PETROLEUM AMULET . . OFFICN or Pura cr neit GAzErrn, TBvasDAT,Sept- 2, 18694; The oil market was somewhat strong. er to-day, the bide for most dellyeries being a Shade higher, but the sales were • light, there being very few sellers here even at the improvement. The fact that prices are a fraction higher, does not amount to much in the present con dition of affairs, with the exception, perhaps, that it may be• taken as an in- dication of what is to f 0116,4 though this is very uncertain, es the Market is not always permitted to take its own legiti mate course. It is generally believed that if New York had not been so very "bearish," that prices t o - day would be higher, but - so long as operators there continue to sell "short" with a view of keeping prices doWn, much of an im provement in prices cannot reasonably be expected. Pittsburgh, besides not being disposed, is not in 'condition to sell freely, in consequence. of the fact that there is nothing in it, at least to the refiner. 0 RUDE. Sale 2,000 bbls seller last three months, 14M, and 1,000 seller 90 days, at on cars at Venango City. While the mar ket is stronger, in sympathy with refined, as' yet prices are no higher, and 'the de mand light. Spot or seller September, may be quoted at 14%; seller all year, 14yi; and buyer all year, 15@1.5;i,. REFINED. Sales 500 bbls, last half September, at 32%; 500, last half October, at 32%; and 500, on cars at works, at 29; spot or seller September. 31%@31%; and September , to December at 32%. Compared with yes. terday, ririces are from an % to a % bet ter, with rather more inquiry. —Since the above was in type, we have a sale of 500 bbls spot, at 3V; and subse quently 32 was bid for the same delivery. RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OIL. Fishers. Bro 1,040 bbls. Pool c Bro 5 4 2 4 0 0' H J. Wilkins 400 II J. Donnell 923 " T0ta1...,.- • 3,323 bbis. LUBRICATING OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil 40c Eclipse Railroad AxiS 85c- Eclipse Machinery -75 c Eclipse tSnindle 80c caLTSIIIPPED EAST BY A. V. R. R. M.ontzheimer. Koehler & Co. 500 bbls ref to Waring, King do Co., Philadelphia. Brauti_& Wagner 200 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Citizens Ref Co., 500 bbls refined to Tack it Bro., Philadelphia. Liberty 011 Works 508 bbls refined to Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Forsyth dr . 8r0.,52 bids refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.- - Livingston & Bro.oo cases refined, Warden, Frew it C0 , .,i Philadelphia. Total Refined., 300, cases,l,7sB bbla 'OIL SHIPMENTS PER WEST PENNA. B R. Excelsior Oil Muff. CO.. 100 bbis ref. to. Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Holdahip & Co., 200 bbls ref. 011 to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. - Total Refined 300 OIL SHIPPED EAST AT DL'QUESIVE DEPOT. Hutchison Oil & Refined Co., 220 bbls to Warden, Frew & Co. Philtidelpha. Brooks, l ßallentine & Co. 50 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. McKenna & Rodgers 10 bbls refined to A. Phillips, Philadelphia. Total shipments Refined 285 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nxw Yorc, September 3,—Cotton • quiet and steady; sales 600 bales at 35c for middling uplands. Flour: receipts were 18,957 bbls; market 10©12c better on shipping gradesandniore doing; sales ' 16,800 bbls at $5,90@6,35 for superfine State and western, ,16,65@7,30 common to choice extra State, $6,45©7,35 do. extra western, 17.40157,55 good to choice white • wheat extra, 16,70@7,35 common to choice round hoop Ohio, $6,75@7 com mon to fair extra St. Louis, 17,25@9 good choice do, market closing firm. Oregon Flour quiet at $7,25©8,75. California Flour quiet at 16,75(4)8,75, Rye Flour quiet; sales 300 bbls at 14,30@6,50. Corn Meal in fair request; sales 700 bbls of Marsh's caloric at 16,25. Whisky heavy; sales 50 bbls western at 11,15 for free. Wheat: receipts were 32,047 bush; mar: ket active and prices 3@sc better: sales 194,000 bush at 11,51©1,57 for No. 2 spring, 11,65@1,67, No. 1 do., 11,61011,67 winter red and amber western,sl,6o mixed southern, 51.55 winter red Ilinois, $1,60®1,70 amber Tennessee, $1,75 white California. Rye heavy; sales 5,000 bush State were made at 11,18 g. :Barley and Barley Malt are dull and nominal. Corn; receipts, 2,791 bush.; corn a shade firmer and rather more doing: sales of, 57,000 bush. at 11@1,15)4 for unsound new mixed western , 11,16©1,18 for sound do., 11,20(4)1,25 for high mixed and west ern and yellow. Oats; receipts, 19,677 bush.; oats a shade better; sales of 64,000 bush. St 69®55c for new southern and western. Rice flim at 83‘159%c for Car olina. Coffee quiet. Sugar firm; sales of 900 hdds. at 11%©12X0 for Cuba, and 12@123;0 for Porto Rico. Molasses dull; sales of 40 hhdts. Mturcavade at 52c. Hops dull and nominal. Petroleum firm at 1634©16N0 for oracle. 31X®32c for re fined. Linseed Oil dull at 97c@51,00. Pork dull and heavy; sales of 400 bbls, at $31,87@32 for mess, closing at 131,87 cash, 131,50 for old -do., 127,50 for prime, and 130,50@31,00 for prime mess. Beef steady and unchanged. Beef hams quiet; sales of 85 bbls at $25®30. rut meats steady; sales of 130 pkgs at 14,,a 15%c for shoulders, and 17@19c for hams; middles quiet and firm, sales of 100 bxs ice-cured at 17(2317M0. Lard quiet and steady;' eales of 475 tierces at 1735©193ic for steam, and 19X@206 for kettle ren dered. Butter steady, 16@280 for Ohio, 16®38 for State. Cheese quiet, 13©160. Turpentine quiet and firmer, 42®424e. Freights to Liverpool quiet ,and firm; shipments of 45,000 bushels Wheat at 9Xd. per sail, and 10d. per steamer. Latest—Flour market closed Sc better on shipping grades. with fair' export de ma d. Wheat quiet and *firm, good ex it demand at $1,53®1,57 for No. 2 sprig, and . 51,60©1,65 for winter red and am r western. Rye drill and heavy at 11,1 for western. Oats steady at 61@640 for astern. Corn steady, at 51,00 to $l,l for unsound, and 11,16@1,18 for son d mixed western. Pork quiet and wit nt decided change. Beef steady, -wit fair demand. Cut meats dull and nom nal. Bacon firm and in moderate inqu ry. Lard quiet at 1ity,(4,193(,c for fair prime steam. Eggs unchanged. 10A00, September 2 .--Exchinge at• I Par selling. and 1-10 off buying. Freights' fairly active, with engagements at 50 per sail, and 6%0 per steam for wheat to Buffslo. Flour better; sales] at $5,05© 7,373 E for fair to fancy brands of spring ext 1, and 14,75 for spring =superfine. Wheat firmer and X lo higher, with movement mainly con ned to shippers; sales at 11,29@1,30 for No. 2, and • I,lB© . 1,121 for No. 3; olosing',at /1,2244,29% 'font e former for future delivery; sales were made. at, p1.:22r,®42914. seller the oath; a ft er -' Change : there were sales at VP seller September; Cora 1 Ilrin . an& hut:TAW ; underrit, gaud' ahlpn 1 Pitt demand .and - priescadvaneed lend masa pp49.89t; lb: 1tu.,14 01os$40#ter putside price: canal corn afloat firmer and higher at snow for No. 2. and 930 for future delivery; No. 2 sold at 87% 88%c seller September. After - 'Change there were sales of No. 2 - at 88c seller September. Oats quiet but steady at 44 @44340 for No. 2. closing steady for fu ture delivery; there. was a fair move ment at 43%044c seller, and 443;(3450 buyer for month. Rye is more ac tive and ti shade firmer, closing at 94340 for No. 2. Barley quiet but steady, closing at 51,25 for No. 2 seller the month. Highwines dull at 51,10 for new. Provisions dull for ail descrip tions except dry salted shoulders, which were in good demand for export; sales 140 000 pounds at 13 34 c: the stock here is estimated at 1,660,000 pounds. Mesa Pork nominal at 533,50. Lard 1834@ 1830. Receipts-3,648 bbla flour, 64,239 bush wheat. 173,925 bush corn, 50,680 bash oats, 4,287 bush rye, 1,900 bush barley, 8.085 head hogs. Shipments -5,689 bbis flour, 55.600 bush wheat, 185,- 309 bush corn, 85,250 bush oats, 1,651 bush rye, 3,070 head hogs. ST.' Louts, September 2.-TObacco strong but unchanged. Cotton nominal at 32c. Hemp steady; sales of undressed. at 51,25@1,85 and dressed at $2,35. Flour steady, with a good demand;. superfine $4,87©5,15, extra 55,25@5,40, double ex tra 55,25 ®6.00, treble - extra 56,25@6,75, and, choice to fancy family 57,00@8,25. Wheat firm and slightly higher; no good spring in the market; No. 2 red fall 51,15 @l,lB, No. 1 do. 51,20®1,75, choice 51,30 ©1,40, No. 2 white $1,25®1,28, and No. 1 do. 51,36. , Corn firm, but not much do ing; white ranges at 90@94c. Oats quiet and unchanged: mixed and black in bulk at 44©46c; mixed to white in sacks at 50@53e. Rye slow at 85@87c. Whisky more settled at 51,14@1,1435, Provisions quiet and sales mostly on or der. Pork 134@84,25. Bacon; shoulders sold at 15%501.5y.0. Clear rib sides 183 , .‘c. Clear sideslB% ®l9c. Lard dull at 18% @19340 for steam to choice kettle. Re ceipts: 4,300 bbla flour. 25,200 bushels wheat, 800 bush corn, 19,300 bush oats, 200 bash rye, 100 hogs. CINCINNATI, Sept. 2.-Flour firm; fam ily:Jo 25. Wheat firm and fair demand, red $1 25@1 30. Corn - dull at 1. Oats steady at 55®58. Rye firm at 51. Barley saleable at $1 50@1 60c for fall. Tobacco in good demand and prices leading upward; sales of 337 hhds at $7 to 125. Whisky unsettled, could have been bought at 51 13 at the close. Mess pork dull at 533@33 25. Bacon; shoulders wanted at 150 but held .at 15%, bulk shoulders loose, 125,000 pounds sold at 13M. Lard neglected at 19%. Sugar cured hams scarce and &mat 24c but few in market. Butter firm at 28@35c. Eggs 15c for se lected. Gold 133% buying. Exchange steady at 1.10 discount buying. BALTimonu r September 2.-Flour firm and active, with an upward tendency and no advance established; western su perfine_ $6,00@6,25, extra 116,50©7,50, fam ily 16,50®8,25. Wheat firm and higher; prime to choice red 51,50@1,55. Corn firm; prime white 51,18, and yellow nom inally $1,20©1,22. Oats firm at 60@65c. Rye dull at $1,10©1,15. Mess Pork qpiet at 534,50. Bacon firm and advancing; rib sides 19%c, clear rib 193f0, shoulders 163.40, and hams 21@25c. Lard quiet at 20@21c. Whisky firm at 51,17. LoursviLLE, September 2.-Bagging firm, 2 pound, 24@243fc. Flour active; superfine 55@5,25. Grain firm; red wheat 51,15, white 51;25. Corn in bulk at 85® 92%. Oats in bul 45@50. Rye Barley 51,15@1,25. k N. 0. sugar 90®95. firm at 143,. Prude New Orleans Molasses 75. Prime:Rio Coffee 24%. Provisions in good demand. Mesa' pork' $34®2,4,25. -Bacon shoulders 16; clear rib 193,@193f; clear sides 19%. Lard 20%. Hams; S. C. 22%; extras. C. 23%. Whiskey:. raw 51,1235 @1,15. TOLEDO, September 2.-Flour Wheat Ic better; No. white ' Michigan $1,48; regular 51,35; amber Michigan 51,41; No. 1 red 51,41: No. 2 do. 51,38; No. 3 do; 51,39; rejected red 5144. Corn unchanged; No. 198 c; No. 2 96c; reject ed .;.2o better ' .85c. Oats quiet and un changed. No. .150 c; No. 2 47c. Rye dull, No. 2 90c. Receipts 2.900 bbls floor. 59,500 bush wheat, 10,500 bush corn, 4,800 bush oats. 200 bush rye. Shipments 1,500 bbls flour, 84,000 bush Yzheat 4,800 bush, corn 6,300 bush, oats 800 bush. PHlLADEssiztui., Sept. 2-Northwest ern extra family flour 56 50®7 50, Ohio do 56 75(3,7 75. Wheat active and ad vanced sc; red 51 47@1 55, white $1 55. Rye steady at $1 12. Corn in fair demand, yellow at 51 17@1 19, mixed western - at 51 14©1 17. Oats 50@600 for new and 61 ®65c for old, Groceries unchanged. Provisions dull. Petroleum, crude un changed, refined 31%. Whisky dull at ill 25. CLEVELAND, September 2.-Flour: the market is quiet. Wheat: No. 2 white sold at $l-,4u; 9 cars No. 2 red sold at 51,39. Corn: sales of 1,000 bush No. lat 51,00. Oats: sales of 5,000 bush for the last half of September at 480. Rye: No. $1,00©1,15 - and No. 2 90@95c. Petro leum: refined held at 28@28340 for Octo ber In large lots; small lots on the spot sold at 80®31c; crude held at 56,50. hUmwstxics, September 2.—Flour shade firmer but prices remain unchang. ed. Wheat firm, 11,85 for No. 1 and $1,8534 for No. 2. Oats dull and lower, 44entfor No. 2. Corn closed firm at 870 for No. 2. Rye and Barley nominal. Grain frelithts nominally unchanged. Receipts: 600 - Dbla flour; 8000 bush wheat; 4000 bush oats; 1000 bush corn. Ship ments 29,000 bush what. - Caw/Lao, September 2.—Cattle active at 4@sc for 'common to 'fair, 15,25@5,50 for good to extra cows, $6,76®7,00 good to choice, and -$B,OO for prime extra beeves.' Hogs steady and fairly active for best grades but common grades are dull and nominally 18@25c lower with sales at f8.50®13,90 for common, 1559,25 for fair to medium, 19,400)9,95 for good to choice, MEMPHIS, September 2.—Cotton firm at • 88c for middling, and 82c for low middling: receipts 4, .exports 8 bales. Corn 90@930. Oats 650. Hay 122,50. Bran 119@20.. Wheat 11,15@1,30. Meal 14,r25154,63. Bacon steady, sides 20c, and shoulders 1634©163;c. ST. Lowe, September 2.—Cattle steady and Arm at 2@6yo for inferior to choice. Hogs steady. and unchanged at B©loc. Dry Goods Market. NEW YOBS, September 2.-Trade— this department continues moderately active and prices generally steady for all staple fabrics. notwithstanding the ef forts of a leading jobbing 'house in re ducing a few brands of bleached cottons, as noted yesterday. Massachusetts B B goods are now withdrawn. Garner or Co. have advanced the prices of their Amos keag Wilts, and prints sold under their own name at lac, but the trade is not Ms peed to meet any advance On prices at present. Woolens moving quite freely, though generally at low prices, which afford a very small margin on the cost. Flannels and Blankets actlire, while Woolen Shawls are in good request. IMPORTS BY .. RAILROAD, CLitvzi.AND ,AND , _ftrrosu_ Rem Aut. ROAD. September cant atone, .1 L Knox; 1 do do, r WOl4 100 bbla flour 4• Montgomery 8; kb do oil, J Spear; 1 car, a Lind 4c Black:. 6do / sore, Bryan' - di Clingbey; 6 do do, McKnight .p t CO; 10 cases tobacoool_.. - H - UPt e ineci . tt, 60 bidaillons, PiLititrAtilmisPum 4131 1: 4 ? bbli, Livingston t Bro; 50 do dos: nal PITTSBITIIG3I ',GAZEfrZe FRIDAY; SEPTEMBER' 1889 W;.l car bones, Seward dti E; & caws handles; Jas Bown; 40 do- tobacco, Haw worth & D; 46 sks rye, Bitcheock McC & Co; /2 bbls knobs, Jones &Co; 28 bdls bows, Thos Hare it Bro; 4 bra yarn, Mc- Elroy D & C0;,82 ski oats, 16 do rye, 1 bbl eggs, Samuel Devol; 48 eke oorn, J A Graff; 12 bbls apples, Head & M; 16 eke oats, Bobb &Herron: 60 empty oil bbla, D Bly Co; 150 oil do, B D Moore; 4 hhds tobacco, E Wormser & Co; 32 bbls apples, 10 bxs plume, Voigt M & Co: 8 bble apples, 8" bxs peaches,:fty & Co; 9 bbla apples, W C Armstrong ; :2 do'eggs, 8 jars better, C Hartman, 17 bbls apples, W H Graff; 27 dodo, VanGorder S; 22 do do, Broggerman & O'B; 12 sits rags, McHenry & Hood; 19 do rye, Scott & Waal; 3 bbls wine, N Greaser ; 10' do vinegar, Juo Wilson & Son; 100 bxs starch, S P Shriver & Co. PITTBBUaoH, FORT WATHR 4t Offi- O KuLBOAD. September care metal, Bryan & Caudhey; 1 do do John Moorhead; 1 do do Brown &Co; 14 do do Nimick & Co; 1 do do, W Rea; 100 bbld flour, Dan Wallace; 100 do do, ShoMak er &Lsngenhiem; 36 tea hams, J Et Park er; 25 do do F Sellers & Co; 16 bales cot ton, Kennedy Childs &Co: 100 bbls flout, Culp & Shepard; 1 car wheat, Scott & Ghat: 1 do pipe, Weldon & Kelly: dO do, staves, M P Adams & Bro: 25 bxs candles, Atwell & Lee; 6 half chests tea, Jas Shauley & Co; tear feed, Robb & Herron; 11 skis raga, McCullough Smith & Co; 26 do dc, Godfrey & Clark; 8 cars ice, John White Jr; 21 bdls broom handles. McElroy & Co; 8 bales cotton, A H Childs & Co; 2 bbls liquor, L Bear; 10 bxs cheese, N J Braden. ALLEGHENY STATION, September 2.- 1 T car rye, Jlthodes &Co; 1 do flaxseed, Ewer Hamilton & Co; 1 do lumber. G R Proctor; 1 do ice, Gilmore & Go; 1 do do, Kreps; 14 do limestone, Superior Iron Co; 219 aka oats, R Knox & Son; 2 cars do, Geo Stewart; 2 do flaxseed, M dam; 8 sks feed, Voeghtly & Kopp; 24 bales cotton, A H Childs & Co, 164 hides, A J Groetzinger; 9 cars wheat, Kennedy & Bro; 294 bks milifeed, Ripply & Back ert; 2 cars staVes, J M Hemphill; 18 bgs seed, .7 Craig; 2 cars lumber, John Nor ton; I do do, Smith C & Co; / do do, R Dickey; 2 cases tobacco, W H Park; 487 JHco Rose & Ewing; 23 bbls apples; erbert; 57 do rye, 120 do feed, 200 aka oats J B McKee; 250 do milifeed, Geo Mc- Connell; 1 car luinber A C Taggart. ALLEGaRiT Viadar BAILitoAD, Sep tember 2,-50 bbls residum, D Biy & Co; 400 bbls oil, Jaa • Wilkins. 1,400 do do, Fisher:Bro; 37 hides, 1K Delange; 1 car oats and rye, Keil & Ritchart: 2. cars stone, Harrison & Bro; l do do, P Braugh; 2 cars metal.: Lewis, Oliver & Phillips; bbls oil, W. Wilson 1 car metal, H Woodsides: 1 do do, Moorhead; 520 bble oil, H McKely; 924 do do, J Donnell; 400 do do, Pool Bro. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIS RAILROAD, Sept. 2.-1 coil rope, Whitmere & Co; 1 car oats, Keil 2do staves, W Hastings; 1 do oats, M Steel & Son; 2do wheat, J S Liggett; 2 do rye, Culp & D; 50 bbls highwines, Lit tle &M; 5 bbls apples, R E Ellis; 49 bgs rye, WJ Meek; 1 box mdse , J B Lyons; 0 tcs lard, A. J Hagan. kii te 21A 6 (.1: p i ;g1 TO LIVERPOOL ANn QUEENSTOWN; TUN INDIAN MAIL STEADISIZIPS Hurabertek =lean lirst-e.lus vessels, mom th.mtbe oflebrUed. CITY OP Petite, cm' OP ANTIPTEn!, _ CITE. OF BOSTON CITY OF BALTIMORE, EVERY or L04T024. &Wog EVERY SATURDA . • from. Pier 411. !North saver, New York. Pot ilsosage or farther' Inforambloa apoly to .WILLIAN BENAHAIt, 113 SMITHFIELD STREET. Plrtebarth, AJLOEUTEOTB. BABA & MOSES, ARCI3ITMCT9 a PIIVIT HOVEN ASSOCIATION BUILDINGS, Nos. • and 4 /It. Mir Street. Pittebnegn. Special attention given to the designing Ana Wiling of COURT BOUSRB - and PUBLI C nwrermsrae DR E G Importer arid retell dealer In PINE EITAMIOVIELIVY. WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD ENG.RAVINO, MONOGRAMS, ARMS, ILLIIMINATLNG. Le. Orders ter mall melee prompt attention. Send for samples. L 033 Chestnut zint:l77-Tuse? A. LLEGHENT COUNTY, ee. recount of Wm. Johnston and C. Robb, exec utors of Andrew Johnson, dec , d. Orphans• Court, No. SS, June term, It 60 And now, to.wlt, June 10, 1400. the Court, on motion of R. S. Woods, attorney for &Teetot al:de. appoint W. 0. HAWKINS. Jr., Esq., Auditor, to audit the account op , n on the *nano-. Bons and make distribution of the balance in the bends of accountants. BY THE COURT. From the Record; A. HiLA.itDii, Clerk. The Auditor above named will meet the parties !wormed for the Imrposea of hie appointment. at hie °Mee, No. 59 Hrant etreet. Pittsburgh. on the 6th day of Ationsl next. at 5 o'clock P. X IV. G. HAWIEINti, JR. Auditor. Jct.!' 10 . 1f199 . )712:MX OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN wtetthe Ipartnershin heretofore existing be. 11.013 CRT HAY and LEW'S HAY. under the firm of R. Has it on wee aleioleed on the 28th day of August, 1h69, by mutual consent, All debts due to said firm ate to be paid to, and those due from the same discharged by the said Robert Hay, at No. 101 l Federal street. Ala. ellen, City. when the business will b • continued by said Robert Hay. .r. WALTER HAY.' . au27:n62 RON= HAY. HE CANNON SENSE WINE (0 1. DCE MIA, Mansfsctured by the a land hio, Machias.' Copan is the melt practical Cider AIM In the world. By one opera tion it grinds the apples , presaes them ILO dry aa chins between rollers. while the cider passes di reot Into the barrel. - They 2 are run hy band or power, email' operatod, durable and substantial. Before purchasing a Cider Mill send for an Illus trated circular. ..aantaB9 • EWSPAPat . FREE-Coal cm Miners, add persons desiring Western and others:can bare a apicy Weekly Patier PIM Fos dig VIONTUS by sending name and Postotdee address to GARD.NEB JOURNAL, Gardner, Illinois, Ilmslll ENTS' DRIVING GLOVES, AS the Old PtundOtocking Move, A* Fifth Avenue. .142.11:8 PIIELAN, EIIINO FEET. HALF HOSE, At the Old Bum/ Stocking Stave. • )Filth Avenue. JAMES PHELAN. TIV SANTE' ) H 4ND NIT • ' ac tb eOld il d ik t e stt l it i ge li kl A n l nto li re ° 3l T 4 B lAtcb Ave nue. JAMZB PHISLAtt.. W ti IIITE AND SCARLET SHETLAND SHAWLS - • Az" e Old Staid blocking' 6 , t0r0. Yin Ave Due. . JAMBS rHILLAN. RAVELING SHIRTS. - At the Oa Otani Stocking Store,., At Plitn Avenue.— • JAMES PHELAN XTHJTE ENZ-100 barrels nirteland L VMS!) Lyne; ZOO bbls Eastern do..lbr male by • APLE SUGAR.--10 barrele on romdenmentnt.WATT. LA.NIak Qp and 173 .Wood street.. .a. • ne,lOO,lllV-400, } lfnlytif, "Allah Vf41.11/Lcsvinetn .:; "Iniitert ,84 1 /! - -- b°mOlfredriglie" 1 1.0ANIFTELD 7 ..Iva ELIXIR WILL 01111 . 2 FULLDACRI. ItILIALLIS ELIXIR WILL Cana Dyarsrara. 1. 1 5 ICl.Lara WILL Cosa. Cobervx ,.*Enalrafberwitailirstuillint.,,pro!tervalzriertt.alre bott) A e u . For esie.i. aoleabla•ala retail,' by 620. Rittablusb.V__ ratcliaortrz a !DHAVLIOn> tilde kettlevilialillinnathuMaysal• RIVER NEWS. The river remain, without important change, two feet two inches in the chan nel, by Monongahela marks. Weather continues clear, cool and pleasant— mercury 71 in shade. Captain Dean is having the Messenger repainted, which, when completed, will add very much to her outward appear ance. Capts. Frank..and Dan. Marratta, have centractedlor a small boat for Trinity River (Texas.) The hull is to be built at Sreedom, and It is expected she will be ready to leave here about the last of next month. The (ilendale Is off the dock and has laid up at the fifth ward wharf, Alle gheny, The R. C. Gray will go on the Man chester dock for repairs. She will be supplied - with new smoke stacks be- Sore she comes out again. The Lorena and Leonidas will under go repairs a; Cincinnati. Captain John Sinnott, a:well-known New Orleans steamboatman, is here on a visit to his sister, who resides in Alle. gheny. He built the Wm. Bagaley here several years prior to the war. f l i ml We copied a letter om the Cincinnati Com cia/, written by Capt. David Dryde , which was 1 effect that there was no ne loosing aft r the wreck of the JN M allough, sun last winter, near Madiso , and intimat ng, that if It was not removed by the roper parties, that it would -be remove by the Govern ment, and the effftts s ld to nay the ex pensesibus incurred. For thelinforma tion pf,Capt. Dryden we would state that a man has been s tioned at Madi son ever since the di 'ter, whose busi ness it was to look alter the wreck, and whenever the water was low enough, everything that could) be handled was removed. Furthermore, Capt. Dan. Moore is now. and has been for some time past, at Madison,' engaged in this very work and we are very sure that Capt. Dryden is no more anxious to have the wreck removed than Capte. More . and Ackley. Capt. Dryden should poet himself better and not go off half cocked, as he did in this matter. —Several of the crew of tHe steamer Sully, lately returned from a mountain trip, claim to have a Hen on the boat and have entered suit for the scut of x1,514,= 81, which they state is the aniount due them. —The safe of the Cumberland was found last Saturday near where she blew up.. There has been a rOmarkable reticence on the part orber officers rela tive to this disaster and subsequent events. —The Louisvile Courier Journal, of Tuesday says: Capt. Poe, of the Mollie Ebert, which boat is laid up below the falls, is in the city. We learn that it is his intention to take the Mollie to Mound City for repairs. She will - take a load of freight, and will leave the last of this week ... ... Captain Hugh Campbell,of the Mary Davage, was in the city yesterday. The Davage is below the falls, but her barges are aground at French Island. —The Captain of the steamer Lady Grace, lying at Omairinottituself rather roughly handled laslgeunday by a lot of roughs. - It appears that the Lady Grace was chartered by some parties to take passengers to a prize fight that cams) off below Plattesmouth and on the return trip some misunderstanding took place between the Captain and his rough guests, wherein the Captain received. some bad bruises on his bead and body, and also on several of the doors of the cabin; furultuze-was thrown overboard, and smashing was the general disorder. On the arrival of the boat at Omaha, several of therowdies were arrested. —The Evansiille Journal, of Monday, abyss Capt..l,owith, of the Cumberland, is in- the city. He is on his way to Ldetsvale to attend the investigation of the cause of the explosion, by the Local Inspectors. The boilers of the Cumberland are now partly out of the water, opposite the lower corn shed, below RaleLgh Boats can pass on either side of them. Marion Wright, late clerk of the ill-fated Cumberland, was also a passenger by the Lumsden, and looks somewhat the "worse of the wear,' though he has Tly recovered from his injuries. He ports Bruce Hunter also Improving. e has no idea now many people were lost In the disaster, as all the books were lost. PROPOSALS. Id I WWWIVINIVINIONNW CITY Pianezra's orrics. ALLY.Ciatsrf CITY. August 517.10389. MO SEWER CONTRACTORS, .1. The Pewee Commission of the City of All - guenv are prepared tu receive proposals for the construction of a Trunk Sewer, about 2,000 Fee in Length, On Suring Garden Avenue. from Angle street to the city L ne. Drawings and ispeelarations can be seen and full Information obtained, at the City Engleee office. Bids will be - reeelved for constructing the sewer in brick, and also In stone and moat be delivered on or before SEPTEMBER 4th, 31169. Forms of proposals, on which forms alone bids will be recelvea, will be furnished at the City Engineer's office. fhe Commission do not bind themselves to ao• Oe_pt the lowest or any bid. By order of the Commission. CHARLES DAVIS 1 _ CITY ENGINEER. anz3:ne9 Restores ally :lad faded Hair to its . ORtcmy Cocoß, removes - Dandruff; CERES /KL. DISEASES OF THE SCALP, prevents BAxxvEss, and makes the halt grow Soft,'Glossy and Luxuriant. .0.00 and $l5O per Bottle. Bich Bottle is a lied Paper Bor. 4 Prepaml by SEW.ARD, BENTLEY t CEIENBY, ErugglEts. Buffalo. N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. Wholesale Ages t a—SCHWARTZ & HAZLETT • SHAD • RECEIVED '.daily at BENJAMIN PIILPREIM 'popular Brand, NO. 45 Diamond Market, Pitur. burgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny CUT corner of Ohio and Federal mutts, - can. - t m ail kinds .of Bea and Lake flab, !annul, shad. Beak, Codfish.. Haddock and Eel. Also, larg e supplies of White, Lak Fhb, Salmon, Bass. 'Btergeon, Herring and *Maw Trout, which wholesale to sell at the. lowest market prices, or retail. We invite all lovers of Fresh.Bish to give us a caul, and we will Meer them street. • • what ARSHALL 9 B ELIXIR. COMMISSION MERCHANTS WILLIAM MILER $4 CO. Nos. 221 _.and .223 Liberty Street. Corner of. Irwin, now offer to the trade at - low Ames, strictly . Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and M.olasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English !Stand fined do. Sagan. New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore Re. Golden Dri_pe, Coverings, Brunils, Stuart's. Adams' and Long Island bYroPl• Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses.. Young Hymn, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. • Java, Latiuyra and lo Coffees. Tobacco, 'Lard 011. Fish. Nails. Glass. 1503 1 0 3) Cotton Yarns, &c., constantly Ola band.. ' ALSO, IMPORTERS OF Fine Brandies,Winee andMegm. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling HocX.Winer of Russel & Co.. in bottles. Sparkling Moselle, Scharsberg and •Jobartnis. burg. Hockhelmer, Burgundy, &e. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive Oil. do do Clarets,_ 'mooned in bottles. do do White Wines, in bottles. K. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Madeira and PortMlnes. Free Old Monongahela Rye Whiskies. pare. do Very Superior Old Scotch do Co. Im_p Sole Agents for Noes & Chandon's Grand Yin. eria Yerzen l. ay and Sellery Champagne. Brandies of our own selection and warranted. 10 'Ma - E ISZFABVIEITD BY A. A T W. M. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Marc= OrP. EAoL Horn,) se :re PITTS131:11113M. PA. . W. C. ARMSTRONG, BuccessortO Fetzer it Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION moresz, Na 2 MARKET STREET. writ PZTXR ICIIL.. JAS. P. lIICELAST. KEnt & RITCIULit t T s COMMISSION MICRCEUINT3, AND DZALXIII3 or FLOM, GRAIN, SEEDS, MILL FEED, &C., 1549 Liberty St., Pittsburgh.' m724:147 • N. 8171LX.. .4. A. 8173L1 4 Air STEELE & SON, ANA. Commission itterchantsi AND DRUMM IN .15`1401:7R. (MAIN, VEZE,I), arm. No. 91 OHIO BYBEE% near East Common. ALLEGHENY arm PA. TJ. BLANCH RD, .A.J. • Wholesale and Retail Groasrs, solS:xo9No. 1196 PENN STREET. TITTLE, RUED & PA.TTON, Wholesale Sneers. Comnaladon*erehants Dealen In Produce, Ylonr, Bacon, Cheese, Fish. Carbon and Lard 011 t Irma. NMase, Cotton Yarns and all P•i;tabargh Mann etne generally, US and •1114 e.EDOND rittsbo nth. : Raw i. HOUES..IDW. nooks. TORN I. ROUSE. &BRO&; Sac tt censor. tO JOHN I. HOUdE 4 C0..-W42le. saTa Grueers and Commission Merchant', uor• aer of amnia eld and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. JORIT 611IPTONtut= ITIPTON& WA LLACE_, SALE GROCERS AND PROD UCN DEAL. No. 6 SIXTH STREET. PDtsbonb• 11118CELLAISTEOTIS. QECIIRITIr AND COMFORT fur the traveling community. J. B. HAIL= • Safely Fite Jacket, Car Heater and .TIODERATOR. For Smoke and Rot Air Flues, dispensing with the use of stoves and fixes Sn orabout the Passen ger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the heat to . any temperature that duty be desired without tee possibility of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached. Having obtained of the United States 'Letters Patent for a gaiety Jacket, which is warranted to resist the most totemic, heat that may be ap plied to it in tne position and purpose for which It is Intended. . It is a sure protection from accidents by fire, originating from defective flues or. here Iron ppes are used aa conductors for smoke become 1; is applicable to all piping that may overheated, and Is warranted to give perfect sat. Wanton where wood or other combustible mate rial may be placed In clime proximity thereto, I ac now ready to apply my invention to stores, dwellings, factories, ships, steamboats, railroad cars, go. Wherever pipes as conductors are made dangerous 'Cly being overheated and seen rity desired, I will send on application right to manufacture or use the above inventlon. Also Territorial rights to such NO may wish to engage in selling privileges either ay State or county. 'S. D. EARED.. ger 01IIce at the "NE PLUS ULTRA PAINT WORKS." corner of Morris street and the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, !twelfth ward, Pitts burros, Pa. jylesmig 2,000;000 ACRES OF 0110IOE LANDS FOR SALE, BY THE Union Pacific Railroad Comp, ZA2STERN DIVIBION,k • Lying along the Una of their road. at $l,OO TO $&,00 EFS ACRE, and on a Olt&DIT OF inviCimuta. For farther Damodar'. mom .143.. addrers JOHN P. DEVEREVX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Kansas, Or ORAL B. LAWBORN, See% anic Rt, Loots. Ellsairari. TRADE MARK. DIMIDGE'S FIRE - PROOF Lamp CffiNNEYS. re.coSALI).A.:I4I - S . PURIFIES THE BLOOD. _ DIM, BALE BY IMIGGIEITS EVERYWHEta. 4e7lllloxiwy LOOS OIL CLOTHS, • F• eszEw OIL CLOTH • ' You WINDOW SHADT.. pit - • .; "TRANSPARENT , - • • ;1:;;;) , ! O a r VAFTIAn.,Y ("; •r'' t • , rio I MOW** 11156 I sat kaibingk Dealers la' "14481.4 Jx.fmataexs. ENNS I ELVA-agasgpii NIA CENTRALAAIL ... S AD. On and after 11 roc., Sunday AUGUST will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty xpresal streets, u follows_ - rr Down. Mall Train.... 1:20 am ['Bay It 2 ao am Put . 1.46 aml *Pacific Ex... 7:43 am Wall's No. 1 . .. 20 am I Wairs N 0.1.. 630 am BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am I Mail Train.. 4.. 9:10 am Wall's No. 2.. 9:05 anti Bra'ksAc Nol. 5 10 pm Cincitinget Ex.13:25 aml Cincin'ti Ex. 1M: 1 O pm Johnstown Ac 1020 am I Wall'a No. 2.. 11:35 am Bra' Its Ac Nol 7:0013m rohnstown Ac• 4:05 pm Plttsb'h 1tx.12:40 pm Brants Ac Not 8:26 pM Phila. Expressl.loo pm Phila. Express 3:sopm Bs.No. 3...1:50 pm Matra No. 3..3:05 pm lls Wal'sN Nn 4 . 8 pm Wut, 'L Nino. —4.. G:AO ppm Passn'r 10:90 pm, Wall's no. a.. 11:00 pm 'These train , Mahe elyseeounection at Barrie- burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walla StaSonoverY Sunday at 9:03 a. to. reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 a. Re tarring, 'leaves Pittsburgh at -12:110 p.-m. , and arrives at Walls Station at 2:10 p. m. *Cincinnati ltzpren 'And Pacific Eiprose leaves other tralzis daily. ar.cept ndag. dor Pittner infbrmanon apply to W. H. BECKWITII.4geht. The Pennsylvania Railroad Cozagany win no, as. same any risk forßaggage, exec ibr wearing ap• Daryl and limit the responsi bility to One .90 , t - d 1 ed'Dollars bmcilne.i All Baggage exceeding List amount In value will be at the risk of the owner; union:lSM b? special contract: - EDWARD 11. W/1.14.13‘3. aneo .GeneraVSuperintendent. Altoona, Ta. W E E R N-aimpgs PENNSYLVANIA. RA-LROA.D.—On-and after August *9,1869, tk e Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvsfa Rai road will arrive at and depart from e Federal Street Depot, Allegheny CitY•se folio t: • Arrive. I - - Springd , e No16:40 a mlHall Depart.:9o a m Freeport No. 18:20 a m !Freeport N 0.19 6 :201: ut Express 10:40 a m Sharpb , g flol 11:90 a m Sharpb'g No.11:20 pmi Express 2:20 p m Freeport N0.24:05 pm Springd , e No13:10 pm 5:50 p m Freeport No. 25:90 p m Bpriagd , e N026:90 p mdpringd , e No20:30 D Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at I:510 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Jo ac lion at 3:40 p. m. CoxinrrArioN Ticurs—ror sale in packages of Twenty, between - Allegheny City, C'hestnus street, Herr's, Benaert, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg• and good only on the trains stop; leg at Stations specteed on tickets. The trains leaving AllegraenCity at 7:00 a. In. make direct Connection at Freeport with Wa lkers line of Stages for Butler and Haunabstr,v n, Through tickets ma, be purchased at the Once, No. ISt. Clair street, near the Suspension orl.l ge, Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. For further information apply _to - JAMES LEF•IITiI, AIS • • - _ Federal Street t. The Western 'Pennsylvania Railroad /ot assume any risk for Baggage, except for wearing apparel, and limit their - responsibility te - One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage' ex ceeding this amount In value willbe at the risk of the owner. unless taken by special contract. EDWARDH. WILLIAMS. an3o Geneval Bniserintendent. Altoona. Pa. no (1,1,0 prlk li.f.GH •........ •... , to . _ _ .. •. • B . FORT WAYNE & CHICAGO 'll. W. and CLEVELAND &PITTSBURGHR; R. From August 39th. 1869, trains will leave from *ahr, r e ive l at 4 the Unf o io l l 9 w DSe : D ot, noErxth.t aide, ei Pitta. . x..p2*:o6am ChleagnArrvd:l3ame YrgEn.7:2BamlPhelic Ex.. 7:23 anL&gill3:6Bam Wheeling Ex 10:48.'m Fast .10.11:.6:58 aml C. dt. L. Ex 708 Dm Fast Line. _.. ..8:48 a miChl , goßx&hU3:2B p m Cl. & Wieg Ex I:23pm !Cleveland Ex 3:38p m Chicago Ex.. 1:38 p m!Erie & Titan Esti:llBpm W'e & Erie Ex4:3B pm Cl. & Wh`g Ex6:3Bp m Dexcirtfrom Allegheny. I 411148 to Attephevp• Rea'r Falls Ac.9:013 a miLeetsdale Ac..6:53 I in Leetsdale " 10:03 aRI I Bea , r Palla '• 8:26 I , M .. " 11:58 a m Sew Castle "10:231 m Rochester " 2:23 Pm' Ennn " 9:13 am Enna " .3:58 pin,Leetsdale "12:4110m Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm ; Bea , r Falls " 2:43m Bea'rFalls " . 6:13 Dm 1 Leetsdale " 4:33 pm Leetsdale " .10:42P /a / .. " 7:23 pm Fair Oaks Bun- !Fair Oaks Sun day Church. 1:13p mi day uhurch. 9:58 a ' B` til 1:38 p. m. Chicago Express leaves dal' y 4i!' 7:23D. m. Chicago Express arrives &MY P. R. MYERS. J. N. McCULLMIGIL Gent. Pas. & Ticket Agent. - Gent. Manager ' anto' 3 IANGE OFmakaR N A TIME. GELEINIT VALLEY RAILROAD THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE 0 ' REGIONS WaNUUT CHANGE .OF On and after MONDAY Jane I , lth, ISt O. TW THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunda will leave Pittslirge. Depot,. corner or Elev entli and Plke streets, for ••anSiln, 011 city, , .falo. and all nolnts to tle 011 Regions. • =AVE -PITTREMIGH: pITTBguE,G6 Day Ex 8:00 a miDay• Ex 5:11$ put ; Wight Ex.. .'. 7:30 pm Nigh tEx 6;3u a zel Brady's 305 p m Brady& B Ac 10:15 Freeport Ao 9:40 ani L ist sodaW'ks. - 740 a 26 tiodaW O:3U p m Freeport Az, 6:15 pa Ist Halton... 8:45 m !Ist Hutton.. 0:50 a. Nkl Ha1t0n...12:00 m 124.1. Helton— 2 Ali 3d Halton— 11.:00 zn 1341 Halton... 1:05 pre , • • Arnold's Ac. S:OU pm t Arnold's Ac. 7:40 pas Charon train to and from Soda Works lenT6i ptfloburrh - Arrive at Pirisbiagli. (Sundays, l at 0:50 A. It. . • Express trains stop only at principal "points. Acconunotlation rains stop at all stations • J. J. LAWRE4 Cs. Gen'l SEMI: V;IpILAI3 X. SIN G, Ass% applt. • - =I r ifirmint , ammo orarcrswAr : Arip , .LOlllB 46.1LwAY. ' • PAN HANDLE ROVTL CHANGE OP TIME.-01 and liter BBICDAT, August 29. 1869, trains will leave and arrive at the Union Depot, as follows: I • - Depart. , Arpin.. NMI 2:03 a. M. 13.03 p m. Put B#3a. M. 7:08y. m. Express.-: ... ... .. ... 1:93 D. tn. 7:13 - s. m. Mined Aco'n..- 5:43 a. m. 4:53 p 112. MeDonald , s Acc , n, No.l 11:38 a. pa. 7:38 a. is. Steubenville ACCOMMOd• • 3:53 I),M. 9:68 aM. MeDonald , S /teen. bro. 2'5.53 D. tn. aqu p. !Sunday (Much Train.. 13:58p. M. 9:sB'n. M. X1:43 P. M. tram will leave (tally. . 1511:032.. it:main d a ilyve daily. • All ostler trains will ran Sh a d exempt ed. The 8:53 a. m. Train mikes Mose cur neaten:as at Newark isr Zanesville. . 6. r. General Ticket. -*ger t. Colu S mlfus, , 0.. W.Mr. (MED, SulPt., Dennison, ettib. anal DT,IIITEI BURGH ac z awams coriNinza y r, ROAD. O and 'after TUESDAY, Notember,' llth. 118111, trains will arrive at and depart from -tins berm corner of Grant and Water streets, Ay railcars: - • - Depart: Arrives. )(elite andfromption- - . town 7:00 A. X. 6: P. st., MoKeesportAccomdtin 11:00 A. X. 2:07. Ex. to and from Unt'n.. 3:00 P. /0:10 A. 3se West Newtot{ Atatom'd 4:30 .0:35 A. 11.1 Braddock's Acco_mdt'n. 6:15 P. X. 7:50 P. X Right Ac. 6:46 Xl l Sunday ()boron Newton P . and ham West 1:00 P. 1‘.10:00 A. 7 702 tickets apply to. .• D. N. RATNOND,4.4int at. E. STOUT. enpanntendent. : no* M O K RODTIF I UNION PACIFIC Rinwtr Eastein Ttie ISHORITST AND MONT ReLIAN) EUDr.t. , :roFi;tee,geetto al 'paint. ; Colorado . Nevada,: . California Utah, • WaSkinSteitc- ) New Mexico , = ldlrbil; • • ; Arizona Oregoll. Two Trains tenet Btatei Line attoiLettvetot.ortt, (Sundays exceptedoon the arrival ot trv:a of•Raciact Ealtroad noto.St. Louta r and bat and tit. Joe Railroad trontAitultrY. CAans4ll* in.. at Lawrence, Topeka. and , 'Amen with , staff as for all points in Rums., eld o user - .west ni Ellsworth • with -the ortl'rztto STATES ESPREBB at AN B'S DAILY LINE Or OVERLAND N.AII. aIiD sZPgv . .COA9HEZ.FOB .1:1-EIVV3MBI. SALT-11" ;Lai-43'111: , ,I , . AND f , 1. 1 : 1 .t. - TR !. AU Points in theMerrittwietid • And With EANDISP.BOI,7 I I3-TRI-11PIIklkTi4i4, 7 of COACHES for Port/Iniol4.l3ontts Post. l'asi., Albuquerve, Banta Ire,,end, 41 .Dianto ta Aft. atom and New McAfee.) • - ; u ~ p.. • A With the ;wean pettlitipnt of ,` i 01.00. ) and egulinvent s V ann' the-- t o eater -- with recoonalble ifeesiand,24us ticui Linea r froia•lta wwiteren , temmteri • 'how' been u newinutedil i NAtigt..fhr r.thl .ifeuiptilsettl tai-E 'tratm ter ger went. - ' . -..- • - 403N,Atitte= titittliat e s t i l gif%tig l ime ighs..ooolqot ra titl l WWW!it.T, 'l. " ! ie a, , e,e ffni*Cnß 7 l#l. €1411 .. Iliviiiiko F ill .1•y: t 1.:1t ,1i r , r) at wpa .• 3 [ lll3s b , x . _ . bosol t fa. bga 1 ut ,::)./j,ram):il NSIMS 9 III/ffli e v,if ..6 Eli I ill - oiioiatu 4 Sal ;Mt , AR91111744h9 tilt Ilimersi /rued sad TWIN' Agt r 11 MEM