8. CITY AND SUB UBBIN THE GetzTTE is furnished in the city for eiz days of the week for 15 cents per week ; by mag i 88 per annum: 8 moe., 82. 4150 Beivard: We will pay the above sum to any party who will furnish us with such in formation as will lead to the arrest and conviction of any person or persona en gaged in tampering with packages of papers Beni to our agents by rail or water. PENNIMAN, REED cit. Co. The Allegheny Public Schoob3 open to day. Allegheny Councils meet next Thurs day night. Allegheny , was unusually quiet Satur day night. The Corner atone of the new High School building will be laid on the after noon of September 30. Duncan.—G. W. Roberts, Jr., has been appointed Postmaster - at this office, vice R. L. bloQuestion, resigned. Troy Bill brightened up a little yester day under the genial influence of the day. although everything was quiet enough. ' The Fifth Ward, Allegheny, public school house, is said to be the best edific43 for theT purpose in the Union. It has been visited by numbers of persons in terested in educational matters. A - 1-Regular monthly meeting of the Allegheny Board of . School Controllers, will .be held to.morrow evening, at seven and a half o'clock, In the Common Council Chamber, city building. Thanks to Gen. Negley for a magnifi cent bonnet 1 Its rare beauty seems to transfer one of the conspicuous attrac tions of Shady . Bide to the dingy and contracted imprisonment of the city. Foreststil—Saturday Mrs. Snyder was brought before Alderman flumburt, charged - by officer Messner with fors stalling the market. She was discharged upon payment of the usual line and costs. Felt in a Fit.—Saturday afternoon about.three o'clock a peddler whose name was not known, fell in a fit at the corner of Fifth avenue and Market alley. He recovered after a short lime and was able to walk to his home. Arrested . .--Chief Hague received a tel egram from officer Anderson, at Enon, antioui2oing the arrest at that place yes terday morning of Thomas Sullivan, the man who attempted to kill Barney Daffy, in West Pittsburgh, Frulay,;- Bun Over.--Saturday evening between seven and eight o'clock a little girl about six years / of age, residing on Lib erty street. near the Pennsylvania rail road round house, was run over by a buggy and severely though not seriously injured. " I. O. 0. F.—A. new Lodge of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows, to be known as W. H. - Davore Lodge, No. 676, will be organlied at Wilkinsburg, Mon day evening, the 18th inst. The same evening the new Odd Fellows' Hall at that place will be dedicated. Carrection.—Our item published on Saturday, in reference to Mr. Charles B. Taylor's being without a home or appro priate lodging place, we have since been informed is an entire misrepresentation -of the facts,-and calculated to do very great injustice to an old citizen of our city. Robbery on Liberty Street.—Saturday morning before daylight Dr. Keyser's drug- store, on Liberty street, was en tered. and robbed of a lot of black ing brushes. The thieves effected an entrance from an alley in the rear. They also carried off the keys of the money drawer and back door. The Brom:lstate Boats have stopped running between Pittsburgh and Port Perry in consequence of the repairs be ing made on Lock No. 2. Freights and !passengers will be transported between these points by the Connellsville ,road Company, whose trains will make regular connections with the boats, Owing to the obstruction of the street in front of the Second Ward Allegheny School House, caused by the construc- tion of a new sewer, the school will not open until Wednesday morning. The teachers and directors will held s meet ing in the Principal's room this more ing to arrange matters for the coming t •rm. Mayor's Office.—There were twrty eight unfortunates, arraigned at the Mayor's Morning Court yes day, eleven of w hom were charged ith drunkeness; sixteen with disorder] • con duct, and one for vagrancy. They ere disposed of as follows: Nineteen paid fines, eight were committed and on= was discharged. The Humboldt Centennial.—The Fi nance Committee of-the Humboldt Cen -tenstial Associatioh collected, on Friday last, nearly two thousand dollars for the monument fund. It is to be hoped that the citizens will generously contribitte to this praiseworthy object, anti that the necessary sum of six thousand d • liars will be speedily foithcoming. -, 'Not Slow.—Mary Ann Slow, sco t ored is - resident of the Sixth ward, was fore Aldeiman bleeper Saturday on com plaint of Julia Ann Read, who al a ged that Mary Ann bad struck her avici ous blow across the eye with a stick. Such a breach of the peace was not re shed by Julia. After a hearing, the cas was compromiled, the costs being divided. Pitt Building:and Loan Association.— This enterprising and reliable company will hold an election next I'l/away even ing for the purpose of el sting offlcseTs for the ensuing term. The yhave also a few shares of stock not yet disposed of , and parties wishing to inveit in stock! that is sure to return them a Imuidsome profit would du well to attend the meeting. A Good Appoiniment.—Mr. John H. Stuart, of the firm of Joseph Woodwell & Co', of this city, has, ws are pleased to learn, repeiVe4 the appointment of Con sul to 'rink'la Island, West Indies. - Kr. B. I s t g, 3 ritlenia* of high attainments and iamb experience, whioh tally qualify him for the duties of the appointment. It would have been difilotilt to make& bet ter selection. It will be interacting to the ladies of both cities to'kimiethat 'Mist Bartholo. mew, an experienced aid skilful artist, is prepared at her roomy, , No. 65F aders. , street, Allegheny, to excoute, PMPrrY orders -far mite, Braids and other hair work; and also for hake hair dressing at her rooms or their reiddeners.' M lBB Bartholomew 'studies ;the ityles, and does her work in, gents/unity „with,,the lateit fashions. Her industry and turn -nitythould.be rewarded by,a libeAllat• troMige. Duftr,""ThiS Man who was cut by Thomas Sullivan, in the affray in West Pittsburgh,Friday after noon, is still living and may probably recover. Failed.—An • attempt was made by thieves before daylight Saturday morn ing to enter Kennedy's saloon on,Smith field street. The operators attempted to force open a door in the rear, but a show case wnich had been placed against• it, foiled them in their efforts. They suc ceedfd in breaking the glass in the case, and stopped there, doubtless frightened off by the noise. Boy Drowned.—David Dorer, son of Crispin Dorer, a resident of Colson street, Birmingham, was accidentally drowned in the Monongahela river yesterday. The boy, who was about nine years old, started with an elder brother to Sunday School about one o'clock, and at three o'clock was carried home dead. - lie was playing on a flat and fell in the water, and before assistance could reach him was drowned, . Breaking Thinga.—Samuel Glass was out "breaking things" on Saturday night, and passing down Webster avenue about seven o'clock, he fell over a table in front of Hatch's furniture store. The table was broken and Ur. Hatch request ed Samuel to pay for it, which he declin ed to do,. and -threatened to break, Hatch's head. An officer was called, who took Samuel in charge and conduct ed him to the lock-up. He was reqnited toi pay a fine of IFS and costa for breaking the law. • Criralnala.—There are fortynine cases on the jail calendar to be tried at the present term of .the Quarter Session Court which begins today. The follow ing is asummary of the offenses as charg ed: Rape 4; child • murder 1; assault 1; horse stealing 1; larceny 20; larceny by bailee 1; felonious assault and battery 3. burglary 2; surety of the peace .4; wife desertion 3; assault and battery with in tent to commit rape 1; assault and bat tery 3; false pretense 2; bigamy 1; aggra vated assault anti battery 1; murder 1. Total 49. Caught Again.—“Snibbs" altos Wm. Arnold, whose reputation for interfering with the property of others is well known in this comminity,:appears to be In a bad streak of luck. "Snibba" has managed for some time past to keep clear of the "nabba" until a few weeks since, when he was picked up end sent to Claremont for thirty days. The place did not snit his relined and delicate taste, however, and be left before his al lotted time had expired, coming back to the city. Saturday evening he was arrested again by officer Bell and brought to the lock-up, where he will remain. He will probably get ninety days this time, as Chief Hague is desirous of having him out of the city at present. Home Again. James McAuley, Esq., President of the Select branch of the City Connell, and President of the Iron City National Bank, has returned home after quite an extensive tour in search of health. We are glad to note that he has fully recu perated, and that he is In his customary vigor and in good trim fur undergoing the hard work he so cheerfully taxes himseff with fur the good of the city. No gentleman in either branch of Coun cil has a better record than Mr.MoAuley, and certainly none are more respected and esteemed by all classes ot citizens. Base Ball. , Last Saturday afternoon the weather at last proved favorable, and the long talked of match between the Atlantic and Olympic clubs, came off at Union Park. is There were a number of spectato pres ent, and the game proved to be one of the most exciting and closely contested since the opening of. the season. The fielding of the Atlantics was especially i ) good, while the Olympics seemed to have the advantage at the bat. The 0 ymplcs eventually won the game, th score standing at the close 25 to 23, eight in nings only being played. Carothers, of the Alleubeny .club, acted as timpire. This is the first of the games to be played between these clubs for the champion ship of Western Pennsylvania. Criminal Court. The September term of thequarter Sessions Court for Allegheny onnty commences today, and as - there I a large amount of business to do It wil proba bly be a lengthy term. The Magistrates throughout the county have generally been prompt in making their returns, and for the past ten days Assistant Dis trict Attorney Flack has been extremely busy preparing bills for the Grand Jury. There are several cases in the higher grades of crime, among wide is the Point homidide calm and as will be seen from our summary of the jail cal -1 endar. several cases for burgl y, rape and felonious assault and batter*. Cases remaining over from last term will be taken up first and disposed of, while the Grand Jury is preparing the new busi ness. An Old Offender. Saturday night, about eleven o'clock, residents on the upper part of Federal street, Allegheny, were again disturbed by the antics of Robert Anderson, a col ored individual, wlio periodically in dulges 'in the .'flowing bowl," which generally results In his commitment. Sat urday. Robert had engaged in this pleas ant exercise, and coming home rather late in the evening, undertook to increase the bills of modality by shooting hi s wife. In attempting this feat he was in teifered with by several neighbors, whereupon he became so exceedingly boisterous as to attract the attention of the night watch. His arrest was rather difficult and required three of the offi cers, who literally carried him to the lock-up. he making night hideous with his unearthly howls as he was borne along. Yesterday morning Robert was fined twenty-five dollars, and in default was comitted to jail for thirty days. Business Change. The well known and extensive book . and job printing establishment of Messrs. Errett, Anderson & Co., No. 84 Fifth av enue, in GAZETTE buildings, has Just changed hands, Messrs. Rev. Dr. 8. H. - Nesbit, of the Christian Advocate, Jas. A. Moore and Thomas Telfoid having pur. chased it, under the firm name of Tel ford, Moore & Co. The liberal experi ence, energy and enterprise of these gen tlemen is 'sufficient guarantee that the business will be conducted in such man ner as• to merit public patronage. The isapacity of the office will be enlarged, and the firm will take care that no piece of Work will quit their establishment that does not fully sustain Its high repu tation for • taste, neatness, beauty and general excellent*. Particular attention .will be paid to' Gamlen work of all de scriptions. We bespeak for the new firm 'an Increase ef thh libersif share of patron age hitherto awurdeil the outgoing firm PTITSBURGII GAZETTE : MONDAY., SEPTEMBER 6, 18,069. The interest in aquatic spc•rtS Id on the increase, in this-city, since the race be tween Coulter and Hanillf, and tliere Is an apparent disposition to conduct all races on principles of fairness and hon esty, to which in a great measure this increasing interest may be attributed. The usual number of races took place on Saturday, principal , among which were the race between Kaye-and - Luther. and a four-oared race betweeni picked crews from the Vigilant and Eagle fire companies. THE SINGLE SCULL RAVEL The single scull race between Kaye and Luther which took place upon the Allegheny course, 'for a purse, of three hundred dollars, was a very exciting one and was witnessed by a large concourse of people, both banks along tie eatire course being lined with spectatrs. The start was made from the St. Clit street bridge at five o'clock and forty minutes. Kaye took the lead but maintained it only for a short time. Before the Hand street bridge was passed Luther came up with and soon after passed his adversary, which position be kept throughout the race, coming in easy winner in 22:26. THE FOUR OARED RACE. The race between the crews 'orthe Vigilant and Eagle fire companies, for a supper, took place at half past five o'clock, over the lower- Monongahela course. The race was witnessed by a lint() crowd of spectators, who arpeared highly interested in the result, but there - wasn't much money changed bands on the race. The Vigilant boat was manned as fol lows: Maxwell, (stroke,) Reisineyer, Herbert and Eccles, (bow.) The Eagle crew consisted. of Earl, (stroke,) Smith son, Boyer and-,Andrew Miller, Jr., (bow.) Some time was spent in getting in position, but at length the word was given, an d fair start was made. The boats kept tolerably even for a little while, but the Eagle crew at .length pulled; ahead. They. turned the buoy first, and, on the home stretch, led off at an in increasing distance. On the way home the Vigilant . boat ran upon the bar, and had to be lifted off and pushed some distance. By this, of course, much time was lost, and the dis tance between the two boats consider ably increased. An easy victory was ahead of the Eagle boys, however, and they rowed leisurely'. The Vigilante pulled vigorously, but came in a long distance behind. The time made by the Eagles was twenty-two minutes. The race was for a supper for twenty-five per sons. The supper was served at Schild's Saturday evening, and was a very enjoy able one. OPERA HOUSE.—The amusement sea. son at the Opera House opens this evening. The improvements in the establishment have 'all been com pleted, the entire building renova ted and the old scenery replaced by new and beautiful scenes from Palmer's ar tistic hand. The Worrel slaters play the opening engagement and tonight "Lana Rook h" will:be presented for its first time in this city. The season promises to be one of the most brilliant we have ever had, as Manager Canning has secured a full company of first class actors, and has also succeeded in effecting engagements with all the principal "stars" in the pro- fession. The box office will remain open daily between nine and four o'clock for the sale of reserved seats. From present indications the opening to-night will be largely attended. PITTSBURGH THEATRE.—The "Old Drury," since its opening on Thursday evening pas been doing an excellent business. The improvements made dur ing the summer add wonderfully to the comfort and convenience as well as to the appearance of the establishment, and the company as a whole is decidedly the best variety company we have ever had In the city. Mr. Williams has been ex tremely fortunate in the selection of his company, as the manner in which each individual member is received, fully testifies. The Whiting Sisters and Miss St. Clair are a credit to the profession, and Clari Burton is an old favorite. In fact every member of Ills company is de serving of special notice,, and are fay°. rites in their particular hues of business, The WednesdaY and Saturday matinees at this establishment are excellent en tertainments,' and are intended ()accrete ly for ladies''and children, who cannct attend the evening performanopii. Saturday evening, shortly after six o'clock, William Lebzelter, a boy about sixteen years old, received injuries at the railroad crossing, Federal street, Al legheny, which will in all probability re sult in„ death. He resides at No. 66 WesterEf_ avenue, and was returning from work, when a westward bound train was passing over the street. He had been in the habit of jumping on the trains and thus riding part of the way home, and on this occasion attempted to jump on the car next to the last, but un fortunately missed his hold and fell with his left leg lying across the track. The wheels of the car passed over, just below the knee, crushing it to a jelly. Re was taken to the office of Dr. Herron, in the vicinity. That physician being absent, Drs. D. N. Rankin, Haselton and Haa lett were summoned, and iu connection with Dr. Buchanan Amputated the leg above the knee, such an operation being found necessary. The injured lad was then conveyed to his residence, where at last accounts he was lying in a precarious condition. He is the oldest son of a widow, and was the chief support of his mother which makes the accident more distressing. Saturday evening about ten o'clock Thomas Rogers, a resident of Pipetown; having taken an overdose of whisky, started hothe, and on reaching the door of hia dwelling sat down on the steps. Be had been sitting there but a few min utes when a party of young men came by and made an assault upon Miff. taking from him a bottle of whisky and in the affray broke the mans leg in two places. Acting Mayor Butler was sent for yester day morning and took Rogers informa tion, charging William Lloyd and others with felonious assault and battery. Lloyd was arrested last night and brought to the lock-up where be was held for a hear ing. litzsans. E DITOR8: 'The strictness of your correspondents relating to mortar beds, mud holes and wagon stands on the above named avenue, I see, have had some effect. " - On Saturday several loads of lime and sand were dumped at the mortar beds. The wagons trespass even more than usual, nearly closing the ave nue at Federal street, and the uneightly mud hole is - considerably ateldified- For what are Mayors and police, Stieet Committees and Street Commissioners commissioned and paid?. Must private citizens resort to the courts for redress? Or are these offenses against law and common decency*? be longer permitted to grow more and more offensive. PRoxprini. ' Aqtatii: Amuseements Probably PataLAccldeAt Brutal Assault. Stockton Avenue—West End. . _ Illechbdfat Annual Centerenea—.putt , , burgh District. FentatcurT, W. VA., Sept , ; 1 / 368, Second day: :Afternoon session opened with devotional exercises by Rev. J, Hull. Minutes ofmorning session read and approved. Reports from/ ministers and their churches resumed. At half pasethree o'clock a delegation of Praternal Memengers from the Mary. land Annual Conference of the Metho dist Protestant Church made their ap pearance, and were introduced to the Conference, and the hour of two o'clock to-morrow set apart to hear their Ines. sage. Reports from ministers and churches resumed, and continued until all were heard from. From these reports we conclude the churches throughout the District, with a few exceptions, are in a prosperous and growing condition. Rev. T. L. Scott, of Ohio Conference, was introduced and voted an honorary seat in the Conference. A Committee on Fraternal Relations was ordered and appointed. • After some notices Conference ad journed with prayer. THIRD DAYS SESSION , . September 3, 1869. Opened by direction of the President, devotional exercises being continued half an hour. Minutes read and ap proved. Several Committees reported progress. • Resolutions were passed for the better regulation of church finances, support of the Gospel, ministerial labor, &c. Rev. J. B. Walker, Corresponding Sec retary of the Board of Ministerial Edu cation, was introduced to the Conference, and delivered an address, showing the "Board" to be doing a good work, and urging the •co.operation of all the churches. After same notices, the fore noon session adjourned with prayer. quarter Seaalons Court. The Court of Quarter Sessions will meet on Monday next, at ten o'clock A. at., - when the foll Owing cases from Jane sessions will be taken up: No. 5. Commonwealth vs. U. G. Hein, 0 12. Commonweatth vs. J. P. Padden, " 65. Commonwealthvs. Charles Bally and Rosa Smith, " 113. Commonwealth vs. Emma J. Hays, " 114. Commonwealth vs. Michael Dermot:, " 139. Commonwealth vs. Andrew Barker, " 321. Commonwealth vs. Win. Bech told, " 282. Commonwealth vs. Robert Hague, " 303. Commonwealth vs. Annie Mil ler, " 304. tkommonwealth vs. Lewis alike, - " 370. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Elliott, " 414. Commonwealth vs. Patrick Mar key, " 416. Commonwealth vs. John Rob erts " 435. Commonwealth vs. James Lind say, " 438. Commonwealth vs. John Ander son, 434. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Gumbert, " 356. Commonwealth va. D. Haw thorn et al. " 244. Commonwealth • vs. Joseph Sharp. No. 159 Commonwealth vs. O'Neal et al., two CBB6B. " Commonwealth vs. David V. 0. Reed. " 382 Commonwealth vs. Thos. Moore. " 437 Commonwealth vs. Jno. G. Free berger et al. 305 Commonwealth vs. Joseph Con avan et al. " 92 Commonwealth va: Henry Gold stein. " 120 Commonwealth vs. W. Messick. " 232 Commonarealth vs. Frank Len stetter. " 423 Commonwealth vs. Bernhart Hartman. 421 Commlnweilth vs. John Little. As these are all old cues, parties inter ested had better ba promptly in Court at the hour named. Constables from the various wards, boroughs and townships will make their returns before the above cases are taken up. New Dometic Goods, Bates & The Water Q,ne,stlon. MESSRS. Borrow: Now that the "Park Speculation" has received its quietus, it is to be hoped that Councils will devote their attention to the neces sities of the city. A permanent supply of good pure wafer is the pressing, urgent want of the people. The present supply is insufficent ana it requires no chemist to prove that it is most impure. But no "half way" measure will supply - the want. And if nothing natter can be found than the proposed location of "the works" a short aistance abofe Negley's Run, we may as well content ourselves with what we now have; increasing the the capacity of the present works, and save taxation. Do not our Counclimen know that an "Acid Works," a short distance above the proposed location, pours its refuse into the river with such effect that hempen cables kept in the water in its vicinity are rotted or eaten ant in a few weeks? The "works" and drainage at Natrona poison the river at that point, and it gets fouler all the way down. We doubt if a - proper location Gan be obtained short of the Youghio gheny or Riskiminetas rivers._ Pure water- we must have, at whatever oast, and a liberal expenditure now is the best economy. CITIZENS. For Linen Goods, Bates & Bell's, Pretty Women.-11 comparatively few Ladies monopolize the Beauty as well as the attention of Society. ,This ought not to be so, but it-is; and will be while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces for companions. This can all be changed by using Hagan's Magnolia Balm • which gives the Bloom of Youth and a liefined.aparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, powerful, and natural. ' • No Lady need complain of a red, tan ned, freckeled or rustle Complexion who will invest 75 cents fu Hagan's Magnolia Balm. Its' effects are truly wonderful. To preaerve and dress the Hair nee Lyon's Katbarion. iliac% Alpacas, the ,choice makes, a Bates & Bell's,' r Adverty!ement.}. Moves blase blasting of the Friend!' of Temperance and Reform will be held in the - Allegheny Diamond, on Monday evening,: September Sixth. Addressee will oe made by Cob T. B. Clark, David Kirk, Bag.. and rrofeeaor Mutt. Friends of Retrenchment and Reform, rally. Real Estate.—See advertisement of McClung & Rainbow, Real Estate and Insurance .ftents, 185, 197`and 189 Cen tre avenue. tf. 'large'nein Evening Since st;l3stes do Bell's. • - • t Aevertfitement.l Temperance and iletonn—Addreas to Voters. TO the Voters of Allegheny County:— VIMLOW CITIZENS: Some time ago a Temperance and Reforni Convention was convened in the. Court House, In the city of Pittsburgh, which unanimously nom inated Isaiah Dickey, Esq., for the office of County Commissioner. to be voted for at the coming October election. .That Convention was not political in its char acter, but was composed of men who felt that something must be done, if possible, to check the ravages of intemperance among us. And as theexecution of the license law has been placed in the hands of our County Commissioners,and as we felt that those already filling that office have not carried out that law in its spirit and intention, and as we were not Or suaded that any condidate_pmented by either of the political parties would _carry out its provisions so •as to improve this state of things, we were constrained as law.ablding citi zens to nominate a man who is known to be honest and reputable in life. It is proper to say that Mr. Dickey did not and does not seek the office, but only consents to the use of his name in the hope that if elected he may be instru mental in having our existing license law faithfully and fully executed. It is in no sense the aim of the present move ment to do away with the existing law' we recognize it as binding until annnileti by the law making power of the State. But we are persuaded that it has not been properly executed. We moreover feel that it would be to the interest of men who vend ardent spirits under the authority of a license to vote for Mr. Dickey, for while he will not place him self in the attitude that no licenses shall be given while the law continues, he will see that the cost of procuring a liceese shall not be exorbitant. Hence, if placed in the Board of _Commissioners, we feel that it will be a _decided benefit to all ' concerned. Mr. Dickey is not before yon as a poli tician, but as an independent temperance candidate, pledged to faithfully-execute all laws that now exist or may exist for the term of three years. He 18 not thrust upon your attention with any design to break up old political organizations, but we are determined to let it be under stood that we will no longer blindly follow the lead of any political ring. As lovers of good oraer, as those profoundly inter ested in the well being of the county, we demand that men of character shall be nominated for office, else we will not sup port them. And are we not right in this? Is it not high time that something should be done in this direction? Might not the election of Mr. Dickey be of incalculable benefit in the hereafter of our politidel history as a county? Therefore, fellow citizens, convinced that we have done right, we earnestly appeal to you, no mat ter to what party you belong, to aid ns in the election of Mr. Dickey. We ask you to seriously consider the matter and give us vonr influence and votes in the, pre mellon of a man to office whose integ rity is undoubted. We feel that yon owe it to yourselves and families to.at least I make the trial. The woes of intemperance that have become so wide spread in this community demand that something should ba done, and that promptly, lest they be still more aug ment!. d and become quite universal. It is wo th while sometimes to break o ff from party for the sake - of a specific ob )ect t at is good, and in this case we feel that to do so would be - honorable, right and praiseworthy. With us there is no scramble for the spoils of office, bit an earnest and determined resolution to se cure reform. By order of the Ez. Committee. 1 JOHN B. CLasu, Chairman. Allegheny City, Pa., Sept. 3, 1869. s 8 Belle for Diess Goods. 'The Ladles of the two cities are in formed that Miss Bartholomew, an ac. oomplished artist, has opened rooms at 65 Federal street, Allegheny, on the second floor, where plain and ornamental hair work is made or repaired; also la dies' hair dressing done in approved style at the shop or at their residences. MATII.BWI. Casstmerea at Bates dt Bell's. The Purest and sweetest Cod Liver 011 in the world, manufactured from fresh, healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it is perfectly pure and sweet. Patients who have once taken it can take none other. Ask for "Hazard and Camellia Cod Liver Oil," manufactured by _Cas well, Hamad & Co., New York =Old by all druggists , A Rare Chanee—Tne Hat store for sale by R. R. Wilson. Selb advertisement. tf Bates S• Bell% for Black and Colored Silks. Banquet at St. Johns, N. B. City Telegraph to therlttsbargn Gazette.) Sr. Jonas N. 8., September s.—The Governor General of New Brunswick held a levee yesterday, at which four addresses, signed by many of the citi zens, were presented. In response to-the toast, "Tile health of the Governor General of the province of New Brunswick," Sir John Young said that as opposition to the union of the province with Canada is dying away, he looked for the speedy 'reconciliation of all parties.• The advantages gained by the union of England and Scotland and the free traffic consequent, and' the advantages conferred by the Zpllverein during the last half century, are such results as should be looked for from the Confederation. Speeches were also made by 'the Lieutenant Governor of the Prov ince. The healthy of the Queen and the President of the United States were en thnsi -tically drank. - —Richmond papers state the Norfork and Great Western Railroad Co. con cluded its deliberations in that city by entering into a contract fot , the sale of fifty thousand adres of land, now held or hereafter to be acquired by the Vir ginia International Land Company, corn seed of a number of wealthy men in New 'York. Another important matter brought to thii consideration of the Nor folk and Great Western Company was Nor the subject of the consolidation of their line with the Memphis, El Paso and Pacific Railroad. The Directors had an interview with a member of the Execu tive Committee of the road and took in itiatory steps for the purpose of making theirline part of the Southern Pacific road. A Committee was appointed to confer with the Committee of the South._ ern Pacific, to make a contract for the consolidation of the roads. ' —Wells & Fargo's ooach, which left Helena, Montana, August 29th, was robbed by highwaymen at Malade Sum. mit. Utah, on thou and of the Mt. of nearly thirty thousand dollars in gold. The passengers were not molested. and for that reason some forty thousand dol. lars escaped the clutches of the robbers. A large force left Corinne on the Ist hist. in pursuit of the marauders. Gen. Canby will soon proclaim the re sult of the late election in Virginia. On the fourth Tuesday thereafter the Legit'• lature will meet. trief'Newiltems One of the reasons given for the sits- penal() . f Speed; the late Postmaster at Louis .11e, and the appointment of his succ .r, is that Speed insisted upon cons tlnuin Democrats in his oftice as clerks. The i rie Railway . Company is building a road om Paterson to Port Jarvis, to shorte • the distance twenty-four miles. When I mpleted the present track will be use for freight alone, and the new one fo , passengers. -- The dismission about the - probable fate of Dr Livingstone has been renewed in- Engl. .d. Captain Burton, - the African travel; , believes Livings tone is a pris oner a the town of Lucenda, the capital of the . ing of Cassebe, and an expedi tion is talked of to search for him. A 1- tter dated - Nashville, and from a strong Republican -source, says: "And. Johns.n is gaining ground every day, and I onsider his election to the Senate a The Indiana Secretafy of State, on. Thurs. ay list, made out and transmitted to Ha .. ilton Fish, at Washington, a cer tified •py of the enrolled joint "resolu tion • cepting and ratifying the fifteenth amen. .• ent to 'the Constitution of the United States. Why it was not done sooner is not stated. Governor Baker does n t join in the certificate. ti. Th sday night at a saloon in Wheel ing, a difficulty arose between two well known gentlemen of that city who were there passing the evening socially, when one called the other a liar. This was im mediately followed by blows and • during the melee a revolver was discharged—the ball taking effect in the right breast of a gentleman who was attempting i to sepa rate the principal actors n the affray.. The wounded man was removed to-his 1 residence in North Wheeling, and during Friday antlered considerable pain. The ball it is feared penetrated the lungs, and had not been extracted. SIDE by side, in New York, wagon loads of peaches and of lemons stand in the street, and cheap as peaches are, the foreign fruit -- is cheaper. "Thirteen for twenty-five -cents" is the legend on the wagon of 'Messina fruit, - while half a dol lar will hardly buy the same weight of the Jersey product. One has come 3,000 miles by sea,-the other a hundred miles by land. —.....,- A GEIIMAIT paper of ,New Orleans, in alluding to the numerous gambling bells in that city, says: "If an energetic rem edy against this evil is not soon found, our children of the next generation will becorbelt miserable nation of gamblers. These houses are bound to be the death of the independence, the influence, and the future grandeur of the ;United States." THE Fall River, (Mass.) Aforlifosor says nearly $ll,OOO worth of bank checks and bonds were discovered in an upright boil er in front of the boiler works, near the American"works. b 3 a lad of about four teen years of age, employed at the boil er works. He also sound a large wallet and memorandum book, and all were de livered to the owner.. Additional Markets by Telegraph. TOLEDO, September 4.—Flour very dull. Wheat dull and 2®343 lewer; reg ular white Michigan f 1,34; 'No. 1 white Wabash held at $475; amber Michigan it 81,37@1,37%; No. 2 do $1,3535@1,36; No. 8 do. 61,30 bid. Corn steady, with o. 1 at 99c, and No. 2at 97c. Oats a ade better. with No. 1 at 53c,', and N .2 at 48c. Freights , very firm at 4@9c t uf falo and Oswego. RecelPta-s.loobbls flour, 77,600 bush wheat, 17,700 bush corn, 7,800 _bush oats, 700 bush rye. Shipments-6,600 bbls flour, 112,700 bush wheat, 24,100 bush corn, 11,200 bush oats. Sax FReficasoo, Sept. 4. . Flour $4,75 ®5,8735. Wheat 11.602)1,65. Legal Tend ers 74. Mining stocks dull; Alpha 17. Belcher 18, Bullion 10, Chollar 18, Con fidence 31.-Crown Point 26, Empire mill 38, Gould lir. Curry, 83 Hall a Norcross 123, Imperial 48, Bentock 187, Occidental 16. Ophir 18, Overman 77. Savage 68, Sierra Nevada 70, Yellow Jacket 47. Chollar Mining Company has declared a divi dend of 12 per share payable on sixth inst. DIED. NEILLIE—On Saturday, the 4th inst., at 7 o'clock P. ROBERT NEILLIrs, Funeral from the First Reformed Presbyterian Courch, Sandusky itreet, Allegheny TUT, on TGILISDAY MORNING, 791 last.. at /0 o'clock. Friends of the family are in rited to attend. UNDERTAKINEtS. A LEX. - A I E UNDER. TABER, No. 166 FOlir.TH STllSn's A LEX. F . :. COFFINS of all kIuds,CRAPII. GLO and el ery description of Funeral Fur. lashing furnished, Booms °nen dav sris Dien. Carriages farnisned for city funerals at *ADO each. iir.raaarross—Rev.DavidNerr. D.D., /testa& W. bus, D. D.. Thomas Ewing. Rad., Jacob JacoNso. (11BLIBLES & PEEBLEI4 DEBTAKER B AND liIITSRY Borne: f SAN DIIBBY MBE= AND 0 .AVEN - 138 , Allegheny City. where their CO • BOOMS are constantly supplied with real and imitation irof ewood,- Mahogany and Walnut momoc, at prices var ying from S 4 tonne. 80. dies prepared forintkrirkent. Hearses and Ear• idiot farnirbed: sho t kinds of Mourning Goods, if required. °Mee open at all houn. day and night. JOSEPH MEYER' & SON, No. 45141.P1NN STREET. carriages for Funerals, $51600 Each. COFFINS and all Funeral FurnlalUnent at re duced rates. MERCHANT 'reiLblus; HENRY G. RAMIE, MERCHANT. TAILOR,' Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, FALL AND WINTER STOCK . , 11. 3 0 W OOMPL T WATOECES,TEWNOT, &o. NEB' 4 13 - COCVDS . Hieing" just retuned from the last siitk s 'splendid sto ck or : atehes l . Jewelry. hilverwaie„ OPTICAL GOODS,. &c., I am now, prepared to offer theta at greatly se. dueeil prices.. Call and examine before pet-, %%ulna elsewhere. • ' W• t • G D173113.11114.a . Jeweller. No. MI. -Fifth uss, atdOt Opposite Maaoale Hall.