U EW ADVEIRTIS 54"1544111 IW'THIE - SEVENTH WARD *REPUBLICAN VIGILANCE COMM T- T itE Is requested to meet at Alderman Butler's office. on WEIN truesdar) EVENING. at I o n 'c s ok f . Importancew e l n d b a e n t c n e I l s e adcetseide.d, e atein7s. OrTHE EIGHTH WARD RE pUBLICAN VIGILSECE!OMMITTSE is reloesteo so meet EONs School Rouse on Franklin street, on 'N EBDAT EVEN IRO. at o , cloek Punctual qttendrnee is requested. se7 aIdIJEL KILGORE. President. arNOTICE.-A MEETING OF the PICT BrIILDING AND LOAN Alt- EOCIATION ,wlll be held at the National Hotel, corner of Peen and Thirty third streets TOE,. DAY EVENING, September Ith, at 13f o'clock, for the purpose or eleettbg officers. ses:n9O - WM. EDW. - .JR.. Pre B leat. egr'REPUBLICAN VIGILANCE. COMMITTNit FOR 11Elit rIFTEI. NTH WARD. CITY hi v eITTSBUThe follow ' lag gentlemen been nam co edss the Renault ran Vigilance Committee, for the Fifteenth Ward. Pittsburgh: • • '• Win. Boesch. , Alex. Blak, S. J. Wainwright, '• Will. Dra‘ o , Wm. Jancey, ' B. 0. nosworth, A • L.Tearson, • ,• Wm. Jahn, George McKee. . H. C. Stewart, George Harrlson, Dr. James Robinson, John Hoerr. Fred. Windier, :- John A. hertz, • Dr. L Arneshera. 't L. F. Miller, Aid. it• A. Johnston. K. Lang. John Ortb. George -Schade, Lew Lewli. Earle. lioltand Riddell, Ctiarhs Hughes, J. J. Albert, Phil. Drum, August Dietrich. 5e7.1196 ItAg ns MASS MEETLIVG. GRAND REPUBLICAN :31A.514 MEETING, WILL 87.. HELD IN THE .ILiXOND, JULEdIiENY crrY, 'Thursday Evening, 9th inst. JOHN A• BINGHAM, Of Ohio, and other distinguished Epeskers MiMMI W. S. PIIRYLOCE, Chairman. WALTER B. SicCCNE, Col. OEQ. 7: 111.1ttfa.A.N.teecretaries 'W'PROGRAMME Evening, Sept. 13, AND CONCERT AT .THE - '' - PIiOGRLDIME-PABT Overture; Poet and Pestsaat Surpe. By Special Orchestra. Geo. TeGrote, Director. Duet: Quin e.,t, Homo- ho,sinl. By Mrs. C. C. Mellor and Miss M. Rinehart. Chorus: On the Open Sea Bemiring. By the Combined Singing Societfrs. With orchestral accompaniment—A. Knanif, Director. Classic Athletic.' By the Turn..xic—Konrad. Director, Trio. I.ncla,de_Lammtrmoor Donizetti. Icy Miss L. goody, Mr. Apfelbaum. Br. Behittii• Sistuesques: The Battie o Ra n ch itans (after tee - nu:Fins group of , Ey the Dittsbutc... Turner EoClecy— Konrad, Director. , I= Concert Overture Magnin, By full Orchestra—O. Teorge, Director. • Indsmmsrns Ross ini By Mrs. C. O. Mellor and tinorus. Cl. Tate doax. Director. Solo, Ye Merry Birds. By Mr. Aptelbstim. Chorus: The Co &pet Beck r. By Combined Singing no-icties — A. Mastiff. Director. Quartette... Verdi. Mrs. C. C. Mellor, Miss M. Aninenart, Mr. Pant Zimmerman. Mr. Edwards. with in strumental accompanient. Mr. C.em. Tetedour, Director. . Grand Tableaux... Apotheosis of Humboldt. By the Pittsburgh Turner Society: Konrad. Director. • ' Concert Waltz Strauss. • Full Orchestra,o Teorge. Director. admission, tiNE DOLLA.R. Basally Circle, .I cents. feats may be .reserved. witk out extra charge._ r Parquette. at Sieber's. and for Press Circle Mellor & Ifoen•oa. on FRIDAY MORNINti, ptember 10th, 1809. 'uesday, September 14th, GRAND PROCESSION. =leered of Three Divisions, /Meehan's , . Putts rgh and South Side, etait at ON o'clock, ?nisei', proceeding to Allegheny Park. .ktonte ne announced hereafter. • .711emorial Proceedings. Dedlotory Symphony. 11. Laying of th e corner-stone of the proposed intholtitlfonnment. with appropriate cerenio. Grand Chorus—Bundleslied—Mozart—Br the Ited German Sinking Societies, with Grebes t ratlons. Feet March.. By the Orchestra. BRIOIICIAtIOII of the Pro:elusion and 'return I..ibe , ty street, rittsburpli. Route to be pub. OA hereafter. VOLIESFEST. . • irmbukation of the I utire pro^ession on 'plat trains of the Fcrinsylvania Railroad on ; city itr..tt. • : - pdges will be sold to the Darticipants of the ' • eteinti tn 4 those dadrons of attending the • 'Latest. at Ati cents each, entitling the bearer :rstisportation to and from noun's Station, on 1, ldpecial 'festival Train. and admission to ' •1' FRIENDSHIP GROVE, ire the VOLEBIEST Is to be held. BEN AIR CONCERT by the Great Weetcns extra. tORT ADDRIINER by 'Popular Speakers. tiff A B l IC EX ERCLIEB be the ranters. LI LA'S b.ANELI, DISNOINU, etc., et*. le arraugeruente are made to secure the east order. lebest or refresh merits of all kinds have Irani Tided by the prop er Committee. ee7:1399 3 WATCH H I - JEWELRY, &C WATTLES & SHEAFER'S, 17 IF'r EI AVENUE.' 7NT 3 PINE GOLD AMERICAN WATCHES a _s7s upwards. FINE GOLD WATCHES for $3O npfrards. t i k in n s h on dAMENE AN W WA RY H , E I S L VER Bd. to., at the Tory lowest prices. PPlessii Kivu us ccill, 10,000 .EGHENY . CITY PARK BONDS. most. reliable Wilds in the market. Pay 7 mitt= Interest. The istai.credit end prop or the clty pledged Tor their redemption. 000 of these bends now Offerood Tor sale. information concerning retch aPPI 7 at mirees Mee, Ailertbens CITT. order Otrarlt Coxtuistsiiion," SMILES PAIIIIII6 :rrold l4 2 l * its L OZEO OF THE LBT CENTENARY. EMY OF MUSIC PART 11. (lambert NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VoURE SPICE R.—The finest spices imported whole end ground. for 'sale leaak Ana retail at tli Family (*roots,' Store • JOHN A.:.RE)4861A.W. PRESERVING SVGABS. -30 bbls Lovering White and Yellow Sugars Just receiving and for sale by the barrel or pound to family customers it reduced prices, by JOHN A. RENSHAW, in Corner labexty and Ninth streets. • • 0771 CZ 07 CITE ENGINE= AND STIRVSTOR, • - PITTSBURGH, Sent. 7. 1869. 1 .rncE.—The assessment for Grading MILLER bTlititEr. from Centre renie to Reed street. is now ready for exam ination. and can be seen at this ogle.. until rill- DAY. September 17th. when ft will be returned to the city Treasurer's - glee for collection. Se7al9B H. J. muOitE; City Rtignieer. VXIECITTOII9I3 NOTIC E.-Let- ers testementary upon the estate of ECK. watt) DEN NY. late of Rain Deer-Township, Allegheny county. !'. a.. died. hargbeen grained to the undersigned. All persons having , dalms against the said estate wilt nlease present them for settlement, son all persons indebted to said estate will please matelmmealate paymi ntr ae7:n9s T JAMES M. DENNY, rixteutor. ALLEGHENY SUSPENSION BRIDGE: AMP EAGLE COTTON MILLS. be added to the list of stocks already ad-. vertised to be sold this (Tuesday) evening. Ben. tember 7th. at o'clock. an second door of Commercial Sales Br ouss, 106 Smithfield street, 97 apart e Allegneny Suspension bridge. .100 " Eagle Cotton is ills. Sept( A. IIIcILWAINE. Auctioneer. WRINGERS: THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER Is the berst in use an le warranted to give Batts tactlon. Fur sale 'wholesale and retail, at man ufacturers' price, by J. & ii. PIIILLIcis. 96 and ,98 Sixth litre's'. N. B.—We also repair all kinds of Wringe rs on s hort notice. se7 MEANOR 84 HARPER, Ftourt, GRAIN AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS Se. 829 Merl* Street. PITTBRURGII, PA. Sir Consignments solicited. se7 BABE AND FASHIONABLE. CONFECTIONS FOR PRESENTS. ° GEO.• BELVEN, 11.51 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny City. OFFICE OF THE } COIrritOLLIC.TITOVAL:O.IIid 0. Ir:T COONTIWA.. Ott pt. 6 h 1469. ROPOSALS FOR WRITING. P —sealed Proposals will be recelytd at this ales until the 'slli - fret. inclusive, for copying and transcribing NINE-THREE ASSESSORS DIIPLiCALES for the year 1870. Vida to be made at 60 much the running line complete. and to ineude the comparing of each and every duplicate with the original._ Samples can be seen on application. - By direction of the Connty Commissioners. HENRY LAMBERT, Controller. se7:na7 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOBS. A Full Assortment of all the Works USED IN THE Public Schools, High School, Western University, MethOdin Female College, Bowman Institute, AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS & ACADEMIES Pittsbnrgh, - Allegtieny and Vicinity. FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, by KAY & COMPANY, Booksellers and Stationers, e 5 WOOD sninr, CLAY &TETTE BUILDING.) 5etre87: 1 8 SCHOOL .AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS. AT THE METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY; , 129 Smithfield Street, (Corner of Vireo Alley.) Teacher!, Se tool Offl•ers ar C at a l og ue.ade are Invited to scud for our bawl JOSEPH HORNER, Agent. au3l: - ISSOLUTION Or CO-PART- I NICRBI.IIr. - .2he Arm of BOLLMAN. " Ifit & BAGALEY was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Toe badness will be continued by 0 &OBOE W. BOLLMAN and RALPH BAH- A GEY, ander the Ayle and are name of BOLL MAN & OMIAGET, who are authorized to col 'pet all secounte dire and pay all claims against the drm. ORO. W. BOLLMAN, RALPH RAGALEY. JOHN 0. BOYD. • WM. CAMCBELL,Jn. Prrrasuncli. Alittlet 21d, 1109. In retiring from the foundry business we cheer tally xecommeed our late partners to the further patronage of the pubic. JOHN' L. BOTH WM. CAMpBELI, JR. pRENIX. ROLL FOUNDRY, BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, Mantalte'urers of , superior CHILL ROLLS. SAND ROLLS and PINIONS. Corner Liberty and With streets.'Pittsbureh. secugi CA.UTICVN. We all attention of consumen to the practice of Adulterating Lard OD, by euLting with It Cot ton BeedOil. Rosin OR and other inferior Oils. OTTR LARD OIL WARRANTED PURE • . Any p el ion &toilet Ottr Brand or coming per _ , Trade Mark will be proceeded against accordleg to law. 13323 PROCUIIa & GAMBLE, an2l:u44 TV (4 EO. B. RILILTEN'iBERGER , SOLE AGENT namuvii BELTLBLZ *LTIS)I,IILTES. ~ • N. Sias P• 3 street, , • Pretestisaa. PA. , CEMEPIT-4001101 , • 117010116 Matsu for pu• 11. OrtiIATRGE' oAirr i rE : ViESDA4, -STPTEMBER j 7, 1869. MIW AI3ITERVISEBEEINTB. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS W.ILLLIII. SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY. FINE BLACK (IRO - GRAIN ALPACAS, *qua in 'Cotor to SM. POPLIN All C Ii'RIGII ALL-WOOL Changeable Silk NEW ASS' ARAB & STR I ,Childrens' AN EXT : • Ats2,2sFine LLIIOE SIZE, Cassimereo and Jeans, White Bed Quilts, (ALL KINDS,) Country Blankets, Heavy pol'd Quilts, Eastern Blankets, Country Flannels, Gray Blankets, Sheeting Flannels. AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail NEW FALL DILY GOODS. E. R. GARDNER'S, Cor. Market Street & Fourth Avenue, 31c. Plaid Country Flannels. 25c. /Plaid /Country Flannels. 35c. Plaid Country Flannels. BLACK ALPACAS, • SILXO BLACK HIELAKVYNAND P W EA DE ANQU.AL POIiLIN DRESS GOODS, 31c. to 62ic., New Fall Styles. PLAIN POPLINS, All Hodes, New Colon, Low Priers. WHITE BLANKET, All Grades, from $8:50 to $7.00. NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE. BLACK AND BROWN VUSLINS Be., We., lle. andl2 1.2 e,, Cheap Wholesale and Retail, at2:n3B.lllto ROBERT 1 PATTERSON & CO, • CORNER OF Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., Will on Maturday. July 31.1.1869. and on each irucceedlng eaccurclay. • hold an Auction dale of HORSES ! CARRIAGES,. OUGGI S, WAGONS, .. And everything appertaining to the Horse. ParMs deal ing to sell will pleasoleave their notice of consignment on or before Thursday of each weelt In order for advertialog. Prompt at tention and good care will be given all Bloc h left JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. ino•uo. "E7BTABLISHED 1828. MOST.. China, Glass & Queensware Vine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery. Cuter. Walters and BrMama Ware. OINOISNATI. . ASan doors above Stith street, (lets St _ B.—Otass Ware enktraved to order ink short settee. au2.8:u60 , , ZMWISPAPER - . FRE E. —Co a l d um. and , persona detislo_kAWllitern : lad oft:woos:Om Andel ,woolllT raver tam Rai BIZ NoNTILS tri_lieuaing ligime 4314 ostotdoo Wilma to O..RNRIt JOURNAL, Wats Duna. • Rugs g i rpLE 81110•111.--10 barren i n er gresatTT. LAXO a COM, ies Vie . MJ I • LPACAS, !. lor s. PL4ID POPLINS. Warp Poplins. i s RTAVEST ' IPED SHAWLS• 1 t Plaid Shawls. BARGAIN. " oolenShawls. - RICE COLORS. Da I'4Q. 69. 310. to 81.00, NEW GOODS, AS THE OIRAYEST. PITTSIMEOB, P& ALsiitT nicarr H. HIGHr& CO., Importers and dealers In No. 189 LIBERTY MMT, NEW ADVIIMTI, HILL ASSORTMENTS 0 Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Paper Cuffs and Collars, Stockings and Glovis,' Ladies' Underwear, Balmoral and Felt Skirts, Hoop Skirts and 'Rorsets, Embroideries, &e.; &e. New Style Hats, Bibbons and Flowers, Hair Switches and Curls, Jet Jewelry, &c., &e. Men's Paper Collars and Cuffs, Men's Undershirts and Drawers, uspenders, Socks and Gloves, Neck Ties and Bows. EXTRA. BARGAINS. At 50c. Full Size White Muslin Skirts. At 121 c. Ladies' Lace Handkerchiefs, At Sic. Ladies' Hemstitched Handk'fs, At 121 c. Gents' White Handkerchiefs. NEW GOODS DAILY, 133 SEMPLE'S, No. 1801 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE. CITY OF ALLEGHENY, September lit, 1889. TO DELINQUENT Tax PAYERS OF THE City of Allegheny. Notice is hereby given to all persons who have not paid their taxes, rates. levies or assessments In said City of Allegheny, that they are required to Psi the same on or before the • FIRSTDIY - OF OC OBEJI NEXT, then FIVE PEE CENT. 11 be added thereto. and made parable thel eon. d that if the e ame be not paid on or before he FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT follow ng, warrants will be directed to properly qualitie persons, command ing each of them to levy, for said taxes with all costs' and charges accrued thereon of any goods and chattels of the dellnouents wheresoever found', and to make sale thereof after aivertise ment as In cases of distress for rent. . . _ 11. 31,A.CFERRON, sell:n7B CITY TREASURER. LATEST OIL STRIKE. Maier.: LIBERTY I ECONOMY I • ND A FREE TRADE! To secure even handed Jcgriffit. just come and see what bplen did bargains are offered In the gor ous tipri ng and Summer Clothes just prepared and egnibited to teapot:die by S. C. TRArriniatir. The fullest Ltitsatxr to be enjoyed wnen the man who enjoys it h neatly dressed in a suit of new humm. , r Clothes which St him so comfortably as not to abridge the freedom of tits motion.. Such clothes aro to be had at S. O. Tn &Paulus's. To practice YhorlowY, don't spend vast sums of m iney wnero extortionate people charge fancy prices for Unsatisfactory clothing, hot come and get the ninth of every dollar yous pe UZlMnd, at TBAIAN'S. Irnxx TRADE of the freest sort, practiced every day,an4 alt day, at the big No 11 Clothing Ball. There the people bring their cash, and there they set the! clothes. )very man free to buy at all times. Trade tremendous just now at the Big No. 11 Clothing Hall. LOOK AT THE PRICES. ; ' i t Cocoa nut. suits for $1 worth •15. • • T Spanish suits tor $9 wo ill 660. Skating park suits fbr A worth 05. 500 suits , linen, at tll 0 each worth 15. Black snits for O wor th SAD. - Boys' Salts' tor $5 worth 610. And t great many more too numerous to men tion. Call early and secure your bargains. as we have but a few days to sell. Remember Big No. . 118lxth street. S. G. TRAITERDIAN. j 710317-11 • , OFFICE OP THE Cosnueltowzas 00 Ma SINKING POND, Trealltry Department , of Pennsylvania. - fialulaltUßG, August 80, 1889 QEALED BIDS WILL BE RE: S OEIVED for thstredemption of ONE MIL LION DOLLARS Ortheloan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvanti; ddb July. Ist, 1810, until 191o*eloek M..OOI . ORER 15t,1889. Co.a• munleations f o be addressei R. W. MACKEY, Esq., fltatii2ress9toeNni urd, Penns., da ~ endorsed bldsll>r 4dempli of state Loan. , P. JORDAN, • , Secrete') Of State. J. Y. HARTRANIT, Auditor General. R. W. •MACKEY, litate Tri. &surer. ,'Commissioners of the Sinking Ifund. N. 8.-N0 newspaper publishing the above without anthorhy, will receive pay therefor. anZinall ___. ALPERT acK HLER, Manufacturers and Deafen In BOOTS, SHOES AND CfAITEBS, No. 38 Market street, Pitts b ugh, Pa. Particular situation given Id Pustout Work. We beg leave to oirect the attention of the public to the fict that , we are now prepared to manufacture Booty s od. Shoes for. persons tronblea with Corns,4Banloas, or deformed feet, under the personal super.tsion of our Mr. AL ERT, formerly of &Scanty City, who will b e rimmed to see his old customers agaln. We have adopted Mr. Alpert,s mode of measuring the root, by which we can be saftf in warranting easy and comfortable Boot' and Shoes for the, Under est feet. Give us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT & .h.OHLER, ankm2l j 311 Hame l Janet, Pittsburgh, Pa. T P OUT Allirr ANNOUNCE- IittiTST.—To the citizens ofadjoining coon ties. who are fortsdut 01%71111tary Com panies, LANE & TOWNSEND, 430 *Met Pleiladeiphia,. Offer for isle n Imre' truairtrl 01' 011• Wool Dark lune OW* 1120010 f ffrockeosto Ix VA/id condition. tor- 'O5 is 111100.0 1 " enent(Ues o 100 Or iierrardi) of 00.40 aerAs cash 00 lolir• err. . AMMO - tar NO T/OBS--"To-Leti" "Sate," 611, 08 41, wana," ',Found," "Boarding," ite„ not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be inserted in these• columns once for TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each -.addi tional. line FIVE CENTS. WANTED--SITUATIONS. ANTEV. SITUATIONi -An Eastern man tirst-elass experlanee. w shell a situation as BOXMIII or Bar.tender In first class house. Apply at the Eagle gotel.2ll Merl y Stree;. JuHM N. KNIGHT.. WANTED.—By a Lady from the east, a situation as hunsekeep.r or tong' anion. or as' governess for sm•11 children. ddre.s: for two days, Mrs. A., 84 Sheffield greet, Allegheny. WANTED— TINNED— SITUA— TION desired to work at the Tinning Oust sem Would prefer to wore under Instructions. .Address, L. H. Id, Box 64. West Andover. (lido. • WANTED—A SITUATION AS Clerk. Salesman. or Travelling Agent for a wholesale or manufacturing estsblishment. Can sive good city references. Address Box "51, New Cumberland, W. Va. WANMO) 4 .;-HELP. S—One A for R . estaora nd L o e Cham b er 4ok wog. Apply at No. D s'4l minefield street. WANTED--HELF.---AT EM. PLOYMEhIT OFFIC E _, -No.l St. Cisir Street, BOYS GULLS and per KEN, for different kinds of emplot, ns wanting of all kinds canym en on be supplied short notice.belr WANTS.- • INTANTED.—ROO3OI-A, wants Lady, with one child, 0 years old rooms, Pittsburgh preferred. References given. Address, stating location and price, Mr.. D.. Box-$. GAZETTE 07710 E. . WANTED. -10,00 0 Acres of LAND WARRANTS and AGRICuLTU RAL COLLEGE LAND sena% wanted. Ad dress, JOHN B. BRADDOCK, 31ount Vernon, Oldo. WANTED.—A good second t•AND ENGINE AND BOILER: engine about 7-Inch cylinder• Bolter from 18 to 20 feet, 36 to 46-Inch, •nd fined. Parties•havink snob machinery to sell will please address Box. 384. Pittsburgh Poste:lice stating size, make and price. WANTED. -A SW ALL HOUSE, of three rooms. In 3fanch.ster or Law renceville. Also. a nITUATION hi a clothing store se salesman. Good micrence glven. Ad dress W. P. BRANDON. Pittsburgh Postofllce. LOST. IttosT.—On Saturday- after- NOON.. a ROUTE BOOKI containing a anta o oney and rseelpted,bills. ahe tinder wall be rewarded by leaving the same at the oAzErnr. OFFICS. TO LET. MO-LETith—Agood first-class STO .46 RE ROOM. w cellar. at o. Oh;o street. Allegheny, second door fro N m Diamond, and opposite the Franklin Savings Banc. One Of the best lecatlons In the city: has been occu. pled tor twenty years by the subscriber. who . is retirlag from business. Fixtures complete and In good order. Possession immediately. For particulars, inquire on the premises W. CARSON. TO-LET—HOUSE of 4 rooms at head of Federal sweet, AllerbeniC l / 5 . Rent Oa per month. Apply to JOHN b. ASH OATH. nexclo toll nate. 0-LET—AL second Story Front FO'ilf, suitable for single gentlemen, at o. 31 Ninth (formerly Hindi street. TO-LET-00M.—A furnished 111 FRONT BOOM. In one of the most dealt's. ble pardons of the city Enquire at 52 SKIT lI vIELD STREET. • rI'O LET-FOUR NEW HOUSES A. of SIX ROOMS enact on Jalappa street. Fifth ward, Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue. one square from MaticliPater street cars. Enquire of T. c M. t S n*v L en it ue . B o 9 r CHARLES e P ct . W co ß r l n G er H T of , 171 North avenue, corner of Webster street. FOR SALE. NVNI FOR 8 4 LE—II EIRY.—A well FITRNitiFIED BAKERY. In a °nod Loca tion. is for note Tery , cheap. Inquire at No. 23 Grant street,. VOA 4LE.—The STOCK and FIXTURES of the best located RETAIL. HAT, CAP and Full STORE In the City of Pittsburgh. N. bonus for good will or lease. E. R. WILSON'. 118 Wood street. f e t e. FOR SALE.—Groctry Stand. srocK AND FIXTURE il located on Fifth ATenue, six squares from tbe , Court House, cheap for cash. Apply to CROFT PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOB SALE.-.The Stock, coed WILL AND FIXTURES of that old eatab. Raped RATALL eIR@ICERY STAND. at No. 956 Sandumar @treat. Allegheny City. *bone store TOdln fare"t. Enquire on the premise., of MARY MEE WITH. Fell SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN fiTe.ND Ina desirable loe slay. Terms easy; doing a good. business. Apply of WM. JACKtiON. - Q 3 Uralic street. OR SALE.-110VSE AND LOT. —equate at Halton Station. Lot contains 5( acres, on which Is erected a good Frame Dwelling contuning 0 rooms. with fruit trees, tr.c. Address JOHN CUFFS,: Hutton Station. . FOR SALE.—Oni-half of • a valuable PATENT tor Pennsylvania.. A small snide used in all houses.' A chance for an Addresst roan watt a few hundred dollars. PATENT. Postortlee Box END. . • F "' AVE.-A Drug Store and all the Fixtures. Grins. Le. of the latest ande. situated on the corne parti cularsl street Fifth avenue. For felt inquire at the Store or WILLIAM W ABM, No. Grant street, opposite Cathedral. Eyoß seas.=lleiirata e West - SAN AVENUE RESIDENCE, Allegheny •I ; Lot is 48 feet by ISO to aSOT. et Alley: house contains IS rooras, with all tit cessary con. venlenen: will be sold very cheap, as 'the owner la got ax to leave the city. Apply to PROFT & PHILLIPS, Real Estate Agedtr, No. 139 Fourth Avenue. VOA SALE.—FOUR ACRES four miles from the city, on tne New ii.lahttm Road. about Ave minutes walk from Railroad Station. It is ah excellent building site with a ens view of the Ohlo•Elver, and good orchard of fruit bearing Atople,Cherry an reach trees. Apply to A. COWLEY. Iron car cot- Z. W. 11AR A LARGE AND, CO t e Ls a - . "An MIMI FOR NA LE-FARM Air A BAR GAIN-140 PER ACRE ;1011 purchase _ a gOOO Vann uf 239 Acres in Westmoreland coun ty. Pa., two miles from Railroad. Good soil, well watered, underlaid with at and limestone. House. Barn, urrhard, $c Ao. Terms easy. Apply to CROFT & PHILLIPS, No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR SALE—FOUNDRY.—Rare chance for an enterprising man with some capital, situated in the town of Washington. the County seat of Washington county, Fa. it is now doing a very suceessfhl business as the bocks will show, and could be increased to doub , e the amount desired, and yet could not supply the d mand; will also furnish a partner for &half inters est in it if desired by the purchaser. This is a good opening tot a practical man, as can , be shawn beyond a down. Apply to CROFT a PHILLIPS. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. FOR SALE.—SHOP ON NORTH 1114F.C7 LIE. ALLEGIISNY CITY, PA.— ue building, 38x70 feet. Is being used by Jas. Godfrey & Co. as a manfaeturing establishment. One of the members of the Arm wishing to retire from business on account of poor health, we have decided to close out this part of the busi ness at a bargain. Also good will of Stem Power (5 to 10 horse power wagon mate ehinery would mat e a good lot 60x 100 feet, on b ear = _y lease. For further particulars ingoire at Pio. 44 Mu street, Alit gueny, Pa. OR SALE—PROPERTY. F •13 lots 25x131 feet., graded, only $5OO - per year. 4 lots 24x1321 feet. 4409 - 4100 per year. 1 lot - 25x129 feet, 4500; steed street. Frame house of 3 rooms. Ist 24x1.00 feet; only $l,lOO. Brice house of I rooms, bath room and stable; 912x100-144,600. 2 three- storied brick houses on Irulton street, each 42,- ' 500. 2 nye roomers pressed brick houses finely finished. new: lot 6ux.100 Two blck houses. • pumps and hydrants. all tor $4.000. New two room d and cellar brick rouse, lot 20x.100,• $l,- 400-1600 cash and 6100 per year. Coed sevs n rcomed house and lot 24x260 feet. $2,- 500. and easy terms. 6 roomed frame house, lot 24x60. 41,500-1500 cash and nalan - e I n 11. and 2 years. 2 lots- on. Wylie street 24x80; 4950. 1101 on Wylie street 270:1515: 41.500. Mots on Centre avenue 223.(r125: (900 each. 150 feet front on Centre avenue by 125 feet deep, will divide to suit. 6 lots on Centre avenue from 4300 to 4131.10. The above property is well located and within 10 to 13 minutes walk of the Court House, and on t- e New (Jentral Passenger R. g. 20 acres on Western Penna.. Railroad; 4 miles from m i l e sity, 20 acres O Pan Handle Railroad, 4 from city. New 0 room frame house 1 mile from Court House. 225 acres Alisson ri laud. Persons desiring to purchase a-home or make aninvestment, and those wishing to sell, please call on or address, • • Mc...7LIING & 9.ILINBOV. WO Nos. 195. 197 and 199 Centre avenue gOR SALE. . . onsc and 4 Lots on Spring Hill. 7th ward; 10 acres at., lem in gStstiOn: House and 1.14 acres; also 614 acres at Glendale Station: 16 acres about 1 mile from Fleming 'Station; 34 acres at Fair Oaks S'ation: 17 acres - at Glendale on P.. Ft. W. St C. H. Bo House and Lot corner Hemlock. and Poplar street; Lot on Troy 11111: ktouse on Sandusky street: 3 Houses on doyle street; 3 Farms In Otdo; S Houses In kighth ward: Farm In istwlvkley township:. Farm near Perrysville; House on Ledllestreet; Farm In Westmoreland county; Farm in. Butler county; 5 Lots near acred's Prove; S acs House Headrsons Hill; 1 at Jack". Pup; and Lots on Bvaver street; House and Lots on Beaver street: House and Lot in Salem, Oulo; 21 Lots on Fremont street: other Houses and Lots In good localities. M. 'WHITMORE, Real Estate !gent. corner Ohio and Sandusky street, Allegheny.., au27 , "HOBOKEN" STATION PROPERTY Ilia beautiful situation cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction, so elose to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any pen on de. siring information about ads nropertv can obtain It 137 calling at the office of the IRON CITY MU TIJA.L LIFE rNI3ITRANCE , COMPANY. 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to Ave acres: also, small lots to suit pur- • chasers. There is a good location for a =Loofa° taring establishment, between the Railroad sltd. Allegheny river. aul9:nM FOR &Me—One of the FINEST BUILDING LOTS Ever offered to - the rittstmrgh public. Suitable for either pubic or private buildings; having a front on • 60 feet street of 100 feet by 240 feet to a 40 feet street and a 20 feet alley. the whole depth on one aide. Less than three miles from the Diamond, and but 10 feet from Butler street Inquire of SeTenteenth ward, opposite E 3,. John's Eplaco- 59 MA RKE AltrNOW SE &SONABLE AND ARE AT WHOLEUL 59 MARINE FOR SALE. D. S. WILLIAMS. al Church Fort ,ssue, SECOND AVENUE.—TWO houses. 3 stories. 9 rooms, with all modern improvements Will sell for 65,500 and 65.500 each. Easy terms. FQUIRREL HLLL.-4 acres of d al eith snlendld view over the Monongahela ley; Adapted for privatetesicience or to be laid out in isttlialng_Lots. At a bargain. THREE MILES FROM SHARRBOI3II9. -9 0 choicest best garden land, with 500 of the. fruit trees In Just bearing ecmuitton Convenient to flour anti saw mill Far particti lars enquire at ST Grant Street, . H TIISTIN & KLEE. IaIEItSONAJL.—AII persons seek '. ING BOERS, or 'avant/lents in Beal Es tate, will save titre, ttouble and money by pro curing a- copy of+ the “FITTEBEFettH - BEAL ESTAAE BIOME'S." His glvenswayortATlS or will be tent by nail rasa to any requesting It. Persons cannot all to gel suited out of the large list it contains. CROFT PLIPa,_ Eno- Ushers and Real Estate Agents, Ito, 139 Fourth avenue. CANDIDATE. TNDEPEN.DENT TEMPER.. A. Amp, `Cx.itimaim. • FOR COUNTY. COMMISSIONER. ISAIAH DICKEY. ans:nrc DIVIDENDS Caws at. BANK. tt PITTSBWAGH. Magnet St, 1889. rE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of this Bank have declared s dividend of 0) PEE CENT. out of the profits of the last six months, payable to Stockholders on de mend: J. W. DAVITT, anal Cashier. KER T STREET. BECTIVOGI MPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, biro SELL vcr Pri•Oen B AND RETAIL. NE.3001 ]EL fit) C". 1, • • ' T STREET su3o:n72 I ME