The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 04, 1869, Image 1

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VOLUME LX : XIV,. .- • .'-, ..'-'-'.'-:. ..,- -:,- ' -.. •- - - PITTSBURGH, - SATITROAY- - S'EPTE ka -t-, - - • .r , ', :. ' ' '-. --- • ' ' ,
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Mt Telegraph to the Tittshargh Gazette.) j
- LONDON,. September 2.—Advices, from
the Continent report that a Convention `
• of German Blsheiet assembled and or
. f Ranized in Fulda; Bayer's, to day, with
the gb)ect o 1 considering in h iera.rchial
conclave what cotuse'• that 'body
. will
adopt wititreferenee to the Papal. sum
mons calling its members to attend an
Ecumenical Council, as well as the line
of representative conduct which they
will•purstie; bearing •upon this council.
There is a very - large attendance. The
proceedings-oftithe,.conclave are kept
secret, but it is understood that the
' Bishops evince it' - dieposition to adopt
liberal and independent views.
• - EACIiHOPP. i. -
The rowing match between Walter
Brown, of Portland, Me., ancfltenforth,
the present 'ohm:i:don, for therchanipion
ship of the Thames, has hese knocked
off, • A Match has beenarranged between
Brown and Sadler, the ex-champ ion.
The yacht race between 'Commodore
Bennett's Dauntless • and J. Ashbury's
Cambria, stitch was fixed for the loth of
l i September, will not be sailed, on etc
count of equinoctial gales.
*- A. British Company proposes to estab
► lish a regular line of steamships between
Naples and New York.
The London Times today has an edi
torial „on „,ttie article, in, the" Atlantic
Monthly, re.l3tosve, in relation to
Lord and! y Byron: The writer,
• after coma= g on: the character- and
position of Lord Byron, considers "Mrs.
~ Stowe's story a faithful reproduction of
Lady - Byron's statement to her
1 solicitors. The latter do not hesitate In
manifesting a desire to discredit,
but do not contradict the- story. 'lt is
"impossible that Mrs. Stowe understood
once and forgot afterward the substan
tial part of the statement, but it Is per
t .fectly•possible and probable that the wife
Was a victim of. delusion. •We can find
nothing incompatible with such a hypo
thesis: - Cht the contrary, the story unto
• tentially confirms' it. :We have vainly
searched to see what Lord Byron•said
and did to confirm the suspicions of
guilt, and only find vague expressions
that < tfie4 wife was.: :fully - convinced..
, The fact is startling, but not
5 •OA less so when we
_remember she
tirought• him insane. We cannot con
} Jo:Rare hqw the wife came to entertain
the suspicion, but can' easily understand
how come entertaining , it, brat imposed
onheivelf. and then on-Mrs. Ste.
" would only be What thousands of unhap
py wives have done before. To have
suspicions of exceptional enormity, this
quite accounts for the doubts of her hus
band's sanity and - he low opinion his own
confessions may have led her to form of
his mofedity." -
The. Pall Mall Gazette says on this sub
ject : "Whatever Tray be the reasons that
determined Mr. Wentworth and his sister
Us postpone the publication of Lady By
ron's papers, Mrs. Stowe cannot be such
a serious offender. 'Lithe grand children
seriously thought of printing them, the
solicitors. in their letter' recently pub
- fished, make no charge of inaccuracy,
but of incompleteness. Theinference is,
Mrs. Stowe'e etateMent is correct, but
thatmore remains to be told."
The Atersing /bat also has an article on
the question, wherein the writer says:
"As Lady • ByTOIL'S will committed her
papers to the care of trustees; under cer
tain conditions, and as lidre. Stowe was
not, her story is entirely gratuitous and
nuanthorized. .She has committed a
breach of - confidence reposed •in her.
and the offense; by her own showing,
toes not admit,of extension. There Was
no error of judgment in the matter.' L
• is for Mrs. Stowe to explain her motives.
It does not signify whether Mrs. Stowe
was ignorant of_ the terms of the will or
not; the violation of confidence, the out
rage on the dead, the disregard of the
feelluzz of the Lvirtg, arethe same. She
ought to know that the public conscience ,
cannot be so offended with impunity."
A correspondent in to-day's Times;
speaking of the ,thilamity in the cotton
trade, says it was owing to an increase
of consuming power at a time when the
raw material•was. eleereaeing. He - ar
gues thatft,..wenid be folly in the Ameri
can planters to grow Jive million bales
oteotton et double • the expense of land
and label; when the same profit will be,
realized from half that amount.. ,He is
certain that a well arranged trial
must convince the spinner of the
benefit of co-operating -In growing.
The Times, today, says: "The indispo
ninon of the Emperor is a gain for the
people. It hasmade them feel that na
tions mast survive individuals, and their
destinies mast hot hang on one life. It
wilt be the Eanperoils'fault f his indis
position be not a- gain for himself and his
dynasty. Be• Mast ,suffer - no relapse
to find him uonrepared..Be must admit -j
the possibility' of the world's going on
without him, and, honestly endeavor to
set it going. ,To achieve this he has only
'.to tottNegoed 'Prinoe • Napoleon's Words!,
and Wllsk ~base the: Empire on a polloty
• unreservedly .
, .
• BUIIJUD, - September B.—Fifty nine
zdeadSerit of. the ,different Carlist bands
ittOttalonla have taken advantageof the
11133 0 y prOwittiation and aturendered.
tog Tt,,hrsaid that Don Carlos has returned
•Imp, September 8.--Journals of
t city comment variously on Napo.
1105te: refusal; to see General Prim. The
-4 ; lo :Pivever, says an interview had
not been sought. and that G eneral Prim's
.to Paris Nan solely o nprivate bust
rArafr, Ifieptiiniber health of
themperor is reported improving. but
Prltille opinion continues skeptical with
relpeet thereto. The lurPresilon Pre;
"tills that' his real eortdition is porfeealed, -
and this Is not likely to "be weakeled
till the : uaPer°, r hiuiseitia seen d
reported`the" EtriiiiiSiovergment
• -
has declined to send representatives to
the Ecumenical Connell.
•Papal troops continue to arriva, a
Tne Empress has arrived,, back it St.
Clciud, and has abandoned her eilstern
journey for the present. Marshal
McMahon has not arrived here, as re
ported. Be is still in Algeria.
Pezeula, the Count of Cheste, has gope
to Vichy. .General Prim is there Eirkg
it is said Cheste will challenge him.
The bullion In the Bank of France-Ise .
increased nearly six million francs sidce
last week.
BERLIN, September 3.—Advicp were
received to-day from the Gerambietrotle
Expedition... The &tains was enco er
ed on the 12th of July in latitude - .ngi
tude 10 west. The coast of. r • and
was sighted seventeen day- ard.
The expedition had expetlenclid •••• verse
winds and much mist. The weather was.
colder than In 1868. All on boarOvere
; VIICKNA, September,B.--311r. Boyce hes
received We exetintit us ail American 00n
std. , Americans here are mac tide d that the United States was thela to be
recognized under the newfule amit-
Ong consuls to other towns than the cap
ital and seaports.
Corsmaivrtwoms, September S.—The
Sublime Porte stipulated with the
Khedive of Eirypt, that the latter Is to
contract no European 'loan without his
QUEENstows, Sept., 3.—. The steamship
Scotia, from New Yurk; arrived to-day.
GLASGOW, Sent. • steamship
Cambria, from New:York, and ateamship
St. Andrew, from Quebec, arrived to-day.
BREST, September IL—The '
Lafayette, from New. York August 21,
arrived yesterday.
LONDON. September 3.—Consols for
money, 93; 5.20- blonds: '62e. 83%; '6ss,
83%; 678; 82%. Sixty-Twos at Frankfort,
88 %; 10-40 s, 7634; Eries. 23%; Illinois,
- 94 g; Rent6B, 711.
.Livkupoor, September 3.—Cotton,
steady, with Salts of middling .uplands
at 13%@13%d, and Orleans at 13%d; the
sales were 10,000 bale% including specu
lation and export, 4,p00., • California
white wheat 4d, red - western lOs 2d.
Western flour Zs 9d..• Corn, No. 2 mixed,
30s 9d. Oats 3s sd. Peas 445. Pork le7B
6d. Beef 90s. Lard 778 6d; Cheese Ole
6d. Bacon 678.
LONDON, SODDEUDDDY 3.—Tallow 46i 6d
44)465 9d. Refined petroleum la 7d. Su
gar buoyant. on spot 40a(g140a 9d. Petro•
lenm at Antwerp 563ff. 1
HAVRE, September 37—Evening.Cot-
ECM closed : quiet and unchanged.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6asette.3
Nsw 'lons, September 3, 1889.
It is reparted that Minister Roberts is
negotiating with the President and State
Department for the release of the thirty
Spanish gunboats seized. by Marshal
Barlow. It is understood he has formally
demanded that they be allowed to depart
to, sea - when equipped, on the ground
that they are not intended to be used by
Spain in a war with Peru. The applica
is supported by numerous affidavits,
vouching for the peaceful character of
the mission of the vessels.
The Humboldt monument,lto be tin.
veiled in Central Park on the 14th inst. - ,
has arrived.
Miss Anthony related her troubles at
thoiPhiladelphia Labor Congress to the
Working Women's Association 100
- night. She said she bad nothing to do
with the printers employed on the Retro ,
Julien. A very spicy discussion took
place between her and. Mrs. Norton, who
denpunced the Associations/a a fraud.
•Col. J. Y. Morris, recently appointed
Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenhe
for Yonkers. died Wednesday afternoon.
Collector Grinnell has oidered - Uvery
employe in the weigher's department In
the Custom House , to be sworn, so as to
avoid other irreaularities in the depart
wentin the future. ,
The 'steamship Holley, which arrived
on ,Thnrsday, is the' first ship of a new
monthly line between this port and Rio
Janeiro, leaving monthly.
The long pending match for the dia
mon& cue, the billiard championship,
and $5,000 a side, between John Derry
and Melvin Foster, will be played on the
14th inst. .
The steamer Columbia. from Glascow,
arrived today,
Lady Thorn beat Mountain Boy, mile
beats in harness, this afternoon at Prow
pact Park fair grounds, in 2:23M, 2:21
Dispatchea announce that the miners
of the Delaware and Hudson Coal Com
pany, fari 'EI siiike, hive reported for thity.
Work will be resumed to-day.
John Rielly, lately. employed-by A.
Colvillo Qt Co., was arraigned to-day at
the Tombs (Police Court, charged with ,
stealing tee one thouiand five twenty
bonds, contained in a package handed to
hi& for his emploversi.' 'Held for exam
Filibusters at Fort Gaines, Ga.
Teiegrayny to the Finsbury:a eazette.l
Macorr, September 2.-yA, large num
beroi men enlisted for the Cuban army
are at Fort Gaines,-. Ga. United' States
Deputy Marshal Cox arrived to-day and •
telegraphed that the citizens are unable
to cope with them, and asks for troops.
A dispatch has been f yrwarded to Gen
eral Terry:asking fora company of troops
to be sent to the fort by a spwial train
r,o•night. District Attorney Milledgetel
egraphed in return to the effect that he
will be here in the morning, and also the
United States Marshal frortiSavannsh.
Ravenna Cutters have been ordered od
cruise off the coast to intercept the
busters if they should succeed in get
ting away; Great -excitement prevaild
here. Many who joined the expedition
are young• mennmder age.' The -United.'
States Commissioner's office has been
crowded all day with anxious parents to
hear if the authorities have trucceded in
,tbe, party. ; The partylted a
special boatchatered to tilketherd down
the river Apalachicola. and are reported
se being under command of Major
Brldgeford, fertnerlt,Of 430 1 00ral - Lee's
;tat, 4 •
FOUR O'CLOCK, ;4.1 •.a11,
CRT Telegraph to the Plusbanat titzetteo
WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 3,1868.
4 ,
I The War Department yesterday ready
ed from Attorney GeneratHoar his opin
ion itekattierto political. affairs in
ginia, and has transmitted the same . to
General.Oinby for Ma_ inforthation and
guidance. It depends upon, the letter to
intkkeithe full text
v - '
:T Gesteral,aar! the legisla
tor , list, as a prereqatatte, nahailt the
. .. .
voWtittionlind their schen' ilierebn Id
W ess lot approval. lu .thlik the test
qaf wil,l whbe required. if the bonen-
LT' sW - actien of the' legiipstpre•be
ft Vell;fhe legislature Chen lbeComei
tilileg,tialature of .the State of - Virginia,
thel3rbideirina of the donitituticn,
MX iler Aualifilationis.of members
stllui logislatere; - necessarily ' prevail,
"ffls requirements of the reconstruction
acts being thus superceded, so far as Vir
ginia is concornedi but before ancb, ap
proval by. Congress; Virginia not being
in all respects a State of the VirliOD. the
.legislature as a provisional . body cannot
pasa laws without its members taking the
The . iecouetruetton Act requires' the
ratifleatiozi of the F.fteenth Amendment
to the Constitution OP.the United States,
before the State admitted to rep.
resentatiow.fia Cortgrqs*, There Is no
question that this Amendment will be
ratified by an overwhelafing majority. '
A. - preliminary meeting of prouillient
citizens of the , District was held this
evening to coiCsider the project of holding
a grand international fair here in 1871.
The.remarks- Of those' p . resent were
highly favorible. to the undertakicg,
and it , confidently predicted
the business men of Washington would
give liberal aid. A resolution was
.adopted appointing a Committee of
fifty to inquire into the feasibility of
•entering Into the proposed project, and
report at a meeting to be held at an
early day.
One hundred and thirteen thousand
dollars in fractional currency was receiv
ed at the Treasury Department this
morning, from Bans Note Companiesin
New York'. By next - Thrirsc:ay they
will commence daily remittances of one
hundred and eighty seven thousand dol
lars in small notes, and by the first of
October they will begin to deliver •the
new one and two dollar notes:'
valtrouslillorlssiV .... -
The Treasury Department to•dav !mood
to the Western - Pacific Railroad 1t320,090
worth of bonds.
Collector of Internal Revenue Eddy,
of the Ninth Indiana District, has re
Secretary Rawlins, though still weak
fromro last night's attack of sickness, is
considered more comfortable to-night.
He Is attended by Dr. Bliss and Surgeon
General Barnes, and Dr. Norris sat up
with him last night.
'Result of the California Election—Leg.
'attire Democratic.
(By Telegrarb to the Pittsburgh Oazette.3
SAN . FRANCISGO, September 2.—The
Demacratle local tickets throughout the
State are generally elected by a decided
majority. The next Legislature will be
emphatically against the Fifteenth
San . Frew:ll6oo returns a Sall Demo
cratic Legislative delegation. The vote
of the city was light; only about 30.000
names were registered, and less than
20 000 votes
The count ofstraight tickets fOr Mayor
laqt night gave ltdcCoppin, Democrat,
nearly 1,400 majority, but the count of
scratched tickets at eight teclook this
evening shows that &Bey, Independent,
is about 125 ahead, with & prospect Of an
increased majority.
Latest Kum Cuba.
!By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gazette.]
HAVANA, September 2.--Col. Conaalea'
forces have had an engagement,
snrgents near Contramaestre river and
killed sixteen of them. Eighty men.
including twenty armed, prasented
themselves before Col. Connive for par=
don and protection. An incendiary pro
- was yesterday posted through.'
out Havana. 'lt is reported to be the
work of insurgent sympathizers. •
—A private letter, dated `Madrid, from
an entirely rasp Aislble source, repeats
that Milliliter Sickles has offered
the' United States as a : mediator
between - Spain and' this Cubans,'
the propleltions . being as stated in
the American newspapers, tbst
slavery bd abolishe in the Islands, the
Cubans to pay Spain for the 'public
buildings, - fortifications, etc.,' and - it is
equally true that while Spain does not
reject' mediation. There are serious
obstacles in the way of• accommoda
tion. The impression among many of
the Spanish statesmen is that the Island
will eventually pain from the possession
and control of that authority. It
is stated the preliminary demanded by
Sptdu is that the Cabana shall lay
down their arms, a condition with which
Ms ascertained they will not comply,
if for no other reason, OS they have no
guarantee of protection from Spanish
volunteers who, &wording to repOrts,
aim at the absolute rule of the island and
have ei secret organiddtton to that end:
• —S. rEltiener, of Madison, Wiaeortaint
a partnerin the dry goods house of Sam
uel Klauber it Co., °outwitted suicide .
Friday' morning, by shooting - himself.
He went out early in the morning with
two friends. to shoot prairie chicken.
The party separated, soon after a shot
was heard, and soon after that Mr. Stio.
ner was found dead with the muzzle of
his 'gun at his _temple and the top
of his bead blown .of Mr. Steitier was
formerly , a silent partner In .the dry
goods house of• J. Lb & Co., end
last considerable money . by liii failure a
few weeks since. - This, preyed - heavily
noon mind no end :dobet'And!iolt.
Wee to tag .
i. a
—Frederick Neen, 'a German, hung
himself in St. Louis on Thursday.
Cause, whisky. 1- •
—Senator Fessenden, of Moine, is re f
ported dangerously ill, not expected to
Ave through last night.
—An attempt was made Thutsday
night to rob the Limerook Bank, Me.
The burglars failed to force the safe 'lock.
—The paper• mill at Bennington; Vt.;
of Geo. Belton &Son. was burned Thurs.
day night. Loss g 40,000; partially in
_—The propellor Boseobel, Captain
lodges, was burned in Lake Michigan,
about three miles below St. Clair, on
Friday'morningc , Passengers saved.
The Central German Methodist Eels.
copal Conference, in session at Newport,
took a vote yesterday on , lay dale•
gation, resulting in 55 for and 12 against.
—A Panama letter of August 25th says
Frinir. Ward, a son-in-law •of Wm. 8. -
Astor, jumped overboard from the steam
er Sacramento, near San Jose, and was
• —A London dispatch' states that Wit
lintk letter claiming that the Oxford
ore* could 'have beaten the Harvard
many: more lengths, is received as a
4peeimen of bounce. \ -
John G. Whittier and Rowland G,
Hazard have been elected to till the va
cancies in the-Board of Trustees of Brown
University. The time of •holding tne
Commencement has been changed from
September to June.
—Mill owners and lumber men, at a
meeting held at Williamsport, Pd. on.
Thursday, resolved that but one-half the
usual number of logs be cut and
manufactured, on the West Branch of the
Susitnetumna for 18T0.
—The wagon bridge across Bea Moines
river, at. Des Moines, lowajell Friday
morning with about one hundred and
Arty mustangs upon it. Alzint a dozen
of the animals were ruined by haymg_
tilelr legs broken, ,to.
—The President, Mri. Grant and A: T:
Stewart held publics receptions in the
parlor of Union Hotel, at Saratoga, last
evenintr. Very large crowds of citizens
of the place and other sections of the
country were present.
—lion. Alit:. Mitchell, of Milwaukee,
just elected President' f the Chicago and
Northwestern Railroad, is now President
of twenty-two hundred and fifty miles
of railroad, and may be regarded as the
railway King of the world.
—F. A. J. Beale, formerly a prominent
politician of New York; died on Thurs.
day in a lunatic asylum, his insanity
having been caused by dissatisfaction
and disappointment at being defeatid for
tb Mayoraity by Gunther.
"—There was great rejoicing at Rich
mond. Va., yesterday. over the news,
telegraphed from Washington, of the
expected arrival of . Attorney General
Rosr's.opinlon against the reuiTettu3nt
of the teat oath. Gen. Canby " 'expected,
but did hot receive, ldr. Hoar's opinion
yesterday morning.
—ln the vicinity of Bovine, lowa, it
has rained nearly every day fur .the past
two weeks, generally accompanied by .
heavy thunder and dangemns lightning.
The grain generally standing in shocks
has been seriously damaged. Daring
the same time two persons have been
killed and two seriously injured by light
ning. Five horses have been killed by
the same engine of destruction.
—A Virginia City, Montana, dispatch
says: The Territorial Auditor and Trees
urer; elected at the , last election, have
veer) removed by Governor Aida, who
has filled the places by appointment.
The case will be contfsted through the
frauduleut returns of Madison county,
and the throwing out of Choctaw county,
OD account of informality. The official
count of votes yesterday at Virginia City
declared it was still the capital.
—A St. Lords dispatch says:lFrom cot%
respondence , in the hands of_ the Na
tional Capital Convention Committee, it
appears that - Gov. Geary, of Pennsyl
vania, declines to send delegates to the
National Capital Convention, to, he held
next month, on the ground that, in ,
his opinion, the !people of Pennsylvania
artrnot ready to sanction sneh a move
ment at present. Gov. Baker, of In
diana, while he approves the movement
himself, questions his authority to ap
point delegates in the absence of an ex
pression of the views of the people on the
subject. The Mayor of Memphis thinks
the Convention should be . poistpkoned one
year.. Henry J. - Foote, of Tennessee,
claims to have favored the removal of
the capital for twenty years. Gov. War.
Month, of Louisiana, mud Goy. McClurg,
of Missouri, announce their intention of
appointing a: fall_ delegation. The Con
vention will be .lield -if, no more than
three States are, represented.
, Addittobal Markets by Telegraph.
BUFFALO, Sept. • S.—Flour. neglected.
Wheat dull. and closing weak - for-win
ter; sales of 60,000 bash. No. 1 red Toledo
and Ohio at $1,4115 • and $1,46, part on
canal; Chicago spring and Milwaukee
olub faominal. Corn dull; sales of 88,000
bash.' No. 2 western at 071598 c. Oats
market barely no Mina' 'at 81,17. High
wines; $l,OB offered, and $1,12 asked for
100 bbl. lot. Pork and lard steady.
OSWEGO, - Septenaber .B.—Flonr 'active
and steady at previous primal, with sales
of ~ 3,000 -bb. Wheat; maket better,
with sales of is 1,600 bus No. 1r Milwaukee
Club at 51,65;,1,600 bus amber winter at
51,67;. : 8,800 bus ,No. .2 white Wabash at
51,67; last night 3,500 bus No. 2 81Uwati
kee Club sold at 31,46; 8,000 bus amber
winter at 51.54; 7,400 bus do. at 51.55.
Corn quiet; No. 1 held at $1,09." Birley
quiet; the'first cargo fruin Canada, new
crop, arrived last. night, and is quoted
nominally at $1,20.-
, ,
idahapwm,: September 8.-oo,tton 83a
and , steady. -- Receipts 4 bales; exports
83 bales;.;week's• receipts and exporta,
none. :;• tiortyheld at 900. Osts 'Mai Ray:
none in the market. Bran: the.
bare. Wheat $1,15®1,80. Flour: medi
urn grades are in demand
Bacon steady: sides 193 i; isho tiers 16x.
Home 240.
Niii4 OttiraiNg. Sipt..i. t.un--eale
to `;.
to.dity 212 boies micidli at • no; re.
ielpts, 814 balte; salsa fo th e week, 881
bates. Oats at 83a. Ban at $l,l+2U,
Bay at $2B. Whisky t 9142x01.25.
Other articles unchan d. Gold, 1,349 i;
sterling, 146 X; New ark eight drat*
Nmittuidaii Sept. 8.1
amber gi;ls, White'
Oats 90. Byte 95.-9
58,50. Bacon;iddes 11
Um' 80c.
. -. Wheel; redil,lol.
1 20. tor n 11,05.
ley ;410:
1 tehouldere•lo,o;
h -M
Inauguration of the New Fifth Ward,
• Allegheny, Public - Smoot Houle.
At 7X o'clock on Thurirday evening a
laige assemblage of the parents and.chll.
dren of the Fifth ward, Allegheny, filled
to overflowing the, capacious andltorluin
of the exhibition hall, which is so fine a
fealore of the building. Several clergy.
men and other friends, of educatlon, to
gether with the Popular Quartette Clubof
Allegheny, were on the stand. The Rev .
Dr. J. B. Clark having consented t. pre
side, called the meeting to order and.
commenced the" exercises with prayer,
whereupon tie Hon. John E. Park, Pres;
ident of the Local Board of - Directors,
read the following
Under the act consolidating the bor
ough of Manchester with the city of 41-
legheny, approved 12th March, A. - D.
1867, and the subsequent division of the'
wards by ordinance of the City Councils,
the first board of . Directors was organ
ized. The ordinance erecting the Fifth
and Sixth wards provides that the bOr
ough of Manchester, together with a
portion of the First and. Second
wards, Allegheny, lying west of
Allegheny avenue. be 'thrown to.
gether, and the whole divided by a line
running west through the centre of Ham
ilton street and Locust avenue to the
Ohio river, the portion situate south of
that line to be designated as the Fifth,
and the portion on the north side of said
lino the Sixth ward. This division left
the principal school property in
the. Sixth ward, and consequently
the Filth ward without school
property. or school directore. To
remedy this evil. and in accordance
with, the instructions of this State Super
intendent, ono member of the Board
of Directors of the Borough of Manches
ter and Second ward, Allegheny, each
realding•within the limits Of the portions
of these districts to be detached and be
come part or the Fifth, were delegated
by the several Boards to take charge of
tae interests of the Fifth, ward school
matters. These gentlemen met on the
4th of October and 2nd of November,
A. D., 1867, and fully- organized the
first board by the appointment of four
gentlemen, residents of the ward, who
met from time to time, but did not feel
themselves authorized under the cir
cumstances in assuming the responsibil.l
icy of ;purchasing real ,estate and the
erection of necessary buildings; conse
quently nothing was accomplished until
the election and subsequent , organiza
tion of the board on the 20th of Jan
uary, 1868; 4
In September following school s' were
opened with '620 • children. These chit- .
dten were taught pertly hi the old Man
chester eetelusol building %-(now aban.
and to - the numb* titl2o by favor of the
Directors in the First and Second Wards
to ,which they formerly belonged. In
March, 1868, .eleven iota of ground,
area 2241 by 132 feet, were purchased
at •a cost of 1110,400. 'The ground was
broken on the seventh of May, 1868, and
the work on the- building has steadily
progressed towards completion.
The building is 134 by 68 feet, with a
center and two cress halls—stairways
from each ball. There are fourteen
school rooms, each 34 by 26 feet; height
of ceilings fourteen feet. The reception
and high school rooms are respectively
40 by 34 feet, with fourteen feet ceilings.
The auditorium is 68 by 36 feet, with a
gallery on either aide, and with a twenty-
two feet ceiling. ,
The rooms axe severally provided with
dressing and cloak apartment.
The whole building is heated by a low
pressure steam apparatus furnished by
Meagre . . Bourne & Bros.
There are tablets in each main hall, yizt,
-1863. 4
Board of Directors:
John E. Parke,Piesident,
C. B. Shea, Scretary,
Robert Lea, •
S. F. Crowthers, -
N. McClinton,
Joseph Walton.
W. A. Read, Treasurer.
Barr Allt Moser, Architects.
Trimble, Mclntyre &. Co.. Builders.
Gas - and Water Plumbibg by
\Bartley& Mothers!. •
Painting by S. McCune.'
. Furniture .by Guy Freeborn.
Bell (weight 2,866 Pounds) by
A, Fulton. Son dr, Co.
The total cost of the building and fur
nishing is estimated at 170,000.
How far the Board has met the wishes
of the taxpayers of the ward is for them
to determine. Their endeavors have al
ways been to erect a building suitable
for all time to come and creditable to the
citizens ot the ward.
_-r l --
All which is respectfully submitted.
&so. E. PARKS, President.
Since the tablet was inscribed Messrs.
Crowtherr and Shea have withdrawn and
their, places taken-by Mr. D. L. Patter-,
son and Rai. D. I. K. Rine.
The. Chairman then introduced the
Rev. Mr: Moore, who made an eloquent
auctimpresenve exposition of the power
and value of Mental and moral an well
as of physical discipline and culture in
order to the highest and noblest devel
opment. He said no really great or de.
sirable eminence) can be attained by an
untrained or uneducated man or woman.
Some of the noblest-and mightiest intel
lects that have distinguished our race
have indeed sprang from obscure parent.
age, and have attained to ai- great emi
nence, not by Inheritance or from lin
eage, but either fn)m a thbrough training
by the masters in. the schools, or from
their own persistent and laborous eel:-
culture. Mr. Moore was followed by .
Rev. W. Mellyar, whose address was
replete with sound common sense, ap
propriate toy the occasion. He spoke of
the school building as surpasiing any
thing he hadever seen In permanence, ca
pacity-, and adaptation , and in these
respects illustrating the high state of ad
vanoement in all the appliances 'and fa
()Wiles far education at, the present day
as compared with twenty years ago. He
believed that such noble temples were
worth their whoie cost,' for their eleva
ting effect upon the oorionunity, and es
pecially urion •• the 'young, who shall be -
taught in them. The Rev. Speaker closed
by an earnest plea for moral' as , well
as mental culture in t irese schools.
The Rev. Dr. ,A. A. K. ~Bell .Atititi enter-
Mined the atediekce with some-amusing
lemeateoenee of old-trine schoolhouses
Or ' - dablieit,i;sehool. masters` and school
6hlldrea, oontrastleg them itith"theet'of
to-day, and then with his accustbmed
earnestness enlarged' on the value and
significance of, the means now at work
for the diffusion of lcnowledge among
the people. _
A. T. Douthett, Esq., the County
School Superintendent, was 'the-peat
sneaker. Mr. Douthett's remarks were
laudatory, and justly-e% of the sagacity
of the local Board and thepeople of the
ward, in providing ad nobles building
with every needful appurtenance, 'and so
admirable in plan and arrangement, and
large enough tortthe future as well as the
present. - He also certified to the good - '
Judgment bf the Directors in the cholas'
of Principal, and the assistant Teachers.
The Betakes closed with an eloquent
commentary on the value of a good ed
ucation and of good school-houses
and good teachers as essential means to
that ea.
The next speaker Was a kentlethan •
from the First ward.-we beliesp. Our re-.
porter being temporarily off .duty,. we
ave no notes of his speech. We 'doubt
irhetber any more reference is due to
it. The speaker himself, we know, is , of
that opinion.
Prolessor I), L. Eaton =was the laat
speaker. He _discussed the - subject of
schools and education briefly, but; w#ll
marked ability, as he always does. .
We have said that the Allegheny Qciar
tette Club was on the stand. They
contributed largely to enliven andplease •
the audience by rendering in their ' , usual
capital style. during the Intervals of
speaking, various sentimental and comic
songs, such as "Dawnin Day," "Beauti
ful Bells " Many, Year s Ago," "Laugh
Boys, Laugh," and , "Land of Dreams."
The musical exercises were closed, and
the audience electrified by ' , Kingdom
Coming," exquisitely rendered by Erri ,
fessor Korner of the Quartette. ' •
A vote of thanks was then carried by
acclamation 'of the citizens present to '-
the Board of Directors for their disinter
ested and untiring efforts and their com
plete success in providing a schoolbuild
ing for the ward, so ample in size and so
vrpri adapted to its educational ,wants.
Also to the ReV. Dr. Claxk for kindly
consenting to presideon this oecaisian.
Also to the several speakers rep - their .
eloquent, appropriate and edliVink help.
Also, last but not least, to the Allegheny
Quartette Club fonts welcome' and vat;
liable service. - - • -
. -
We cannot close without commending
the School House in the Fifth-Ward, se- •
a model well worthy of inspectio&,and ••1
imitation by other Ropidous district&
The completeness in quantity indadap
tion of the furniture is especially:, nottt
worthy; it was manufactured by
Guy Freeborn, and is said to t ife the best'
finished school , furniture in • the: State.::•";!
It is made of ash, walnut . and , chevvy ,
lumber. The Teachers' . desks. ire
of a Ilblor and beautiful design, and prt-i.
models of good taste and good weritateteb.,...7)
Ship. The, sood penple, ot_the n rifth t .
Ward, Allerttreny, may well - boast Ig ,
their School-Directors, School Teactuo
1 5 1 ( 1 ,, z
and above all, of their Schoo Hotta& . •
. . - .
sabtagunr - srid - X
r i
The action ; - of the: Triages . -
ington and Jelliirion 'College in eetah.
lishing the institution atAgtm.
it seems iviu net be quietly.targlpiepped,
in by' those who oppoirethentatf Wl*
but on the contrary, the Me tter Lisa been •
carried into the courts, a step that' ; ,
result fatally to the Georgp, ‘. l
Shims, Esq.,-attorney for the - 'eon?_Pletr.._
ants, filed a bill in equity in the United . = '
States. Circuit Court, setting - forth •
grievances of-his clients. arid apiablhis •
for an injunction to restrain the TrUsilibeir ,
fromremoving, the College from ;1104-.:
nonsburg. The application for an in
junction will be argued on the 14th in.,at Williamsbnxg, before Hon. Vpicar -
McCandless. -
Pittsburgh 'Female College.:-
The Fall Term of this sterling instiitt:'
ion of our city, taking rank with = the -
best in the country, Will be regulaiW
dayson Monday next, the past' few
days having been devotee} to the - exam& l7 ,
nation .of pupils debiting' admiffidert:"'L
With thoso already accoptod, and providk
ed for, and those to enter during, the
first few weeks, the term promises tq ;
sucoessful beyond any previous Am. •
Many persons, parents and others,-have s : :
been at the College during the
examining the buildings a nd appoin t month, and - otherwise satisfying them.:
selves' of the advaptages Warded 'for
the edncation'of girls. -
,iininsibin.g Scheele._
The Public Schools of t3harpaburg, will -
be reopened on Monday next for - the
fall and winter term. At a recent meet
ing of. the Board • of Directors, - Mr.
William Joyce, a gentleman - of tine
scholastic attainments was elected. etc. •
cessor to Mr. A. M. Hamilton as Prin
cipal. The resignation of the latter gen
tleman was much rearettec‘ , but it, le
pleasant to know - that he. is so worthily
succeeded, The following accomplished
. young ladies have been 'elected to Serve'
as teachers during the- ensuing . yearl
MilS3 Mary Gardiner. Miss Mettle Drew
ford. MiasArma E. Russell and Miss Ella
Testimonial to Itev. - C:A. blekey. ,
Sometime since we announced the rear
inflation of Rev. Mr. Dickey,.as pastor of •
the Fourth Presbyterian church, , Alio.
gLeny city, and. cell and - .acceptancii to =-
the pastorate of the New &hoot :below- .t.
teriau church in St, Lotne.,:.Whett4lN':-
resignation was accepted, the congrega.'.
tion very generously :voted" for lament.o .
him with a service ofillver, atoleertof --'
their high appreciation erhim' ob
tesa Chris- ',.
tutti and minister: 'The beautiftilteaser-
?Ica gift hie recently , : been purchased, 4
and consists of seven piecetrand a - ealver '
where theyimay be seen at the eistablish..--,
tnent `of J.lB 'Fadden .& V0.,--Market
street. The set is. a , neandinl, pa
highly Wised, - elaborate. and -Inallik-ort„ •
and the salver is- a , pretty en,
' The followinCri t s .
graved on the large waiter : 36 ' tIACP . , z,
nisi from tie Fourth 1/nit'e 'Pt be-
4 1
rian char h of Allegheny eity: . Ifir th e ir`
First First Past r, Rev. Charles 4.t: - .. Dleltey, at"' s his resign tion, May. 81,1868."":The Atrn
has Inscrillsed : "Rev Charles A. /)lokey, •
Dreeented by his Ylrat Congregation;_.
May, 1889 1 ,, Each of - the other pieces=;-
has 4, D. 1, inserted...,
This gift ;indicates a " line spirit gi the ~
pert of the Congregation, and heist - highly .
i 1
Mr. Dicke was regarded by them: The . i
congregati n have also.given vibes evt7"
deuces of t air appreciation of blvd.-This
young divine leaves witlrlitavilititily for"
Bt. Louis in the course oi ten dayethenett s ‘: )
to enter upon his pastoral duties in that
1 011 7- MitAlt Willunite with us - inTwish- ;
ing him . prosperity and success.