11 H al STIMIL WORKS pill WUR,Ein '. • * '", I .4. ' STEEL WORKS.: ISTARLIIIIIXD 1N 1843, . ANDERSON '& WOODS, ,_ MANGTACTimErs or DNS DirrNSID CAST STEEL . T O , • f ever/ description. Also, beet Refined German Plow and Spring Steel. , co:, ; 8088 AND MIST A.VRlZUB,Plits bush: PA. - . sul6:lsG. M Lit ,BiltaiiEigillN. GZIIRILLL PAETTMIII3: ~ • • I WM METCALF, :1 'REUBEN 3 LLER, GICO W. BARB, I CHAS. PA KIN. -131SCIAL PAIITIIIiR—S. M. KI R., 1 CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, 311iLLER BAR II . & Pilati 1 5 ' I • 9FFICE, No. 339 Liberty Street, • PITTSBURGH, PA. ;e14:548 DUQUESNE WOR I ES. COLEMAN, RAHM & co. Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS STEEL, AXLES. AND SPRINGS, DVQ,ITESNE. L X LND JUNILTA, FLAT B, BOUN. D AND SOU ARE IRON. BAND, H oOP, SHEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PL aTBS AND HEADS, GUARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BARS IFLA.Nechn cirrrrzu seas, vlLuival AND PLAT RAIL, for 'Cali Rosdi. .q_ROWBARS,WICDOES & HARRoNV TEETH, D.JRING, _PLOW CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WDNGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. STEEL TIRES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. TEEL. SU COACH, BUGGY and AN AGON SFEDIGS 'and _ CUT NAILS AND SPINES. ill Goods Brat Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND_ WORKS, Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water Street.Pittaburgh. 3310 SHEFFIELD STEEL WORK& SINGER, NIMIOK & 00., PITTSB=GH. PA.. trantifsctiirera of every description of CAST AN!) GERMAN STEEL, Its n.w SPAINGS, ELLL..:C AND PLATFORM SPRING% AXLES, STEEL TIRE, se., La Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Ste. LACIi DIAMOND Ata. • STEEL -WORKS. LARD, BROTHER Usauftetnters of all desestptions of • - alike and Warehouse-, THIRTIETH, THIRTY YIYRIT sad,RAILROAL/ STREETS, BRASS FOUNDERS. TIVAN7EirIi - Err, • I! BUCCISSOB TO JOHN M. COOPER ar. CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BBASS IDASTINGS M.ADZ rsorrLY TO i 911DILYI. Maleable and Grey inin Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING; THEOTTLIOARTY AND MCI VALVE 13L01321 PATTEIIN; 3EIR C(..)CiE.44, Weal Work of every deserjptlon for Steal% Water , and O 1 KILNIJYAOTINULEtS OP J.ll. (MR& Improved Balance-Wheel - -Bitam Pump: Agents /kw Dreyfus .Patent era, the beat, in the Market. - Mire and Works, corner Thirteenth and tree Ls. . • sr& /RON, WORKS.: PROCBSS. The Trustees are now ,p_reptred to mutt Men ses tor the die of the ZLLF.RSHVEraI PRO CESS. tt The espalier quality Impelled to good iron,' he great Improvement In inferior Iron, end the Minced ooshcateinend It to sit manatee:users of . Iron to use It obtain licensee by or*Patolt to JAMES P. SPEER Attorney far the Trasteee. BOOMS and 51; Building, 915)11 Ponith avenue. Par ties interested are invited top visit the IRMA BERGER WORKS. where the meets is now In successhil operation. , teS:dt7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO, Pennsvlvania Iron Works. Warehouse. Mos. 166 and MIT VELEZ owes Ire Monongahela House, XMAS - PITTSBURGH digASE;; . & awe, • cluTwarr. 100 WOOD STREET. FINE VASES, 1 , 21 SOlllianGS3 AND muss. NEW Wilt SETS rm. vas. m, w smome errs, wrr ° --•• .'r SILVERPLATED goo of ell desariptlews. ?' cd t 1111114 examine our ttowis, slid we feel 'mimeo uo one used DS to be suited. 0 //0413alanrilV 100 WOOD MEMEL , 4INGINE43, BOILERS, 41c0.—"r OH Is BOLE: 8; et; Con Point Alley and 1/oquesnellt4 WJAE Taz POINT ,) Englue Builders, Foutubms, and Machinists; klanefeetere STEAMBOAT ENGINES =IOTA TIONARY ENGINE_ 8, of all sires. • ; B attention invited to oar new STATION OIL WELL ERMINE AND PORTABLE ILEIkof LS-borserpower. _ OASTINERS,_of every kind, _made to crrder &tour Foundry, on TRIRDBTRE__ belcrw 'Market. BIOS for 011Wells,BRAFTMG, _PULLEY% HANGERS,HOBSE and TOBAIN3O SCREWS sad IRON TOBACCO PBESSZI3, On band and made to Order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKSp Meting on. the Allegheny River. tear the Pad. PITTSBURGH; phi EM!!!!MMMIM VCIRT PITT BOILER, sitga..., ago TANK WORKS,. CARROLL & SNYDER, TimuLAß, riousrasJlierED TUBULAR, PIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM • BM- W. STILLS AND OIL T CHIMNEYS, BEASCHING A MI ASH PANS, BATTLING PANG, SALT PANS AND CON. DENBERS; STEAM PEPE% pRABOMETIEB AND IRON BEECOES; . PRISON DOORS AND GOAL MUMS (Mee and Warelto corder Second, Third, Short and Li Streets, .R' Orders sent to ae above address will be promptly attended.to. • mb7:1511 ••IWINIULL & COy BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Saving secured a biro yard and furnished 11 with the most approved machinery, we are pyre 4 pnpid to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the/gain:miner. and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Munn , Bipes, Locomotive Boilers, .Condensers, Salt Pane, Tanis, 011 Stills, A.gita tors; Settling Pam. Boiler Iron, Bridges o bazar .Pane soltidiSlitinturers of Barnhillis Pat ent . Bep eairinird , Mt shortest notice. iallttal JAMES !IL BITER, • NW I; 55 and s 6 Water Strad, PrITSBUBEIH, PA., awnrsaxmoliaos IRON OIL • TANKS, ILITTLING PAWS, COPPED , =ILK PIM BOLLINO WILL 13TAOKIS.. And MIST IRON WORK. For Y.D. DAM Z JABED M. BRUSH at SON, XLIMIPACTUILIES OD Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks. SUM= IRON WORK, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. _STOVES, CASTINGS, ao. BB.&DIaIEY 4ilip CO., llanafactuners of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating itaves,_ PrITSBITUCIEr. In oar assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTARNS AND Ihi FILOVB.MIS tad. and the reputation of our Stoves Is such that any one in want oi a good-artlcle should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be found .the most durable as well as economical. Would call particular attention to our new VOLCANI , STOVE, for churches, halls and stores. Over 500 sold in three months. Intended fior withor with out Ming. All who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. rfll Send for Ustalogne and Price List. 6111 E, HUGUS & CO WW I CONTWeei BOBTOX COOZEDIG SAreß, ‘7ll:q yIEgRY FIIIAWE," 492 wazime Binatetals. THE NHW LETT-DUET MOINE - nova. .11scruLA.Tos. ,, COLUMBIA coos BTO WANT (Cincinnati Patten) PORT&B . B.Asex 0 AST LOONTLZE, WELT BILPLICOTWAta freleilanni =Mad dui; HAWS saa am. 206 an 208 Liberty Stree4 Ie2S:TH • PITTEMiGH , Pej CO"STOYEL roll Brrumi2fiol7B COAL. ' , Warranted to Cook Bake or Boast u _ _ gall aim other Store is Do Union. f_ Inn= COSI No. 285 Labertv - also on land sad foi abs, PARLOR STOVZI3, EuraiztateliND. COWLING OE% PUNT TO BUILDERS! • ;100.000 feet Dry Pisoßoardit . 180,000 feet 13‘ Such Clear Plank; 5115,000 feet 1.8 Inch Common Plank; I 515,000 feet Dry 1 and A Inch Oak: AA,Ouo ft. ix, A and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Poplar scantling; 11/ 00° feet Dry Ye/Um-Pine Boards; 1_ .000 feet Remlocklicantling. - 5084000 feet No. - 1 18 inch Saginail • n• _gles. 100,000 No. 1 Which Shingles. sawed; 4 l ‘ 50,000 No. 1184noh Shingles. ItiaVe 1,800 Fire Brick; ' 1,000 11re Tile. • 100:2ons lire Clay; Also, Saw 11111 Lumber, Locust and Cedar rolls, and all articles in the line on hand and firr Sale by ALEXANDER PATTERBON. Yards— ' go. 151 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and funiakastreeks.. sl ztit war4,Allegbesn late br! *ugh or,fdanonesier. - - WEST COMINILO3! , • Mai/line Laois Works, EfFthwortoornsraWesteoursoLAueskitim 4,f t ya.Tiiiparape iga n ... ‘P ... / . 2 . ,,, r i ga°2161611;5w. r ' Ei)l4 I A I'4 U 1 'I "il := r ILLEtTACTIJRZIM OP PITTSBURGH. Pa. sus. O. ss, •4 AND se plasm ST. NO.BO WOOD STREET, TO B POUND. Ki)=•=nm: or ivrar vA.!urrr or QET. TKE:BEST. massina. it co:: 1 MiX.I73!zIPH. LUMBER STONE. PITTSBURGH G . Ir posiumuknuternsmy: frit : FOUNDRY COIPANY. OFFICE AND WORIES, • • - :,1 1 2 . TWELFTH STEEET, PITTSBITEGH, PA. isrEngFine• A itoning wila Ma chinery, Nall Machines,Re torts, and Coatings geeteralY• NATIONAL f(MUNDRE. AND PIPE WORKS: Owner Carroll and Sniallsoaallizeots. • _MN= WIED,) • prirrsinmou t Pd. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of CAST IRAN BOWL PIPE ion GA AND WATER WORKS., 1111Pites Lee all east Invariablyin Pits, In dry sand, and 1$ feet lengths. Also. hill assortment of general Castings for tifas and Water Worts. eltni a a:6 /3 4 c ittis t ir Li,lemnatilLronnar."' DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLAiIIitIOMB s (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Hag facilities eo.extenalVe with •the leading Forges In the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily tilt all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANKS, PISTON BOD 4, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, _together with every description of SLUM WORK. Once and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. apith4o ROBINSON BEAL & CO., • Snocessors to ROBERSON, MIMS & MILLI!!, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,PITTSBURE4, • Manntnatnrers of Boat and Stationary Stearn En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Bearing, Snartiut lugs of all . descriptions-, Oil Tanks and S Boller and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 12, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFAIM'S PATENT INJECTOR fin reeding Boilers. ' jali:rs3 THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Youth Ward Foundry and Nadine Work', 5•3133118 HY BT., ALLKOHRNT CITY. kanniketnrers of Stationary and Portable Steam hugines, uu ryes's..., Ditto's, Shafting, Grist and Saw Mill Work, Weig hts, M Wago n ach Castings. Grate Bars, Boxes, &e. Build to order and have on hand Engines of _ all elves. a:MOO DIAMOND OIL WORKS. - H. M. LONG & CO., Once, DAZZELL BIID,DING. fail Duquesne W.V. Pittsburgh. Pa. WADING AND BING, Commission Keretuats and Brokers is retrolom and its Producti, DALZELL'B BLOCK, DUQUESNEVAY I PHTIADIELI'HIA. ADDREISB, Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 123 80IITII SECOND BTBZET. 10 . , VCR BBOTHEBS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DZALEBEI /27 Petroleum and its 'Products, rucorngmottr: ALZEIE Irwin etreeta. L ia Pbilldelphiseace-4.11! WALNUT BT. spuwao ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT R. C. MD] . 114 . bleireivamducz or Librlcating &HightestßuningollB. Relives Railroad Axle 011. Stands great heat withoutchang e; s : • Umpld at lowest temperatures. 13 Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. , • , Lo4lololOtlwee Extpettep ifirgeggebso sh o p, Witt cut Screwy. ' saw RIR and Billashog MU Oilse— *dented tog a. , . . ~. (spindle lillead-Liglit Ono 011. Bannerot Benzoic, ing a Virdeni Gasoline, Harness OIL • - Parra/Sas, Alilioß VARNISH. to preserve Bright Dan Work and Machinery Dom Bust. Theo products are manufactured under Dr. I g o Tweddielesatent b Superheated Steam In Tao cup. Ibe fatbrica g,wn are almost odorless, perfectly pare . u onst, and meetly light col orod, eftn d stag temperature ouches' eii:a=t remgin itinpid d 'extreme cold. • The 0111 are unequalled. twttare In COnlitant -Cie An many of the principal Mired& lismlflikat De examined and orders , eft. at ' /14 STD& ET. Works at Sharpstrurg Bridge. • OVELTV-WORKEr - pITTEIBURGH NOVELTY WORKS. Pounded A. D. 11183. &DAMS. & 00. czywromt wrsinhunNeAnu" Int *I Pavr - En) PLATFORM *LW COUNT.= CALEB. jams Pa ntlltt e r, az I, iLtesk.'& 1 1 4 Lataeh mons or rasT Avuopitchivirr Dilstatfterssi , • PROPOSAL S. '4NOIVoyhAI MOW ?in" irmisitatwastvAlr* NOTICE TO COIIiTRACTQW9r7 .A.,1 MIAOW 11110EVSAVII ferOradttptraildir • arseatblng Ottsa401:1011 STREIT, nem Try to Iron Alley. will be reeelyed ettble until 11111 DAT; bebtosaber 10th . •4 0347 . 21 1% , gall issePlTlOltriaki.Afreblot any, “:s ti" , I- E. dot:• V. (4.1 z: To 01) OILS. DLY,. ,SEPTElkagit-h- FINANOIAL AMERICAN BAIL NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL • • • • • 3200:000 Stoekholders , Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, , Dinacroas. Jobn M. !Miraland, Archibald Wallace, Jan. D. Kelly, Wee, Floyd. . •,., . . • organized and prepared buißneez. ,-, Thos. M. Marshall, Wm. T. Bhannon,' James W • Arrott, Chas. B. Leech, John FloYd,t• 4 . This Bank is how fully to do aggeneral tanking. 4 Zu FIFTH AVEN,trE BANK Of Pittsburgh. , No. 195 FIFTH AVENUE. CAPITAL. ........ STOCKHOLDERS. INDIVIDVALLY LIA BLE. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Collections made on ail accessible points in the United States and Canadas on most favorable terms. Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount data Tumidity and Friday. Open from 9 A. H. to 3 and on Saturday evenings froMT to 9 o'clock. Dirac-roue: , ED. DMIKIDUE, W. P. WEYBIA.N._ . W. H. SIMS. FRANK MEYER,, W. C. ROBERTSON, HENRY MEYER, DAN. .KINZER. EMI D. M. ARMOR, L POERSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE President. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. . • suriaisi CITY BANK.. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 5100,009; BTOCKIEOLDERB INDIVIDUALLY 'LIABLE. LTITIDEST PAID ON DEPOSITS. , FOREIGN EXCHANGE • Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on • all the principal points of the United States and Canada.- , • letostitticic Imassm. President. J.sw Es ItiCCABE,.Vice President. W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. maw:on 8. D. Ihmsen. . James McCabe, Thomas Bourke, John Savage, J. Dunievy, Jr.. Terence Campbell, Patrick Estle. James Phelan, Chas. B. Barr, H..t.irreyvogle, - Jno.Jos.Herniann. Thomas Barnes, Hugh Keating. . jel:ks THE SAFE iIEPOSIT COMPANY Of Pittsburgh. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylva nia, January 24, MT. For the safe-keeping of Bonds 'and other Securities, 661 a and Sliver, Silver Plate. Books. Records. Diainonds and Valuables of all descriptions, under guarantee, and for the renting of Safes in its burglar-proof vaults. Building and (Bike: lkolUß'l'lif I'EXTE, PIITEIBVIEGH, P PRESTosx.r—WILLIAM PHILLIPS. Vicx Pazsmssr—HENHY LLOYD DIRECTORS 'M. PHILLIPS. JAMES I. BENNETT HA AIRY LLOYD, IBTRON IL PAINTER WILLIAM REA. ;30s. S. siniemsinv. WILLIAM M. CURT IS G. ON,!G HU EO SSRGEEY BLAcK, 13sciirrAnt AND TREASURER: IS. •F. VuN BONNHoII.ST: su3:n67 HART, CAI:WHET & co., BANKERS AND BROKERS Corner Third and Wood Streets, (IT/OFMK)1111 TO HAPZIA. HART 41.00.1 D y l an. Exchange,pin, Coupons, £nd particular attentionsale paid to the purchase and al' GOVERNMENT BONDS. Slant Drafts . OTI Z 40314031. nn:enc PACIFIC IUILWAY GOLD. LOAN lOW.. aitelf, MORGAN 1; CO,LUS Exchange Place, and .41. K. JESUP co., , 12 Pine Street, t Y., offer for sale the ttonds Rosa. Parlik..bilway. These Bonds pay, seven per cent. in Gold; 4 have thirty years to run; tre — Free from Givenimeni Taiation ; ant tecurid'byrit Land: Grants:4lM= Mlle Lens of the Finest Lands in . -Kansas and Colorado. In addition to thls speelailrant the Com- pang Mee: owns Three ligioni Acres In Kansas, whist are'beingiapidly sold to develop theemmtry , and improve the read. n • 1.. ihry area fitst mortgage apoatke eiteaslOa of the road from' Sheridan,' Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road in operation - , 417 miles long, upon which ills also a mort - gage, NOW ELENS MORE THIN ENOUGH AET INCOME, TO PAY THE INTEREST ON THE EN:LOO; : There Is no better security in the kaarhet—this being ,in SOO) reipeets better than GOTITIIMORt ae. 7 eurities., ; APIA, ; IliTpltEST - Tr IA •t , PLIABLE:IN GOLD:. Pelee 96; and,neern ed - i . htqca t, CFren., • , ty firtllo6l . en 'APPllfifleie Nrax,aa 3.1 4 4 1 . xg s. v, 4 t t L i t e 869. FINANCIAL. .; .gt-0O3CA:), SILIME, AND COUPONS Biitight at Highest Prices. PH. B. MERTZ, Banker m Ceti Wood and Fifth Streets. M HOLIIII,& lONS,. MENEI:I 57 'jM:wiret. Street..., rrrivrenViten. VA» Chgkettinfin clade bn all , the principal points of the United !States and Clinsdas. Stocks,Soniis and other Securities BOUGHT £RD BOLD ON 003101:11MION. Particular atteaUcai paid to the Durchele and sale of United States Securities. BRADYIES . co. , (Successors. oS. JONES d C 0..) - •.•; Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., • 3EI 49. ± -4 *7 312 F.. I=l. • BUY AND SELL ALL RINDS OT GOVERNMENT SECURtriES, GOLD, SILT= AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. N Interest Allowed on Deposits. ' r e's•twennielnr= Government Bonds at u Order executed for the PUP 011•7110 and Bale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. .lAMB. T. BRADT & CO. littsbut eltairttt. FINANCI AND TRADE. 07110 E or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, Sept. 6, 1869. The excitement in the gold market was kept up today through dispatches from Paris reporting the Emperor's health in a bad state, for which a plausi ble reason was found in the decline of french rentes and a general depression at the bourse. Gold opened at MN, be fore the formal opening of the gold room; the first sales, however, were at 137@13734, from which the market ad vanced to 1379,1, but soon afterwards de clined to 137%, at which itclosed a 4 B. 31. The decline seems to have been oc casioned by a laige ntimber of orders from the interior to sell gold from 13734 and downward, otherwise a, sharp rally would have been made this evening' to carry gold upandmake it scarce for to morrow. The future price of gold is now entirely depending on the courage of the bears in the gold room, and the large importing interest, all being heavi• ly short gold , ,nd so far determin ed to await "the shipping of cotton before making any remittances. On the other hand, if the healthof Napoleon is actually influencing oui gold and bond market here, gold should have sold up to 140 to day, while it actually stood as low at the close as at the opening. Government bonds were strong early in the day, but on new from the French bourse being very inuch depressed and excited, a tleclineof,about . 3; through all the different tuna followed immedi ately. • . Stocks are unsettled and lower, ex cept some clique stockiliks.l Cleveland, North West and New York Central. Money is easy and in elailiplent supply Business 'quiet. Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 137%; Silver, 130; Eighty one's, 122; Five Twenties, 1862, 122%; do. 1864, 122; do 1865, 122; do 1865, Consols, 120%; do 1867,120%; dcr 1868; 12035; Ten Forties, 111%; New York Central, 264%; Erie,; iteadiniti n Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 87; Ohio & kfisissippl, 131%; Michigan Southern, sling Cleve land' & Pittsburgh, 108%; -Chicago & Rock bland, 11315; Chicago & North Weritern, 81%; Chiftv& North Western Preferred, 90%; Adams Expresa Com. Pawl, 5714 hterchpuita Union Express, 1135; Pacific .1011,,--;_, Western Union Telegraph Company, 8 7%; American Ex press Company 36. 1 • - - EXCHANGE, .Larons. thnalL London, per ...,............L6,72116,85 Paris. per frino 27% 29 Berlin, tinder ' ' 98% 101 Frankfort, florins • - 57% 5934 —ClOsfng quetsitioluit'ecieivecl by James .T Brady or, Co. Gold: 187%; United States ' , Sixes, 1881, 122;:Five-Twenties; 1862, 122%,; do. 1864, 122: do. 1865.. 122 Ten-Fortaes,'lll%; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1885,:120: do. do. 1867, 120%: dor, d0..1868. %; Due Com pounder 419f-Union Pabifi6 Railroad, 85; Central do, do, - 99; Cy. Pacific, —; Lake Superiors, 96. LB,' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh. Gazette.] NEW Yolutr September 6 , 1669 Money was easy and steady at-B®7 per , cent. until late in the afternoon, when it beeittcto very active at rehnip - 7 per cenii= for, call loans; activity,attrihnted to gold speculation, which co ntinues very heavy. Sterling dull , B®B% per cent. Gold un settled; openaliat,lB7,louched,l 37 %, fell to 1813 X, advarrftd - to`187 1 )‘; and closed at MX. Carrying rates 2(0 percent., and borroiving fiat 2 per cent. , and 1-64© 1-82 per , oent. :41a34 1 Clearanees UN,. calooo,ooo. A 'in 0141104,3, owing to the illness of Napoleon, - appear In an excited and AMNIA oondltioui AS ill Vilassoilldi the decline in rentag,whioltallquoted at 69 fr. 75 c., agiatiiit frtkl 35 - e: ain &Mr. 6%4A3. ~:..,..r ,•h • t eal O adit QBll l 1 14, 4 1 ggt I ,X, %.. -- 1 P . , / 2 k (4;122%;.,d0. '64, .121):%122: do. '65, 121) Ql`• do: new. 120 1 /,41203:4: d0.'67 120) ig1120%; do. '6B, 11.10%@)12034. 10.40'5, 11 (011%. State bonds • dull: Missouri% 87; 01 1. Tennessees, 6034; New Tennessees, 513; old Virginias, 55X; new Virginias, 51 old North Carolinas, 5535;.' new Carol Stock Market unsettled and weal Five-Thirty Prices: Canton, 56%; Cun berland, 3134; Western Union Telegrapt 37; Quicksilver. 14%; Mariposa, 7; dt preferred, 12; Pacific Mail, 80%; Adair Express, 66X; Wells, 10%; Americai 36; United States, 62%; New York Cen ral, 12033 4 ; Harlem. 15835: Hudsoi 182%; Reading, 96X: Erie, 3331 - do. preferred, 57; ' Michigan Cen lai r 129; Michigan Southern, 102 ,1 Illinois Central; 13734; Pittsburgh, 108 1 4 Northwestern, 80X; -do. preferred, 94; Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 71 Rock Island, 112%; St. Paul, 78; do. pr.( ferred, 87; Wahlasn, 80%; do. preferrec Si; Fort Wayne, 86X; Terre Haute ; 83% do. preferred, 67%; Chicago and Alto: 151%; do. preferred, 151; Ohio and Mb sissippi. 31%. Mining shares dull: Smith di Parmel 265; Grass Valley 30. Boston prices Calumet 50; Copper Falls 873: Franklii 13%; Quincy 25. Sub Treasury bauinc 887,383,445. i ALLECEIENY CATTLE'MARKET OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MeNbAy, Sept. 6, 1869. CATTLE. There was only a moderate supply ( stock on sale to-day, and with a fair (I( wand and several sales for shipment the market was steady, and prices Welt well sustained, especially for the, bell( grades, which were very scarce. Thin were bin very few really good cattle o sale, the great proportion of the offs: Jugs consisting of rough steers an stags, and thin heifers and cows, any, good butchers experience some difficult in getting all they wanted of this kin(. • while on the other hand, scalawa butchers got all they wanted •withou • much dificulty, at about last week' prices. The former may be quoted I - 7@7%. and the latter at from 6 down to Of the cattle on sale to-day, Chicag fnitlished 8 cars, Manifield 5, Forrel: Fort Wayne, Salem, Orville, Lowdon ville, Degraff, La Rue, Bellair an Marion, each I,'Crestline 3, Cleveland Lima 2, total; 29. In addition thei were quite a number in from adjoinir counties, and there were over .700 soli that is including Saturday and to-day., Hedges & Taylor sold 17 head of 11.1 nois steers, at an average of 6 cents. f Aull & Co. bought 18 head steers, ave aging about 1,050, at 5y,. Carr & Kerwin 59 head steers, fro; Chicago, at 534@7. .Tames Hanlin 25 Washington Co. co* steers and bulls, at 4C463,. • Holmes. Lafferty&-Co. 59 head mix. ((lock, at 434@634. Hazlewood & Blackstook sold mixed stock, from Ohio, at 4X@7.34. Smith & Blue 63 head mixed stool from Ohio, at 434 ®63i. Jas McAllister sold 34 head sma steers, from Ohio, for Schooler, at 6 6 - Jacob Needy sold 50 head mixed stool, from Ohio, at 53@7%. Emerick & Co. sold 22 head, frot Ohio, bulls and steers, at 334@4 ft former, andtr34 for latter. Peter Hart an sold 49 bead Green At steers, at 6y,,€)7,65. M. Verner 17 head Washington stock, at 6@6 1 4; 10 from Ohio, at 6@63 Flinner & Sheitmantle 44 head Butlu. Co. stock, at 534@13V,. Stakely & Bro. 6 head heifers at cents. -- Mason dr Wells 33 head steers ar.' • heifers, from Marshall Co., Va., . at 4. 6 cent's. Co. Garwin & .18 head Butler Co, stoc: , at 534 cents. John Young sold 9 head two year • er.),! Butler Co. steers, averaging 800, at 1: per head., There were some other sales the pay deniers of which we did not get. • SHEEP AND LAMBS. • • , The market was more active an'' stronger than last week, and, as in ti, case of cattle, prime fat sheep sold real ,; ily at an advance, while the common" grades, of which there was a- pretty ft - < supply, were a little slow. As will be sei by reference to the report of sales, sort, few extra sheep, averaging 140 lbs, so AS higkes ;6, but this is an outside figtO and cannot be taken as a fair criterion the market. Lambs sold from $1 to 53,:, per head. The sales foot up nearly 1.9' head against 2,300 last week. • Blakely & Bro. sold 140; sheep at 132,l to 53,50; lambs at 51,50 to 52,75. . Garwin & Co. sold 138 sheep and lam'". at 51,75; and 29 lambs at 53. C. H. Moulton 501d.50 sheep and lam at 52.50 to 56—the latter figure for extra averaging 140. : John McAllister told for McNeese, 1p sheep and lambi at 51,25 to 52.75 4. Adam Eckert sold 72 sheep and lamli at 52 to 54,25, for former and s2©3 latter; also 110 sheep on.commission t; 53,65 to 4,76 per head. ' Sheitemantle & Stonffereold 265 heal sheep at 51,75 to $2; lambs at 51,25 to - 51,73 M Elames sold 140; sheep : at 51,50 to 1i and lambs about same. Fowler dc Walters sold 425; sheep 11,50 to $3,75; lambs at 75 to $3. John Beeler sold 100 sheep at 162 to Johnathan Davis sold 60 head, trz ends, left over last.week, at 11.25@2. John Fairley sold 125 sheep airi lambs. Jacob lb* sold 90 sheep and lambs e s j''' an average of . ' • sous. The demand for this class of stock these yards continuealight being conti ed entfrely to supplying the wants the retail trade, and - We continue qt . :total"( a retail way at 11034 toll' p cwt. Oviatt sold4B fat hogs to Ernerict • .% Co,averaging Bs.ll4lseasot9to. /LI same buyers e l 7B O c 4tso. • 8 • PHILADELPHIA. September 6 .-Beev-,.. in demand and prices firmer, with sal r "-: of I.Boo,head at 8X09,;60 for extra ern steers, 7@851.3 for fair to'good, ai 5@)6)44 groat for common. ; Sheep fair demand, - with-sales of 4000 'head F., 4 @A° - gives. Hogs. in demand at O A ces. with sales of 8,000 head at ,7 113 , : - . a 3,50 for slopped, and 144614,50 per net for corn-fed: CHlCAGO,SeptoiMber B.—Cattle' dczT:i and nominal, 11,80(4)4,47H and - 1 / 7 ,25 1 ; : :: : , 7,50 for good to choice steers, ~.12toge et and firm, /8,45@8,90 fpr eoirttgioA get:: 9,35: for fair to medium and 19,50@9, for goodsto choice:3 0;1; rs, ... ST. Louis, September 6.—Cattle—le -grades plenty . at 2(§5360 the inferldr, prime choice nominal. at 80)0Nc.,i,.110 ,- Z :=‘;., stead at NalOo fort otuktc?iebbiclkair.:-..' IN® ,113 for stock: - OrscritztaTl, September 41;zilibitt 'at dull stud lovon 18.41 k. p i p, the lattu r. , - 1-, an ettrastiCratil: Bair - cattle are uhiliged slid Arm at la to 14450. r. 1.4 . . - b Ll€&iithc Market; - i.
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