Prr%'9I3URGIC IMARICETIs. 19 OPPIca, or Pirrsstruda ArETTE, / Moaner, Sept ,6, -1869. i The markets in a genera ' way, are de yoid of anything really new or impor tant. The demand for elmost every thing is light, get tliere is ;a fair volume of business in the aggregate, and prices generally are pretty welt sustained. APPLES—SaIes in store at 1,50@8 per bbl, - BERRIES--Season is about over. BUTTER—Is in good demand, par ticularly for prime to choice, which is be ing sold at 27®30. CHEESE—Is quiet but steady, with a fair local demand. and regular sales at 15@)17 cents, as to quality. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic -Ce ment is quoted at 52,25 per bnl. . • CARBON OIL—In better demand,lint unchanged;•we continue to quote stand ard brands at 29 for 25 or 50 bol lots;' and wan in a retail way. EGGS—Scarce and higher,' with sales at 18., - . FEATHERS--Dull; quoted at 80@85 cents to the trade, and the usual advance for Small jots in store. FLOUR—The demand is light, and al together local, while prices remain un changed. Sales of western flours, ttr and spgs, at7@7,50. The stock win of spring rin wheat flo u r a is almost exhaust ed; there is not much inquiry for it, as winter commands the preference at the same price. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and unchang ed, $1,30©1,35, for fai to red. The mills are receiving r a good deal from the we st,the:s . Pes rl" alone havng 16 cars reported tc-day. Oats firmer in conse quence of diminished receipts. but un changed-45 in first hands, and 4S®5O in store. Rye is bard to sell unless at low figures, $1,1061,12 being about the best offers—sale 2,000 bushels at $l,lO, Corn is dull but unchanged, 93@$1 for rime yellow. Sale 1 car white at 93%. Bar ley is quiet with nob l yu era above s nt l,2s ry .HAY—Is beingfrom wagons at $l5 to $2O. HlGHWlNEs—Unsettled, under the influence of the advices from the west, and cannot be quoted correctly. HEMP—Very dulL $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2,;(g3 eta per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted atfl,so, and Cleveland at $2,50 per. bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers & Co. quote Extra No. 1, atl,43,end No. 2, at 1.05® 1,08 PouLTßY—sates of spring chick. ens, at 50Ce55 per pair. PROVISIONS—The demandtis fair, but unchanged. Bacon, Shoulders, 153;; Bibbed Sides, 18%; Clear do, 19%; Sugar Cured Gams ; 23@23%. Lard, 20% in tirces, 21 in half bbls, and 2134 in buck ets and kegs. Mess Pork, $ 33 %@ 84 . Dried Beef, 22. PEA.NIITS—Rave still further ad vanced, and we now quote at 15. PEA.CIiES—SoId in a regular way to day, st $1,75@2,25 per box. PLUMS-1n steady demand, and we can report regular sales at $5 per busuhel. SWEET POTATOES—In good de mand and scarce, and we can report sales of Jerseys at $534@7 per bbl. 'SALT—Is firmer, with sales of car load lots at 41,85 per bbl. SEED—Small sales of timothy seed at $1,50@4,75. 'Nothing doing in clover and flaxseed. TALLOW—Renderete quoted at 10%. WATERMELONS --Range lathe way from $l2 to $2O per 100. PETROLEUM MARKET OFFICE OF. PITTSBURGH' GAETTE, MONDAY, September 6, Z 1869. ; s The week does not open very snap!• ciously for the oil business, if to-day can be taken as a specimen, as there was next to nothing done. -This should not be so, particularly at this season of the year, heretofore considered the best hart of it. Yet here we are in the first alf of September with many of onr refineries idle, and others working about half time with our shipments down to 1,000 to 1,200 per day instead of 3,000 to 4,000, an has been the case nearly every year heretofore; and worse than all is the fact that theren no indication at present of any immediate improvement. Thus far this has been one of the worst years our manufacturers have experi ced in the history of trade; our shipments from January Ist to date, compared with the corresponding period last year, fall behind largely, while the exports from the United States during the same time e somewhat in excess of the same time last ar year; and more than this, while we have shipped less, oil onr refiners, generally. have made little or no mollify, and even now the chances for a margin are by no means bright. , ••• CRUDE. Market quiet but steady :Dot a single sale reported. Spot or seller September, 143(0gi15; September to December, 15; buyer all year, 153; seller all year, 14%. • REFINED Also very quiet—not a single sale re ported. although the market is steady, and prices unchanged. September, last half, 32%: October, 33; September ,to De cember, 33. Antwerp has advanced to 66. LUBBIONTING OILS. ... Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil ...... sue Eclipse Railioad Axle 35c Eclipse Machinery 75c TricHose Rnlndle ........ . ....... -. .. 80a . Parker & Thompson ...... ~.. ....... 520 " RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. Fisher& Bro 320 bbls. Waring, "King &Co 880 11, E. H. Long 320 "1 Owston & Sowers. 960 ' 4 Livingston It Bro 80 ', Wesley Wilson 50 44 B. T. Leech:. : ... 1,160 'I 1, Burchfield & Oliver ' 000 ' Vonpariel Oil Works. 483 " Total 4,253 bbls, OIL SECIPFSD Rd ST BY A. V. a. R. Forsyth & Bro.: 802 bbls refined I to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Standard 031 Co 212 bbls refined to Warden, Frew t Philadelplda. Wormser. Myera & Co. 208 bbls ref. oil to Warden, Frew. & Co.. Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan & Co., 200 bbls ref. oil to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick,, 198 bbls refined to Warden. Frew & CO.; Philadelphia. Total Refined ...... .. ... ...... /lin OIL 8111:1YRENTS. P te.'.WRRY 477'bbls ref. tO Mentzer, Heller & Co.. to. Waring, 'Sing & Co., Philadelphia. Raslston it Waring 845 bbls ref. oil to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Excelsior Oil Manf. Co.; 50 bbis ref. to Waring, King &Co., Philadelphia. Total Refined. . ... ". 872 'Hutchison Oil &Refined Cs., 819 bble to Warden, Frew & Co. PhUadelplia. Brooks, Ballentine & Co. 98 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. * Total shipments Refined 412 Dry Goods Market, ,lira" Tonic, Sept. 6.—The maiket opened • fairly but- not very active,and only are steady. We only the fo ll owing changes to notice to day. Stevens' linen °rubes selling at an nexed pricek:. B brown at 10340: do bleachsd_. liKm do brown. 11%0; do' A brown (to- dobleached, 1414c;R brown, (to - bleached, 16) , 40; 1; brown, be; bleached, 'ls}§m PUN broorti,,DWY., do, bleached, 15)fc; Willnollrdign• 18340; do: bleached, sad_ the s workin-I • non% bins detilM)0100 110 P 4 : 1001204' t°Asi'Amt.: . ; • ----7--- MARKETS 111-If,'TELm.GRAPIR. NEW Yong, September 6. Cotton quiet i and drooping, sales 500 bales. at 35c fdr middling uplands. Flour: re ceipts 13,607 bbls; market dull and s@loo lower; there was no export demand, ship pers being unable t 9 see their exchange: sales 5,100 bbls at. $5,85@6,25 for super fine State and western; $6,65®7,15, extra State; $6,50®7,25, extra western; $7,30@ 7,40, white wheat extra; $6,70(47,25, rotund hoop 0h10;.56,75, 57,25@9, - good choice do., closing quiet and heavy. Rye Flour quiet; sales 100 bbls at $4,50®6,49. Cornmeal scarce and quiet. Whisky dull and heavy; sales 100 bbla westerner 51,1034@)1,12 for free. Wheat: receipts were 48,261 bush; market dull - and prices 240 a lower; the 'export mand % materially checked try the difficulty in selling exchange; 112,000 bas at $1,45 for fair No. 2 spring; $1,57 ©1,62 for. red and amber western, and $14®1,65 for amber Delaware. Rye dull;and heavy. Barley arid feat 'nominal. 'Reeipts of corn 1,160. Corn scarce and 'l c e better with sales of 36,000 bus at 11,04©1,17 for un• sound new mixed western, $1,18®1,21 foriound do, $1,2.2®1,25 for high mixed and western. Receipts of oats 23,210 without decided change; sales of 88,000 bushels at 65@700 for new southern and western. Stock of grain in warehouse: wheat' 754,121, corn 127,• 738, oats 83,920, rye 560,801, barley 5,948 bus, malt nd 134,870 bus, peas . 14.113. Rice quiet a firmer. Coffee firm and fairly active, whir sales of 3,100 bags Rio on private terms, and 500 bags Mari caibo at 184®193.0 in gold. Sugar quiet and very firm, with sales of 800 hhds at 11%©12e. for Cuba. Molasses nominaL Petroleum quiet. Hops nominal. Lin seed 011 dull at 96®980 in casks. Spirits Turpentine dull at 42c. Pork dull and heavy, with sales of 300 bbls at $31,50® 31,75 for mess, closing at e 31,50 cash, $3l for old do., $27,50®28 for prime, and $3O ®30,50 for prime mess. Beef steady, with sales of 180 bbls at. $8,55®13,50 for new plain mess, and $12®17 for new extra mesa. Beef Hams quiet, with sales of 95 bbls at $25®30. Cut Meats steady, with sales of 1,70 pkgs at 14%@150 for shoulders, and 17®19c • for name. Middles dull, with sales of 50 boxes ice cared at 170. Lard quiet and a shade firmer, with sales of 400 tierces at 17!;(a) 19340 for steam, and 19%®20c for kettle rendered. Butter steady at for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 13 ®160.16@28c Freights to Liverpool quiet and firm at 934 d per sail and 1035 ii per steam, with shipments of 7,000 bbls of flour at 2s 6d par sail and 2s 735d®23 9d per steam. Latest—Flour closed dull and droop ing for medium and eommon grades. IA neat dull, heavy and I®2o lower. Rye dull at $1,16®1,17. Oats steady at 66®700 for western, the latter an ex treme. Corn firm, at $1,04®1,07 for un sound and $1,18®1,22 for sound mixed western. Pork nominal, at $31,50 for mess. Beef nominally unchanged. Cnt Meats nominal. Bacon quiet andheavy. Lard quiet, at 191,4', ®19}4,3 for fair to prime steam. Eggs nominally un changed. Curceoor ?Sept. 6.—Eastern exchange very Flourea off buying and at par selling. quiet and firm at 0,75® 7,00 for spring extras. Wheat quiet and easier, with sales of - No. 2 at 11,30®1,a1; closing at 51,303.4®1,30X,• this afternoon sales were made at 114834 seller Septem ber. Corn easier and ai©lc lower, with sales of No. 2 at 86ai@S7w3; rejected at 82@)8335e: no grade at 78@800; closing at 87c for No. 2; this afternoon tho mar ket was quiet. with sales at 86340 seller September for No. 2. Oats firmer, opening at 443.;@45c for No. 2, and advanc• 1 ed to 4534@45'41 and closed at 45a c. Rye quiet and a shade easier sales of No. 2 at 93%®91%e, closing al 114 c, rejected 821.4@83}4e. Barley excited and more active with an advance of 3 ®4c per bu. N 0.2 seller the month sold at $1,29 ®1,30. Highwines firmer,buyers and sellers gen , orally apart; sales of new at 111,06 _ ®1,0635 add old at SLO7. Sugar active and firmer; -at 13%®14%c for common to prime Cuba. Pro visions active. Mess Pork firmer at. $33.50@33,75. Lard nominal at 18Nc. Dry salted shoulders 13(a)13a/40. Freights quiet and 340 higher at 6350 for corn, and 7c for wheat to Buffalo. Re ceipts for the past forty-eight bourn -3,578 bbls flour, 60,461 bush wheat, 352,- 665 bush corn 53,625 bush oats, 4,535 bush rye, 2,450 bush barley, 1,882 head hogs. Shipments-2.203 bbls flour, 74.108 bush wheat, 172..808 bush corn, 17,719 bush oats, 6,991 bush rye, 406 bash bar ley, 4,661 head hogs. ST.. Lours, September 6.—Tobacco steady and strong. Cotton; nothing doing. Hemp; no sales rerted. Flour dull and weak for low grades but prices not quotably , changed, with superfine at $4,90©5,25, extra $5,50, double extra $5,55®6,00, treble extra to choice family 16,25®7,00, and fancy 117,75 ©8,50. Wheat dull and heavy, with No. 2 red fall at $1,15 ®l,lB, No. 1 do U20(211,27, choice red $1,30®1.35, No. 1 wh $1,25 (a)1,30, and choice $1,37%®1,45ite Corn; low grades dull and easier, but good qualities firm, with sales Michigan in sacks at 87®87%c; choice 0(a Oats; 91c; fair to fancy white 90495c. 10 Oats; low grades have declined to 48@ 50c; mixed in sacks 50053 c; white firm and in demand for best grades fair to good at 7735®82460, and primeBsc. Barley—small sales of good spring at $1,25, and choice fall at $1,90. Whisky dull and lower at $1,09(0,10. Groceries quiet and' unchanged. Pork dull $33,75®34. Dry salted shoulders in small way at 141/3®14y,0; clear rib sides 1734 c; clear- sides 180. Macon steady; loose shoulders 1450; packed do 15%0; clear rib sides 113a4c; clear sides 19c. Lard—small order sales of choice tierce at 10',c. RecelPts—Sour 4,800 bble, corn 3,800, barley 900, wheat 48,800, oats 25,100, rye 400 bush, hogs 225. Crrahrtruert, September 6r dull; sales of family at $6,25. Whe o at u lower and dull at a decline; sales of red at $1,25 ®1,28, White at $1,85@1,40. Corn quiet but firm'at $1®1,03 - . Oats at 54 to 580, and steady. Rye is in moderate demand at $l. Whisky dull, and sold ai $l.OB, but $1,05 was the best offer made at the Gloss. Meal Pork dull, and held at $32,75 to $33, but there is no demand. , Lard dull and prices nominal at 1910. Bulk shoulders are in- demand; 90,000 bbis. sold at 18ale, but they • are held at the close; aides held at 16a0. • Bacon quiet but unchanged; sales of shoulders at 15c, sides at 18go for rib and 1831 c. for clear rib and clear. Sugar cured hams at 23© 240. Butter latter carce and in demand at 28®35e, the raze for choice. • Ens =scarce and higher; sales of fresh at 19® 200. Linseed on steady 'at' 4 1 @11 03 . Lard 011 at $1,40@1,45; - Rettbleum at 81 0583c. ,,,4 old at 136% per cent: buying. - Bx ahan ge steady. at 1.10 per - cent. dis count ' buying.. The money market is - close and active. , LOUISVILLE, Sept. 6.-13agging, two pound hemp 240. Cotton duil and nom inal. Flour firm; superfine $5146, 26 .. grain firm: red wheat 51,15, white do $1.,25.C0rn in bulk 85892%. Oats4s© 500, Rye ow*. Barley $1.15@g41 5 . Leaf tobacco iirmt'sales of 68 hhds at IP., for lugs to $33,50 - for manufac turing leg. shoulder'Prsione steady: Mess pork $B4, Raeonll. oul •16,- clear rib and clear sides 1935®19a1e. 'Lard declined to 20c. Hem* fanny sneer - cured :211443211%, plihedo 22%:, wfibiktdeolined to 1410. -••• • ' 'Wit.' cveviii*ig' 'Nem , —Pionr:. t to, misiketlirs *lll l- VAlet;' . WOO: the market' . Wits . And =MOW DIMII= Tilistut.qtr, though tveaker at' the close.. Corn dull and neglected and nominally unchanged; No. 1 held at $l.OO and No. 2at i)Bc. Oats quiet but firm; No. 1 state held at 50c on spot. Rye quiet and firm; No. 1 held at $1,00©1,05 and No. 2at 95c. Barley: re ceipts aro 1 ght and nothing is yet doing to - indicate , prices; nominal figures are $1,25© ,30 for State and Canada. Petroleum quiet but firm; relined held at 29c for spot and October; stnall lots 2@3c above these figures; crude firm; held at $6,00@6,55. TOLEDO, September 6.--;Flour quiet. Wheat a shade No. 1 white Wa bash $1,70, No. 2 do. lower; $1,38. , N0. 2 Mehl gala $1,35, No. 1 red $1,38, No. 2 do. $1,35.X, No. 3 do. $1,31, amber 51,3 7 ® , 1,344. Corn quiet; No. I 98c, No. 2 95© 9430. Oats lc bettar; No. 1 540, No. 2 490. Freights firm, 50 and 100 to Buffalo and 'cone 28 , 400 h wheat, 643,20 bush; 'corn, 28.400 bush; oats, 9,100 bush. , 3700 bole; wheat, 125,800 Re bush:. corn, 20000 bush; oats, 4,800 bush; rye, 300 bush. • MILWAVICEE, Sept. 6.—Flour dull, prices . heat ; quiet and steady at sl,33unchanged for No 'W . 1, $1,3034 for No. _ Oats dull and lower at 4334 for No. 2. Corn dull and nominal. Rye steady at 98e for No. 1. - Barley firmer at sl,lo® 1,40 inferior to prime., Grain freights firmer and higher; 70 to Buffalo, i 2,4/ to Oswego. Receipts . ' 500 bbl, flour, 18:000 bash iy heat , 6,000 bush oats, 3,000 bush corn.. -Shipments; 3,000 bbbalfiour, 34,000 bush wheat. BALTIMORE, September 6.—Flour dull and weak; sales of western superfine at $6@6,25 do. extra at $6,50®8,25. Wheat dull an d ' the receipts are large; sales of Prime to choice red at $1,50©1,60. Corn firor rime at 19 ®2O for [ white. Oats dullm f at 58@SO p C. Rye dul c 0l a t , $1,10@1,15. Mess Pork quiet at $34,50. Bacon firm; sales of rib sides at 194 c, clear rib at 20c, shoulders at 16 34 c, hams at 24@250. Lard quiet at 20,52040. Whisky firm at $1,12@1,13.. PHILADELPHIA. September 6—North western extra family flour $6,75©7,75; Ohio do $7, 8@9,50. Wheat is in limi ted request; 'led $1,50@1,55. Rye un changed. Corn steady; mixed western $1,17@1,18. Oats dull; new western 54@600. Mess pork $33,50©33,75. Lard 19%@193.i. Petroleum: refined 3134. Whisky dull and lower; iron bound $1,20. Mratritts, September d.—Cotton: de mand active; sales of 50 bales; middling 35c; low do. 32c; receipts; 45 bales; ex ports none. Flour $5,50@6,00. Corn 9034 c. Ray $22,50. Bran $19@20. Oats 65c. - Corn Meal $4,3054,40. Bacon steady; shoulders 16340; sides 19340. • DETROIT, Sept. S.—Flour quiet at $7,00 80. Wheat; No. 1 white unsettled at $1,40; regular $1,32, and amber $1,32: • G J itEl . l._"g_,::'TV,t§pAY:;. - I s ,F . p 3. F IMPORTS BY RAIL Iii ROAD PITTSBURGH CLEVELAND AND WWII RAI Roan. September 6.-1; car motel, Brady's Bend Iron Ca; 2 Ido do, Zug & Co; 1 car lumber, .1 R Hays & Son; 1 car w pipes, H H Collins; 5 buckets butter, H Ridle; 101 bb.s crude oil, J Speer; 132 aka rv d e, McHenry & Hood; 2 cars stone, .1 L Knox:•l2 bbls flour? R it A Carson; 10 do do, 228 eke feed, Welch & Co; 8 bbls pears, 30 do apples, 2 bits peaches, Voigt, Mahood it Co; 102 eke rye. Mcßlne & A.njer; 76 eke oats, 1 bbl eggs, 33 eke corn, 3do rye, 4 bxs grapes, 10 bbls ap ples, P Duff & Son; 50 bbls apples, 1 do eggs, G Vangorder & Shepard; 7 do apples. .1 A raff; 5 pkgs eggs, 2 kgs butter, 1 eke rags, 1 keg lard, .1 Garrard; 12 bble apples, F - G Craighead: 365 bushels rye, 100 bbls flour, D Wallace; 25 starch, Wm Miller; 4 rolls leather, I J Hammett & 8,313002 iron blooms, .1 Moorhead; 460 do do, Nimick & Co. Prrranouides, FORT WAYNE a CHI CAGO RAILROAD, September 6.-10 cars metal, Nimick Jr Co; 2 do do, Zug & Co; Ido do, Bryan & C; 4 do do, J W Porter; Ido do, Brown it Co; 2do do, Loomis & Co; 2 do tire brick, S M Keir; 1 do stone, C Miller; 100 bbls flour, Culp & Shepard; 1 car lumber, Duncan Jr t.,0; 50 bbls flour, J Wilson & Son; 50 do do, Shomaker & Latigenghlem; 100 do do, Watt Lang diCo; 1 car felt, R Chrietx tit Co; 125 ladle lids, Hall it Spear, 1 hhas tobacco, A 12 bales hemp, Jrier; f 35 bag cheese,Shaub; W HKirkpatrick; 1 car lumber, W Adams; 1 do ice, J White; 1 do bones, Seward & Co: 15 ban cheese , N J Braden; 21 eke rags. Godfrey dr, Clark; 21 do do, Christy & Beuhatn; 270 )pcs stoneware. J B Sneathen; 18 eke rap, McElroy it Co; 4 bbls g Enlish; 100 bbla flour. Jenkin &oil Bro; 22 do oil, Beymer B it Co. ALLEGHENY STATION, September 6.- 16 cars wheat, Kennedy Bro; 2. cars coopc rage, Ridge & Robertson; 20 bble whisky, ft & A Carson; 1 car oats 1 do bran, R, Knox .& Sdn; 2 do flaxseed, l'd B Suydam; 1 oar broomhandles, L Johnston; 1 car w heat, W McKee & Co; 1 car flaxseed, Ewer, Hamilton & Co; 1 do lumber, A. C Taggart; 15 kgs tObaCco, Renter &,Co; 2 pkgs do R & W Jenkiniton; 100 hides, Popp. Baker & Co; 25 bbls 89 sks flour, J B McKeec 2 tubs cheese, B Jenny 100 bbls flour, Go Stewart. ALLEGIDINY tt&itarosu, Sep tember 6.-1 bxs Mdse. D Gregg & Co; 5 bola eggs, Brtorgerman & O'Brien; 2 cars lime, D L Reynolds; 2 bble eggs, A Reismyen• 1 dodo, J R Voskainp; 1 do co, 0 Wamtion 1 do do, H Freese; 4 aks timothy seed . . E Hazleton; 24 pgs mark eting, Monongahela House; 2 cars pin iron, Lewis Oliver & Philips; 8 do do, John Moorhead; 1 do do, H Woodsides; do do, Totten & Co. E. MAIER RE :.ORT6 MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Cresson Springs, Pa., WILL 11171 MAIN - OPIIN UNTIL SEPTENBER 25, 18694 G. W. JUJLLEN, Proprietor anNual T' J . AKE. HOVIE, STONEBOIIO,. FA., (on line of Jamestown and Franklin tatiroad.) RD.IV OW „DOLAN, PrOprietor. Thls favorite summer Breen is now ready for the reception of guests. - It is delightfully situated, a few rods iromdANDF LARX, the most beau, itfoi oh met of Water In Pennsylvania, ano is sc. ided cent trial i o b Ran from ilicrou ALL POINT hplenend y Irl _i____3l ugsjintllM____!. _,_.,_!_....__.-& .—""S'" U. Y. xtcowAn U. 3VIOWN. B. N. -11 - cCOWAN & CO„ Boulevard Payers No: OnIC% No• 65' OHIO S T ., ALLEGHI24Y; Orders deft at GAza t rra orptc*, Pittsburgh, prnmptle attended P"V• Ilidevrallut, Cellars, Ind . .Yarela, Driven. 40. Warranted against ebenget of beat and cold, Itantamate—Max. lto.rhnad, Lvo n & nborb, Roay Patterson, _W m. Dark, •iames N. Long & Bon; Ranter & McKee, Anderson's & Maxwell, taken 1 Us ac ": n 23 J. L swnsT • ' Y. Blur! sWINT BRATT, . • • 161 MpuITECTirBAL AND • : ORNAMENTAL -CARVERS; , 111ighy, No. frfiniduikyl Isireti.9r6luent,..9s ligyak posTs. And BA lA, s• 3.4 tonstauty on nand. TUBB mit of 61.1414e11it, not . 4 . g 0 cmindor", r i jitUrerdrirr d, ixoths"" RIVNft N The river continues to point, with fifteen inc nel by the metal - m cloudy and unsettled WI ling of rain at intery : - S 2 in the shade. —The Glasgow arrive. Friday last. —The new steamer at st. Louis, from Pitts last. —lt is probable th , t Capt. W. B Donaldson will at once ume command of the Great Republic. r ,-, —Capt. John N. Rho es has relurned from Cincinnati, where he spent several days last week lookin after the Katd Putnam.and Leonidas, 1 —Capt. John S. Mc illan is liiing 1 quietly at his homestead on Mt. Wash ington, regardless of stearnix)fits, Smith's Ferry ollor anything else. —We noticed the oilier day that the Glendale had laid up at Manchester to wait for a resumption of navigation. This city landing immediatelyurned after coming out of the. dock. She has been thoroughly repaired and nicely re-paint ed and is in tip-top condition for business. —Says the 'Vicksburg Herald: "Warm and exciting times are expected to take place.between the New Orleans packets this fall. We learn that on next Satur day the Pargond will back out from New Orleans with the Ames, when the prices of freight and cabin fare will take a double summer-sault to_very low figures—say five dollars for cabin pas sage and twenty-five cents per bale for cotton." ASSESSMENTS.,. OFFICE CITY P FIV i ttONEEII AND lIIIVEYOR, sburg, Sept. 8. 1869. NOTICE.—The Assessment for the Board w ilk, on Brad street (East Lib erty) from the Trankstown Road to Hiland ave neun at n i o ls w f r fi ea e d until I C I m: R di S I DAI n, a S n e d p tceamnb be 1888, when tt will be returned to tne LILT Treasurer's office for cone - Minn Glty ,se6:n92 IL J. Ifitgrineer: OFFICE. OF rITY ENGINEES SUBV iXOII , riTrsurahit, eept. 4, 11469. $ NOTICE—The assessment for N th, priding. of BLUFF STititET. from Cooper to Miltenoerger street, is now ready for examlnatl n, and can be t loth this office until trfNESDAY, September wben it will be retnrued to the Clty Treasurer's office for col lection. te.latSs H. J. I.loollE,Clt7'Enstneer MISCELLANEOUS. DESIRABLE GOODS Received Day by JOSEPH HORNE & CO. NEW STYLES ti RCS. BOW AND woo RIBBONS. PLALN, BROCADE AND FANCY ARAB SHAWLS, In choice style's. The new SAILOR AND BLONDE BUTS, IN DIFFERENT COCOAS HAT PLUMES AND BIRD' CHOICE F •ENCH FLOW ,_ RS, t ()LIMP D SABIN., CIILORED VELVETS In every envie. RAMV N FREFTSNCH. TAPand SWPLCHEa, NO GERMAN COttsETS, TRAVELING sATCMELS. rirzFAN° , LINEN FAN°. KID GLOVES Another lot, including the Bright 'and Light UG - E MB Shade-. HA R M NS R INi twou. RNIEwS snty new idne signs. NECK WEAR. e e SUSPENDERS. WHITE aND rAnci . sutras., EO LIG ER SHIRTS, YAPER COLLARS AND NEW RUllsall JEWEi.RY. SHELL BRA.CELET,i AN.) BANDS And a general assortment of Notions, Wholesale and Retail, 77 and 179 MARKET STREET. Stl3l For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite Nausea, Hea-t-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arislnc, from a disordered state Of the Stomacti, Liver or Intestinm Prepared by SEWARD. BENTtET & CHENEY Druggists, Buffalo. N.Y.Bold: by all Druggist& . Whole AV+ oti-•SCIFINV A.RT Z 8 IFi A MATT isqta- xinoos DREKA Importer and retail dealer la 'PINE STATIONERY, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD MISGRAVIINO, MONOGRAMS. ARM, :ILLUMINATING ds, Orders by mall receive prompt attention. bend for sampls s. LON Chestnut Bt., Phila. • mns:t77-tsest MAIRIELALLIS ELIXIR.. nattALLis "ELIXIR WILL CURE HE,AniCiLlt. Al AusuALL,o EL our. Int.'. Cans DlrarArSlA.. BIAIISIIALL,S 'ELIXIR WILL CURE COSTIVII NESS. Peet of Marshall's Elixir,' $l.OO per bottle Derot,,l3ol Market street. M. ULIttiFIALL -/S 00,, inalireista, Proprietors. par isle,: truolesale and retall,bli;?l.O. A. KELLY. rittsburat. - I.:TH s LYON. dealer of Weights and Measures, Ogee—No. 5 FMBTU AVENUE. Pittsburgh. tteaskpet.t.Joll2( N'EB. Deputy, Pittsb .., urgh Lieut. CLIED. B. geBULTY, Deputy, hettl*lrket• r5,.,3 COMMON SEPISE !WINE AND 01D113 id iLL, lasnufctured -by the s lend (OM) Machine py. Is the most Older nip ye the worm. - B7 ;one °pone, riotrittlitinde the 'Doles, Dresses theurso ory so etdoe optArAting loam, while the puma rib& toot 'lntro the banal. , They ere rub by bend or DoeresereddlyfirAD4_,dofebto sod sooosantßar Before taro All II wear .02111 amid fpr sti Woe- Vtrsted Olrentif. ..- ~ , OoDthalnl Ea PISHOPTIIORPE SCIIOOI. for GIRLS. will bogln its second 3ear D. V. on 1 e-15th of Sr..PVEMBER nes t. 11. e number of pupils all of whom liveln the. house. is lim ited to .htrty. trench is taught by s retident govcrness, and so tar as possible is made the lanuae t) f the family- Addre.s, for circu'ars, etc.. MISS CHASE, llishopthorpe, Bethlehem; au3o Penns. BBISHOPIIOWIIIAIII INSTI• TILITE.—A. Collegiate School for Young Ea dies, No. 62 GRANT STREET.. Tte Pall Term of this School will open on MONDAY', Septem ber 13th. Both Day and Boarding 'ruplls re ceived. For Information or admission apply to ams: - . , REV. R. J. CCrSTEII, Rector. . - 'recede at this es in the chan- I rks. Weather ! IL slight sprink 1. Thermometer at Memphis on l efferson arrived I ,urgb, on Friday eIBEGARAY INSTITUTE, 1521' and J 529 SPRUCE STREET, Philadelphia. Pa. ENGLInIEi AND, WRENCH. For Young Ladies and Misses, Boarding and Day Pupils, will reopen MONDAY , ber AO. FRENCH is th •o e n language o Sep the family, and is cOnstautly spoken in the Institute. - MADAME D'HERVIL. PrinLcipal. nursnunGH .FE MALE COL— ?, lEciz. BEV • I. C. PERSHIIaG.D.D., Fres - ent. etrictiV select Ladies' School for Boarders and Day Pupils. The ',radii g !female College in the tae and' the first in the United States. superb buildin with room mouer andro ove manta. Every private and bat school room covered with carpets and meetings. The institution has trill collegiate powers and privileges, and grants diplomas to ail Thornom pit te the Englisn or Classical course. ugh and well-selected course of ttudy. TeiVi.:?.; TY a - TWO TEACHERS. Every department made specialty. Parents are earnestly requested to call and accommodationss acquainted with the excellent and unsurpasted for Term c menses I:3IsPTEMBER 1. fiend a catalogue. om an23:11 i)U-k 4es IBNING • A Select School for YOUNG LADIES, Nos. 10, 12 and 14 Sixth street. This School to provided with first - close accom modations, strictly belect, and enmblnes all the advantages afforded by the best Female Semina ries. Fall Term commences on MONDAY. Septum ber fith• Number of etudents Circulars at the Book Stores, or at No. 31 Lin coln Avenue Allegheny city, thelresidence of toe PrinCipah who, on and a fter'. Wednesday, September Ist. can be seen atilie Rooms Of the Institute, from 9 to 1.2 A. Y. DIES. E. A. Fit , Sinn( IN COAT.. YOUNG LADIES' SCHOOL, No. 29 NINTH STREET, late Hand RADE MARK. DITIIRVJGE'S Lamp CHIMNEYS.. EDtTCATIONIAL. = rtiSTITUTE• an9na=-XTEI Will open WPDNESDAT. Sept lit. The Schcol has elegant and commodious rooms. a fall corps of able. and competent teachers, and every -facility ICA' a ttiorungh education. besides the usu-1 advanisaes a Maps. Charts and Philo sophical Apparatus, pupils will have the benefit of a large and valuable Cabinet of Natural His tory. Applicatlons for admission may be made p- sonrallv or by letter to the principal, at ISIo. 37 FIFTEI. A.VANUE. REV. S. M. GLENN, A. M., tv.3I;n76•TTES IVpERS, SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL INSTITUTE, At West Chester, Pa The Scholastic Year of 10 mOuths begins WILD ITEbDAY. 'September Ilet next. For catalogue, apply to WM. F. WYERit, A. M., m;:n1; PRINCIPAL AND TETOR. CLASSICAL ACADERY Mr. WM. H. WAKEIILM, (A well-krown and rticcessfill Teacher), having returned from the East, will resume his proles• slonal duties by opening a $ • lea Sshoo. for boys preparing for College or Business. Fall Term will begin on MONDAY, September Bth, in a handsome suite of rooms (now being titled npi over the Allegheny 13 avings Bang, Federal street. Allegheny Ctty• a_pply to Principal at his former residence, 37 Union avenue. Alle gheny, Circulars can be had at the Book Stores. ar.2r:n6o W3I. H. WAREHAM. Miss XL MARKHAM Late Anoetate Principal of Irving justltute - WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOB young Ladies and Misses, MONDAY, Soptemberl3,.lB69. At the lately occupied by the Insti- tute, Noro oms 52 and Si Sixth street (late St Curry . Clair). Circulars can be bad it all the principalßoot - Mores, or any information may be obtained of . Miss Markham, at 3151 PENN ST., Pittsburgh. • 1in113.1*4 FEMALE EDUCATION. • MR. AND KM 11. N. TWINING% BOARDING AND pit SCHOOL, No, lOU Mt. Vernon M.., Philadelphia, The °Wept of this Echool is to impart a practl -cal and useful education. For this purpose the rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for, twenty scholars only. The most eteclent teachers of French, German and Drawing are engaged. An ample supis ply of Philosophical and Chemi - - cal apparatus provided for the illustrauon of natural science. . A pamphlet Prospectus of the School will be fUrnished on application by letter or otherwise. aulB-d AY MERCHANT TAILORS. ALTLIVIAJE, resilioNeriva MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps constantly on hand Cloths, Cass'mores and Vestings /Gs o, GENTLIURRN'S FURNISHING GObDS No 93 1-2 Smithfield Street, ailKleist,s Clothing made to order In the sea; hite 3 s' styles. n 8 7 9 13 lAcyriiiN:(3,. Our entire Summer Stock of Bol e ', Ton* ant. Children', Clothing, cloglng out at great reduced prices. . GUY & LO lAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREE LANE ST. CLAIB• stag NEW FALL GOODS. • A. splendid new stag of CLOTHS, GASSI/ILEITES, . Jnstmleaved by ' 131=11 1 . 1 t se3: itesehant Taros. 13 Smithfield sues Bmom., Mate Cutter with W. HesPiltheide.) Tiredni%l336trirr W.6±1.401; 53,SuathiligitStreetsP#Iab sidereg UNPERSON& • • , Ziaregizek itKENNSTICVA -MaGNIMP NIA CENTRAL FAIL E=-11 ---- AD. Ou and after 11 P.M.; ennday AUGUST 39th. 1809. Tra , • s will arrive at and depart. from the Union Dt pot, corner of.WarthiSlSPAln - and Liberty streets. as follows: • •'. - ' I Arsine.l _ Depart. Mall Train....1:30 ma i ' , Day Exm•ess L3:30 ran Past Line ..... 1.4 b am I 'Pacific Mx, . 7:48 run Wall's No. .. 6SO rus 1 WalPs No. 1 . .. 6:30 am M Brinton keen. 7:50 am I Mail Train 8:10 ru Wall's No. 2..9:05 am' Bra , kaAs 3o 1. 5 -10 pm ' • Cincinnati Ex..8:35 am, Cincin'tt Ex. 191:80 par Johnstown Ae 2020 am! Wall's No. 2..11:3 3 am B ra , it a Ac Nol 7:00 rentJohnstowa Ac.4:05 pm Plash , h Ex. 13:40 pal tßra , ks Ac No: 8:30 pm , Phila. Expressl:oo pro!Phlla. Expresb 3:sopm ' Wail's No. 3-1:50 pmWail's No. 3_ 3:05 pna Bra'ks AcNo 2 9:55 pm t Wall ' s No. S.. 5:05 pat Walls No. 4. 5;30 pm 'Rant Line..... 7:30 pm Way Paulin . 10010 pmWalPs 30.5.. 11:00 pat 'These trains , make close connection at Harris. burg for 'Baltimore. • - . • , The Chtircb 'Train leaves Walls Station ever! Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 5. at. Be turning. leaves Pittsburgh at /2:50 p. m. and,, arrives at Walls Station at. 31:10 p. at. , M and nfitneinnati ExprePatine Express leaves daily. A" nther crams daily except thaulsy. /for farther infOrmauon amly_to _ . W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The Pennrylosstaw.ilroad Cert. will not as sume =Trial. forßaggsge,exce for waists. parel,__and limit their resporuslb to, One a. - died Dollars in TIM:a. ' - All 'Baggage e xceeding tilt amount in value. will be at the pf ,risk the owner, unless taken lav special.contract. - EDWARD H. WILLIAM. ante. General 80Patintabdent. Altoona, Fa. FE S-T ERN- PENNSYLVANIA a lluPqm. LBOAD.--On and after August 219,1569,11 e Passenger. Trans on the Western „Peru:sylvan , s Ras road will arrive at and A depart from Ste Federal Street Depot, Allegheny CHI. as follows: Arrive. ,_. - Dspart._ Springd , e No 16:40.a m Mall. ...... .. WAS am Freeport No.18:510 a m Freepiirt No. 1 930 a IL Express 10:40 aa: L3harph,gfiol 11:910 Sharpie's No:11:30 nin Express 51:30 p m Freeport No. 2405,p rn Sprlngel , eNo 1 3:10 pm Hail 5:50 p m Freeport N 0.3 5:30 pin Spring:Pe N 0.2 6:30 b m Suringd , e No 26:30 pm Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves .illegheny Junction every cunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. to. Returning, leaves Allegheny, City at 1:50 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny _ • tion at 3:510 p. m. Comiarrallon TinmerS — For axle In peckages of Twenty, between Allegheny City chestnut. street, Herr , s, Bennett, - Plne Cree. Etna - and Sharpsburg and good only on the trains stopping' 1 •.. at Stations' periled on tickets. : - The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 a. in. mske direct connection at "Freeport with Wa lter s line of Stages for Butler and Hannahstown Through tickets may be purchased at the Oflee: . - No. I St. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge, Pittsburbh, and at the Depot, Allegheny.... For further information 11111g7 tO - - Jeadza LtYPERTs; Ash Federal Street t. The Western Penmsylvania Railroad not assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearinir a "paret, and limit their - responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in. • -value. All begmge ex ceeding this moun kenalue willbe at the risk of the owner, unless tbv special contract. EDWARD H. WlLLitn att3o General Spnerintendent. Altoona. 1 A P.rN-I XIUGH. FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO B. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGH 8.8. . From Auglt3Oth, 1860. trains will lesvefrom • and arrive at the Union Depot, north ilde„..plitse burgh cit=le.. as foUows: • . . Arrfos. '• .• ' (WlC:xi-4:os a rit Chicago Ex.. 121 15 n in. ' i 1 Erie Van Ex. 7:28 am ralac - Ex... 7:1113•A m Cl. & , Oriel:5 1 8 am. Wheeling Ex 10:4ga In Chicago NAU-6:58 a m C.& tit. L. Ti 7:08 , gy m Fast Line. —.8:48 am Chl`gol.x&lifl3:9Bt m i Cl. &WhlgNs.l:sl3 pmCleveland Ex 3:38p m en.° Ex, 1:38 p m Erie &Ygl a Ex 5:118p m W& Erie Ex4:3B pm CI. &Wh'g Hail:3 B 9m • DilpartirOM Allegheny. Bear 4.171thS in Allegheny. Ber ells Ac.9:08 i m Leetsdale Ac..5:53 am Leetsdale " /1.1:03 am\ Res.''' . Palle 8:28 am .: " 11:58 • m New Castle " 2 10:23 am ! Rochester" 2:513 pm En= :13 am. '; Loon " .3:58 p m ILeetsdale "12:48pr:a i Leetsdale Acc.s:l3p m Bea , r Va ll e " aa:43 pm Bea , rFalla " .6:13 pm, Leetso.ale " 4:33 pm Leetsdale " 10:43 frm " " 7:23 pin Fair Oaks Sun. k Fair Oaks Sun day fUnrch. 1:13p m day y ea 9:58 am AM - 1:38 p. m. Chicago Express !eaves dal y. • , efir 7:23 D. m. CLUMP Express arrives daily. .-. !.. F. R. MYEits, J. N. : Idc.CULLOU OI3 . --- - Oen'. Pas. & 1 ictet Agent. Gent. ]tanager- :-...' au3o PEIN - CIPAL gIIANGE OF RMIII i TIME. EGIIENY VALLEY-RAILROAD '. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE OF -OA RE =IRONS WITHOUT CHANGF. S. -On and after MONDAY, June 14th,11369. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) .. will leave Pittaburgt . Depot, corner of. Slag enth and Pike streets,for 'nitlixt, 011 ctty,sa. ,1 isle,. and all points in the Dil Regions. _ r ___" , -.. , LF.AVL 1.178811RG11. &IMP IN PITTSBUZUM• ' Day Ex • 5:00 ain Day. Ex. 5:115 pin I Alight Ex.... 7:30 pm Night Ex . .—. 5;30 as Brady's B Ac 3:05 p m Bradys B -Ac 10:15 am Freeport Ac. 9:40 5 xi; let sodaW"ks "7:49 •2111 Sid SodsW"ks 6:3tt p m Freeport -AC. 6:1.5 pla Ist Halton... 0:45 a m Ist Halton.. 5:50 sat 51d Hu1t0n...12:00 in 2d Hilton... 2:00 plat • 3d iftliten... 1 t:00 pm 3d Halton... 1:05 pm Arrold , s Ac. 5:00 p m Arnold's Ac. 7:4-0D sit Chimera train to and from Soda Works lart• Ptttsburgli at 1:10 P. lii. Arrive at Pittsburgs. (Sundays, iat 9:50.5. If. . , ExpreSS trains stop only at princ.pal points.. Accommodation rains stop at all stall ins - J. J. LAWRENCz. Gen' i 'Sup't. • • THOMAS M. RING, Assn. - Burt.. _.. ITTSBIIRGH CINCINNATI • LOMB PAN HANDLE ROI7IIE. MANGE 07 TT97.--Ort and after D SUNDAY. August SV, 1869, trains will leave and arrive at the Union epot, as tbllOws: _ • Depart. Arrive. NMI . ......-........... 908 a. m. 9.03 p In. Bast ane.....-, .... .... 553 st. m. 7.08 p. m. I,mptess • .... • 1:43 p. ist. , 7 :la s. at. -,..: Mixed Acen - 5:583 a. m. 5:53 D. in, McDonald , s Ace,n,No.l 11:313s. re, 7:38 dais'. Steubenville Accotamod. 3:53 p.m. v:Cit a.m. 9LeDonald,s AbelL: No. 25 , 53 P. M.. 8:1111th Buudav Oilmen Train.• DI:58 v. In. 9:58 a. Ms ggir 1:93 P.M. , RIPAirIll leave Clay. - 1211.03 P.M. train will arrive daily. - , All other trains will run daily. Mismart giver - ed. The 8:63 a. in. Train makes close eta neetlons at Newark'. scr Zanesville.' General Ticket Age* t. Columbus,' 0. . W. W. cusp, Sup , t., Dennison; Unto. ' anti LrrninfnilTNELLiinlerilL ti-6111111/111/1 On Mid after TIIESDAY. NoYetiiker. 'Elitßi -.?• loot. train* will arrive at and depart from tSS Depot Wows Corner Of Brant and • Wate.r, *Meets; WS ,3 ! ;-.: Dome. ,: Atrium:: bisSltci and from triiiiin- 1:00 L. 11C. 6:00 - 3.111. town. A. sport Lecomdt , n 11:00 A. K. 6:05r. nu McK ee l Ex. tcrand from tittni: - 300 P. Y. 10:101.0n. West Newton .4.c00m , c1 45:30 r.w. 13;35.a05• Braddock,* Accomdt , n. 6:15 r. N. 1:50 1% Mi l Night AC. tollicE.,mmt.lo:3o P.N.. :65 &111 Bunday Church Tea= to =dike= West Newton 1:00 P. at.10:04/.... - i:: - Tor Octet* apply to , -• • - Z...2d.. BILEISIONTI, .Ilifeltt , 41 W. B. STOUT . Superintendent. , _ILO. S i mu "SitiMit 'UNION PAWN RilLWif Eastern Dlvislon. The, , SHUR FEST AND ;DWI - arsazak 112 rota tko Suit° al polo is Colorado , Nevada California Eriiht Arizona. PITISBUTIGH, PA Wfuthigiiitint; New Mexico, Idaho, °tellOne' Two Traitui leave dtate Line . aallgatarAtATl__eldeAc_dilon the antral ot Mtn or c tr• leontaitsrid Ruud. bat and dt. Joe Railroad from Wittier. connect. M. at Lawrence. Topeka and JiVamego with stak.s tot all points In 'Kansas. At, end Melt west of Ellsworth with the I • STATES EMPRESS EOMPAISI'S D - LINE Ow UVERLARD_ILAIL &rill LIP • - • COACHER YOB XPEitirV33ll4 isAvr zaeo:ua;t All Points in the : Terittottee". And with BANDEBSONIB TIII.WEEETATIABIN of . COACHES for Bart Onion, Bent , s tort, rams Albuqumne, Banta re, 'and all points' in'asila' sons and New Mexico. With th e recta additions 'of - ing and equipment, and the - with visPonsime Overland Transportation Uwe— from its western terminus, this sokilk ~,_,,a„oar den unequalled - .for"tlie ••. frelabt to the gar West. - Tickets Air sue ar all the Venal* the United States sad Canada& - ' Be sure and ask for Sle tete um Ttua SWO PA-Miq , r . ../enera BI ; 112131"1441::' r ff VIaVINGIIOIOO.O', larti:sl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers