NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. arNOTICE.-A MEETING OF the PICT HVILDING AND LOAN AS BOCIATiON will be held at the 'National Hotel, corner of. Penn and Thirty Wed streets. Tins. *DAY isvgNEN(.l. September 7th, at 7% o'clock, for the purpose of electing officers. stainso WM. DORAN. JR.. Preildent. Ork ICE MONONGAHELA. BRIDGE CG., I September 3,1869. Ilar'THE PRESIDENT AND j MANAGERS of this Company have this day declared a dividend of TWO DOLLARS per share, payable at the -Banking House of N. Holmes & Sons Rirthwith. Be° JAMES H. WRIGHT, Treasurer. IarNOTICE.-THE DEWLAP. Semi-annual meeting of the Stockho'd ers of the C. M. B. & L. .104.W3CIATION OF AS- L SOHENY for the election of (lacers will be meld in their new ball, No. 11 Oblo s tea, on TITEt‘DAY EVANISIti, September 7th, at 7 o'clock.. Punctual attendance is requested. By order autd:n7o-11 W. K. GREY. fler,retary. Igr MASS DIEETING. A GRAND REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING, WILL BE HELD IN THE DIAIOND, ALLEGHENY CITY, Thursday Evening, 9th inst. Hon. JOHN A. BINGHLA, Of Olio, and other distinguished Speakers will addxees the meeting PURVIANCE, Chairman. WALTER S. McCIIN Col. GEO F. ?AMMAN, F .; Secretaries. sec GRAND CONCERT OF THE HUMBOLDT CENTENIAL FESTIVAL AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY,' Sept. 13, 1869. PROGEUIiE-PABT I. 1. Overture; Poet and 'peasant Suppe. Ry Special Orchestra. Geo. Teente, Director. 2. Duet: gins est Homo • b asstd. By Mrs. e. C, Mellor and Miss M. Rinehart. 3. Chorus: un the Open Sea Moe hlr ing. By the Combined Singing Soden-8. with i orchestral accompartiment , —A. Knautr, Director. 4. Trio: Lucia de Lammermoor Donizetti. • By Miss L. Moody,Mr.Apfelbaum, Mr. Benita. .5. Statuesques: Tile Battle of the Titans (after tue famous group of Rawih.• By '.the Pittsburg,. Turner Society—Bonzad, • Director. • PART IL '. Concert Overture By full Orchestra—G. Teorge, Director, : 2. Dillammains Rossini By'Mrs. C. C. Mellor and Chorus. Cl. Tete• donx. Director. 3. 8010, Ye Merry Birds By Mt. Aprelbaum. ; 4. Chorus: The Cannel Beck r. By Combined Singing 6o4stles—A. Knauff, Director. 8. Quartette • Verdi. i Mrs. C. C. Mellor; Miss M. Rlnenart. Mr. • Paul Zimmerman. Mr. Edwards. with In t . strumental accompanlent. Mr. C:em. ! Teteitour, Director. 6. Grand Tableaux.— A pothesis of Humboldt. By the Pittsburgh Turner Society. Konrad, Director. 7. Conceit Waltz Strauss. ' Fall Orchestra, Teorge, Director. ADMISSION, -•- - - ONE DOLLAR Seats may be reserved. telti out extra-coarse. for Parqnette. at Kleber , s. and for Dress Ci•cle at Blel , or & Ifoen.'s. on FRIDAY RORNINii, Beptember'loth, 1869. se6:ne2 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT -BOOKS. i A Full Assortment of all the Works USED IN THE Public Schools, High School, Western university, Methodist Female College, Bowman Inititute, • AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS & ACADEMIES Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Vicinity. FAR SALE AT THE LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, by KAY & COMPANY, Booksellers and Stationers €5 WOOD sTmor, (LAFAYETTE BUILDING.) 5e6:07: ME WATCHES, • JEWELRY, &C 7' WATTLES & SHEAFER'S, 101 FIFTH AVENUE GENTS FINE GOLD AMERICAN WATCHES from $75 upwards. LADIES? PINE GOLD WATCHES for SER And upwards. ~All kinds of AMERICAN WATCHES con stantly on hand. FINE JEWELRY, SILVER WAReC. at the very lowest prices. Please live as a call. , se4tnB3 TTN ION: NATIONAL BANK. • L.) • CoAL MEN'S AM) INSURANCE ' STuCKS, PERRYsV/LLE PLANK I. OAD, dc. ,• TIIEsDAY EVRNIIk 0, September Ith. at S 'o'clock, will be sold on second floor or Commer. ' dal Sales Rooms. 100 Smithfield Street, 4 shares Union Nations' Bank; 18 shares • oalmen's Trust Co.; 83 shares Perrysville Plank Road Co.; 110 shares Western Insuran; 40 shares Cub Inearan , e CoCo.; 20 shares Monongahela Insurance Co., 506 A. 3IcIL.W &IRE. Auctioneer. GEO. B. IBILTENBERGEIEt, SOLE AGENT FOB =OMR RELIABLE. WATER FILTER. Bro. ABB Pella Street, CASKS PRIME SODA 19n fo r sia°4 .7. B. 0 ANIIIELD. •B tes giskriptED ['Agit* IIJV S C ID A ; r " .. 11- 1 aansim • NEW ADVIUtTISEMEIN T .. os T .—On - Saturday atter- NOON. a ROUTE BOOK containing al sum o Money and rictipted bills. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at the GAZETTE OPTIC& SCHOOL OF DESIGN.—The Fail Term of the PITTSBURGH SCHOOL OF DESIGN FOR WOMEN Will open MONDAY, Eept. 13th. Rooms corner Sixth AVOUIR and Woo.. street. 5,61t18 HENRY PHIPPS. Js . President. OFFICE CITY P.N4INEER AND SURVEYOR, Pittsburgh. Sept. 6. 1869. NOTICE.—The Assessment for j.`l the Boardwalk, on Broad street (East Lib erty) from the Frankstown Road to Hiland ave nue, Is now ready for examination, and can be pien as this office until THURSDAY. September 10th..1869, when it will be returned to the s-ity Treasurer , * office for collection. ae6:1192 H. J. 3iOORE, City Engineer. $30,000 ALLEGHENY CITY PARK BONDS. The most Tellable bands in the market. Pay 7 per centum interest. The and prop erty of the city pledged for their redemption, t 30.000 of these Bonds now offered for sale. For information concerning rates, &C., apply at Treasurer's Office. Allegheny City. By order of Park Commission, J. A. OXLEY. Secretary T EXT BOOKS WESTERN UNIVERSITY, PITTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL, . NEWELL INSTLTUTE. MISS MARKHAM'S SCHOOL, ‘, IRVING INSTITUTE. P OWMAN IN sTITIJTEROP. BINGHAM'S SEMINARY, I B, Rev. T. J. KELLAM'S ACADEMY, - PROF. CURRY'S INSTITUTE, and others For Sale at the Lowest Prices, R. S. DAVIS & CO., MEM 4.; Z 4 I=o pc i r ov 24) FA Fm z c:1;1 mir4 42 . 0 4 4=) Z 4 .4 HI" ;14 rTi P gl ri/ MI lit , 4 p csa 04 . 4 fl r 4 gi ;a xi Ut 8 o It 0 Sa ' a 'a Mi 0 „ 2 , u 214 tais-4 7 " 4 I= o g 1-4 4 .2 Pa W 2 .41 124 b t ° ica Z Fi4 BATES Humbert Linen Goods, White Goods, Cassimeres, Flannels, L. C. Handkerchiefs, Black Alpacas. ee3:arwr ISSOLUTION OF CO•PART— NEREIIIIP.—The Arm of BOLLMAN. YD & BAGALEY was this day dissolved by mutual consent.. The business will be continued by GEORGE W. BOLLMAN and RALPH BAG. /LUCY, under the , tyle and firm name of BOLL MAN & BAGALEY, who are authorized to 'col 'tact all accounts due and Pay all claims agmnst the firm. 6EO. W. BOLLMAN, RALPH . PAGALEY. JSOHN O. BOYD. WM. CAMCBELL,Ju. YITTEIBIIIIGH t August 21st, IbB9. ' In rettrine from the foundry business we cheer fully recommend our late partners to the further patronage of the pubic. JOHN L. BOYD, WM. CAbirBELL, JR. PHENIX. ROLL FOUNDRY, BOLLMAN & BAGAt.EY, Hanuhiclurers of superior CHILL ROLLS. SAND ROLLS and PINIONS. Corner Liberty and li4tb streets. Pittsburgh. seemat gARDENERS TAKE NOTICE. FOR BALE.—The FOURTEEN MILE AND, on the Allegheny River, and now used for gardening purposes; well- improved and in a high state of cultivation icontalning 40 or 40 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. Also, other Farms in good locations. Woolen Factory two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses! and Lots For Hale and To-let in both cities. For further par. ticulars Monist of WILLIAM WARD, new 110 emus street. opposite Cathedral. VLOOR OIL CLOTHS, GREEN WIOIL CLOTS PO • B N TRANSPARE DOW NT WINDOW WlLDEtk taTtr o TABLE AND Fp OIL CLOTHS ILT EITEBTPIABrx • rc.... se argain litja Prffeurnion. i nn CIEMENT-100 bids LisW ninssUo 0411111114. Ibr lry I. 5. Quaint) JAMES PARK, Jr., President. USED IN 1951 LIBERTY STREET BELL'S FOB SBURGR GAZEITE : MONDAY, . - SEPTEMBER 6, 1869. NEW ADVERTISEBTENTEL NEW HD DESIRABLE GOODS AT WMLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY CITY FINE BLACK (SRO GRAIN ALPACAS, Equal in Color to Silk. POPLIN ALPACAS, All Colors. BRIGHT PL4ID ALL-WOOL POPLINS. Changeable Silk Warp Poplins. NEW ASSORTMENT ARAB & STRIPED SHAWLS Childrens' Bright Plaid Shawls. AN EXTRA BARGAIN. At $2,25 Fine Woolen Shawls. LARGE SIZE, NICE COLORS Cassimeres and Jeans, White Bed Quilts, (ALL KINDS,) Country Blankets, Heavy Col'd Eastern Blankets, Country Flannels, Gray Blankets, Sheeting Flannels. AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & CO., CORNER OF ) Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., PITTSDURGEI, PEL Will on Saturday, July 31st. 1869. and • on each succeeding Saturday, hold an Auction Sale of HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, • WAGONS, And everything appertalnlng ti the Florae. Parties deal log to sett will please leave their notice of consignment on or before•Tburaday of each weak in order for advettlsing.-, rrompt at tention and good care will be given sit Stock left forsale. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. ,m 66 lIMI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS 0. TELL SINKING FEND, esusUry Department of renusylvanla, ELlttliblittlion s .Augnst MO. 1869 QEALED BIDS WILL BE RE— CEIVED for the redemption of ONE MIL LION DOLLARS of the loan of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, due July let, MO, unt.111.2 o'clock M. OCTOBER 15t.1869. Com munications robe addressed to It. W. MACKEY, Esq., State Treasnrer, Harrisburg, Penna.. and endorsed bids for redemption of State Loan. F. JORDAN, Secretary of State. J. F. HARTRANFT, Auditor General. R. W. MACKEY, . State Trrasurer. Oommissioners of the Sinking Fund. N. B.—No newspaper publishing the' above without authority, will receive pay therefor. atail:nBB B. 21. it'COWAN B. N. IffcCOWAN & CO„ Boulevard Pavers, Moe, No. 65 OHIO ST., ALLEGHIKNY. • Orders left at Mozart's °Friss, Pittsburgh, promptly attended to. Pave Sidewalks, Cellars, Ins' Yards, Drives, ko. Warranted against disuses of beat and cold. lisritnaircss —Max: Movrhead, Lyon& Idttorb, Rody Patterson, _Wm. Park, James N. Long & Son. Hartley & McKee. Anderson's & Maxwell, Aiken & Campbell. Isaac Craig. 7y16:m23 J. I. 13111111'..•... J. N. ELM SW/NT k BRATT, ABOBEITILOTIIBAL AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS, No. 63 Sandusky Str Allegheny, Pa. oti l iNirg u rgrgn?l, Vilita of all doscrin no. done nro•voS KEYSTONE POTTERY. Q ffi. KIER & No Manufacturers o qIIZENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE ac once and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY STREET sr Atli orders promptly attended to B. LYON, sealer of Weights and Measures, Ofilee-.-2to. 5 FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsbtugh. City.. JOHN MESSNER, Deputy, Pittsburgh B. IdeNULTY, Deputy, Alle- IHE COMMON SENSE WINE AND CIDER. MILL, Manufactured by the land (Ohio) Machine Company, is the most Practical Cider Mill in the world. By one opera tion it grinds the apples, presses them as cry as chips between rollers, while the cider passes di rect into the barrel. They are run by hand or power, easily operated, durable and substantial. Before purchasing a Cider Mill stud for an Illus trated Circular. aultling) NE"' cr.43 - v - mrt. HONEY. A fresh supply of choice Fayette County Honey In small glass boxes, just received and for sale at the runny Orocerrbtore JOHN A. RENBH LW. sal Corner Liberty and Ninth streets. WOOL. - 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted b HEARN , I HARPER, AT THE WHITE PHONT. 19 141 1 West, Pittsburgh. ps. j i rso _ _ ODT.ENDE ; . : 1: 1' :1 : 286 Liberty streak Dollars IA Drays. a Peteeit Medicines. hasp rIBEES Zes • Ctory ‘J Cheese; 25 boles Goshen do"lor „ J. 11. G.A.IIIIILELIO. lITIORAIILIC CEMENT.-100 bla Louisville ilydralle Oeistssle 1 • NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. FELL ASSORTMENTS OF Ladies' Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Paper Cuffs and Collars, Stockings and Gloves, Ladies' Underwear, Balmoral and Felt Skirts, Hoop Skirts and Corsets, Embroideries, &c., &c. New Style Hats, ibbons and Flowers, Hair Sw itches.and Curls, Jet Jewelry, &c., &c. Men's Paper Collars and Cuffs, Men's Undershirts and Drawers, Suspenders,, Socks and Gloves, Neck Ties and Bows. EXTRA BARGAINS. At 50e. Full Size White Muslin Skirts. At 122 c. Ladies' Lace Handkerchiefs, At 83c. Ladies' Hemstitched Handk'fs, At 121 c. Gents' White Handkerchiefs. NEW GOODS DAILY, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and . 182 Federal Street, ALLEGIIIENI ° CITY. CITY 01' ALLEG 11 RmS TO DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS City of Allegheny. Notice Is hereby given CO all peisons Rho have not paid their taxes, rates, levies or assessments in said City cf Allegheny, that they are required to pay the s ame on or before the FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, then FIVE PER cENT. will be added thereto and made payable thereon. and that if the same be not paid on or before the FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT following, warrants will be directed to proper! y qualified personsJ command ing each of them to levy for said Odes wire all coats and charges accrued thereon of any goods and chattels of the delinquents wheresoever found, and to make sale thereof after advertise ment as in cased of distress for rent. IMMO ESTABLISHED 1828. 11. HIGIBT ALBUM' H. HIGBY & CO., • Importers and dealers In China, illass & Queensware,, Pine Plated Ware, Table Cutlery, Castors, Walters and BrManta Ware. No. 189 LIBERTY STREET, A tow doors above Sixth street, (late 8t Cla in) N. 13.—Glass Ware engraved to order on abort notice. anlB:nso J. a. m.xowzr. B"' Oar entire Monier Stock of Boys', Youths' and Children's Clothing; closing out at greatly reduced prices. GRAY & LOGAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET LATE ST. CLAM: • aul9 • ALPERT & KOMLER , Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES .AND DAITEIIB, No. 38 Market street, Pltts b Pa. Particular attention given to Custom Work. We beg leave to direct the attention of the m u nnf u o u r h e e Bot t haatn we Shono wpr p p a erresd no troubled with Corns, Bunions, or deformed feet, tinder the personal super:Dion of our Mr. AL PERT, formerly of Allegheny City, who will be pleased to see his old customers again. We have adopted Mr. Alpert's mode of measuring the foot, by which we can be safe In warranting easy and comfortable Boot. and bhoes for the Under est feet. Give us a trial and be convinced. ALPERT A hOHLER, au90221 38 Market street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB, BOLD OnLY LEMON & WEISE. Pmetteal Furniture llanufacturers, &o n us Er 01111MTI Where may be founds fall assortment of Per im (dumber and gltdhen Furniture. dm IMPORTANT ANNOUNCE MENT.—To the citizens of adjoining coun ties. who are forming Militia or Military Com patties, LANE .& TOWNSEND, 430 Market St.,,,Philactelphia, Offer for sale a lard, qaantity of the All• Wool Dirk Blue Cloth Infantry Frock Coats in sound Ondltion, for , the low , price On quantities O lop, or upwards) of a.OO each. cub on deli,. auidsn rlspAping FREIEL—CoaI eri all 14 1:123, ; d tonoit drill:l4r a rmtern ommotatlothoto,ciatiarto.4lik. irsimines ism =Rens D Banal awl§ and Pootolltoo address to 0 EMI dQURNAL, Wafter, Illinois, lisaU3 13g OF THE NACFEREON, CITY TRE ASURER I4r NOT,ICES—"To•Let,'? "For Sale,” "Lost," "Wants," "Round, ” "Boarding," cpe., not exceeding POUR LINES, teal be inserted in these columns once or TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; each i iionat line FIFE CENTS. WANTED--SITUATIONS. WANTED. --:-By' a Lady from the east, a situation as huttsekeepfr or comtanion, or as governess for awn children. addre.fs. for two days, Kris. &., 54 Sheffield street. Allegheny. WANTED— TINNED— SITITA TIoN desired to work at the Tinning busi ness. Would ureter to work under instructions. Address, L.ll. M., Box 64. West . Andover, onto. WANTED -A SITUATION AS ClPrk. Salesman. or Trsvelllng Agent fors wholesale or manufsetortne establishment. Can sive good city reserences. Address Box "51," New Cumberland, W. Va. WANTED---HELP ANTED—GIRLS—One Cook for Restaurant and one to do Chamber wo• . Apply at No. MI emltorleld street. lir"7l - NRItfatA(7FLY. - ' THOHIV, (PL. street, AliaenK, ti4I,AFT. ANT E .—GIBL.—A good Olrl. willing to do the general work tor a fam ly 01 three persons, can hear of a good bit nation and a comfortable home by anpirlng at the Real Estate Office of CROFT ec FIiILLIF.I, .No. 139 Fourth Avenue. NVANTED-ITELP.--AT EM. PLOYMENT OFFICE,_Mo.I Bt. Clan Street, BOYn OLILLB and MEN, for dl2erent kinds of employment. Persons wanting help of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED-AGENTS WANTED -100 Confidential AGENTS to dispose of a good paying arti cle. An energetic and trustworlby man can make $50,000 in two months- Partici:liars free. Call on or address DAILEY & CO., 208 Broad way, N. Y. au2:o2d&Tl WANTS. WA NTED.-10,000 Acres •of AND WARRA (J NTS and AGRICLTIJ RAT, C L oLLEGE LAND SCRIP. wanted. Ad. dress, JOHN S. BRADDOCK, 31oupt Vernon, Ohio. • WANTED .—A good second- toAND ENGINE AND BOILER• engine ahoutl. inch cylinder• Boller from 180 20feet, 36 to 46-inch, end tined. Parties baying such machinery to sell. will please address Box 384. Pittsburgh Postodlee, stating size, make and price. WANTED. -A SWALE HOUSE, of three rooms, In Manchester or Law renceville. Alm, a uITUATION in a clothing store as salesman. Good rsterence given. Ad dress W. P. BRANDON, Pittsburgh .Postuffice. TO LET. MO-LET—HOUSE .of 4 rooms at heal of F• deral street, Allegheny City. Rentslil.o per month. Apply to JOHN b. ASH WORTH; next to toll gate. TO -LET-A second Story Front FO“11, suitable for single 4:enact:ten. at No. 31 Ninth (formerly Hindi street. , rro-LET—ROOM.—A furnished AL FRONT ROOM. In one of the meet desire. ble portions of the city. Enquire at 52 StilTti vlELD STREET. qio LET-FOUR NEW HOUSER 1 of SIX ROOMS erten on Jalapps street. FILIt ward, Allegheny. near Allegheny avenue. one square from Manch.•ster street cars. Enquire of T. M. SHuLIIS, 89 Federal ftreet. corner of Stockton avenue, or CHARLES P. STRIGHT, 171 ?Tort h avenue. corner of Webster street. FOR SALE. ORSALE—BAHERY.-Awell A FURNISHED BAKERY. In a Good Loca tion, le for Sale very cheap. Inquire at No. 23 Grant street. FFOILSALEd—The STOCK and Pa:TURES of the heat located RETAIL hAT, CAP and FUR STORE In the City of Pittsburgh. No *bonus for good will or lease . E. R. WILSON, 11S Wood street. If FOR SALE.—Grocf ry Stand, STOCK AND FIXTURES located on Fifth Avanue, 811 squares from the Court House, cheat, tor main. Anplv to CROFT A. PRILLIM No. 139 Fourth avenue. FOR_SALE.—The Stock, Good WILL AND FIXTURES of that old estah liened RETAIL WI aCERY STAND, at No. 256 Sandusky Wert. Adegheny City. A ISO the store rn far Enquire on the premises of NARY 2dEREDITIL KOR SALE.—Lease and good will of a TAVERN BT aND in a dtsirable RT. Terms essv; doing a good business. Apply of WM. JACKuON. 73 Grant strret. FOR BALE .- HOUSE AND LOT. — , •littiste at Halton Etation. Lot contains urea, on which is erected a good Frame Dwelling containing 6 rooms. with fruit trees, &c. Address JOHN DUPES, Halton Station. von SALE.—One-hall of : a valuable PATENT for Pennsylvania. A small article used In all.houses. A chance for an active young man with a few hundred dollars. Address PATENT. Postal:dee Box 690. FOR SALEA Drug Store and , all the Fixtures. Drupe. de. of the latest style.. situated on the corner of 1 1'nnnell street and Fifth avenue. For full puticulars inquire at the Store or WILLIAM W AHD. No, 110 Grant street, opposite Cathedral. • "POII SALE.-FOIIR ACRES four miles from the city, on vie New Brighten Road. about live minutes walk from Railroad Station. It is an excellent building site with a line view of the Obto River, and good orchard of fruit bearing Apple. Cherry an Peach trees. Apply to A. COWLEY, Iron City Col lege. tf FOR NA LE—FARM AT A BAR _a: GAIN-1140 PER. ACRE will purchase a goon Farm tf5139 Acres in Westmoreland coun ty, Pa., two miles from Railroad. Good soil, ir ell watered, underlaid with coal and limestone. House. CRO F T rc P H I L LIP S, u. Terms eay. Apply to & No. 139 Fourth avenue. FLB SALE—FOIINDRY.—Rare ance for an enterprlidnivinon with some capital, situated to the tow n of Washington, the county seat of Washington county, Fa. It Is now doing a very successful busine,s as the books will show, and could be increased to dontUe the amount desired, and yet could not supply she d mand will also furnish a Ipartnerfor ahalf Inter• est in it If desired by the purchaser. This is a good opening for a practical man, as can be PH beyond a doubt. Apply to CROFT & PRILLIPeI; No. 139 Fourth .&venue. 3. W. BAR 59 MA RKE AR GE AND CO A L SE&SONABLE A. t e L. AT WHOLESAL a". VC/". 33 .A. R. FOR SALE—PROPERTY. • - B lots 215x131 feet, graded, only $5OO - per year. 4 tots 24x132 feet. a4OO - per vear. 1 lot 25x120 feet, $500; steed Street. Frame house t. f 3 rooms."lut 24x100 pet; only $1,100.. Brio , house of 7 rooms, bath room and stable; 22:100-M500. 01 three storied brick houseS on vulvas street, each 82.- 500. 2 eve roomed pressed brick houses finely finished. new; lot 60x100 Two brick houses. pumps and hydrants. all for $4,000. New two room- d and cellar brick louse, lot 20g100; $l,- 400-4600 cash and $lOO per year. hood seven roomed house and lot 24x260 feet, $2,- 500. and easy re rms. 6 roomed frame house, 10t 24'130, $1,500-$5OO each and ealan'e in 1 and. 2 years. 2 lots on Wylie street 24x50; $950. 1 lot on Wylie street 276x15111: xl 000. 11 lots on Centre avenue 223x1515; 1000 each. 150leet front on Centre avenue by 125 feet deep, will divide In suit. 6 lots on Cev tre avenue from $3OO to $BOO The above property is well located and within 10 to 19 minutes walk of the Court House, and on t a New