a nerlitrie,
ore blood depurent, ore catiutrtic. but all these
curative elements Judiciously blended In one
powerful restorative. It lends activity end vigor
to the Inert and enervated stomach, relieves the
alimentary canal of Its obsiructioull, sod gives
tone to the membrane which lines It. gently
stimulates the liver. braces othe r remedy
cheers the an mat spirits. No other remedy pos
sesses such a variety of hygienic virtue+.
Is to these characteristics that It owes Its Wes.
lige as a househo.d medicine. Erperienoe bu
proved that it Is as harmless salt Is enicaolausi
.and. tunes it is as popnLar with the weaker sex
as with the stronger._
in bottles only, and the tradeonarktdown in the
glass and engraved on the label,. with our steel
star'engraved revenue star' over the-cork. Is - the
teat of vaanUteness.
Vermont Election