The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 07, 1869, Image 1

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all , Telegraph to the Plt4burgh Gazette.
Lo'snon, September 6.—The German
Catholic hierarchial conclave, in session
3n Fulda (Hesse Cassel) adopted a lino
erection and platibrm to be observed by
'the prelates in council, in Rome. It is
tolerant and independent in tone, yet in
spirit of complete submiahlon to the
-call of the- Holy See.- The Austrian
Bishop did not attend. - They assemble
in convention in Salzburg.
The weather is unsettled.
The Morning Telegraph reviews chro
mologlcally Mrs.:Stowe's article on Lord
-and Lady Byron. It says the subject is
too painful to discuss, and regards the
publication as the result of indiscretion'
en the part of Mrs. S:owe and - the sub-
Haber% .
ArtAAGE, Ireland, September 6.—The
'work of organizing -the Church is pro
gressing satisfactorily. 4 requisition
has been prepared to ask Primates to
convene a lay conference.
Dumas - . September -6 .--Cardinal Cal
i aen has ordered prayers of thanksgiving
in Catholic churches for the termination
ef religious ascendanoy in Ireland.
Mr. Gladstone, in a note just publish
! ed. says the pardon of Pecuans is under
-consideration in the Cabinet.
The Archbishops of Arm4gh and Dub
., lin -have agreed to convene a lay confer
ence, Which will meek In this city ita
LONDON, September 6.—The Time; in
an editorials cm the demands of labor,
aays: " The rapid spread of the fallacies
of the Trades Unionista is deserving of
more than mere attention. The Unions
will flourish, and the association ibt mu.
tual assurance and as organizations for
supporting the batains of individual
laborers, they serve useful purposes.
Rut in molesting freedom in a wa
, which the State cannot tolerate, it is ..e a
sential, not to abolish the Unions, but to
convince their members of the errors
they have embraced."
The Star, in an article on the National
Labor, Convention at Philadelphia,
thinks the- trans-Atlantic labor move
ments now than ever deserve to
be watched andcoo re
studied by tne erdight
cued men of all countries.
` ; Loxnatv, 6 eptembers--Night.,—Private
advices from Paris have been received
herelo.night on the subject of the actual
1 , 'condition of Napoleon's health. . These
t- .Jepatches represent that the illness of
I A - Ea:pert-v. has taken a somewhat
„zing- turn. His Majesty expert
! f: ~. &L an attack of the disease yesterday
1, f :filch occasioned him an unusual amount
I 1 extreme pain and suffering. This
ft:Toryism subsided after a little time
t to day the Emperor feels much ox .
: ii . /... usted from its effects. No fatal result
, ,' the attack is anticipated, but the ex
; '..ting symptoms are of such a character
.z .,at they are decidedly calculated to ex
.,. Ile uneasiness , both in the family and
: qte public mind.
: • : i'ARIII3, September._ 6.—The Bourse is
cited. Renter opened to-day at 70
; ' , nes 35 centiates, a — heavy decline since
turday night. To-day the Commis
caters of the Bourse, in order to allay
~ excitement, publicly announced the
1 ealth of the Emperoreatisfactom .
rotas, September 6-11' P. M.—The
; w peror is better to-night.
, 3 ARIS, Sept. 6.---The La Prase reports
t the Emperor kept his bed yesterday
difed worse.
says , the Emperor did
e d hgce r co e uze c cd e ni t ttpu 7 on d y:sio t tec h frday
mperial during the day, but adds that
14, nsel him to avoid fatigue..
toThe official journals of this afternoon
enfare that the Emperor's condition is
alarming. •
• The Senate to-day adopted the Senates
nauttunt by a vote of 131 affirmatives
13 negatives.
t o
_._____. •
xixai. September s.—lmportant ad
relative relati ons actual existing con
tion-of the between the Kin
eye of
been rec omptly telegraphed to Constantinople'
hassent to the conditions, military,
fi netal and tributary, which were etc-,
b d and insisted on in the Sultan'elet-
teyiately forwarded to him, thus evinc
'otitis determination to leave no excuse
for any hostile action on the part of the
Sultan. The /Khedive is expected to ar
rive at Constantinople on Monday. , . The
Branch Minister in Constantinople tele
gritted the main pointeof the Sultan's
letter to the. Khedive before he reached
Alexandria, at the same time urgently
achising brca to submit to its terms.
himmuu, September 6.—A proposition
baebeen made to reduce the hierarchy
of tpain to tire Archbishops and thirty
Qiennerownr, September 6.—Tbe
vxteaners City or Pails and Nebraska,
froteNew York, arrived to-day.
Lamm, September s—Ei:ining.—Con
.sols IX. American sectuitilps flat; Five.
Twelty bonds at Londoii l4 62, 82%; '65,
82%1'67, 813;; '62 at Frankfort 85%.
IStocite dull: Erles, 28%; Illinois 93%.
Preto% Routes 69f. 85c.
Lmnpoor., September 6.—Cntton
marlet ls ffat; middling uplands 13M(3)
18%ff; Orleans 18Nd.; sales amounted
106,010 bales. California white Wheat
sold at Ila. 3d.; red. western 10s. 11.
Weabrn Flour 25e. 6d. /torn 80s. Bd.
Oats 2s. 6d. - Peas 445. Pork 108 s. 6d.
Beef 903. Lard 765. 6d. Cheese 613, 64,
Bawl 675. Turpentine 265.
LoMou, September 6.--Tallow 463.6 d.
Mb 9d. Sugar 40a.@403. 6d.
AliriVEBP, September 6.—Petroleum
.56 frence
HAVRE, September 6.--Oottou market
Artrwanp. September 6.—Eventng.—
Petrdenm quiet at 55K franca.
FanakroaT, September EL—Evening.—
Ametoan bond. firm; '62 closed at 86f.
Peals. September 6.—Eventag—Bouree
closeattrut. Renter have advanced to
.70f. Mb.
Fire at a Coal Mine—Two Hundred Men
and Boys Thought to be Suffocated by
the Closing of toe Shaft.
illy Telegraph to the PittabargitGazette.J
Sonerprop, Pe., September 6—Great
excitement here. In consequence of the
burning of a beaker at. Avondale mine,
Plymouth, about twenty miles south of
this city. There are two hundred men
and boys in the mine, and the shaft, the
only means of escape, is choked by forty
feet of burning coal and rubnish. Ven
tilation is totally stopped_and there are
great fear that some , if not all, will be
brokYwoura, Pa., Setember 6.—Fire'
e out this morning p in the flue and
bottom at Steuben shaft, owned by
the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
Company in thieplace, and in a short
time the whole beaker and ont•building
were in flatnes, and the hoisting appara
tus, the only avenue of escape for the
miners; destroyed. All efforts to stay
I,the flames were unavailing and • the
whole struCture - fell. fi lling up the shaft.
Over two hundred men are in the shaft
and have no communication out, with
net chance for air, as the only way for
getting air Into the shaft was - through
the main °peplum, and that was filled
1 with the burning timbers and debris of
the flames. It is feared the whole num
ber have been suffocated by smoke or
' perished for want of air.
The fire departments of Scranton,
Wilkesbarre and Kingston are playing
streams down the shaft for the purpose
of quenching the, fire, so that the rub
bish can be cleared out . and the condi
tion of the men ascertained. It will
probably take till to-morrow morning
before tidings can be received from them.
The scene , is heartrending. Families
are congregated in great numbers.
Miners from all parts of the country are
there at work, and merchants, and, in
fact the whole population of the town,
have turned out toassiat,
The loss by fire will amount to about
$lOO,OOO, partly covered by insurance.
All the physicians of the vicinity have
been summoned to attend when the con
dition of the men la. ascertained. The
affair has cast a gloom upon the whole
community and in:wines* is almost en
tirely suspended.
The minemonly resumed work to-day
after a suspension of about three months.
Among the men in the mines is Mr.
Hughes, the Superintendent.
SCRANTON, Pa., September 6, /0 P. re.
—The latest information from the Avon
dale mine states , that the shaft was
cleared and two men went down and
penetrated sixty or seventy yards to a
gangway door, which they could not
force open. They found three dead
mules outside the door, and sulphurous
fumes were pouring out through the
'door. No signs of life were_discoyered,
and it is feared all are dead.
PLYMOUTH. Pa., August B.—lo P. M.—
After the rubbish from the bottom of the
shaft was cleared away two miners de
scended in a bucket and sent word up to
send down a pick and shovel to clear the
doors with. The bucket was hronght up
and two menu started down with the
tools. -As they started the men at the
bottom requested them to hurry, and on
thelr reaching, the bottom both were
found dead. No hopes are entertained
for the men in the shaft—all are sup
posed to have perished. The black damp
is very bad here.
The fire began at ten o'clock this morn
ing. All experts are agreed that it must
have communicated from the ventilating
furnace to the wood work at .the bottom
of the shaft, which is three hundred and
twenty-seven feet below the surface. The
flames then rushed with great violence up
the shaft and broke out in the engine .
room at the top. The engineer barely
escaped with his life. The buildings
covering the mouth of the shaft were
one hundred feet high and two hundred
feet long, all of wood and dry as tinder.
They were almost instantly enveloped
in flames, and it was impossible to reach
the mouth of the shaft to help the men
Dispatches just received from Avon
dale say Thomas W, Williams, of Ply
mouth, and David Jones, of Grand Tun
nel, who went down to make further in
vestigations, were suffocated to death.
On a second attempt Williams' aead
body was brought out by David A. Davis
and Benjamin Jones. Thomas Wit
hams went down and dragged
.David Jones some distance to
the foot of the shaft, when he
was compelled to come up. John and
Isaac Thomas then went down and
'brought up the body. All who
attempted to go down are now out alive
except Williams and Jones. No further
attempts will" be made to go down until
a small engine is rigged.
The loss by the burning of the Avon
dale mines' works is fiBo,ooo to $lOO,OOO,
not counting the loss by the stoppage of
mining. This mine had been involved
in a strike for over three months, but re
sumed work last Thursday and was pro•
ducingltrur hundred' and fifty tons of
coal ;or day. The works were built in
1887, and it will take from four to six
'months to rebuild.'
It will take until five A. H. to-morrow
to get a small engine to work to drive a
fan at the mouth'of the• shaft :and force
air in through a canvass hone. All who
have been Own say it is very hot, and
loud calls have failed to elicit any answer.
The only hope for the two hundred and
two men in the mine is that they may
have shut themselves in a remote part of
the working, entirely away from the
Several hundred men wilt' tools were
taken from here this evening with the
idea of "driving gangway from a neigh =
boring mine into the Avondale srorkligs,
but as It must be solid rook cutting this.
means would probably not relieve the
imprisoned men in time. The distance
to be out is variously estimated at from
twenty to sixty feet, and the time re
quired two or three days.
It has been feared woode ventilating
furnace at Avondalesome day lire
the shafrots It *as a very dry mine.
The danger tolife le very' reat in a mine'
which has but one means, of •entrance
and exit. It is thought Avondale is but
one of many mines in the same condi
tion. It is to be hoped the next Legisla
ture will not, so so many previous ones
have done, refuse to pass a stringent law
for the protection of Miners and inspeo
tion of mines.
x-President Johnson still lingers in
baving been there some ten
days scheming for election to the "U. S.
1.37 Telegraph to the rntabargh Gazette.l
NEW Vona, September 6.—We are
in receipt of the following txtble dispatch,
addressed to private parties in this city:
"LONDON, Sept. 8.-2 r. ht.—There is a
panic in Germany on account of the re
ceipt of bad news from Fiancee."'
I The steamers City of Washington and
1 Minnesota have arrived from Liverpool.
Fernando Palmo, formerly well kacewn
proprietor of Palm's Opera House, died
yesterday aged eighty.five.
Steamers Rolsatia and Virginia, emits
Europe, arridve to-night.
The family of President Grant - arrived
here this afternoon, and will remain at
Mr. Corbin's house until his return.front
William Nuns wasarreated to-dav and
held for examination on a charge of swirs
dling about a dozen firms in this eityoue
of between 130,000 and 140,000 worth of
merchandise, purchased from them and
shipped by his order to Cincinrcui; on
his representationlhot he was an agent
of Wood & Yateman. -. proprietors of the'
Cumberland Iron Works, at Cumber
land, Tenn. That' firm repudiate him,
and say he has not been author's:edits;
do any business for them.
The steamer Russia; from Liverimols
Sept. 28th, and Queenstown, 29th, arrived
The fire and wrecking—steamer John
Fulton,. belonging to the Metropolitan.
Fire Department, loft yesterday for Phtt•
adelphia, where she is to try to force the
water from the Schuylkill river into the
Fairmount reservoir.
The Atlantic and Eckford base ball
clubs played the first of a series of games
for the championship to-day, with follow
ing result:
Atlantics 2 4 7 1 5 9 9 0 8-45
Eckfords, 204 1231009-25
r Councils 'Held by the Special Commis
By Telegraph to tbe.Pittaborgh Gazette.]
FORT HARKER, September 6.—Messrs.
Felix R. Brunt, Win. E. Dodge and Na
than Bishop, U. S. Special Indian Com
missioners, reached Fort Harker on Sat
urday evening, having left Medicine
Bluff on the 23rd of August. They held
a council on the 21st, at which all the
principal °hien of the Ca:lunches,
Riowas, Wachitas and affiliated bands
were present, Satanta, Jahabit,
Milky Way, Archtaytadus, Buffalo,
Good Moorra, Shaking Hand, and others,
made speeches, and said they would now
walk in the white man's path, and want
.the Washington Father, to send good
men to show them the road.
All the Canianehes are now In, and
will probably remain on the reservation.
The Commissioners do- not place much
reliance on the promisee of Satanta and
the Rlowas. The issue of better rations
is all that will bold them. 'The Commis
sioners held a Council with the Chey
ennes and Arapahoes at Camp Supply
on the 10th. which resulted in an agree
ment with Medicine Arrow, chief of the
Cheyennes, that be would immediately
bring all the northern Cheyennes to the
Camp on the North Fork of the:Cana
dian if the Commissioners would promise
them protection on their way down,
which was promised. Fall reports of
the Council have been sent to Gen. Par.
ker by mail.
Suicide of a Merchant—Catholic. and the
Public Sehools—The ISuperibior In
CINCINNATI. Sept; 6.—Robert Dorge,
dry goods merchant, committed suicide
by taking morphine. lie was found dead
in his bed this morning.
In the school board to-night A resold.
Gen was offdred to put the bible and
singing sacred songs out of the oboec
schools, in order to remove the O
tions of the Catholics against them;
also, a mo.ion to appoint a cam :
mutes to confer with the Catholik
Church authorities as to the terms 'ors
which Catholic parents will send theft;
children to schools. The resolutions
were ordered to be printed and made the
special order on next Monday night. I,
Gen. Young returned to the city Satur
day night. He brings papers exonera
ting him fully of all the, charges prefer
red against him in the recent investiga
tion. He will not go to Arkansas, bnt
will at once enter oh the duties of Ma
office as Supervisor of Internal Revenue
for Southern Ohio.
Weather sultry and raining at 11 r. N.
Reienue Olaier Shot.
LBY Teleirsph to the kilt/burgh Gazette:l ,
PHIL ADELPtirs.• Septemter
noon to-day a party of ruffians went into.
Keenan's liquor shop, corner of Front
and Arch streets, and after enquiriog for
Keenan, asked "where is Brooks?" Jas.
Brooks, a United States "eternal Rev
enue officer, who happened to be present,
replied he was the man, When anent the
rufflane shot him with a revolver;
Brookit' wound is probably mortal, as
the ball passed through Ms lungs. The
assassin escaped. The store was muter
seizure at the time.
The assassins drove to the store in a
carriage and escaped by Abe saute con
veyance... Mr. Brooks was appointed a
government detective to prevent. ililolt
distillation,' and the assault was undeubt.
edit' in revenge for his imodessfol efibrin
in detecting frauds.'
The Zrd Byreltlicaadat.
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.3
• ST. JOSEF'S ' Mo., September 6.+—The
St. Joseph Herald of to morrow will oon
tain a rilmarkable article 'in reference to
Mrs. Stowe's Byron scandal. The' data
from which it is made up was furnished
in 1861 by a son of Lord Byron, Major
George Gordon Byron; Who was then in
St. Louis and connected with General'
Fremont's army.
Most Weikome Bain.
~,By Telegraph to the Plttaburgo earette.l
storm from the Northeast commenced at
seven this evening. The fall of rain has
not been copious as yet, but it is hoped
it will affect the Bohuylkill river and put
the - water works in good condition. , The '
lire steamer John Fuller, of New York,
arrived this morning and will go into
service tu.worrow.
SD.4Y, SEPTEIII.I34% 7 1869.
lay Telegraph to the Ftitiburah Gazette.l
WADDINGTON,' September 6. 1869.
At five o'cloch thin morning Secretary
Rawlins' cough • was more troublesome
and respiration more Ml:twit At Wov
en today he was asleep. • One of tip
watcherstwas General T. E. Smith. Nont
ishment and stimulants , have been In
quently • adMinisterd, the physigians
hoping tosustain his fast wardng strength ,
until the return of Gene a& Grant, who.
ho expected this afternoon.
Secretary Rawlins died at 4:12 this ,
are Lem raoatitzmn.
At seven orcioek tali; morniug, Seers
ti ey Rawlins mein a tolerably comfort--
abler condition Be spoke to Gen. John
E. Smith and Canarnissioner Parkes with
his customary earnestness on various
'subjects, and 'inquired whether they
thought he would recover his health or
i again rise from his bed. To this question
f3mittu Mkt he feared , not,
.and asked whether he had any wish
'to express-with regard to the disposition
, of tdsremains in would die. Ile
replied he would leave that with. his
,friends, but he dicbuot do-are to have an
ostentatious or expensive funeral. Dirt
'ring the afternoon Secretaries Cos and
IRobeson came into• the chamber, when
:the fortnerrread the feikwring telegram:
41 Conaord, llama, September 6.—lffatta.
Rawlins is living, convey to tam therm-
Bantam of my respect and affection, mak
of the sorrow with•wibleh Ilea the eon
dition of a friend see 'highly rn
valueda. si
man so upright, ablo- and faithful. teeth
bless-and keep him.
Ellignedl. .-Ig.. IL floart.'''
Secretary Rawlins-said with deep emo
tion,-“Lam very grataftd Lathe Attorney -
General for his love- and D wish you to ,
say so to bim." At about three co clock,
Dr. Peteraon was left ibcharge, Dr. Elder
and' Surgeon General Barren' having.
been obliged by other - duties lino-aye for
a , abort time. Doctor Peterson, a few 7
minutes. to four o'clock.. observed a.'
marked dimmed in the- oondition of the , '
Patios; whose pulse had'beimme very:
irregniary He remarketb to. Gen Giles A...
Stultnthat he was lery ast and
bad bat a few minu t es ve,f i
and re--
quested , him to send foe Surgeon Gen.
Barnes. About this timer there was
read to him a telegram from Talent. Gen.
Sheridan, addressed to Gen. Sbermiin,
dated Obicauo. September Bth, ati follo*a:
"Will' you please give my love to•
Secretary Bawling,. Allah. officers here ,
send their love to hitii." -
Withocarcely breath to-speak, be said:
"General Sheridan hi very hind. I ap
preciate and am very grateful for hiss
kindneas. If the love of my friends
could do it, I would some beat, heathy
About five minute§ past four he raked
some one to raise WM. Or. Pius, , woo had returned, adjusted the pillows un
der his. back, while Dr. Peterson held
him lap. His eyes at °nest:ensue fixed,
and without a struggle he died at twelve
minutes past four o'clock. .
There were present Secretaries Cox
and Robeson, Postmaster General Cress
well, General Gilles A. Smith % Gen. J. E
Smitla, Comm:ssionar Parker Jamea
Rawlins,brother of deammed:.rteral
0,4). Llward, Mr. Chialwiek, 2aurgeon
General Barnes, Dr. Slim,. Dr. Peterson
and the servants in attendance.
During the day the late Secretary often
expo-ged a strong deairsto see. Prel
oad; Grant, asking ' , wawa will. ha mute,"
but wasfearful he would not live long
enaiiith to do en. Yesterday al:mental,
whileSeeretaries R ibeson, Cox till6l,Pbst
master General Cresswell.were sitting at
his aide, the first named , remarked,
"genera Rawlins, I am very: sorry
to see you so tick." To which ~tie Goa
eral replied. "Mr. Seeretary,se ftir as I
am personalty concerned, as a member
of the Cabinet, I have wet with you for
far the last time. 'YOU Will :lever see me
there main.'" The company were deeply
affected but madame relay.
Sam after the deatiaot Secretary Raw
[Mug kis body wan embalmed and dressed
4n the uniform of a :ad or General. 001:
:Dayton, Chief of Glen , Shernam'a mail;
; and Capt .- Johnaon, the M'edloal D.
iparttnent, tonightsit wadi the corpse.
President Grant, acCiaintimied by Pr!-
' vete Secretary Porter, arrived at Wash.
imam by special train from Baltimore
at twelve minutes part fire o'clock, and
was met at the station by Gen. Sherman.
'Be at. once proceeded to the residence.
'of General Giles A. Smith, where
he learned that Secretary Rawlips
had been dead for an hour.
The President , was much allboted while
gazing riPon the lifeless form of his
friend, and:expressed deep regret that
owing to , She nondelivery of telegrams
'at Saratoga be was , prevented from
sooner starting for Washington.
President Grant, on returning to the
Executive Mansion, transmitted the lal.
lowing dispatch, namely:
"Mrs.. Mary .8. Rawlin a.
Conn.' Your neloved \ huaband exialred
at tw elve ~minutes after fr;ur e'olook, this
afternOmi; te be mourned' by a family,
friends who loved him tbr his personal
worth and services to the country, and a
nation who acknowledge' t - heir debt of
gratitude to him. On' oonenitation with
friends it is determined that . hr. shall be
buried in;. the COugressionali burying
grounds, as the most appropriate pi ma ,
unless , you have other suggestions to
make. , The time of the funeral is not ar
reaged, butprobably will take place on
"Thursday next,.
.' liiiitited.) ' 9:l'. S. Owilri.',o
• colonel Donglats, .A.ssistant Private
Secretary to the President. has been tele.;
graphed to return trent Viz:gime, and is
expected to-morrow night, • .
eritniter. anitancenatENTS,
Adinformal cabinet meeting was held
tonight at the Executive Mansion, there
being present Secretaries Cox, Robeaoa,
and Postmasterileneral Ctresswell. with
the President, and for a short thne
'General.-,Sherman • and 4.other array
office*, The object of the meeting
was to lrettire arrange, ienta far the
_ol the . Late Secretary of War.
It his teen decided the, funeral
shall take place Thursday morning at
ten o'clock. The _remains am. to be es
corted to she Congressional temetery,
which:haw been aeetned an appropriate
place for the burial, Then arrangement,
are, however, subject to any mollifies.
Mon the wldew of the lam Secretary may
suggest, or , perhaps to slab action as nosy
btjtak en by kis own State,lllirole , the fol
lowing telegram: having been lorirardecl
to :Governor PkTmer by General JohnE.
~A rcurhinitoirr Sefitember 8:-5
General Rawlins died at twelve minutes -
past four this afternoon. Mtn Illinois
any wish to express with .rsgard to. the
disposition of hie remainar , ' •
morrow morning the m9itary bake
charge of the body. when .it will be ire
moiled to the War .obpartznext to lie in.
state, fa catafablaer bung in Warner of
. erection for that purpose. It will be'
Ignore by a detachment of . ca.valry and
artillery. The funeral escort — is tube
under command of Co/. Barry, U;
To-morrow the pishlie depaririaerais wil 11
.be closed, in 1 acoordance with ap order
issued by the department of Staffs
001:121Ell&SIOIDek Delano to.dav lanais
the fcillowing order:
• "All parties having claims in tills oX
t fier,end' all attorneys ; ()ham agents- or
other persons acting in , their behalf, or
/having:business with this office, shall be
required to eorninunicate the 1381915 in
writing,- addressed to the Solicitor of
Bureau, through tile mans. No whatever not connected with the office I
by official relations shall be alloweit hi.:
terviews whisks clerks or employes, ez
cep: by express permission -of the ppm- -
miseloner, Deputy Commissioner Mktg
' lass, or the Solicitor."
Commissioner. Delano has instructed ,
Supervisor 'Dutton to offer a reward of
$5,000 for the arrest of the party who as-
aerated Internal Revenue Collector
Brooks, at Philadelphia, to-dey, provi-
ded the latter at the time of the assault
watracting in the performance, of his Milt
dal duties.
A comparative statement of. the rev
enue. reoelPts of March, April, May,
Junes 'Poly an* August, 1888i.rrith the
same months this year, shows. an in
creme. for the latter of $8,357;387. To
day 'd receipts were $857,000. •
Shipping Business—fbe Epitcopal Im.
brogilti.-The Aatt-Coat D 1 opply_
Printers Reporters at Base /taw
(Br Teleikraa tp utern.usorch Gasesx.3
' Catcieor September 6.—The shipping
business of Chicago• for the past month
is - shown by thafollowing figure:Pt:. Teta!
number of vessels arrived,.2,l2B;t crews;
19, 1 / 9 ; tentutgev i . 036,192. Total number
of clearances, 10,611; crews, 18,44; ton
. nage, 474;2941
The-question of admitting ladles to
Medical Collegen wilt be discussed attbe
'next meeting of the Chicago hiedieal
Rev. De.: Rylanee; Ekdor of St. James
;Church. preached yesterday increing.
Between Bishop Whitehouse and. Rev.
:Mr. Cheney, he took strong ground in
favor of the Bishcp-and in condemnation
of the Rector; attelitt sub.tanee indorsed
:the action- of the ihruser as a proper step
toward weeding the eletuch 'of setts
At a meeUng of' theanti-coal nionopo
-I,ts on Saturday wag resolved
that' esas". C. 1 Farwell. C. EL Fargo
sad Whs. H. Tierner of, this city be and
arehereby constutect an executkae com
mittee; abase d sty k shall be to con
heol the lauds of the subßcribers for the
purchase of coal, in cenitormity with the
'object of this meeting, having hill and
entire control of all matters relating to
ateipurcilasing,.shiptaent and slistribu
bleu of the coal: as eonteuiplated, with
power to proeure an :gent to molia pun
A base.baltgame in this citsv,. to-day,
bemeent the newspaper reporters and
crinters. resulted in fever of the latter
by a acne-of 4t1?t0.21..
(By TelFgraph to.the Pitt/lbarid GazAbits.j
Septensher° 6.--Fsreign real
dents of this. city, principal:lF the Ger.
mans, are enilstingto act al} a volunteer
reserve battalion schen the present vol
unteers take the &Md. Tits foreigners
this saornlng, presented a letter toCap
tain General De Rodas, containing the
above offer, and k was accepted by bun.
Eight handrail insurgents. surprised
four hundred volunteers and repulsed.
them. General pnello , with four bun-i
drsd troops, marched to the assistanceet
the voinmeera.. but the. insargents ,rt•
fused to give, battle.
OD the 16th of Auzust the inshrgents.
several thousand strong, o3mnianded by
General quessda, General Cespedes
log prstent, made" Mt:attack on Los
losing two hundred and fifty
killed. The garrison of Los Tunis con
sisted of four-hundred and fifty troops,
of which one .handred- were killed and
wounded. The fight tasted nine hours.
The result Is not stated. Gen. Renegesi
arrived at Lo 4 Tunas., the" day a ft erward
with a convoy. - lle had skirmishing all I
along theroad amid sustained a slight loss.
_ ,
Patent Powder Accident.
By Telegraph to the rlttabargh Onette.)
PORTLAND, Me., September 6.—A keg
of patent powder exploded at lake &balm
Friday afternoon, at the Portland Water
company's works, where' three, men
were blasting, blowing' the Men some
distance and burning • and' wounding
them. considerably. ;The men &reign!
alive; but two, ilia feared, are fatally in
jured. The accident was occasioned ley
knocking out the bung with a stick
which had been need in nitro•glycerine.•
The California Election.
[By Tel( graph. to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l
BAN ?Barri:Two. - September 8.-At a
'meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
Mayor McCoppin and other defeated
Democratic) candidates demanded a re
count of the entire vote of the eity and
°minty of San Francisco, and brought
ohar,zes of fraud against the commission
appointed town:int the vote.
Senator PesseudenPs übnaluon.
(By'Pelf Knott to the Pittibargk Guette.)
PORMEND. . September &.-Sen.
ator Pessenden continues she same as
during bud nigh:.
— Ea-Governor Worth, of No' .rth Cara,.
lina, died Sunday night.
—lt is believed that . Secretary iteward.
has abandoned his projected visit tOilife.t.•
leo. n
—The revenue of the Dominion, Au
gust Ist, was 089,279; expandltare
—The National Horse Pair at Wil
liamsport, Pa., has. been postponed until
OctoberlBth, UT:continue four days.
—The Jewish new veer was very getik
erally observed by the Hebrews yeates.m i
t cla o. il ay an . d the ceremonies will manu
Moran waecouttnitted to jair.
at St. Lou.k' yesterday, in default of 16.-
000 kel4 for ctealing,in counter/fen green
, .
—Nearly .#1.30,000 accident insurance
was placed ori the St. Louis delegates
to the Commercial Convention - before
they /et forlieoltob.-.
—Jose V 8
111 Palatine watt shot en the
15th nit., a R t
the entrance to the - National
Theater, in the City of Mexico, by Senor
Torres, son of the - editor of the Mexican
2 foriiteir.
1- -.4.dditionisi paelswes of geodebeioiig
ing to Perry Mailer have been seized at
St. Thnia to sabaljan attachment in &obi'
of the First National Bank of Washing
ton `lty.
—llia Coroner of St. Louis held
enty eight inßuesta Wig_ month. The.
most prominent- causes of death were:
sea atrohe 21; drowning 13; apoplexy:
15; salcidep9; accidents 9; lntemperanc.e6.-
—Slaty laborers en the Wilbrook div
'len or the. Bastori, ilartku di and Erie.-
Itailioad ceased work yesterday, mm
plaining they were overworkea. They
were paid °Maud diamisaed. No' trouble
—The lane stable of DeForrest, at
Staten Island; with three valuable horses,
hiefEnt's suable, Toni - tenement and three
dwelling beams, were all burned Sun—
day afternoam Lose thirty thermal&
--A fire in Use Abnrn (N.:Y.), State
prison. Monday morning, destroyed the
.mmber shed% store houses• and tool
'shop% The loss• is $1011:100; partially in
:stired. Haydbo- & Litehforthe r hams-
Icontraetors, lbse abOut 1115,V0 State
:loss small.
—Ati Philadirlphia; yasterd4y after-,
, noon„.1 1 rom si' to eight thousand per- •
sons witneesedr the base ball'imatch be
tween the Haymakers, of Laneingburg,
and the Athletics. Score. •
14 8 0 0 5 0
—Nisch activity prevails at Albany,
N. 15., among those interested in the
Susquehanna Railroad election,, which
takes place today. Mr. Ptak and. others
othis party are here. The impression
is the Itamsey. interest ;Mil carry the
ebbSmith,.obief clerlein Gray
Birkinan's hardware store, Nashville,
died Monday morning of .a wound re
ceived. on Friday!. previous by an 'acci
dental pistol shot from the hands of a
customer to wboimbe had sold the pistol.
He was a brotler-in-law of General
—A northeast wind, wait% hid baea
prevailinr at Nereffirleana.fortinaprevl-..•
ous two says, increased io agate moncuty
mooning, and there was unabated rain
continuously . •theaughont the "def. The
extent of the storm was unknown.
Damage to ahipOng and crops is appre
hended. -
—.Monday morning three prisoners in.
the Lancaster county (Pa.) jell made ,
their escape. ?woo of them. negroes,
frisked the lochs of their cells, gained
access ts the corridor, seized and bound
the keeper. secured his. keys; opened the
cell of a white man named earths, and
with Um mado their escape.
—sews from along. the. Arinumas mid. •
White rivers says cite cotton growl are
and. the balls .opening
From along the Mississippi ibr two hun
.cired miles below - Ibßaniphit the drouth
has out, oth the crop. one.third. The
youcw.balls are shedding off and only.
Iheiower or bottom ones will mature.
L Stewart, ofrlfew Yerk,hastele•
graphed to the insurance agents at St.
Louis, to place riskson his goods in St.
Louis companieti to the account
-of POO.--
0006 Ciafin& Co. and Jeffreys & Co.,
of liew York, have risks in St. Louis.
companies to •the amount of 1i120,000..
each, and Field, lLaiter &iDo; have' ROO.,
—Fart of the crew of the British bark
Ittra eskers on IttxlY's bland, have ar-
Viira at hlorfoik. They report that in at
tempting to reach shore in a small boat.
Captain Hartes, hiswitb, the chief mate,
one boy and two seamen named Peter
Hanson and Peter ilirlillamson, were
drowned. The vessel will probably be .
total loser
—A negro. named John -Fleet was shot •
and instantly killed yesterday, at
Indianspons, by a white man, a carpen
ter, named George Davidson. They had
some words on , Saturday and renewed
the quarrel, when .Davidson drew-a pis
tol and shot.-Fleet the templevkillintr
him instantly. Davidson was arrested
and 181113911. - , .
—At Philadelphia;yesterday, the ument
g sted ele c i mm eae d ef n e h e h gr Cour pon r
'Common Pleak involving ell the officers'
of the municipal government who re. -
ceived -certificates last October. The, :•
evidence taken fills four thousand pages.'
-and the argument will - occupy all this
week, 4 not looger. A, decision wJlsat
be given before the clonal' the month.
—The three oompatilea of nillitta that
havea been doing duty, in the neighbor
hood of Lebanon; KentOoky; for the past
lour or five' weeks.' 'returned - to Louie.
vine yesterday 'afternoon. They have '
been relieved by acternpany ofthirtrilve
mounted menfrOm 'Medway, Kentlicky."
who are: thoroughly acquainted with the
localities where the regulators carrylon •
their plundering and •murderous operaf--
Governer Hoffman, of. New York. ,
has appointed the following named gen-,
tlemen delegates to the Southern Com-.
Menial Convention; to be held at "
villa, Kr en the 12th ofOctoberi Horatio -
Seymour,. Horace 'Greeley; 4 1Eitun ne t
Campbell, A. A. Low, Cornelltia A. Gar. '
rieon, Wm. `C3. Bryant, Henry C. Murphy,' •
Frederick A. Conklin, Eraattte Brooks, .;
Wm. M. Tweed, George Qppyke, Mar.
shall 0. Roberts, Wilson G. Rutit,.Fred
P. J awes, IraHarrls, John Tracy, Henry„•
Burden „Israel Eratch u Ezra .
palm Veiralt‘ • Romer'rtainedell; - Thos.
Cornell, E. E. Davie,' -Freeman •
Wm. Kelly.' Geo. IV Comstock,. Thai* . '
G. Alvord, Henry A. Richmond.