The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 08, 1869, Image 3
MSS I= PETROtEIIM MARKET. • OFFICE OF PITTSBITEGE GAZETTE, Tus~DAY, September 7, 1869. The oil market continues , painefully quiet, but a single sale reported in two days, and dealers generally are in a complete state of suspense, and anxious ly waiting for - the long expected im provement, and which; it is to be re gretted, appears to be as far off• as The only visible effect the decremedshlp ments has exerted thus for, has beehlo create a firmer feeling; the demand is • 4 by no - means urgent, though there is sem° inquiry and but very few sellers— in this market at least, as refiners- gen.'. orally have very wisely • concluded not to sell until such time as a fair margin can be secured, and that time, it would appear, has not vet arrived. • Crude is still 'relatively higher than retined, and, as a consequencu, there is, no induce- - ment offered to the manufacturer to sell, and, as already intimated, it is almost impossible to effect a sale of relined at present prices. It is said, and it is prob. ably true. that the foreign markets ate up sufficiently to give the exporter a margin, but, nevertheless, these ex porters, for some cause or other, do' hot appear very anxious about taking hold; otherwise, the market would give some evidence of it. CRUDE. The was but. a single sale, 1,000 bbls, seller September at 14%, and this seems to be regarded as the standard price for either spot or seller this month; seller all year nominal at 14%; and buyer all year at log. • REFIRED Bat a single sale •reported, 500 bbl last half September at 32%. Later it the day this delivery was better, 32M being offered without takers, and "refusals " asked at 32%; October, last half, quoted at 32%@33; and the same figures will answer for last three or fear months. LOBRLOATING OM* Eclipse Winter Lubricating • oil _4oc Eclipse - Railroad Axle ..• '3sc Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle SOc Parker dt Thompson 520 " RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Flatter k Bro ....... Leech;, G. S. Thomas Lockhart, Frew dr. Co J. Manhall Pool dr, Bro -- 2,523 bbLa OIL SHIPPED 116 ST BY A. V. A. R. Standard Oil Co., 495 bbls refined to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Citizens Ref. Co., 521 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. • Liberty Oil Works 250 bbls refined to Young &. Levering, Baltimore. Total Refined MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nzw YORK, September 7. Ashes Pots quiet , and steady at $7,35®7,62; Pearls dull and nominal. Cotton a shade lower and only moderate business with sales 500 bale at 3434 c for uplands. Flour; receipts 11, 98 bbls; s®loe lower; and rather more d ing, part for export, with sales 8,700 b lit at $5,75®6,20 for superfineNiate an western, $ 6,55@7,10 for common to cho ce extra State. 56,45® tI,,E, 7,15 for do extra estern, 87,20®7,30 for white wheat eitr 96.60®7,15 for round hoop Ohio. 86.75® 00 for extra St. Louis, and. 97,25®9.00 f r good to choice do, closing quiet; incl ded in the sales were 4,000 bbls extra Oh o and State for export at 96,75®0,85 slivered. California Flour nominal at 56,50 @ 8,65. Ore gon Flour dull at 96,75®8,25. Rye Flour quiet, with les 200 rbbis at 94,50 ®6,40. Corn mea scarce and in fair re quest; sales of 6 bbls Brandywine at 96,25. Whisky h vy; sales of 300 bbls western at 91,10,51,12. Freights: nearly all at inside pric s. Wheat: receipts of -80,293 bushels; '9®303 lower and rather more doing: sal ea of 134,000 bushels at 91,42®1,48 for No. 2 spring, the latter for 'very choice; $1,52®1,57 for winter red and amber western, 51,55 for amber Vir ginia, $L,58®1,60 for amber Tennessee. 91,60®1,61 for white western. Rye dull and heavy. Barley and barley - malt dull and nominal. Corn: receipts of 14,459 bushels; very scarce and lc bet ter; sales of 49,000 bnshels at 91,05 01,18 for unsound new mixed western, 51,20®1,2 2 for, sound,- 91,25 for western yellow, 51,20 for*mmon white western. Oats: receipts were 28,027 bush; market opened Arm but closed dull and I®2o lower: sates 38,000 bush at 65@690 for new eouthern and western, closing at 65 ®ll9c. Rice quiet. Coffee moderately , active; sales 900 bags Rio on private terms. Sugar In 'fair request; sales 1,000 hhda at 1134 ®1234c for Cuba and 1134® 12.34 c for Porto Rico. Molasses, dull. Petroletinittulet at 17@17 4 0 for crude and 323ic for refined. 'Hops dill and nominal. Linseed Oil quiet at 96®980, in casks. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 42 . 0423,0. Provisions—Pork cull and lewer; scales 420 bbls at' $31,50®31,75 for mess, closing-Tat;-531,50, ciishi . 531,00 031,25 was paid for'old do.; 527,25®26,00. for prime, $30,50®31,00 for prime mess.. Beef steady, with sales 230 bbls at $8,50® 18,50 for new , 'plain mess, and 512@17 for new extra mess. Beef llama steady, , with sales 110 bbls at 25600.—Cut. Meats steady, with sales 150 pae,katto/1 at 1434Ek 15340 for shoulders, and 171519 c for hams; middles heavy, with sales 126-boxes ice cared at 1634®17 1 4c. Lard -quiet and heavy, with sales 300 tierces at 17®193.40 for steam, and 934@20q for,kettle ren dered. Butter more actlV at 16@280 for Ohio, and 16 Mc for State:- Cheese quiet at 13®16 Freights.,to Liverpool without decide change, with shipments 60,000 bush w eat at 10,g®1034d per steam, and 900 Dia flour per steam at 2s 9d. .. -.Latest—Flour nll at 5010 c lower. Wheat slightly in buyers' favor, with a limited export demand. Rye-.dull: at 411,16®1,17 for State. Oats lower and . heavy at 65®67c for western. Corn is scarce and firm ati/,/9@11,28 for sound mixed western. Pork dull and nominal at. 531,50 for mess. /Beet dull and un changed. Cut Meats dull and nominal. Bacon quiet and heavy. Lard dull at 19c for fair to prime steam; Egge prat at 25@260. 1 CHICAGO, September T.—Exchange par to 1-10 off. Freights active •at 70 for wheat, and No for corn to .. Buffalo.: Flour flat and 1234®18c. lower: Stook light and demand principally for spring extras, ranging from 45,75 to 38, with offerings light- Wheat market dull; No. 2 spring declined , 4(g1434c and No. 8 do. 134®2c, closing at 31.,26@1,263; for the former; winter grades quiet and • prices receded 3c on No. 2; in option there was less activity, No. 2 spring sell • t o g at 131,204@1,263y seller Sep tember, and 11,25 softer • October; after 'change the transactions were at 51,26,1 s,eller September. Dorn dull and lower; sales at 870 for No. 1, and 138®87340 for N 0. 2 •, closing at 88 3 10 for future deliverYPhree wstair44 bales at 85, 4 1@8834ct seller -Septembersand 88X® 870 seller last 'half of, September; •doring the a ft ernoon sales were made at 883io. seller September: ' Oats qu iet and •lo lower;`plea at , AVM No. "2 cash.. and 4111348340 :gfor waNiAr. Bea: tember,lcleitistz•slt 244o sosobA'• demand fair and molar at 980840f0r • • Ra-11 1 1 .1. t • sv :. 0 4- 7 , m.1.;.-).,1-.,:.,,...1.z..,..,.,_,,u,-....pifsßvitow..43hpgarin im K- DNESOVivR•EPIEMB . , `2; ',closing at insidelyigure, Dailey firmer and-3©so,higheri sales at 1;32gi,35 Sel ler the Mouth, and $1,40 cash; "closing sellers $1,35 fer mouth. Highwines quiet abd easier; sales at $1,06. Provisions dull, inactiveand nominal; menet 833,50 ®84,00; sweet pickled barns at 17©17Xe. Lard at 181‘619.y.c. Receipts-8,275 bbis. flour; 55,117 bush. wheat; 179,850 bush. corn; 58,971 bush, eats; 7.891. busb. rye. 4,8401 bush. barley; 1,844 hogs. . Ship. meats 5,620 bbla. flour; 94,084 bush. wheatt.125,973 bush. corn: 105,024 bush. oats; 1,356 bash. ryo; 1,535 hogs. i T AIis, 'Sept: 7.--TobaocOeotiva and flint' at" call prices. Cotton;; .nothing doing. Hemp steady and firh,'with sales of undressed at $1,39®1,45; the, latter for cboice. Snaerilne mill extra in 'good Aelhand andrai, but grades ' dull ." superfine sol d at 54,75 0 5,20; extra at, $9,25@5 50; XX. $5,000.00; XXX $6,20@7,25; Choice to limey - ily $7,50 @8,50. .Wheat opeifed flrm"btit • closed 1 @2O lower. and, a small lot of No: 2 spring' sold at $1,10; No. 2 red fall at $1,15©1,17; No. 1. do W11,20(4)1.22. choice 31,25 ®1,35; No. 1 whitell,3o; .cholee, • 11,37%1gi1,45. Corn unchanged; bales at 880 for mixed, 910 for choice yellow, 93@)8tio for prime to choice white. Oats • steady .and un changed ak 43@440 for mixed in bulk, 4854 ®soo mixed in sacks, and {2@530 for w choice,hite. hnoyent ; for the best quality, and all grades: wanted; fancy Missouri fall sold at 00, and Ohio. fall $l,BO. Rye is in gobd demand at - 810 for prime. ' Whiskey steady at $1,09. Groceries , ;q uiet, end .tinchang ed, Pork is dull at $3l on orders. Dry salted moat Is unchanged at 14y,(A)143 - i shoeldera, 17%e clear rib, and 180 for clear aides. Bacon; there is a good order demand, with sales at 15%0 for sholuiders,-18y 4 o for rib sides, 18%0 for dinar rib, 190161 , clear sides, and 24X i@)2so for choice sugar cured . hams. Re ceipta: 8,600 bbis flour. 44,700 bus wheat, 5,900 bus corn, 11,900 bus oats, 22,000 bus barley, 1,000 bus rye. 300 hogs., Onsonswear, September.7.—Flour dull and - drooping; faintly $6@6,25. Wheat un settled and nominal, buyers have witn. drawn; red was offered at $1,20(i51,25: white $1;85@1,40. Corn firm at $141,03. Oats 54@58.3. Rye dull and lower; sales at 96098 c. Tobacco firm and in good de mand; hales 251 hhds at $7®24 25 :for trash atal.good leaf. Whisky uusettled with small Bales reported at $l,OB, but sales of any magnitude could not be made at better than $1,05. Mess Pork dull; 100 bbls sold at $32,50, though it is generally held at 132,75. Bulk shoul ders sold at.l3%c but cannot be bought below 140 at the close; sides firm at 16%c. Bacon firm at 15%0 • for shoulders; sides 18310 for clear rib or clear. Sugar cured hams at 23@)240. Lard is held at 19%c wittrno demand. Batter is scarce and higher at 30@38c. Eggs scarce and higher at 18@21c, latter rate for fresh selected. Cheese firmer; Western Reserve 14®15c, and 16@16%0 for factory. No change in Oil; Linseed $1,00®1,02; Lard $1,40@ 1,43. Petroleum; 31@330 for refined.; Sugar firm; raw 13%. to 160. Coffee is steady at 20 to 253%0. Gold 135% baying. Exchange dull at 1-10 discount buying, and par selling. Money market close at 10©12 per cent. . • BALTIMORE, September 7.-Flour quiet; Hoavard street superfine at $13@6,25; ex tra at $6,50@7,75; family at 18®9; City Mills superfine at $6@ 6 ,5 0 ; extra at 56,60 @7,75; family at 58,25@10,50; western superfine at $6@6,25; family aL7.50@)8,2f; about 2,000 bbls. western extra sold at $6,50457. Wheat firmer; prime to choice red at $1,50@1,60. Corn firm; white at $1,18@1,20; yellow at .61,18@)t. uO. Oats, prime at 60c. Rye dull at $1,10©1,15. Mess pork quiet at $34,50. Bacon firm; rib sides at 19%c; clear rib at 20c; shoul ders at 164 ti; hams at 24©250. Lard quiet at 20@20%e. Whisky in fair de mand at $1,12. . • PHILADELPHIA, September 7.—Flour in limited demand; superfine 15,25@5,50, extras $5,50@6,00, spring' wheat family $6,50@7,75, Pennsylvania do. 16,75@7,75, and fancy 18,2509,25: Wheat better; State and western red 51,53. Rye steady at 51,15. Corn conies in slowly; _yellow 1,20. and mixed Western $1,14®1,16. Oats in fair demand; new 60c. Groceries un changed. Provisions: a smelt business. Mess Pork $34,50@34,75. Lard 19%c. Petroleum quiet; , crude 22%.3, and re fined 31%@31%0. Whisky dull at 51,17 @ll2O- • - TOLEDO. September 7.—Flour dull. Wheat 4@sc lower; No. 2 white Wabash $1,33, No. 1 white Michigan , $442. regu lar do, $1,30, amber offered at 51,83, o, 1 -red held at $1,33@1,33%, No. 2 do. $1,31% No. 3 do. $11,24 Corn Ito lower; No. 1 960, 1 No. 2 1 34ew , Oats Unchanged, No: 1 54c,-No. 2 490. Grain Freights firm, 43,0 to Buffalo and to Oiavego. 'Re ceipts flour 6,000 bbls, wheat 104,700 bush. corn 18,000 bush, oats 7,600'-bush, rye 7EO bush. Shipments flour 4,800 tails; wheat 24,000. bush, corn 9,600 bulb, oats 4,900 bush. 80 bbls 320 . 1 80 .. 1,040 '• 523 •• 480 " 1,266 LouisvlLtat, September 7.—Flour firm; sales super at 5.5(45,25. Wheat dull at $1,15®1,25 for red and while. Corn firmer at 8.5(4)92%c, in bulk.. Oa ts: in bulk sold at 45 ®soc. ItYe 90,598 e• Leaf Tobacco very active and 'firm; Sales 207 hhds at //43;700)19,00...Pr0viai0ns quiet and firm: mess pork 5134@34,25. Bacon , shoulders 16©1634c; -clear rit:4•19y,®193543: clear sides 1934 c; hams—sugar cured „ 2•2 c . extra sugar .cured •2J3503. • Lard 20c. Whisky now delivered at 111,08. September 7.—lelour dull and weak, choice spring extra offered at $5,87€113,25. Wheat quiet, 111,29)4 for No. 1, $ 4263% for No: 2. Oats quiet and steady, 43€143Mc for No. 2. Corn nominal: 'Eke lower, 95c for No 1. BArley inciminal.' • Grain Freights quiet and firm, 1335®1•20 toi . Buffalo and Oswego. Nacelpta: 1,000 bbls Sop? 19,000 . bush wheat;-4,000 bush i oats 2,000 • bush , corn . Shipments: 200 bbis” flour.• • Cr.EvELADD, ' Sept. ' 7.=Flour 'dull. Wheat; No. 1 red seller Septembu 01,84; No. 2do on' spot Isl,o. Corp, ,No. 1 Si®' 1,01; No. 2 118®99c. Oats Mc:* Nye, No. 1 1,1@1,05;',N0. 2' 90@)95c. Barley morai nal at 111,25 ®1,30 for, State and. Canada. Petroletim; refined heidAtit,'29o for spot and Octhber, and Small, lotsbeld at 2@M above these figures; crtide"held at 11 6 .5 5 @6,60. -11 h W DETTOIT, SO, Itt OT hea —receipts, 21,060 , bush; „rusiket weak, with extra white' at 51,62, N 0... do do 8489, regular $1,32, And amber at '51,31@ 1,32; „ , - T . IMPORTp FITTOBIIROH, FORT WALT/ 4 7J ,dr• CM; , °AGO RAILROAR B SePtedibfir -;7.-1,200 sks lionr, owner; 1 car barley, -Tboe Col lins; 1 car cooperage, ,Thos Sastings; 23 ins cheese, Arbrickles & Co; 10 sks rags, Godfrey dr, Clark; 6 bbls whisky, , Thos Moore; 2.i bits candlea, J Dilworth & Co; 10 bac; w crystal, W S Snodgrass; 47, bdis shovels, Myers & , Armorpf.lo, doz brooms, J A Renshaw;.2o hides, :51;',D0• lang; 26 bits rye; W J =Meek;• 100 bbis flour, Dan Wallace; 200 do doi owner; . 120 • tulle bides, G N Hoffatott; 1 car stones' JL L Knos.; meat, E Myers & Co; 1 do saran iron, T Maloney 4100 hides, , Hays it ...Stewart; 4' .bales broom ore, Wm Madrot s 0 bdlahldee, Boyd M it Co; 2 care l rye, Robb it Herron; 25 ibis high winesa.ildoCallonsin: 42. hides, likuxo t metc tionc BO bgs timothy, seed. -Wall, Lang it Cop 8 bales broom Corn, ,J. B,To ki r,„ lor,_, . : , ahlfff rit=l3ettembor , 14+64 - amettleoins, 44 - 0; Mt bUlataxillono4l:woor,; ,. * head; 1 oar 1 s me, Lloyd a B lank;, 2do . . do; • Z u g ' & Co; Bo il riiv. -MeKtiikht p a Co; 8 do wash 'ore, Bratl3" B Bend Iron uoi 2,40 do, Shoimbeigeri ALA& Co; l : .410 barley, WJ Meek; 100 bbls oil, J Spear; l'ettrrye, *Exchange National Bank; 100 empty tar bble, P A. Bates; 345 bides, S. Harbaugh -it Co: 100 bbls lime, Camp bell & Co, 124 aka oats, 18 do rye, Mc- HenrY tit Hood; 10 kge barley,- Haworth & D; 1, car• oats, Hitchcock , IldisC .&Co;' 174 eke corn,Wm. Welsh & Co; 1 car iron, ilatt.Wcxd & Co;'1 do feed, Shom'ak er & Langentilemr.2o - obis APPlcsi' ' l irolgt M. doCo; 9do sin, Braggerquin & ,CPB; 9 do do, Head &'M• 26 do , do; • EL Rea Jr: 15 'do dit'Springei`& -Co;I0 do do, 3 do eggs, 8 Devol; 71 do apples, J Alien; 4 do do, 9. !to eggs, J V Nelson. .. , , - ALlmauxisr, V.A.Liat RAILROAD.. SOP lember 7.-L4BO bble*oll, Pool Bro: 523 do dai•J Munhall; 1,040 do :do, Lockhart F & Co,: 820 do do, R T Leech; 80 do:doi G El I f Thomas; 80 do do, Fisher Bro; 4 skis rags, R 0 Christy; 1 car lime, D M yn olds; 36 eke oats, Scott & Gisal; Bdo do, 12 do corn, ; Bricker ,&_ Co; • 28 sks ate, Keil & Ritchart; IS d 6 rags, Godfr y & Clark; .4 cars - stone, Henderson it ac kin; ado do, P Brough; Ido met 1, H Woods/des; 2do do, McKnight Po rter & Co. t ' , " • - - - PITTSBURGH, OINCINNATB AND Sr Louts RAILROAD, Sept. 7.—L car staves, M r Adams; 1 car rye, Dan Wallace; 5 do wheat, R T Kennedy; 28 eke barley. 25 do oats, Smith & Co; 1111 do do, 1 car rye, Robb &H; 25 sks wheat, McHenry & Hood; 11 cases tobacco, Knox & Orr; 10 tea lard,'W B Hays & Son; 2 hhds shoulders: E H Myers it Co; .8 bales cot ton, A H Childs; 49 sks corn; 14 do bar ley, 13 do oats, F Schield; 2 cars bulk wheat, J S I.lg gett.. .• . • ALLEGHENY .STATION, September 7.- 9 cars wheat,' R T Kennedy & Bro; Ido do, W McKee & Co; 5 bills leather, Gra ham & Spangler; 1 car pipe, Jos Reno; 116 hides, Jas Callery; .10 has cheese, 5 bbls flour, S Dyer; 22 Nils hoops, Ralya et Robertson- ' 10 bbls flour, R dt h A Car son; 6 doz cairs, J W Blanchard. COMkaSSIOI!I 111ERCH44.T8 WIUIAM EMR Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of lryilr4 now offer to the trade at low figurer, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. • • POrto Rico, tuba and iffuglibh Island Sugars. InedNew York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re., do. Golden ,Drips, Lovering', Brunjis, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island Syrups. Porto Itleo, Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Bytom, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangotn Rice. Java, Lagnayra and •10 Coffees. • Tobacco, 'Lard Oil. Fish. Nails, Glms, Boans, Cotton Yarns, itc., constantly on hand. ALSO. IMPORT!SBB OF ,Fine Brandies,Wines and Segue. Shentart, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines Of Hinkel & Co.. in bottles. _ Sparkling Moselle, Seharebeig and Johannis burg. Hockheinier. Burgundy,. &e. Brandenburg & Freres , Fine Olive Oil. do do Clarets, imported in bottles. do do White in bottles. M. Work & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. • Fine old Sherry, Madeira and Port Wines. Free Old Mononganela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old. do do. , ALSOs Sole Agents !tor Moet & Chandon's Grand Vin. jmpeal. Verz rl euey and Seilery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. j10.d4.1 E lli X Aßl i l tf D BY A. & W. N. GORKLY, WHOLESALE GROCER " No. 271 Liberty Bfreet, (Drnscrlar, orr. Lena Horn,' IorICTIRIBITYI43I3. I".A. se :yIS W. O. ARMSTRONG, • Successor to Teter 3 Armstrong, ' - PBOPtigi comussioN iffscussr, `'.-No: . 2.5 lipLlMer STBZET. :127a E=IL ] Le. r. SUCZAILT. KEIL & -COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IND DILILIIIIB rtauxt, OEL ersDN MILL PZED, Se. $49 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, • my 4:b37 anaLsr._,. . .......... A. mails. M'STEELE & SON', • Ckmantisston Merchants, AND DLLs* , IN FIXECIR. GRAM 'l - 11373311). MO. No. V$ OHIO WPRICEI, Deis East Common. ILLEWISNY CITY. PA. j a J. BLANCELARD. ‘'Wholauati s ind Rettll No. 39 6 rzwar bruati. goislzsi lI ITTLE, HAND ' /14 PATTON, W liblesale Brutal% Commission IderchantS an Dr s in Product., , Iflour, Bacon, Cheese, Platt, Carbon and Lard Ott, Iron Nail., Glass, Cotton finis and all P•itaburgh . Manufactures fenerat Iri k llA alid IMF oISOOND OTILBST, • • • 300 F uo.l7*.zaw.. uoves....ini. a. nova. ORE HOUSE" &BROS., fin, ceasorkto JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wtaile. gap Grocers and Commission Merchants, - Cor. Der or Sznithileld and Water Streets. eittstamab. • • - Aunt .ertinvx s • • - §3IIIIPTON &WALLACE - Whole - eAcm-o enoem AND PROD & DRalo imi Ao s . 0 BIRTH =RIM?. 'Fittebtuvh. STEAMS : 1.45, me: JuvrapoOt QI7EENS I I I .S I WNF TUN rotrtiOttyreit, Eirsimissups. ,Numbering lizteeke larit-e . We Tem% among tn. mtbesseietirgted, , - . . • CITY ip rAusiti, crry eV AbrgnlPP.s— . CITY ILir Or BAlainOiss, CITX 0/1.04D0N. , I. Bailing EVERY. au BDA.Y. from . Piet *L. North /slyer, New ye . Iser neassge or Mrther information ariuhsto 1 NiiistfAit IRTNOBLIMIe 143 BMITHPIX D STREET. Pittsburgh. EMI DIT ►i 6I'S Vir191,111.. PltcicoNl Uth : ip . ' t' ti .. CILUINEYS. DEE . . • . VLQS,4433,AMODS• •,•, , , •.•,; )440) ,11,11.1,0414: 4117;b1SICW1 The rains o f mo n day night and yes terday iorenoon had not, up to last evening, had much influence on the . river. Another rain like , this last one, would do some good, and ,there was every appearance fast night of :a contin uance of it. The weithor tioniewhat cooler; mercury 78 against 82 on ritoricOiy. The Thompson Dean hail v iald nil at Carnondelet. —The Mohawk's barge, sunk at PieSi dent's Island, was laden with hay, and it is feared the cargo will be a total loss. —Joseph Ratiege, the pilot of Jim Watson, has flied a libel against that boat, at St. Louis, for - one hundred and thirty dollars wages. " " —The Belle her been hauled up to the main landing and will reaumty businessi in the Parkersburg ; f.rads, just as soon as there is suillcent water. —Capt. Corbett, of Nashvlll6; has! sold the A. Baker to John ,Trnver, l of Cairo, for 13,300 cash. She ill to ply . be tween Cairo and the Tennessee river. —Captain Geo. Millar and the Stevens brothers are building a now, side-wheel steamer at Dyeraburs, for the Memphis and Dyersburg trade. She will be conl'. pleted by the time the business season fairly opens, - -At Louisville there are two side wheel and two stern.wheel steamers building; at Jeffersonville, six stern wheelers and two aide•wheelers; at New Albany, two side-wheelers; and at Port land, one side-wheeler. This is lively boat building, for a fact. —Capt. /Rockdale after an absence of about three weeks ; which time he visited Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chi cago, returned :home. yesterday. He came from Chicago like lightning on the lightning train, in a little over 14 hours—distance 465 miles. —The Louisville Courier says: The Gallatin, a side-wheel steamer, purchas ed for the Memphis and Mound City trade ' ri arved at Jeffersonville yester day. Capt. Ebert, commander of the Mollie Ebert, is in the city. The Mollie will leave here Wednesday, and will connect with the R. E. Lee at Carlo. • —A Swedish emigrant. named John Johnson, fell overboard from the Victory and was drowned, at the teed of Lake Pepin, on her last trip up. He attempt ed to draw a bucket of water, and was jerked overboard. The unfortunate man left a family, for whom the passengers and crew of the boat made up a hand some purse and presented it to the wife. —The Gem, a small stern-wheeler, en gaged in the wood and tie huisness at. Nebraska City, was totally wrecked on Tuesday last in Kansas Bend. about six miles below that place. The boat was . owned by parties in Nebraska City, and was worth about 56,000. At the time of the accident she was loaded with lumber, ties and wood. There was an insurance on the boat for 51,000 . —There is a lesson in this paragraph from Saturday's St. Louis Democrat: The class of boats now existing carry so much on little water, that they don't re quire to load to the guards to carry a large amount of freight. Boats carry ing over four hundred tuns on four feet of water, and others nine hundred tuns on six feet, form -a startling contrast to the Western steamers of twenty years ago. —We extract the following from the St: Louis Republiccin In regard to the sale of "the (treat Republic: An offer of $40,000 was sent on to her chief owner at Pittsburgh, last wcek, and the answer , telegraphed back • was, that another party was also figuring for her, and. offered. more than the "party of the first part." Yesterday Capt. Wm. J. Kountz, of Pittsburgh. telegraphed that she had been sold for 391,060, and gave PO fur ther particulars. Since then we have learned that her purchasers are: Capt. Wm. Donaldson, James Atkinson and James P. Haigh, of Pittsburgh. The present purchasers are well known, especially the first named one, Capt. Wm... 8. Donaldson, who figured so .ex ten/lively lately in connection with. the Great Republic, as original co mman- - der. It is said to be the intention of the owners to place Capt. Donaldson in com mand, and run the boat between tide city and New Orleans during high water, and between Vicksburg and. ,Nev Orleans during the fall seasork - Orrier. Or lirreatwit. Ilgraxaz. • '6 5651 d Dthr., PA.. Pitts lttrgh. July 11, 1609.6 „ , IVOTICE IS' HEREBY. GIVEN' IA -that, on the 3d day of March,4•lBls9, there war 'Belted upon the nremlses of R. l',. ANDER buII. of Matuleelo. Allegbeoy Bounty, l'a.. for violation of ••Internal }Levet:nit Law, of July 5119th. 18051." the following; • 3 900 Cigars: 73 pounds Leaf Toinceo.. :. ' ._ ' • . Also, that on the sillth day of June, 1889,there was seized upon' the premises of itilltD.'hill.,. LER, or West Pittaburgu, Alleehe b y couuty, pa.• the following articles, to• Wit: ' •-• . •": 2600 Clean* 10 pan a Leaf Tobacco. •-, • ,•• _ ~-,•• , Also, th ton Ine 30th day or Miy. 1889. there Wee leis 4 u n the pre ••ises of CHARL'ES:' GRENIo 1, tf t e City of Pittsburgh. A legheny county, a , the foliowlng articles, to - wit: 87 ponds Le r Tobacco; ... 51.800 `gars. Also. nit on be 7th day of May, / 889. there ;.I was selsee utni the prernisegurJACtitt Yfin'T. - of Cools-ravine, Allegheny comity. is., the fel-. low I tte articles, 0. Wit: ' 3 col/ Cut en 4 Dry Tob cm. _ ~.'• . Also, that on tr - lst day of March, 11309 there was s,-is d upon tbe prem 14ises of e. leAll'riti, or Lower St. Ola r Townaoip, Alleglietly,county. Pa. the follotelr articles, tcrwtts ''; / —, . 700 Cigars. Also. that on t e 11th day of May. , loB9,_there• wan t yed upo the premises of WltaaAhl at OE , ' of the Ity of Plttabutgh,:PL , the fol." • lowing rticles , n•wit: • . , 1 hal teddr °instills NarrTobaceo;' • ' • ' - 3 quarter 1:1,4 s •• •• , . , 'hid rade II Witt Dar Tobatco: .,' , . ,• 1 qua ter c•d . •• .•• . • • ' 110 unds PI g Twist Tobnceo; • • 4 it Si tod • Virzi tabu:widow Tobacco: 8 papers Cut Ind Dry etu.oki•g Tobacco; 5 quarter papers (In. br , statOotoNind Tobacco; Mil Mtge , • ' " 47 Snuff and4Tobleco,lloges; . . S 'layers Solace Chewing Tobacco ; 10 Cigar Tubes; "_ - - . . 3 Pipes and 1 • ox Oaf P Pea; T box Chewing Tobacco; . • : „ 3 barrels Leaf Tobacco; SO boats Olgara: , " . • .-.,„,, ta boxes Fine Cut Tobac , 11 • htils Scrap 't champ,: 00 Toby Oig ors ; - -..,1 I: )6 boa Century Chewing Tobacco Also; that bu the 19th d y of.Juty, 113/ 1 9:therel as seised upon the ;arm sae of ta I t..LIAM Co. EN, ( „yB l ,, •1. y. f Pitts nrgh, Allegheny coo n . it i 3sl ;Lio po t o : ow o u t ' f u h uc e nd L as .e s ia l ;N l ' : Taw Lot l b l a d g o e c mp a c t 101 , 1 a i v tiT l7 e o.4 s t 4 t e to o: bu tf a n oz a d o t :I i; z : . ' .• . . 7 . , 145 u PAP Boxes; 11 age; .I . llox Pipeail .:0 menus 0 . ewing Tobabco: , . . ! : its • 1 tionnter cols and Weights;- :. 1 8 0 so Ja st 1 patr cheep Sneers.. , r ,, . Al , that n the 10th day of July,ll3l3o,there was felted a the Depot or the Pittablargh, Cm- eln.a Vand - t. L.,uis Railroad. In the City or Pitts tirgh. own) , of, alleghene,,, and . 4/ 1.E . :0 r Penn ylvanls', the lohowing property to.wit; ,a •that. oh theslll.l , - -•r July,. file - i .4 4041 thn 1 1, ' . 1 a , i a t .f . -the .12.- '•en . sod E PAARK. iiii f:thiti:ois the SI Si ii diaWail jaiiiett,. inore it w., ,zodo , the prendses.of At.hihtT GLOOK -lis 5; of the fly of Pitt ourgb; county of.atter ' ithen . end tate of , reninytrenin, the toque.= prop iitr, to it: '- ••i , - , + i f.,, ~ ~ 5 warty W,htsey Barrels,wilb dlstillet y,were bent anti Mit patdetamps4 not effaced: • • + i 51 , that a the akethilatof,..tdr, 15e0,1ber5 , was elsed n the premises of. JOitbi +24IiTSSM oft e limonsh of Binalpgham. countyer Aile gbeny and State of Pennsylvania, th 4 following lim p e d*, tOtritt • ~ • . , '_.. ~1, ~ , .•,- 4,50 Cagan. With seamy+. Or View: . Am y person or. persona having soy Claim ortn tens; in the fOreitolog ',Weida geode, are nott fled herewith to appeac end mese gond seen mann wlthin thirty days from date of the tint publica tion. °tunnel they wilt be sold atmording toisrry .; . ''" THONAS'IV: ItliNlSi ' • :"; RIVER. NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS. ' OolleOiar : e;iial 1 1 1804tili01: , • vin i t s • .11 • .13 ' INSURANCE. 7i .:-,PITTISUURGia GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. ESTABLISHED 1850. LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT,: AND INLAND . .-IpirsTTRANcE NO. 63 Fourth Street. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER F 530,000,000 , 1, 1. CHIMER & BRO., GENERAL AGENTS CONNECTICUT Mutual Life Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN., ' For Western PermsylViiiia. A PURELY MUTUAL COMPANY, Numbering Nearly 60,000 Members ASSETS, (JUSE lat e 1869,) OVER $25,000,000., SURPLUS, OVER $7,000,000. Current Dividend from FORTY to SEVENTY PER CENT. Cur rent Inomeover $10,000,000 P er Annum. Its Income from Interest alone more than pays its Claims by death ALL POLICIES lig-FORFEITING For Every $lOO of Liabilities, IT HAS $145 OF ASSETS Liberal Arrangements made with insurance Agents and So licitors upon application at this Office. ALSO AGENTS CM- CHARTERED` 1819. The Most Successfnl FIRE INSURANCE :CO, .IN AMERICA. $5,3 . 32,532.96. Travellers' irelilent, cash assets, $1,250,000 Albany City 1n5.,C0., " 4 . ; ‘, , 400,000 Aetna Ins. Co, N. Y., " " 600,000 State Ins. Co., Cleveland," -" 250,000 Lancaster Ins. " " ` 250,001 Insurance Effected upon all de scriptions of Property at PAIR RATES AND ON'LIBERAL TERALI. Applications Solicited., Poliits.issued without delay and businees attended to With • 'fide V lity and dispatch. , au • . . . _ SFVriiirt AND COMFORT _ O forth'etryreling community. • • J • -ELAS.R.B.LS Safety: Fire Jacket, Car -Heater and MODERATOR. 7or Smoke and got, Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stores anti fire. In or about the Passen ger or , Baggage Cars, with the attachment to • graduate the heat to any temperature that may he desired without tbe possibility of attac h edg: car or cars to which the Aacket may be Baying obtained of Vie - United Mates Letters Patent fir a safety Jacket which Is warranted to resist the mos , intense heat that may be ap+ plied to it In sae position and purpose for which it is Intended. '!: 2 - •- It is s cure protection from accidents by 'fire, origtnating from defeatire flues or where lion pipe are used as conductors for smoke Or heat. It Is applicable to all PIOUS that may become orerheated, and is warranted to plve perfect sat isfaction where wood or Other eeuthtlettble mate rtal mar be placed In close proximity thereto, i as noW ready to apply my Inrentionto attires, dwellings, factories., ships, steamboats, railroad care, act Wherever pipes as conductors are midst dangerous by being overheated , nd seam !Icy 'desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or nee the above invention. Also Terrltorial AVM to auch as Mateish to engage in selling DrinlegMt either wy or county., 7 rho; 13•NLAWM.,,. aV the +-xi J . ULTRA PAIN T WORKS: "r corner of Morris street and the ARO.. M i t y, "ploy Railroad, %twelfth ward. ?null =I EU =I • 11E0ill ' SHAD RECEIVED . dilly at BENJAMIN MPLPRESS -400.pulas • _Ntand, No. CS Dlarn - ond Market, Litt.- k 'tronell;and - At the Marta CI .‘ Allegheny . VET' carnet of Ohio and red_eqO a ta. an - b e h a all klnda , Ot des and -I.sdec ' Malibut,,Okadi Beak COWL Haddock and • 1, Al e „,. 1 .,..„ oupdheip 400 WhltKLlAlle , Fhb: dadim — el;-.l= ga wroti troa t ilig gaglr so ala t l V I II kb ela l • Moat illootaOlkiirjatirvaillielsm=kVorae2 .i ' • rENNSYLVALICIENINS h LA. CENTRAL BAIL AD. On and after w ill 0., aunday AUGUST 29th. 1889. Trap s arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washinilliele and rrive. Liberty streets. ma Pillows: • A Depart. Mail Mein-- 1:20 am *Dayispresslsl:3o am Fast Linh... . I•4b am *Pacific Mg..: 7.48 am Wall's No. 17— 6 20 am Will's No. 1— 8:210am BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mall Trairt..l.. 8:10 am Wall's No. 2.. 0:011 am Bra , ksks Nol. 540 pm Cincinnati. Ex.11:2.5 am Cincin•ti Ez. 1.11:80 pm Johnstown Ac 1020 am Wall's No. 3..11:38 am Bra'ks An Noi T:00 pm Johnstown Ae.4:08 pm Pittston: En. 111:410 pm Bra's Az Not SAW put Phila. Expressllllo pin Phila. Expects 3:50 pm Wail's No. 3.-1:50 pm Wall's No. 3.. 3:05 pna Bret s Actin 29:88 - pm Wall's Nor 4.. 61011 pat Wall's No. 4,_• 8:80 pm *Fast.Line—,.. T:3O put Way Passnlr 1020 pm Wall's It 0. S.. 11:00 pin, *These trains make close connectionatHarrir burg for Baltimore, _ The Church Train leavee Wane Station everY Sunday at .9:05 a.- m., reaching Pittaburgi io:va a. to. Re turning: leaves Pittsburgh at 19:50 p.. m. and , arrives at Walls station ai *Cincinnati Express and Patine Express lastest daily. All .'that trains daily except Sunday. for further Information apply to W. H. BECMWITH, Agent. The PennaYlVaniaaggage, Railroad Company will not sr enime any risk for B except fbr wearing' ap.. gi r tgil ir f o s i t iri lli i tL i l i t,r m resitilW to One ( il e a w e . ti at amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken be medal contract. EDWARD H. WILLIAMS. au3o General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. HESTER-N-MIENRIN, PENNSYLVANIA ROAD.-On and after August 29.11369,tke Passenger. Trains on the Western, Pennsylvania Rai road will arrive at and depart from the Teders 1 Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows: A e. part Springdie No16:40 a m m . MAO aSI Freeport No.18:20 a m Freeport No. 19:210a m 'Express 10:40 am SharptOgNo111:110 a m Shsrpb'g No.11:20 pm Express 21:20 p m Freeport. No. 24:05 pm Springd'e No13:10 p m 5:50 p m Freeport N0.25:20 p , Bpringd"e No26:110 o m Staingd 'e N026:30 pm Above trains run daily exceptSrinday. ! • The Church. Train leaves Allegheny Junction ever) riunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny 'City it 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Alice/en!' City at 1:510.p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion tt 3:40 n. • CORrsurAncin Tlclarre-For sale in pac.kages' of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, - Pine Creek Etna and Sharpsburg , and good on on the treas. stopping at Stations specified on tickets. _ The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. In. make direct connection at Freeport with Wa lkers llne of Stages forßutler and Hannshatown, Through tickets may be purchased at the °See. No. 1 tit. Clair street, near the Suspension Rridge, ' pittsbura h, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information a_pply to JAMBS LEFFERTS, Agent Federal Street Depct. The Western Pennetylvania Railroad will not as a m any risk for Baggage, except fbr wearing a^rarel, and limit their - responsibility to Cne Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage ex ceeding:this amount in value willbe at the risk of the owner. unless taken brepecasa contract. EDWARD If. WILLIAM% • au!) Heneyal Sunerintendent Altoona. Pa. MIE 1 1§11411071... - P . GHC ;VA YNE & CHICAGO' N. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH R, Prom Angn et 39th, 1869, trains will leave from and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, rata. burgh city time. ma follows:. .Uags. ChicacEx....9:oB a m Erie rgu_ 7:213 a m Cl. & g.1 1 ,16 : 98 am Chicago Ma11..6:58 a In Fast Line .....8:48 a mi Cl. & Wert Ex 1:23 p ir, Chicago Ex.. 1:38 pm W'e & Erie Ex.4:38 pm, Depart./rout Aliegthenti. Beer Palls Ac.9:08 a te Leetsdale !! 1U:03 a m - 7 7 r " 11:5% a m Rochester" 2:23 pm Enon " .3:5n pm Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm Bea'rFalls •• .5:13 pm Leetsdale 10:43pm Fair Oaks Sun- - I day Church. 1:13p m IQ. I:3S p. m. Chicag sir 7:33 p. m. Chic .% F. K. gIYP.IO3, J. Genl. Pas. & 1 icket Age) au3o ORANGE OF TIME. .LLEGEENY VALLEY BAILROAp, THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE Olt. REtiIONS WITHOUT CHANGE OF Cans____. ()n and after MON DAY. June 14th,1559. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsburg( Depot. corner of Elev. euth and Pike streets, for 'Franklin, 011City,Bal. falo, and all points in e Oil Regions. Li.AVE PITISEVILOH. !APIUT IN PITINNUILIIN' Day Ex 8:00 a m ' Day Ex 5:15 par - *. :right Ex .. 7:30 pm Night Ex 6;30 am . Brady's BAE 3:05 p m Bradyall'Ac /6:/5 are Freeport Ac 9:40 am Ist sodaerks 7:441 am ed SodaW•ka in Freeport Ac. 43:16 Ist Hulton... 6:43 a m Ist Hylton— \ P:5O a ns Ald Hu1t0n...12:00 med Halton... .9:00 p 3d Hutton— 1 t:00 pm 3d Halton... • 1:05 p Arnold's Ac. 5:011 pna Arnold's Ac. T. 40 p Charon train to and ikom Soda Works leave rtttsborgh at 1:10 P. sl. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9:50A. it. Express trains atm) only at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all staVins • J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen' , 'Yr THOMAZ KM% Assn. Supts sn3O gITTSBURGS D apiIIaMiI LOCENCI 1718 RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTER (MANGE OF TIRE.-On ind - ifter SUNDAY, August 5111,1869, trains will,leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows: - Arrive. Kull au 18:03 p m. Fast Line' ........ • 8-53:a..ini 7.08 p. m. Express 4:43 p. m. 7:13 a. m. Mixed Aeoin 5:93 a. m. 6:53 p.m. MeDonald , s Aec , n,No.l 11:38a. m. 7:38 a. in. Steubenville Aceommod. 3:53 p.m. 9:48 a: m. .11eDonaldis Aeo , n. N 0.25 53 p. m.. 3:1 8 O. BUlldoe(Ttntrob Train.. 19:58 p. In. 9:58 a. 35. .9/-11.:43 P. N. train will Leave da lly. 15:03 P. train will arrive daily. - All other trains will ran daily. Sundays me:'- ed. The' P:53 a. in.. Train makes close ear neetlorui at Ntwask IL; Zanesville. General Ticket Age; t. Columbus, 0. W. W. CARD, Bunn., Dennison, SAW. au3l . riT‘IT I TS BURGH & OONNE'LLIIV ROAD. On and after TI7ESDAY, Noyember, - 17tb. UPS. trains will arrive at and depart from Skit' Depot corner e!' Brant and Water streets, as follows: Deport. Airiest. Mall to and/toxin:lM. tows T:00 A. Is. 6:00 P. Xs MANeeSportACCOMdM 11:00 A. N. M:O6l. lie. 3tx. to and from Unt'n. 3:00 P. X. 10:10 A. N. West Newton Accomld 430 P. 8:35 A. N. Braddock 's Accomdt , n. 6:15 P. N. 1:50 P. X Right Ac. tolfelPsport.lo:3o P. M. 6:46eA * Sunday Church Train to . and from West Newton 1:00 p. m. MOO A. " ticketil "Ply t E * . M. RAYMOND, igen ' W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. nom s Nj:ALZ HILL UNION PACIFIC. BArLwAr :Tee 1311.011.1%8T a l b XUEVP ssrtraal BOU.EX awn tee Irate* el .Pcoileti . a , • ColOrado - NeiradErc , , . ,Arizona Wastiinzton, Two Tealas leave . State Lbler 116,11 d teSillaWala exPepied.lon. the arrival of tridal otr ile nalirosu vvoin bt. Urals., and, Ems. hal and tit. Joe Railroad from Inv at Lawman,: Topeka and -• ataata for all points in Sanely.. At eliu tree west of Ellsworth with the -. STA ES EXPRESS COO PANT'S mA• 11 . LINE OY ovERLAND .3L IL AND , COACREN POE - . • • • DENVER; 6ALT,-LAAItEII Pointi in the Territories, And with BANDERSONV TIUMEKIair LIN! of COACHES forint% Union, Bent's Fort, pup, Albuquerque, Santa lfe, non all Points in Arts !Zee add New Masten. Inn the reeen : additions of ,rolllng an ointment, and, the ainutgements responsible Overland Transportastosi Ltnst from its western =dans. Ude road new- ofd tinyqualled adidtles for -the tralurralsalen fretalit to the Xax Wet.__,__, - Tickets for site et all the vranniliaZ oillette the United Statesiand•Oacuideit-- Be sere sad elk fOr tleketo eta TSS nifOlfir 80111 , 2 0 15 1 rstUInia.BAILWA. DiUntUN. . _ EUULROADS. Pl=2l Chicago Ex..32:13 a us Pacific Ex... 7193 a m Wheeling Ex:B4: m O.& St. L. Ex 7 1.0 :0 4 8 m ChPgoExAMI3:SIB Cleveland Ex 3:38o In Erie'a YienExs:llBpm Cl. Wtilg Ex6:3Bpm ' Armes in digeglien y. Leetsdale Ac..6:53 am {Be:1:r Falls " 8:98 am ;New Castle "10:513 am Enon " 9:13 am Leetsdale "L2:4Bpm Bea'r Falls " 9:43 pm. Leetsdale " 4:33 pm ' 11.4 S. 7:913 Pin Fair Oaks Sun- • • . day Unirch. 9:58 am go Express leaves dai l y. igo Express arrives daily. . M. McCULLorom, nt. Gsni.• Manager. Eastern Division: NeW Mexico, 'ldaho, Oregon. AND --- E;'•••oeiiiisPliilW4iiiii,";il . . - emery /Man sal:l2l,W 0